#wynonna earp review
ferrarer17 · 12 days
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Not sure who thought it was a fail??? But you can’t please everyone!
(Mild spoilers)
Overall, I thought it was good. We got the relationships we wanted (lovers, sisters, best friends) and the conversations that were needed. Lots of laughs, lots of heart stings and plenty of action.
It wasn’t quite the ending I was hoping for, but the good thing is, it has definitely left the door open for another.
Melanie was amazing as ever, going seamlessly between sarcastic and emotional.
Dom’s progression in themselves was evident and so good to see that Emily allowed it to continue into their character. They are as sassy as ever and very funny. (I lost count of the amount of times they mentioned Nicole’s fingers…)
Doc’s character was a bit confused I thought. He clearly loved Wynonna but he didn’t seem sure of who he was. I felt it meant he didn’t have that spark he normally does.
Kat was adorable as ever and her comedic timing was on point. She was tough, soft, funny and loving and I was happy she still had the ‘little mermaid vibes’.
I will do a much more detailed review soon, I just don’t want to post too many spoilers as there will be so many people who haven’t seen it yet.
If you haven’t, strap in, it’s a great Earper ride!
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girl4music · 15 days
Well. Actually they did give us a bit of a spoiler there.
Not a huge one. But we pretty much assumed that where the show left off and the 90-minute special picked up, the interval was 3 years. The same as in real life. The final episode of the show ended 3 years ago.
18 months (3 weeks and 4 days. I’m so sorry - I had to) is the actual interval. So actually not that long at all.
A year and a half is all the time that has passed since Wynonna and Doc left Purgatory on that motorcycle and WayHaught got married. Only a year and a half.
So we… were all wrong and Emily let us be wrong. 😂
So around the same amount of time that Wynonna, Waverly and Doc were stuck in the garden of Eden for is the same amount of time that lies between SYFY’s Wynonna Earp TV show and Tubi’s 90 minute special.
You heard it from Forever Fangirls Reviews first!
Has that much really changed in that amount of time?
Waverly got a hair cut and a chest tattoo.
That’s about it…. Objectively speaking.
That’s not to say that these characters haven’t grown and evolved in that amount of time internally. But we all know that duration of time isn’t necessarily a factor for that. I mean… “time” itself doesn’t even exist…
What is a factor is experience and how it shapes you. Of course - experience exists. Causation exists. And these characters have definitely been through more than enough to have become whole new people. But I guess we’ll find out for ourselves on Friday the 13th.
Set your calendars, alarm clocks, whatever you got in preparation for ‘Wynonna Earp: Vengeance’ because it’s going to be Earpin’ awesome! Yeehaw! 🤠 ✌️☺️
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poweredbyadhd4life · 5 days
So I watched episode one of Wynonna Earp and I almost stopped watching it entirely. But I looked through some reviews and found that its pretty much unanimous that the piolet episode is the worst episode in the entire series and that it should get better in episode 3-4 and it did. Episode 2 was already tremendously better than episode 1, so I do have hope. Also I got invested in Waverly and Nicole's relationship from their first interaction.
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20 Fic Writer Quesions
First, thank you @singeart and @mytardisisparked for tagging me!. I did a set of these last year and it was fun to see how my answers have changed since then!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
1.6 million and counting!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Trek Voyager
Star Trek Prodigy
Sailor Moon
Harry Potter
Madam Secretary
Ive debated writing SwanQueen for a long time but by the time I had the energy and time to write, I'd lost interest in the show. I might rewatch and come back to it one day...
I have thought about writing Wynonna Earp or Tamora Pierce universe fanfiction but have yet to get an idea that grabs me. I like to find things i want to fix and it's hard when the source material is perfection.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Parent Trap (305)
Sailor Moon H Order of the Phoenix (289)
Sailor Moon H Half Blood Prince (222)
Eden's Deception (167)
Out of Reach (150)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! although if I'm busy or feeling down it can take me a while. Sometimes I forget.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I still think What Even is 3 Minutes takes the cake. Or I'll be Your First if You'll be my Last
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I Heard the Comm on Christmas Morn and Parent Trap
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Unfortunately I've gotten hate on fics since I started writing them... and it's become just something I expect to happen. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it confuses me. Sometimes it makes me sad. It really depends...
The memorable haters:
There was the delightful Fanfiction.net reviewer who got pissed i was "making everybody gay" (that was funny actually). I forget if they were the same person who flamed me when Mcgonagall and Hooch kissed under some mistletoe. I digress. They thought queering up the canon was like sinful or whatever. I was delighted to disagree and make the story even queerer.
