#Tempting Scandal au
Just updating my Raipunzel RP/ficlet list with @xiaolindude/@xiaolintease for our own reference.
-Dragon of Light -Home Is Where Your Ass Is [COMPLETE] -Nova Scotia (ficlet) -Building Up Walls [COMPLETE] -Is This Okay? (ficlet) -Not a Nightmare... (ficlet, 18+ for s.exual content) -Diffident Diversions (18+ for s.exual content) -Suns Out, Guns Out (18+, for s.exual dialogue)[COMPLETE] -Cramp (ficlet, 18+ for s.exual content) -Lucky 13 (18+ for s.exual content)[COMPLETE] -You Can't Save Me (18+ for violence and potentially triggering themes)[COMPLETE] -Catch (ficlet, 18+ for s.exual content) -You're An Asshole But I Love You (starter) -The Balance of Waiting (18+, for s.exual content)[COMPLETE] -Mind Games (18+, for some s.exual content and several dark and potentially triggering themes) -I Want You to Want Me (18+, for s.exual content)[COMPLETE] -Rum Soaked Sunset -Negative Head Space -Something's Gotta Give -Stolen Studies (18+, for s.exual content) -The Intimacy of Hands - prompt (ficlet, 18+ for potentially triggering themes)[NOTE: Is not "canon" to this AU, but still takes place in it]
Bodyguard AU:
-Nowhere Safer -You Worry Too Much [COMPLETE] -Freefall (18+, for s.exual content) -Closeted Desires (18+, for s.exual content) -Jealousy (18+, for s.exual content) -Silence and Patience (18+, for s.exual content) -Another Inch of Your Life Sacrificed (18+, for s.exual content and potentially triggering themes) -One Year Kissaversasry -Behind Closed Doors (18+, for s.exual content) -The Sweetest Dessert (18+, for s.exual content) -I Choose You
Futbol AU:
-Charitable Contributions -Reopened Wounds (18+, for s.exual content and potentially triggering themes) -Christmas EmergencEve (18+, for s.exual content and potentially triggering themes) -Fall Apart to Reunite (18+, for s.exual content) -Flight to Catch -Nothing Will Burn Us Out (starter)
Tempting Scandal AU:
-Teach Me to Be More Adaptive (18+, for s.exual content and potentially triggering themes) -The Intimacy of Hands - prompt (ficlet)
"Villain" Rai AU:
-New to Rio, New to the World [COMPLETE] -Secretly On Your Side [COMPLETE] -A Guy Like You Should Wear a Warning (18+, for s.exual content)
Verses we've plotted but not RP'd in yet
Heylin Kids
Pirate AU
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xiaolindude · 1 year
rai was pretty good at hunting in Tempting Scandal AU. It was what gentlemen of the time did. until one day, his youngest sister Manoela very matter of factly asks 'why would you want to kill a fox? They are very cute'
'they are vermin'
'... they carry disease'
'so do some people. you haven't shot any of those'
'... would you prefer i not shoot foxes?'
'yes. i like them.'
and he just kneels in front of her in thought for a while and then smiles and says 'very well. as m'lady commands' and he never hunts again. because he loves his sister very very much and if she likes the foxes, well then, the foxes on their estate can stay. 
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spectres-fulcrum · 2 years
Issues with Thrawn: He goes by his first name while everyone else in the Empire goes by their last.
Which works until you're working on a regency AU where everyone calls each other by their last name unless you're super close and it's like "Am I supposed to call him Mitt? I'm not going to do that. Is his name Mitt Thrawn-but then does Eli and the girls(Vah'nya and Ar'alani) call him by his family name still? That makes no sense-they've all been friends since toddler age and are secretly negotiating an OT4. And if I include THAT plotline is Thrass 'Thrass Thrawn' then? No Thrass Mitt."
I think we just ignore the fact that everyone else in his group being referred to as Kallus and Lyste and Konstantine and then you have Thrawn being referred to as his given name.
Yeah. Thrawn Mitt and we ignore narrative issues. Cause it's not actually regency era it's a regency ESQUE era. (Also fun fact: Thrawn's father is the Marquess of Csilla in this. Thrass' title is Earl of Rentor. Thrawn is the younger son so he's just The Lord Thrawn Mitt. Also I still haven't read the Ascendary so... Yeah. )
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wonlovie · 9 months
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You didn’t mean to show up to one of the most important meetings of your year completely hungover. No, in reality you would have preferred being sober when you met the man your father was marrying you off to. But how could you resist those dark eyes and plump lips that tempted you on your final night of freedom?
— starring. illegal-racer!heeseung x model!reader
— tags. arranged marriage!au but they kind of not really hate each other for like one scene, reader is touch starved af, smut [mild public sex (car, elevator), vaginal fingering, oral (m. receiving), face-fucking, establishment of a safeword but it's never used, degrading (use of whore and stupid bitch) [MINORS DNI]]
— word count. 11.9k
— notes. there was a whole other part to this but i kept rewriting it until i could not anymore 💀 if i do finally get it written the way i want to, i might release it as a part two to this 👀👀 lmk if u'd be interested!!
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You were used to playing pretend. As the daughter of an influential CEO, you were born in the spotlight, never knowing what living without a camera pointed at you was like. By seven years old, you were a master at faking a smile. A gentle smile, never too broad because people would call you an overachiever but never too little, or you’d be caught up in unhappy scandals. 
By fifteen years old, your father had announced your title as the face of his company and your ‘normal’ life as you knew it was gone forever. You no longer had time for actual studies nor for the fruitless relationships you had gathered. Instead, you spent your hours practicing your runway walk and your model face. Almost every wall in your lofty house was lined with floor-to-ceiling mirrors, never allowing you for a second to forget how you looked to others.
Your father was never one to miss out on making money, priding himself on his cynical and opportunistic ways of life. If something could be monetized, he was always the first one to come up with a foolproof plan to capitalize on it. Which is why you weren’t surprised when he announced to you that you were to be married off to the heir of a big company whose name you saw almost everywhere. 
Years spent watching your peers grow up normally, studying hard and partying harder, left behind a bitter jealousy that you could never voice. For once, you wanted to feel normal. For once, you wanted to feel like your father’s daughter and not his employee. For once, you wanted to forget the world and experience true freedom. 
That was how you found yourself sitting on an uncomfortable barstool, leaning your elbows on the sticky countertop with a glass of some mystery drink hanging from your fingertips. The dress you wore stuck to your skin, showing off more of your body than you were ever allowed to in public. There was a dull burn in your calves from the stilettos you wore, but you paid no mind to them as you sipped gingerly on the liquor.
Tomorrow, you would be meeting the man your father was giving you away to. You knew nothing about him other than the fact that he was one of your father’s business partner’s son. You silently tipped up your drink, a silent toast to your last night of freedom. Knocking your head back, you winced at the unfamiliar burn as you emptied the glass.
When you ungracefully dropped the empty glass onto the counter, red lips stained the rim. “Another, miss?” you vaguely heard the bartender ask. You nodded without thinking, eyes staring forward without focus. Your cheeks felt warm from the few drinks you’d had since you sat down. As the bartender poured you another drink, you allowed your gaze to drift, scanning the room in curiosity.
Red lights lit up the space, random spotlights moving about from the ceiling. The music played loud enough to leave a slight ringing in your ear, your bones vibrating to the beat. Hundreds of people flooded the floor, you noted. Some pairs danced against each other provocatively, intriguing you as you eyed a girl making out with a taller man over her shoulder. Some people danced alone, mouthing the words to a song you didn’t recognize.
As you looked around, your eyes met a stranger’s from across the bar. He sat alone, unlike the many other patrons of the club, a half-emptied pint in front of him. From where you were, you could make out the details of his attire—a dark blazer that fit snugly over the expanse of his shoulders. He wore a silk button-up, rudely unbuttoned low, allowing you to see the curve of his collarbones down to the lines of his chest.
When your eyes flit up to glance at his face, he was already staring at you. His expression, which you can only describe as alluring, prompted you to suck your bottom lip under your teeth, gently biting at the skin. Dark eyes watched you from across the room, looking you up and down slowly before settling on your face. You watched carefully as a tongue flicked out to lick his pink lips before the corners pulled up into a smirk. He rose a brow at you, hair pushed back enough to let you see his silent beckon.
You mirrored his expression, taking a sip of your drink as you stared at him through the glass. The man held a hand up, showing off silver rings wrapped around his slender fingers that made you want to sin. Clearing your throat, you looked away and down at your drink, amber liquid sloshing around in the glass. Before you could even take another swig, a shot glass slid in front of you, its contents almost spilling out.
Looking up in confusion, you called over the bartender, who’d already turned his back to you. “Excuse me? I didn’t order a shot,” you yelled over the blaring music. The bartender glanced at you for a second before nodding his head in the direction of the man who, when you looked, was already gone. The bartender continued, already pouring a drink for another.
Knitting your brows together, you brought the shot glass up to your nose, scrunching it when the strong smell of vodka invaded your senses. A cough tickled your throat as you held the offending shot glass away. Your eyes danced over the many heads in the room, but the mystery man was nowhere in sight. Heaving a sigh, you tipped your head back, swallowing the bitter liquid as quickly as you could. Wincing slightly, you let out a breath as you placed the glass next to the other one.
“Atta’ girl,” a smooth voice crooned in your ear, tickling your skin and leaving behind goosebumps. A hand reached around, grazing the tops of your thighs as its owner spun your barstool around. Face to face with the man of the night, your breath hitched as you found yourself inches away from him. You wondered if he could hear your racing heartbeat over the pounding music.
Up close, you could see his lip ring, plump pink lips pushing against the silver as he peered down at you. His hand moved from the barstool to your waist, his warmth spreading over your skin like wildfire. His other hand leaned on the counter behind you, surrounding you in his essence. His attention was overwhelming as you caught his eyes glimpsing down at your lips before dropping to the curve of your breasts under your dress.
Your hands hovered over your lap, clenching and unclenching as you tried to figure out what to do with them. Keeping eye contact with you, the man leaned forward until he was a hair away, closer than any other man had been. “I’ve never seen you here before,” he spoke lowly, your ears just barely grabbing onto his words. “What’s a pretty thing like you doing stuck at the bar, hm?” 
You bit your lip, his eyes quickly darting down. “Just… enjoying the night,” you mumbled, resisting the urge to lean forward. The air in your lungs felt trapped as your mind filled with incoherent thoughts. 
The man tilted his head at you, his dark hair falling into his eyes as he bore his gaze into you. The hand on your waist pulled you forward until you were almost pressed against him, his thumb rubbing up and down over the fabric of your dress. “Didn’t seem like you were enjoying it,” he said, his breath fanning over your neck as he leaned to whisper in your ear. “I know how you can really start enjoying your night, sweetheart.”
When his lips brushed against your jugular, you had to stop yourself from throwing your head back, the simple touch sending you haywire. “Yeah?” your voice came out breathy, your hands finally settling to rest on his chest. Bent over you like this, his shirt rode lower than ever, letting you see his chiselled torso. You brushed a thumb over his skin, burning to the touch as he leaned back to look you in the eye. “How so?”
He smirked, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek. He pulled you closer by the chin, using his thumb to pull at your bottom lip gently. Your heart raced as he came closer, his nose nudging your own as your eyes subconsciously started to close. “Just let me take care of you,” he rasped, his lips brushing against yours. The cool metal of his lip ring sent a shiver down your spine, something that didn’t go unnoticed by him as his grin seemingly grew. “Let’s get outta here, yeah?”
It didn’t take much convincing for you to follow the man out of the crowded club, guided by a hand on the wrist. With as many drinks as you had in you, it might’ve been worrying with the ease with which he was able to take you by the hand. You couldn’t find it in yourself to care as excitement bubbled in your lower abdomen. 
Even his back was attractive, all broad shoulders and straight lines. A few earrings hooped around his ears, glinting under the strobe lights. When he pulled you outside, the cool night air was starkly different from the hot temperature inside. Goosebumps rose on your bare arms, causing the man to glance back at you with a worried look. Not another word was said as he brought you to a car you’d never seen anyone actually drive around town.
It was a bold red colour, something that reminded you of a crimson fire. You blinked when he opened the passenger side door for you as it swung upwards. The car was low, and you felt a bit awkward climbing in with your stilettos, but the man waited patiently until you were inside before closing the door. You watched as he walked around the car to the driver’s side, the head-up display blinking on the windshield when he started the ignition.
“Wow,” you mumbled dumbly, easily getting comfortable on the leather seat. He spared you an amused look, one eyebrow raised, paired with a smug smile. Leaning over, your breath hitched as he pulled the seatbelt over you, the click of its buckle cutting through the silence. He stayed there for a moment, hovering over you with eyes so intense you felt your mouth dry out. 
“So fucking pretty,” he whispered, finally leaning in to kiss you. The kiss was aggressive, his calloused hand cupping your face and forcing you closer. Your teeth clashed as he licked into your mouth, but the searing feeling in your stomach made it impossible for you to care. His teeth scraped against your bottom lip, eliciting a moan as his hand wandered down to your outer thigh. His fingers danced across your skin, pushing your skirt up until your black lace panties were exposed. 
You threw your head back as he pressed his thumb against your folds, feeling how wet you’d gotten over the course of your earlier conversation. He breathed harshly, attaching his lips to your neck as he grazed a finger up and down your clothed cunt. You had no doubt that by morning, you would be painted with bruises. The thought was exciting to you.
He slipped a finger underneath the fabric of your panties, groaning when he felt your slick coat him in an instant. “So wet for me,” he almost growled, pulling his hand out despite your whines of disapproval. He pulled back, eyes flitting over your heaving form before settling into his seat. His lips were smudged red with your lipstick, and you found it unfair at how hot it was.
He was quick to pull away from the curb, the engine roaring to life as he drove down the busy street. It felt uncomfortably sticky between your thighs, rubbing them together. He was quick to grasp your thigh, pulling your legs open as he drove. While the hand on your thigh was still, his impatience showed in the hand that held the steering wheel, his finger tapping against it whenever he’d hit a red light.
You weakly moaned when his hand drifted higher, his pinky brushing against your core. You spread your legs further, urging him to do more than just light touches, but he didn’t give in to your silent pleas. The ride to, what you presumed was his place, was unbearably long as he continued to tease you. He would grip your thigh tightly, his rings pressing into your skin, and suddenly move up to flick at your covered clit. His sporadic movements left you a whining mess, your heart pounding against your ribcage. “Need you so badly,” you whined, flushing in embarrassment at how you sounded. 
He scoffed, scraping his nail over your thigh, making you jump. “I can tell,” he said, his tone degrading as he pinched your skin. “Whining like a whore in my front seat, like it’ll make me fuck you any faster.” You gasped, his words going straight to your cunt. You could feel yourself get wetter, your panties sticking to your folds agonizingly. 
You bit your lip as he pulled into an underground parking lot, the orange-hued lights casting an intimidating shadow over his face. When he finally parked, you realized he had brought you to a fancy apartment building. The parking lot was empty, not a soul in sight. Despite his words, he still opened your door for you, pulling you out of the car roughly. When the door closed, he pressed you against it, forcing his lips against yours as he ground his hips into yours. You moaned into his mouth at how hard he’d gotten, gripping at his blazer with shaking hands.
His kiss left you breathless, and you found that you really liked the feeling of his hands harshly holding your hips, keeping you from moving too far from him. You tongued at his piercing, taking his bottom lip into your mouth as he moved to push your dress up again. Pulling away, he was quick to kiss your neck as your eyes darted around the empty lot.
“Not here,” you gasped when he bit at the skin under your ear, “what if someone…”
He bit down harder, making you whine. “Let them see then,” he spat. “Let them see how much of a slut you are for me, sweetheart.” You made a noise of disagreement, causing him to pull away. You looked like a mess in heels, hair tousled, no longer in neat waves as you had them before, and makeup smudged. The glassy look in your eyes made him grin at you, a menacing curve of his pink lips. 
He grabbed your wrist again, tugging you to the underground elevator as his car beeped behind you. The few seconds it took for the elevator to reach the parking lot felt agonizingly long, your legs shaking in anticipation.
The second the doors opened, he had you pressed against the frigid elevator walls, his hand blindly reaching to touch one of the top buttons. He pushed your dress up past your hips, fingering the lace undergarment between his thumb and pointer. Without wasting a second, he tugged. The sound of fabric ripping took you out of your trance as you realized he had completely torn them off you.
“Hey,” your voice was clipped as you frowned. “Those were expensive.”
He rolled his eyes at you, tucking the tattered fabric into his back pocket. “I’ll buy you a new set,” he said, annoyed that you had interrupted him. “Now shut up, princess.” He took your lips again, his hand moving to wrap loosely around your neck. He swiped his tongue over your lip as his free hand grasped at your hips.
“Fuck,” you whined highly when he traced a line up your cunt, collecting your juices on his fingertip. He made quick work with you, swiping over your clit with his thumb as he pushed two fingers into your sopping hole. The hand around your neck pressed down lightly, sending your senses into overdrive as he kissed you again. 
“My name’s Heeseung,” he said against your lips. “Moan it for me tonight, yeah?” You nodded feebly as you spouted your own name in a mess of stutters.
When the elevator beeped, indicating that you were on the designated floor, he unwillingly pulled away from you. He stared at you darkly, pupils blown as he sucked his fingers clean. Your eyes trained on the way his tongue flicked at his rings, your slick disappearing into his mouth. You pulled your dress down as he guided you out with a hand on the small of your back.
When you made it into his apartment, you didn’t have time to gawk at how fancy it was, decked out with marble tiles and sleek glass light fixtures. As the door closed behind him, he pressed himself against your behind, grinding into your ass as he groaned lowly in your ear. His fingers dragged the fabric of your dress up to your waist, leaving your lower half exposed as Heeseung left dainty kisses against your bare shoulder.
Pulling the dress up and off, he ushered you further into the apartment, pushing open the door to his bedroom. He dropped the dress in the corner of the room before turning you around to face him. He took your lips, pressing deeply against you as he felt you up. His hands roamed as he licked into your mouth, one hand cupping and groping your left breast while the other shifted downwards. Resting on your hip, he brought you closer to him, pressing your bare cunt against his boner.
