rrdcafterdark · 1 year
@xiaolintease      continued from here.
Eu também... She ran the words over and over again in her head, they way they rolled off his tongue and his adorable flush as he said them. Eu também...
“That means ‘me too,’ right?” Portuguese wasn’t coming easily to her, but she was trying. She liked the way he beamed at her when she spoke, even haltingly, in his native tongue. Anyway, she hoped it meant he’d been wondering, too, because it would feel very lonely to be feeling like this all by herself.
“Why don’t we try it?” she wondered, her voice low, but her eyes sparkling with the excitement and eagerness she felt whenever she discovered or learned something new. “We could slip away for a little while. I don’t think anyone would miss us the rest of the night.”
It wasn’t extremely late, but it wasn’t early enough that the Heylin side would be up to their usual tricks. Astoundingly, they generally kept pretty regular hours, and didn’t tend to get up to their usual mischief after 9. It was very considerate of them, if you asked her.
“What do you say?” she wondered, tentatively sliding her fingertips up Rai’s chest. His muscle structure and body hair fascinated her, and she adored touching it. Adored even more the reaction she got from him when she did.
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Just updating my Raipunzel RP/ficlet list with @xiaolindude/@xiaolintease for our own reference.
-Dragon of Light -Home Is Where Your Ass Is [COMPLETE] -Nova Scotia (ficlet) -Building Up Walls [COMPLETE] -Is This Okay? (ficlet) -Not a Nightmare... (ficlet, 18+ for s.exual content) -Diffident Diversions (18+ for s.exual content) -Suns Out, Guns Out (18+, for s.exual dialogue)[COMPLETE] -Cramp (ficlet, 18+ for s.exual content) -Lucky 13 (18+ for s.exual content)[COMPLETE] -You Can't Save Me (18+ for violence and potentially triggering themes)[COMPLETE] -Catch (ficlet, 18+ for s.exual content) -You're An Asshole But I Love You (starter) -The Balance of Waiting (18+, for s.exual content)[COMPLETE] -Mind Games (18+, for some s.exual content and several dark and potentially triggering themes) -I Want You to Want Me (18+, for s.exual content)[COMPLETE] -Rum Soaked Sunset -Negative Head Space -Something's Gotta Give -Stolen Studies (18+, for s.exual content) -The Intimacy of Hands - prompt (ficlet, 18+ for potentially triggering themes)[NOTE: Is not "canon" to this AU, but still takes place in it]
Bodyguard AU:
-Nowhere Safer -You Worry Too Much [COMPLETE] -Freefall (18+, for s.exual content) -Closeted Desires (18+, for s.exual content) -Jealousy (18+, for s.exual content) -Silence and Patience (18+, for s.exual content) -Another Inch of Your Life Sacrificed (18+, for s.exual content and potentially triggering themes) -One Year Kissaversasry -Behind Closed Doors (18+, for s.exual content) -The Sweetest Dessert (18+, for s.exual content) -I Choose You
Futbol AU:
-Charitable Contributions -Reopened Wounds (18+, for s.exual content and potentially triggering themes) -Christmas EmergencEve (18+, for s.exual content and potentially triggering themes) -Fall Apart to Reunite (18+, for s.exual content) -Flight to Catch -Nothing Will Burn Us Out (starter)
Tempting Scandal AU:
-Teach Me to Be More Adaptive (18+, for s.exual content and potentially triggering themes) -The Intimacy of Hands - prompt (ficlet)
"Villain" Rai AU:
-New to Rio, New to the World [COMPLETE] -Secretly On Your Side [COMPLETE] -A Guy Like You Should Wear a Warning (18+, for s.exual content)
Verses we've plotted but not RP'd in yet
Heylin Kids
Pirate AU
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suggestivespicer · 4 years
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He’ll clean you up trust
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rrdcafterdark · 1 year
@xiaolintease      Continued from here
Yes, she’d been insatiable today. She couldn’t explain why exactly she was so horny tonight, but the fact of the matter was, she still wanted him. She’d orgasmed multiple times during each session, and for some reason, she still wasn’t satisfied.
“Maybe you didn’t here me,” she said. In a flash, she was leaning over him, holding his wrists against the pillow, pure lust sparkling in her green eyes. “I’m not done with you.”
Of course, she wouldn’t force him. What kind of relationship would this be if they each felt entitled to each other’s bodies? But she was hoping the move of dominance would spark him enough for one last round before he fell asleep. And if it didn’t? Well, she technically didn’t need him to get the job done. She was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. She just preferred his involvement.