Another person cussed me out for magically restraining Sailor Plutos time travel powers so my plot would work and for making her have feelings about it. aparently mad the senshi were not all powerful deus exmachinas who never feel feelings... That one stung. That was the reason I left FFN.
Hate because in Sailor Moon H, Harry Potter was not the main character.
Hate that I made a magic bio baby for the magical lesbians. (I can't have a biobaby with my wife irl, can't I at least let the fantasy girlies have one!)
Hate for including C/7 in a story
...I wouldn't call it hate for the fic but I have had an uncomfortable amount of commenters who hate on Chakotay any time I have him involved with Seven / don't have him grovel to Kathryn / really any time I let him advocate for how he's been hurt... at first comments like this stressed me out because i worried i had not written the character sufficiently sympathetic. But then Parent Trap breached containment and I got enough comments to be able to see I had definitely written the character fine... it was just that some people were always just rooting for a "Chakotay falls over himself to apologize to Janeway for not immediately dating her" storyline that... I'm not sorry 😅 I'm never going to write that. The older I get the more I feel like both of J/C just need therapy! They've been through so much trauma. Their feelings are valid (yes, even for other people).
Parent Trap breaching containment also meant that when I hit an irl rut and couldnt get in the writing headspace for a bit, a bunch of - sincerely, well meaning - fans got into their heads to start a commenting campaign to get me to update. I heard about it and panicked (i had bad experiences that year of getting people who only commented "update soon" and those conversely stressed me out and made me not want to write - I love fic writing for the conversations and community... so it made me feel like readers thought i was just a content vending machine). so just the thought of potentially getting an avalanche of guests, well meaning or not, begging me to update made me lock commenting until the fic was done. I wound up deciding after that that since "update soon" requests were becoming a lot more frequent that I'd consider before posting whether getting them would hurt my ability to finish. So most of the time now if I know a fic is going to reach a bigger potential community, I don't start posting it until it's almost done. That has had some upsides! (Im less dependent on positive feedback for motivation now!) and some downsides (no one comments on my fics with their theories anymore) but on a whole, a good decision.
Immediately after finishing Parent Trap I wrote Fever and got this amazing guest comment from someone who said (paraphrasing cuz i'm too busy to go find it) "Youre better than this. how dare you write this filth. J/C are better than this" that one had me laughing for days. But the comment did prompt me to create a second account later when I wrote a tentacle fic. At the time I worried i'd get a ton of similar flame comments from people who were subscribed to my main for other types of fic... but I am even feeling like that's unnecessary now. I write what I write! Yes, some of it is really dirty, weird smut. I'm not sorry.
Currently any time I post a Threshold AU fic an anon drops into my comments section in order to call me "Sick" and "Deranged"... they make me so sad I don't even make a quippy reply. I just delete them. I write that universe for my own wish fulfillment... Someday (soon, hopefully) I'm gonna have kids. And I am going to have to have conversations with them about who their biological dad is. Why they look like one mom and not the other, whether their non bio family love them even if theyre not blood related. I might have a kid who feels different from everyone else because they're queer or they're neurodivergent or they're some new alienating feeling I am totally unprepared for. and I'll need to help them navigate that.. Writing about hybrid salamander kids getting raised in a blended family is FUN. But more importantly... it helps me practice those situations. It comforts me to know that if the characters can figure this out in the AU then I can figure this out in real life! What the hell is sick and deranged about that!?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I write all sorts of smut. I post the stuff that doesn't totally mortify me once i've gotten out of whatever mood had me writing the smut in the first place.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have exactly two crossovers to my name: Sailor Delta and Sailor Moon H. I think on the basis of word count alone Sailor Moon H (>500,000) is definitely the craziest.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I consider the unlicensed use of the AO3 archive for ChatGPT and similar LLMs theft. (and there are several court cases pending that are also seeking to address whether it is legally theft as it pertains to published fiction and newspapers). The canon creators of the fandoms I write for aren't allowed to make money by using uncredited ideas pulled from my fanfiction (just like I am not allowed to make money from writing fic with their copyrighted settings and characters) and i continue to be apalled that ChatGPT and other LLMs think they can get away with using others copyrighted ideas without permission. Especially that they can take advantage of people who cant profit off their own work.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
No but i would be open to it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Once with @magdalenejaneway, once with @jellybeansarecool and once with @trekflower and all three were fantastic!