You reached down, palming his hard-on through his pants. He threw his head back in a silent moan, allowing you to continue with your ministrations. You hastily unbuckled his belt, tossing it on the floor next to your dress. Pushing his pants and boxers down past his knees, you almost moaned at the sight of his pretty cock.
It was long and thick, twitching as it wept pre-cum at the tip. It was a pretty flushed colour, enticing you closer. Looking up at him through your lashes, you watched Heeseung’s reaction as you licked the mushroom head gingerly. You scrunched up your nose at the bitter taste, but Heeseung’s wanton expression urged you to continue.
Taking the whole tip in your mouth, you sucked gently. You could feel yourself gush at the sound of his loud moan, pressing your thighs together as you tried to take more of him. He grazed the back of your throat before you could even take half of him. The sight of you struggling on his length made him feel impossibly hard, his ringed hand moving to grasp at your hair. Determined to make him feel good, you traced one of the veins that stretched along the length of his shaft with your fingernail before taking his cock in your fist.
Bobbing your head slowly, you matched your pass with your hand wherever your mouth couldn’t reach. Heeseung breathed heavily at the feeling of your hot cavern taking him in, your tongue swirling around his tip in a way that drove him up the wall. He could barely imagine how being in your cunt would feel, the mental image making him thrust unexpectedly against you.
When you gagged at the suddenness, Heeseung groaned, using your fisted hair to guide you up and down his shaft. “Fuck, baby,” he sighed, head thrown back and eyes scrunched in pleasure as you gained speed. “That mouth of yours is so fucking perfect. Like it was made for my cock.” He hissed when his head pressed against the back of your throat, holding it there until you swallowed around him, tears welling in your eyes.
The sounds that you were making would normally disgust you, the wet gags and spit dripping down your front as you struggled to take his girth, but with Heeseung, it only turned you on more. You rubbed your thighs together, feeling your slick coat your puffy folds.
Using his other hand to grip at your hair, he held you still as he fucked into your mouth, jaw agape as he watched you suckle on his length. You looked like the embodiment of sin, on your knees and taking his cock so well. He rubbed at the smudged mascara underneath your eyes, only making it spread as tears dripped down your face. “Shit,” he mumbled, gripping your hair tighter. “Fuck, I wanna make a mess on you, baby. Can I?” 
You nodded the best you could, the thought of him cumming all over you making you impossibly wet. Swearing loudly, Heeseung pulled himself out of your mouth, using his hand to force your mouth open. You stuck your tongue out as he pumped himself desperately, chasing his release as he bore into your eyes. You gasped when he came, ropes of his cum shooting over your face and tongue.
He watched intently as you swallowed whatever landed in your mouth, wiping at the cum that dripped down your cheeks. “Get on the bed,” he said gruffly, not wanting to go another second without feeling your cunt drip around him.
You wasted no time in following his instructions, scooting further up the bed as he crawled on after you. He spread your legs roughly, situating himself between your thighs. Heeseung leaned forward, kissing you again as one of his hands rested around your throat. As he kissed you, sucking on your bottom lip before shoving his tongue into your mouth, his free hand traced down the side of your body.
Without warning, he touched your core, collecting your wetness on his fingertips as he rubbed up and down your cunt. You moaned loudly as he switched between teasing your entrance and swiping across your clit. “You’re so fucking wet, princess,” he groaned, kissing you deeply as he finally thrust two fingers into your hole.
You cried out into the kiss, arching your back up and into him as you held on. You gripped at his bicep that flexed with each movement, his fingers curling up into you. It didn’t take long for him to find your G-spot, rubbing dedicatedly against the spongey walls of your cunt. He sped up, thrusting his fingers into you with ease, slipping around your juices.
“Fuck, Heeseung,” you almost screamed as you neared your orgasm, “I’m so, so close, please—”
He pulled his fingers out, making you whine in disapproval, your eyes opening wide as you begged him to keep touching you. He ignored your silent pleas, taking his soaked fingers into his mouth as he had before. You watched, in a trance, as he swirled his tongue around his slender digits, the sight making you squirm in anticipation.
He reached over to his bedside drawer and pulled out a few packages. You glanced at them through your ditzy stupor, surprised to see several condom wrappers. Upon closer inspection, you realized they all had different flavours. “Pick one,” he instructed in an almost joking manner as if he didn’t just bring you to the edge with his fingers.
You contemplated just grabbing one at random, not wanting to wait any longer to feel him inside you. Reaching for one, you subconsciously made a face when you read what flavour it was.
“Not a fan of strawberry?” he asked rhetorically as he took the wrapper from you and tossed it back in the drawer. Impatient, he picked one and threw the rest back where he got them. You watched with intrigue as he opened the package with his teeth before rolling it onto his already hard cock.
“Hey,” he mumbled once he got the condom fully rolled on. “If you want me to stop at any moment, just say… Bambi, okay?”
You looked at him warily. “Bambi?”
He didn’t elaborate any further, pressing the tip of his cock against your folds. He rubbed the head through your slick, bumping against your clit before pressing into your tight entrance. He groaned in unison with you at the intrusion. You winced at the stretch, shoving your face into one of his pillows.
When he bottomed out, he pressed a sweet kiss against your cheek before pulling back and slamming into you. Your breath caught in your throat as you gasped for air, his sudden harsh thrusts surprising you. He breathed heavily as he moved, draping your legs over his shoulders as he leaned into you. 
“So deep,” you cried, squirming at the stimulation. “Fuck, Heeseung!”
He moaned at the sound of his name on your tongue, leaning down to kiss you. The position only made him go deeper, and you struggled to kiss him properly, mind foggy with pleasure. His balls slapped against your ass, echoing against the walls. The sound of your sex was burned into your mind, Heeseung’s breathy groans and moans of your name bound to haunt your dreams from now on.
Heeseung pulled out and flipped you onto your side, re-entering you with ease. The position was something you’d never done before as Heeseung held your leg against his torso as he thrust harshly. He moaned out your name as he closed his eyes, as lost in the pleasure as you were.
“‘M gonna cum,” you warned, your voice high and shaking as you reached down to circle your clit. At the sight of you touching yourself, Heeseung sighed with rapture, trying hard to get you to the edge. 
“Cum around me, baby,” he hushed as his thrusts grew harder, rougher. “Come on, you can do it.”
At his words, it felt like a cord had snapped inside of you, and you cried out as you came. He helped you through your orgasm, thrusting shallowly as your body shook and jolted. Once you had calmed down, he pulled out and fisted himself over the condom, the lube mixed with your wetness making it easy for his hand to slip up and down.
You watched, exhausted, as he leaned over you, a look of concentration on his face as he got off on your body. White filled the condom, low groans of your name reverberating in his chest as he collapsed on the bed next to you. You barely processed him standing to throw out the used rubber or how he came back with a warm towel and wiped you down gently. 
Your eyes closed, and you felt yourself succumb to slumber.
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When you awoke the next morning, you swore. Head pounding, you pressed your face into your pillow in annoyance. Of course, you would be having the worst hangover of your life. You didn’t even want to think about what your father would say if he knew you’d be walking into the meeting in a few hours, completely hungover.
You paused, pressing your face further into the pillow. The smell was unfamiliar, you noted. Not a second later, you sat up, eyes wide. Your lips parted in disbelief as you remembered where you were, memories of last night quickly returning to you. Holding the blanket up to your bare chest, you willed yourself to look over at the other side of the bed. 
Heeseung lay there, rolled over onto his stomach, his cheek resting against the pillow as he slept. His hair was messy, sticking up in different directions almost cutely. You made a face when you caught a glimpse of angry red scratches down his back.
He looked unnervingly peaceful, considering the stampede your heart was experiencing. You swore under your breath again, quietly stepping out of the bed. The floorboard creaked underneath your weight, your head snapping back to see if the noise woke him up. Fortunately, he stayed blissfully in rest. You held your breath as you collected your discarded dress and your heels, also picking up the silk button-up you had thrown off of him last night. 
He’s rich, clearly, you justified, taking a brief look around the room. His closet was cracked open, revealing several more expensive-looking clothes. Though, in your haste to make it to the bedroom, you didn’t get a good look at the rest of his apartment. You knew that it was huge if the building’s name wasn’t an indicator already. He won’t miss one shirt.
Not wanting to risk waking him up, you tip-toed out of the room before getting dressed in the hallway. You slipped the button-up on top of your dress and made your way to the front door, heels in hand. As you pushed the door open, you panicked when it beeped in alarm. With haste, you ran outside and closed the door before Heeseung could catch you sneaking out.
Without bothering to put your heels on, you booked it to the elevator, making it inside in time for you to hear Heeseung call your name. With wide eyes, you pressed the close doors button more times than necessary, only relaxing when they finally did close.
You opened your phone, only to see a text from your father asking where you were. Making an excuse, you used the reflective elevator walls to fix your appearance.
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If anyone saw you, they would be none the wiser to the previous night. The automatic doors to your father’s company opened as you approached, a gust of air from the air conditioning pushing your freshly styled hair out of your face. Any marks that littered across your neck and shoulders were expertly covered up, and your eyebags were concealed just as well.
The sound of your heels, which your father insisted you wore in public, in the otherwise quiet lobby gathered the attention of the gaggle of people. Having so many eyes on you didn’t bother you as much as it had before, something you’re grateful to have gotten used to. Smiling politely at the pair of receptionists, you were quick to make your way up to your father’s office.
The elevator dinged, and you couldn’t help but think back to last night. The feeling of Heeseung’s warmth pressed against you as he fingered you and touched you was a thrill you don’t think you could forget if you tried. Clearing your throat, you looked at yourself in the mirrored walls, another habit you couldn’t get rid of. 
Deeming yourself as presentable, you stepped out of the elevator and into your father’s large office. He sat at his desk, typing away at his computer. If he heard you come in, which he must’ve, he didn’t react. His graying hair stood out under the sunlight that the floor-to-ceiling windows let in. The glasses perched on his nose bridge threatened to fall down as his fingers tapped relentlessly. 
“Good morning, Father,” you greeted, sitting down at the chair adjacent to his desk. He didn’t look up. “I’m a little early.” You crossed your legs, resting clasped hands on top of your knees. It didn’t surprise you when he didn’t say anything in reply, so you opted to look out the window. Being on the top floor, you could see most of the town. You could watch the bustling traffic and pedestrian-filled streets for hours, the busyness of life fascinating to you.
You weren’t able to stare for too long before a familiar ding interrupted your daydreams. You straightened your back, facing forward as your father stood to greet the newcomer. Unlike when you came in, your father straightened out his blazer with a warm smile, something that looked foreign to you. You watched quietly as he manoeuvred around the desk to formally greet the guest.
“Ah,” your father greeted placatingly, his timber voice filling the space.. “Lee Heeseung, it is great to finally meet you. I have heard much about you from your father.”
You felt your heart stop when you heard his name. Unwilling to turn around, you stared into the window’s faint reflection in hopes of seeing the man’s face. Maybe your Heeseung wasn’t the only Lee Heeseung in town. Surely, it wasn’t too uncommon of a name because there was no way that your one-night stand just happened to be your husband-to-be.
If your heart stopped when you heard his name, your soul left your body when you heard him talk. 
“It’s wonderful to meet you, sir. I am honoured that you picked me out of all of your daughter’s candidates.”
As subtly as you could, you slapped a hand over your mouth.
You heard their footsteps grow closer. “Well, please have a seat,” your father ushered. “She’s right here. You ought to meet your future bride, right?” With each of their perfectly synced steps, you could imagine another foot of your grave being dug. “Heeseung, this is my daughter.” You inhaled sharply and took his cue to stand.
When you turned on your heel, you were sure that Heeseung’s shocked expression matched your own. Recognition burst behind his eyes, hidden behind a pair of glasses, and his lips—which you noticed was missing its piercing—parted in shock. You silently willed him to keep quiet about the night before, looking at him with widened eyes and a painfully fake smile.
“It’s you,” he blurted out, pointing at you with the slightest bend of his elbow. If you weren’t in front of your father, you could have smacked him over the head. “I was wondering where you went.”
Internally screaming, you put on a faux confused expression to match your father’s. “You two are acquainted already?” he asked, looking at you for confirmation. You were quick to shake your head no, glaring at Heeseung when your father looked away.
Bowing your head slightly, you smiled up at Heeseung as you would any other businessman. “You must have me mistaken for someone else,” you lied through your teeth, desperately hoping he would catch on. “We have never met before today. But it is nice to meet you.” You held out a hand for him to shake, which he did after fumbling for a bit.
Heeseung looked at you with a confused gaze, eyebrows knitted together before a lightbulb went off. “Right,” he smiled graciously, putting on a persona completely different from the one you met before. “My apologies. It is nice to meet you. I’m Lee Heeseung.” Letting go of your hand, he nodded when you introduced yourself. 
Clapping his hands together, your father grinned widely at the both of you. “Now, I have some work to tend to, but the two of you can continue to get to know each other downstairs.” Wanting nothing more than to escape the stuffy room, you agreed stiffly. “I’ll have the wedding planners contact you both later on.” Your father nodded at Heeseung once more before returning to his desk, the sound of his noisy keyboard filling the room again.
Heeseung followed you out after saying goodbye to your father, standing far too close to you in the elevator. “Isn’t this a pleasant surprise,” he drawled out, voice dry. “The very woman who I happened to have a fun night with, only to wake up with her nowhere in sight, is the very woman whom I’m marrying.” He bore his gaze into you as he leaned against the elevator wall, his prim posture long gone. “How exciting, is it not?”
“Please, Heeseung, do not bring up last night.” Your voice was terse as you pinched your nose bridge in frustration, your ears and face warming up. 
Heeseung raised a brow at your request, pushing off the elevator wall and stepping close to you. Your eyes widened as he backed you into the wall, eyes darting to the LED screen that showed which floor you were on. If anyone were to need the elevator, they would catch Heeseung pinning you to the wall, and you would have no excuse for it. “Come on, princess,” his voice lifted into a tease, “that’s not how you were begging me last night.”
You groaned, dropping your head and hitting it against the wall behind you. “Heeseung,” you hissed, glaring at him. You tried very hard to ignore the way that his glasses framed his face nicely and made him even more handsome, which you didn’t think was possible. “I’m not asking you. I’m telling you. Do not bring up last night unless you want me to castrate you.”
Heeseung pouted at you, resting a hand on his chest as though you’d mortally wounded him. “But if you castrate me, how am I supposed to please—”
He laughed openly at you, shoulders shaking as his lips split open into a grin. “You’re so easy to rile up, princess.” He leaned toward you, hovering himself above you by resting his forearm against the wall. You glanced at the screen again, silently cursing your father for owning a building with slow elevators. “I don’t know what’s so bad about people finding out that we’re—how do you say it?—well acquainted.”
You breathed out in annoyance at his ignorance. “Did you hit your head? I don’t know about you, Heeseung, but I do care about how the public perceives me.” You jabbed a finger at his chest, though it had no effect on him. “If people find out, then…” You trailed off, your brows furrowing as you looked at the ground, the recently shined tiles sparkingly under the fluorescent lights.
You bit your lip, thinking back at your father and his cold demeanour. “Look,” you started, shoulders deflating. “If my father finds out that I went to that club at all and had sex with some guy that I didn’t know… He wouldn’t react well.” You spoke lowly, the topic dampening your mood immensely.
“Ouch,” Heeseung joked, tilting his head at you. “So, I’m just some guy to you?”
You deadpanned at him, unimpressed with the small snippet of information he chose to focus on. “You get what I mean, asshole. So please, just stop bringing it up. At least, not in front of him.” Your faith in his compassion was dwindling by the second, and his silence wasn’t doing much to help. When the elevator doors opened, you were ready to give up and began formulating an apology to your father for your behaviour.
Before you could duck under his arm to make your way out, he laid a gentle hand on your wrist. “Okay, okay. I won’t talk about it again. You have my word, princess.” You balked at his sudden sincerity, but before you could even utter a thank you, he opened his mouth again. “No more talking about how we had the most mindblowing sex—”
“Lee Heeseung!” You chided, quickly ducking under his arm and rushing out of the elevator. Your face burned as you walked through the lobby, no doubt catching the attention of curious onlookers. Embarrassment flooded your veins as you exited the building, standing on the curb with your face in your hands.
Not wanting to be there any longer, you pulled out your phone and searched for your personal driver’s contact. Before you could press the green call button, your phone was snatched out of your manicured hands. “Hey—!”
To your surprise, or perhaps you weren’t surprised at all, Heeseung stood next to you with your phone haphazardly dangling between his fingers. “What are you doing?” You asked as you reached to grab it. He pulled it away, grinning when it left you pressed against him.
“What are you doing?”
You rolled your eyes, jumping to grab your phone. Once it was back in your possession, you went to call your driver. “Going,” you answered simply.
“Going where?”
“Going anywhere but here.”
He clicked his tongue, pulling a pair of keys out of his pocket. “I’ll drive you. There’s no need to wait for your driver.”
You eyed him suspiciously, your thumb hovering over the call button. “I don’t think you understand. When I said I wanted to be anywhere but here, here is referring to here with you.”
He gave you the same look as he did in the elevator, lips upturned into a pout as his eyebrows arched upward. “You really do wound me, princess.” He pressed a button on his fob, and you could see a car’s lights flash a few meters away. It wasn’t the same one he had driven you in last night, so you looked at him in question. “I have two cars. One for business, one for fun,” he winked at you when he said the last word, only laughing when you pretended to vomit in your mouth.
“Come on, princess,” he took your wrist for the nth time. “Let’s go.” You begrudgingly followed, not missing the way several workers from inside had lined up against the window to watch the interaction. You smiled politely at them again, waving goodbye as Heeseung practically dragged you along.
Just as he had the night before, he opened the door for you. This car was much simpler in design than the bright red one, with a dashboard instead of a HUD and a simple touch screen instead of dozens of buttons and features you were too distracted to play with.
As he drove off, you stared out the window, refusing to look in his direction. He had pushed up the sleeves of his blazer, showing off his toned and veiny forearms as he drove, one hand on the wheel and the other resting on the middle console. “I’ll take you home,” Heeseung claimed as he slowed to a stop for a red light. “But let me show you something first.”
