ofknowlcdge · 8 months
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( Ten & Arden ) @xchxsingcxrsx
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They breathed hard, god damn it. Arden didn't think the Doctor in reality did anything that bad. In fact they needed to catch up and maybe shouting stop didn't need to be needed. How else were they to get the time lord to pause? He wasn't exatly listening when they asked the first time or they think. It could have been anything. They grimaced at themselves, not the Doctor's fault. Finally looking up, what do you say in this moment anyway?
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yearnstarved · 1 month
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─── ⋆ CLARA FOLLOWED CLOSE BEHIND. She had stealth on her mind but not the type that her heels were getting in the way of. Her entire goal was to not create a stir for him. The streets of Chiswick were more congested than she would've liked. Each of her "excuse me" drowned in the sea of chatter around. When the crowd thinned just enough and she saw her opportunity, she slipped through between a couple. "Pardonpardon," she rattled off in one breath.
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After what seemed like too long, she finally caught up with him. With her hand reached out, she tapped on his shoulder.
( THE 14TH DOCTOR | @xchxsingcxrsx )
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rcxylancelct-mcrtcn · 7 months
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"We're looking for a man called Sebastian Greene. He traces back to 2020. Only recently unearthed, when the Prime Minister’s own assets were swindled.”
Lancelot waited for something—anything—to be shown on the framed projector in Kingsman's meeting hall, any semblance of their target, as the lack of a proper image would prove a difficult start to the mission. So when the screen only showed a generic, written character description, she was stumped; how well would she be able to single-out their target without a) making a mistake or b) wasting so much time?
"Our target is verified to be British, somewhere in the odd 40s to 50s. Reports say they would be a dark-haired man, grey-blue eyes, and is reported to reside here in London."
Still, a lead was a lead, and when the assignment was passed on to her, she needed to make sure of the circumstances.
"Yes, Arthur." Roxanne adjusted from her seat. "Do we have an idea of his whereabouts in the coming fortnight?"
"Negative. But there is a rise of criminal cases in Westminster as of late; the chances of our guy using this to his advantage may be highly likely."
She nodded at Arthur's command and worked for her preparations with Merlin, immediately embarking on her nightly activity of scouting the area for this… generic… British man.
The lack of activity when she began her stake-outs was monotonous enough, almost placing her in a routine walk in a routine street in a routine hour, but in the succeeding evenings she noticed a familiar figure pass by at around the exact same time, every time, so much so that when they failed to pass by at the anticipated hour one night, she grew suspicion. Nobody really walks this part of the street, and, at least one of three indicated characteristics matched. Perhaps something about routine, something subconscious, just makes you pick the odd one out when it presents itself. That and guts… well, it’s not like she had much on her arsenal; she had to make the risk.
With that, she was high on alert, and when the familiar figure finally strolled past her usual path of sight, she went to move, hand gripping the pistol inside her coat, ready to fire at the opportune moment. Roxanne walked in long strides, and, upon turning the corner where she assumed they were alone, cocked the gun and pointed it at them, perhaps enough to have them stop at their tracks.
“I’d stop if I were you,” she called out, already moving their direction.
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nctafraid · 9 months
@xchxsingcxrsx liked for a Travis starter
"12 hours of sleep. That's all I want" Travis complianed as he stood outside his locker, letting his head rest against the side of it for just a moment. "Is that too much to ask?"
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vxidlight · 1 year
@xchxsingcxrsx from Rose for fourteen.
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Rose lay on the ground, her cheek against the pavement. Oh God, I can't move! She thought to herself as her body wouldn't respond to her commands. Her arms wouldn't move underneath her to push her up. Her legs wouldn't shift to help. They simply felt too heavy for her to lift.
Rose lay there. A few moments ago, she was in her kitchen making the breakfast tea when she received an alert from UNIT on her phone about an impending inter-dimensional incursion. She was just getting ready to run to work when this - whatever this was - had happened.
Rose forced herself to lift her head. The pain in her neck and shoulders was almost unbearable but she fought through. Her brown eyes were blurred. Slowly, they came into focus. People were standing around her, murmuring. She couldn't understand them because of the ringing in her ears.
