#wygig: writing
ladysomething · 2 months
hello! first of all I love this story so much I have been wanting to read a long complex lestappen fanfic for so long now and even though this isn’t finished yet I can already tell it will be one of my favourites once it’s done!!
do you have the entire story planned out already or are there still some uncertainties? and how many of the next few chapters have you written already? once again thank you so much for this I really appreciate the time and work you are putting in <3
ohhhh thank youuu, I'm glad you're enjoying it!!
it's mostly planned out, but with a little wriggle room. so I would say 85-90% planned out, with the rest maybe having some vague options. just in case I get a better idea, or it needs to change a little for a variety of reasons.
as for how much I have written, I'm currently working on ch 12. I ALWAYS stay 3 full chapters ahead, and I don't post an old chapter until the new one is finished!
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stancestanomaly · 1 month
Chapters: 15/? Fandom: Gravity Falls Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ford Pines/Stan Pines Characters: Ford Pines, Stan Pines, "Lazy" Susan Wentworth, Gnomes (Gravity Falls), OC creatures & monsters Additional Tags: Incest, Twincest, Sibling Incest, Alternate Universe - They make up after science fair incident, but not without fighting :D, but not fist fighting more like wrestling, Fluff and Angst, Will be adding tags as I go so they won't spoil anything that lies ahead, Tags May Change, Pining, Gravity Falls anomalies, Secret Crush, Love Confessions, Eventual Smut, Exploring the Falls, Romantic Fluff, Mythical Beings & Creatures, mysteries of the falls Summary:
Ford joins Stan after he gets kicked out of Pines Pawn.
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3ncr1pted · 2 days
I've just come out of my hell pit. rumour has it you're writing a fic of a fic of wygig. is it true?!?! 😱🫣
Hehe…. Yeah 🥰 it’s a canon divergent au of wygig where I throw Oscar in between charles and max being assholes. Me, maddie, and Jen have been big braining. Its actually n1 from the wip ask game i posted lol
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ladysomething · 2 months
I just saw the ask where you mentioned that each chapter is about 10k, and even though I technically knew that because I see the fic’s word count update every time you post, I don’t think I was fully processing just how long each chapter was—it’s not like ao3 has page breaks or a word count at the end of each chapter or anything. And now I feel like I need to just send you an ask to say thank you SO MUCH for writing all of your fics and choosing to share them with us!!!
I am currently dying a slow and painful death while trying to finish up a 5000 word academic paper, and I know it’s not quiteeee the same, but the fact that you write DOUBLE that almost every week and share it *for free* is crazy!!! And I am so so so grateful that you do. And I am so so so in awe of your talent!!! Thank you for being so generous to us all!! <3
oh bless you. this is very sweet and thoughtful.
I am definitely working my ass off lol, but rest assured that I wouldn't be going so hard if I couldn't do it/you guys weren't so supportive.
and honestly, your constant excitement and gratitude gives me all the external motivation I need to make this happen - which is way easier than the internal motivation needed for an academic paper!!! when I did my degree, I struggled to write 2-3k essays, and then to unwind I'd be like "great now I will write a 5k fic in one day:)"
I hope your paper gets finished and kicks ass!!!
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ladysomething · 2 months
To the anon who reread the Charles' heat (Cheat? 🤔🤭) chapter, sameeeeee!!!
Also that chapter gave such a different context to the way we are all looking at the story. Without it, we would all be anti-Max out and out because Charles is nailing his unreliable narrator role and hence we would have had no reason to look at Max as anything but an evil monster in the same way Charles does (the unreliable narrator tag is easy to forget with the way you write Maddie).
is somebody keeping track of all the ch words because they're all so fucking funny
it definitely did, and tbh that was a big part of the reason why I did it. I knew that without some Max context, he would (rightly or wrongly) be seen as a terrible person, and while that has some advantages (e.g. the reader feeling everything as Charles feels it), it has a lot of disadvantages (e.g. the reader feeling no empathy for Max and not being able to stick the story out).
so pros and cons to both!!