Most of what I write for Threshold AU is also increasingly collaborated on a great deal by the AU creators and a few other folks. It's been going for over 2 years now and doing that more and more has enabled us all to drop more references to previous fics and to create a more cohesive body of fic for the AU. in general its just been so fun and fulfilling to make these stories with other people who are as invested in the characters as me and it just fills me with joy. I'm really grateful for you guys.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
On the one hand J/C have inspired over 50 fics, But on the other I have also been loving Sailor Moon and those ships since before I knew what fandom or shipping were. And really the only reason J/C inspire more fic is that all the sailor moon characters got a happy ending.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I never want to give up on a WIP...
but I am in knots about what all to do with Out of Reach.
Out of Reach is a St:Prodigy S1 AU where Chakotay has amnesia and doesn't remember anything from his time on Voyager, all the while he and Kathryn are in a situationship with a baby.
There's two questions I never figured out how to answer: 1. Does he get his memories back. If so, how much and what enables it. and 2: Do he and Kathryn stay together?
On the memories front. saying he never recovers seems unfair to the character. But saying he magically does thanks to 24th century science feels cheap and disrespectful - to the reality of real memory loss and to the plot that built up so much tension around this. Saying he gets back some or more over time is more realistic, but left me uncertain of where exactly to end the story. Tying his retrieval of memories to Kathryn also tied me up in knots. On the one hand they're in love and thats romantic. on the other hand the optics of his recovery totally dependent on one person is icky.
I also found the baby really annoying to have there by the end - I still think he's cuteeee i really do!!! - it's just... he makes the "we should stay together and try to figure this out" answer a bit too convenient 😅. and he complicates Kathryns reluctance to restart their relationship. The more she resists, the more callous she seems (deliberately not trying to patch things up with her kid's father) when i really just want to focus on her fears that Chakotay would be happier without her and that even if they restart their romance, she might lose him again on a future mission. It's ironic because i originally created the baby to ensure she wouldnt just run away from her fears. And now hes contributing to my difficulty ending the fic...
Actually the more I think on it, my real problem is I could write my way out of this, but I cant do it in only one or two chapters and that makes me feel tired. i was sorta hoping to wrap that fic up. 😅🙈
16. What are your writing strengths?
Imagery has always been a strength for me. But i think I'm also getting really good at action scenes too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Only if it was information i wanted the reader to understand but not the POV character.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
W.I.T.C.H way back when I was 15.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Universe to Mend - I even have a few sequel or companion novel ideas to come after it.
This has gone on a while... 😅 - thank you for tagging me and letting me ramble! i'll tag anyone else who wants to answer! have at it.
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haloburns · 2 years
ectoblastfromthepast fanfic review 2022
oh man this was a big writing year. i published more than double what the last eight years on ao3, and i've written probably about an extra 100k that i haven't/cant be published yet. dove into two big phandom events this year (phic phight and invisobang) and wrote almost 90k for each. got burnt out from those and struggled to finish the year strong, but was able to post some stuff in december anyway!
Fic Count: 42 new, 1 carried over Overall Word Count: 369,436 Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Wynonna Earp and Charmed (crossovers with DP), Percy Jackson, and Bones
1. totally worth it
Fandom: Percy Jackson Pairing: Percy/Annabeth (Percabeth) Rating: G Total Word Count: 171 words Completion Date: 03-09-2022 Notes: I wrote this when i was working on fluff practice for ghost light, and a friend of mine asked for this. first and only PJO fic so far, but it's cute and dumb and i like it a lot. this is the shortest thing i wrote this year!
2. it never hurt like this before (and now it's too late to lie)
Fandom: Bones (2005) Pairing: Temperance Brennan & Angela Montenegro Rating: G Total Word Count: 862 words Completion Date: 03-07-2022 Notes: Also a first and only for this fandom. Rewatched the show, and there's an episode where Bones, the MC, sees too much of herself in their case and it kinda fucks her up. She tells her partner, Booth, she loves him. But he's already in a relationship, so he gently turns her down. the episode ends with her leaving and crying, and i wanted her to have some catharsis. the idea stuck with me and i wrote it pretty much in one sitting.