You looked at him incredulously but only nodded before looking out the window again.
You didn’t pay attention to where he was taking you, watching fondly as groups of friends walked down the streets, wide grins splitting their faces as they talked. It was rush hour, and you ended up paused in traffic long enough to watch a couple emerge from one of the street stores, arms linked and full of shopping bags. They were wearing matching sweatpants and sweaters, making you look down at the dress you wore. Pursing your lips, you stopped looking as you pulled your skirt down.
“Y’know, last night your skirt was getting pushed up.”
At his words, you glared at him. “You are so sleazy.”
Heeseung only grinned, never taking his eyes off of the road. “Something’s on your mind. Had to get you out of that head of yours somehow.” He briefly glanced at you, “Did it work?”
You blinked in surprise before looking away. Your hands clenched on your lap. “Where are we going?” you asked, changing the subject. You pretended not to notice when Heeseung stared at you, opting to look straight ahead.
“Somewhere I frequent. I’ll give you some leverage over me.” You peeked at him as he made a left turn, tracing over the lines of his arms. “Sound good, princess?”
You could only scrunch your nose in confusion. “Why would you want me to have leverage over you in the first place?”
Heeseung shrugged. “It’s clear you don’t trust me. I meant it when I said I wouldn’t bring us up again in front of your dad, but I don’t think you believe me ‘cause you’ve barely looked at me since you got in the car.” You winced, not liking how he read through you so easily when you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. “So, I’m bringing you somewhere that I’ve kept secret. You’ll be the only one who knows who could actually, you know, get me in shit with my dad.”
Unsure of what to say, you stared at his side profile in shock. “You are so confusing,” you muttered, leaning over to look out the window. You rested your chin on your palm to cover your warming face.
Before long, Heeseung pulled into an indoor race track’s parking lot. You looked out the window in confusion. Even from outside, you could hear the revving of engines and the squeaking of tires against asphalt. You spared Heeseung a look, climbing out of the car wordlessly. He nodded his head at you, guiding you to the entrance. 
When you entered, the first thing you noticed was the yelling. Specifically, the sounds of fifth graders screaming as they circled the track in their go-karts. “Heeseung, buddy, I hate to break it to you, but a kiddie go-kart track isn’t exactly a best-kept secret.” A kid zoomed by on his kart, screaming at the top of his lungs as he pressed hard on the gas.
Heeseung only rolled his eyes at you, “So impatient.” Taking your hand in his, he tugged you along the back wall until you reached a staff-only door. Before you could argue, clearly neither of you was staff, Heeseung pushed the door open as if he owned the place. You gawked at him, whipping your head around to see if any staff were coming to kick you out.
To your surprise, the man behind the front counter only nodded in acknowledgement before going back to his morning coffee.
Heeseung kept walking, his large hand never leaving yours. You subconsciously balled them, swallowing thickly when Heeseung untangled your fingers to interlock them with his. Sneaking a look at you over his shoulder, he cheekily stuck his tongue out. The hallway beyond the door was empty, aside from a few bulletins with weekly events posted on them. 
Once you reached the end of the hall, a staircase leading to a basement came into view. You pinched your eyebrows together in suspicion, rooting your feet on the ground before Heeseung could pull you any further. “Look, I’m not really in the mood to be murdered today, so I think we’ll have to reschedule—”
Rolling his eyes at you for the nth time that day, he pulled harder on your hand, almost knocking you off your feet. He caught you with ease, his warm palm pressing against your waist as he waited for you to steady yourself. “Trust me a little, please? I promise you won’t get murdered.” At the end of his sentence, he held out a pinky. You stared incredulously at him, decked out in office attire yet holding out his baby finger to you like an adolescent.
“Are you five?”
“Hey, cut me some slack. I’m six, actually,” he teased, wiggling his pinky at you as he silently urged you to follow through with it. Heaving a sigh, you latched your finger with his.
After following Heeseung down the dingy staircase, you were met with a similar sight. A large racing track encompassed the room, looping and curving in a way that filled the space. However, unlike the track you saw upstairs, this one was occupied by cars you’ve seen in racing movies. A deafening rush of cars drove past, sending a gust of wind your way.
“Holy shit,” you mumbled, staring at the cars drive uncomfortably close to one another as they made another harsh turn.
Heeseung smiled at your awed expression, a sense of pride blooming in his chest. “Well,” he exhaled, “this is my secret.”
You turned to him quickly in disbelief. “You race?” As surprising as it might’ve been, the longer you thought about it, the more it made sense. Maybe it’d be hard to believe that the Heeseung in front of you was a racer, but the one from last night? With his dark demeanour and fancy car, you’d believe it in a heartbeat.
“Only on my work breaks,” he winked. “I’ve been coming here for years. This is where loads of the street racers in town come to get their fix when there are no races going on up top.”
“Street racers?” you echoed. “Like… the illegal ones?”
“Totally like… the illegal ones.”
You slapped his shoulder at his remark, bristling as you turned away. Heeseung only laughed, a loud laugh that stemmed from his tummy as he threw his head back at your displeasure. Ruffling your hair, he walked away, leaving you standing at the bottom of the staircase. You sputtered, moving to follow him, but before you could take another step, a man blocked your view of him.
“You must be Heeseung’s girl.”
You frowned at the assumption, even if it was technically true. “What on earth are you talking about?” you combatted, looking over the man with disdain.
He threw his arms up in surrender, silently telling you he meant no harm. “Relax! I just assumed because Heeseung has never brought anyone down here before.” He paused for a moment before smiling at you with a glint in his eye. “But you were also holding hands just now, so…”
Your face flushed at the prospect of getting caught. “Shut it. Who are you, anyway?”
The man’s smile widened into a grin, showing off his pearly whites. “I’m Jake. I run this place, so I’ve known Heeseung for forever. You, on the other hand,” he jutted a finger in your direction. “You’re a new face. Usually, newbies need clearance before coming down here, but I’ll trust Hee on this one. ‘Sides, I’ve seen you on a few posters here and there.” He whistled lowly, looking over his shoulder at the direction Heeseung left in. “I knew he was some hotshot, but I didn’t know he could actually pull someone like you.”
“Like me?”
Jake raised a brow at you, scanning your face as if you’d just insulted him to his face. “Uh, yeah? You’re a model, right? You’ve got the looks, so don’t be so bashful down here.” The sound of loud engines cut him off. The excitement seemed to burst from within him as he immediately ushered you over to some bleachers. “C’mon, they’re starting soon.”
He sat next to you as you tried to make yourself comfortable, feeling jittery from being left alone with a stranger. Not that Heeseung was any less strange to you, but it was better than being sat thigh-to-thigh with someone you’d just met.
“Purple car’s Yang Jungwon. The silver one is Park Jongseong,” he listed off to you as if you would know who either of those people were. You couldn’t help but nod along, his golden-retriever-like excitement rubbing off on you. You’ve never watched a car race in person before, nor have you ever gone to any event like it. “Green is our baby, Riki Nikimura. He just started racing a few months ago.”
As he talked, a familiar red car pulled up next to the others, revving its engine loudly as if to proclaim I’m here. “You probably know,” Jake continued. “But that one’s Heeseung.”
A whistle blew, and suddenly the four cars became blurs. It was as if you’d miss half the race if you even dared to blink. You watched, astounded, as the racers circled the track with ease, not bumping into each other a single time. 
The race was over before you knew it, four laps around the large track driven in a matter of minutes. The victor, Heeseung, erupted out of his vehicle with a large grin on his face, pulling at his cheeks in pure joy. The other racers met him on the tracks; their car doors opened as they joined together on the asphalt. 
You watched from a distance as they conversed excitedly, too far for you to make out any of their words. Beside you, Jake nudged you with his elbow. “Cool, huh?”
You breathed out, making eye contact with Heeseung as he beamed at you, sending you a wave before turning back to the other three. “Yeah,” you said simply. “Really cool.”
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After Heeseung showed you the race track, you ended up seeing each other more often than you first thought you would. Turns out your father was serious about your engagement. True to his words, wedding planners met with you the day after the meeting. And the one after that. And the next.
A whole week of wedding planning sped past, and by the end of it, you were exhausted. You had one more stop on your schedule for the day, a simple cake tasting with Heeseung. You made it to the bakery first, standing outside idly on your phone as you waited for your husband-to-be to arrive. Your driver and security guard waited in the car parked nearby.
An engine revved twice, something that you’ve come to know as Heeseung’s way of greeting. When you looked up, he was already locking his car across the street, jogging across the empty road to meet you. “Hey,” he breathed, running a hand through his locks. “Sorry, I’m late. Riki’s engine was busted, and the kid doesn’t know how to fix ‘em yet. Normally we get Jay or Sunghoon to do the mechanic work, but they’re out scouting for spots.”
The mention of a possible race piqued your interest. You shook your head, smiling softly at him. “I just got here. You’re fine, Hee. Let’s head in?” He nodded, opening the bakery door for you before following you in.
The smell of fresh cake invaded your senses the second you stepped in. You closed your eyes in delight, taking in the scent blissfully. Heeseung chuckled at your antics, using his hand to guide you further into the building by the small of your back.
Before long, a head popped out from the back, a rather young-looking boy with a tall chef’s hat placed neatly atop his cotton-candy pink hair. His eyes were bright as he caught your gaze, cheeks pinkening at the sight of you. “Hi,” he greeted the both of you, dusting off leftover flour on his apron. “You must be Lee Heeseung and—” the boy turned to you, awestruck as he sputtered out your name. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to stare,” he apologized bashfully, bowing his head. “You’re just prettier in person. The magazines don’t do you justice.”
You had the gall to blush at his words, turning your head in slight embarrassment. “Thank you,” you paused to read his nametag. “Kim Sunoo. That’s very sweet of you.”
If possible, he turned redder at the sound of his name coming from your cherry lips. Beside you, Heeseung watched the interaction with displeasure soaking into his skin. “We’re here to taste your cakes,” he cut in before Sunoo could say another word, knocking him out of his reverie. “For our wedding.” If Sunoo noticed that Heeseung had stressed the last word, he didn’t say anything. You nudged him gently, telling him with your eyes to behave. 
Heeseung’s eyes narrowed, but he kept his lips together.
The two of you followed Sunoo to the back, where an assortment of cake slices were laid on the counter. Your eyes bulged at the sight, counting over twenty cakes. “Your wedding planners gave me a list of what flavours you both had mentioned wanting,” Sunoo introduced, gesturing to the cakes with a wave. “There were… quite a few between the both of you, but luckily some overlapped.”
A few seemed to be an understatement. Heeseung looked over the variety of cakes before pointing at one. “Is this one strawberry?” he asked, inspecting it closely. You hovered by his side, gazing down at the many plates. Sunoo nodded in confirmation, clasping his hands in front of him. “Are any of the other ones strawberry-flavoured?”
“We have a few, yes—”
“Take them away; we won’t be choosing those.”
You blinked in surprise at his firm standing, as did Sunoo, who tilted his head in confusion. The movement reminded you of a puppy, and you fought the urge to giggle at it. “But the strawberry flavours were on your profile.” 
At his words, you turned to Heeseung with a frown. “If you picked them, shouldn’t we at least try them first?” You surveyed the many strawberry cakes that Sunoo was in the process of putting away. “You obviously like them.”
Heeseung didn’t even spare you a glance. “You don’t like them.”
You stared open-mouthed at him. “How do you know I don’t like strawberries?” At your question, Heeseung finally met your gaze, only smirking at you as he rested his weight against the countertop, leaning on his palms.
“Do you really want me to get into that story here, princess?” You frowned in confusion. However, when you looked over at Sunoo, it seemed as though a light bulb had gone off for him, as his face became redder than the strawberries on the cake he was holding. A second passed before realization dawned on you, and you refrained from smacking Heeseung upside the head.
“Whatever,” you grumbled, ignoring the heat pooling in your tummy. “Let’s just taste these cakes and go home.”
Heeseung chortled, not even minding the fact that he may have left a rather lewd image in the younger man’s mind. “Whatever you say.”
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After the first hiccup, the cake tasting went smoothly. You and Heeseung had finally decided on a cake with multiple tiers, allowing for multiple flavours. All of the bigwigs will be invited, Heeseung argued. Might as well appease them all.
A long hour had passed before the final order was set, and Sunoo told you to come by a couple weeks before the wedding to finalize the cake. Before you left, Sunoo came up to you, notepad in hand. “Sorry to bother you,” he spoke lowly, looking at you with a pretty smile. “Could I get your autograph?”
You agreed wordlessly, taking the pen from his outstretched hand. After signing it, Sunoo didn’t even give you the option of returning the pen on your own, instead taking your hand in his fondly. “I did mean it,” he said with sincerity dripping from his honey voice. “You really are prettier in person.”
You didn’t get to reply before Sunoo’s hand was slapped away. Heeseung’s arm wrapped around your shoulder, bringing you close to his side as he stared daggers at the baker. “Might I remind you that the woman you’re talking to will be my wife?” He spoke firmly, leaving no room for questions as he turned, dragging you out of the bakery. Your driver and security guard were long gone, having left at Heeseung’s promise to bring you home. 
“What was that?” You asked in disbelief, glancing over your shoulder in time to watch Sunoo disappear in the back. “He’s just a fan, Heeseung.”
He said nothing, opening the door for you before promptly slamming it once you were situated. You flinched at the aggression, eyes trained on the man as he made his way into the driver’s seat. He started the engine silently, the keys jingling as they hung from the ignition. His left hand wrapped around the steering wheel, but he made no motion to pull away from the curb.
Instead, he leaned over the middle console and pulled you closer by the chin, three fingers gripping you tightly. You gasped at the sudden forceful movement, staring widely into his dark eyes. You felt his breath tickle your skin as he stared at you, eyes fixated on you as if you’d disappear if he looked away.
“You’re driving me mad,” he uttered, lips just barely brushing over yours as he spoke. He had his lip ring in today, and you shivered at the feeling. “Ever since that night, you’ve been on my mind. And it’s driving me insane because I can’t do anything about it,” he hushed, his tone torturous as he bore into you.
“When I walked into your father’s office last week, you have no idea how happy it made me knowing that you were going to be mine,” he hissed, fingers digging into your skin almost uncomfortably. “You’re mine, and yet you’re here entertaining other men that shouldn’t even matter to you.”
“Heeseung,” you mumbled breathlessly, eyes darting down to his plump lips. He narrowed his eyes at you harshly, his normally rounded eyes growing sharper as irritation swirled in his dark hues. 
“You’re mine, princess,” he rasped, leaning forward. His lips pressed against yours in a kiss, his body moving fervently against yours to convey his turmoil. You moaned loudly when he bit down on your lower lip, his tongue licking into your mouth as he kept his hold on you. Unlike his other kisses, this one was messy. Your teeth clashed as he shifted closer, spit dribbling down your chin and onto your pressed clothing. 
The hand that gripped your chin moved to wrap around your neck. He didn’t press down, but the heat that surrounded you sent shivers down your spine. “Let me take you home,” he almost begged, moving to bite at your ear. “Wanna show you who you belong to.”
You whimpered at his words, pressing your thighs together fruitlessly. “My apartment’s closer,” you gasped when he bit down on your jugular, his hot tongue shooting out to lick at the teeth marks. “Go there, please.”
The ride passed by in a blur, and it wasn’t long before you found yourself pressed against another elevator wall. It was hard to contain your moans as Heeseung made his way down your neck, unbuttoning your shirt until your bra was available to him. He fisted your breasts through the fabric, eliciting a lewd groan from you. 
“Such a whore,” he jeered against your lips as he kissed you again. “Letting me touch you like this, undress you like this. You probably want to get caught, don’t you?” He groaned, grinding his growing hard-on against you through your clothes. You let out a noise at how hard he’d gotten, your mind swirling as continued to press himself against you. “Fuck, baby. You’re driving me crazy,” he sucked your earlobe, the sensation making you squirm.
When the elevator dinged, Heeseung made haste, tugging you into your apartment after fumbling with your keys. The door slammed behind you, and you felt the cool touch of wood against your back as he pressed you against it. He wasted no time kissing you deeply, hands roaming your sides as he pushed your shirt off completely. Your bra followed soon after, his expert hands unclasping it with ease. You barely caught sight of it being thrown haphazardly across the hall in a haze.
He tugged down your pants after popping the button, shoving them down your legs unceremoniously. You whined into his mouth, tugging at the fabric of his shirt. Letting go of your lips, he pulled the shirt over his head before coming back for more. You could get addicted to the way he kissed you, needy and full of desire. His lip ring pressed against your skin, the contrast making you sigh.
“Jump,” he mumbled against your lips before claiming them as his own once more. With ease, he hoisted your legs around his slim waist, pressing you harder against the door as he ground into you. You moaned loudly at the feeling of his clothed dick, your thin panties doing little to mask the sensation. You briefly wondered if your neighbours could hear you, but the thought left as soon as it came when Heeseung cupped your breasts roughly. “You remember the safe words?”
You nodded impatiently, moving your hips against his desperately. “Yes! Please, just fuck me,” you begged, trying and failing to feel more of him. Your hands dragged down his toned front, grasping onto his warmth like a parasite.
“Where’s your bedroom,” he asked, pulling away to look you in the eye. His bare chest heaved, his skin turning pink. The sight of Heeseung’s bruising lips and glossy eyes had you falling apart in his arms as you directed him to your bedroom.
You were less-than-gracefully dropped onto your mattress as Heeseung stood over you, unbuckling his belt. The light from the hallway illuminated him, casting a glow around his figure. His eyes never left your body, eyes roaming up and down as he rid himself of his trousers. You trained your sight on his bulge, his boxers doing little to hide his length.
“You’re mine,” he repeated, climbing over you slowly. “Mine. Your smile is mine. Your laugh is mine.” He cupped your boobs, circling your nipples with calloused thumbs as he watched you carefully. “These are mine.” Heeseung leaned forward, pressing his clothed cock against your cunt. “Fuck—this pussy’s mine too, yeah? You were made for me, all mine.”
You could only nod, not trusting your own voice, as he moved to pull your panties off. You whined when you felt the fabric stick to your folds, your slick acting like glue. Heeseung balled up the fabric, unceremoniously shoving it in your mouth. You whined, the noise coming out muffled as Heeseung pulled off his boxers, revealing his hard dick.
