#xahanort deserved a worse death
kaybkay8 · 2 years
It's kind of crazy that I love kingdom hearts. I'm someone who loves stories and character arcs and good plot lines, and I know kingdom hearts has a very weak plot line, but I can't help but love it. I love all the characters, despite a lot of them needing work. The fact that Roxas and Xion came back delights me, despite the little since it makes storywise and how much more powerful the story would be if they couldn't. It doesn't even matter that I see these flaws, because I love it regardless. I have a lot of issues with the changes made, but I still live every second of it. Remind continues to blow me away. Kairi training with aqua has me ready for a side game. Kh2 and birth by sleep are still the most invested I've ever been in a video game. I literally called my brother and vented about kh3 for an hour, but I still enjoy it. The ship in pirates, dashing everywhere, the world of tangled, and of course the best worlds, monsters Inc, and toy box. It doesn't matter that they made the princesses less special by changing their power, or the leaps characters make. The lack of communication between characters doesn't even matter because my emotions are still so strong for these characters and twists. Having to fight dark aqua destroyed me emotionally. I was in shock about Kairis death and didn't believe it for a single second. Terra coming back had me smiling so wide. And the cliffhanger made me realize that yes, the writers can do anything, this series will still have my heart.
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sokaiweek · 5 years
Day One Sokai Week (Quote)
(Day 1)
AN: Decided to participate in Sokai week this year because KH3!!!
“Not one More Second.”
Whenever Sora went on a adventure with his friends, more often than not Donald and Goofy being his constant traveling companions, it would feel like their mission would take months, maybe even years when in actuality it was merely a few weeks. But this one, after the Keyblade War and stopping Xahanort once and for all? Only to have to pay the price for using the power of waking to save all his friends, to save Kairi? It felt like eons.
It had to be only a couple weeks though, it had to be, however with the unending night of Shibuya, it was hard to tell when days passed. It was only now, face down on the ground covered with cuts and bruises with the concrete around him from the half wall he had been thrown through, that he really gave it much thought. He remembered waking up here, a teardrop hitting his hand being what woke him, and wandering the city streets for a solid hour before being attacked.
Ever since then, it was a constant fight.
The Keyblade wielder tried to push himself off the ground, but it was no use, his arms were plain tired from the constant swinging of his blade. But his forehead hit the ground a second later, the sounds of battle echoing in the air as Riku fought against the man in the black cloak. The one who insisted he be called Master, and Sora wasn’t going to lie, the way he had been easily beating him and Riku senseless was proof of that. I just…..can’t, I can’t even hit him. Sora relented internally. It wasn’t a matter of difference in strength it was sheer skill. Every slash was counted, every charge dodged, every move he had, Strike Raid, Ragnarök, Sonic Blade, even his and Riku’s team up attacks were useless.
Gathering what little strength he had left, he pushed himself over onto his side, his right arm stretched out against the ground, there was a deep cut across his wrist that was bleeding, the gauntlet of his new outfit was dangling off his wrists with the straps having come undone. That’s not good…..really wish Donald was here…or anyone really…..except her….. Sora thought sadly.
She was his entire inspiration for getting out of Shibuya, all his friends where of course but Kairi……she was different. Dear god she was different. He thought of her whenever his determination wavered, whenever he was knocked down, her face would come to mind, the way she titled her head with a cute smile and offered him a paopu fruit the day before everything went wrong. She was his light……and it took him far too long o figure that out. Riku was important too, he couldn’t stress that enough to his oldest friend but he understood.
He heard a pained yell of Riku as the ground shook from an impact.
Riku…..he was the last person he expected to come across here, but that wasn’t the case for him. He embraced Sora as though he….well he did die. Right in front of Riku and everyone……in front of Kairi. Holding her hand while he did it. He remembered the tear go down her cheek, God what did you do? You did it again, you abandoned her again……after everything……what is wrong with me? he thought weakly. I remember when I came home the first time after my adventure, my mom….she cried so hard….I can’t remember if it was from joy, sadness, or just….anger…..I wonder if Kairi did that….cursed me for leaving her again….dying because of her.
