#xfiles headcanon
Okay so i recently started doing dissections in my biology class and if you’ve ever done a dissection you know that you have to flip the left and right because you are facing the specimen, which leads me to a head canon:
Scully constantly gets her left and right confused. Not when shes autopsying, thats the only time she actually knows it, but shes terrible at giving and taking directions. She’ll look at a map and tell Mulder to turn right only to realize three miles later that they were supposed to go left. Mulder will tell her the paper she’s looking for is in the pile on her left and she only looks in the right stack 1 in 3 times
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muldermuse · 10 months
Plus One (Fox Mulder X Reader)
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This is based on an ask I recieved <333 thank u for sending it through
Scully is unable to attend an event so Fox asks you to be his plus one.
“It means a lot that you’re coming tonight, I’ll uh- I’ll pick you up at your apartment at 6? Have a chat about the mission in the car and then go from there…I’m looking forward to seeing you…Scully said your dress looks good and you know that she knows more about that stuff than me *laughs*. Um, okay well this is a long voicemail so uh-right, I’ll see you in a few hours. Oh! This is Fox by the way.”
It definitely was not your usual practice to have a glass of red wine before getting ready for a mission but you had to admit that you felt nervous about tonight.  It was standard for Mulder and Scully to do something like this. To get intel about a case, they’d dress up and rub shoulders with people unknowingly involved in an X File. Sometimes they’d pose as a couple and other times they would pose as two singles trying to seek out a partner for the evening. They would collect as much intel as possible and within the following weeks; the case would undoubtedly be solved.
This was a huge case so Scully was in another state, sleeping in her car to avoid the bed bug-ridden motel that Skinner had put her up in. Fox was too nervous to ask you so you got a call from Scully late last night. The key contact Fox had been trying to speak to about this case was attending a Gala in Washington. The contact was old school, any guest to the Gala had to have a date for the evening, and of course; it was a black tie event. You were reluctant and Scully knew you would be. “Listen, if you want to fly out and take my place in this crappy rental car, which stinks of fries for some reason- I would thank you for it. But, you’ll have a great time and I know you have that black dress that you’re looking for an excuse to wear…”.
So here you are, pouring a large glass of red wine and listening to the Spice Girls as you try to focus all your nervous energy into applying your make up and curling your hair. You slip your dress on at quarter to 5. The dress was expensive and it looks it. It’s black and shimmering under the fairy lights strung over your bookshelf. It’s hugging your curves, it’s hiding any insecurities and you have to admit- you look amazing. The remaining wine in the glass slides down your throat and gives a final rush of adrenaline. Fox knocks at the door at exactly 6 o���clock.
He's wearing his glasses. That’s the first thing that you recognize. Not the bouquet of flowers tightly clutched in his fist, not the perfectly tailored suit or the nervous expression covering his face.
“You’re wearing glasses, I’ve never seen you wear them outside of the office.” You smile at him and he smiles back but he seems distracted. He doesn’t reply for a few seconds and as the awkward energy fills the air; he thrusts the flowers towards your hands.
“Yeah, I think they make me look smarter” He awkwardly laughs. “These are for you...obviously…you usually have peonies at your desk on special occasions so I thought you’d like them.”
“They’re beautiful, I didn’t realise that you noticed stuff like that. Maybe you’re a better agent than I suspected Fox” you wink as you go back into your apartment and place the flowers in the sink with some water. You take the moment with the faucet running to compose yourself.
He looks so fucking good.
The nerves that have slowly dissipated over the past hour are suddenly back without warning. He looks so good- do you look alright? Oh god, are you not dressed up enough? Does he think you look okay? I bet he wishes that Scully was here right now, you could potentially jeopardise this entire case and you know how hard they’re both working on it.
You’re too lost in your own thoughts to hear Fox cross the room and place a warm hand against your lower back. The tension zapping through your body streams out with a deep exhale.
“I have a car waiting downstairs, we should probably go”. He holds his arm out for you with a grin and he guides you downstairs. He holds the car door open for you. Whilst you have a moment alone; you whisper to yourself an affirmation that tonight will go well.
You have no idea that Fox is doing the same thing.
Fox has liked you for a while and he suspects that this occasion is all Scully’s doing. There was no real reason for her to travel to Wyoming, it was some anonymous call which Fox completely doubts the validity of.  When it comes to the X Files and his career, Fox is a ‘do-er.’ He wants to get out there, prove the importance of his work and save lives.
