#xg remix run
None of the XD boys are normal humans, and none of them are happy about it
[February 1, 2023]
ok so thanks to krizste i had some Ideas™️ last night for XG Remix
and now that i have had my mandatory... 6 hours of sleep? i'm ready to ramble
i've mentioned before the idea that Orremix, as i like to call it, is tucked into Ultra Space somewhere and is a mirror of GrandCol!Orre. Ultra Space explaining the weird-ass type-chart. i still think that’s true. however, i've recently come up with a new idea
the idea that glitches can devolve into Actual Pokemon... it was like, mentioned briefly as a possibility during Redux, and well. i think that's what happened in Orremix. part of the weird type-chart is Ultra Space, the other part is Glitch.
the Pokemon in Orremix are convergent species that mirror the Pokemon we know and love, but they have very, very different origins.
anyway. Shadows. Shadow-ification. and the “X-Factor”, as i like to call it.
Shadow-ification has always involved glitchstuff, to an extent. this much has always been true. it was true in GrandCol. the reason Quotes!Yuki gained the ability to see Shadow aura was because she had a NDE in RTHE of the glitch variety, and she was left far more sensitive to glitchstuff from then on as a result
but the X-Factor is Shadow-ification mixed with Nihilego toxin, because that's readily available in Ultra Space. and while toying around in Orremix, specifically, Cipher discovered something fascinating
they could tap into the previously-unknown glitchstuff origins of Orremix’s native populations
X-Pokemon... ex-Pokemon.
Pokemon that are not-quite glitches, but not-quite Pokemon anymore, either. toeing that borderline.
the Lugia we see in Orremix is probably(?) not native, however, and was shipped in from another dimension or something(?). and when they were toying around with the X-Factor on a non-Orremix Pokemon, it took a lot more dedication to get it to not only work, but get a relatively stable result that wouldn't devolve into glitchstuff and then have to be put back together
that poor lugia has probably “died” a few times, only to be reassembled... ahem. let's not worry about that right now
anyway. even though the result was still physically stable, they certainly couldn't control it. it communicates in garbled tongues and distorted cries. it doesn't understand human language. electric sonar and radio frequencies help to an extent, but it's still hit-or-miss, 7 times out of 10. it can’t be commanded, reliably.
this is where XG000 comes in.
they came up with a very special recipe of X-Factor to work on Lugia, different from the garden variety stuff they used on other Orremix Pokemon. so they take some of that special X-Factor and they tinker around with it a little more, until it's stable enough to slip into a human being. a child, which can be raised to be unquestioningly loyal to Cipher. and they go through some... er, trial and error, let's say... before the finally do it.
XG000 is a glitch-modified human. one that shares an instant, immediate connection to XG001 due to their being comprised of/corrupted by the same glitchstuff. it has a human's intelligence and a human's sentimentalities but there is a deep, intrinsic connection to the violent impulses that drive XG001.
Xavier is, of course, rescued from Cipher's clutches very soon after the modification process is finalized, and things settle down, and the glitchstuff is stabilized to go dormant without any kind of resonance to X-Factor. he's given a normal home, a normal family life, a relatively normal childhood...
he spends most of his life ignorant of what lays lurking, dormant, just beneath his skin
until Cipher shows up to kidnap Krane, and he sees an X-Pokemon for the first time. but the Voices are too loud in his head for him to notice the tingle in his fingertips until much, much later in the run
also the fact that Orremix is a glitch-infested dimension, in some way, shape, or form may explain the amnesia and power-entanglement/identity swap that happened to |root| and |CLAW|
Yeah explaining in text is hard. No matter how many ways I've tried, I think I'll need to make visuals of some kind at some point [whines] but that's slooooowww
Also this is cool! I don't have a lot of ideas for Grand Colo and XG yet mostly because of the chart stuff :Joy:
Kinda funny, we've been talking a lot about Stars and Xavier lately but I wake up this morning with Alpha brain rot 😂
i actually was kinda toying around with the idea that Orremix's origins are from Alpha's Orre when it was lost to glitches :Kappa:
then it was born somehow when the universe was rebuilt :Kappa:
For me that's XG :Jebaited:
well not being here for XG makes me kinda not know the lore there :Keepo:
Remix might be the same Orre as XG but later, but I'm still not solid on the more recent runs
And there's not a lot for XG, just my brain has a lot of connections between Stars and Michael / Alpha including I started a fic at the time with Alpha pleading with Stars not to end up like him in sort of a dream but was it a dream?
