spacemanxephos · 8 months
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spectorsummers · 5 years
reading a fic and honeydew literally says, “I accidentally burned my place to the ground.” And it’s the most simon thing ever said.
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strifesolution · 6 years
i know people only shipped them cause they were together irl but the only valid xephmadia is ‘dated for a month until realizing they’re both gay’
lomadia: thanks for everything xeph. you helped me figure out im a lesbian
xephos: pretty sure you’re insulting me there but you’re welcome
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I was tagged by @screamingatanemptyroom to do a thing. So I’m gonna do the thing. Yes. Thing.
Relationship Status: Hella single and crushing on like eight people send help I can’t deal with this
Lipstick or Chapstick: Neither. I don’t wear make up and I drink possibly too much water so my lips are never dry
Last Movie I Watched: Beauty and the Beast (2017). Very good. Nearly made me cry. Le Fou (that’s probably how you spell it) deserves better.
Last Song I Listened To: I’m currently listening to I Walk The Line by Halsey as I write this
Top Shows: Doctor Who is all I really watch at the moment because I don’t really like what’s on TV right now and I don’t have Netflix
Okay get ready because I’m very passionate about my ships
2. NanoCoffee (NanoSounds and LividCoffee) because yes of course even if it’ll never be canon A GIRL CAN DREAM also I need Flux Buddies 4 
3. Demma (Daniel Hardcastle and Emma Blackery) but only platonically because Rebel is the one true ship and the Demma Vlog Logs are killing me from laughing too hard AND I WANT THEM WEEKLY DAMNIT
Special mentions to Echonable, Smornby, and Xephmadia 
Anyway... enough about shipping... 
I tag: You! If you want to do this, just do it! Don’t let the rules of the tag game constrict you! Go wild! Just say I tagged you in it! Have fun! 
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moonmojis · 6 years
1, 2, 3 for the salty asks
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?Saiouma, Rythian and Zoey, Xephmadia
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?Honeyphos
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?I don’t think I have?
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kalt-kaffee · 9 years
hello, yes?
you know that spy au i made forever ago?
i got the spark and it’s spring break once i take my finals tomorrow
expect something in like 2-3 day
(if my finals dont kill me T-T)
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Xephos' POV
It's been a week since I started at a new school, I was still shy and didn't talk to the other students. The blonde one, Lomadia, I think her name is. She's very nice, after all, she did get my book back from those boys. My torn, ruined book..
My teachers were nice too, I liked Miss Scott though, she was my science teacher. I liked her because she taught my favourite subject. Chemistry.
It was a Tuesday morning, we just had break and was going to our third lesson. Walking through the corridor, I eventually know where most classes are, and to my next lesson. A smile on my face as my lesson was Science. Soon I was walking into my class, SC2, sitting at my desk. After a minute, the other students walked into the class, taking their seats.
"Hello class!" Miss Scott greeted, smiling.
"Today we will be doing a experiment!" Some cheered, happy to be doing a experiment. "It will be outside", Miss said, pulling out a litre of cola and a pack of mints. Immediately, I knew what the experiment was.  
"Now class, we need to go outside for this, so if you follow me"
The teacher took the two items and exited the classroom, with everyone sitting up from their desks and followed the teacher. Eventually, I got up from my seat and followed the other students.
It was nice weather outside. We stood in the playground, the teacher standing in front of us, the bottle of cola and on the ground while she held the packet of mints in her hand. She began talking, but I didn't listen, due to the fact that I already know this stuff. As everyone else listened, my thoughts were about a certain blonde girl in my class.
I really like her, she seems kind and caring. I hope we can be friends.
My thoughts were interrupted as my name was being called.
"Xephos?" Miss Scott said.
"Y-yes Miss?"
"Do you know what makes the cola fizzy?" She asked with a smile.
I nodded, quietly saying "T-the bubbles in the cola are caused by carbon dioxide".  
"Correct" She said, smiling. I felt eyes on me and looked to the other students, who were now staring at me. I looked away.
"Right class" Miss said, eyes averting to the teacher. "Stand back", after we moved back a bit, she unscrewed the cola and dropped a few mints in. She stepped back before a cream coloured foam erupted from the bottle. Oo's and ah's from the students as the foam fizzled to the ground.
The class started making their way back in the school, standing there a few seconds as I stared at the bottle. I wasn't alone, Lomadia was also watching the bottle, fascinated by what happened. She looked up and smiled before walking into the school. Blushing, I headed to the school entrance, heading back to the class.
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spectorsummers · 6 years
*looks through my xephmadia tag @ 3 am*
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belleruth01 · 9 years
FINAL CHAPTER- So what happened to Xeph and Lomadia in the end?
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xyrnystheenderqueen · 9 years
Hi! So, I know it’s been a while, but I really want to get back into writing, since I haven’t done it in a while. So, be easy, but I’ll take prompts for:
Feel free to send them to me!
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bruisepristine · 9 years
what the hell I leave Tumblr for just two days and my OTP breaks up and now I have to change my icon and also the conservatives won what the hell two days and the apocalypse happened
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lordiefarz · 9 years
Rest in peace, Xephmadia. We shall remember your ship well.
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gxllum · 9 years
Lil' message: As Hannah said, It's no big deal. I'm a huge fangirl and yeah, it's hard to see such a relationship end but, it's got to be accepted and moved on from. Here's to both of your futures and to hoping fandoms can stay mature about it
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kalt-kaffee · 9 years
You know what I’m gonna write soon?
A spy/secret agent au
I love me some spy fiction.