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ladysomething · 2 months
100,000 words!! You are insane!! I am literally in awe of you and have no idea how you do it and I am grateful that I get to read your writing!! But… aren’t you on holiday right now? When do you have time to write?! How much time do you normally spend writing every day?!
I hope you’re having a lovely time on holiday and aren’t feeling pressured to update/write! congrats on such a big writing milestone :)
hahaha I am on holiday!!! but my holidays are very chill.
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(yes I did redact my computer screen, can't have you nosy bitches reading things from 5 chapters in advance!!! haha)
and also, writing is like a compulsion for me. aside from like 2-3 years where I didn't write because my mum was sick, I've written every day since I was like ... 12 or 13. my days aren't complete without it. I get like fidgety when I can't get the ideas from my head and onto the page.
so all up I guess I would spend a couple hours writing every day? but not all at once, and sometimes more, sometimes less. my goal word count is only 200 words per day, because usually I get to that and then want to write more, rather than set a huge goal and then feel bad when I can't reach it.
and thank you! I am having a lovely time, and pushing out the next chapter to Wednesday was a great idea on my part tbh! has made it much more manageable.
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stancestanomaly · 11 months
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Gravity Falls Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ford Pines/Stan Pines Characters: Ford Pines, Stan Pines, "Lazy" Susan Wentworth, Gnomes (Gravity Falls) Additional Tags: Incest, Twincest, Sibling Incest, Alternate Universe - They make up after science fair incident, but not without fighting :D, but not fist fighting more like wrestling, Fluff and Angst, Will be adding tags as I go so they won't spoil anything that lies ahead, Tags May Change, Pining, Gravity Falls anomalies, Secret Crush, Love Confessions, Eventual Smut, Exploring the Falls, Romantic Fluff Summary:
Ford joins Stan after he gets kicked out of Pines Pawn.
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stancestanomaly · 1 year
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Gravity Falls Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ford Pines/Stan Pines Characters: Ford Pines, Stan Pines Additional Tags: Incest, Twincest, Sibling Incest, Alternate Universe - They make up after science fair incident, but not without fighting :D, but not fist fighting more like wrestling, Fluff and Angst, Will be adding tags as I go so they won't spoil anything that lies ahead, Tags May Change, Slow Burn, Pining Summary:
Ford joins Stan after he gets kicked out of Pines Pawn.
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stancestanomaly · 1 year
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Gravity Falls Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ford Pines/Stan Pines Characters: Ford Pines, Stan Pines Additional Tags: Incest, Twincest, Sibling Incest, Alternate Universe - They make up after science fair incident, but not without fighting :D, but not fist fighting more like wrestling, Fluff and Angst, Will be adding tags as I go so they won't spoil anything that lies ahead, Tags May Change Summary:
Ford joins Stan after he gets kicked out of Pines Pawn.
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ladysomething · 30 days
atp I don't even know why I keep asking stuff as an anon. my identity has been revealed but fuck it.
one more time, let's do 5+1
1. Charles thinking he's the world's most clever person ever has me on the fucking floor. you go get them babe. yes, surely keeping the other idiot satisfied is only because you want to escape. of course sweetie. but question: are omegas more prone to their alpha, or that only goes so far and then they actually can control the feelings said alpha causes on them?
2. Max is an idiot, isn’t he? like, I actually want to open his brain to see how the fuck it works because I am amazed at its capacity (or lack of it/j)
3. I have a thing for the starved man comparision, and it's lovely to see such an accurate scenario for it. because Max actually short-circuited. he's just a man and Charles broke his brain in what? like, less than 5 minutes?
4. Carlos is a little rat, but I'm actually thankful that's he's not like. gross. (please, I'm begging you on my knees. don't make him or other drivers gross) I have this thing where I can kinda stand when oc are gross and little shits, but, even if some would consider said person a little shit (completely reasonable, people are allowed to not like drivers) I don't like it when on fics, they're outright assholes and disgusting craps, cause I don't know with certainity if they are like that irl. idiots and that I can do but over that is too much to bear for me. that's the point where I am reminded that they're real and that stuff. of course, is totally on you, and I don't expect anything, but picture me making puppy eyes at you on this one. and I was wondering, what is he? a beta or an alpha? it probably was said somewhere but I don't remember. because according to my reasoning, he's a beta because he was not in the auction. or was he?