Said connection only got worse when Hacker Stars was introduced and it's like UHHHHHH well at least Host Stars had a wonderfully innocent go at Orre
the way I see things basically is: there's two possible paths from XD in a timeline
a timeline where Alpha succeeds and Orre goes onto the prosper, which is where XG happens
and a timeline where Alpha fails because of just how hard Orre is breaking down, and this is where XG Remix happens
it's possible that Orremix is also mirroring XG!Orre instead of Alpha's Orre. i just wanna do something with glitches :RaccAttack:
like i'm just... i'm set on that now that i've thought it up
in my head: it's entirely possible that Xavier is basically Copy Alpha???
created by a group of rogue Cipher scientists who are very much not a fan of the direction things are going, but XG000/Xavier ends in more cooperate hands, which then ends up putting XG000's existence on the radar of Krane's Lab, leading to the rescue op
No reason why you can't :tppPika:
Okay so trying to keep this simple but basically the Created World was built to contain Olden. Bill ended up using it for his own purposes by tricking people like Abe and Blue to go inside with sort of gladiatorial intent which was Abe is possessed by the Voices either he's going to be stuck with them forever as nothing escapes the Divine Prison or eventually "the beast within" will devour them which will destroy the Voices. Either way, they're out of the Real / Original World for a while. Replikanto, as it was designed for Olden, is stuck in a bit of loop with worsening conditions as we see RFireRed and Moemon before the Voices are able to escape thanks in part to Alice and Amber (being in an Ultra World but gets enough god power by the end of it to create an opening to rescue Athena from the hellscape she's in). The Kanto loop is broken and stuff happens before we return to the Created World for Viet Crystal. Baba and Bet Boy meetings play a role in her eventually attacking Orre. Alpha has several cybernetic implants meant to help counter Cipher's takeover, but there's not enough knowledge on the Glitches to understand that said cybernetics could leave him open to corruption. The Voices and Glitches both seem attracted to him and in part it's because he's unknowingly (sadly, the lab knows and purposefully took advantage of knowing their world is fake but this was a greater good situation) somewhat connected to the Created World itself. Which is where his grasp on reality really starts to get screwy and gaining time control powers makes him take a questionable deal to go back in time to stop Baba and hopefully stop Cipher much earlier than his region was in danger. This fails. Multiple times.
Eventually he hunts down Abe, Baba and Sev who help get him stabilized even if he's still a bit messed up and Abe tried to take the gang with him in his escape from the world (in his perspective it's been like a few centuries at this point. He's so tired, guys) but Olden showed up basically like they're not going unless it gets to go with them because fuck this place. Encounter leads to the fallen god doing a sort of hard reset on the console bringing them all back to step one with Abe confused to be starting over and the others scattered across RepliKanto and Johto but keeping tabs on this Evan kid who they all KNOW wasn't there before
Details details, things do work out eventually and the world goes on as it should be.
XG is quite a LOOOONG time later in both the Real World and the Created World but things are getting scary when we've a doomsday cult forming in Kalos and facing things like the events of RandY, Storm Silver, and Sword where the glitches are running en mass, the dead seem to be walking, the awakening of The Darkest Day??? Not a great place to be right now so the different regions start looking to where they can send their people/preserve their way of life by any means leading to a lot of bad decisions. Including people of Orre realizing there's another Orre inside the machine and somehow Hacker Stars gets roped into / is egotistical enough to volunteer to stay in the Real World and manage things to keep everyone else safe. Splitting off part of himself was to help monitor things from the inside but.... Something seems to have gone wrong.
This probably lines up with Colo / XD were originally in the timeline before Olden did the reset. So guess who else is back? Cipher.
To make matters worse, the part of Stars inside the world doesn't seem to have any connection with his other half, so he has NO IDEA what's going on but know what? That's good because he's got talent and friends and going after Cipher and living a pretty normal life. Hacker Stars is... Probably running on autopilot at this time to be honest. He's broken and practically hooked up to the machine, but he's still managing to keep things relatively stable, he's just unable to do anything to protect everyone as he said he would. But he can watch as Stars takes care of things and it seems seeing his other half in action awakens something in him.