“You don’t need to talk,” he growled, leaning down to bite at your neck. “Clearly, you’re just a stupid bitch who doesn’t know when she should speak. Why else would you let that fuck flirt with you in front of me, huh?”
You shook your head adamantly, attempting to speak through your cum soaked panties. 
“You think he knows that you’re laying here, spread out for me like this? Do you think he knows just how fucking wet you are for me?” He slapped your cunt as he spoke, causing you to jump. A sick look of pride took over his features at the sight of your glassy eyes, drool dripping from the corner of your mouth. He dragged two fingers up your cunt from your weeping entrance up to your puffy clit. 
“Shit,” he groaned at the touch. “Gonna make you mine. Gonna fill you with my cum, so everyone knows, yeah?” Using your slick as lube, he rubbed his shaft slowly, never taking his eyes off you. You lifted your hips off the bed, wanting nothing more than for him to rail you, but he was quick to push your body down, his large palm pressing against your tummy firmly.
You cried out as best you could when he rubbed the tip of his cock against your folds, collecting your juices as he fucked against your clit. He pressed the fat tip into your entrance, the familiar burn causing your eyes to roll back. He groaned lowly as he pressed himself into you, heaving when his hips met yours.
He watched as his cock slipped in and out of your clenched hole with ease, your heat sucking him in. Pushing your legs up against your chest, Heeseung steadied himself on his knees as he buried himself in your pussy. “Fuck,” he drawled out, his head thrown back in pleasure. Your eyes trailed down his neck, his Adam’s apple jutting out deliciously as he swallowed. 
Pushing down on the back of your thighs, pressing your legs almost uncomfortably against your body, he moved with the same passion he used to kiss you in the car. You almost screamed, biting down on your soaked panties as he drilled into you. The sound of your wetness slipping against his cock was obscene, but God did Heeseung love it. He moved faster and faster, pistoling into you with an unrivalled enthusiasm.
Releasing one of your legs, he reached down to circle your clit, making you jolt up from the bed. You threw your head back, loud cries escaping your throat even through your improvised gag. “So fucking good for me,” Heeseung groaned, draping his body over you as he shoved his face into the crook of your neck. His pace never faltered, strong and hard thrusts pushing your body up the bed. “Fuck—! This fucking pussy was made for me.”
Without warning, he pulled your panties out of your mouth, now dripping with saliva. He dropped them somewhere on the bed, his hips slamming against yours as he kissed you. You moaned into the kiss, hands grabbing blindly at his back. “H-Heeseung!” You cried, burying your face into your comforter as hot tears burned the corners of your eyes.
“Come on,” he hushed, pressing against your clit faster. “Cum for me, baby. Wanna feel you cream around my cock. You can do that for me, can’t you?” You blabbered out nonsense, unable to make any coherent words as his hardness dragged along your gummy walls. You could feel the rope in your stomach tightening as his thrust became more desperate. His rhythm stayed constant, even as the back of his thighs burned and his cock twitched.
“F—uck,” he almost sobbed, his voice breaking as he fucked into you ruthlessly. “God, baby, feel so fucking good. Gonna cum inside, yeah?” His voice echoed in your ear, leaving goosebumps on your skin. You couldn’t tell if you were nodding or shaking your head to his words, your mind a mess, as all you could focus on was the feeling of his cock. “You’re gonna take it for me—shit—take it all. Don’t want any of it coming out.”
You felt something snap as you arched your back, your orgasm washing over you in brutal waves, like a tsunami crashing against your body over and over. You sobbed as Heeseung kept moving, never relenting in his pace as he chased his own release. His fingers kept circling your clit, even with your feeble attempts to push them away. “Heeseung,” you cried as overstimulation racked your body.
Heeseung swore under his breath, kissing you gently, contrasting his harsh thrusts. “I know, baby,” he sighed, sweat rolling down his face as he pecked your lips. “Just a bit longer for me, shit, you’re taking me so well.” He moaned loudly as he neared, gripping your hips tightly as he plunged into you.
He bit your shoulder as he came, ropes of thick cum painting your walls white. His hips stuttered, a quiet fuck, fuck, fuck spoken into your shoulder. Heeseung didn’t stop thrusting into you gently until his orgasm faded away, pressing his softening cock deeper into you. You could feel his cum seeping out of you, soft whimpers rumbling in your throat at the feeling.
His breath was heavy as he all but collapsed on you, using what little strength he had to hold himself up so he didn’t crush you. He left gentle kisses on the marks on your neck, making you shiver in sensitivity. He pressed a lingering peck against your lips before leaning back slightly to look you in the eye.
Heeseung shifted to move a stray hair out of your face, and you couldn’t help but melt at the way he was rubbing circles on your hip. Leaning up, your eyes fluttered closed as you kissed him, wrapping tired arms around his nape as you brought his body flush against yours. The movement made him accidentally press against your clit, and the both of you moaned into the kiss. You swiped your tongue over his lip ring, sucking it into your mouth as you moved your hips slowly.
“You’re insatiable,” he mumbled against your lips. Despite his words, he felt himself grow hard when he glanced down at your shifting hips and the ring of white around his shaft. 
“You love it,” you countered, holding him against your body tighter.
He scoffed, pressing a kiss against your forehead before rolling you over so that you were sitting on his lap, dick still inside. You squeaked when he took your hips and rolled you back and forth over his cock, your cunt still sensitive. “No more running away,” he rasped as he fucked up into you slowly.
You leaned down to kiss him once more in silent agreement.
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©WONLOVIE please do not plagiarize, repost, translate, or copy any of my works.
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ghouljams · 4 months
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A Letter from Your Future Husband (MDNI)
tags: Regency au, Soap x f!reader/OC, masochism, spanking, sexting through letters, dirty talk, guided masturbation, Soap has that dog in him, masturbation, "little" as a diminutive not a descriptor
Summary: Soap has write you letters that you hope never see the light outside of your bedroom. You can only be glad for the assurance that the man ruining you is so set on marrying you as well.
You never open letters around other people. Not since the first one. John Mactavish is seemingly unwilling or unable to be proper around you. His letters are filled with language that makes your head spin, your skin heat, and wetness drip between your legs. You don't know what he's hoping to accomplish with them, he's certainly not wooing you. Maybe he's hoping to speed your ruination, hoping that someone in your house will crack open his wax blue seal and be so scandalized by his words that...
Well they wouldn't break off the engagement you think. Your parents are too eager to be rid of you. Throw you to him sooner, might be the goal. You're not quite as eager to have that happen as Johnny's letters might lead people to believe. He promises a lot in his letters. Promises things you've never heard from other men. Things that make your stomach clench nervously, and it has to be nerves. If it isn't then you really are bound for ruin.
You slip his letter off the entry table and make your way to your room. Your heart pounds in your chest at the seal, the polite ribbon wrapped around the paper. It's pretty, it's always pretty. Pretty in a way that makes the filth inside feel so much worse.
"You haven't written me back hen," You can hear the chastising tuts of Johnny's tongue even through the paper, as you settle on your bed, "S'alright, know your hands are otherwise occupied.
'You are touchin' yourself to my letters, aren't you? God, I hope you are. Stuffing that pretty little pussy with your fingers isn't enough, is it bonnie? You can't hit all those nice spots, can't fill yourself full enough. I know you're droolin' against your pillows thinkin' about my cock. Bet you look so sweet touchin' yourself. You'll have to show me how you do it next time, tell me what you like so I can take over. Shouldn't be touchin' what isn't yours."
You shiver, glad the door is shut as you go to lay against your pillows. Johnny's voice fills your mind, and you're careful not to wrinkle your skirt as you pull it up. Touching what isn't yours... As if any part of you belongs to him, least of which your... Well you're not as crass as he is. That fact doesn't stop you from dragging your fingers over your slit. You hadn't done this before his letters, but one of Johnny's letters had been so explicit in its instructions, you'd had to at least see what the fuss was about. You circle your fingers over your clit, the same way he'd told you to.
"I'll make an exception while I'm away, but I want you to apologize when I'm back. Put yourself on your knees in front of me and say you're sorry for touchin' yourself. Fuck, just the thought of you has me strokin' my cock I'd be nice with punishing you if you apologized. When's the last time you were spanked? I'd put you over my knee, don't even have to ask me to do it. You would though. Bet you would. Could spank your pussy instead if you don't want to beg. Give it a try hen, nice and hard for me, tell me if you like it."
You should feel worse about your lack of hesitation, should feel dirtier knowing he doesn't even have to be here to make you obey. The sharp sting when you slap your cunt makes your hips twitch, makes heat pool in your stomach. You do it again just to feel the way your body squirms. The wet sound of it is tempting, the lingering buzz of pain making your fingers hover hesitantly. You shouldn't like this, but you so desperately do. You wonder what it would feel like to have Johnny do it, his thick fingers rubbing over you, soothing out the pain before pulling back to spank you again.
He'd probably hit you harder than this. The thought makes you drip.
"I said hard, hen."
You have to bite down the noise you make. Twisting against the pillows to breathe as you rub your fingers against your clit, trying to sooth the sting from your last, hard, hit. Fuck it's good, it's good and you hate this man for making it good. You hate that you know exactly what his next words will be, as if he knows you're putty in his hands.
"Good girl. Know that was hard for you, but you did so well for me. Know you squirm, gonna haf'ta hold you down when I do it. You'd like that though, love havin' me pin you and spank you 'til you're comin' on my fingers. Dirty little thing. You want me to clean you up with my tongue after? You think you deserve that?"
You slip your fingers down to circle your entrance, you don't have the patience that Johnny seems to and press two fingers into yourself. You grind your hips down against them, and he's right, they aren't enough. You're not filled the way you want to be, not stretched enough to feel it when you clench on your fingers. They feel good though, the drag of them in and out, pushing tight heat in the pit of your stomach with each stroke.
You wish he could hear you, wish it meant something when you whimper out a soft, "yes." You imagine his tongue licking over your slit, flicking against your clit. He'd tease you, you know he would. Circle your clit without touching it, licking broad swipes over your cunt. His fingers would just press against your entrance, thicker than the ones you desperately pump in and out of yourself. You drop his letter to rub your clit, he's right(he often is) your hands are often too occupied to think about writing him back. It's his fault though.
His fault for making you think of his head between your legs, making you imagine the scratch of his beard on your thighs as your stomach grows hotter and tighter. Your cunt is drooling around your fingers, the circles you draw over your clit sparking pleasure up your spine and making you whine for more. Everything pulls tight too quickly, your cunt clenching desperately on your fingers as it tries to suck them deeper. It's enough to get you over the edge, but not enough to be satisfying.
You pinch your clit, and the pain pushes makes everything break. Your legs shaking as your hips buck against your fingers, desperate, and almost perfect. You work yourself through the high and pull your hands away when it all becomes too much, too sensitive. If Johnny were here...
You fish around for his letter with wet fingers --you're sure he'd do the same-- and scan your eyes over the page, almost too eager to see how badly he wants you.
"My poor pussy, I know I'm mean to 'er. I'll clean you up love, lick you 'til you're sobbin' for me, beggin' to be fucked proper. You're so pretty when you're cryin'. My poor little wife, I'll make sure you get fucked as often as you like; keep you full of my cock, plugged up so all the come I pour into you stays in place. I'm wastin' so much of it just thinkin' about you, but I'll make up for it. You just give me the word.
Write me something nice, hen. Tell me how badly you want my cock, tell me how you touch yourself, tell me you'd sit under my desk and warm my cock in your throat while I work. Tell me you love me and I'll be on your step tomorrow. As stands I'll be there within a week. Miss me.
You truly must be ruined to smile at that. 'Tell me you love me' he says, without telling you the same. Rude man. You hate him(you love him, God, you love him).
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getodrools · 5 months
dr nanami 😫 ? hes helping u while ur husband is on the other side? plsss, love ur work! :)
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NOTE. i am literally biting u nonnie ! why does a doctor role just fit him SOO well ??! ig his gaunt professionalism rlly just gets these engines going fr 🚂 … buutt thanku for requesting ! i hope u enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing this. muaaah ! <3
I 𝓲. I MDNI ୨୧ f! reader. modern (doctor) au. breeding. infidelity. mentions of: pregnancy, babies. praising. public sex (ultrasound room). squirting x2. fingering. creampie. cervix/ womb fucking. overstimulation. | WC –> 1.0k+ est ! !
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“your husband could apply some pressure riiight here.”
with a gentle poke to your tummy followed by a deep jab wiggling into the soft channel of spongy walls that flex around thick hands, you can't help but wriggle beneath him. wriggling beneath the doctor who watches how you pant out with hazed vision as he does his job. the very tempting job you inquired for after months of difficulties of getting round with baring babies for your loving husband, naoya…
and the assiduous doctor was more than willing to help, calling you in the very next day — leading to being pressed into a bed found in an ultrasound room with legs spread and a pussy being stuffed.
“juuust enough to make you cum harder.” nanami scissored with long digits ‘till squishy flesh creamed a ring to his second knuckle. even with the spurt of clear glitter rivering down a trench to his own, he saw beyond the obvious pulchritude of your cunt glistening with sappy slick; even spying through the webs that string between his fingers.
the slight tinker of metal clashing to the floor with pants crinkled below, you never grew wary or dared to question his esoteric abilities — not that it felt wrong to question, to begin with…
mr. nanami is your doctor, simply doing his job to heed your highest satisfaction — of course.
“now… it's a lot easier to get you expectant,” nanami laps a slimy tongue around soaked fingers. “see, when a woman cums, her hormone production and blood supply rises — which increases the chances of pregnancy.” he adds with a grim slash for a mouth and a handful of cock meat prodding at your side.
you've never heard of such treatment and help that can improve this process, but who were you — an unemployed housewife to a man who knows best for you to say otherwise?
though, as you lay with legs spread, your husband was never cognizant of his own truths and you didn't beg to differ. his — naoya’s, myopic stance scratched like chalk; etching along his very bitterness towards you, foaming that this was best as he sat in the very busy hall in cluelessness bordering on temerity.
but like any doctor, nanami had a clairvoyant way of knowing when a diffident patient was ready to burst out with a walloping scream for more as he stood tall between your legs. dragging your hips nearly off the edge to clap your rear against his pale pelvis.
“and, a little competition won't hurt,” your brows hook inwards, “my… sperm will get your eggs warmed up n’ ready for his later, ok?” trying hard to stay professional.
nanami smuged before aligning his thick, bulbous cock head and slowly applied pressure between your slippery folds. squishing the puffy flesh down ‘till they sucked him in with a scandalized gasp to follow.
he sheathed himself entirely into your warmth.
eyes knocking back, almost as too hard your head follows; slamming into the covers when the raw stroke of his cock rubs thickly along fleshy walls. the paper-like sheets rip trails beneath as you scrape into a fit of seeking a haven.
the ramming of every offered inch collapsed your chest; heaving into a puddle of pure bliss whilst filling the room with wet noises of slaps and clapping flesh. he was filling your spongy walls with a barreling, rhythmic pace, and at each heavy mass clapping into a full stride, he was reaching deep, “feel that?”
kento — mr. nanami, rubbed his soft prickly base against your sensitive nerves; forcing an ache of his bulbous tip poking right against your cervix. a jab and a prod, and a continuous tease up against your perk cushion raised your ongoing chorus. fevered at each bruising punch of his hips, you can feel a coil ready to spring.
with his cock rubbing in and out of you, the soft walls you tighten around his base spasm; gushing cunt spilling a new puddle beneath your ass as he fucked you raw. fucking you ‘till your mouth couldn't close for a mere second, only whines and brutal moans could escape.
“your husband might hear… do you need a second, miss?” nanami claps a barred hand between your lips as the other kept a vice that dug into the meat of your ass.
his lips tighten into a thin smile as your eyes unfocus, and he acknowledges he was fucking you in a way you never dreamed of; giving you thick dick meat was one, but a barreling pounding was another…
you shake your head and try to recollect yourself.
the pillar of his cock slowed and found its pace again once you caught your breath. a mere second that was.
dragging every inch of pleasure from your plush pussy and the aching satisfaction of having a weeping channel hug him raw was unbelievable.
squeezing his eyes to the blissful relief, he could feel a tingle at his balls.
the rapid satisfaction building at each clap of his hips, nanami dragged his heavy cock against your insides; scouring them. smashing every pleasure point before bashing at your womb. with a final gasp — from both, wet mouths, nanami’s balls tightened and were ready to pop. the rhythmic contractions from your snug tunnel was wearing him down to his final thrusts and helped him reach where he was heading…
cervix bruised and walls aching, a geyser of warm cum surged against the entrance to your womb.
nanami groaned with a resonant moan followed as he emptied out everything he had into your soft insides. filling every cavity with merciless intent of mindless-breeding.
your eyes glaze over.
shivering at the warm fill but could only suck in deep breaths between the gaps of his hand.
keeping you upright with his grasp, nanami slowly… ever so slowly, dragged his mighty cock out, and watched how the sticky mess slowly oozed from your pussy. but finally, with a lewd pop, his cock came free and bobbed downwards while a rush of baby batter came falling in drops.
he frees your mouth and followed, you gasp with a mixture of a shuttering moan and an aching whine; feeling the bruising blossom anew at your perk and now-filled womb….
“check in with me in nine or so months, alright? or unless you feel like you just need an extra boost.” your doctor takes a mental screenshot of your shivering body and plush pussy leaking milky white.
still yet, you nod your head with the last of your energy.
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pagannatural · 3 months
2.07 The Usual Suspects
-Sam being interrogated about Dean is so so good because we get to see Sam being told that his brother is a scumbag criminal and the way he reacts by rolling his eyes like he’s heard this before. It’s almost like seeing a teenage version of Sam. The detective keeps telling him to throw Dean under the bus and the whole time he’s just giving attitude and plotting how to help Dean and work the case. He keeps looking out the window. Some of his reactions are raw and some are fake and some are both and his mind is running through his options assessing what to do and how to get out of this.