Danny Phantom Works (under the cut because... well... y'all know lmao)
3. when you sneeze so hard you accidentally half-die in front of your boyfriend for the first time
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar (OC) Rating: G Total Word Count: 297 words Completion Date: 05-02-2022 Notes: I was in the midst of allergy season and i was very angry abt it so i took it out on my blorbos lmao my original end fic note: "but no literally im posting this waiting on my inhaler for my allergies by my entire state is trying to kill me. fuck kentucky, fuck maple trees in particular, and fuck myalgic encephalomyelitis 😭 there's so much pollen on my car 😭😭😭"
4. something's not quite right...
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 501 words Completion Date: 10-04-2022 Notes: This is an Ectober prompt fill, and it fills in a chronological gap leading up to my invisobang. I had a lot of fun writing CW's pov and in present tense, something i don't do often.
5. second death by allergy attack
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 1,024 words Completion Date: 10-22-2022 Notes: I promise i wasn't still having allergy issues by this point lmao this is an ancient wip i had that i started back in my early fandom days but never finished. the idea is gone, my notes are incomprehensible, so i cleaned it up and posted what i had! it's a non-au work, one of very few i posted this year
6. sin fransisco (dp x charmed)
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: Teen Total Word Count: 1,107 words Completion Date: Started 06-17-2022, WIP Notes: This fic I started bc I'd been toying with a Charmed/AU crossover for a while (still angling for a buffy one...) and the Charmed episode of the same title proved the perfect opportunity. had to figure shit out and it's been stalled in limbo as more important/deadline sensitive fics came to the forefront. I have another 2k written, but it's not ready for publishing
7. teach me how to fight
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: Teen Total Word Count: 1,206 words Completion Date: 10-05-2022 Notes: Another Ectober prompt fill, this one is a really cute fighting practice between Danny and Teo after the events of Invisobang. Surprisingly stayed very SFW, even though this could easily stray into NSFW territory lmao
8. love at first fight
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom (Pitch Pearl) Rating: G Total Word Count: 1,244 words Completion Date: 09-21-2022 Notes: This is a pitch pearl coffee shop enemies to lovers au that i started with Trance and Emeralds it has been SO MUCH FUN. i love this fic. this is the meet cute in the Perky Beans Cafe AU
9. the last night of sadness (it was clear he couldn't go on)
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 1,441 words Completion Date: 10-06-2022 Notes: JOAN MY BELOVED i wrote this fic for Ectober, it's an outsider POV for my invisobang with an OC i created. she's a medium that isn't aware of that, and she and danny become friends later on. it's very good and emotional, and the writing style was a lot more fun to mess around with in something that wasn't majorly important to the AU but still fun to write
10. one... two... wait, how many are there?
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: G Total Word Count: 1,608 words Completion Date: 04-30-2022 Notes: PHIC PHIGHT BABEY. i woke up on the last day of phight with this idea in my head. it's little, and it's mostly just filler in around the series, but i love it so much. dan is babey
11. walk the white line at midnight (dp x wynonna earp)
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom (Pitch Pearl) Rating: G Total Word Count: 1,667 words Completion Date: 09-10-2022 Notes: another pitch pearl fic based on my favorite other show wynonna earp. danny is wynonna, and phantom is doc holliday. i want to do more with this au but it takes time to translate it and mix the two
12. you’re the best thing to happen to me
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: G Total Word Count: 1,780 words Completion Date: 11-22-2022 Notes: i wrote this as a tumblr prompt i think a year before i published this as fluff practice. then i realized i could actually make it fit properly in the au and brushed it off and dusted it up so it was suitable for the AU. it's very cute
13. hold onto me
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: G Total Word Count: 1,793 words Completion Date: 10-02-2022 Notes: this is a shiptember prompt and it was basically an excuse to write danny taking care of mateo. i write a lot of mateo taking care of danny, and i decided it was time to turn the tables.
14. with every sin, i still wanna be holy
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 1,926 words Completion Date: 12-16-2022 Notes: This one is a set of notes, no actual prose, that Dan sends to the people he wants to make amends to. It also has pictures on the notes that I've drawn in addition to the writing
15. by all means i'm gettin' mad (that don't mean i don't feel sorry for you)
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 2,288 words Completion Date: 10-10-2022 Notes: Another Dan fic, where Danny goes to talk to him about his sentence post-invisobang, and the tenuous relationship they start to build. I loved writing this one, I love Dan 💖
16. feed the boy (like and subscribe!)