No idea if / when / how the two get back together but at least after the mountain encounter they're aware of each other. I wanna say it's not until Xavier is able to defeat Hacker Stars though he can be free to get his life back together
So um, yeah. That's somehow the short version :tppPika:
The sad thing is, I'm not sure if Alpha tried to make contact with Hacker Stars or saw what Cipher was doing and reached out to Host Stars, because if it's the former, WELP! CAN'T SAY HE DIDN'T WARN HIM but if it's the latter, uh.... Too late
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motherofqups · 4 months
Joji - Sanctuary
Caroline Polachek - Blood and Butter
Queens of the Stone Age - Go With the Flow
Phoebe Bridgers - Moon Song
Caroline Polachek, Weyes Blood - Butterfly Net (remix)
Feist - Borrow Trouble
Jenny Lewis - Red Bull & Hennessy
Scary Pockets, Elise Trouw - Dreams (Fleetwood Mac cover)
Ariana Grande, Mariah Carey - yes, and? (remix)
Rina Sawayama - Bad Friend
Hayley Williams - HYD
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Thirteen (Big Star cover)
Clairo - Bags
Moose Blood - Shimmer
Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)
First Aid Kit - Running Up That Hill (Kate Bush cover)
Hayley Williams - Over Yet
Keane - Spiralling
Lady Gaga - Venus
Doja Cat, Ariana Grande - I Don't Do Drugs
Glass Animals - Heat Waves
Sylvan Esso - Ferris Wheel
Sam Smith, Kim Petras - Unholy
Lady Gaga - So Happy I Could Die
MARINA - Shampain
Cloud Cult - May Your Hearts Stay Strong
Hozier - De Selby (Part 2)
La Dispute - Bury Your Flame
Silversun Pickups - Circadian Rhythm (Last Dance)
Circa Survive - Stop the Fucking Car
Charli XCX, Christine and the Queens - Gone
My Chemical Romance - The Sharpest of Lives
Queens of the Stone Age - The Way You Used To Do
Tinashe, Ms Banks - Die A Little Bit
The Weeknd - Blinding Lights
Rina Sawayama - Fuck This World (Interlude)
Rina Sawayama - Who's Gonna Save You Now?
Halsey - Without Me
Orville Peck - Dead of Night
Indochine, Christine and the Queens - 3SEX
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the-strange-world · 10 months
Masterpiece 10 | amazing 9 | good 7-8 | ok 5-6 | skip 0-4
BLUE - XEED : 8/10 • it’s chill and summery a bit | FAV BSIDES - Priceless & Hold my hand
DO or DIE - xikers : 9/10 | FAV BSIDES - Run, Skater, & HOMEBOY. I really liked this album!
The Flash - KWON EUNBI : 7/10 | FAV BSIDE - Beautiful Night
dangdang - MAMAMOO+ : 9/10 • the beat sounds so similar to something but I can’t think of the song. I LIKE THIS sounds like another mamamoo song so much but idk which one 😂 it has old mamamoo vibes. The other bside was chill. I liked both bsides
Turn it off - NINE.i : 10/10 • they are soooooooo underrated | FAV BSIDES - Like Crazy, ONE, & Power Up. I liked Hurt too
The summer night - COOING : 5/10 • very pretty and chill. I just wouldn’t listen to it again probably
Planet - BXB : 6/10 • the beginning sounds like something else. The bside (Thirsty) is so funny but I don’t think it’s meant to be