I mean, who wouldn’t love a spy au where Lom is like top of the line agent that gets assigned Xeph because she was too reckless in the last few missions, and he just nags her the whole time about protocols but they slowly start to develop real feels for each other because sometimes that just happens when you almost die together so many times.
Lom gets assigned to watch over Xeph and make sure no one is trying to kill him because he’s a world renowned weapons scientist in cahoots with her agency. Shenanigans ensues.  
She’s sent to capture Xeph because he’s been selling weapons to some questionable sources, but he always slips away just barely. This frustrates her to no end because how dare he? Her rep is on the line here. Flirting ensues in a “ha ha, you can’t catch me” sort of vibe.
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Xephmadia B- Book.
Lomadia's POV
"Lom? Wake up, you have school in 30 minutes!"
"Go 'way!" I mumbled into my pillow, pulling my bed sheet over my head. Soon I heard footsteps and my door opening, my legs felt cold, bed sheet being pulled off of my bed.
"Get up Lom! School!"
Groaning, I lifted my body off of my bed and stumbled to my wardrobe, rubbing my eyes. Pulling out a navy blue top and grey leggings, as well as a pair of brown leather boots. After I brushed my hair, putting my owl hat on my head, I ran down the stairs and to the kitchen. Entering the kitchen, I sat down on a chair, a plate of toast and orange juice in front of me.
"Don't forget that your mother and I are going out to dinner later. You will be alright on your own?" My dad asked, as I took a bit of the toast.
"Yep" I replied, a mouth-full of toast. Taking a sip of my orange juice. After 10 minutes, I finished my toast and gulped down the rest of my juice.
"Lom! Bus is here!" Dad shouted, as I picked up my bag and kissed my dad's cheek.
"Bye dad"
"Bye sweety!"
"Bye mum!" I yelled, hearing a faint 'bye', before leaving my house. Walking to the school bus, I smiled to the driver before looking for a seat. My eyes darting around, immediately recognizing certain students who were sat together.
There was Sips and Sjin, joking about.
Lalna who was talking about science to Honeydew, while he was eating jaffas. Completely ignoring Lalna.
Littlewood and Toby, who were talking about plants.
Zoey and Rythian were chatting, proberly about magic.
Nilesy was going on about pools, Panda occasionally nodding whilst looking out the window.
Parv and Strife were laughing at some jokes.
The trio of hats were sat together. Djh3max and Alsmiffy were sat together, whilst Trott was with Turps were behind them, all play fighting. Typical.
Nano was sat on her own, listening to music with her headphones.
And then there was Xephos. He was sat at the back, on his own, a book in his hands. The book itself was about astronomy.
Smiling, I plonked down next to Nano. She was wearing a red and yellow flowered dress, white leggings and red shoes. A red flower adorned her black hair. She pulled out a headphone and smiled.
She gave me her left headphone and I put it into my ear, both of us listening to some music as the bus began to move. The air filled with talking, laughter and idiots fighting.
Nothing unusual then.
After a few minutes, I began to look around the bus. People still talking, but the hat trio plus Turps were now annoying someone at the back.
My eyebrows furrowed as I watched them throw balls of paper and pencils at him. Disturbing him from his book. Then Alsmiffy stood up from his seat and walked to the back, where Xephos was sat and snatched his book from his hands.
"Give that back!" He yelled, his eyes starting to glow in annoyance as he attempted to grab his book from the taller boys hands.
"Or what fairy lights?" Smiffy said, hinting out his glowing eyes with an obnoxious nickname. I continued to watch from my seat, wanting to help as Smiffy threw the book to Turps, who then threw it to Sips.
"How can you read such boring shit?!" Sips yelled, flicking through the pages. Reading out a few lines.
"The Crab Nebula was produced by a supernova explosion that- How BORING!" He exclaimed, ripping out the page, letting it float to the bus floor. After he began to tear more pages from the book, the sound of multiple pages being ripped silenced the chatter and laughter. All eyes now focused on the event happening in front of us.
"Stop it!" Xephos yelled, eyes glowing brighter, unable to get his book due to Smiffy holding him back.
"Don't need this!" Another page torn from the book. "Or this!". The bus floor was littered with pages. I have to stop this.
Pulling the headphone out of my ear, I stood up and grabbed Sips' wrist, yanking it behind his back as he let out a cry of pain. Before snatching the book from his hand and releasing his wrist, glaring at him.
"Don't take someone else's shit"
Nodding quickly, Sips' sat back in his seat and began massaging his wrist.
"Let go of him" Glaring at Smiffy who was still holding onto Xephos' arms. He looked at me one last time before letting go of smaller boys arms, barging past him as he sat back at his seat. The bus was now filled with talk about what happened, Xephos walked back to his seat, hugging his legs which were to his chest. Looking at the torn book, I picked up most of the pages that were scattered on the bus floor, apart from a few. Lalna picked up a page and began reading it, while the 'trio of twats' scrunched the pages into balls and threw them around. After collecting several pages, I walked to the back of the bus and sat next to Xephos.
"Here" I said quietly, holding the book to him. He looked to me with a small smile.
"Thanks" Reaching his hand out and taking the book from my hand, flicking through the pages.
"If they cause you anymore trouble, just come and tell me". A smile on my face. "I'm Lomadia, by the way" Holding out my hand, he took it and we shook hands.
"I already know your name, you said it yesterday. I'll see you in class" And with that I got up and walked over and sat back next to Nano.
"Well, that was interesting" She said, changing to a new song.
"Yeah, I guess it was" I replied, looking back to Xephos, who was looking out the window. A smile on my face.
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localdeatheater · 9 years
R.I.P Xephmadia, 2k15
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