And not just Kairi, he left everyone, Roxas and Ven, two people who Sora could almost call family with what they three shared. He wished that the three of them could have spent more time together. Donald and Goofy, they were almost like pseudo parents to him, they loved him like a son and he felt that. He wanted to make them proud, he wanted to see the looks on their faces when he returned with his usual beaming smile on his face and just surprise them…….but he knew that they must have wept harder than most for his death.
He was pulled from his thoughts as a bright light suddenly washed over him, when his eyes adjusted to the sudden light he saw it….just a couple dozen feet away. A door to the Light.
He heard boots on the ground walk towards him. The shadow of a tall man passed over his turned over form, “Still alive? Well alive is…..semi-accurate.” he heard the cloaked man say. Sora’s half lidded eye slowly moved to the source of the voice, it was him, the Master of course. Worry began to bubble in his heart, where was Riku? Was he ok? Did he-
A flash of Darkness circled around the Master, Riku appearing from it with his keybalde swinging. The Master ducked his torso back enough to give his hand enough time to reach at Riku’s chest, an blast of dark aura sent Riku flying though the door to light. “He is very, very, persistent. Which can be annoying, but I find it oddly endearing.” the Master mused to himself before his cloaked face returned to Sora. The sky blue irises flickered red for a moment, “You know that’s not going to work, you and your shadow friend tried teaming up and well…..” he did a gesture to Sora.
Sora hated that he was right. His shadow…..Vanitas. Despite his defeat during the Keyblade war, he remained to be a equal part of Sora. At first he was a pest to say the least, but over time….they found a sort of understanding. But still seeing his own face on someone else? It still was an adjustment, but using darkness that Vanitas was able to provide saved his life in the city. Riku had encouraged it with caution, but deep down he knew that Sora would never succumb to darkness.
Get up Sora.
“Don’t feel too bad about it, this has been a long time coming. Literally years, decades in the making! You get trapped here, saving all your friends, and they all scramble to try and save you. But that’s friendship isn’t it? Doing whatever you can for someone whose heart is connected to yours……yeah…..you should be proud Sora.” he admitted sincerely. He turned on his heel and began walking towards the door to light. Passing through the threshold, Sora closed his eyes.
Aqua….Terra…..Ven….Donald…..Goofy….Micky…..Lea….Roxas…..Xion…Namine….Kairi…..I’m so sorry……but I don’t think I’m going to come back. he thought, a tear seeping out of his shut eye. He knew that he was the last one who deserved any pity, he cause them so much pain. He felt it, he dreamed of Kairi mourning him, crying at the small island while his friends tried to console her while dealing with their own grief. He felt terrible about it, he said as much to Riku but he assured him that no one, especially Kairi blamed him. She would blame herself more than him but that honestly made him feel even worse.
Maybe…..maybe it was better this way?
His time here had given him time to reflect, how many times had he almost died? Heck how many times did he actually die and come back somehow? He knew that he wasn’t the most wise of all his friends, and he never would claim to be, but maybe…this was fate? A balance of the scales, he’s come out of the frying pan and fire so many times now, maybe this is how he gets burned?
Get up Sora!!!
His eye cracked open at the voice, he didn’t know if it was his own internal voice or the small one that echoed from his heart, the one that came to him in moments of doubt. He could see through the doorway, the Master was fighting Riku, the Keybalde Master fighting with everything he had despite his state being only slightly better than Sora’s current one.
Then he saw her.
A blur of pink and black charged at the Master’s back, Destiny’s Embrace in the princess of light’s hands as she brought it down towards the cloaked man’s head, only for him to grab the keyblade and swing her around into Riku. Rage filled Sora, just as when Xahanort had struck her down in front of him he felt a flurry of emotions, anger, sadness, relief, joy, but above all else……fear. He had seen her die once before and that was NOT going to happen again!!
It was her voice, her heart echoing within his, it was her deepest wish…..to come back.