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 2,663 words Completion Date: 04-21-2022 Notes: Phic Phight! Danny has to eat fear, and they find a fun way to do it. Involves pranking Wes and teenage shenanigans, which are always the best
17. my resistance was once much stronger (i can't go on like this much longer)
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: G Total Word Count: 2,694 words Completion Date: Started 10-23-2022, WIP Notes: this is one of the last pieces for the "this is the road to ruin" arc, the last big one. i'm very very excited to finish this
18. heaven's grief brings hell's reign
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo AguilarRating: T (eventually E) Total Word Count: 2,860 words Completion Date: Started 09-25-2022, WIP Notes: This fic has been fighting me forever, I wanted to finish it before the year was up but I did not. It's the smut. Soft smut is not my forte apparently
19. see the lightning in your eyes
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 2,964 words Completion Date: 04-27-2022 Notes: a phic phight prompt i LOVE. lost time my beloved 💖
20. you better promise me i'll be back in time
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 2,990 words Completion Date: Started 04-27-2022, WIP Notes: another phic phight, and this is one i'm so eager to continue. i've started chapter two, i just haven't finished it yet!
21. morning adrenaline rush
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 3,397 words Completion Date: 09-05-2022 Notes: A continuation of "i'm not okay (i promise)" that didn't fit in the story but I wanted to tell so badly
22. i tried hard to make it inside your arms alive
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 4,050 words Completion Date: 10-14-2022 Notes: ohhhhhh this one is so good. it's mateo's pov of what happens in "this is the road to ruin" at the end and... man. it's hard. it's very emo and i love it. good angst.
23. does anyone in this house knock?!
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 4,156 words Completion Date: 04-21-2022 Notes: a lovely Good Fenton Parents fic post-reveal from Phic Phight. i love this fic so much. the first one is soft and sad and sweet, and the second one is funny and sweet
24. new kinds of firsts
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 4,387 words Completion Date: 09-27-2022 Notes: Writing Danny and Mateo's first date after everything theyve been through was so much fucking fun. They're so cute and stupid, i love them
25. decaf to fenton, we have a problem
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: G Total Word Count: 4,599 words Completion Date: 04-30-2022 Notes: I recently reread this fic from Phight and oh man. oh man it's good. and so funny.
26. sore loser
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: E Total Word Count: 5,024 words Completion Date: 09-30-2022 Notes: this is purely indulgent smut with zero plot whatsoever. i'm very proud of it. it's the first kinky thing i've posted which took a lot of courage. i worked on it for months before finally posting
27. four years, that's all you've got to endure
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 5,118 words Completion Date: 02-12-2022 Notes: Swore to the gods I wrote this in 2021... turns out i did not! i want to do more high school shenanigans with danny and the gang, but i gotta think up some first...
28. slip through my fingers
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom (Pitch Pearl) Rating: G Total Word Count: 6,356 words Completion Date: 11-20-2022 Notes: part three of the coffee shop au!! i love this one so much. the chase??? gods, i love that trope. i really need to finish the next part of this...
29. a christmas surprise
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 6,447 words Completion Date: Started 12-26-2022, WIPNotes: I am literally the worst at finishing holiday fics on time. a hallmark ghost light au i have YET to complete.
30. in the shadow of your heart
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 6,609 words Completion Date: Started 06-18-2022, WIP Notes: This is a self-indulgent Atlantis au i have also yet to finish. me?? starting fics i never finish??? neverrrr
31. when the nightmare fades
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T 2022 Word Count: 6,105 words Total Word Count: 7,014 words Completion Date: 05-26-2022 Notes: I started this way back in like. november of '21, when i started the series. but it took me six more months for canon to catch up so i could finish it. and the last three chapters changed so drastically from beginning to end... man. it feels like it took forever, but i really only took six months??? wild
32. longer than the song of the whippoorwill
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: E Total Word Count: 7,244 words Completion Date: 07-27-2022 Notes: this is the first smut of the series!! my favorite bookmark comment on the series actually relates to this one. its something like "the tags say there is pornfic. i do not see it. maybe ao3 is bugging. EDIT 7/27: FOUND IT!" it cracks me up every time. do they enjoy the pornfic or are they enraged??? i will never know also it's got actual plot in it so i was more comfortable posting it first than say... sore loser that has 0 plot and is literally just smutty
33. nine and a half lives
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: G Total Word Count: 8,804 words Completion Date: 04-18-2022 Notes: THIS IS MY FAVORITE PHIC PHIGHT PROMPT EVER. KITTEN!DANNY. WHOEVER CAME UP WITH THAT (wait i thInk it was catmiint. my beloved.) IS THE BEST. IT ALSO HAS DOOFENSCHMIRTZ IN IT BECAUSE I COULDNT HELP MYSELF (yes u read that correctly. THAT doofenschmirtz)
34. against doctor's orders
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 9,976 words Completion Date: 07-14-2022 Notes: I also really love this one. kinda plot-adjacent but mostly Relationship Stuff, talking and smooching. it's great. i get to flesh out my other OCs too which is fun
35. i fought you for so long (i should have let you in)
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Valerie Gray Rating: G Total Word Count: 11,740 words Completion Date: 04-07-2022 Notes: What's this?! a gray ghost fic?! yeah, its a phic phight prompt and i love it. its got some great textures, and it was a lot of fun to write in val's pov for a little bit
36. such a big, big world (and only the tools to deal with a tiny portion of it)
Pairing: None (hints at Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: G Total Word Count: 11,809 words Completion Date: 04-30-2022 Notes: big thanks to bib again for this title, it's literally one of my favorites. this whole thing is great, it's mostly the OCs talking about danny and his weirdness in the early school months. did i use phic phight to flesh out my au a little more?? yes, yes i did (and i'm sure annoyed people endlessly. oh well.)