When confronted with the cliff notes on his and Dean’s life, Sam runs the gamut of emotion from sad and grief-stricken about Jessica to defending Dean and acting all scandalized to being a smartass, to whatever the hell this is when she says “it’s not your fault he’s your brother, we can’t pick our family”
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The double meaning here. The not meeting her eyes, the tension on his face, the disdain. It’s giving Bitch don’t I fucking know it, yet I would choose him a thousand times and every time I would be a little bit miserable. “It’s not your fault he’s your brother, we can’t pick our [soul mates]” is probably what God tells him in his most comforting dreams.
-So the detective’s theory is what? That after a shared sordid serial killer childhood Sam escaped the life and then Dean murdered Sam’s girlfriend in a house fire to lure him back in and make him his crime wife?
Because I mean yeah I would read that AU. That fits their vibe pretty nicely.
-She says “Dean’s a bad guy….his life is over, yours doesn’t have to be” and Sam looks at her like that’s the dumbest thing he has ever heard.
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She doesn’t know that they become sickly and depressed when they’re apart like a pair of bonded sewer kittens.
When she tells him he can get on with his life and Dean’s as good as gone you can almost see him tuning her out and calculating how to lie about this.
-Sam starts on his cover story, using his trademark Sweet-Innocent face. He relies on his charms and on appearing helpless to manipulate people into doing what he wants. He would’ve learned to do this when he was a child as a survival skill, and I can just imagine how well this complemented Dean’s tough but earnest seduction thing. Acting sweet and helpless when you’re actually savvy and resourceful is a trope commonly used in female characters. These traits (innocence, sweetness, feigned helplessness) are associated with women gaining/utilizing agency in the ways available to them.
Because narratively, Sam is the girl. It’s stuff like this, plus the way he’s depicted as Dean’s tempting damsel in distress in other episodes. It increases the sexual tension between Sam and Dean when they rely on these archetypes because we know what it means when two leads are masculine and feminine, when they need each other and the plot hinges on their conflict. It means they’re the love interests.
-Dean makes a joke about Sam being Scully, and Sam’s like I’m not Scully you’re Scully, and Dean says “No I’m Mulder. You’re a red headed woman.” Really spelling it out.
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Dean is smirking and making prolonged eye contact and just— he’s flirting. There’s a Bruce Springsteen song titled “Red Headed Woman” about how “it takes a red headed woman to get a dirty job done.” I have no idea if this is what Dean’s referencing or if it’s just a Scully reference but it’s a very specific thing to say and Sam is brunette. The song is very suggestive.
-Dean HATES waiting around while Sam works. Within seconds he becomes insufferable and has to leave to go do something, flirting with Sam again on his way out.
-“Sam’s story matches Dean’s to the last detail” they didn’t even SEE each other before talking to police! They’re just so connected that they tell the same exact story. Then they both work on the case in their separate interrogation rooms using different methods and arrive at the same conclusion at the same time. They also make the same joke about their public defender.
-I keep seeing this post about who knew Dean better, Sam or Castiel, and I just want to point out that these two are so in sync they can essentially read each others minds.
-We have an outsider perspective on their lives and relationship a few times this episode, and the detectives comment more than once on how weirdly connected the brothers are. Like, Dean communicates to Sam via movie reference to escape and Sam is already all over that, he’s been assessing how to climb out the window since his first scene.
-Dean tells the detective to go to Sam so that Sam can save her life, giving her their info on “how we find each other when we’re separated.” That’s very practical. It’s also true that when they aren’t together they are obsessed with finding each other and making sure they know exactly where the other is at all times. They must have felt so untethered when Sam was at Stanford. I’m imagining Sam going on a little trip over spring break and feeling like he’s forgetting something really important and starting to panic only to realize it’s just that Dean won’t know where he is.
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sanjoongie · 7 months
𝘾𝔬ןⲒ𝒂ꮁ 𝒂ոᑯ ⳑ𝐞𝕒ꮪһ
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❤A/N: Second submission for Revember is for my moonshine @downtoamagicalland who, after many years of being a scorpio stan, decided one was punchable 😢 ❤Pairing: Xu Minghao (Seventeen) x Reader (f) ❤Au: Historical au, Emperor au, Concubine au ❤Genre: smut, angst ❤Trope: the act of true love (self sacrificing for your love) ❤Warnings: bdsm (collar and leash), public fondling, exhibitionism, nipple play, aphrodisiacs, fingering (f), penetrative sex with no barrier ❤Rated: 18+, MDNI ❤Word Count: 1,529 ❤Summary: when you become the concubine for the emperor, knowing it'll hurt your love, knowing that it'll save him, you didn't realize how much power the emperor would have over your body ❤credit to @cafekitsune for the banner!
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You walk into the throne room, glad for the heavy makeup on your face, for your entire skin was on fire. The Emperor walked by your side, daintily holding a leash that clipped to a collar around your neck. The deep red robe that wrapped around your nubile body had a neckline that plunged down to your belly button. The message was clear: you were Minghao’s and he was here to show it off.
You kept your head straight, refusing to stare in Seungcheol’s direction. It would only hurt you to see the shame on his face, to see you paraded around as the Emperor’s new concubine. Seungcheol would never know that you had done it for him, to keep him safe, and you meant to keep it that way. Seungcheol would never stand for you to be the one to take the brunt of a punishment. 
Minghao swept his robes in a dramatic fashion and sat on his throne. You curled up at his feet, more for warmth in the large throne room than anything. “General Choi, report.”
You leaned your head against Minghao’s knee, in order for your hair to shield your face. Minghao’s hand went to the crown of your head, threading his fingers through your loose hair almost subconsciously patting you. It still shamed you to act this way, but it was preferable to the torture of staring at Seungcheol at this moment.
You could tell by the shoes that Seungcheol had approached the throne. His low voice sent energy zooming through your body but you had to contain yourself. Any reaction to the previous love of your life would only serve as your punishment for the both of you. Seungcheol reported of the famine in the south and how the eastern flood had been quelled. The general of Minghao’s army worked only to help the people of the empire because his heart had always been in the right place.
Minghao yawned loudly. He jerked your leash and pulled you up onto his lap. “Lord Wen, please tell me there is a feast or banquet I can look forward to, I am bored to tears with this talk of the small people.”
Junhui bowed deeply and began to prattle off on the social calendar. And that’s when Minghao’s hand found its way inside your robe. His well manicured nails circled your areola, making your nipple tighten with stimulation. You schooled your features but the tea you had drank earlier was taking effect. Your breathing became quickened as Minghao played with your nipple in front of the entire court. And when he flicked it, the tiny, pitiful moan that escaped your lips was scandalous. 
Junhui’s prattling faltered, but Minghao motioned for him to continue. Your gaze eventually drifted over to Seungcheol and that was a mistake. His eyes were burning with anger and his fists were tight at his side. Your heart went out to him and you wished you could stop what was about to unfold but you knew the result would only be in Seungcheol’s death.
Your glance cost you the rest of your dignity for Minghao’s hand was now fully massaging your breast, tempting and teasing and working you up. And when Junhui was done with his list of social gatherings and plans until the next full moon, Minghao released you and you sat back down at his feet. Except now your body was burning with need. You had only thoughts of Minghao taking you in your room; only, it was hours before the court meeting was adjourned. It took everything in you to not mount Minghao right there on the throne.
How you managed to keep your spine straight and your eyes to the front as Minghao walked you out of the throne room deserved recognition but alas you would get none of that. The minute the door to your room closed, Minghao was winding the leash around his hand until you came face to face with your Emperor.
“Did you see how angry Seungcheol was?” Minghao said in a melodic voice, “It was perfect.”
“Your highness,” You panted, hands digging into his lapels. Your lower lips were soaked with your slick and your body ached for more attention.
Minghao’s slow smirk was answer enough. You hated how your stomach dipped, shame and desire flooding your senses. “Did that little display heat you up, pretty flower of mine?”
“Please,” You whimpered, wetting your lips and standing on your tiptoes to press your lips to his.
Minghao placed a finger in between your lips to halt you and you whined at being denied yet again. The tea you were dutifully drinking, the pretty one with the blooming passion flower that drove your sexual desires into overdrive, was working its magic. Minghao always wanted you wet and panting for him. “Sit on the bed, pet.”
The emperor instructed you to lay back on your bed. You lifted your robes until your bare cunt was on display. He bid you to spread your legs, and your lower lips, revealing to him just how much you craved him. He knelt between your thighs, if only to place a chaste kiss on your mound. When you cried out, denied any more stimulating sensations, his tongue came out for a sharp, kitten lick directly to your clit and then he moved up your body.
Minghao’s eyes became hooded, his broad shoulders looming over you in the lantern light. “I’m sure he gave you soft moments but nothing more than that.” He was referring to Seungcheol, of course. “But you--” Minghao paused to pull open your robe aggressively, so that your breasts bounced free for him, “--delight in my roughness.”
Mingho sunk into your heat as he gripped both of your breasts in each hand. He pinched and tugged your nipples, fighting to get every last inch of his cock inside of you. You were mewling and arching your back into touches, drinking it all in. The emperor owned your body but he also made you crave his.
“If he only knew how you call out my name in the darkness of night and the first light of the day. How you can only be satisfied by me and me alone. Wouldn’t he be angry, my pet?” Minghao continued to taunt you.
You wrapped your legs around Minghao’s waist, enjoying the grind of his pelvis against yours. You needed more! More of him, more of the pleasure he provided, anything to wipe away the thoughts of your sweet love. 
Minghao abandoned your breasts, content in watching them bounce as he fucked you. Instead, he pressed one hand to your stomach and held one at your hip. “Such a tiny thing, I can feel my cock pressing against your stomach. And yet you somehow manage to take all of me every time. Is it because you’re the perfect little flower, just for me?”
You let out a wanton moan as you feel your climax begin to build. “Your highness--” You choke out.
“Say my name, pet,” Minghao cooed, correcting you.
“Mi-minghao,” You stuttered as his thrusting became rougher and deeper. 
“Again,” He said in that flowing, melodic voice. 
“Minghao!” You cried out once again.
“You’re insatiable for me,” Minghao grunted, the squelch of your pussy speaking for itself. “I’ll fuck you full of my seed, get you plump with a baby, and then fuck you some more. All for my satisfaction to watch your love fail. How exquisite.”
The two of you came together, tongues engaged in a lazy tango, lust swirling in your gut still, even after one orgasm. You knew that Minghao would not be sated with one orgasm, his seed already spilling out of you, but you were also sure that you could do with a few more yourself. 
You pushed Minghao to his back, his long black hair flaring around his delicate face prettily and the emperor chuckled. “What’s this, pretty flower?” he smiled, “Still cock hungry for me?”
You drew your nails down his chest, satisfied when a low groan left his mouth. “You didn’t torture me in front of your lords only to fuck me once, Your Highness.”
“That’s my pet,” Minghao purred.
A clearing of a voice near the door interrupted your lust-cloud moment. “Sorry to intrude, Your Highness, but the general has been standing out here for a quite while now…”
The guard finished his sentence lamely and all the blood drained from your face. Had Seungcheol been there the entire time? Had he heard how you begged for it, how you enjoyed it, how you looked for more…?
You glared down at Minghao, who was still deep inside of you. He smiled up at you with a kitty-cat like satisfied smirk. “Tell the General I’ve changed my mind. I’ll speak to him another time, perhaps.”
Your heart ached as heavy footsteps could be heard leading away from your room. You had to remind yourself that you did this for him, despite how much you were breaking his heart. 
Minghao, however, would not let you dwell on your thoughts. “Come, pretty flower, show me once again how sweet your cunt can be for me.” special thanks to @starlitmark for making my revenge fics look so pretty 😍
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andypantsx3 · 1 year
Deceiving the Duke | 2 | Todoroki Shouto
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pairing: Todoroki Shouto x Female Reader
length: 3.2k of 30k words | 2nd of 9 chapters
summary: When Camie Utsushimi elopes on the eve of her society debut, scandal threatens to destroy the family’s prospects. It’s up to you, a lady’s maid, to impersonate Camie throughout the Season, long enough that her elder sister can make a match. The only trouble? Lord Shouto Todoroki is also intent on making a match—and that match, quite impossibly, appears to involve you.
tags/warnings: romance, regency au, class differences, hidden identity/identity porn, aged up characters, eventual smut
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The next two days were a whirlwind of activity.
Camie’s dresses arrived, neither quite your shape nor your height, and they required a significant amount of modification to make them wearable. Mrs. Utsushimi helped you select one appropriate for the Monomas’ ball, and you focused all your effort on readying it in time, working into the late night to rework its shape, letting out some seams and taking in other hemlines.
Caroline helped as well, though she mostly only knew embroidery, but she saved several hours unpicking stitches, and covering over some of your hasty needle work with neat little embroidered embellishments.
In addition, Caroline had you practicing all manner of things. She had you stumbling around the sitting room, trying to learn an overwhelming number of dance steps. She herded you into the kitchen to observe table manners, how to sip from a spoon and how to select the appropriate silverware for a course. She tried to impart tips on how to move with elegance and propriety, how to curtsy and when and to whom, proper fan etiquette and conversational etiquette.
Your head swam with the unbearable volume of new information— a thousand ridiculous little nothings that apparently added up to everything.
By the time the Monomas’ ball arrived, you were exhausted, having barely slept or eaten a thing in days. You helped the Utsushimis dress and did their hair, then spent an inordinate amount of time struggling with your own. Caroline helped you match a choker with a small paste diamond to your gown, a pale blue muslin dress which bared entirely too much of your neckline for your comfort.
“Good,” Mrs. Utsushimi pronounced when she met you at the doorway, your stomach churning with anxiety. “You look the part, at least.”
This did not help ease your nerves whatsoever. As the carriage pulled into the Monomas’ drive, you had to suppress a wave of nausea.
Inside, things were even worse. The reception room was stuffed with more nobility than you had ever seen in one place. They were all awash in contrasting shades–the men all marvelously outfitted in dark tailcoats, the women in a posy of pale-colored gowns that practically glowed in the candlelight. Jewels sparkled off of slender necks and at the point of every ear, and the soft pad of boots and slippers against the wooden floors created a sort of murmuring undertone that dampened the sound of the space.
Immediately overwhelmed, you clenched your fingers, still raw from sewing. Your calluses caught the inside of your evening gloves and you winced.
You did not belong here.
Caroline helped take your mind off of things by showing you where to collect a dance card, which you quickly filled with nonsense names to prevent you from having to stand up with anyone, though you doubted you’d be asked. Then you followed the Utsushimis nervously to a conspicuous place on the edge of the dance floor, where Caroline could be seen clearly by any prospecting gentleman.
It was a great relief that at least you did not also have to try to tempt a husband, as the very thought of trying to converse with a gentleman made your skin crawl. You did not envy Caroline, whose whole future had to be decided in this one season, who would have to live with her deception exposed shortly thereafter.
Your place in the crowd meant you were also exposed to the other members of the gentry, however, and you were quickly descended on by all manner of Machiavellian mothers, scouting out the new debut to determine if you posed any sort of danger to their own daughters’ prospects.
“You must be Camie,” a woman in an extravagantly outfitted gown bore down on you. It was so begotten with lace and ribbon and netting that you could hardly make out the shape of the woman underneath. She looked friendly enough, but you had been warned by the Utsushimis never to trust a placid expression.
Your heart climbed into your throat, panicking at being so addressed.
“The Lady Cathleen Bate,” Caroline hinted to you, and you dropped a curtsey, hoping you’d gotten it right. Mrs. Utsushimi did not look upset, at any rate.
“Lady Bate,” you said, trying to control the nervous timbre of your voice. It came out high and strangled anyway.
“I must say, you don’t look a thing like your mother and sister,” she observed, and your heart beat double time.
Fuck, obviously you didn’t look anything like the Utsushimis. Why had any of you thought this was a good idea?
“I…take after my father’s coloring,” you supplied hastily, praying to any god who’d listen that she’d never met the man before his passing.
She made a thoughtful noise, a cross between a hum and a harrumph. It was loud enough that it summoned the attention of the other ladies nearby, and very quickly you were inundated with questions and evaluative once-overs by every scheming mother this side of the ballroom. They practically ran through a checklist of your qualifications, sussing out whether you played piano forte, what sort of needlework you did, what kind of education you’d had, and a laundry list of other incredibly pointed questions that made you feel like you could only ever supply the wrong answer.
Caroline and Mrs. Utsushimi did their best to help field questions and to give answers where your obvious lack of formal education became a hinderance—really, how many oblique references to Sophocles in the original Greek did one need to make before they concluded their training was superior to yours?–but it was all too overwhelming.
Mrs. Utsushimi seized an opportunity when the next question about your appearance came your way. She tried valiantly to draw attention away from you with a dramatic retelling of her husband’s demise, waving her fan as theatrically as she wielded her handkerchief.
The moment everyone’s attention was turned towards her, you took your chance.
You ducked away from the gaggle of women, worming your way out of the crowd. You tried to take care not to arouse notice, as you’d been informed an unmarried girl wandering about without a chaperone was much too bold. You beelined past the refreshments table, unable to help lifting a glass of lemonade and several apricot cakes for your troubles, and headed for a promising door on the opposite side of the room that you thought might be a closet.
It turned out to let into a library—quiet, dark and still. You could just barely make out the shape of a few low armchairs and spines of the books by the silvery pool of moonlight spilling in through a row of heavily-curtained windows.
You rushed in, and quickly shoved the door closed behind you. A wave of cool relief sent you slumping against it. Shifting your spoils to one hand, you yanked down a glove with your teeth, annoyed at how constricting the fabric was, how hot and clammy it had made your hands, then made quick work of the other one.
“Fuck,” you muttered again, delighting in the rudeness of the sound. Even twenty minutes in this company had been too much–you didn’t know how anyone could bear it. Camie herself would have never lasted. “Oh fuck…what have I got myself into?”
“I’m told it’s called a library,” a low voice intoned from the other side of the room, and you screamed, reflexively flinging your handful of snacks in the direction of the voice.
A tall silhouette ducked your apricot cakes, and the silence that followed could only be interpreted as astonished.
All hells, you were so deeply unqualified for the scheme you’d embroiled yourself in.
“I—I didn’t see you—oh, I’m sorry—” you said, watching the figure take a step towards you. The crack of light from under the door highlighted one grey eye and a mop of white hair, a sliver of fair skin. A man.