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rrdcafterdark · 2 years
@xiaolintease continued from here
Time did not feel like it passed at a normal rate, here. When Rapunzel had lived in the tower, she had meticulously counted time, her eyes always on the clock, meticulously marking how long everything took her to do, how much of the day she had left. Except when she got lost in creating art. That was always a blessed relief.
But here in Rio, it almost felt like clocks didn’t exist. There were no expectations or demands on her shoulders, and Rai had taught her to relax, forgetting about the the pressures she used to have and simply accepting that she could exist. For once in her life, she regularly lost track of time. She often was unsure of what day of the week it was, and forget knowing the date.
Rio was fun, but it had its challenges, too. She had begun learning the local language and had to find odd jobs to put food on her table. No one was feeding her anymore. She very much had to take care of herself. But there was a freedom to it like she had never known.
And through all of it, Rai had been by her side. (Well, not through it all, but she understood that he wasn’t comfortable staying in one place for too long.  She could relate.) She was learning so much from him, and she really enjoyed him company, always looking forward to his return when he was gone.
It had been creeping up on her for some time, now. He was like art in motion when he surfed, his laughter was infectious, and when he danced, she found herself drawing nearer. But she would not describe what she was feeling as attraction until one afternoon when she’d watched him play with Niño. There was so much tenderness and caring there that he really only ever showed the stoat, but observing him made her feel like she was seeing into his soul. That was when the true attraction had sparked.
And still, she’d held off.
Something about him reminded her of her mother. Maybe it was because he regularly left for long stretches of time, and she didn’t know when he’d be back. But at least he wasn’t using her.
He’d been back a few days, this time. This past parting had been particularly lonely for her, though she wasn’t sure why. By the time he’d returned, things had felt dull to her, and though he brought his usual splash of color with him, for some reason it wasn’t waking her up as quickly as it usually did. And then, a phenomenon happened. A marvelous phenomenon that had turned everything on it’s head. The red tide. The nighttime splendor of the sea lit up with bioluminescent algae had taken her breath away, and when she’d seen him in that glow, she understood true longing.
And now, here they were, his crooked finger holding her chin up and his breath hot, his teeth sharp on her ear. She inhaled audibly through her teeth and closed her eyes, her pulse pounding, while she listened to his promises.
“Yes...” she all but begged. “Yes, make me feel everything.”
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rrdcafterdark · 2 years
@xiaolintease continued from here
He missed her. Ha! He locked himself away for hours, days at a time, and he missed her! She would laugh if her mouth wasn’t so full. It wasn’t as if she was entirely selflessly taking care of her man (though she was doing that, too). No, she’d been craving him, and he hadn’t been available. She’d tried her damnedest to respect him and let him work, but it had gotten to be too much for her, and so she’d resorted to trickery.
Trickery which she knew he wouldn’t mind.
Fuck, he was so gorgeous when he was like this. The line of his throat was a sight to behold, and if her mouth wasn’t so busy, she’d be biting for sure. Oh, but his comment! It was mouthwatering!
She pulled off his cock slowly, sucking hard as she did, until she had finally released him. “You say the sweetest things,” she teased, her eyes sparkling with desire. Yes, working him up had gotten her wet, she wasn’t ashamed of that. “Where do you want me?”
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rrdcafterdark · 2 years
@xiaolindude      Continued from here
At first, Rapunzel had thought she was weird for liking the idea. She’d teasingly licked whipped cream off his finger once, and almost instantly became obsessed with the idea of licking it off his entire body. Whipped cream became chocolate syrup, chocolate syrup became strawberries, until she had a whole dessert idea planned out.
As she looked at all the delectable stickiness drizzled all over his body, she appreciated her haircut anew. It would be a pain to accidentally drag it through all of that. (Not that she couldn’t just shower afterward.)
“Hang on, I gotta snap a few photos,” she teased. “You look amazing, and I wanna remember exactly how artistic this is, even before I find out how delicious it is.”
She spared him the setting up of her professional camera and grabbed her phone instead. It would definitely do in this situation. “Does this make me a sexually deviant foody?” she teased.
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rrdcafterdark · 3 years
@xiaolintease     Continue from here
Rapunzel let out a tsk and rolled her eyes, then shook her head. “Oh, so you’re gonna be difficult?” she chided. But she knew this game. She knew what he was asking for.
He was on duty, so she wouldn’t find a way to outright bind him, but she could do the next best thing. She grabbed his wrist with one hand and his face with the other, and pinned his wrist over his head. Whenever she did this, she became acutely aware of how much stronger he was than her, and how he pretty much let her do this, because he trusted her. Because he liked it.