37. hey, dad, look at me, did i grow up according to plan?
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 11,847 words Completion Date: 04-18-2022 Notes: good (learning) parents fenton!! this follows immediately after my version of phantom planet where danny only reveals himself to his parents, and this is their reactions. the kitchen chapter is my favorite.
38. wait til the day you finally see (i've been here waiting patiently)
Pairing: Danny Fenton/OC Tony, Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 11,958 words Completion Date: 10-23-2022 Notes: *vibrates out of my chair* this one is a whim fic (yes almost all 12k) bc of a weird throwaway line in an earlier fic and i couldnt help but make mateo a little jealous of tony. and then proceed to write 12, angsty, angsty k about it. that last chapter is so fucking good, yall can thank dream_trance for that one. its one of his ideas given extra spicy life
39. and they were history project partners
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 17,278 words Completion Date: 04-30-2022 Notes: (i finished so many phics 4-30...) Dunno what it was about phic phight but I think i wrote two wes-related fics??? i either wrote Srs fics or Meme Fics, it seems. (wes is always a meme) but this one is one of my best. i also have a UFS version planned for. eventually. maybe.
40. quit telling everyone i'm (permanently) dead!
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: M Total Word Count: 23,607 words Completion Date: Started , WIP Notes: I AM SO MAD I DIDN'T FINISH THIS ONE BEFORE THE END OF THE YEAR. listen. i worked my ass off. but then the boys decided on drama, and then i went back to work.... i'm almost done though. only an extra 6k hanging around........ :sob:
41. it's just another day without you (and i can't sleep)
Pairing: eventual Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 37,175 words Completion Date: 01-29-2022 Notes: i'm SUPER proud of this one, especially because i fucked around with narrative stuff, but i think its too subtle to be noticeable... still love it tho.
42. i'm not okay (i promise)
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 38,838 words Completion Date: 05-08-2022 Notes: another proud baby. the culmination (kind of) of months of planning and many, many rewrites. i think i was working on this one in tandem with phic phight, actually...
43. this is the road to ruin (and we started at the end)
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: M Total Word Count: 88,917 words Completion Date: Notes: …my four biggest works can literally be summed up "i cause danny and mateo excessive amounts of angst and pain for fun." MY INVISOBANG. MY BELOVED. LOOK AT IT. I SPENT ALMOST NINE MONTHS ON THIS FUCKER. IT IS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER WRITTEN. I CAN SCREAM ABOUT THIS FOREVER. LOOK AT THAT WORD COUNT. literally one of the first fics i thought of for the au, and i posted it over a year later. (got the idea in sept. '21, i finished publishing like... two days shy of an exact year.)
Man... this last year was a WILD writing year. and this is just what i published. y'all should see my wips.
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ao3-feedwayhaught · 2 years
Biscuits & Bourbon
by JM0525
Nicole Haught is the executive chef and owner of La Rivière Fantôme, Purgatory’s premier destination for classic French cuisine. She’s also a female badass inside and outside the kitchen.
Waverly Earp is the harshest food critic in town—a name feared throughout the kitchens of Purgatory. To foodies, her word is gospel. She can build or destroy a restaurant's reputation faster than Gordon Ramsay can fillet a ten-pound fish.
