#wynonna earp appreciation week
girl4music · 7 months
Thanks for tagging me @danielleitloudernow
10 songs I’ve listened to recently.
Well, I’ve been listening to this WayHaught playlist I made on Spotify pretty much constantly so all of the songs I’ve been listening to recently are either from scenes in ‘Wynonna Earp’ with Waverly and Nicole in or from fanmade WayHaught videos on YouTube. I’m pretty obsessed with this WLW/queer couple at the moment. They’re the best WLW/queer representation I’ve seen in TV art/entertainment since Xena and Gabrielle and they really remind me of them.
I really like their physically and emotionally intimate scenes because there is a lot of narrative build up and foundation behind them. This isn’t something you always get with WLW/queer ships if both characters in it are not main characters in the show. So a lot of intimate scenes between WLW/queer ships in TV art/entertainment just happen with no rhyme or reason for them to. And therefore they look extremely forced and contrived because of it. This doesn’t ever happen with Waverly and Nicole. There’s always rhyme or reason for why they are as intimate as they are - both in a physical and emotional context - and it just makes their relationship so real and authentic. I am always absolutely enraptured in watching their intimate scenes and a huge factor as to why is because of the music they chose to play over those intimate scenes.
1. Sam Smith - Fire On Fire
Not actually in the show but in my favourite fan video.
2. The Casket Girls - Secular Love
This song plays during WayHaught’s first meeting.
3. Fleurie - Wildwood
This song plays the first time WayHaught make out and decide to become an official but private couple.
4. IMUR - Breathless
This song plays during a make out scene between WayHaught - leading to their first time having sex off-screen. There’s a conversation between them showing that it is important for Nicole that Waverly truly and fully consented to having sex with her because it was Waverly that was initiating it and Nicole wanted to be sure that she was sure in going all the way with her. And by the gods after all the shit I’ve watched involving violations of consent between WLW/queer ships, I really fucking appreciated this great scene.
5. STACEY - First Move
This song plays when WayHaught are about to be sexually intimate after Waverly was possessed by a demon and Nicole asks her whether the other times that they were sexually intimate while she was under its possession were actually her and what was real and Waverly reassures her that every time was all her and that it was all real because she remembers everything that happened between them whereas she couldn’t remember everything when she was possessed by it. Again, the notion of consent there is very appreciated.
6. Robyn Dell’Unto - Common
This song plays when WayHaught get sent into an alternate Universe where there’s no Wynonna and they never got together. Waverly walks in with Nicole’s lunch at the police station and she sits on her desk. We see it all happening in slow motion from Nicole’s perspective because Nicole has a huge crush on Waverly who is about to be married to a guy. She has this big dumb expression on her face that entirely gives her away but Waverly is completely oblivious. And it’s just a very adorable scene between them that makes you see that they’re destined to be together.
7. Adaline - Ghost
This song plays during WayHaught’s first and only on-screen sex scene. It’s a really beautifully done scene that has so much narrative build up, foundation and emotion behind it because they have been separated from each other for a really long time. Well, it’s a really long time for Nicole, who experienced the separation as long as 18 months, 3 weeks and 4 days. It’s very emotional to watch the scene bearing this in mind and the two actors that portray WayHaught did it justice not only because of their insane chemistry but also because they choreographed the scene themselves.
8. SEIL LIEN - It’s Love That Brought You Here
This song plays during a scene where WayHaught are kissing on the bed and Waverly tells Nicole that while they were separated, an evil entity tried to pretend to be Nicole and fool Waverly. And when Nicole gets concerned, Waverly tells her nothing happened between them and even if it did, she’d have known immediately that it wasn’t the real Nicole because she knows every inch of Nicole’s body and how it responds to her touch. She then asks Nicole if she could tell her about her year and a half but Nicole is in her own mind and therefore isn’t present with Waverly because she’s so distracted with the anxiety that they’re in danger from monsters that have been trying to get into the Homestead since Waverly was separated from her. It’s a very poignant scene showing how much more difficult and traumatic the separation was for Nicole.
9. Desiree Dawson - All In
This song plays during a WayHaught engagement scene. There is another engagement scene but it was during a looming and inevitable apocalypse where Waverly proposed to Nicole and it wasn’t appropriate so they redid it. Even though this engagement scene was supposed to be a double proposal (Waverly to Nicole/Nicole to Waverly), Waverly asks Nicole to just let her propose alone because she wanted to in the first place and Nicole consents. And it’s a really well written and performed scene where you could see the actors felt real emotion because it mattered to them.
10. Lindsey Ray - Won’t Let Go
This song plays during WayHaught’s wedding, which is in the final episode of the show. In fact, the entire episode pretty much is all about WayHaught getting married. It’s not just the main narrative of the episode, it’s also the main narrative backbone behind the entire season because not only did both main WLW/queer characters survive to the end of the show, they were also endgame as a committed main WLW/queer ship and this was celebrated by them getting married and having the whole season revolve around that as a main narrative - wrapping the main narrative around the characters rather than the other way around as all character-centric genre shows should do. This hasn’t, doesn’t and likely will never happen again. It is absolutely groundbreaking that they achieved this. Especially in a time in TV art/entertainment when it was either Bury your Gays or Bury your Gay show. I know that it’s because it was a reward to the fans that fought so fucking hard for a final fourth season. Just that very fact makes me love this song all the more.
We certainly won’t let go because we deserve to be seen, heard and represented in TV art/entertainment just as much as the straight characters and straight observers are! We deserve main narratives! We deserve to live! We deserve to be happy! We deserve to be in love! We deserve to be treated as equals! Not killed off! Not cancelled! Not queer-baited! Not Man-Inserted! And not made to feel as less than deserving!
The creators/cast/crew for ‘Wynonna Earp’ did WLW/queer representation completely right and I’m in awe!
(Btw - I only put “/queer” because Dom identifies as non-binary and even if their character is female, I still feel it’s respectful to acknowledge this about them.)
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findroleplay · 11 months
(It's been a couple weeks since I last requested, so I decided to give it another shot!)
Hey! (:
I'm a 19F who recently gotten into the fandom of Wynonna Earp. I've been trying everywhere to find someone to roleplay it with, but no luck
I absolutely for the life of me can't play a submissive or a normal female, so my OC (and the cannon character I will play for your love interest) is going to be either a dominant male or a dominant G!P female
I'm perfectly fine with polyamorous relationships. I am 100% okay with smut. I prefer to have smut involved since I find roleplays to get boring after a while if there is no smut
My schedule is free pretty much 24/7, so I can type up some pretty fast replies, and I would like for my roleplay partner to try the same. My replies tend to be on the medium to the long side, and I would appreciate the same effort of my roleplay partner
I prefer to roleplay on Wattpad, but I'm not opposed to Discord. You can message me and/or like this post, and we'll discuss it in further detail (:
My Wattpad is NicoleGar92
My Discord is FifthHarmony21(FifthHarmony#FifthHarmony21#0816 if you are using the old version)
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almostafantasia · 7 years
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Wynonna Earp Appreciation Week Day 5: Favourite scene
“I didn’t know if it was your thing.” “Uh baby, that’s … that’s everybody’s thing.”