5.I'm so fucking glad I chose wygig as this year's questionable fic. I love it and I have now developed a deep emotional dependence towards it. but haven't we all? (this is to say I love it)
+1. glad you're enjoying (I'm also trip anon btw) had I been in Italy, I would've loved to go to the bar to watch the race. even though I've never gone to watch a race at a bar in Rome, in Italy, depending on where you go, it can be really exciting and ehmmm... definetely an experience, may I call it that way. but sadly, first of all there's a four hour drive from Toscana to Rome and I would get my ass even flatter, and second I left months ago. maybe next time
and as you may have noticed, I gave up with trying to tell you how many points there will be in my ask. have a nice day Mads, enjoy your vacay hun!
look I'll honest. you say your identity has been revealed but you could be any of a handful of anons that have revealed their identity to me. so my terrible memory means that your secret is still safe!
wellllllll ... hm. omegas are definitely more SUSCEPTIBLE to their alphas e.g. with the alpha voice. but anything Charles feels is his real feelings.
haha Max IS an idiot, but so is Charles. they're two idiot peas in an idiot pea pod.
yeah no for real, Max's brain was completely broken. it was like Christmas morning for him haha
Carlos is a beta - basically everybody is a beta. there's only one person whose designation hasn't been revealed yet, but they're not a driver, so. you can pretty much just assume that everybody is a beta. as for making drivers assholes - I don't really do that in general, because usually it's too one dimensional for what I'm writing. it's fun in some scenarios (particularly shorter fics) but even the drivers who are currently 'villains' aren't outright bad people.
hahaha and at the rate it's going, it's length will mean it probably lasts half the year too haha
+1. yeah, I'm really excited!!!! I was kind of like ... if I can't go to Iola, then this is simply an experience I MUST have. cheering for ferrari while they're driving in Italy while I'M in Italy??? ahhhh.
thank you so much, you have a great day too!
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ladysomething · 2 months
first of all i wanna say hello to the anon who called me their bestie, hi anon I'm the anon who didn't sleep the other night anyways, now to maddy (I'm sorry I forgot how to spell ur name pls don't muzzle me) hi bae, hope ur doing good u posted two snippets from wygig but I only read one I CANNOT FIND THE OTHER ONE AAAAAA and also u hit 100k omgg congrats baby, and does this mean the next update is gon be 30k or smth?? cuz current word count is 65k ish right. and some anon over here mentioned chalres biting max's biceps I WILL SELL MY CHROMOSOMES FOR THAT PLEASE LET IT HAPPEN PLEASE IM ON MY KNEES BEGGING TO DO ANYTHING
haha you got the general vibes right with Maddy, so that's fine hahaha. but I'll put it in my bio now for the future haha
also idk which snippet you read so here is both! one and two.
and it does not mean that, sorryyyyyy. I'm writing chapter 11 right now, which is the one I'm struggling with. but I have to stay ahead, so I can't edit and post chapter 8 without finishing chapter 11, which is why you all sadly have a wait a moment.
and also I can totally make Charles bite his biceps at some point!!! Max is for sure gonna bite the chaist now as well lmao
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ladysomething · 2 months
Hi, firstly I love Wygig, and don't blame me series, they're absolutely sublime. I'm waiting for updates like i'm waiting for GP's! Every chapter I wonder about so many things and have many questions, but the main one is how Max's Dreyma Ver-öld looks like? I don't want spoilers, it's just something on my mind. The way he asked if there's food in Charles' one, that gave me Ideas. The whole concept is genious, I never encountered smth like this and I read a lot of omegaverse. You're writing is brilliant and I can't wait for the moment where Max and Charles finally talk lol, till then, the buildup and drama is chef's kiss. Have the best day and let's hope for Charles' win in Suzuka! <3<3<3
praying for a Charles win like it’s my religion atp. can’t believe I’ve been watching for a year and seen my baby win a million times, but my other baby win never and instead had to watch SOMEBODY else have the Ferrari wins. sigh.
also I absolutely can’t take credit for the Dreyma Ver-öld! @saiyanwitcher is the one who had that idea, and she’s been so delighted that other people like that idea as much as she does!
and I’m so glad you like the drama bc there’s plenty more where that came from heheh
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ladysomething · 2 months
Okay I'm gonna need a week (and the next chapter by then if it's a little lighter) to process the new chapter...