What kind of review will Waverly give Chef Haught after dropping in for dinner? Will she sing her praises or advise her readers to steer clear?
Words: 2068, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Wynonna Earp (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Nicole Haught, Waverly Earp, Shae Pressman, Rosita Bustillos, Eliza Shapiro, Jeremy Chetri
Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Nicole Haught & Shae Pressman
Additional Tags: Nicole is a chef, Waverly is a food critic, Enemies to Lovers, More tags to be added
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45901078
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wayhaughtao3feed · 2 years
Biscuits & Bourbon
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/02j84F1
by JM0525
Nicole Haught is the executive chef and owner of La Rivière Fantôme, Purgatory’s premier destination for classic French cuisine. She’s also a female badass inside and outside the kitchen.
Waverly Earp is the harshest food critic in town—a name feared throughout the kitchens of Purgatory. To foodies, her word is gospel. She can build or destroy a restaurant's reputation faster than Gordon Ramsay can fillet a ten-pound fish.
What kind of review will Waverly give Chef Haught after dropping in for dinner? Will she sing her praises or advise her readers to steer clear?
Words: 2066, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Wynonna Earp (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Nicole Haught, Waverly Earp, Shae Pressman, Rosita Bustillos, Eliza Shapiro, Jeremy Chetri
Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Nicole Haught & Shae Pressman
Additional Tags: Nicole is a chef, Waverly is a food critic, Enemies to Lovers, More tags to be added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/02j84F1
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, February 22
Xander: Do you think she's gonna be okay in here? Cordelia: (pacing) I don't know, Lysette got her nose done here, and she came in looking for the Gwyneth Paltrow, and it looked more like the Mr. Potatohead. Xander: Cordy... Willow: Buffy's not here for cosmetic surgery. Cordelia: No, but while she's in here, she might as well get that thing done. Willow gives Xander a look. Cordelia: You know, that thing on her face? (faces them) You know that thing.
~~~Killed by Death~
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor. Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Sweets For The Sweet by badly_knitted (Buffy, Angel, PG)
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Team Buffy by apachefirecat (Spike/Buffy, Dawn, PG/K+)
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A New Life Sentence by ifonlyiwaswittier (Buffy & Giles, G)
Someplace to Be by Rossi (Tara, Anya, G)
Comfort Food by Rossi (Joyce, G)
Agent and Mr. Miller by calikocat (NCIS crossover, Xander/Graham Miller, T)
Double Double, Toil and Trouble by Rossi (Tara/Willow, G)
i wanna feel (i know you can show me) by ElasticElla (Cordelia/Vampire Willow, T)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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say you're out of time - Chapter 1 by Evil_irish_batman (Spike/Drusilla, Tara/Willow, T)
Into Purgatory - Chapter 1 by Rutkowski (Wynonna Earp crossover, Willow, T)
Nights Like This - Chapter 1 by ashcrashed (Buffy/Spike, E)
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Bleeding Poetry, Ch. 66 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
What Lies Within, Ch. 31 by cawthraven (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Colonial Bride, Ch. 13 by Feanix88 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
I've Got Soul (But I'm Not A Soldier), Ch. 2 by almondcat (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Sculpture of Dance, Ch. 2 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Bleeding Poetry, Ch. 66 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Colonial Bride, Ch. 13 by Feanix88 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Digimon AU artwork by frolis-maneuver (Spike, worksafe)
Multifandom: weird white dude alignment chart by j-goffik (includes Giles, worksafe)
Vid: the saddest vampire family on earth by pomodorinoblu (Angel/Darla & Connor, worksafe)
Season 5 icons by seriesluticons (Buffy, worksafe)
Gifset: ATS | “Birthday” (3.11) + Taylor Swift by someonefantastic (Cordelia, worksafe)
Playlist: mini skirts, stakes, scrunchies, bruises by birds-nest-trinkets ()
Playlist: The Vampire With a Soul by birds-nest-trinkets ()
Embroidery: Sunnydale High and Buffy by stakeswandsandcoffee (worksafe)
Embroidery: Buffy by stakeswandsandcoffee (worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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"In Every Generation" by Kendare Blake - by tarbalien
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5.09 Harm's Way | Angel on Top
Pop Culture Role Call: Implied Chair - Angel S04E05 - Supersymmetry
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Book recommendations (nonfiction) requested by Dry-Dragonfruit5216
[Fandom Discussions]
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Polls: Buffyverse Characters Tournament Round 1 Part 2 by all-seeing-ifer
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What was the message in "Ted"? (cont'd) by multiple people
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Watching season 5 with someone who's never seen it before is a lot of fun! by BitOfACraic
Who was the best surprise duo? by GoblinQueenForever
Poll: I watch Buffy mainly for the… by GamesterOfTriskelion
Spike’s line in “Pangs” translated for subtitles. by goldenhoneyheart
Which character do you relate to the least? by Johnnystation
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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James Masters and Charisma Carpenter zoom event via Al_to_Zi
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
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geekvibesnation · 6 days
0 notes
moviesglam · 9 days
‘Wynonna Earp: Vengeance’ Review: Tubi’s Scrappy Movie Sequel Leaves the Door Open for More
0 notes
tvsotherworlds · 10 days
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girl4music · 1 month
“My hands are good with a cock.”