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votewithyourjohnson · 7 years
#GirlOnTop Round 2: What The Hell, Earpers?!?!
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we have until 8:00 PM EST TONIGHT, to get melanie above amy and with a reasonable margin between them. it’s wynonna earp appreciation week, why not show melanie how much we appreciate her by getting to round 3 and further in the competition.
(it takes two seconds.)
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thegaynerdao3 · 7 years
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Wynonna Earp Appreciation Week Day 6 (favourite headcannon/ AU) - Waverly and Nicole tend to be found in compromising positions
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I’m going to write this post in a modified style of those weird green text things. I t’s just a personal account of how I spent New Year’s Eve; I’m putting it behind a “keep reading” link so it’s easy to scroll by, jokes about Rob Beckett looking like a lesbian shall resume shortly.
Problem - It’s New Year’s Eve - A massive pandemic is skyrocketing in this area - Best friend of 15 years wants me to come see him - Best friend of 15 years has been pretending the pandemic is over and seeing lots of different people in the last few weeks - I say no to best friend of 15 years - Best friend of 15 years tells me I am being irrational and paranoid and “I guess this is just the end then” of me ever being part of a social community because if I won’t come out now then I won’t ever consider the pandemic to be over and I’ll just hide in my house forever - Best friend of 15 years calls me, this leads to large fight that takes place partly over messages and partly over the phone, we hang up and then we exchange more messages and then he calls me again and we argue some more and it feels rather like we’re teenagers instead of both in our 30s - I also don’t want to see family because I’ve been to some stores in the last few days and don’t want to put older family members at risk - I don’t want to leave my bedroom, partly because I just don’t feel like seeing my roommate and his girlfriend, partly because I don’t know where they’ve been either so even my whole house isn’t really COVID safe - I resign to spending the end of 2021 by myself feeling guilty about messing up a friendship while listening to roommates and neighbours have social celebrations that no one should be fucking having right now, partly because the pandemic isn’t going anywhere in 2022 so there’s nothing to celebrate, and partly because the pandemic hasn’t gone anywhere so people shouldn’t be gathering to celebrate - I don’t even want to drink alcohol because I’m too sad about all this to enjoy it and I’m not going to waste alcohol on a night I won’t enjoy
Solution - Order a bunch of sushi (be sure to tip well for anyone who delivers food on New Year’s Eve during a pandemic) - Retail therapy in the form of ordering several hacked Pokemon games on eBay, to add to the ones I ordered last week, because I first played Pokemon (Yellow version on a GameBoy Colour that I still own) in 1999, have played it off and on ever since then, and have never completed a Pokedex, but 2022 will be the year I finally do that since I have now ordered hacked versions of gen I, II, III, and IV games, with modifications to allow the user to catch every Pokemon without trading
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- Eat the sushi while re-watching Wynonna Earp, a very self-indulgently fun show with lots of really cool women who wear leather jackets and fight demons and sometimes kiss other women - Download the Britcom holiday programming episodes that have aired but that I’ve not yet seen (strikethrough = watched, bold = downloaded but not watched, I’m very organized), so those are all ready to enjoy in the new year
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- Listen to my Gaelic Christmas music playlist - Appreciate that there are nearly infinite reasons why I’m lucky to be ending this year in my situation and not in a worse one, and this internet community and its lovely people are among those many reasons, so thanks to everyone who made last year better and let’s see what we can do about enjoying 2022 together
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tedbecca · 3 years
All Gifs
Good Girls
GG Suits
Gifset Per Episode
Good Girls Appreciation Week 2020
Good Girls Appreciation Week 2021
Incorrect Good Girls
By Episode
Season One: 1x01 ~ 1x02 ~ 1x03 ~ 1x04 ~ 1x05 ~ 1x06 ~ 1x07 ~ 1x08 ~ 1x09 ~ 1x10
Season Two: 2x01 ~ 2x02 ~ 2x03 ~ 2x04 ~ 2x05 ~ 2x06 ~ 2x07 ~ 2x08 ~ 2x09 ~ 2x10 ~ 2x11 ~ 2x12 ~ 2x13
Season Three: 3x01 ~ 3x02 ~ 3x03 ~ 3x04 ~ 3x05 ~ 3x06 ~ 3x07 ~ 3x08 ~ 3x09 ~ 3x10 ~ 3x11
Season Four: 4x01 ~ 4x02 ~ 4x05 ~ 4x06 ~ 4x07 ~ 4x09 ~ 4x10 ~ 4x12 ~ 4x13 ~ 4x14 ~ 4x15 ~ 4x16
Brio + Lyrics and Quotes
I'm a Liar by Amy Shark
My Tears Ricochet by Taylor Swift
Hoax by Taylor Swift
Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift
Stay Away by Carly Rae Jepsen
Tempting Me
The Great Gatsby
Literary Sexts
Static Image + Good Girls
Good Girls Trio
Good Girls Trio in S3
Fave Annie Outfits in S3
Beth + Full Shots in S3
Jane Boland
Ted Lasso
All Edits
By Episode
Season 1: 1x01 ~ 1x04 ~ 1x05 ~ 1x06 ~ 1x07 ~ 1x10
Season 2: 2x02 ~ 2x06
Gilmore Girls
Gilmore Girls + Mighty Ducks Parallel
Luke/Lorelai + Exile by Taylor Swift
Luke/Lorelai + Happiness by Taylor Swift
Kevin Can F**ck Himself
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Lena Luthor Appreciation Week
Wynonna Earp
Kate McKinnon
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sapphicscholar · 3 years
Fanfic Writer Question Meme
Having just submitted 45 dissertation pages, I decided today is the day to do this fun little fanfic writer thing I’ve seen floating around on my dash lately!
1) How many works do you have on AO3? 89
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?  2,031,148 ... jfc. I aspire to be this prolific in my academic life.
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?  Only 5 shows, though a variety of ships in one of them! Supergirl, Grace and Frankie, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Wynonna Earp, and This Way Up (I’ve got some draft-y stuff for a Hacks fic but dissertation stuff sent it to the back burner)
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos? -Stronger Together (Supergirl, 1-shot compilation with a variety of ships) -Welcome to the Gayborhood, Danvers (Supergirl, Sanvers academia AU, my first ever fic, too!) -6,500 miles away...but getting closer (Supergirl, Sanvers long distance epistolary fic that I co-authored with my wife; we actually ended up, unexpectedly, writing a big chunk of it while we did long distance for the first--and hopefully only--time) -Noise Complaint (Supergirl, Sanvers neighbor AU that’s mostly canon compliant) -Supercat Sanvers 2020 (Supergirl, Supercat and Sanvers political AU)
5) Do you respond to comments, and why or why not? I try to because I really do love and appreciate them SO MUCH! But I often binge write during my breaks from the academic year and post when the semester is at its busiest, and then I do the thing of going “oh no! it’s been 2 weeks and now I feel weird, I shall let it go another 4 months until I feel much too awkward to ever reply!) But I’ve been trying! 