However, when it comes to his relationships. At the minute, Fox is less active.
The moment he saw you smiling; you had never been far from his thoughts. Scully struck up a friendship with you through a mutual love of the same sandwich served a local deli. Fox would sit in on your lunch dates together, he’d always try and make you laugh- feeling an immense sense of pride when he did.
Scully had disclosed to him her feelings on your boyfriend, Jason. You had so much love to give and he seemed to be the opposite. Closed off and cold. Scully told Fox you’d been arguing more and were getting close to breaking up. When you did, Fox watched from afar as your usual bright smile never reached your eyes.
The car ride is filled with idle chat. The tension in the air seems to mount as you both try desperately to ignore it. Fox tells you about the Gala and what to expect. It’s more of an occasion to scope out the group rather than to gather intel on a specific target.
You don’t realise that as the car drives closer to your destination that your knee begins to bounce and your fingers fidget with the tassle on your handbag. Fox rests his hand on your knee and his thumb rubs calming small circles on your soft skin.
“You look amazing, thanks again for doing this.”
Before you can thank him or compliment him back, the car pulls to a stop and the door opens.
The room is grand and glamourous. It’s a decadent affair with rich red velvet curtains and carpets decorating each room. The different perfumes and aftershaves blend together to create a sweet floral scent that lingers as every person passes. It’s a crowd of black tuxedos and billowing ballgowns, everyone smiling politely with a clear hint of judgement to every passerby. The sound of the band is lost over the exchanging of pleasantries and the distinctive pop of champagne corks, followed by a polite cheer.
It's completely unlike anywhere else you have ever been or anywhere you are likely to ever go.
“I think I’m the poorest person in here by about three million dollars, Fox”
“Oh no, it’ll be way more than that,” Fox says with a wink as he hands you a glass of champagne. He moves in close enough to whisper to you and you try to ignore the sensation of his breath fanning your neck.
“See that guy over there with the red suit, he has a huge interest in extraterrestrials. It’s massive so much so that he spends around five and a half million dollars a year trying to prove they’re real. He’s got that much money it’s basically a game.”
The bubbles of champagne trickle down your throat as you move closer into Fox’s hold. He holds your waist and rotates you to look at another corner of the room. His breath remains hot on your neck and you’re not sure if it’s the alcohol coursing through your veins or his presence that is making your head feel fuzzy.
“That lady over there with the huge hat, like, ridiculously big hat.” You nod at Fox without taking your eyes off her. “The Lone Gunman guys suspect that she gets all her money from selling UFOs that crash, on the black market. She only leaves her guarded house three times a year and this is one of the occasions.”
“Suspect? So it could be something completely different.” You smirk up at Fox, he grabs another two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter and hands one to you. “Who knows, maybe she makes her money selling really big hats.”
“Or maybe, the reason her hat is so big is because it’s broadcasting a message to a UFO flying over Washington”. His grin matches yours.
You clink the glasses together and without the other knowing, both of you acknowledge the butterflies fluttering in your stomachs.
Neither of you speak to anyone else, you find a quiet corner tucked away in the hall room and chat. You sip on a glass of wine and Fox holds a tumbler of whiskey but both drinks go warm as you get lose in the conversation with each other.
It dawns on you that before tonight, you’ve never really spoken to Fox as it’s usually a group environment or a passing hi-goodbye as you both make your way home at the end of the day.
He tells you about his family, he tells you about his favourite cases and more importantly than all of the things he’s saying to you- he’s present with you the entire time. Conversations with your ex were one sided and that was something that took months to admit. You realized your relationship with Jason was over during a conversation. You’d just got the promotion that you’d spent months working on and he asked one simple question that felt like a knife to your pumping heart.
“When were you going to tell me about that promotion?”
You had told him; of course you had. You’d told him when you first heard about it, you’d told him the planning you’d spent weeks organizing and you told him the morning of the interview.
He hadn’t heard any of it.
You’d been together over a year. You had met each other’s family, met each other’s friends, you’d fallen in love and within that conversation; you realized how far from love you both had fallen.
The big band music was gradually playing louder and louder. You’d both been straining to shout over it to keep the conversation going. Eventually, you realized a way you would be able to hear Fox better, you grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the dance floor.