ONE MORE TIME - BBGIRLS : 9/10 • omg why do all these songs keep reminding me of another song? | FAV BSIDE - LEMONADE
Mad - ABLUE : 10/10 | I like both bsides - BITE & DIEF
Madeleine - LIMELIGHT : 8/10
TGIF - XG [prerelease] : 10/10
FREE WORLD - CHEN [JP prerelease] : 10/10
LIP GLOSS - THE BOYZ : 10/10 • ITS SO GOOD AND FUN!!!! A SUMMER BOP! I had high expectations and was NOT disappointed. I LOVE THIS SONG. It’s so catchy and I’m a pop girlie for sure 😂 Fun fact: apparently from20 helped write the chorus. This whole album didn’t disappoint. No skips. Every song was amazing. I’m even more excited for the other 2 parts of this album. THE BOYZ ARE BACK BABY. IM CRYING. This is probably one of my fav albums from them. Fantasize has potential of being another salty for me I think | FAV BSIDES - Passion Fruit, Fairy Tale, Fantasize, Lighthouse, & Fire Eyes
Fast Forward - JEON SOMI : 10/10 • ok LADY GAGA. This song gives rain on me vibes. I love it! This album was everything. I can’t believe this album and the boyz album were released on the same day. GREAT MUSIC! | FAV BSIDE - The Way & Fxxked Up
On the road - CHEN [JP prerelease] : 7/10
Horizon - JAEHYUN : 7/10
Wormhole - n.SSign : 9/10 • it’s kinda Halloweenesque so idk why they released it now but the song is good. I’ll be listening to it during Halloween time. I’m getting exo vibes too. This album slapped! | FAV BSIDE - SPICE. I liked Melody (it reminded my of another song) & Home too
TAXI - Jo Yuri : 10/10 • she doesn’t miss. It’s a happy and fun song | FAV BSIDE - Lemon Black Tea. I liked Hang On too
Maker Breaker - DAIZEE : 8/10 • this definitely has a sample or something of some song in this but i can’t think of the song. Maybe hate on me?
SMILEY (Japanese Ver) - YENA feat. CHANMINA [JP] : ♾/10 • i actually love this version so much. It’s better than the og imo | FAV BSIDE - Déjà Vu
DUBI DUBI - ARTBEAT v : 8/10 • i liked it more as it went on. I love the chorus. The song has an 80s vibe
HEARTBEAT - TAN : 10/10 • they are so underrated. People should stop sleeping in them! | FAV BSIDE - VIOLET and I liked all the bsides too especially the 3 unit songs
Mirage of Flower - CHEN [JP prerelease] : 4/10
Break Out - CHEN [JP prerelease] : 5/10
EUROPA - HYNN : 6/10
Love Me Love Me - Kwon Jin Ah : 7/10
Drive5 - HWIYOUNG : 7/10
My Sunshine - CHEN [JP prerelease] : 6/10
OUTLAW - Bz-Boys : 9/10 • I’ve never heard of this group. This song was great. The album was good too! | FAV BSIDE - Find you
All Yours - DKB : 9/10 | FAV BSIDE - Told You (I liked both the regular and remix)
I Don’t Know Yet What Love Is - TSUKI (Billlie) : 6/10
Bubble - STAYC : ♾/10 • they did it AGAIN!!! Bubble is one of the my fav songs already. The choreography is everything | FAV BSIDE - Not Like You
Truth or Dare - Rocking Doll Roa : 10/10
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krizste · 1 year
NAME/ XG / Xavier Grand TPP run host/ XG Remix
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a robot weapon.