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Forgotten, But Not Gone! Thanks to fan demand I turned it into a 2-part series, but that first fic ends on a note that is, at best, a kind of gesture at some sort of future but with no guarantees (which is the kind of ending my wife likes best of all haha)
7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? Hmmm I often don’t love super sweet endings, but one of the few where I’ve given an epilogue that’s pretty straightforwardly sweet and happy is Her Knight in Tiny Spandex 
8) Do you write crossovers? Not really where the characters from one universe mix with another, though I’ve done some, like, Buffy AU type fics, and I had a series where Supergirl characters were active participants in other shows’ fandoms
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic? Holy shit so much hahah! I took a break from fandom for a while after the worst of it, and even though there are some really lovely people still in that particular ship’s fandom, my level of involvement and investment dropped considerably. I’ve been much more...cautious since then about feeling out fandoms before really jumping in 
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind? Yep, plenty! I’ve only ever written for femslash ships and poly arrangements, though
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? Uh yeah once or twice several years ago, but I think I was able to report it and show proof of my posting it on AO3 many, many months before it showed up on Wattpad or something
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? No, I got a request once, but it was for a longgggg fic and I don’t think it ever appeared (totally understandable, it would’ve been a huge endeavor!) 
13) Have you ever co-written a fic? Yup! A couple with my wife, plus one with a group of Supercat writers where we rotated and did a sentence at a time
14) What’s your all time favorite ship? I genuinely don’t think I can pick! I rotate through my ship-of-the-moment, and have plenty that I’ll probably never write for (came late to the fandoms) but love reading 
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I do aim to finish all my fics, but I have 2 WIPs (one dystopian AU that suddenly felt very close to the world we were actually living in, and one that involves a major character death that I put on hiatus after having a number of family members pass away in a single year) that I think it’ll take me some time to get back to
16) What are your writing strengths? Dialogue! I like to think I also do a good job of infusing humor into fics--something that makes the reader smile, even in what can be a fairly heavy fic
17) What are your writing weaknesses? Fighting scenes. Oof, they take it out of me, and especially writing for a fandom like Supergirl where so much of what happens includes fighting...damn am I out of my element! I also have no vocabulary for it, so it’s like...she punches a thing. Then another punch. Then a kick. Then an elbow. Also I think people use knees??
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I think there are ways to do it that can be really important and ways to do it that can veer into shitty fetishizing (e.g., when characters will slip into a language other than English only during sex and always with the exact same phrases borrowed from fic to fic). I only feel comfortable writing in other languages myself it if it’s a language I actually speak to avoid the weird awkwardness of Google Translate speak, but I know some writers who will find a language beta for this purpose, and that’s really awesome!
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for? Supergirl (I arrived to fandom much, much later than my wife!)
20) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written? It’s a total cop out, but I don’t know/it changes depending on the definition of best! I think one of my recent favorites has been I’d meet you where the spirit meets the bone
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32 & 52 🦕
Heyo, beautiful people! So @technicolor-waltz sent in two requests from the prompt list that I reblogged a while ago. My deepest apologies for answering only now, it’s been a hell of a week. Anyway, I wanted to thank you for the opportunity that you’re giving me and also I wanted to point out that for now, I’ve only ever written wayhaught fanfiction. Some of you are probably not familiar with the Wynonna Earp world but I don’t think it’ll matter, as every character will be explained to the extent that you need to understand the short story. And lastly, my apologies for any spelling/grammar mistake: unfortunately English is not my first language, but I do try my best. Here you go, enjoy, and every piece of feedback is not only appreciated but also extremely valued!
P.S.: Idk if it’s legal, but I’ve united the two prompts! 
32. “Please look at me,”& 52. “They don’t have to know.”
Waverly Earp. Everybody knew her in town. She came from an infamous and troubled family but she was nothing like it. She was kind and smart and disciplined and she worked very hard her whole life just to get out from under the shadow of her last name. She only had straight A’s at school, she sang and played the piano, she was the head cheerleader and the most popular girl in school, she found time to be a tutor to other students and whatever you needed, you knew you could always count on her to get it done. At times her aunt and uncle, whom she lived with, wondered if she had time to breathe at all. Maybe she didn’t. Maybe she didn’t want to have time to breathe. Truth is, Waverly Earp wasn’t just what she appeared to be on the surface. She went way deeper. So deep that for most of her early teenage years she tried to never be alone with her thoughts, which is why she took on so many activities. But you can only run from yourself for so long and sooner or later the truth caught up with her.
She was 17 the first time she ever said it out loud. It was probably past 3am and she’d been crying for hours in her bed because the new girl at school that day had accidentally brushed hands with her in the hallways, apologized, and made eye contact with her. And after that, Nicole Haught, that was the name of the girl, was all she was able to think about. Red hair, brown eyes, adorable dimples. “I’m gay” she whispered in the silence of her room.
Even although she admitted it to herself she certainly wasn’t ready to share that piece of her with anybody else, especially since she lived in a small town and not only word got around very quickly, but people also tended to be...not so accepting, to use an euphemism, towards people who questioned their sexuality or gender. Still, after that night there was no coming back. She stumbled into Nicole in the hallways a few more times, sometimes by accident, sometimes not so much, but she never got further than small talk. Quite frankly, she didn’t even know if she wanted to. Sometimes she dreamed about meeting a nice boy and realizing that she’d been wrong this whole time and that she was actually straight. And then reality hit her again every time she smelled her perfume at school or every time the redhead flashed one of her kindest smiles at her during class or every time someone said her name and she became aware that that was enough to make her heart skip a beat. And so she spent endless hours daydreaming about a relationship with Nicole Haught. She imagined what it would feel like holding hands with her, going out on dates, kissing her. She didn’t know Nicole very well, still, she felt a strong connection between their souls, which only got stronger with every little interaction. It left her dreaming of a secret, forbidden relationship like it would’ve been in the 1950s. It left her dreaming of Nicole’s voice, at night, whispering in her ear “They don’t have to know. We love each other and they don’t have to know for it to be real and exciting and extraordinary”.
So that’s how she found herself drooling over the redhead in the cafeteria two tables away from her. Waverly usually sat with the cheerleaders, while Nicole had found her own group of kids to hang out with. They were sweet kids, way kinder and more accepting than her peers and Waverly was secretly very glad about that: the connection she had with Nicole was deeper than a crush at this point; she wanted the girl to be happy. And she looked like it, which made Waverly very happy as well. And maybe most of her “friends” couldn’t notice, but her best friend certainly did and she would be damned if she let it slide.
“I think she likes girls” her voice suddenly brought Waverly back to the real world.
“What?!” she panicked.
“Hey, no need to yell. I’m just saying...she looks like she might. You should go over there and find out” her best friend said, nodding in Nicole’s direction.