The proper thing to do would be to leave. You’d been informed to be caught alone with a man was the height of impropriety–-and here one was. But the thought of going back out there made your stomach churn, and you clutched at the door handle uncertainly.
“You’re not…Lord Monoma, are you?” You asked.
The man’s silver eye narrowed in on you. “No,” he said. His tone was low and smooth.
Well at least you hadn’t offended your host, then.
Before you knew what you were saying, the plea was tumbling out of your mouth. “Please let me hide out in here! I’ll give you anything for use of this room. If I have to go back out there I will die.”
There was another moment of stunned silence, and then the man asked, strangely, “I may go, then?”
You squinted at him in the dark. What in hell was that supposed to mean? You weren’t the gatekeeper of the doorway. And of course he should go, for propriety’s sake.
You quickly stepped aside, gesturing to the door and hoping he could see it in the dim. “All yours, thank you for your generous aid in my time of need.”
But the man made no move to leave, and that silver eye stayed fixed on your face. “You’re certain,” he said flatly.
Just what was he getting at here? Could a girl not get alone time with a glass of lemonade?
“Sir–my lord–I’m not sure of your address, I apologize—” you fumbled. “You may stay or go, but I quite require use of this room. If you will excuse me…”
But he still made no move to leave. “And no one is going to…happen upon us here?” he said, his tone even lower and more disbelieving.
Your anxiety spiked. “You don’t think they will, do you?” You asked worriedly. If you were subjected to one more derisive sneer over your inability to read two thousand year old Greek, you would die of humiliation. You quickly moved towards the drapes at the window, inserting yourself behind one.
“If they look for me, you don’t think I’ll be noticed here, do you?” you asked.
There was only silence again, completely judgmental in its ringing emptiness.
If you were really a lady, you supposed you might feel vaguely offended that a man should treat you thus. But you weren’t here to matchmake, so he could do whatever he liked. You shrugged, sliding down the wall to pull your knees against your chest, and took a sip of your lemonade, thankful you hadn’t flung that at him too.
How embarrassing.
The curtain was suddenly tugged back, however, and the man stared down at you. In the moonlight from the window you could just make out two glittering eyes, the straight line of a handsome nose.
“Who are you?” he asked lowly.
“Camie Utsushimi,” you offered, then wondered if you should have made up another name.
Rudely, he did not offer his name back. “Who are you hiding from?” he asked.
“Lady Cathleen Bate, and every other mother who wants to know if I’m to steal their daughters’ prospects out from under them. As if I could, as if I would!” You said moodily.
The man contemplated this in silence. You sipped your lemonade as he seemed to come to some kind of decision.
He made a sort of long sighing sound out of his nose, then offered quietly, “I too, wish to avoid such judgements…”
His tone was flat, but sincere. You recognized the statement for the peace offering it was.
“We can share the hiding place then,” you allowed. “But you must not tell anyone.”
Those eyes glinted in the moonlight, almost speculatively. “You have my word.”
You handed over your single remaining apricot cake to cement the entente. “An honor doing business with you then, sir—or, my lord…?”
His gloved hand brushed your own as he took the cake from you, and he paused, staring down at your bare fingers.
Your face warmed. Right, the gentry were strange about the intimacy of bare skin.
You quickly shoved your gloves back on, cheeks heating, searching for something to fill the awkward silence.
“So, whose daughter’s prospects are you stealing?” you asked stupidly.
The man coughed suddenly, which sounded suspiciously like it might be covering something like a laugh.
“I rather thought gentlemen were the prospects,” he allowed.
You supposed it would be rude to tell an actual gentleman that he and his ilk should hardly consider themselves such, considering how needlessly troublesome this whole marriage market affair was.
“Yes, well,” you said vaguely. “In that case, make sure you’ve brushed up on your Ancient Greek so your wife may accurately test into your coupling.”
Those eyes glinted down at you. Reflecting the moonlight, they were both pale, but you almost imagined they were different colors—his left eye looked a little bluer, perhaps due to the angle he held his head at.
“Must there be a test?” he asked in that low voice.
“Of course. How else do couples converse, if not in Ancient Greek?” you asked.
Those eyes creased, as if the man were smiling. He said something, a string of sounds you couldn’t place—until you realized.
You rolled your eyes, taking an angry sip of your lemonade.
“Yes, a wonderful party,” you answered, as if you’d at all understood what he’d said.
A huff of breath left him, and you knew you were being laughed at.
“Rest assured, I am entirely unsuitable for marriage,” you informed him. “Not a lick of piano forte in me either. Luckily I’ve just been introduced to several young ladies I might recommend to you.”
“Ah” the man said, somewhat knowingly. “This is your debut, then.”
You were struck again by how low and warm and beautifully smooth his voice was. You wondered if his face was just as beautiful as his voice.
“Yes,” you answered, your mind flicking back to the flock of pecking hens back in the ballroom. Then a thought struck you.
“Who are you hiding from in here?” you asked.
The man was quiet for a moment, as if weighing his answer. “...The mothers of the very ladies you’ve threatened to introduce me to,” he said finally.
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you. “They’re bloodthirsty, I will give you that.”
His eyes crinkled a little again, perhaps with another small smile. “I’ve seen their like only once before.”
“Where?” you asked gamely.
“The War for All,” he answered, and another laugh burst out of you.
You shouldn’t have laughed—the War for All, an incident from nearly a decade ago, had been the closest the country had ever come to its downfall. Princess-Regent Momo Yaoyorozu had newly come to power, only to meet a coup from a faction of detractors, attempting to install would-be Prince Shigaraki in her place. The capital had been under siege for nearly a year, before a group of the princess’s allies had helped defeat him–and the princess had spent the next few years consolidating her power, flushing out Shigaraki’s remaining supporters.
It was rude to compare marriage-minded mothers to the like of Shigaraki’s forces.
And yet also perhaps not entirely inaccurate.
“May you meet similar victory on this battlefield,” you told the man.
A clock chimed in the corner of the library, startling you. The remaining lemonade sloshed in your glass.
You sighed, listening to the clock strike eleven. You’d have to reunite with Caroline and Mrs. Utsushimi soon, lest they come looking for you and discover you tucked away in this den of iniquity with a strange man.
“Speaking of battles, I believe it’s time for me to rejoin this one,” you said, getting back to your feet. Standing this close to him, you realized the man was rather tall, and he smelled horribly good–like crushed pine, and the powdery starch that had probably gone into his collar points.
As you made your way around him, he offered his hand, surprising you.
“It was good to meet you, Miss Utsushimi,” he said, the use of Camie’s last name startling you a little. Right, you were supposed to be impersonating a member of the ton. You’d spoken perhaps a little too freely in the dark of this secluded room.
“You as well, sir–lord—?” you said, placing your hand in his, realizing he’d never told you his name.
He raised your hand, pressing his mouth to the back of your hand in a proper greeting. You flushed nervously, the heat of his mouth searing through the fabric of your glove
“Shouto Todoroki,” he said.
Your hand froze in his, your heated blood suddenly icing over.
Oh sweet gods above, you knew that name.
The Utsushimis, as any group of women on the marriage market did, gossipped endlessly about suitable members of the ton. You knew a little about most of the available gentlemen, knew who would be an acceptable catch, who would be an excellent catch, and who would be the catch of a lifetime.
Shouto Todoroki—His Grace Shouto Todoroki, that was—was the catch of any lifetime. He was a duke, about your age, who’d grown up in the very company of Princess Yaoyorozu herself. He was rumored to have fought for her in the very War for All you’d been jesting about, and he was also rumored to be the only suitor being seriously considered for her hand, when she finally deigned to marry.
There was almost no more powerful man in all the country, and you’d flung apricot cakes at him!
You grasped the wall, suddenly feeling woozy.
Lord Shouto made a noise of concern, and the fingers around yours tightened.
“Are you well?” he asked.
You quickly steadied yourself, tugging your hand out of his.
“I–yes,” you said hastily, cringing at how strangled the words had come out. “I really must go, my lord.”
With that, you flung yourself towards the door, tearing it open as though the devil himself were behind you. You winced as the light of hundreds of candles seared your retinas.
You couldn’t help but take a quick glance back at Lord Shouto, which turned out to be the worst mistake of your life. In the candlelight from the door, all his features were suddenly thrown into clarity–and he was the most horribly beautiful man you had ever seen.
He was tall and packed with lean muscle, and had a face like a Greek sculpture—the kind the very Ancient Greeks you were so beginning to loathe would have carved. His eyes were bright and mismatched as you’d thought, his mouth soft and sensuous, and his collar points framed a strong, handsome jaw.
You barely allowed yourself enough time to take in his distinct mop of two-toned hair, before you bit out something strangled and fled, back into the ballroom.
Back to safety.
It was unbelievable luck that no one seemed any the wiser to your escapade as you returned, your nearly-empty glass of lemonade providing your excuse. You slotted yourself in between Caroline and Mrs. Utsushimi and returned to fielding invasive questions, trying to calm your nerves.
You resolved to put all of this behind you, and stay in line for the rest of the season, lest you run a risk like this one again.
You would be good, and you would keep Camie and her family’s reputation clear.
And yet for the rest of the night, you couldn’t help that feeling that a pair of eyes was watching you. And you hoped desperately that you hadn’t already ruined things.
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may i perhaps request giorno dinner night headcanons with his s/o? ❤️ also welcome back!
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╭───────────────── ╰──➤ (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ FLUFF ♥
┊❥ Dinner with Giorno himself is rare ! You might think that being a Don might've cut him some slack of doing work but with a bigger position comes with bigger responsibilities !
┊❥ That's why dinner nights with Giorno are so well-thought out and delicately planned by him, the Don ensuring that anything from his line of work doesn't disturb your night together even the slightest; after all, he has Bruno to stand-in for him if something arises
┊❥ Giorno will croon sweetly to your ear, announcing that you both will be eating at one of the finest restaurants in Venice at a later hour; the Don pulling away to plant a chaste kiss to your forehead as he encourages you to be prettiest you can for him tonight
┊❥ You'll see one of the brightest smiles on Giorno's face the moment you walked down the stairs, his emerald eyes glinting under the light of the chandelier as he offers up his arm for you to take. From there on, the male's hands starts to wander just a little bit, nothing too scandalous
┊❥ During the car ride, Giorno constantly showers you with gentle pecks to your cheeks and hands, his fingers smoothing over your own accompanied with the ever so tempting promises he whispers to you of what will entail after the dinner; the don just likes teasing you of what's on his mind and his heart flutters upon seeing the pink tint of your cheeks
┊❥ The moment you both step foot into the premise, the customers and staff itself rose as if to greet you, their faces bright and ecstatic as the waiters ushered you in; Giorno was a great and kind don to the people of Italy so it's not a wonder people would celebrate his and missus's arrival
┊❥ Once they direct you to your seats, a table privately tucked away on the upper floors of the restaurant and the moon beaming down on your figures as if to bless your union after so, so long of being apart; Giorno grabbed your hand and pressed a longing kiss to it
┊❥ "Il mio amore, il mio prezioso," He murmured, blond lashes fluttering as he looked up at you "Do you know how much I love you? Do you know how much I yearn for you?" He asked, knowing very well of the answers behind it the moment you shyly look away from him
┊❥ The rest of the dinner went rather smoothly; the food impeccable and the gifts he pulled out from the pocket of his coat, only for you to gush them with praises, was worth every second he had spent planning everything that night. The smile on your face even rivaled the very moon itself; so bright and charming for the don
┊❥ But that's not the only thing, though! Once the dinner is finished and on your way ride home together, you'll be immediately whisked up into his arms. The staffs of the estate dismissed for the evening as Giorno acts out the last bit of his plan; making sweet and tender love to you throughout the late hours of the night
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neteyamssyulang · 3 months
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➤ Tumbled stones station part 2 - Okul x Fem sarentu reader
➺ With Okul busy and your friends away, you spent your time alone in your favorite spot. Thank eywa for that since your heat had started.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
➤ I miss you more than life - Neteyam x Fem omaticaya reader
➺ After some time had passed, you finally decided to tell your little girl about her father.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
➤ Reckoning escape - So’lek x Fem sarentu reader
➺ What was once a peaceful day turned out to be the worst, now having to not only protect yourself, but your two children aswell.
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➤ Forbidden desires - Neytiri x Fem human reader
Based on this request <3
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
➤ Savage temptations - Jake x Fem human reader x Neytiri
Based on this request <3
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
➤ Scandalous consequences Chapter 4 - Aonung x Fem human reader
➺ 6 months have passed since your children were born, you were forced to move back to awa’atlu and be with Aonung who continued to ignore you and the children, while Meyäi was having the time of her life.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
➤ Sensual Surprises - Tsu’tey x Fem human reader
Based on this request <3
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
➤ In the arms of desire - Possesive Okul x Fem sarentu reader
Based on this request <3
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
➤ Aylu uvan si 'u - Neteyam x Fem human reader x Lo’ak
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
➤ Tempted by the enemy - Modern AU neteyam x Fem human reader
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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➤ Two fawns are better than one - Alastor x Fem doe!wife reader
➺ Summary: An interesting topic that your daughter brought up one morning now has your husband thinking about something.
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
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Bridgerton AU
1) ball
2) promenade
3) Der Sonne Manor (sending illicit letters)
4) Der Sonne woods
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xiaolindude · 2 years
“Whatever shall you do with all the wealth that will come your way when we are wed?”
“Oh, that is easy. I shall squander it all on gifts for my wife. I shall buy her a ship so that we may travel as much as we wish, whenever we wish. I shall buy her every shade of paint known to man, that she may paint every animal and plant and landscape that exists. I shall buy her foreign fruits to try and beautiful, comfortable clothes in green, and I shall buy her enough plants to fill five dozen green houses.”
not me crying
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luvly-writer · 7 months
Ch. 3 Part-Time lovers, full time problem
Tim Drake x reader
Fic + social media Au
taglist: @w31rdg1rl @mxtokko @loonymoonystuff @grandstrangerphantom
Author’s note: One thing i love about Christmas is all the free time i have to write new stuff after finals 🤭 (she said as she still has a few finals to finish 😍). HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS CHAPTER!
For those wondering about “BOCM” i am having such a hard time finishing it. When my phone got changed the notes i had on that story got deleted and so i had to improvise a little cause i forgot its ending and it’s so frustrating cause i always want to give you guys quality content. I am scratching my head trying to finish it so i’ll continue this one and update slowly so that i can finish it correctly. Love you all and thank you for your patience.
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“Absolutely insufferable, she is,” said Tim to himself as he ran his hand through his hair. He had been begrudgingly cleaning his apartment. He was tempted to leave it dirty just to take a piss at Yn but he was sure that wouldn’t look good for his reputation so here he was. He would have hired someone to do it for him but recalling all the things he had regarding his alter ego, he knew he would have been fucked and he really couldn’t risk someone else knowing.
Finally, he finished ensuring everything looked great and sat back on his couch with his laptop. "There must be something about her that I can find. I refuse to be outdone and unprepared for this," he said, searching for any leverage he could hold over Y/n's head to bargain for his secret to remain so. Thirty minutes later he had found absolutely nothing. Unlike her two best friends, Clara Dupont and Satine Abbott, who were known to be found in scandal after scandal every week, Y/n had a clean slate. Satine was constantly partying during some fashion week or getting caught sleeping around with some governor's son or a married businessman. Clara has been known to pay off people to do her bidding, caught buying off police, lawyers, teachers, professors, judges and so, to run the city however she pleased. Yet, Y/n had nothing against her. Every article he found was about a charity she had worked on, a program she had opened, or an award she was given; and were all of them legit. She seemed like the angel in their group, but Tim knew better than to trust the all-too-shiny act. He has some recollection of them during high school though; he was a grade above them. They were known for their tight and exclusive group of three. He remembers how girls would do anything to become one of them. If it meant they had to step on someone else to appease one of the three, they would have done so. After all, having them as a connection moved mountains. Tim quickly grew frustrated. No psycho exes, no drug addiction, no jail time, no one dead, no bribes, nothing that could have stained the Vanderbilt name.
Throwing his head back, he heard his phone ring. Y/n was here. He sets his laptop on the coffee table and walks to the door, opening it and revealing a dazzling young woman in an outfit he thought someone as flashy as she never would wear. White Converse, comfortable mom jeans, a laid-back button-up up, and a cozy long brown coat. Her hair was loose and her face fresh with little makeup. Even after spending hours looking at pictures of her during his search, she still managed to take his breath away every time he was in her presence.
"I know I'm mesmerizing, but can you please let me inside? I'm freezing here," she said with her nose a little red.
He rolls his eyes with a laugh and lets her in. "I was gonna go more for repulsive but if that helps you sleep at night."
"Says the one that looks like sewer trampled rat" she quips back.
Tim couldn't help the snort that came out of him. She was an endless supply of good comebacks. He wonders how an interaction between his brothers and her would go, maybe he finally found someone to go head-to-head with Damian. She takes her coat off and lays it on the couch, together with her Burberry bag. He takes notice that her coat is also Burberry and decides to tease her a little. "And here I thought you were actually looking a little humble, but the coat and the bag ruin the look," he says as he scrunches his nose. He feels laughter bubbling as he catches the deadpan she gives him. "Whose less humble, me for wearing it and not saying a single thing or you for identifying it rather quickly and feeling the need to point it out?" she asks as she places a hand on her hip smirking at him.
She nods satisfied at his response and sits on the couch in front of him. "Ok. First order of business-"
"First order of business is giving me the reason as to why you are doing this." Tim interrupts her. She sighs and looks up, "God give me strength to not strangle him" she whispers and Tim tries to hold back a smirk.
"I wAS going to get to that before you so rudely interrupted me. The first order of business is giving you the context I am sure you are dying to hear." she pauses to look at him and he gestures for her to continue. He sees her look down and seem almost embarrassed. He can tell she is hesitating so he tries his best guess, "Are you trying to make someone jealous?"