When you meant WYGIG is going to be dark, you meant it would be DARK, didn't you? I'm genuinely scared for what's coming. Is it going to keep going in the same direction without any respite for the forseeable future?! 🥺🫣
Charles realising that (adult) Max hasn't actually done him wrong in any way (unless he was helpless himself) so far and still misinterpreting his intentions and actions is just so ughhhhh!!! 😓☹️😭
Love how your writing gets right into the feels, no matter how difficult the emotions are.
I do have a question though. Are there absolutely no other omegas across the entire paddock among all teams' personnel or is Charles being treated like that by all the alphas because he is the 1st omega driver who hid his designation and the circumstances following his outing (the auction, being bought and mated by Max, etc.)?
ummmm.... well the next chapter isn't ... DARKER...
but like the general trajectory is still downwards. we have yet to hit the worst of it yet. but this is for sure a particularly low point. as for respite .... what can I say, it's an action packed story hahaha.
as for your question. there are absolutely no other omegas in the paddock at all right now, in any role. most of the alphas there would likely have never met an omega before at all.
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ladysomething · 3 months
Hiiiiii!!!! I absolutely loved chapter 5 of 'Where You Go, I Go' - seriously, it was so incredible to read and I love all the world building and character development. Honestly didn't want it to end cause it was so good and I can't wait to see where the story continues to go, it is so well written!
Also this is so random and I have no idea if you even listen to Taylor Swift but the 'Dreyma Ver-old' is so creative and such a cool aspect to build the plot, and it reminds me so much of this line in 'Ivy':
"I can't stop you putting roots in my dreamland My house of stone, your ivy grows And now I'm covered in you"
And I'm so obsessed with that
do I listen to Taylor swift?? do I EVER!! @saiyanwitcher has put in an admirable effort to try and get me to include artists other than TS in the playlist for WYGIG, and I can happily say that she has failed 😊
soooo... Ivy is now going in there.
but I'm so glad you enjoyed chapter 5! it was very fun to write, and just as fun going back over it this week to edit it to post. things are going to continue to devolve from here, so buckle in!
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ladysomething · 3 months
Oh my goodness thank you so much for such a detailed answer and for entertaining my long, rambling mess of an ask. I appreciate you and I LOVE learning more about your writing process. It’s so interesting to me and it makes me appreciate the fic even more knowing how much work and care you and SaiyanWitcher put into every chapter. I will ask again at the end of WYGIG to find out what foreshadowing moments you loved the most, I promise! And in the meantime I am so excited to see what things I’m right about and what things are gonna surprise me! (Also I think I’m already wrong about the Kelly thing because I forgot in ch2 that Charles said she didn’t have a mating bite, so my new prediction is that Max was helping Kelly escape from a bad situation and that Max’s mum was the one he saw go through mate withdrawal, but don’t tell me if I’m right! I’m living for the suspense!!)
And tiny details like the vase thing are truly my favourite thing. Idk, they just are that special something that makes a fic go from amazing to like, god-tier for me. And now since you said you love when people pick up on tiny details, here’s some others I noticed that I loved, just in case me noticing them can also bring you some joy.
Before the auction, Mattia touches his own face when referring to Charles’ muzzle in ch1 and Max gestures at his face similarly in ch2 when trying to get permission from Charles to remove the muzzle (and then the contrast of Mattia’s cruelty and Max’s gentleness that follows those similar actions is !!!!! so good !!) 
I loved how in ch1 when Charles is trying to mentally block out the auction, he focuses on pretending he’s back in his childhood apartment since that was a safe place for him, and then that’s the same place his dreamworld is based on when we see it in ch3!