“How did you-”
“Oh come on. Like we haven’t been best friend since kindergarten”
“And you’re...okay with it?”
“I’m not okay with you pining after her without doing anything about it! Go, I’ll make something up with the squad. You’re the hottest girl in school, go make her fall at your feet” she winked at Waverly, who just giggled and blushed.
After a few seconds she decided to be impulsive for once and shoot her shot. Turns out only a few words of encouragement and support can really make a difference. So she stood up and suddenly the world seemed to move in slow motion around her. Her brain had definitely stopped functioning properly. “Look at me. Please look at me, Nicole Haught, like I look at you” she whispered to herself, before throwing herself in what would turn out to be the best decision of her whole life.
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postguiltypleasures · 3 years
I didn’t start watching Wynonna Earp until around it’s third season. Despite being a fan of other series show runner Emily Andras has worked on, I just took a while to find the time for it. It was pretty strongly hyped while I was waiting to find time for it. My Twitter feed seemed to be filled with fans. Comic book writer Gail Simone and television reporter Maureen Ryan were particularly effusive. Ryan even wrote an article in the New York Times about how great the fandom is. I only got around to while writing this.
If the show hadn’t been so talked up by people whose opinions I respect i probably would have given up on the show early. There were moments in the picket where I just wondered “what were they going for?” Tonally it seemed to want to be silly and scary at once with very little build up to either. But as the first season progressed things came together that made me feel assured that Andras and her colleagues knew what they were doing. I’ve never was really active in the fandom, but for the amount of time I’ve been has been pleasant. I’m glad that I watched the show, I think there is a lot worth talking about though, generally speaking, by other people. So now I’m going to highlight some writing that came out (pun not intended) about the series around the time of the finale.
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At Paste Magazine Alexis Gunderson did a tribute to the series, that was also a tribute to its interaction with the fandom. She mentions a fan campaign that saved the series in the long wait between seasons three and four. (I’m glad that there was a fourth season, but I’m wary of things that blur the line between fandom and advertising like this was.) It's a celebration of the attachment to characters over coherent mythology aspect of the series.
At The AV Club Lisa Weidenfeld wrote a very good retrospective that covered the show’s series long story arc, as well as some of the behind the scenes complications, and what a change in direction the fourth season was. The essay admires the complexity of the characters, how the show allowed them to be at their most unflattering, and wishes that they had a fifth season to really explore its change in direction.
At Multiversity Comics, Corrina Lawson wrote weekly reviews, but I’m only going to focus on her writing for the series finale. Lawson is the only one of the writers here who treats the possibility of a fifth season as possible, but in many ways she is writing about it like she will never get the chance to write about it again. Appropriately she does things like cover how the episodes took titles from country music songs and her personal connection with the comic book that inspired the show. Lawson also writes appreciatively on the show’s treatment of romance, including, of course how the finale covered the wedding of Waverly Earp and Nicole Haught, often known as WayHaught. Carly Lane at Collider declared the finale “pretty perfect” and in someways her article is a more straight forward recap than Lawson’s.
The Mary Sue’s Princess Weekes did a tribute to WayHaught, that was more of a wish that the show’s legacy allows more queer representation, with a greater ethnic and ability diversity than Earp had. Around the same time Weekes also wrote this article about why so many characters in supernatural series are cops. She focuses a lot on Nicole Haught, and the fraught relationship between LGBTQIA spaces and police, but ignores that Wynonna is by far the most lethal character in the series. I bring this up because I kind of wish there was more blowback to Wynonna’s extra judicial killings of demons, which can easily feed into the “copaganda” archetype even if the character in question doesn’t belong to an official law enforcement office.
The actors who played, WayHaught, Dominique Provost-Chalkey and Kat Barrell, gave a long interview to Nora Dominich of Buzzfeed. it covers various things from how much they love the cast and crew, some things about what the shooting schedule was like and what they are proud of. It’s somewhat unwieldily but worth reading. Dominich also did shorter interviews with both Melanie Scrofano and Tim Rozon. They are less strictly about the show and cover more of their lives, but worth reading. Scrofano’s is the only time in any of these articles that Buffy the Vampire Slayer comes up, albeit very briefly. As that show seems to have dominated the conversation about this kind of show, it felt like a conspicuous absence. (Ronzon’s also includes a lot about Schitt’s Creek and I have been meaning to write one of these about that.)
The cast and Andras gave a group interview to Chancellor Agard at Entertainment Weekly. It’s fun and I’m glad to read late doing cast members Martina Ortiz- Luis and Varun Saranga who otherwise weren’t much of a focus in these end of series look backs. Finally at Deadline Andras gave an interview to Alexandra DelRosario. It covers some of the plots that they weren’t able to try, what finding out it was the final season was like. There are hints a production fights from earlier on including regarding funding. This was rough, but I’m looking forward to anything Andras works on in the future.
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odaatlover · 4 years
Earpers, I’ve changed up my Patreon! Now for only $5 you have access to ALL of my exclusive fics. That’s 80+ fics AND I will be posting more!
I don’t like to ask for help, but I’m asking for it. Not being able to work the past 2 weeks with covid has hit us hard financially especially around the holidays. As most of you know my career is teaching percussion, but I haven’t been allowed in the schools to teach my kids and dont know when I’ll be able to again, so I’ve been doing DoorDash for income. These past 2 weeks I was supposed to work 12 hours a day every day in order to be able to pay for my doctor’s appointment next week (couldn’t afford to get health insurance this year) as well as getting my name legally changed.
Since we’ve been in quarantine I haven’t been able to work and am now struggling to even pay the bills this month. If you know me then you know I don’t like handouts and would rather earn money, and at this point Patreon and selling sticks are the only ways I know how. So if you want to support me and would like to read some smutty/fluffy/angsty fics or own some cool hand painted drumsticks, please consider subscribing to my Patreon or buying a pair of sticks!
And if you think the fics are worth more than $5 and would like to give more, there are higher tiers you can subscribe to. I know times are tough for everyone, so if you don’t have the means to support me financially then please help support me by spreading the word! To those of you who are already subscribed or have bought sticks you have no idea how much I appreciate you ❤️ Stay safe out there my friends!
Link to my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/odaatlover
Link to my Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/MakeYourPeaceShop/listing/851154809/wynonna-earp-drumsticks
Some sneak peaks:
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beyondcanon · 3 years
fanfic: a family wedding
here i am, out of a 5-year retirement, back on my bullshit. a new offering, from a new fandom. enjoy:
wynonna earp/wayhaught.  Waverly and Nicole's wedding turns everyone into a bridezilla. Complete. Read on AO3.
Waverly rubs her temples. She wanted a quiet night in, to watch some RuPaul and hopefully later spend long moments sitting on Nicole's face.
The house has been full of people for the last three weeks, bustling with activity and constant bickering.
Nicole rubs Waverly's back and kisses just beneath her ear. It makes it a little better. "It's time for the contingency plan, baby."
Waverly sighs. "Why does everyone have to be..." She searches for the right words. "Like this?" She gestures around, defeated.