"No, it's not that, it..." She takes a deep breath and spills it out. "My parents want me to marry a man who is very much too much older than me with the idea that it will help solidify the family lineage which I think is absurd because my sisters are right there AND THEY ARE MARRIED already to someone they love. But because Aurora and Charlisse keep on fighting to become the next CEO, my parents think it is only right to marry ME off to a very wrinkly and truly disturbing man who i am sure 20 years older than me because someone should continue the line whilst the other two are focused on their careers and making something out of their lives. SO, I needed to find a boyfriend who would be suitable for their standards whilst Aurora and Charlisse sort it out so that when they do, the attention and pressure of continuing the line will go back to them and not me." Y/n finishes breathing out. Tim was taken aback. Not only the normally composed girl he was used to seeing, spoke 7 words per second, but he was blown away by the information she had just given him.
"I need...a drink? Do you want one?" he said standing up and heading to the kitchen. No wonder she said this might take a while.
"Yes please" she said with a tense smile. "do you have wine?"
Tim made a sound of confirmation as he poured some scotch. He wasn't much of a drinker, but years of being part of the business world made him earn some appreciation for the drink. Especially on times like these. He poured some wine for her in a glass and walked back with both drinks. He gave her the glass and sat down. "Isn't that a little medieval?"
"Old money has habits that are tough to kill, unfortunately" she mutters dejectedly to her glass. "So, Timothy, any questions?"
"A few actually"
"Go ahead" she sad as she leaned back and got comfortable.
"Whose the old man?"
"Mr. Morris."
"You are fucking with me!" Tim reacted horrified, making Y/n laugh. If he hadn't been so shocked he would have delighted in her laughter but atlas, the situation did not give him the flexibility to do so. "Y/n say you are lying! That man is too old"
"I know, next question."
"Why me?"
"You are a good candidate and a lucky coincidence. I was going to ask Satine and Clara to help me but, that frankly would have ended in a disaster. I believe that as long as a plan stays between the parties involved who have something to lose, it will be successful. Satine would have chosen some random man who she's probably been involved with and Clara knows everything about everyone in the city-"
"Except this of course, as I was saying she probably would have created a fake identity, assigned it to someone then, bribed them into playing the part."
"Much like you did?"
"I blackmailed you, not bribed you, get it right. Continuing, it was rather easy to choose you. You are Bruce Wayne's son, and even without that, you come from high society from your biological family, so you know the social cues and the ways of the people I am constantly surrounded by. You have proven to be quite ingenious as well as a good businessman. Knowing your "other me" proves you might as well be honorable too and what hero is not dammed with a savior complex can resist a damsel in distress? It is in your nature to want to influence things to be okay. My parents are friendly with Bruce therefore making things more appealing for the situation. I had the perfect leverage, the perfect candidate, and now I just need the perfect situation. So, lucky me when you bumped into me"
"You mean when you bumped into me?" he asked and she glared at him. "Careful, pretty boy," she said, and the way she said it caused chills to go down his spine.
"Any more questions, perhaps about my clean histoy and my best friend's not so clean image?"
Tim looked at her and she gestured to his laptop.
"What do you have to hide?" ha asked leaning foward.
"Wouldn't you like to know? Next question." she smiled as she also leaned forward in her seat. "What's our story?" he asked looking down at her lips, a little bit stained by the wine she had been drinking. Tempting
"Well, that's why I'm here huh, detective?" That nickname shouldn't have had the effect it did on him, but God, he wanted to hear those words from her again. "Show me why Red Robin is the world's greatest mind, second to Batman's only," she said leaning back and taking a sip of her glass once again.
"World's greatest detective, not mind, and some would say I have surpassed Batman, get it right," he said as he repeated her words in the end. "We need cero plotholes, so much so that it has to be so good that not even my family can find them. We are after all a family of detectives"
"Amazing" she said, sitting up straight, her entire focus solely on him.
"We both went to GA, so that's a starting point, we may not even have to lie. We met at Gotham Academy a few years back, you crushed on me for some time seeing as I was a year above you, and then forgot about me when I dropped out. Years later, we bump into each other on the street, and sparks fly or whatever the fuck will make the crowd fall in love with us, and then we start from there. Depending on how desperate are our odds, we will explain our timeline, but we have to agree on it before going public. How did you react when your parents told you the news?
"It waaaass..messy. A lot of screaming and crying"
"Then you will tell your parents of how heartbroken you were when they told you because you finally get the chance to be with your one true love and"
"Wait wait wait wait! Why do I have to be the lovesick puppy in this and you the prince charming" she said narrowing her eyes at him.
"Whose the one in dire need of escaping the situation?"
"Who's identity is in danger?"
"Who will be recreating the handmaid's tale?"
"You bitch!" She gasped at his insinuation
"Exactly so, puppy love for you it is. As I was saying, you finally got the chance to be with the love of your life, and the moment you are prepared to tell them, they spring this news onto you. So how dare they. We can coordinate public appearances, photos, family dinners, and posts so that everything will flow perfectly. Finally, once, you are liberated, we coordinate and stage a breakup and you hand me all the information you have on me cause I know you made copies of everything and I will eliminate all. of. it. We will just be another famous couple that got together and broke up and moved on." Tim was satisfied with his work. Y/n looked absolutely amazed by him.
"Wow...and you came up with all of that, that fast?" she said full of wonder. Tim felt a tug in his heart due to her reaction. It had been a long time since he had managed to make someone truly amazed by him in a really long time. He had been so used to being surrounded by skilled detectives, assassins, meta-humans, and aliens, that he forgot how great it felt to simply just be and have someone admire you for it. The little praise-seeking self in the back of his mind was thriving on her admiration. "Yes."
"Fuck...I think I couldn't have ever picked a better partner for this if I tried. Your reputation does you justice, Timothy, you are brilliant." she smiled. Y/n felt relieved. She was soon going to be free from her family's pressure. Another scheme has gone perfectly. She cleared her throat and masked her face once again. "We have to make a contract, establish some ground rules."
"By all means," said Tim. "I am serious. First rule, I get all evidence of my alter ego destroyed once it's over. I am doing this only if that is assured."
"Deal. Second rule, no one, absolutely NO ONE, knows except for the two of us." she said and he nodded, "I agree"
"Third rule, Kissing only happens if the situation requires it," she said. He hadn't noticed she had opened a doc in his laptop and was writing this entire thing down. He hummed in agreeance, too busy admiring her....admiring her...WOOP WOOP! EARTH TO TIM! This is a fake relationship and you are already getting fond of her?!?!??! WAKE UP
"Fourth rule, no feelings. This is strictly professional" he snapped, making her look at him strangely. "I think that was already implied but sure, if you want it written, I'll add it" and turned to his laptop again.
He felt a pit in his stomach. This was professional and besides, he just found her attractive, he can anyone attractive and it doesn't mean anything. Plus she is kind of an asshole. She is blackmailing him into a fake relationship...to save herself from being sold like cattle and forced to marry a creepy man which if he thinks of it maybe it is the best way she saw fit. AND AND she was very rude to him and has quite the attitude..although it is so attractive how she goes head to head with him. Tim was sweating' bullets.
"And done. I added a few things such as we have to have some sort of PDA, and how we might coordinate things. You know, some silly stuff that most people think isn't important but might end up being so. Do you have a printer?" She asked to which he nodded and gestured to his office. She sent the paper to print and went to look for it. Tim took a deep sigh, he just needed to calm down. He just found her attractive and interesting like a new case that needed to be cracked.
"Perfect, I printed two contracts; one for you and one for me. I also took one of your blue pens and signed on both papers, here, sign here and here." After it was done, she had noticed that a few hours had passed. "I should get going. I promised Satine and Clara that I would have dinner with them if they kept the paparazzi off me so that I could get here unbothered and we didn't have any issues." She said as she went for her coat and her purse. "Have a nice night, Timothy"
"My friends and family call me Tim," he said looking at her.
She smiled softly, "Okay...Timmy, have a good night and get some rest." His heart melted at the fact that she took his nickname and altered it to make it hers. She heard her driver arrive outside and walked towards the door, Tim not so far behind. He noticed she faltered her step a little and looked at him hesitating. "Be....be careful tonight" she said but it was more like a whisper.
Tim nodded, "Thank you, enjoy dinner and get home safe," he told her as she went outside and went to her car. He stayed there until she got in the car and it began moving.
As she left, Y/n unfolded the contract from her purse and read the last rule...no feelings...
"you are going to be trouble.." she said fighting off a tiny smile and thinking of the handsome boy with the sharp quips, magnificent brain, and gorgeous blue eyes.
"What was that, miss Vanderbilt?" asked Donnie, her driver.
"Oh, it's nothing, Don. We are headed to L'amico, I'm meeting the girls for dinner," she said sweetly and her driver nodded.
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Author's note: What do you think of their dynamic? Liking it so far? Feel free to give me any feedback you'd like.
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
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✩*⢄⢁✧day thirty: age difference - Thranduil
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tag: #Tyelpëlos Kinktober Event
notes: I told myself I wouldn't write any more long oneshots for kinktober and did I listen? No AHAHA which is why this is late BUT this fic marks the end of my kinktober! This was so much fun and I'd love to do it again next year with Eden! This is my first time writing daddy kink and I would like to just really emphasize that all characters are 18+ and I was hoping the mention of reader having some alcohol would help convey this however I later realised that might be misinterpreted as underage drinking otherwise lmao. Reader is an adult but it's just a family vacay, ok? Good. Now that that's out of the way, enjoy!
word count: 5.3k
warnings: smut, NSFW, MDNI, age difference, older man/younger woman, modern! AU, mentions of alcohol consumption, daddy kink
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You flipped through pictures of your holiday so far: of your family and that of your brother’s friend Legolas. Your fathers met through their sons and got on really well and so your two families had ended up planning a holiday together, staying in a flashy hotel on a hot coastline. In your hotel room, you revelled in the salt in their air from the balcony door, the quiet whir of the air conditioner, the cool chill of it against the aloe vera on your skin after being between the blistering sun and warm shade all day on the beach, near inhaling one of the books that you had brought with you for entertainment. 
Speaking of entertainment, you were – very guiltily – finding that your fantasies were no longer restricted to the characters to your book but seemed to have latched onto Legolas’ father Thranduil. The epitome of a dilf, you had thought the first time you saw him. He looked like he had stepped right out of one of your fantasy worlds, Game of Thrones or something, and had just perfectly settled into the modern world – well, except for his rather pointed ears which his son seemed to have inherited from him. He was utterly gorgeous: possessing a towering height, a face that could strike envy within an angel, hair like flowing silk and a powerful sort of confidence about him. 
Some stupid part of you was thrilled to be looking so dolled up in his presence tonight. You weren’t one to splash your cash on designer clothes but your heart had just been ensnared by this particular dress. The price tag was enough to put you off for a moment but it was just so beautiful and nothing that you would see everyday. It was a soft white and fell to your mid-thigh, short and sheer puffy sleeves, a dipping neckline that wasn’t low enough to really be considered anything scandalous. It had a sheer layer that shimmered slightly over the silky material of the dress that felt simply exquisite against your skin, the sheer layer being decorated with lacy butterflies and flowers that just slightly lifted away from the material they were sewn too. Trying it on in the fitting room really had been enough to tempt you into spending your money for that month. You couldn’t afford to treat yourself to anything else and had to be careful with your money until you got your next paycheck at the end of the month but as you sat down in the hotel’s restaurant, you couldn’t bring yourself to regret it one bit. 
Dinner was going really well and damn did Thranduil look good in those hunter green slacks and that white button down, undoing the top buttons and rolling up the sleeves-  You had to stop yourself from nearly drooling as you glanced at the young man with long golden hair at the table, reminding yourself that you were thirsting over his father who was a widowed man. How terrible could you possibly be? Besides, even if he were seeking a partner, you were near sure that it wouldn’t be someone a year younger than his son. 
And that was when dinner stopped going really well because your brother dropped his phone and, in reaching out to try and grab it before it hit the table, he knocked over your glass of vodka and orange juice which went rolling off the table and straight down your front and into your lap with how close you had been sitting to the table to avoid dropping anything in your new expensive dress. There was a big fuss about it, especially from your mother who got to scolding your older brother as though he were still a child but you weren’t interested in being fussed over or hearing your brother apologise, you were just upset over your new dress, the one thing you had treated yourself to in a long time, being ruined. You would feel stupid for crying about it in front of everyone – let alone in public – so you simply dismissed yourself from the table, saying you would return to the hotel to get out of the dress and take a shower, the orange juice already feeling sticky against your upper thighs. 
So, you did exactly that. You left the restaurant to go to the lift where you went up to the floor of your hotel room, shifting your phone in your hand to get the keycard before remembering that you had left it on the restaurant table. How could you be so careless? Likely because you were very upset. You let out a single sob at how one bad thing had happened after another but caught yourself, knowing that you would have to face everyone again when you went to collect your key. So, you marched back up the corridor to the lift, pressing the down button before the doors opened to reveal Thranduil who then held up your key between two fingers. 
“I thought you might need this.” His usual stoic face softened to a sympathetic look, “Come on, sweetheart, let’s get you cleaned up.” He spoke, setting his hand between your shoulder blades and guiding you towards your family’s room, unlocking your door and holding it open for you. The door locked behind you. “You seemed so upset, I thought you could do with some company so you wouldn’t be alone with it this evening.” 
“The evening?” You raised a brow at the implication of his words. 
“Everyone else has decided to go out for drinks but I have an important work call to take in the morning so I had to pass on it anyway.” The corner of his mouth quirked up in amusement, “I’m trusting your father will be able to keep Legolas in line.” 
“He raised my brother, I’m sure he can manage anyone at this point.” You replied, making Thranduil laugh lowly and it quelled your want to weep for your ruined dress. But the silent tears were still there and you lowered your head to try and hide them, feeling that he would see you as silly and childish for crying over clothes. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” He cooed and watched as you sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at the orange juice staining the lap of your white dress. You felt the mattress dip with his weight beside you and you kept your head down, cursing the hot tears brimming in your eyes, “it’s such a shame, it really is a beautiful dress.” He complimented and it made your heart flutter for a moment to know that he liked it. No, you reminded yourself, you shouldn’t swoon over Thranduil – a widowed father – liking your little dress. 
“It was expensive too…” You mumbled, “I don’t usually buy expensive clothes but this was just so pretty, I couldn’t put it back on the rack and I was skint for ages after buying it but I never really treat myself to stuff like this.” You sniffled as you did your utmost to stop your tears from spilling down your cheeks but you tasted defeat in their salt as they ran down to your chin and the corners of your mouth. Thranduil kneeled down in front of you and cupped your face in his hands, shushing you while affectionately swiping at your tears with his thumbs. You couldn’t help but melt into his touch and turn your face into his palm. He smelled like aftersun and some warm spice you couldn’t quite put a name to. Your lips just barely grazed against his hand and you fought the urge to press them to his skin over and over, settling for trying to steady your breathing instead.
While you were in turmoil, Thranduil was in his own. Here you were, such a sweet and beautiful little thing in tears with your lips against his skin as he knelt in front of where you were perched on the bed. If he could, he’d quell your tears with kisses and throw you back onto the bed and give you a reason to forget the ruined dress that you seemed to have treasured so much. But you were so much younger than him and should he make any sort of advance and you rejected it, everyone he was on this holiday with would be out for his blood. Your parents and brother would kill him and he was more than sure that his son wouldn’t like to find that he had tried to pursue a woman a year younger than him, his best friend’s little sister no less. 
One of his hands on your face dropped to your knee, a safe enough place he thought: it could seem like he was keeping his balance while kneeling and it was not too far up your leg to be considered provocative. His thumb swiped once against your knee in the same way it had done beneath your eyes and he didn’t miss the way your thighs pressed together slightly. Arousal or recoil? He wasn’t sure and so he rose to his feet and withdrew from you entirely before he could possibly make you uncomfortable. 
“Why don’t you get changed, hm?” He offered, “I’m sure that’s not comfortable to be in.” You nodded your head and got up to get changed in the privacy of the bathroom, pausing on the threshold of the door to announce that you would likely take a shower to wash off the stickiness from the juice. However, once you had stripped off your precious dress and started running the water, you realised that you had forgotten your hairbrush and so you wrapped yourself in a towel before going back into the room to grab it, finding Thranduil had been gazing out of the glass doors to the balcony before turning around to spot you. You suddenly felt very vulnerable and bare in just your towel and even Thranduil seemed surprised that you had left the bathroom in such a state of undress. 
“Forgot my hairbrush…” You murmured, realising it might have even been better to put the stained dress back on just to grab it.
“I’ll see what I can do about your dress.” He replied and walked past you as you began to quickly brush out your hair. You could hear the tap run in the bathroom and when you had set the brush back down again, you stood awkwardly in the bathroom doorway as you watched Thranduil soak your dress in hot water to try and lift the stain before it could truly steele into the fabric. 
“I really appreciate the help but I’d like to be able to…” You trailed off, almost feeling as though you were rejecting his generous help, just desperate for the hot water of the shower to wash away some of your sadness at having your dress near ruined. 
“I won’t look.” He simply replied, turning his body at a slight angle so that he could continue working your dress in the sink while his back faced the shower. You were sure he wouldn’t be able to see you in the mirror, given the angle, and so you simply agreed with a quiet ‘alright then’ seeing as he had already turned around. You trusted Thranduil. The towel was set on the rack before you were under the steaming water, letting out a content sigh at the high temperature, beginning to wash your hair and then wash the stickiness of the orange juice from your skin. As you lathered your body in vanilla and honey scented bubbles, you couldn’t help but fantasise about the gorgeous man who stood no less than three metres from your naked form. He could so easily betray the trust you had placed in him, could gaze upon your exposed body, use the sight to spark lust. A part of you yearned for him to initiate something, to give you an excuse to just give into your desires if they were to be presented before you in such a ripe opportunity. Would he dare? You didn’t know how to provoke or seduce a man and so you found yourself improvising, against your better judgement. He was just so stunning and in fantasising about him, you had worked yourself up. You moaned at the feeling of the heated water against your skin, of the delectable scent of the soap on your body. You found yourself cupping your breasts in your hands as you rinsed yourself. Yet, Thranduil took no notice of you. 
At least: he showed no signs of taking notice. His bright blue eyes were already stealing glimpses at you in the mirror, unable to see much due to the angle that he was standing at, fighting his impulses in an attempt to continue working at your dress as you showered behind him. 