Rose blacked out.
That was four months ago. Now, she had realized that she'd somehow fallen into her home universe. She'd rejoined the UNIT of her homeworld once more to try and find out why and how much damage it had caused, but Rose was worried something bigger was happening. She knew that it was never good when one just popped from one world to the next. If the Doctor were here...
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starwrittenfates · 3 months
@xchxsingcxrsx said: ❝ i’m cold. & it’s indoors. this is so wrong. ❞ for Four from my Kate.
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He glanced around, even licking one of his fingers and pointing it up in the air, as if to test the temperature himself, before waving it all off. "Now, I'm no expert, but perhaps you've turned the AC up and that's why it's running cold indoors."
He had no idea who this blonde woman was. No clue at all. And yet...there was something about her. Soon or later, it would hit him with no doubt. But for now, the Doctor was exploring his new surroundings. "Hello, I'm the Doctor. And you are?"
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chemicalmorality · 3 months
starter for xchxsingcxrsx!
Earth. She could taste it - that was the planet her TARDIS had crashed on. So much for heading back to her laboratory. Well, she would make due. She simply wouldn't cause trouble (probably) while she gathered the items required to repair her ship until it was stable enough to travel to a planet with better mechanical parts.
It was simple. Well, it was meant to be simple.
But no, instead, he walked into the "hardware store" (she believed that's what humans called these pathetic excuses for mechanic retailing) with his head held high and a stupid look on his face.
(Though if anyone else saw his expression, they would consider it a regular resting face, so it was possible that her own dislike for the man was coloring her thoughts.)
She immediately turned her back to him, hoping he didn't notice her. Even if he did, she could simply play it off, pretend to be human. He'd always been bad at recognizing other Time Lords.
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anoblewomxn · 10 months
( starter for @xchxsingcxrsx ; fourteenth doctor - slight star beast spoilers )
Donna stood in the chaos that followed her little accident, a harsh cough pushing through her lips at the smell of smoke. She had her hands clutched around the nearest thing she could hold onto and she waited a beat to give the Doctor a sheepish look.
" --- well, we're still alive. That's...something."
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writtenxbeginnings · 1 year
starter for xchxsingcxrsx for Meredith Grey
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"Meredith!" Lexie yelled the words out the moment she was inside the house, door closing with a click behind her. It had been a year since the plane crash, and loud noises didn't bother her as much as they used to. Especially not when she was in a rush to talk to her big sister because of a mutual friend of theirs. "Mere! I swear to god, if you're naked up there, I don't care! I'm coming up!"
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ofknowlcdge · 8 months
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( Alec & Ellie ) @xchxsingcxrsx “Stop fussing over me! I’m not a baby!”
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Alec in fact did stop, he usually did when she told him to. Not having a clue what to do with the hand he shoved it into his pocket. He knows he worries maybe a bit much? Maybe. "Okay."
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longwayaround · 1 year
@xchxsingcxrsx cont.
The Doctor looked up from the console. When there was something on her mind, she would just pretend she was doing something at the console. She had done that in previous incarnations. "What makes you think there is something bothering me?" She asked. The Doctor put a smile on her face, as if to say she was fine. "I was just thinking. Thats all. Thinking about working on the TARDIS. I haven't done that for a while and have to make sure she is running smoothly."
"You can share, you know? We're mates, that's what mates do for each other. Help them with whatever's going on." It was a calculated move, trying to push her just enough that she'd hopefully let her in at least a little, but not enough that she closed off completely.
Trying to help the Doctor, trying to be her friend rather than simply... a space tourist being shown the wonders of the universe by a wonderful if rather distracted guide, was never easy. It was exhausting, frankly, and sometimes Yaz wondered if it was worth it. Those moments scared her more than a lot of the terrifying things she'd seen since she'd met the Doctor.
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(@xchxsingcxrsx liked this post for a starter from Rose Tyler!)