Charles self soothing by stroking his teddy in ch2 and by stroking the sheets in his nest the same way in ch4 broke my heart a lil.
And Charles described Max’s scent as most collecting on petals of daffodils and jasmine when Max was trying to calm him down in ch3 and then max describes Charles’ scent as strawberries and jasmine in ch4. Love the subtle overlap, those boys are meant to be (even if it’s a Rough Start)!!!
This ask is now longer than my first outrageously long ask, I am so so sorry. And I don’t even have a question so def don’t feel obligated to reply to this one LOL. But I have so much love for your writing and so appreciate your willingness to answer my (and everyone else’s) questions about your writing and this story!!
anon, I need you to understand that I've had a really difficult week writing WYGIG. I know exactly what has to to happen, and I'm so excited for the next chapter, and yet I am struggling to get words down on the paper.
Your previous ask, and now this one, are so immeasurably delightful to me and they are the exact type of thing I needed to hear. I don't know if you'll ever be able to understand just how meaningful the things you've said are.
I honestly don't think I even have the words to thank you for your extremely kind and thoughtful asks, so instead I'm giving you what is an extremely meagre offering in return: a snippet from chapter 5.
It's below the cut, for anybody who doesn't want the spoilers.
“Is this your Dreyma Ver-öld?” 
Charles’ fingers slip on the keys, discordant noise filling the air. He whips around on the seat, horror filling him as he sees Max standing in the middle of the living room, dripping water everywhere and looking around curiously. 
“You,” Charles seethes. “What are you doing here?” 
But he already knows the answer, of course. Max claimed him, so just like every other part of his life, Max gets access to this, too. At least he seems to have woken up outside, where it’s still pouring rain. At least there are small justices. 
“Mine doesn’t look like this,” Max says, ignoring the question entirely. 
Charles wouldn’t have any idea what Max’s Dream World might look like. He’ll never get to see it, because to see it he’d have to claim Max back. No, instead, Charles is doomed to a life giving everything to Max and getting nothing in return. 
“Was this your home?” 
Charles grits his teeth and turns back around to his piano, stubbornly refusing to answer. 
“What was the shed outside?” Max asks a few moments later. “I tried to go in, but—” 
“You can’t go in there,” Charles snaps, shoulders hunched. He doesn’t care how confrontational he sounds—he’d rather die than let Max near the memories locked in that shed.
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ladysomething · 3 months
The most recent chap of where you go, I go was incredible, you are truly the most talented!!!!! I could literally fill up your inbox talking about this fic, I love it so much and I literally don’t have all the words to express how obsessed I am with it!!! And your other f1 fics!! Everything you write is so amazing!!
I love how much tension/suspense there is in wygig, and I’m having so much fun trying to figure out what I think is going to happen later in the fic based on the hints (or at least what I think are hints lol) you drop in each chapter, and just based on how each new chapter unfolds. Like, in the most recent chapter, Max made the comment about how he’s seen an omega go through mate withdrawal before, and I think that tells us a bit more about what Kelly was going through. And the way Christian seems weirdly informed about Max’s plans and intentions with Charles’ could just be Max being close to his boss, but combined with the clear distaste and distrust Max has for Charles’ current team, I am incredibly excited to see what’s going to happen once they make it to a racetrack. And then in chapter 3, Charles’ dad told Charles that alphas presentation can be triggered, and then in ch4 Max says that his path to this moment started when he was 13 and presented as an alpha? Did Charles’ trigger Max’s presentation 👀 I can’t wait to find out! youre so good at weaving in hints, that I never actually know when something is a hint though, it’s never obvious and it keeps the fic so exciting.
And I also love the way seemingly tiny details show up again (like in chapter 2 when Charles throws the flowers over the balcony and max makes note of the empty vase in ch4), it just makes your writing seem so thoughtful and cohesive.
and I’m not a writer at all, but I love learning about the behind-the-scenes process. So I’m v curious if you don’t mind sharing some details about how you keep track of everything you have/haven’t revealed, how you decide what hints to drop or details to mention, how far advance do you plan all of it, etc.? And it’s probably way too early to share anything about wygig, but if you have any fav bits of foreshadowing or tiny recurring details from any of your other fics then I’d love to know what they are!! Only if you don’t mind sharing ofc <3
this ask got way out of control, i am so sorry, I just admire the hell out of your talent and cannot contain my excitement for your writing
this was the best thing to wake up to this morning.