Sora gathered his strength, picking himself up off the ground slowly as the fight continued, he heard Donald call down a Meteor and the howl of Goofy’s battle cry. He was finally back on his own two feet, looking down at the ground he took a few deep breaths, he was in no shape to fight. Ignoring that his legs felt like cement blocks, the fact he could barely hear anything out his left ear, and the cut on his arm was bleeding a lot. He must have looked half dead……which was pretty accurate as to how his current state was.
Looking back at the Door to Light he saw her once again, her bright azure eyes locked on the Master with a fire he never saw before. She was saying something to him but he couldn’t hear it…..but he still knew what she said, “You are not standing between him and us!! We made a promise…..and I’m going to keep it!”
My promise…….right….she’s right. he thought, his feet planted on the ground he lifted himself up into a hunched over standing position. Looking down at his bloody arm, he reached over with his other to the strap of his gauntlet. Grabbing the yellow strap he adjusted it over the cut and pulled it tight, hissing out at the sharp pain radiating out from his arm. I vowed…..we wouldn’t be apart. Not for One More Second. Sora thought, his eyes locking on the door of light before summoning his Keyblade.
Kairi panted as she took a minute to compose herself, “Alright I’ll admit, you have potential.” she looked up from the ground to the man who called himself the Master. She glanced over to Riku on the ground. He wasn’t moving but that was more or less due to exhaustion than his wounds. Looking over to her other side, Donald and Goofy were keeling over, a little bruised up but they were hanging in there. The court mage looked between her and Riku, he was obviously debating who he could cast a Cure to, but she shook her head, she could at the very least hold him off for a few minutes more.
“It’s clear though that you don’t have much experience, well compared to your friend at least. Still though can’t say that’s your fault, I mean old man Sid did send you and the other redhead to train against furniture in a forest.” he mocked, his tone sounding good natured like a friend but only felt like an insult to Kairi. He hadn’t even used a weapon for crying out loud! He was just using his bare hands! She planted her feet firmly, holding her Keyblade pointed up with her hands near her hip, Your form isn’t bad, but if you lift your Keybalde more-oh sorry, sorry, force of habit. My other student would do that all the time.”
She sprung forward, the tip of her blade grazed against the ground before slashing up right before the Master, a arch of light coming out and shooting at the hooded man. He Pivoted to the left where Kairi’s Kayblade jabbed at. Her small victory turned when he presented his palm out to the tip of her weapon and stopped it dead. Her eyes widened at the display, “Nice feint. But you-“ he was suddenly cut off as something came flying at him from behind towards his head.
He jumped over to the side to avoid the attack, the Keybalde flew past Kairi into the ground behind her, turning her head to fallow it her breath caught in her throat. It was Sora’s! Her head whipped back as the blade was summoned back to its owner in a flash of light.
Sora held the grip tight as his trusty weapon materialized within his hand, his gaze locked on the Master’s as for the first time in what felt like decades, light passed over him. He didn’t recognize the world he was at, all he noticed was the rocky terrain with only a few spots of green on the ground with mountains in the distance. “Well, well, well, look who has some fight left in him.” the Master mused as Sora let out something akin to s curt growl.
All the while, Kairi had cased all movement, it was Sora….he was alive…..
His clothes were dirty and torn in a few places, the right side of his face had a series of bruises and a cut above his left eye. His left arm was caked with wet blood, he had bags under his eyes, and his hair was even more frazzled than ever before. She tried to say his name, but it wouldn’t leave her lips. He looked horrible, Riku had been roughed up but Sora was a whole different shade of worse.  Her eyes locked on the Master with fury behind them, And he’s the one who did it! she spat internally before charging at him again, Sora  doing the same.
The Master sighed, “Really?” he asked, ducking beneath Sora’s attack and rolling out of the way of Kairi’s, he held up his hands and created two orbs of darkness, “Look let’s end-“
“Cure!!” Donald shouted out, drawing the Mater’s attention momentarily.
Neither Sora nor Kairi received the blessing, I took a second for him to realize who received it, “Oh crap,” he said dryly before leaping into the air out of Riku’s bombardment of darkness from behind. Sora lunged at him in midair only for him to flip out of the attack way before the Keybalde wielder turned in midair and threw his keybalde at him. “You really think that’ll wor-“ before the Kingdom Key stuck the back of his head, sending him down towards the ground as Kairi came down after him with both her’s and Sora’s blades in her hands.