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the blonde is sitting in a cafe' on a laptop, manicured fingertips tapping away at the keys with her eyes fixated on the lines of code scrolling across the display screen. the corner of her mouth twitched upward, but didn't linger- the situation was far too salient for distraction. there isn't anything particular about the blonde, at least not at first glance.
clothing, laptop, shoes, messenger bag- none of it carries any hint of who the woman might be, or what she might be currently up to.
but, if someone were to look closely enough, they might notice the object sitting next to her laptop made of metal and a foreign material that appeared pink and yellow under the light of the cafe. they might notice the chain round the woman's neck and the small round device attached to it that settled against her stomach beneath the table.
they might even notice that the code scrolling across the screen was impossibly complex, and that she was not only reading it, but actively editing it at the same time.
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myxtorturedxheart · 2 years
continued with @xchxsingcxrsx
"Rose." The Doctor started, setting her tea down and turning to face the other woman. This regeneration was known for being socially awkward, but for Rose, she was trying a bit harder, needing her to know this, that she meant what she was about to say, "No matter what, no matter how much time has past or if you were bringing your whole family, you will always have a home in the TARDIS." with me went unsaid, for now at least.
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thevisixnary · 9 months
xchxsingcxrsx asked: Orange (from 14) (for a fluffy starter)
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It had been so long since she'd seen the night sky that seeing the stars from the ground again felt almost surreal. She felt so many emotions at once seeing them again. "They're so beautiful, aren't they?" She commented, stepping forward to the man standing nearby. "I haven't seen them in such a long time." Her voice was soft and her eyes looked older than she appeared to be.
Between the fifty-first century's megacities singing so bright they washed away the stars and moving from one crisis to the next she seldom saw them anymore except when she was travelling in space, but it wasn't the same anymore as seeing them from the surface of a planet.
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notdrifting · 10 months
COLLAPSED | with @xchxsingcxrsx | cont. from here:
They had been going from one adventure to another and it wasn't like it was a simple one. More often than not, they were saving the planet, or the universe. The Doctor had told Donna that he was just going to let them travel through time and space for a while. That they wouldn't land anywhere. She could get on what anything she might want to do around the TARDIS and he would get on with things. That would be the ideal time for him to rest. But he didn't. If anything, he was pushing himself too much. It came to the point that one minute he was making his way down the hallway of the TARDIS, and the next, he was almost on the floor but in Donna's arms. He looked up at her, confused. "What just happened?" He asked.
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"doctor !! " donna cried out before she could stop herself -- her spaceman nearly collapsing on her arms, possibly exhausted by the looks of it. a concerned frown took over the redhead's face ; they had been running for quite a while now, more so than they usually did... it was bound to catch up on them, eventually. she had felt it first -- right when he proposed some time off, just floating through space and time, or recharging in the vortex, she had gotten a nasty cold ( and that had been quite an experience to her, her, just a temp from chiswick, infected with whatever martian cold got to her, no less ! now that was something...), but luckly the TARDIS was a dear and kept her for a couple of nights, taking care of her in the medbay.
"easy does it, old man..." she puffed, maneuvering him the best way she could ( honestly, for a bloke that's skin and bones he is quite heavy ! ) , she sat them down on the hallway, his head resting on her arm as she held him, glancing worried at the alien as he came back to himself. "don't die on me now, i don't want any of that regen-what was that again ? yes, regeneration thing now..."
... i've grown quite fond of your stupid face, spaceman...
jokes come easily to her, always had -- and now it's no different, so she tries to grin it off, hiding the concern on her face and how scared she had felt. for a moment she thought... no, she's not even going to think it. taking a few shallow breaths to calm herself, she clarifies.
"i don't know ! you tell me, brainbox ! " she shrugged, keeping her eyes locked on his. " we were walking and suddenly you fell like a log on me !! doctor -- what is wrong ?? are you feeling feverish or something ??"
oh how wizard !! last thing they needed was to him to be infected by that same virus that got to her ealier...
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starwrittenfates · 6 months
@xchxsingcxrsx liked for a starter from Four! (for Sarah Jane!)
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Hearing a knock come from outside the TARDIS, the Doctor ventures to the door, opening it only to find a familiar face. At first, he quickly closes it, wondering what to do before opening once more, greeting his companion he hasn't seen in sometime. "Sarah Jane Smith? It's a pleasure to see you again. However did you know it was me?"
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