"I am the best cowboy!" Doc grunts, pushing past Mercedes. "I won't be made to wear a tux!"
"We're not all from the Old West, old man." Jeremy stands by Mercedes’s side, who gives her best I am always right smile. "We have to be color-coordinated!"
"You can go dressed as a magic elephant, for all I care." He sips his whiskey.
This is why she can't have nice things.
Nicole squeezes Waverly's shoulder. "You're a planner, aren't you?" She gives her that little adorable smile. "So let's plan our wedding. Make it amazing."
Wynonna arrives with cheap booze and Shorty's chicken wings. "Anyone want to try wedding samples?" She settles them on the table with a loud thud
No no no nononono—
"Enough!" Waverly stands up, stomps her foot on the ground, and claps her hands. "Everyone sit down!"
It shocks everyone enough and the house falls silent.
"Yes, baby girl?" Wynonna smiles pretty, like she's doesn't always have a fire burning under her ass.
“The madness stops now." Waverly walks to the cupboard and takes the bright pink folder she's been hiding for two whole days and nights. "It's my wedding." Her gaze softens when it meets Nicole, who winks at her.
"I'm going to lay some ground rules." She takes several papers and passes them around. "I have assigned you each a role in this mess."
Everyone starts reading, nodding, flipping through pages. They are taking it much better than Waverly imagined.
"You have our wishes and specific deadlines for each task." She looks at each of the lunatics in their eyes. "You'll stick to your role, and you won't make final decisions without me or Nicole present. Understood?"
They nod.
Nicole gets up from the couch to stand by Waverly's side, a comforting hand on the small of her back. "We have three months. Can we count on you?"
The entire house rumbles with cheer.
"A round of shots for everybody!" Wynonna shouts before rushing to grab the glasses.
It takes no time for everyone to be comparing assignments.
Nicole pulls Waverly aside and whispers in her ear. "That was so hot, baby."
"You liked it?" Waverly bites her lower lip, grabbing Nicole's shirt to pull her even closer. "I've saved the best for later."
Nicole smiles, that handsome devil, arms around Waverly, and leans for a wet, dirty kiss.
Nicole called it saving costs, but Waverly calls it porn:
A white tank top, dirty and clinging to her body, tight jeans, brown boots, drops of sweat on her glorious, exposed, lean, muscled back.
Power tools, gloves, woodwork? In the middle of her front lawn?
"I know." Wynonna shows up by Waverly's side, leaning against the door frame, and stares.
Doc, sexy if mustaches and Old West are your things, is cutting wood, black tank top, rough jeans, black boots, grunting in concentration.
"Oh yes," Waverly nods, half a glass of lemonade forgotten on her right hand. "I love a good DIY project."
Nicole is setting up the frame of the structure, drilling holes, and what else. She looks back and smiles, much like that first day on Shorty's.
Waverly gnaws her straw, short of breath.
Doc cleans his forehead. "I'm going to the store to get more supplies."
Waverly shows up, hair down and big, big smile. "Lemonade?" She offers the tray.
He takes a glass and Nicole settles down her tools with a content sigh, hair sticking to the back of her neck.
Waverly salivates as she extends her tray to her future wife.
One thing you can say about Doc is the man can read a room. He looks between the both of them before tipping his head as a thank you. "Be back later."
"Maybe you want to come inside and rest, after all your..." Waverly squeezes Nicole's arm," hard work?"
Nicole smiles, dimple and all, and takes a few steps closer. She smells like wood, grass, and vanilla. "There's a lot to do. We only have a few weeks."
Waverly looks up into Nicole's eyes. Grabbing her belt, she sneaks a few fingers between Nicole's jeans and her glorious warm skin. "Resting is so important when you work this hard, baby."
"You're not wrong."
Waverly, so coy and innocent, blinks and pulls them inside.
In appreciation, she waits for Nicole to finish her drink to only then go down on her on the kitchen table. 35 minutes later, she comes back for air and cleans her face with the back of her hand.
Now that's refreshing.
Mercedes, in a long white dress, looks every part like the socialite she is.
"This is unacceptable!" She shows her scary vampire teeth, and the poor catering people retreat two to seven steps. "Being vegan is not an excuse to serve us this rotten, tasteless..." Her mouth contorts, incapable of finishing the sentence.
Waverly opens her mouth to defend the catering, because what you'd expect from a small-town, backyard company — Mercedes lifts a commanding finger and grabs her phone.
Nicole, all parts, hero and sexy beast, places an arm on Waverly's shoulders, and whispers: "Let her do her thing, baby."
Every hair on Waverly's body stands. That's very convincing.
"Marco?" Mercedes smiles and tucks a strand of her behind her ear, vampire teeth concealed. "Yes, so long." She chuckles. "I know. Where's Ibiza when we need it?"
Looking at her own pristine, manicured nails, she sighs. "Listen, I need a favor. I'm organizing a wedding, and you know how food is essential to having a good time. But I can't seem to find good service in this town." She punishes the employees with a cold, cold glare.
"I was wondering if you could spare me Giovanni for a few days, so he can take charge." She smiles, nails running on the table. "I still remember that banquet in 2014, don't you?" She offers the wedding info and hangs up.
Waverly tilts her head.
She looks back to the catering employees and offers a plastic smile. "There you go. You will have a new boss."
Nicole clears her throat. "Excuse me?"
"My taste buds need something of a certain level, Nicole." Mercedes puts her phone on her Prada leather purse. "And you both deserve to know what good food is. Giovanni will take care of the menu, the supplies, and he will be here to avoid a succession of inevitable disasters."
Waverly leans forward. "Who's Giovanni, again?"
"A personal friend, an underwear model, and a rising star in Italy's high dining scene. Just opened his first franchise in New York, so. Right by our side. Lucky for us!"
New York City isn't exactly a short drive away, but Waverly isn't going to tell Mercedes that. Neither was Giovanni.
Thirteen dresses later, Waverly finds the one.
The store lights bathe her in the spotlight, with the seamstress fussing over the hem of the dress — flowing, pearl white, structured but still fluid when Waverly spins around.
She turns to Wynonna and makes a pose.
"Baby girl, you look..." Wynonna looks at her like she's everything, eyes already watery. "Perfect."
Waverly beams, cheeks flushed, heart racing. This is it.
She's going to marry the love of her life in this dress.
After everything. Despite everything. She's going to marry the love of her life.
She tries a delicate, golden necklace on. It shines under the gentle dressing room lights.
Even better. She touches it with the tips of her fingers. "I can't believe it."
Wynonna coughs, smirk back to her face. "Nicole’s panties are going to combust as soon as she sees you."
Waverly slaps her sister's arm. "Wynonna!"
She will, though. She totally will.
And Waverly is not going to be using any underwear, so.
Good luck to Nicole in dealing with that information.
The demon bar is closed, with only a few employees restocking on the back, under neon lights.
Rosita, cigar on one hand and whiskey neat on the other, raises her eyebrows and smiles as Waverly approaches with a pie.