Raisng her own over her head to plunge it down, Sora summoned his back to him as the Master blocked her finishing blow. Sora’s blade slammed into his back and knocking him into Riku who slashed at the Master’s chest and knocked him away. Looking around he saw that the trio had surrounded him, “Ngh….took you long enough. Finally got me on the ropes.” he said, making the tree look at him in disbelief. “Hey, I’m man enough to admit when I’m cornered……..also to run away.” he said before he began to shimmer away, his hood turned to Sora, he still couldn’t see his face but for a brief second he could make out a lone eye beneath the hood, one he’d seen somewhere before. “Nice work kid.” he applauded before disappearing in front of the three.
The next few seconds were tense, Sora’s eyes darted around, expected a surprise attack as soon as he lowered his guard. But it never came, and when that realization hit him so did everything else. His keybalde disappeared, his vision blurred, his legs gave out, it all happened at once and he fell, but instead of what he expected to be fairly hard ground he was caught in someone’s arm’s.
She choked out a noise that sounded like a garbled version of his name, “S-Sora!” she sobbed out, tears spilling out of her eyes as she held him up as she stood on her knees in front of him. His head was buried in her shoulder, her aroma of coconuts and saltwater, the smell of home, reach his nostrils. He let out a shaky breath, he was back…..he was back…..he was back!!! Lifting his non bloody arm, he placed it on her other shoulder and lifted himself back to get a better look at her.
Her hair was still short like it was after her training, some of it sticking to her sweaty forehead but it still looked beautiful. Her blue orbs looked into his as tears split from his own eyes and choked sob escaped his lips, “I-……I….I’m sorry I-…” he cried out.
She shook her head, “Don’t just……don’t….it’s not your fault….” she sniffled, her hand reaching up to the side of his face and gently laying her palm against the bruised skin. Her other interlocked with his limp arm. She didn’t care in the slightest that it got her hand bloody, he was here, he was safe, that was all that mattered right now.
His forehead dipped forward a little bit, “I…..made a promise…..I…I’m not gonna leave you again….not one more second….I swear…” he said tiredly, his eyes feeling like they were being weighed down by anvils.
He felt Kairi’s forehead touch his own, “I know you won’t.”
Sora slumped against her, his entire body exhausted from the fighting, but he had done it yet again, he made him way back to Kairi. Deep down he knew he would but for the longest time it felt like a pipe dream…..but it was real. He was back.
He came back to her.
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avatarconner · 5 years
Sokai Week 2019 Day 1  (Quote)
(Day 1)
AN: Decided to participate in Sokai week this year because KH3!!!
“Not one More Second.”
Whenever Sora went on a adventure with his friends, more often than not Donald and Goofy being his constant traveling companions, it would feel like their mission would take months, maybe even years when in actuality it was merely a few weeks. But this one, after the Keyblade War and stopping Xahanort once and for all? Only to have to pay the price for using the power of waking to save all his friends, to save Kairi? It felt like eons.
It had to be only a couple weeks though, it had to be, however with the unending night of Shibuya, it was hard to tell when days passed. It was only now, face down on the ground covered with cuts and bruises with the concrete around him from the half wall he had been thrown through, that he really gave it much thought. He remembered waking up here, a teardrop hitting his hand being what woke him, and wandering the city streets for a solid hour before being attacked.
Ever since then, it was a constant fight.
The Keyblade wielder tried to push himself off the ground, but it was no use, his arms were plain tired from the constant swinging of his blade. But his forehead hit the ground a second later, the sounds of battle echoing in the air as Riku fought against the man in the black cloak. The one who insisted he be called Master, and Sora wasn’t going to lie, the way he had been easily beating him and Riku senseless was proof of that. I just…..can’t, I can’t even hit him. Sora relented internally. It wasn’t a matter of difference in strength it was sheer skill. Every slash was counted, every charge dodged, every move he had, Strike Raid, Ragnarök, Sonic Blade, even his and Riku’s team up attacks were useless.