The music was soft, flowing through the air as the lights began to dim slowly and the illuminated table decorations filled in the dark spaces. You placed your arms around Fox’s shoulders as his large hands slid down to your waist. Your heart was beating the steadiest that it had all night.
“How did you know about the peonies? I’ve never told you or Scully about that.” Your hands remained interlocked around his neck as you fought the urge to run your fingers through his hair.
“Well, I know your birthday and you had peonies on that date. When you got that promotion, you had peonies, and when uh…yeah, you have peonies.” A nervous look flashes across his face. You know what he was going to say.
“When I broke up with Jason, someone in the office got me peonies and left them on my desk. It was the only thing that made me smile that week”. The memory still makes you emotional, the week was relentless sleepless nights and non-stop crying. On the last day of the week, there was a gorgeous bunch of peonies in a vase on your desk. No note, no name- nothing.
His hands tighten around your waist as he rests his forehead against yours, “I’m glad you liked them…it was hard to see you look so sad”.
Of course it was him.
It always was.
It always is.
Before you can carry on speaking or stop the tears trying to fill your eyes. He tilts your chin to meet your eyeline with his thumb and forefinger.
“I don’t think I’ve told you how beautiful you look tonight or thanked you for this…I mean thanked you properly."
You place your head against his chest and wrap your arms around his waist, continuing to sway to the music; you hear him take a breath before carrying on.
"I've liked you for a while and god, does that sound childish to say. This means a lot to me and you being here means even more. I'd like to take you out, I can't always promise it will be this fancy...actually, I can guarantee it never will be but I want to spend time with you. In any setting, I possibly can."
He doesn't look at you and you don't look at him. It felt like a confession he needed to make but perhaps didn't have the confidence to say it to your face. Which is amazing to you because Fox Mulder doesn't strike you as someone who struggles with anxieties.
"I think this place is a bit too fancy for me, maybe we can chat more at the 24 hour diner near my apartment? I think we'll look a bit different from the usual patrons" You gesture at your black gown and his tuxedo. He smiles as he takes your hand and leads you to the exit.
Before you get back into the car, you press a kiss to his lips and thank him for the evening. For the entire journey to the diner; you hold each other's hands tightly.
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is-on-its-way · 5 months
My happy little head canon is he updates the number and tells her shes his “X in a billion” again every once in a while, so she gets more and more special as the worlds population goes up.
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pandorasbox341 · 5 months
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Contrary to canon, Cigarette Smoking Man's first kill was pretty rough to deal with.
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scullys-scalpel · 1 year
Not to be weird on main but my latest headcanon is that while Mulder is currently being a stay at home dad he has decided to write a series of children's books, one of which is titled The Flukeman and Me.
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koithelittle · 11 months
cg!mulder moodboard + headcanons!!
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note; can you tell I love bunnies?? anyways- I made this absolutely agessss ago, started the headcanons after I made the moodboard but I've been in and out of the mindset to write/write agere stuff since I've been struggling with my regression lately but!! I'm here and I have plans to write more and I've got ideas. my inbox and requests are open!!
paci credits; littlemothshop on ig
other moodboards
(headcanons below the cut !!)
• the sweetest when he finds out about your regression, he's patient with you, kind and considerate. he'll sit there and listen to every word as you explain it, and he's especially patient and soft if he finds out because you impurely regressed. perhaps a meltdown after a really bad case, something that triggered you and caused you to break after a build up of stress.
• he'll rest his hands on the sides of your upper arms and just smile and hum and nod as you talk.
• he loves resting his fingers and hands on your face. during cuddles he'll rub your cheeks or forehead with his thumb, and he loves playing with your hair.
• if you have hair long enough for it, he'll put little braids and styles of the like in it for you, sitting you between his legs and just styling it!!
• little forehead kisses as reassurance
• records your favorite episodes of your TV shows on VHS so he can watch it with you or have it on for you (his personal favorite of your favorites is beakmans world, obvs)
• he loves getting to wrap you up in blankets and just hold you
• he's a smidge bit overprotective, when you're little he tends to keep you away from anything that could possibly danger you and helps you with any task that you could get hurt with
• so, crafts? safety scissors only. and he has to watch you. cooking? nope, only with close supervision. you can get ingredients, though no cutting or stirring over the stove. that's *his* job.
• he doesn't really mind any sort of nickname you give him but he always favors foxy or baba. daddy is okay too, but he likes the other two the most.