[index post]
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tkyno1 · 2 months
NEW【K-POP 65 Song DJ MIX】“With You”  mixcloud streaming
Listen on mixcloud
TWICE / LE SSERAFIM / JUNG KOOK / NewJeans / SEVENTEEN / Stray Kids / ITZY / IVE / aespa / ENHYPEN / RIIZE / Suzy … and more
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DJ TKY SPECIAL K-POP MEGA MIX “ With You ” --------------------------------------------------- ■Tracklist --------------------------------------------------- SET ME FREE / TWICE Dream of You / CHUNG HA & R3HAB plot twist / TWS Flash Forward / LE SSERAFIM YOU GET ME / TWICE Sweet Venom / ENHYPEN Killin' Me Good / JIHYO Fate / (G)I-DLE Die for You / EL7Z UP C'mon (feat. amine) / JINI NEW DANCE / XG You & Me / JENNIE #menow / fromis_9 COMFLEX / Stray Kids Back 2 Back / SEVENTEEN Get A Guitar / RIIZE Just Do It / tripleS Why / Kep1er ANTIFRAGILE / LE SSERAFIM Smart / LE SSERAFIM 3D / JUNG KOOK & Jack Harlow S-Class / Stray Kids UNTOUCHABLE / ITZY Standing Next to You / JUNG KOOK Still Monster / ENHYPEN Closer / JIHYO FEARLESS / LE SSERAFIM BOOM / NMIXX NOBODY / JEON SOYEON, WINTER & LIZ Dimension / tripleS Don't Be A Jerk / LEE CHAE YEON Diamond / TRI.BE Alpha / BOY STORY Good Boy Gone Bad / TOMORROW X TOGETHER Revenge / (G)I-DLE Kitsch / IVE CASE 143 / Stray Kids Monster / SEVENTEEN Blind / ENHYPEN Salty & Sweet / aespa Attention 250 Remix / NewJeans CIRCUS / Stray Kids To. X / TAEYEON  Undercover / Suzy Ordinary Days / Suzy Room / JIHYO STAY / SEOLA & 태영 The Happiest Girl / BLACKPINK so this is love / DAY6 (Even of Day) Hype Boy 250 Remix / NewJeans Black Mamba / aespa Don't Blink / aespa Rising / tripleS VISION / Dreamcatcher ONE SPARK / TWICE Back to the City / Kep1er Run Away (RYUJIN) / ITZY Changed Man / J.Y. Park I GOT YOU / TWICE Like Magic / J.Y. Park, Stray Kids, ITZY & NMIXX DASH / NMIXX Mr. Vampire / ITZY Love To Hate Me / BLACKPINK Baddie / IVE EASY / LE SSERAFIM
■ K-POP MASHUP YouTube STUDIO TKY《Like, and subscribe to my channel》 https://www.youtube.com/@studiotky
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blazehedgehog · 3 years
Do you think you'll ever release the soundtrack for Sonic Legends, or is it something you'd rather keep to yourself?
Anything that was finished on the Sonic Legends soundtrack is uploaded to vgmusic.com already. My version of Sonic Legends is old enough that the soundtrack was just going to be MIDI.
Looking now, what’s been uploaded were all the tracks that were considered “complete.” The full soundtrack I have is:
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There are a lot of WIPs here, as you’ll note by some MIDIs being marked by numbers. Some songs, like Scrap Brain Zone, are what would probably just be considered a “sketch.” It’s 18 seconds long and is just a basic chorus.
I could give some of this stuff a once-over in FL Studio, as I tend to do, but would it really be worth it?
More to what I think you’re really getting at, I think you’re talking about the fact I have Sonic Legends MP3s that aren’t on my Bandcamp. There’s a simple reason for that: songs on my Bandcamp are for things I did hands-on work with. Though I’m only “remastering” MIDIs, it’s never been as simple as a drag-and-drop process. I replace all the instruments, sometime add new instruments, sometimes change notation, tweak tempo, add new effects, fine tune the EQ... It’s different from composition, but obviously I can spend weeks tweaking a single song trying to get it to sound “right.”
The Sonic Legends MP3s predate all of that. They probably came right before a friend sent me Fruityloops for the first time. They are just raw MIDI recordings. The only thing special about them is that they were recorded using the Yamaha SYXG-50 Software Synthesizer, so they don’t sound like Windows GM MIDIs.
So I don’t feel comfortable sharing those on Bandcamp, because I didn’t really do anything to them besides hit “record.”
As I said, I could run them through FL Studio now, but that presents its own unique challenge, in that I believe there’s a “canonical” way those songs are supposed to sound, and it’s with the Yamaha XG synthesizer. XG allowed MIDI sequencers to add extra effects to their songs, like reverb, flange, and so on.
Now, I also have a variety of VSTs (music plugins) that will let me re-add a lot of those effects to replicate what the XG synth could do, but that’s easier said than done, because again, it’s not a drag-and-drop process. There is a very specific sound to the XG synth that needs to be respected. A cadence to the way certain instruments sound, to the way the reverb sounds, and so on. 
There are also VST versions of a couple Yamaha XG software synths, but those don’t sound quite right, either. They aren’t the specific versions of the XG synth I used to record my original MP3s back in the early 2000′s, so they don’t sound “canonically correct.” The instruments are all slightly different, the effects are slightly different, and it just feels wrong.