Gathering what little strength he had left, he pushed himself over onto his side, his right arm stretched out against the ground, there was a deep cut across his wrist that was bleeding, the gauntlet of his new outfit was dangling off his wrists with the straps having come undone. That’s not good…..really wish Donald was here…or anyone really…..except her….. Sora thought sadly.
She was his entire inspiration for getting out of Shibuya, all his friends where of course but Kairi……she was different. Dear god she was different. He thought of her whenever his determination wavered, whenever he was knocked down, her face would come to mind, the way she titled her head with a cute smile and offered him a paopu fruit the day before everything went wrong. She was his light……and it took him far too long o figure that out. Riku was important too, he couldn’t stress that enough to his oldest friend but he understood.
He heard a pained yell of Riku as the ground shook from an impact.
Riku…..he was the last person he expected to come across here, but that wasn’t the case for him. He embraced Sora as though he….well he did die. Right in front of Riku and everyone……in front of Kairi. Holding her hand while he did it. He remembered the tear go down her cheek, God what did you do? You did it again, you abandoned her again……after everything……what is wrong with me? he thought weakly. I remember when I came home the first time after my adventure, my mom….she cried so hard….I can’t remember if it was from joy, sadness, or just….anger…..I wonder if Kairi did that….cursed me for leaving her again….dying because of her.
And not just Kairi, he left everyone, Roxas and Ven, two people who Sora could almost call family with what they three shared. He wished that the three of them could have spent more time together. Donald and Goofy, they were almost like pseudo parents to him, they loved him like a son and he felt that. He wanted to make them proud, he wanted to see the looks on their faces when he returned with his usual beaming smile on his face and just surprise them…….but he knew that they must have wept harder than most for his death.
He was pulled from his thoughts as a bright light suddenly washed over him, when his eyes adjusted to the sudden light he saw it….just a couple dozen feet away. A door to the Light.
He heard boots on the ground walk towards him. The shadow of a tall man passed over his turned over form, “Still alive? Well alive is…..semi-accurate.” he heard the cloaked man say. Sora’s half lidded eye slowly moved to the source of the voice, it was him, the Master of course. Worry began to bubble in his heart, where was Riku? Was he ok? Did he-
A flash of Darkness circled around the Master, Riku appearing from it with his keybalde swinging. The Master ducked his torso back enough to give his hand enough time to reach at Riku’s chest, an blast of dark aura sent Riku flying though the door to light. “He is very, very, persistent. Which can be annoying, but I find it oddly endearing.” the Master mused to himself before his cloaked face returned to Sora. The sky blue irises flickered red for a moment, “You know that’s not going to work, you and your shadow friend tried teaming up and well…..” he did a gesture to Sora.
Sora hated that he was right. His shadow…..Vanitas. Despite his defeat during the Keyblade war, he remained to be a equal part of Sora. At first he was a pest to say the least, but over time….they found a sort of understanding. But still seeing his own face on someone else? It still was an adjustment, but using darkness that Vanitas was able to provide saved his life in the city. Riku had encouraged it with caution, but deep down he knew that Sora would never succumb to darkness.
Get up Sora.
“Don’t feel too bad about it, this has been a long time coming. Literally years, decades in the making! You get trapped here, saving all your friends, and they all scramble to try and save you. But that’s friendship isn’t it? Doing whatever you can for someone whose heart is connected to yours……yeah…..you should be proud Sora.” he admitted sincerely. He turned on his heel and began walking towards the door to light. Passing through the threshold, Sora closed his eyes.
Aqua….Terra…..Ven….Donald…..Goofy….Micky…..Lea….Roxas…..Xion…Namine….Kairi…..I’m so sorry……but I don’t think I’m going to come back. he thought, a tear seeping out of his shut eye. He knew that he was the last one who deserved any pity, he cause them so much pain. He felt it, he dreamed of Kairi mourning him, crying at the small island while his friends tried to console her while dealing with their own grief. He felt terrible about it, he said as much to Riku but he assured him that no one, especially Kairi blamed him. She would blame herself more than him but that honestly made him feel even worse.