• has little sensory bins for you both to play in (he's a child at heart, also- autism)
• there's a rice box, sand box and a moon dough box. he has them all set up as little sort of dioramas. little toys stuck in them, some play shovels or anything that you can play in it with.
• he's a sucker for your pouts. one simple whine and a poke out of your lip and he is *melted*
• he has a hard time putting his foot down on rules he may have (maimly bedtimes and candy since those are the ones you fight the most)
• he just loves seeing you happy and giggly
• stims when you stims, and dances around with you in whatever room you're in
• at work, if you start to feel smaller, he tends to notice quickly and always makes note to keep a closer eye on you. and if you're in reach, he'll pull you in to lean against him or pull you into a hug
• when you dress up in his clothes for fun (usually his suit) he adores it. just awes at you and coos at you and tells you how adorable and sweet of a baby you are!
• loves cooking for you. he's not horrible at it, but he learned how to make/prep all of your safe foods so he has those recipes in hand all the time!
• he has a whole box of pacis/teethers/treats/toys/etc just for when you're little, calls it your baby-box
• loves having you in his lap while he works at the dining table. he'll have his work in front of him and just be rubbing your back with his hand as you cuddle up to him and babble and coo.
taglist; (lmk if you want to be added!)
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basilsbestpainting · 2 years
Homoromantic Asexual Mulder
Hear me out, ok?
I just finished watching Season 4, Episode 20 where it’s shown that Mulder doesn’t have a bed. And he’s got a message on his machine from a sex line.
And I have theories, right? So, putting this episode into context (1997), Asexuality isn’t the most well known sexuality out there, and ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ is 3 years old. Even if Mulder is aware he likes men, he can’t really come out if he wants to keep his FBI job. He’s given them a laundry list of reasons to fire him already, they can just reach in and pick their favorite.
So Mulder keeps trying to convince himself he likes girls. He tries all the sexy things like porn and chat lines but its all so... boring. And he doesn’t want to touch with a ten foot pole the emotions besides anger and betrayal he feels with Krycek.
He never bothers buying a bed because a) sleep isn’t that important to him. His work is. But also b) he’s terrified of someone asking to get into it.
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metalcursed · 10 months
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it was at that moment, it hit me ...
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marksbear · 1 year
Request is:
What if the BAU team got a new team member who used to work on old xfiles/unsolved cases, he's seen things that just can't be explained and thing you wish you never knew existed?--- @xweirdo101x
I made this with headcanons and Drabble. At first I was thinking about turning this into something very dark and creepy but I decided not to.
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-The team new at a instant you wasn’t your typical new agent. You looked tired, but in the same way not tired. You kept to yourself not making any real efforts to know your team outside of their business life.
-They noticed how your eyes weren’t full as hope and life like the other new agents they meet. No yours were cold and that you self aware.
-At first they thought you were just shy. Like during the first case you had just stayed in the back observing everything and anything.
But soon enough they all found out that you were far from shy.
-Each member of the team noticed separate details about you. Some that they won’t usually care about, but with you they analyzed your every move.
-Hotch noticed how you connect things fast. Whether it’s relationships with the victims like how their similar from each other all the way to knowing how and where would the unsub would strike next.
-Derek noticed how you remember even the biggest and smallest details. Like the conversations you have with suspects to even remembering the first thing he said to you.
-Penelope seen you write notes to yourself. You wrote fast and from afar it looked like you were just scribbling on paper. But as she looked closer she saw that of had lost of ideas and possibilities even had sketches of what the unsub may look like.
-Anytime you were in the office late at night Rossi would sometimes sit next to you quietly watching you write and type various of things. What really caught his eye was a very old cold case you was researching about.
“You like reading old mysteries?” Rossi finally says catching you off guard. You turned your head to face his and with a straight face you spoke back.
“Not just reading… I liked solving those so called mysteries.” Y/n answers before turning back around to write.
“Liked? What do you mean?” Rossi asks with a raised brow. “I still do of course, but now I’m working here, so I gotta stop focusing on the past and focus on the present. But old habits just die hard.” Y/n answered as if it was nothing.
-After that Rossi had a unspoken respect for you.
-He told the rest of the team about the moment you guys shared and told him exactly what he told him.
-While the team talked about it and what your past job could have been like Penelope opens her laptop quickly getting onto google searching up your name.
-Shockingly to her the internet knew a lot of thins about you. You were somewhat a hero to say the least. Hundreds of unsolved cases but now solved by you popped up. Interviews and news lines about you was everywhere.