I'm going to answer below the cut so I don't clog people's feeds because I want my answer to be as long as your beautiful ask!
firstly ... there are a LOT of hints, even in the first four chapters. you can probably safely assume that if it made you go "hmm" then it's going to come up again at some point.
I love the examples you came up with! I will confirm that they are all hints, however .... the conclusions you drew were not all correct. some were, but some weren't. you'll just have to wait to find out which is which 😊
I LOVE that you noticed the vase thing! whenever I read stories I'm always so bad at picking up on those details, but when I write them they're all so deliberate so I'm always amazed and delighted when people see them.
in terms of how I keep track of everything ... well for this story I have the amazing and gorgeous @saiyanwitcher helping me. this story wouldn't be half of what it is without her. I would say like 1/4 is me remembering details, 1/4 is her remembering details, and then 1/2 is the very detailed outline we have. it's 10 pages long.
here is a heavily redacted screenshot of ch 1 in the outline.
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from there, I just kind of ... put it together and write. and then make a note of little details that need to be revised.
in terms of how I decide what hints to drop when, I would say there's a mix of reasons. some of it is just what the plot and characters demand, but then other times it's just my instinct, and other times it's just sheer experience. I've been writing for a long time - you kind of learn along the way what makes sense and what doesn't. but I also read a LOT, and when I read I take fairly extensive notes of things I liked and didn't like, and that always informs how I write, too.
in terms out far in advance things are planned, I would say it really depends on the story. WYGIG for example has been quite meticulously planned since SaiyanWitcher came to me with the idea of an omegaverse fic. so we know pretty much everything there is to know about the fic and how the plot progresses.
I like to have written a few chapters before I post, because sometimes when I start to write the vibe changes and I need to be able to go back and adjust little details. It's also why I don't like to immediately post what I've written and instead like to have a few chapters in the can - it means I can go back and add in more/less foreshadowing, depending on how the later chapters are playing out.
but also, sometimes things just happen. I'm writing ch 8 at the moment, and only yesterday SaiyanWitcher and I were like "hey what if we do this for ch 9" so now there's a new extra chapter bc we had an idea and it fits and we want to do it. so that wasn't planned in advance at all haha. sometimes you've just gotta go with the flow!
ok now ... in terms of fave parts of foreshadowing for WYGIG. unfortunately it IS too early for me to share most of them.
BUT! one I've only seen a couple people bring up is Max's aversion to Charles reciprocating the bite - I love that one.
I also just asked SaiyanWitcher what hers are and she said the Mercedes mechanic (a great choice), and Pierre (another GREAT choice). Though he's less foreshadowing and more of a recurring plot point lol.
from my other fics ... tbh I don't think I've ever really done as much foreshadowing in them as WYGIG.
in saying that, one really does stick out .. minor spoilers for if you haven't read Give Me That Fire but I LOVED dropping all the hints about "the final night" that happened that broke Max and Charles up for good. I knew from the first sentence I wrote for that fic that it was all leading up to that reveal and how careless Max was about Arthur, and seeing people theorise about what had happened and then being horrified that the truth was so much worse than what they expected was so bloody satisfying.
also there weren't really any major plot twists in the brocedes fic that had foreshadowing, but the slow reveal of their backstory juxtaposed with cutting forward to lewis at the lestappen wedding was also a personal favourite. that fic was by far the hardest thing I've ever written, and took one of the biggest emotional tolls. so the slow build of the horror at the piece by piece reveal of what lewis and nico had done to each other ended up being a very big personal achievement. I adore that fic, even though it's devastating.
now, I think I've yapped enough!
thank you so much for your beautiful and thoughtful ask, it's made my weekend. I'm so delighted that you're enjoying WYGIG so much and I hope that you continue to love it!
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