Maybe…..maybe it was better this way?
His time here had given him time to reflect, how many times had he almost died? Heck how many times did he actually die and come back somehow? He knew that he wasn’t the most wise of all his friends, and he never would claim to be, but maybe…this was fate? A balance of the scales, he’s come out of the frying pan and fire so many times now, maybe this is how he gets burned?
Get up Sora!!!
His eye cracked open at the voice, he didn’t know if it was his own internal voice or the small one that echoed from his heart, the one that came to him in moments of doubt. He could see through the doorway, the Master was fighting Riku, the Keybalde Master fighting with everything he had despite his state being only slightly better than Sora’s current one.
Then he saw her.
A blur of pink and black charged at the Master’s back, Destiny’s Embrace in the princess of light’s hands as she brought it down towards the cloaked man’s head, only for him to grab the keyblade and swing her around into Riku. Rage filled Sora, just as when Xahanort had struck her down in front of him he felt a flurry of emotions, anger, sadness, relief, joy, but above all else……fear. He had seen her die once before and that was NOT going to happen again!!
It was her voice, her heart echoing within his, it was her deepest wish…..to come back.
Sora gathered his strength, picking himself up off the ground slowly as the fight continued, he heard Donald call down a Meteor and the howl of Goofy’s battle cry. He was finally back on his own two feet, looking down at the ground he took a few deep breaths, he was in no shape to fight. Ignoring that his legs felt like cement blocks, the fact he could barely hear anything out his left ear, and the cut on his arm was bleeding a lot. He must have looked half dead……which was pretty accurate as to how his current state was.
Looking back at the Door to Light he saw her once again, her bright azure eyes locked on the Master with a fire he never saw before. She was saying something to him but he couldn’t hear it…..but he still knew what she said, “You are not standing between him and us!! We made a promise…..and I’m going to keep it!”
My promise…….right….she’s right. he thought, his feet planted on the ground he lifted himself up into a hunched over standing position. Looking down at his bloody arm, he reached over with his other to the strap of his gauntlet. Grabbing the yellow strap he adjusted it over the cut and pulled it tight, hissing out at the sharp pain radiating out from his arm. I vowed…..we wouldn’t be apart. Not for One More Second. Sora thought, his eyes locking on the door of light before summoning his Keyblade.
Kairi panted as she took a minute to compose herself, “Alright I’ll admit, you have potential.” she looked up from the ground to the man who called himself the Master. She glanced over to Riku on the ground. He wasn’t moving but that was more or less due to exhaustion than his wounds. Looking over to her other side, Donald and Goofy were keeling over, a little bruised up but they were hanging in there. The court mage looked between her and Riku, he was obviously debating who he could cast a Cure to, but she shook her head, she could at the very least hold him off for a few minutes more.
“It’s clear though that you don’t have much experience, well compared to your friend at least. Still though can’t say that’s your fault, I mean old man Sid did send you and the other redhead to train against furniture in a forest.” he mocked, his tone sounding good natured like a friend but only felt like an insult to Kairi. He hadn’t even used a weapon for crying out loud! He was just using his bare hands! She planted her feet firmly, holding her Keyblade pointed up with her hands near her hip, Your form isn’t bad, but if you lift your Keybalde more-oh sorry, sorry, force of habit. My other student would do that all the time.”
She sprung forward, the tip of her blade grazed against the ground before slashing up right before the Master, a arch of light coming out and shooting at the hooded man. He Pivoted to the left where Kairi’s Kayblade jabbed at. Her small victory turned when he presented his palm out to the tip of her weapon and stopped it dead. Her eyes widened at the display, “Nice feint. But you-“ he was suddenly cut off as something came flying at him from behind towards his head.
He jumped over to the side to avoid the attack, the Keybalde flew past Kairi into the ground behind her, turning her head to fallow it her breath caught in her throat. It was Sora’s! Her head whipped back as the blade was summoned back to its owner in a flash of light.