"Peace offering?" She sets her drink on the table as a beautiful bartender drapes herself around her, a hand on her bare chest under her blazer.
Waverly focuses on Rosita's dark eyes. She will not stare at that gratuitous PDA nor the bartender sucking on Rosita's earlobe.
Rosita smirks and pulls the pie closer. "Smells good."
"There's more." Waverly takes a top-tier, aged whiskey bottle from her purse and places it on the table.
Rosita's eyes shine — she opens immediately and takes a sip. "That's the good stuff. Gonna save it for a special occasion." She leans back on her seat. "But my birthday is not in four months."
For a breath, Waverly hesitates. "My wedding is next weekend."
"I've got the invitation. Beautiful lettering."
The bartender leaves, looking at Waverly from head to toe and making her squirmish.
She clears her throat. "Can I trust there will be no supernatural shenanigans? For a whole weekend?"
Rosita looks at her, kinder than a moment ago, and finishes her drink. "I own you that, at least." She stretches her empty glass to the side and the bartender pops up with another, touch lingering before leaving.
The woman is living in her customized heaven.
She turns back to Waverly. "To be fair, Doc has already a. showed up with two shiny guns and b. chose a few demons for security. It's all settled."
Waverly's eyes widen. "He what?"
"You know he's a worrier, darling." Rosita takes a puff of her cigar. "Do you mind if I wear red? I've been meaning to ask you."
Waverly rolls her eyes. "Wear whatever you want. As long as you stay out of trouble."
Rosita pouts her pretty, full red lips. "Me? Trouble?" She purrs, full of mischief. "Never."
Jeremy shines when he has goals and deadlines.
He begins his Powerpoint presentation about the wedding, running decisions, costs, and purveyors.
"It's your wet dream, baby," Nicole laughs when he opens a detailed excel sheet.
"Oh, hush, you," Waverly nudges her to-be wife and shuts her up with a kiss. "Continue, Jeremy. You're perfect the way you are."
He’s dumping even more information when Waverly notices something. "Wait." She scoots closer to the computer screen. "My first rough budgets were at least two times what you're showing us."
"See, uh, the numbers," Jeremy stops, mumbles something, stops again.
Nicole raises an eyebrow. "Jeremy."
He gives them a sheepish smile. "Everyone wanted to chip in."
Nicole blinks, frozen. "What?"
"It was supposed to be a kind of a secret?" He gives them a weird chuckle. "But my graphs were so nice, and I thought Waverly would want to see them, and... now we're here."
"Everyone wanted to chip in," Waverly repeats, dumbstruck.
"Yeah, uh, Wynonna is paying for your dress, Doc and Nedley are taking over half of the booze budget, Mercedes said she had a special deal with some Giovanni man about the food, and I don't have much but there's enough for some of the flowers, and Contessa sent me a check, and then..."
"That's... very nice of you." Nicole pulls Jeremy for a hug. "All of you." Waverly follows them into a group hug.
Jeremy sinks into their embrace, relieved. "You should start this new chapter without debt."
Silly, silly people. Waverly sniffs. She's not crying.
Doc's scrubbing, sanding, and painting the fences. He smiles somewhere under his mustache when Waverly arrives. "Afternoon."
He's been fixing the property every day, and it shows.
"It's looking great, Doc." Waverly can't help but grin.
"Everything for our girls," he answers, never stopping his work. It's different, being taken care of.
Waverly looks at her own feet for a moment. That gets Doc to pause. "You didn't have to talk to Rosita."
"I know." He nods. "I'm sorry if I overstepped. I wanted to make sure everyone would be safe and focused on celebrating." A long pause. "We had enough suffering already."
"You didn't have to do that," Waverly says quietly. "Thank you."
Waverly enjoys a moment of peace on the couch, cuddling against Nicole as they each read a book.
Rachel walks in circles in the living room, white earphones over her ear, until she screams, "I GOT IT!"
Waverly enjoyed a moment of peace, that is. She closes her book, followed suit by Nicole. "Yes, Rachel?"
"Listen, a two-day ceremony is not easy, okay?" Rachel gesticulates. "There are so many moments, the music has fit the mood. So I made four different playlists."
Nicole pulls Waverly to her lap, equal parts gratuitous and welcome. Waverly rests her side against her fiancée, hand playing with gorgeous, silky red hair.
The closer they are to the wedding, the harder it becomes to stay away. She wants to be touching Nicole all the time, every time.
Rachel clears her throat. "You do make The Notebook look bleak."
They both smile, turning their attention to their unpaid DJ.
"Back to business!" Rachel sits by their side and shows her phone screen. "There are four playlists. I call them: Drunk in Love, Let's Get That Party Started, Soft Rock for Old People, and Live, Laugh, Love. Each lasts several hours."
Nicole nods, impressed. "I hope there's plenty of throwbacks."
"Yeah yeah," Rachel waves. "Plenty of the 90s and 2000s for old people do their old people dances." Her face turns very serious. "No Macarena. I have standards."
Waverly smiles.
They decide to get ready at Nicole's because they need a moment.
Waverly leaves the bathroom in a tight, golden dress that doesn't quite reach half her thighs.
Nicole, sitting on the edge of the bed, puts her phone aside. "Nedley says everything's going well and we should—" She looks at Waverly and stops dead in her tracks. "Oh. Baby."
"We should?" Waverly takes a few steps towards her high heels, putting her earring on.
"Baby." Is Nicole... breathless? Waverly turns to look at her future wife in slack pants and dress shirt still undone, sexy lace lingerie. A vision.
Nicole's lips part open, chest rising and falling quickly. "You're a vision."
Waverly dismisses her with a wave and a smile, face turning hot. "I haven't even finished my makeup."
Nicole gets very close, very fast. "We're going to be late."
We still have half an hour, and we're almost ready—" Waverly frowns.
Nicole pushes her against the dresser, bodies in full contact, lips grazing Waverly's. "We're going to be late," she says, voice dropping an octave, hand on the back of Waverly's neck.
Waverly's breath catches on her throat.
She places one hand on Nicole's chest, licking her lips. "Nicole..."
"You're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen." She grabs the back of Waverly's thighs, and soon Waverly is sitting on the dresser, legs spread open. "I need to have a taste." She joins their lips in a slow, wet kiss. "I promise I won't ruin your makeup too much."
Heart pounding wild, Waverly lets out a shaky breath. "Take off your shirt. I wouldn't want it to get wrinkled."
Nicole obeys.
Waverly and Nicole walk into Shorty's, arms linked and sway on their hips. A pair of retired demon bartenders offer champagne, and they each take one.
The crew cleaned up the place nicely for the rehearsal dinner. There's a giant table in the middle of the room, candles all around, soft music playing on the speakers.
This is where it all began. This is where they would come together as a family before the big day.
They take their seats, Nicole's arm resting on the back of Waverly's chair. Her shirt is two buttons open too sexy.
Waverly stares like she hasn't spent the last hour kissing, biting, and licking those wonderful assets. Can anyone tell Waverly came two times in Nicole's car before arriving?