Believe me, I’ve gone back to the Sonic Legends MIDIs a few times and tried to replicate the “Yamaha XG Feel” and it just never sounds right. Those MIDIs were designed for a specific version of the XG Software Synth, and anything else is living in the shadow of the way that sounded in 2003 or whenever that project was last active.
If you’re really bent on hearing those MP3s, here’s a download link. I don’t think any of them are tagged, but I think most of them were done by Malcolm Brown (DragonXVI), with Angel Island (and possibly Sky Sanctuary) belonging to Jarel Jones.
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Gigi Hadid debuts 'dad shoes' for Reebok that you can actually wear to the gym
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The new Gigi Hadid x Reebok clothing collection is filled with ’90s-inspired pieces that’ll up your sporty style. (Photo: Reebok)
Gigi Hadid has officially launched her new capsule collection with Reebok, and it’s the perfect combination of sporty and ’90s flair.
Bursting with bright orange, yellow and turquoise colors, the line includes figure-flattering bodysuits, track pants and T-shirts with color-blocked patterns that conjure memories of hip-hop clothing brand Cross Colours. The former volleyball player even remixed the Reebok Classic Leather sneakers, taking the shoes to supermodel heights thanks to extra-chunky soles.
“A lot of people are buying thousand dollar dad shoes and can’t actually go to the gym in them, so I’m making the dad shoe that will actually support your foot and you can play anything in it or take them anywhere,” Hadid told Elle of the sneakers.
Priced between $35 and $110, the apparel comes in sizes that range from 2XS to XL, and the unisex footwear goes up to a size 12. In other words, you’re bound to find at least one item that you wouldn’t mind adding to your rotation of stylish workout gear.
View this post on Instagram
  Designing my first athleisure collection for @Reebok @ReebokClassics was everything I’d hoped. Growing up, sports played such a big part in my life, and many of the lessons I learned as an athlete have been true guides for me in my personal and professional life. Today, two of my high school volleyball coaches have come across the country to NYC to help me launch this first #REEBOKxGIGI collection with a day on the court. 🏐 This amazing collision of worlds is the epitome of what this collection means to me and I really hope you love wearing it in and out of the gym. 🧡 It’s made for play !!!!!!!!!!!! With love. xG (Full collection available tomorrow 2/5 online reebok.co/gigi_collection and in select stores worldwide)
A post shared by Gigi Hadid (@gigihadid) on Feb 4, 2019 at 5:39am PST
Hadid promoted her latest collection with Reebok on Instagram, uploading a series of envy-inducing photos that truly capture the athleisure vibes throughout the line.
“Growing up, sports played such a big part in my life, and many of the lessons I learned as an athlete have been true guides for me in my personal and professional life,” she wrote. “This amazing collision of worlds is the epitome of what this collection means to me, and I really hope you love wearing it in and out of the gym.”
As far as what we’ll be sporting “in and out of the gym,” we’ve got our eyes on the thick-soled, unisex kicks decked out in asymmetrical stripes — an homage to the retro running sneaker.
Shop these super-cool sneakers below, and head over to reebok.com to see the full Gigi Hadid x Reebok clothing collection.
Reebok Aztrek Double x Gigi Hadid
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Photo: Reebok
Introducing your new favorite gym shoes, which will take you from the treadmill to happy hour.
Shop it: $110, reebok.com.
Reebok Classic Leather Double x Gigi Hadid
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Photo: Reebok
If you’re on the hunt for a not-so-simple pair of black sneakers, we recommend these.
Shop it: $100, reebok.com.
Reebok Aztrek Double x Gigi Hadid
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Photo: Reebok
Kick up your favorite little black dress with these funky-design sneakers that offer a pop of color.
Shop it: $100, reebok.com.
Reebok Classic Leather Double x Gigi Hadid
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Photo: Reebok
These bright white sneakers can be worn with practically anything.
Shop it: $100, reebok.com.
The editors at Yahoo Lifestyle are committed to finding you the best products at the best prices. At times, we may receive a share from purchases made via links on this page.
Read more from Yahoo Lifestyle:
The sneakers people swear are the most comfortable ever: ‘Like walking on a cloud’
The $8 product behind Gigi Hadid’s beauty transformation
Cardi B Announces Partnership With Reebok
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How old are these S9 kids anyway?