Sora held the grip tight as his trusty weapon materialized within his hand, his gaze locked on the Master’s as for the first time in what felt like decades, light passed over him. He didn’t recognize the world he was at, all he noticed was the rocky terrain with only a few spots of green on the ground with mountains in the distance. “Well, well, well, look who has some fight left in him.” the Master mused as Sora let out something akin to s curt growl.
All the while, Kairi had cased all movement, it was Sora….he was alive…..
His clothes were dirty and torn in a few places, the right side of his face had a series of bruises and a cut above his left eye. His left arm was caked with wet blood, he had bags under his eyes, and his hair was even more frazzled than ever before. She tried to say his name, but it wouldn’t leave her lips. He looked horrible, Riku had been roughed up but Sora was a whole different shade of worse.  Her eyes locked on the Master with fury behind them, And he’s the one who did it! she spat internally before charging at him again, Sora  doing the same.
The Master sighed, “Really?” he asked, ducking beneath Sora’s attack and rolling out of the way of Kairi’s, he held up his hands and created two orbs of darkness, “Look let’s end-“
“Cure!!” Donald shouted out, drawing the Mater’s attention momentarily.
Neither Sora nor Kairi received the blessing, I took a second for him to realize who received it, “Oh crap,” he said dryly before leaping into the air out of Riku’s bombardment of darkness from behind. Sora lunged at him in midair only for him to flip out of the attack way before the Keybalde wielder turned in midair and threw his keybalde at him. “You really think that’ll wor-“ before the Kingdom Key stuck the back of his head, sending him down towards the ground as Kairi came down after him with both her’s and Sora’s blades in her hands.
Raisng her own over her head to plunge it down, Sora summoned his back to him as the Master blocked her finishing blow. Sora’s blade slammed into his back and knocking him into Riku who slashed at the Master’s chest and knocked him away. Looking around he saw that the trio had surrounded him, “Ngh….took you long enough. Finally got me on the ropes.” he said, making the tree look at him in disbelief. “Hey, I’m man enough to admit when I’m cornered……..also to run away.” he said before he began to shimmer away, his hood turned to Sora, he still couldn’t see his face but for a brief second he could make out a lone eye beneath the hood, one he’d seen somewhere before. “Nice work kid.” he applauded before disappearing in front of the three.
The next few seconds were tense, Sora’s eyes darted around, expected a surprise attack as soon as he lowered his guard. But it never came, and when that realization hit him so did everything else. His keybalde disappeared, his vision blurred, his legs gave out, it all happened at once and he fell, but instead of what he expected to be fairly hard ground he was caught in someone’s arm’s.
She choked out a noise that sounded like a garbled version of his name, “S-Sora!” she sobbed out, tears spilling out of her eyes as she held him up as she stood on her knees in front of him. His head was buried in her shoulder, her aroma of coconuts and saltwater, the smell of home, reach his nostrils. He let out a shaky breath, he was back…..he was back…..he was back!!! Lifting his non bloody arm, he placed it on her other shoulder and lifted himself back to get a better look at her.
Her hair was still short like it was after her training, some of it sticking to her sweaty forehead but it still looked beautiful. Her blue orbs looked into his as tears split from his own eyes and choked sob escaped his lips, “I-……I….I’m sorry I-…” he cried out.
She shook her head, “Don’t just……don’t….it’s not your fault….” she sniffled, her hand reaching up to the side of his face and gently laying her palm against the bruised skin. Her other interlocked with his limp arm. She didn’t care in the slightest that it got her hand bloody, he was here, he was safe, that was all that mattered right now.
His forehead dipped forward a little bit, “I…..made a promise…..I…I’m not gonna leave you again….not one more second….I swear…” he said tiredly, his eyes feeling like they were being weighed down by anvils.
He felt Kairi’s forehead touch his own, “I know you won’t.”
Sora slumped against her, his entire body exhausted from the fighting, but he had done it yet again, he made him way back to Kairi. Deep down he knew he would but for the longest time it felt like a pipe dream…..but it was real. He was back.
He came back to her.
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