Xenous Pride Flag
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Xenous (noun: xenosity), or simply xen: an unlabeled descriptor for those with a xenoic experience but do not define themselves under one gender term. Not necessarily xenogender, xenine, or xenic.
May be used as a quality similar to how null and neutral are used (along with positive and negative). Based on neither, both, all, and none. Not to be confused with kenous.
[transcript: two horizontal stripes pastelly colored with pinky red and orange with a yellow xenogender symbol in the middle]
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revenant-coining · 2 years
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 4 equally-sized concentric circles. colors in this order innermost to outermost: light red, dull light pink, dull purple-pink, dull dark purple. in the center is a circle made to look like a pale yellow crescent moon with the rest of the circle being the color dull dark purple. End ID]
requested by anon (link)
Sleepxenous: a gender connected to sleep / being sleepy and xenosity, one's xenosity being connected or affected by sleep / being sleepy, or experiencing xenosity during sleep / when sleepy.
Etymology: sleep, xenous
Pronounced: sleep zee-no-us (sleep xenous)
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mamonna · 2 years
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- Friends! We come in peace! Let us join our strength and lead the galaxy to harmony and prosperity!
- . . . !!
- Damn, why does it never work.
- My lord, I start to think these xenoses are not that fond of peace. 
- Don’t loose faith, my son. Our mission is not the easy one but with enough patience we’ll succeed. We’ve managed to bring tyrranids to peace after all, haven’t we? Ain’t it right, Buggy boy? 
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bouxmounir · 2 years
Boissons alcoolisées - Addictions France et l'UFC-Que Choisir attaquent le marketing malsain des hard seltzers - Action UFC-Que Choisir
Boissons alcoolisées – Addictions France et l’UFC-Que Choisir attaquent le marketing malsain des hard seltzers – Action UFC-Que Choisir
Addictions France et l’UFC-Que Choisir xenosent deux plaintes devant le tribunal judiciaire de Paris pour violation de la loi Evin et pratiques commerciales trompeuses contre SNOWMELT, une marque de hard seltzer. Ces boissons pétillantes aromatisées, qui contiennent environ 5 % d’alcool, pullulentes aujourd’hui dans les rayons de nos supermarchés et sur les réseaux sociaux. Avec des slogans comme…
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