“When do I ever not make it worth your while?” she purred, her lips centimeters from his. And then, she close the distance and kissed him hard. Fuck, but she’d been wanting him all day, and he’d pulled over without even being asked and now she had him, and he was choosing difficulty. Of course he was. Fuck, she loved him.
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@xiaolintease     continued from here
She couldn’t help smiling at his teasing reply, his faux-innocence. As if he didn’t know what she’d been waiting for...
But she decided to play his game. He wanted to hear her say it? Fine. Nothing got to him faster than when she gave him what he wanted. “Waiting to catch you alone,” she purred, her arms snaking around him from behind and her palms sliding up under his shirt, running over firm abs and pecs. She kissed up the back of his shoulder and his neck and paused her lips right by his ear, her voice low and her breath hot. “Waiting to have you pinned between me and a wall or a counter. Waiting to feel your cock in my hand or my mouth or my pussy. Mm.” She nipped at his ear, tugging on it with her teeth. “Waiting to show you how badly I’ve wanted you all day.”
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rrdcafterdark · 3 years
@xiaolintease      Continued from here
“Sshhhh,” she reprimanded, then promptly followed with a tease. “I thought you could read me better than that.” But really, wasn’t her ability to surprise him a good thing? If she wasn’t obvious to him then she wouldn’t be obvious to other people! A+ poker face!
Besides, he’d been getting to her in little ways all day, whether he’d been meaning to or not. She v-neck shirt he wore really showed off his arms and pecks and she didn’t know why, but he was very smiley today. His smile tended to make her heart stammer in stupid ways. His touch had been light and had been alternately giving her goosebumps and making her flush all day.
So now, they were in here.
“You’ve got me aching, querido,” she purred. “How dare you look so hot?” She left hot kisses on his neck, the pushed his sleeve up so she could bite his shoulder.
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Lucky 13
@xiaolintease      Continued from here
She was honestly unsure if she’d ever expected this... feeling. She’d been excited to see the world, excited to learn and grow and experience, well, everything! But sex? Sex with Raimundo had quickly become one of her favorite things. As soon as she’d experienced arousal for the first time, she’d started researching it and sex and all sorts of tangential things, so she could understand everything and have as large an intellectual arsenal as she could possibly work with.
And she’d adored that everything she ever suggested to him, he’d been willing to try. And she’d adored the look on his face every time she agreed to try something he suggested. She adored him.
Hearing his moans, feeling him tremble under her ministrations gave her a heady rush. She had quickly discovered that one of her turn ons was knowing she was turning him on.
And then he asked about rimming, and for a moment, she had to search her memory to call up what exactly that was. And then she recalled and looked up at him, her eyes scoring over his brown skin, so dark in contrast to hers, up to his scarlet cheeks and ears. She loved his blush, and lucky for her, she got to see it all the time.
“I’m game,” she answered with a coy little smile. He gave her his all, and it was the least she could do in return.
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rrdcafterdark · 2 years
Me, constantly in the mood to draw Raipunzel smut? It’s more likely than you think!
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rrdcafterdark · 3 years
8. to undress my muse [her undressing rai after being given explicit permission, post Mind Games ;-;]
Things had been... awkward, she supposed was the best word for it. They hadn't seen each other in person for months before this, and yet their reunion, while full of smiles, was much more hesitant than she wanted it to be. She hopped on her toes in excitement when she saw him at last, and she'd taken one lunging step toward him, then stopped and walked more calmly, not wanting to pounce on him without his permission.
And the whole visit had be like that so far; heartfelt, but slower and more hesitant than a part of her was expecting it to be. Of course he was happy to see her, that much was clear, but the physical excitement just wasn't there. Hell, it was nearly a week into her trip to Rio and they were only just now getting around to sex. Them! They, who used to not be able to keep their hands off each other! They, who'd Tiger Claws somewhere remote so they could go at it with a fervor, or else hide away quietly somewhere on Temple grounds, or sneak into each other's rooms at night!
And yet, she was nervous. Not of him. She didn't think he'd hurt her. But they hadn't had sex in going on six months, and what if... what if...?
What if he didn't want her anymore?
Oh, she had no doubt that he'd want to want her, but that didn't mean the rest of him would comply with that desire. Your body wasn't required to do what you wished it would do, after all.
But here they sat, in the hotel room where she was staying. They'd talked about it, and agreed to it. This is what they both wanted (or, at least, thought they did for now). After a soft question of whether she could undress him, and he'd agreed, she'd begun.