Never ever put a muzzle on Melanie 😂😭👌
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mklopez · 16 days
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jimmyaquino · 8 months
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Comic News Insider Episode 1483 - My CNI Valentine!
Comic News Insider: Episode 1483 is now available for free download! Click on the link or follow on Spotify/subscribe on iTunes!
Reviews: Godzilla Valentine's Day Special #1, Star Wars: Mace Windu #1, Thundercats Vol 3 #1, Halo season 2
A quickie episode for you! Thanks to reviewers Melissa, Marta and Jon! Always so insightful and informative in their reviews. Jimmy gives Emily the week off and tries the news himself which includes: Garth Ennis returns to Marvel Comics, Funimation is closing down, SyFy's WYNONNA EARP is returning with a 90-minute special and more. And as usual, Jimmy has great recommendations to pick out in the Top 3!
Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!
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spoilertv · 1 year
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barikiwi · 2 years
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I posted 2,527 times in 2022
That's 1,430 more posts than 2021!
13 posts created (1%)
2,514 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 387 of my posts in 2022
#are queue with me - 77 posts
#warrior nun - 19 posts
#the locked tomb - 18 posts
#cats - 13 posts
#ofmd - 7 posts
#our flag means death - 7 posts
#avatrice - 7 posts
#nona the ninth - 7 posts
#ava silva - 6 posts
#gideon the ninth - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#i can’t ever remember the order but i can orient myself in space as long as i’ve seen either the sun or the stars in said location
My Top Posts in 2022:
Finished Nona the Ninth.. y’all… y’all ain’t ready
9 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
I’m going to be trying to get my grubby little hands on the Nona The Ninth ARC this weekend.. they are only giving away 50 copies. Oh in the name of the emperor undying pls keep my efforts in ur thoughts I will cry if I get it.
13 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
Not John giving his lyctors epithets based on their cavalier and Ianthe’s epithet is the Saint of Awe. she’s gonna try to make her lyctorhood with Coronabeth instead of Babs. I don’t know if it will be a perfect one. I hope it will be.
I just have so many.. feelings about this.
23 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
If any of y’all care about queer representation in media, you need to watch warrior nun ASAP. Second season just dropped, we need views to get a S3.
Badass Nuns who fight demons?? A queer love story that feels ~real~ and authentic?? Everyone is hot?? If any of those things strike ur fancy, Warrior Nun is the show for YOU.
Someone described it as the tone of killing eve, but the vibe of Wynonna Earp and Buffy. This is entirely correct. It’s got just the right amount of playing it seriously when the concept itself is very camp. The cinematography and fight choreography is nuts. The pacing in S2 is much better than s1, but both are very good. It’s heartbreaking and fulfilling all in one.
And on top of everything else, the team behind the show listened to the fans who wanted queer rep. The show runner said “bet” when the fans picked up on the chemistry between Ava (the warrior nun) and Beatrice (a sister warrior), and he sped run every goddamn fanfic trope you can think of in S2 to make it happen. There was only one bed, jealousy, running away with each other, one fell first but the other fell harder, just to name a few. There is even straightbaiting.
All in all, please watch this show, we need you. Netflix likes to cancel shows with queer women at the forefront, and we cannot afford to lose one of the best queer love stories on TV to their homophobia. And there was a slight cliffhanger and I desperately need to see how it plays out.
41 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My brain since finishing OFMD:
Olu and Jim and Olu and Jim and Olu and Jim and Olu and Jim and Olu and Jim and Olu and Jim and Olu and Jim and Olu and Jim and Olu and Jim and Olu and Jim and Olu and Jim and Olu and Jim and Olu and Jim and
43 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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