-She wondered how the hell did you come here without anyone knowing who you were.
-She quickly showed her team about her findings.
-Now everything was clicking together about your habits and personality. Reid began to ramble on and on about all the signs that you showed like correcting people when they mention the wrong serial killer or knowing secrets details that most regular agents won’t know about the criminal justice system.
-They all knew that you were different from the start, but none of them ever guessed that you a expert and a true hero.
-It didn’t take you long to know that they knew about your past experiences. Not like they didn’t try to hide that they knew.
-Reid started to ask you question after question like how you solved a case that was unsolved for years or how you found evidence to the cold cases.
-Derek made a game where he quizzed you about different unsolved and cold cases.
-Hotch was first to ask a more deeper question like about the things you saw and had to go through. And you gave honest answers. You told him that you seen things that doesn’t even seem real and things that anyone wouldn’t think existed. He felt sad for you but in the same time respect grew.
-Rossi randomly had just gave you a random comforting hug saying that he’s proud of you. He didn’t care that you started a new chapter in your career he just felt the need to tell you how much he cared and how proud he is at you.
-You and Penelope had a rough time bonding since your more realistic and mysterious while she’s sweet and bubbly always looking at the bright side while you expect the worst.
-it was hard trying to understand and know each other.
-But once y’all finally did y’all became  inseparable. In a strange way you both found comfort in each other.
-The team all started to understand and bond with you after they all excepted what you went through in the past to get where you are now.
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Someone give me an x-files fic prompt to work on tomorrow can be fluffy or angsty or hurt comfort but I haven’t yet finished season 8 so nothing after that please (ignore that i havent worked on A Muse, A Myth, A Mortal all week, I’ll get around to it)
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is-on-its-way · 1 month
Breathe Peace
Episode:  s02e08 One Breath
Part 1, Part 2
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Mulders POV He had never intended to tell her that, to tell her the only time he was able to sleep in the last weeks had been when he was so exhausted he could barely drive, but always found himself unlocking her door and collapsing on her couch just to smell the slowly decaying scent of her in the air, in that sweater; and dreaming about her coming through the door to him.
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He picks her up from the hospital a week after she wakes up. She’d called him at work the day before to inform him she was getting out and to ask for his help getting to her place. He’d come every evening after her family had left to visit her, a mix of not wanting her to be alone for a second, and wanting to be alone with her. Mostly he brought all the food cravings she requested and they ate and shouted answers at Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune and then watched reruns of whatever was on. He was really good at Jeopardy and she was really good at wheel of fortune. Yesterday, to celebrate her impending release, he’d brought her, her favorite greasy mushroom, fried egg, cheeseburger, from the local diner near work. When he pulled out a package of bright purple Snoballs, that had almost been an afterthought from the checkout counter, she’d insisted they eat them first because “Life is short!”. They split the package, squishing them together in a cheers before the first bite.
Her face lit up when he knocked on the open door. A mix of relief and excitement peaking out from behind Missy’s figure. “Hi Fox” she said. “How are you Melissa” he nodded at her. “Ready to get busted out of here?” He asked Scully, as he walked to the opposite side of her bed. “I told her I could do it but she insisted on you.” Missy looked at him with a slightly smug smile on her face. He pushed his lips together in answer and looked down at Scully looking up at him. “Alright well I’ll stop by tomorrow to make sure you’re settled okay sis?” She bent down to hug Scully goodbye. “Okay, thanks Missy” came Scully’s muffled voice from her shoulder. She smiled at Mulder before sweeping out of the room in a mess of layers of lace and boho skirts. “You kids have fun” she said at the door with a smirk. Scully rolled her eyes, and looked at Mulder apologetically. 
“She’s just happy Im back, full of the big sister energy she missed out on for a month and half.” A nurse came in with a wheelchair and started the checkout procedures with Scully. As she was being helped into the wheelchair, ‘just procedure’ the nurse had assured her, she looked up at Mulder. “Thanks for doing this. Missy would've had to drive my car and she’s a terrible driver.” Mulder chuckled as he picked up her bag. “Alright come on miss Daisy.” “Not you too.” She whined as he chuckled from behind her.
——— She walked through her apartment like a castaway adrift on her own ship. She’d grown more and more quiet the closer he drove her to her apartment. And had stood in front of the building for a solid five minutes before deciding to go in. Mulder standing silently with her, wondering if he should’ve taken her back to his place. 