[January 31 - February 1, 2023]
@Krizste psst since Stars has kind of become your boy, how old would say he is / was during the run? :RaccAttack:
he was always my boy, who do you think gave him that goofy hair? :Kappa:
I currently have him at 17 just guessing his "real" counterpart to be at the older end of the host spectrum but Host Stars is usually so cute and nervous, I wondered if he's actually younger
i have no
i guess around 14-15?
Alrighty, that works too
hacker is def older in existence, but his appearance is a dice roll, lol
after having written for Hacker Stars a bit, i wanna place him as appearing in his early twenties at the oldest and being Frozen In Time thanks to hacker magic or whatever :Kappa:
That's kind of what I'm thinking too.
But I wasn't sure about the host version
he sure acts like a jaded old man :Kappa:
he's Seen Some Shit :Kappa:
i love stars :Kappa: its a combo deal of trauma and depression and its lovely
Okay, now for Quotes and Yuu
age? yus gotta be 17+
Yeah ages
I'm so close like down to the last 6 :BegWan:
I think Yuu is about 17. That's Wes's canonical age according to Word of God
pjixdhfc i was judt giving him joker p5 age
I mean, not wrong
Quotes has a flashback with her and Alex celebrating her 15th birthday in the past so she is at least 15 during RTHE
I personally place her at 16-17
Good to know :SeemsGood:
She and Alex are implied to be around the same age and by the run's end he was talking about college
I put RTHE like a year before GrandCol so that would make her either the same age as or a year older than Yuu in my timeline :RaccAttack:
Thanks :tppAYAYA:
haji making host dex?
Just using the tentative timeline to plot out ages for my current "arc"
There's smaller arcs within it, but damn I realized everything being interconnected means it's from Ultra Sun on down
If you need ages for the other season9 hosts, I can't sleep rn :Kappa:
So I'm like... open to distraction
alright, the charitydual two, go
my brain is saying ness age
whatever ness age is
Ehhhh I'm breaking from the mold and making them like... 18? They're med students that got roped into the charity fundraiser as part of their program
Maybe 16 at the youngest if we go child geniuses :Kappa:
That's me anyway
maybe they do assistant nursing / apprenticeing
Could be, yeah
not a med genious job
Then again this is pokemon world where 10-year-olds venture out into the world without adult supervision so like
I was about to say. Since when does Kanto seem to care about child labor? 😂
14 at the youngest, 18 at the oldest
Is my gut instinct
I feel like Barbie is older
speaking of that, i place forrest/hugh vw2r combo as some years older than 10 (dunno how many), as forrest specifically gets fucked over on the day of what was meant to be his pokemon journey starting
and spends an undefined ammount of time being hunted/etc in kanto, then moving, and then spening more time just being in school, then starting his poke journey
hugh would also be in the bucket of 'start poke journey late' due to fun family deaths and stolen pokemon! no wonder he was happy when startying with forrest
I think Forrest appears like 14 in human years. Glitch time? Heh. Glitches aren't bound by arbitrary laws of physics, much less temporality
I still go with the "he became a human" interpretation so age is uh. how does one track that exactly
When you are a pile of broken reality
ah cool cool
idk what im doin for forrest, he’s half half. his human side is whatever, 14? but glitch side is whatever. so- ohh ohh ohh.....
Oh really? TPP doesn't matter but I thought he'd be closer to 15/16 like they are in game
I don't think there's an official age for Rosa or Nate in-game. Hilda/Hilbert are implied to be 14 in BW1 according to Word of God but that's it
tempraraly, forrest is both, yet neither 'glitch become human' / 'human become glitch'. human forrest lived human like life, basic temperarily forward and aging, at pokemon journey age, he got capowed top half glitch. but glitch forrest always existed , bc as u did say glitches do b outside the scope of temporality. glitch mode forrest is both very very young in human forward years if we count from the capow event, from that event, but is also incredibly ancient, as the worlds code itself
so its like lil 
human>>> ya boi <<<glitch
glitch>> half glitch 
human>> half human, etc
So... fusion dance
a getting smooshed in a collapsement of plasmic spacetime
Steven Universe, glitch style
Two beings coalesce into one
reverse Stars, if you will
that actully feels like the most glitch thing to be
bc glitches need Stuff and Thinggs to make them be
they need Events, they need Items, they need Environment,
I still maintain Jirachi's involvement in Forrest's predicament... but you've given me a brain worm about Xavier now...
fuck! my xavier comic
Dammit I'm about to head back into XG Remix brainrot
As for the others... I peg Xavier at 13, Tulio at like 11, and Terra roughly at 15(?) maybe :RaccAttack:
I'm still undecided about Terra
Run was too recent
Timeline still settling
Haji you now have ages for the season9 kids
Oh shit I forgot gigi
...I wanna say like 12? 13?
