dracoyoflam · 4 years
WYW Chapter 2: Trying New Things
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Ron sat at the kitchen table of the Burrow, his fingers entwined around a now cold mug of tea. The thoughts were buzzing round his brain so fast he couldn’t make heads or tails of them. All he could do was repeat the words ‘Ron, I’m pregnant’ in his head, and watch it coming from his sister's perfectly soft pink lips, and he hit himself on the head as he thought the last.
He had been sitting there for hours, just watching the steam float off the tea then disappear as the substance cooled. “What’s wrong with me?” he whispered to himself, flicking a fiery red strand of hair from his eyes. It was only a dream, nay, nightmare. But what could have possibly brought it on? She was his sister. He dwelled on the thought for a few seconds before rising from his chair in frustration and upturning the table while letting out an angry roar. Was he angry at his nightmare, or the fact that he was beginning to wish she wasn't his sister? “Ron?” an all too familiar voice asked from the bottom of the staircase. Ron froze to the spot for a moment. Feeling his hands becoming clammy, he decided to get out as fast as he could. He looked towards her through the hair that had fallen across his face. “Erm…erm-I’vegottogo.” He had said it so quickly Ginny had nearly missed it. She was about to ask him what was going on when he had grabbed his coat from the hook and dashed out the door, waving his wand as he went so the table stood back up on all four legs. “What the?” She stared after him; he never normally did something like that unless he was really frustrated with something or someone. And she guessed that it was her because he didn’t look at her, which was strange. And for some bizarre reason, it really cut her. “What have I done?” she muttered. Ginny Weasley could tell something was bothering her brother, and because it was causing him to not even look at her, she was going to find out what. ********************************** A week later Draco took Hermione to a club in downtown London. Inside the club there were people dancing on a dimly lit dance floor while others were at the bar chatting and drinking butterbeer. The lights were flashing fast with lots of colors, which occasionally revealed the hiding couples in corner booths. Hermione noticed that some of the booths had closed curtains, which, even though she would never admit it, made her a little curious. Draco was wearing a light blue silk shirt that clung to all of the right places showing off his muscular body. He was wearing expensive jeans that hung nicely from his hips. Hermione noticed while looking around that Draco's beautiful grey eyes were sparkling in the lights when they managed to shine on them. His hair hung loosely onto his face, but somehow it still looked as if he had spent hours to get it right. After noticing all of these things, Hermione suddenly felt very out of place. She was wearing a pair of stained jeans that hung very loose on her legs and a high neck black shirt that she would have worn to work. Her hair was up in a messy bun, being held in place by a pencil from her office. She started to feel very self conscious and wanted to leave immediately. Draco turned and pressed his mouth to her ear, and she felt a shiver go up her spine as he spoke, “Would you like something to drink?” She shook her head still looking around. “Would you care to dance then?” She shook her head again, and he sighed while taking her hand and forcing her to follow him onto the dance floor where a fast paced song just started to play. Draco pulled her to the centre of the floor and started dancing around her. Hermione stood there and started to shout to Draco, “I know this song! It's by Paramore. I love this band!” Draco stepped in front of Hermione and put his index finger to her lips. “Shhh, no talking, just dancing.” Hermione wasn't sure what she should do because she was very uncomfortable, and the odd contact from Draco made her feel even more out of place. Draco pulled his hand away and started to dance again. Hermione decided that the sooner she obliged, the sooner she could go home and read. She started to awkwardly move her arms in a circle like she was stirring a large pot. Draco smirked to himself and made a mental note, 'I have to teach her how to dance before we come back here. Oh and maybe some new clothes.' Without warning, the fast song moved on to a slow song. Hermione decided that there was no amount of money that could get her to stay on the dark dance floor any longer. As she started to move off of the dance floor Draco laughed a little, grabbed her hand, and turned her towards him. “Where do you think you're going?” he asked, and she blushed. “I don't really know how to dance, obviously.” He just smiled and draped her arms around his neck and put his hands on her hips. When he did this she backed away quickly and looked at him with a shocked expression on her face. “What are you doing?” “Dancing, of course.” He then grabbed her by the hips again and started to try to lead her around the dance floor. Hermione blushed brightly every time she tripped over her own feet but luckily Draco was experienced and strong enough to make it look almost unnoticeable. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ The next day Hermione and Ginny were shopping together in Diagon Alley at the newest clothing store. Hermione was currently in a dressing booth feeling very unsure of herself as Ginny was standing outside the booth talking to her. “I'm so glad that I finally got you out to get new clothes. I can't wait to see you in clothes that are actually in style.” “Hey, I'm stylish in my own way; I don't have to be like everyone else to be interesting.” Ginny rolled her eyes and prepared for another argument with Hermione about looks. “Hermione, we all know how interesting you are--there's no question there. I just want you to be able to look stylish every now and then. Is that so bad?” Hermione paused and quickly thought back on last night with Draco. “Okay. I'll try on the clothes and see where it goes from there.” Ginny's eyes almost popped out of her head, and she had to ask Hermione to repeat herself. Never in a million years did Ginny think that Hermione would actually agree to try something trendy. Hermione then walked out of the booth wearing a blue jean mini-skirt and a black corset with blue strings. "What do you think?" She asked pulling on the skirt trying to wish it longer. "I think it looks great. Now, stop tugging on the skirt," Ginny said swatting at her hands. "I don't know. I feel really weird." Hermione wrapped her arms around her body and started to slowly inch towards the booth to change back into her 'normal' clothes again. "Hermione, stop it. You look beautiful, and I think that the next time you see Draco you'll understand why I dragged you in here." Hermione was suddenly very confused and slightly annoyed. "What are you talking about? What does this have to do with Draco?" Ginny just smiled and pushed Hermione back into the changing booth. "Just try on the next outfit." Hermione went more than willingly into the booth but wouldn't give up that easily on the conversation. "No. I want to know what you're talking about." Ginny sighed loudly and decided what the hell. "Fine...” Ginny paused for a moment. "Draco is the one who asked me to bring you here." "What?!" Hermione stopped what she was doing, shocked. "Why would he want you to bring me shopping?" "He wanted to make sure you had something to wear for the next time you two go out, I guess." Ginny giggled imagining the look that Draco would have when he saw Hermione in her new clothes. "What makes you think that we'll go out again? And it wasn't a date. It was just as two friends." Ginny rolled her eyes. "Sure, sure, whatever you say." She heard Hermione grunt a little but noticed that Hermione didn't even try to argue. A few minutes went by, and Ginny was getting a little impatient. "Come on, Hermione! What's taking so long?" "I'm not coming out like this. I can't wear this." A smile lit up Ginny's face when she realized what outfit Hermione was probably wearing and hating. "Come on, just let me see it." The door opened slowly, and Hermione stepped out hesitantly. For a moment Ginny was speechless with her mouth hanging open, making Hermione blush. "That looks.....it's just so......I can't even think of the right word to use. You look fabulous.” Hermione of course wrapped her arms around herself again, but this time, Ginny yanked her arms away. “Ginny! This shirt is so revealing. I can't go out wearing this.” “Hermione, this is the way shirts are supposed to look when you go partying. Can you breathe and move okay?” Hermione took a deep breath and exhaled then she bent forward and back like she was stretching. “Yeah, I can do both, why?” “Then, it's perfect. And you look great. You should wear pink more often. It really works for you.” Hermione simply walked back into the changing booth and closed the door. She turned to look at herself in the full length mirror on the wall. She turned side to side and ran her hands up and down her sides and stomach. 'Well, I guess it does look okay. Besides, I'll only be wearing it in a dark club anyway. No harm in trying it out in public.' With that last thought, Hermione changed and ended up buying more clothes than she had had in her closet for the past four years. She thought this was Ginny's plan all along, so she would never wear her normal clothes again. 'Well, we'll see about that.' So finally, they both left the store, leaving a very happy saleslady.
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choicheukyan · 6 years
Every Hope has 50% to lead you to feel disappointment What is the point being hopeful STUPID THOUGHT SILLY ACTION 
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dracoyoflam · 4 years
What You Want
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Summary: (hiatus) Draco and Hermione work together and he wants her to learn how to have some real fun. (Writing what you request. This is what you want)
Rated: R
Progress: WIP
All chapters will be tagged: what you want, dramione (chapters tagged by number - wyw1, wyw2, etc.)
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