She stopped to inspect everything like it was her first time here. She brushed her hand over the kitchen table as she walked from the living room to the kitchen. Mulder stood silently watching her with fascination. Wondering at how elegant she was despite everything. He cleared his throat. “Your mom cleaned up when you were in the hospital, just dusted and mopped. She didn’t want to go home but she needed a break so she came here.” “You guys stayed with me.” She knew the details of her family’s support already so he wasn't sure if this was a question. She didn’t turn to look at him just kept looking around, at the moment, the pantry. “Missy and your mom did, I…” He swallowed. She looked up at him. “I tried to find who did this to you so I could kill them.” He stated unemotionally. She blinked, swallowed and then her lips drew apart opening in such a familiar way. He was drawn back to long car rides and pit stops and her thinking face when he said something insane but worth a second thought. 
She said said “Oh” matching his statements emotion as she wandered to the fridge and ducked into it. He came as close as the dining table feeling like she was a tightly wound string about to snap. “She probably told you already but she brought you some food.” She stood up, still looking in the fridge. “But I can take you to the store… if you need something...” he trailed off, slightly perturbed by how she was being. In the hospital she’d been cheery, cheerier than he’d ever remembered. This change was worrying, but he didn’t quite know if he could or should attempt fix it. She shut the fridge, then turned her back to the kitchen to look out of the window. “I don’t feel like I missed anything, but everything around me feels different. Further away…” she said softly, far away herself. “The doctor said your memories could come back.” He was leaning against the kitchen entryway now, watching her. She was so lost being back here, he wasn’t sure if this was a good idea, maybe she should’ve gone to her moms. “I hope not” she said quietly as she turned around leaning against the window sill. She met his eyes for the first time. “Do you… did you find out who did this to me?” She asked. They hadn’t talked about it yet. Talked about what it was like her being gone. He shook his head looking down, ashamed. “I might have, but your sister” he sighed “She convinced me revenge wasn't going to wake you up, and if you… while I was… I would’ve regretted it forever.” She walked to him and brushed a hand on his arm as she wandered away.
“But we can try now. If you, you know, come back…” 
She disappeared around the corner.
“Or if you don’t…”
He found her in her bedroom staring at the window above her desk. “Its fixed” she said. “Yeah, I had the FBI cover it.” “Thanks.” She picked up the green sweater her mother had taken off the couch and folded. The sweater that felt like he had some ownership over, having spent the majority of his time he’d spent in her apartment asleep on her couch with it in his arms. “Did I leave this out?” “You left it on the kitchen table” when she looked at him confused he realized she had been asking no one, herself. “I slept here sometimes, on the couch…” He had to explain now. “I missed you” his cheeks burned. He had never intended to tell her that, to tell her the only time he was able to sleep in the last weeks had been when he was so exhausted he could barely drive, but always found himself unlocking her door and collapsing on her couch just to smell the slowly decaying scent of her in the air, in that sweater; and dreaming about her coming through the door to him. “Im sorry Mulder.” He laughed mirthlessly, shaking his head. “You don’t have anything to be sorry about Dana.” He said softly. She looked away from him down at the floor.
“Im going to shower. Will you stay?” She found his eyes. “Please?” “Of course, whatever you need. Do you want anything? I can order pizza?” “No. I think I just want to sleep.” “You have to eat, I’ll heat up the soup your mom left.” She nodded and disappeared into the bathroom.