She and Lillie are the same age and Star is one year after SM, during which Lillie is 11, so like
12-13 seems safe
tulio so tiny
what if this is homestuck scratch
scarlet tulio is 15
scratch happens
vio+ tulio is 10 and terra is 15
I personally subscribe to the idea that Tulio has graduated by now and is in another region. Maybe looking into how to help stop whatever the fuck is going wrong in Paldea
Or blissfully ignorant
Either works
All I'll say at the moment is some of these ages are going to be ~approximate~ because I rounded everything to years and half years and the 6 months may have thrown me off. Also some are just going to look weird because of character circumstances 🤣
So like Xavier being a machine doesn't really age??? So I laugh at the idea of just 13s across the board
Aaaaaaanyway. The X-Factor, the creation of the artificial Subject XG000... I have Thoughts™️ and I still need to go to bed
I view him less as a machine and more an artificially-created human
Technically organic in genetic makeup... origins, not so much
...and now I'm thinking along the lines of glitch-fusion enhancement
Gotta make this hard for me, huh? :Kappa:
Hey, my interpretation doesn't have to dictate your thingy
Whatever the word is
That's a word right
forrest is just a teen
his age is teen (not 10) :Kappa:
I guess with ScVi still fresh in my mind, I kind of thought he'd be more like the professor AI. A sort of animatronic made to fight but gained a level of sentience enough to say he doesn't want to do that. Really kind of funny because that's what I imagined in the first place, just now we might have some weird explanation to how such a machine could be made. He's much more primitive than the ScVi AI though, since they're made from technology not possible yet, but Cipher has always been super dubious in the TPP lore for pushing what's possible :HYPERRACC:
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blazehedgehog · 3 years
I changed my mind. (re: this blog)
Yesterday, I did some digging. I made some discoveries. The reason XG MIDIs don’t sound “correct” in FL Studio is because when FL Studio imports a MIDI, it strips out all of the XG-related data. So, I found a way to use the XG VST plugin to properly interface with XG MIDIs (a piece of software called VSThost).
And re-listening to the old Sonic Legends soundtrack, I realized it’s not easy to hear that music as it was intended. Tracking down the right version of the Yamaha XG VST plugin, setting up VSThost, having the Sonic Legends MIDIs... plus, there were quite a few that weren’t on VGmusic.com, anyway (probably because they weren’t finished, but let’s not nitpick).
I decided there was value in having MP3s. So, using VSThost, I made some recordings, and then I loaded those recordings up in FL Studio and did some light-touch sound mastering on them. There’s not much I could do, really. It was mainly running them through a compressor, or tweaking bass, minor high pass filter work, things like that.
These are presented basically as they were intended to sound back in 2001. I’m not super happy with some of that, like a couple songs have way too much reverb, but that’s how they were set up back then and with the tools I have currently I can’t modify those values. Honestly? It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. Preservation, and all that.
A few songs are missing from this collection, but that’s because they were either barely songs at all, or because the MIDIs appeared to be broken and wouldn’t play through the XG VST. Scrap Brain Zone, for instance, was 18 seconds long and was only a very basic chorus and a little bit of bass. The Game Over jingle didn’t play any notes at all (it was just a MIDI-tized version of the Sonic CD JP Game Over, anyway).
Anyway, enjoy having fresh, high-quality versions of all this stuff. I guess 2021 is technically the 20th anniversary, too, which is spooky.
Thanks to the original remixers and sequencers, of course -- Malcolm Brown and Jarel Jones. In retrospect it’s hard to believe I could swing such talented individuals.
Also, for mobile users, it may help to click or tap here to see the complete track list.
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