Wynonna looks at them with a very particular smile, eyebrows wobbling.
Yes, they can.
Nedley raises his glass. "Let the feast begin!"
The bartenders arrive in a choreography of endless drinks and trays of food.
It's lovely, and Waverly's heart could explode.
Belly full, head dizzy, Waverly looks at Nicole, who's talking to Wynonna like old pals.
She lays her head on Nicole's shoulder and her very nearly wife turns to kiss Waverly's head before returning to the conversation.
How did she manage to find someone like this? How does someone get that lucky?
Doc stands up, charming in his modern cowboy look. He clinks his glass. "It's time for a toast." Oh, man. Everyone falls silent, eyes darting between Doc and the couple. 
"Waverly, you're sweet as a summer peach. You're the heart of this ragged group of outsiders." A lengthy round of claps. "Nicole, you have some gut. You're not afraid to stand up for creatures much stronger than you and fifteen times as dangerous. You could have a quiet life, and still, you chose us. You're out of your mind."
They laugh and toast together. "To insanity!"
Nedley clears his throat. All eyes go to him. "Nicole, I'm so proud of the woman you've become and the family you made for yourself." He says it slow, gentle, measuring his words. "Waverly, you found yourself a good one. Every bit good and sweet as you are. You both deserve all the happiness in the world. Marriage is a wild ride and life can be tough: good luck."
Waverly nods and toasts with him, holding back tears.
"I made, uh, a quick chat about—" Jeremy begins before Wynonna boos and throws a grape in his direction. "Tough crowd," he says, standing up and getting a laugh out of most people. "Seriously, though. As the wedding planner, social media manager, and chapel coordinator..." He pauses and looks around. "Which are three of the most important jobs," he raises a finger and ignores Doc's huffing by his side. "Thank you for letting me live vicariously through you both. You are the gay unicorns. Thank you for not dying, several times."
Another toast! Can Waverly even hold this much alcohol? She giggles.
Wynonna stands up: tight black dress, plenty of cleavage and gun strapped to her thigh and whiskey on her hand. "Nicole, thank you for making my baby sister happy." She locks eyes with Waverly, so soft and content. Waverly smiles and squeezes Nicole's arm. "We've been to hell and back. We learned to like each other, even though you're a goody-two-shoes who fucked my sister on every surface available on my house." The whole table laughs; Waverly hides her face on the crook of Nicole's neck. "Oh yes, Sheriff, I know. I wish I didn't. One more reason I need therapy." More laughs. She raises her glass. "Thank you for putting up with us."
The bartenders serve their shots. "To sound insulation!" Wynonna shouts.
Waverly downs her drink, feeling it burn on the back of her throat. Oh, Nicole will have to carry her home if they keep this up.
Downing two shots in close succession, Wynonna looks at Rachel and gestures with her head.
The girl gets up from her seat, orange juice on a champagne glass. "Marriage is totally a failed institution, but—" She fidgets with her dress. "If anyone can make it work, it's the two of you. It's gross, really." She gets a thunderous laugh from the others and gives a small smile. "To lesbian moms!"
Nicole raises her champagne glass.
Gunshots and people screaming.
Of course.
Wynonna, Doc, and Nicole jump immediately, retrieving their guns as they out the bar.
Waverly huffs, reflexes slow, and no gun anywhere near.
"Stop right there!" She can hear Nicole scream, already outside.
When she gets to the action, four demons are trying to rob a store. Great. Talk about trusting Rosita.
Nicole points Peacemaker at them. "If I were you, I'd listen to the Sheriff."
They growl, posture wobbly as if drunk or drugged on something. "Can't a demon have some fun in this town?"
A thunder falls, and a deep voice echoes. "What did I say?"
Waverly looks and approaching at a distance: Rosita, red overcoat, and hair flowing in the autumn wind. She's almost floating right above the ground, the definition of power.
"Not today, boys," she orders, with an easy command. "Not tomorrow. And not the day after that." She's already very close. "Is that too much to ask?"
She looks at the humans trapped inside and the doors open. "Get out." The young family scurries away, no questions asked.
She slaps the demons in quick succession. "It's like you can't take a fucking order." They try to fight, but Rosita is quicker, stronger, and doesn't take a single blow.
It's a beautiful one and a half minutes.
Wynonna breaks a smile, gun still pointed at the group. "You go, girlboss."
Rosita rolls her eyes, a high-heeled boot on a demon's throat, a hand on another's throat, as two lie on the floor, passed out. "I'm sorry about the disturbance. You may go back to your festivities."
Waverly feels a bit guilty. Maybe Rosita's not so bad.
"See you tomorrow." Rosita drags the demons back to wherever they came from.
Nicole shrugs and sets her gun back on its holster. "C'mon, baby. Night's still young."
Waverly takes her hand, tripping just a little on the walk back to Shorty’s.
By the end of the night, Nicole does carry her to bed, with a big glass of water and some aspirin. -
Read chapter Two.
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almostafantasia · 7 years
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Wynonna Earp Appreciation Week Day 4: Favourite quote
“You’re part of the family.”
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thegaynerdao3 · 7 years
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Wynonna Earp Appreciation week
Day 2 (favourite brotp) - Wynhaught
Not a lot to say about these two really, they’re awesome and it made me so happy when we got more Wynonna and Nicole moments in S2. Ever since the episode ‘Two-Faced Jack’ I’d been wishing for more and fell in love with their dynamic. Which was then fueled by fan fiction so…..
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list 5 shows that make you feel better and tag 5 people to do the same
I was tagged by @moonlightandromache Thank you Abby, I appreciate it!
I had a surprisingly hard time thinking of shows, cause a lot of the shows I love aren’t something that I watch for feeling better lol. Sense8, Wynonna Earp, and Violet Evergarden are awesome but heavy, ya feel?  Anyway, here are mine comfort shows!
1. Great British Bake Off - I rewatch this a lot when I need a comfort show or if I’m working on a project.  It’s gotten to the point that my dad is so sick of this show, cause how often my mom and I have it on!
2. Haikyuu! - Volleyball anime that has a lot of fun characters and is really fun to watch! You get attached to almost all the teams and then get sad when they lose, but a different team that you like wins, so it evens out! 
3. Julie and the Phantoms - Okay, the premise of the show may be that three 17 year olds die and become ghosts and that the main characters mom just died and made it so she doesn’t want to sing anymore without her but OTHER THAN THAT it is a really feel good show for the most part, with awesome songs/singing, gay rep, and a good storyline!
4. Mythbusters - I love this show.  I watched it all the time and Adam, Jamie, Tory, Kari, and Grant (RIP Grant 😭) were all so fun to watch as they tested, created, and blew up stuff.  
5. Shark Week - Hear me out, I know this isn’t technically a show in itself, BUT I don’t care.  I’ve watched shark week every year since I was around eight and I love sharks and find them super fascinating.  It wasn’t fun when shark week and swimming lessons would coincide way back when, cause then I would be doing dead man’s float, staring up at the sky, absolutely convinced a shark was below me and about to eat me but otherwise, I love it!