She came out half an hour later in a robe and silk pyjamas with white piping. He motioned to the table and put a bowl in front of her. “Are you eating” she asked as she picked up the spoon. “Yeah” he said sitting down with his own bowl of chunky tomato colored soup “I’m gonna miss your moms cooking.” He said off handedly searching for conversation. She looked at him for explanation as she took a spoonful of her moms version of Maryland crab soup with chicken instead of crab like she liked. “Your mom would bring me food sometimes.” He shrugged, he didn’t want to elaborate, if he did he’d probably start crying at the table at the generosity he never deserved. At the kindness her mom had for him when he was the one responsible for losing her daughter. He looked down into his soup and ate and after a minute feeling her eyes boring into him, she continued to eat as well. When they had finished, or as finished as Scully could manage he cleaned up and did the dishes. As he walked back to her wiping his hands on his pants he said “Okay I can come over tomorrow, the same time…” The panic in her eyes was clear. He faltered, the words dying on his breath. “Stay.” She begged quietly “Will you please stay?” “Of course” he answered automatically. He hadn’t wanted to leave really, afraid she would disappear, all alone here. He put a hand on her shoulder. “He’s dead Scully.” In answer she said “I’ll give you a toothbrush” she took his hand and he obliged her to the bathroom. They brushed their teeth standing together over the sink. He found her face in the mirror and she smirked at him through her toothbrush foam. He chuckled and said speaking to her reflection “I have to pee.” Just as muffled by his own toothbrush. She laughed and answered a muffled “Okay” When he opened the door she was waiting for him. “Night Scully.” He said as he made to make his way to the living room. She stopped him with a hand slipped around his forearm. “Will you…” she bit her lip as she looked into her bedroom. There was no discomfort in her asking him to sleep in her bed, just at the thought of being alone. He understood. He wished he could tell her how much he understood. Instead he took her hand and walked with her to her bed
They stood across from each other, the bed between them and he chanced a smile at her. “You cant sleep in jeans.” He removed them. She removed her bathrobe and slipped under the sheets. He climbed in after her and was careful to keep his body from touching her. She turned off the bedside lamp and lay facing him. “Will you hold me?” Came her whisper, he hardly heard it but knew from the moment she’d touched his arm, what she was asking for. Because his mind had been screaming for it too. He obliged without question or pause. He turned over and shifted his body to her, feeling her silky pjs on his legs. His mind blank except for this moment right now, after everything. There was no want or confusion. Happiness flooding him at being able to provide her the comfort she provided him in just being alive. 
The pure contentment of her being here and alive and in his presence. She had been lost. Gone and had returned. It was beyond feeling. It was cataclysmic. It was changing him in the depths of his soul.
They were partners and they were friends and they were entwined in ways they couldn’t quite understand but at the moment it didn’t matter what the definitions of their relationship were. Tomorrow they would return to normal. That was unspoken and understood. But tonight, they both needed the comfort of each other, they needed to disappear into each others bodies, in the purest way two people could. He enveloped her in his arms and she sighed with a small vocal “Hmm” into his chest, her head fitted under his chin, her arms tucked up against his stomach, hands resting against him. She fit her knee between his legs and he wrapped his around her thigh. “I cant believe you’re here.” he said into her hair. “I feel like I’m dreaming you.” “I’m happy I’m not dead too.” He chuckled, then sighed. “Goodnight Dana” his thumb brushing circles on the spot of baby soft skin behind her ear. “Night Mulder” she sighed back, as she burrowed her head closer into his neck, reminding him of a cat getting comfortable. They both slept a deep, unmoving sleep, staying entangled as they were when they slipped into unconsciousness. Their bodies demanding rest, after so long being awake, searching. After so long, being awake, unknowing, lost. When they woke in the morning they felt rested for the first time in a long while. They stayed entwined, holding onto each other for almost an hour, holding onto the peace between them, listening to each others breath. Dozing between waking and the twilight of shared sleep. They shared breakfast and a hug and he left her to her sister.
@today-in-fic 🙏
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aerowolf · 4 months
pinned post be upon ye
i am a minor. if your entire blog is nsfw dni. if you only occasionally post nsfw it's fine to follow BUT ONLY if you tag your nsfw so the tag is blocked
my discord is open to anyone who wants to join, legals included. i will only selectively dm legals. please read the rules as well.
find my art at @aerowolf-draws
hi if you're curious i also run @thefencertf2 and @ilikeclipboards,and @miss-pauling-in-situationsi have other blogs but those are my tf2 oc and miss Pauling asks blogs
Table of Contents
About Me
Fic Requests and Masterlist
Full fics ( non headcanon multiple part or short story style, usually also on other sites, mostly personal but occasional requested )
Ahoy all ! the names Jasper ! she/her and i am a minor. i am completely ridden with audhd i am so sorry.
my current main hyperfixations consist of Atla, BABYMETAL, Paramore, TV Girl, Zelda, Star Trek, XFiles, Ninjago, Atla, Lunar Chronicles, Squirrel Girl, Audrey Hepburn, ATSV and TF2
I draw sometimes I am also a MAJOR Scout simp like idk I'm mentally ill about this man please don't ask how many photos i have of him or how many times I've drawn him and definitely don't look up my tf2 art tag
Miss Pauling is girlboss and deserves the world so do Scout's Ma, Zhanna and Mags. The administrator is womanfailure and needs to die.