Her hands ran down his chest and stomach, soft, but firm, then took hold of the fabric of his shirt and slowly drew it up and over his head. This was the first time she'd seen him shirtless since he left the Temple. He was filling out again, not quite back to where he was before that whole disaster had started, but his chest hair had grown back, and his skin had tanned up nicely. With a soft smile, she reached out and gingerly toyed with his chest hair.
"You must be happy about this..." she murmured, meeting his eyes.
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What is Raipunzel ?
Raipunzel is my RP ship between @xiaolindude/ @xiaolintease‘s Raimundo Pedrosa and my Rapunzel that I’m high key obsessed with. It is for RP purposes only, and has no bearing on my love for New Dream.
I do not blanketly ship Punzie and Rai, and it’s specifically my version of Rapunzel with 9+ years of character development and Charlie’s version of Rai (who I was familiar with before I ever watched Xiaolin Showdown. In fact, I watched XS in order to understand the character she played better).
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[ catch ]
Smutty Interactions! - Accepting
[ catch ]  to catch my muse masturbating.
@xiaolindude​ @xiaolintease​
It was one of those days. One of those crazy days where Raimundo had looked super hot while training, and had kept sending teasing gusts to caress Rapunzel’s skin and invisibly touch her places that he just couldn’t do publically. It had really gotten her worked up. That, in and of itself, wasn’t so bad. It was easy to follow up training ground flirtation with a quick relief.
But then, after practice, just as she’d been striding across the yard for him after cleanup, a bit more sway in her hips than usual, a suggestive gleam in her eye, Dojo had managed to step in, cutting off her approach, and announced a new Shen Gong Wu that they needed to go chase right now. It was a frustrating shame, because judging by Rai’s smirk and the dark look in his eye, he was more than ready to stumble off with her for a quick tryst.
It had been an easy grab. The Heylin side hadn’t even shown up in time to start a Showdown, so thumbing their noses at the competition, the Xiaolin monks all headed back to the temple, at which point, Rai murmured that he’d find her as fast as he could, but he needed to catalogue the Wu and report to Master Fung and to give him fifteen minutes.
Forty-five minutes later, he still hadn’t come to find her. And it wasn’t like she was hard to find. She’d spent the whole time in her room. She poured over her journal, looking at smutty art she’d done of the both of them to keep herself in the mood. But she was getting sexually frustrated, and he still wasn’t here to do anything about it.
Lounging on her bed, she hadn’t even meant to start, but she’d reached the part in her journal about the vacation they’d taken together a few months prior. That had been... epic. Sexy. Sexic. Something. Looking at the art, thinking about the memories, days upon days of all kinds of sex, new experiences, old favorites, she’d reached into her panties to touch herself, only to discover how wet she’d become. Oh goodness! Maybe she should wait for Rai some more...
But her fingers decided for her, feeling around her wet folds, sliding up and down her slit, rubbing against her clit. She sighed with relief, biting her lip and imagining her boyfriend and sexy gleaming lights. It was easier not to moan when she was doing this to herself. Maybe it was because she knew what to expect. Maybe it was because her sounds were generally demonstrative for Rai. Not fake or exaggerated in any way, but she liked him to be able to hear how good she felt.
Her panties felt too tight for proper dexterity, so she broke off a moment to strip her lower half down. No pants, no undies, much better. She’d go slow, keep her body interested while she waited. Just a gentle toying.
Her hand didn’t listen, and her mind followed her hand’s lead. Her increasingly sensitive clit was begging to be circled, and her pussy ached for contact. Biting her lip, she dipped two fingers in, then quickly sunk them in as far as she could, wiggling them deep inside herself. She imagined they were Rai’s, though he was always better at doing this to her than she was to herself. That, and their fingers weren’t the same width. She could tell the difference.
Even so, her breathing was picking up. She kept looking at the journal, kept remembering, and her head fell back on the pillow, her heels on the bed and her knees spread. Her free hand pushed her shirt up and pulled one breast from her bra, massaging the flesh and pinching the nipple.
And she imagined Rai’s teeth, scouring across her skin, biting and leaving marks, his voice a low growl accompanying them. It was hard not to moan at that imagery, but she managed to keep it in.
A sudden knock on her door and her face flushed. She closed her legs, neither hand moving, and stared like a deer caught in headlights.
Rai opened the door and stuck his head in. “Ai, Punz, sorry about the wait, I--”
It was obvious what she’d been up to, and a wolfish smirk crossed his face. “Wow. Couldn’t even wait for me.” He tsked and shook his head as he entered quickly, shutting the door behind him. “And here people are calling me the impatient one.”
“Shut up and finish the job,” she answered, face still flushed. She opened back up to him invitingly, freeing her hand and licking her busy fingers clean.
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