Tagging: @scimitar-and-longsword @hiskissstillthrillsme @deepwoundsandfadedscars @oh-ursmari and @themoonwheniamlost (if you want to!)
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ocsxinxpurgatory · 4 years
The Truth (Earl Slater Introductory Drabble)
Series: Wynonna Earp
Disclaimer: Earl and the plot are mine while everything else is borrowed in this work of fan-made fiction off of which no money is made. 
Setting: Season 1 Compliant
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-13 (mentions of past abuse and highly suggested non-consensual cannibalism)
Bobo Del Rey has a heart-to-heart with Earl Slater about his past. The Revenant in question holds nothing back. 
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The Truth “So, will you level with me?”
The question has the male snorting as he flips a burger. “You think I'm gonna have a problem talkin' bout myself? Really?”
“At this point, I've had a long week and I don't even know anymore what to expect from demons.”
“You know I'll be the first to tell you that my death was earned in the scope of the incident. I murdered a man. More than that; I murdered a marshal.”
“Well, that wasn't a smart move.”
Earl presses the patty down against the rack before remarking, “He ended my baby-sister's life being an abusive prick and I tried to go through the proper channels first. No one would even consider something like that. She was a suicide, they said. She'd been having some outbursts and was clearly going south.”
His jaw tightens a moment. “I tried to get her to file complaints but she was too afraid of him at that point. I told her to just come and stay with me and I would handle it but she wasn't willing to risk my safety. There were our other siblings to consider as well. And maybe she was just being too sensitive. Bobo Del Rey, I raised her from a three-year-old after our parents died. She was the baby of the family. And knowing that prick ended her life was unforgivable. So yeah, I tried making a fuss, tried everything that a decent man could do.
And when they flat-out refused to even consider it, I decided it wasn't worth being decent anymore. My two other siblings were happy, healthy, and didn't need me anymore which is why I decided to take matters into my own hands. He approached me first while I was at my butcher shop. I hadn't even planned it out yet but he made the choice for me. I wanted to ignore him, get an idea of what to do. But then he started talkin' 'bout my sister. About the night in question. About how no one was ever going to be able to pin it on him.
And I'll be honest; I got livid. But I still tried for sensible...until he pulled out his gun. Then I will admit it was over. The moment he slipped it from it's sheathe, I reacted without fully thinking about it and buried the meat cleaver I was holding right between his eyes before slamming it in deep with the tenderizer mallet I grabbed with my other hand. The thud he made I'll remember to this day.
It actually took the adrenaline and anger cooling for me to realize I'd just killed him. A marshal. While that had been my end goal; every thought and wish and prayer was in that direction, I hadn't realized how big of a thing this was. So I did the one thing I could; I handle him as a professional butcher and hid the parts in back hoping to get an idea of what to do with them.
Those same parts would be found a week or two later after the investigation started. I didn't even put up much of a fight at that point. It's an awful thing to take someone's life. More so when it's out of rage and hate. That's something that will stick to you no matter what the outerlaying reasons. Taking a life is not a joking matter.” He pauses a moment before remarking, “Though, I have to wonder if anyone who bought from me in that week before they realized I was a murderer, found the meat to taste differently.”
Bobo stills and stares at him before going, “Earl. Earl, you didn't!”
His lips curve into a sneer. “They were complacent in his actions just as much as his marshal friends. They deserved it.” As he watches the other Rev's eyes shift to the meat and he snorts. “Don't even concern yourself, brat. It's beef.”
“You sure?”
He points the spatula at the male. “Don't sass the cook, mister. You know how that ends. And besides, the whole point of me is to keep them from eating people. Not give a reason for doing it more. He was the only one I ever served others. And it wasn't enough for them to be suspicious that they hadn't gotten all the parts of him.” His lips curve. “Suppose it was cruel but again, at the time, I think I was angry enough not to care. Like I said, that was my baby sister. Hell, though, I'd have done it for any of the others, too. You do not mess with what's mine.”
“Hence why you hover and mother-hen everyone to death.”
“Well, you all make it easy because you are so bad at takin' care of yourselves.” He flips the burger again before continuing, “So there you have it. I murdered the bastard who abused my sister and ended her life. And I fed parts of him to the same people who didn't care enough to look into it. Wouldn't have gone so ill, I suppose, if he wasn't a marshal but those types...seemed to think that they were above even God in some places.”
“Please do not ever serve us any of the Revs that annoy you, Earl.”
His lips curve at that and he laughs before remarking, “Now, Del Rey, that would be an insult to good grilling to use bad meat.” He slides the burger to the side. “Was there anything else, you needed?”
“No, just wanted a bit of an idea of who you were under all that.”
“I raised my siblings when an accident took our parents, Del Rey. Those were my family and I was damn protective of them. Until I couldn't be. And at that point, you trust other people to feel the same if not more responsible especially when it comes to marriage. You do not break those vows and still get to claim yourself a good or decent man. You just don't.”
“No,” comes the agreement, “That is very right. Sorry if I dredged up too much of the past.”
“Ain't even that. You can't dredge up what doesn't quiet. Hell likes to remind you of the things that you didn't get or couldn't do, you know. The worst things. I can't really sleep at nights without remembering the sight of her laying like a broken doll. I hope that fucker got a worse version of hell than I did. Hope he was impaled on a pitchfork and slow-roasted.”
“We can only hope that those who wronged us paid but...as we've found out; justice sometimes is never meted out.”
“No, you are right about that,” Earl says before smiling warmly, “but know this, brat; ain't a question I won't answer to put your mind at ease. Ya should know that by now.”
“I'll keep that in mind. Thanks though. For the honesty. And hell, for keeping a leash on some of the more obstinate ones. I appreciate the help.”
“Ain't a problem. I don't mind lookin' after others. Prefer it as it gives me somethin' to do. So don't worry about me none, Bobo Del Rey. I'm on your side.”
“Which is a relief because you have a hell of a talent on the grill.”
“Oh, I know it.”
“And you have a hell of an ego, too.”
He grins at the other Revenant, eyes glinting, “Oh, I know that, too, brat. Now get on outta here and deal with the problem-children. You know they can't be left alone long.”
Bobo groans before muttering, “No, no they can't. Fucking Revenants.”
“Yes, well you are sort of fond of those as it were.”
“Earl, do us both a favor and don't ever tell them that. Then I'll never get rid of them.”
“Problem with that, as I know you are aware of, is we both know they know better.”
The grumbling reply which is nothing complimentary has him chuckling and adding, “Yeah, I know but you signed up for this when you took us all in. But again, I'm here to help so don't hesitate to let me do that. 'Tween us both we should be able to keep idiocies to a minimum. Hopefully.”
“Not sure that's a thing around here. Especially in a town called Purgatory.”
“Optimism then if you're not going to have hope.”
“At this point, I'd rather have whiskey.”
Earl can't help laughing and murmuring, “Don't really blame you there.”
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