you can find all my future art at @aerowolf-draws
Fic Reqs & Masterlist
i only write tf2 atm. what I'll write and how to request can be found here
romantic x reader:
the mercs realizing their s/o still sleeps with a plush
includes: Engineer, Heavy, Demoman, Medic, solo interactions | format: headcanons/story | warnings: alcohol/drinking/drunk mentions on Demo’s section, very minor mentions of cadavers, blood, saws, etc in Medic's | type: sfw fluff & comfort, merc x f!reader, physical affection, forehead kisses, pet names, established relationship
fem!reader meets scout's family for the first time
includes: Scout, Scout's Ma, Scout's brothers, collective interaction. | format: headcanons/story | warnings: n/a | type: sfw fluff & comfort, merc x f!reader, words of encouragement, affirmations, physical affection, established relationship
platonic x reader:
the mercs realize it's your bday and you didn't tell anyone because your family doesn't do birthdays
includes: Miss Pauling & Offense Classes, solo | format: headcanons/story | warnings: n/a | type: fluff
platonic canon x canon:
romantic canon x canon:
Dadspy Headcanons
includes: Spy, Scout's Ma mentions | format: headcanons, no story | warnings: absent father/abandonment etc | type: mostly just fluff or sad fluff
Army Dreamers status: complete
Scout's mother, Marie Jones, receives a letter telling her that her son, her beloved Jeremy, is coming home early from the war, riding in a pine box.
WARNING: there will be thoughts of suicide. it will not occur, and the character will be comforted.
A Study In Scarlet Dress status: ch 3/?
The tale of how Spy met Scout's Ma, and the wholesome acts of love and chicanery which followed
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scullys-scalpel · 1 year
My latest headcanon is that Mulder in his own way celebrates Scully coming into his life. He has the date marked on his calendar. A subtle way he expresses his gratitude was stopping her favorite coffee shop to surprise her with her favorite drink and scone. Scully doesn't realize it because Mulder always uses the excuse I was extra early for work and decided to stop by the shop. One day Scully finally realizes what he has been doing over the years and of course melts like a puddle.
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spurious · 1 year
M C S H E P for the ask bc i can lol
Fandom asks!
Lmao yessssss lets go
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Tomoyo from CCS. The OUTFITS!!!!!!!
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
i don't know what that parenthetical means BUT. i think a lot of my personal HCs are shared by a large portion of fandom at the moment. John is gay. Rodney has a big dick.
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I answered this but also didn't actually answer because. I don't know? Whatever has the things that make my brain go brrrr
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I wrote the cannibalism fic 🙂
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Xfiles au where Scully is a tattoo artist and Skinner runs a flower shop!
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
The anon really seems to wish for you to validate their own experiences, and preferences. Your words weren't offensive, but just didn't place the white, het, old ship up on some superior altar that their stans are so used to receiving, thinking of course, everyone should know their "classic history." Personally, I'm an Asian, and I've heard of, but never watched XFiles, growing up on retro anime, and where I live, most people are like me, yes these people will definitely know wangxian. Impact is subjective. Our experiences are not universal. If one party takes to trashing over the experiences of the other, then they should expect the other party to retort, lol. That too, constantly likening you to JC or this character is extremely childish.
I'm also not sure why I seem to need to feel bad about what they actively said to be their own assumptions and ideas imposed onto a 90's tv show that was made and aired to an American network for a white demographic that is very apparent based on the content written and made.
It's not my classic history and never was, I don't want it or call it my own especially when the base of it chooses to degrade into sinophobia and try to tell me to put more respect on a white American ship. As if I have not been told that since the inception of Hollywood that makes my own community dead rolled in the same constant. Then get told mexican actors are wrong for any role outside of it and it's just a white character role that is better for a caucasian by the fanbases and my upset is overblown and no big deal because of fandom fun.
I have my own loved mexican medias, American and English ones are not the all just because a person's sphere of interaction is limited through no fault of my own, followers or friends. I won't validate headcanons for a 90's tv show because no, it didn't actually give me or people like me anything substantial for role models. Especially when it's demanded as if I need to once more step down to give the limelight to a demographic that has always had it.
In all of this I will also say I'm not actually talking down a thing or insulting it like they have to me on several personal levels.
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