“Hey…” He heard your voice call out softly, “Do you think you could pass me the exfoliant on the counter? The beige tub with the white lid.” You asked and he found that his teeth were grinding slightly with how hard he had clenched his jaw. He found the item in question and stepped backwards, extending his arm backwards too in order to hand it to you. 
“There you go.” He spoke, his voice slightly quieter but neutral, cleverly balanced out as to not betray a word of what was going on inside his head. 
“Thank you.” Your voice had softened, was slightly airy as you took the tub from his waiting palm, your fingertips gliding against his wrist and down over his palm, your fingers almost wrapping around his as you savoured the small skin-on-skin contact. You might have been under the impression that the gesture would seem innocent enough, fumbling or clumsy even, but Thranduil knew much more than you, it came with his age. 
“Do you know what you’re doing?” His voice cut through the silence that was beginning to grow thick like the steam in the room. 
“I-I’m sorry?” You stammered out, face instantly flushing at having been caught. Thranduil looked just slightly over his shoulder, his eye meeting yours from the very corner and wandering nowhere else on your exposed body. In your eyes he saw your naivete and yet he also saw a mix of fear and embarrassment at having been caught. You had been teasing him intentionally and the look on your face was all he needed to confirm such. 
“Get out of the shower, Y/n.” His tone was quiet and yet no less authoritative than the voice you had heard him speak with over business calls. You swallowed hard and turned off the water, now feeling much more bashful and attempting to cover your bare chest with your arms. Thranduil took down the towel from the rack, warm, and wrapped it around your body, hands squeezing your shoulders momentarily before you gasped when his hands landed on your waist and hoisted you onto the counter. His hands gently patted you down, keeping you covered with the towel and you watched him do so with bated breath. 
His fingers skimmed over your thighs, just above your knees where your towel didn’t cover them and he let out a soft sigh, pale blue eyes roving up to meet your gaze. 
“Do you want this?” He asked and you swallowed hard. He didn’t need to elaborate on what it was he was offering. You nodded your head, eyes stealing a glance down to his lips. “I need to hear you say it, sweetheart.” 
“I want this…” Your voice was airy with a sense of excitement and anxiousness. His fingers trailed up your body until they were beneath your chin, tilting your head upwards and leaning in oh-so-slowly with lidded eyes, providing you with ample time to pull away should you realise that you did not want this. However, your hands came to rest on his shoulders, fingers skimming against his neck as your lips collided. He felt you shudder against him as you arched your back and leaned into him, your body silently pleading for more contact as your fingers slid upwards and into his hair. You couldn’t help but let out a soft moan at discovering it felt just as soft as it looked. Thranduil’s hand under your chin slid to cup your cheek and his other hand slid down to squeeze at your hip. The kiss grew more heated and you felt light-headed as you tried to keep up with Thranduil’s pace, relieved when his lips began to trail down your neck, drawing soft sighs and moans from your lips that he fully intended on leaving kiss-swollen when he was done with you. 
“Have you done anything like this before?” His voice had dropped as he hummed out the question against your pulse. 
“I have…” You replied quietly and Thranduil seemed slightly surprised. Truthfully, he had been unsure but a part of him was almost so sure that you were a virgin. “He… put me off, I suppose. It ended up being a one-time thing.” Your face flooded with heat and you couldn’t meet Thranduil’s eyes as he looked at you thoughtfully. 
“A boy your age?” He was met with a nod. 
“He was… selfish, I suppose is the word for it.” You heard the man before you tut as his arms wrapped around you and his lips languidly peppered kisses from your temple, across the softness of your cheek and to your lips. 
“I’m going to assume it was over before it could even begin for you and he left you unsatisfied.” He punctuated his prediction with a slow kiss to your mouth, nibbling your bottom lip. 
“Yeah…” You breathed out as you felt him push your thighs apart so that he could slot himself between your legs and pull you even closer. 
“Would you like me to show you real pleasure then, y/n? Pleasure given from a man who knows a woman’s body?” He was met with an eager nod. 
“Yes please…” Oh, how well-mannered and adorable you were. He couldn’t resist crashing his lips onto yours once more and you felt him untuck your towel as he kissed you dizzy. You gasped when his hands cupped your breasts and he pulled away from your lips. 
“Is this ok?” You eagerly nodded your head and your hands gripped the collar of his shirt to pull him back into the kiss, thighs squeezing your hips as you yearned to keep the closeness between you two. He smiled at your eagerness and relished in all the little moans you let out as he palmed your soft flesh and began to tweak your nipples between his fingers, testing how much you could take before letting out a little yelp into his mouth, allowing him to slip his tongue inside and to coax you into a deeper kiss. Once more, his lips trailed down your neck and then even further down to the top of your left breast, pausing along the way to nip at your collarbone. His tongue poked out to lap at your damp skin before encasing one of your hardened buds in the warmth of his mouth and sucking down gently, earning a drawn-out moan from your throat while his hand paid attention to your other breast, assuring that it was not neglected. 
He could gather from your reactions that this was not something you had experienced before and he couldn’t help but think on how undeserving that body must have been to have had such a pretty, responsive girl in his grasp and to still ignore her needs entirely. 
“Thranduil…” You whimpered out his name when he switched breasts and you could feel him groan against your sensitive skin before he wrapped his hands under your thighs and hoisted you upwards, making you gasp and steady yourself with your hands on his shoulders. He carried you out of the bathroom and sat down on the bed with you in his lap, not wanting to potentially overwhelm you by putting you under him just yet. His fingers skimmed up your bare back and then went down to your hips, holding them firmly and lightly coaxing you to grind down on him as you were now straddling his lap. You could feel him gently roll his hips against you, creating such sweet friction. You buried your face against his shoulder to muffle the sounds of how good he was making you feel. 
“I bet he didn’t focus on you at all, did he, y/n?” Thranduil’s voice cooed in your ear, dripping with a tone that just reminded you how naive you were than him in this. You simply clutched onto his shirt and shook your head, puffing out a content sigh as your clit caught against the material of his trousers. “I bet he didn’t even know how.” He continued, a hand reaching upwards to carefully stroke through your wet hair. “Would you like me to show you?” 
“Yes please.” You murmured once more, face leaving the crook of his neck to tentatively kiss the corner of his mouth. 
“Alright…” And he shifted you around so that you were laid back on the bed with your head against the pillows, his body hovering over yours, “But I have just one request for you, to make us both feel good, hm?” He suggested, fingers trailing up and down your side, tickling you slightly and causing goosebumps to erupt across your skin. You nodded your head for him to continue, feeling his palms on your thighs, parting them slightly. “I’m older than you… more experienced… I want to take such good care of you…” He continued, leaning down to kiss you so tenderly, as though you were cracked glass or thin ice that was ready to shatter at the slightest pressure. “Why don’t you call me daddy, hm?” 
“I…” You bit on your lip. You were aware of daddy kinks, sure, but were you into it? You had never put much thought to it. 
“It’s alright if you don’t want to…” He said softly, hands roaming your body up and down as though trying to memorise the shape of you. 
“No, it’s not that, I just… I don’t know if I’m into it, I suppose? I’ve never really thought about it.” You shivered slightly when his fingers skimmed between your hips, across your abdomen in a way that was pleasurable but also rather ticklish, watching as his eyes flicked up to meet yours in order to assess your reaction. 
“How about this then:” He proposed, “I’ll tell you when to moan for me and we’ll see if you like it then, while I’m making you feel good, hm?” You thought over his suggestion for a moment before nodding your head, watching as he smiled before pressing a kiss to your navel. “Good girl.” He praised, “Spread your legs further for me.” You did as told and he kissed a trail down your skin until his hot breath was fanning against your pussy, finding you glistening with need already, dripping from your slit. “I’m going to use my mouth on you now, is that alright?” His lips pressed to your inner thighs in the meantime. 
“Yes, it’s alright…” You mumbled out, bringing a hand up to press to your mouth in anticipation, your breath hitching and your fingers muffling a long moan when his tongue delved straight into your slit and pushed all the way up to your clit that he began to kiss and suck with such devotion. Your head fell back against the pillows and the hand against your mouth fell beside your head, gripping the plush fabric beneath it as Thranduil hoisted your thighs up on his shoulders and began dipping his tongue in and out of your walls. He kissed his way back up your slit before pausing, exhaling over you and drowning in the scent of your arousal.
“Moan for me now.” He commanded just before sucking down harshly on your clit the moment you opened your mouth. 
“Da-addy~” Your voice broke and your hands shot down to tangle in his pale hair at the unexpected pleasure as you felt your thighs tense up and the beginnings of an orgasm rush over your limbs before crashing to your core where Thranduil held your hips down as he eased you through it, the first orgasm you had ever been given by another. He kissed your clit one final time, almost a farewell, before rising back up, chin glistening with your slick. 
“There…” His thumb caressed your cheek and he watched how your body slightly trembled, “Did you enjoy it in the end?” There was a tone of amusement in his voice that told you he already knew the answer. 
“Yes…” You breathed out. 
“Yes, who?” He hummed and you let out a low whine. 
“Yes, daddy.” You were rewarded with a kiss where you could taste yourself and you were much too aroused to have any disgust towards such a thing. 
“Normally, I’d spend a lot more time on such a pretty thing like you, sweetheart…” He said, “But I don’t want to give you more than you can handle.” You moaned once more when his fingers prodded at your entrance, slipping one inside experimentally before quickly adding another. He stroked over that sweet spot inside you that had you whimpering beneath him, moaning out broken little phrases of ‘yes’ ‘please, daddy’ ‘more’ ‘just like that, daddy’ ‘please’ ‘so good’. Each one had him feeling much too hot and constricted in his clothes as he slowly fingered you, scissoring his fingers apart to feel how your walls had to stretch around them, trying to prepare you for the size of his cock. Eventually, he withdrew his fingers from your squelching hole and got to impatiently stripping off his shirt, rising to remove the rest of his clothing before he was practically diving on top of you once again, cock in his hand. You watched as he stroked himself in front of you, pressing the flushed and weeping head of his cock against the heat of your soaked slit. He reached for your legs and you let out a small grunt as he pushed them upwards, almost pressed to your chest. 
“Hold them there for daddy…” He watched in adoration of your obedience as you immediately complied, “Such a good girl…” He resumed stroking his cock before lining it up to your entrance, sliding the tip of his cock up and down slightly over your entrance before pushing in deep. Arousal pooled within him at the yelped moan you let out and his hands squeezed your hips for a moment before he pushed the rest of the way in, revelling in the way you whined at the stretch of his cock in your tight walls. “Fuck, I know you’re going to take me so well…” Your cunt clenched around him at hearing him curse like that. You had never heard Thranduil curse, he always seemed much too refined for it and yet here that eloquence was, bleeding out of him all because of how inviting your pussy felt squeezing and fluttering around his cock. He couldn’t risk making a mess here in the hotel room that your family would return to later on in the night so he planned on making this part quick. He could always pamper you a bit and bring you back to his own room after. 
A surge of pride filled him when his slow and harsh pace, each thrust kissing the deepest parts of you, had you quickly babbling at how good his cock felt inside of you. You had previously been unsure of how you felt about calling him daddy and yet here you were wantonly moaning it like it was the only word you knew. 
“This is exactly what you’ve been missing out on, isn’t it?” He asked, leaning down by you so that he could press your legs even more, folding you into a mating press as his thrusts began to drill down into you, the head of his cock bittersweetly bullying your cervix with each thrust. “Having an older man who knows exactly what you need… an older man who knows your sweet- fuck- young body in ways that boys your age don’t.” His dirty talk had your nails raking down your back and high pitched moans squeezing from your throat, “That’s why you didn’t turn me down like all the other boys who you knew just wanted to use you.” He let out a guttural moan by your ear that almost turned into a whine when the sound made your body clench further down him. “Do you want to come again, y/n?” You quickly nodded your head, scrunching your eyes for a moment to try and quell the tears that were building in them. “Then ask for it, ask your daddy if he’ll make you come.” 
“Daddy, please, please, can I come?” You pleaded. “Make me come again, please?” 
“Oh, well, seeing as you asked so nicely.” You cried out when his thumb began to draw circles on your throbbing clit and you buried your face in his neck as your nails curled into his skin, muffling your sob as your thighs wrapped around him, tiny cunt spasming around his thick cock. Just as quickly as you had tensed up, you went limp and Thranduil used the opportunity to pry your legs from him and kneel over your body, stroking his cock with lewd noises made by your slick as he spilled his hot cum over your bare chest, making him moan at the sight. He laid down beside you and watched as you panted for breath. 
Thranduil propped himself up on an elbow to lean over you, tenderly pushing wet hair away from your face and kissing from your temple, down your cheek, to the corner of your jaw. “You did so well, sweetheart…” He praised, “I’m so proud of you.” He punctuated his words with a kiss yet watched on as you still panted for breath, not yet down from your high. “Come,” He cupped your face to gently turn your head to face him, pressing his forehead to yours, “breathe with me now…” And he began to take in deep breaths, hold them and slowly let them out until your body had calmed right down and you turned onto your side and buried your face in his chest, caring very little about how his hair was tickling your face. 
“I feel much happier now.” You laughed slightly, making him laugh too as he reflected on how you had been sobbing over your dress earlier. 
“I’m glad to hear it.” He kissed the top of your head and smoothed your hair back affectionately. “I… I would much prefer this be kept a secret- '' He began, “-not because I only used you, no, I wouldn’t do that to you, but because I don't think our families would be all too happy. If you want to tell anyone what’s happened between the two of us, I understand but if we want to do this again, it might be best if we… see where things go before we tell anyone. This is just my suggestion but I leave the final decision down to you. I won’t tell you what to do.” You hummed and began to trace idle patterns on his skin with your fingertips. 
“You would… do this again with me?” You highlighted. 
“More times than you could possibly count, my sweet.” He replied with a slight laugh. 
“I… would like to keep this between us while I see how things go then.” 
“Very well…” He kissed the top of your head once more, “Let’s stay like this for a while then we can have a shower together, how does that sound?”
“Wonderful…” You hummed. 
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thewritingginger · 1 year
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Sorry for the wait! Hope you had a good Christmas / Holiday Season, Lovelies!
Have some scandalous car shenanigans with our business professional Erwin Smith  😉
Fandom: Attack on Titan Pairing: Erwin Smith x M! Reader Word count: 4.5k+ words Warnings: 18+, Modern au, Established relationship, Sir kink, Semi-public sex, Car sex, Slight exhibitionism, Hand job, Oral sex (M! receiving), Praise kink, Neck holding, Pet names, Dirty talk, Slight degrading, Spanking, Sex toys (butt plug), Anal fingering, Anal penetration, unprotected sex, Creampie, Slight cum licking 
Enjoy ~
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It is nearly half past eight. You’ve been getting ready for Erwin to pick you up to take you to the Holiday party his coworkers had set up —they do one every year but this is the first time you’ve been able to go in the three years you’ve been together.
The first year it came around you’d only been together for a few months and the two of you weren’t quite sure what your relationship was going to be yet. The second year you had plans with your family the week it was happening, so third times the charm –Right?
It’s not like your relationship is a secret, far from it. Erwin is very open about being taken and, to your slight embarrassment, brags about you to his coworkers. Though you only really know Levi and Hange, the rest you’ve only met in passing when you visit the office and you really want to make a good impression. But that doesn’t mean you won’t try to have a bit of fun.
Your thoughts are interrupted by the front door being unlocked, you’ve gotten a text from Erwin that he was ten minutes away but time must have gotten away from you.
“Are you ready, Sweetheart?” Erwin calls from the base of the stairs.
“Yeah, just getting my jacket.”
Looking over yourself in the floor length mirror by your closet you smooth the front of your black blazer. You wanted to wear something simple but still festive enough so you wore a deep red button up and a matching pocket square in the front of your black blazer.
Rounding the corner of the banister you see your boyfriend leaning against the wall, looking down at his phone. You take the moment he is distracted to admire the way his navy blue suit fits his body perfectly. The way it hugs his bulging muscles and accentuates his tapered waist makes you want to forget the party and have one of your own right where you’re standing and on every other surface of your shared home.
A second later Erwin glances up and his blue eyes warm, creating a handsome smile on his face when he sees you.
“You look perfect, I might not want to take you out in fear of someone trying to take you from me.” He jokes as he walks up to you, pulling you in by your waist till your chest is pressed to his.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Handsome.” Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, your lips connect in a sweet greeting. Pulling away you sigh.
“What are you sighing about?”
“Nothing much, just thinking about how I’d wish we could just stay home and have our own fun.” You say with a suggestive lilt making the blonde man laugh.
“That is quite tempting, however I’ve already assured the others we’d be coming, they really want to get to know you.”
“What if we are just a bit late?” You suggest, brushing back his hair in place with a slight pout on your lips.
“There will be more than enough time for that, Sweetheart. Patience is a virtue, good things come to those who wait.” He winks before untangling from you and heading for the door.
Throughout the car ride you tried to be good and wait till you get home but your patience is only getting thinner. You don’t know if you can really blame it on first-time-meeting-his-coworkers jitters, what you do know is the more you look at how Erwin is gripping the steering wheel and the way his large body is sitting relaxed in the driver’s seat —the tighter your pants are becoming.
Pulling into the underground garage of Erwin’s office building you adjust your pants in a willful attempt to push down your semi from bulging out too much.
“You okay, Sweetheart?” Erwin asks as he turns off the car.
“Uh yeah, just a bit nervous.” Your voice stutters slightly –you were never good at lying to him.
“Really?” Unbuckling his seat belt Erwin leans over the center console, looking into your eyes. “Are you sure it’s not due to the erection in your pants?” Your throat dries.
When did he notice it?
You begin to stammer and try to make up an excuse but the hungry look in his eyes and the drop in his voice makes all possible lies leave your brain and before you could say anything he continues.
“I thought I told you we had to wait till we got home, did I not?” He tilts his head, waiting for a response.
“Yes but I didn’t-.” You’re cut off by Erwin’s shushing.
“But nothing. I thought I made myself very clear but since you’ve decided to be naughty I guess I’ll have to help fix your little issue, huh?” You respond with a whimpered ‘uhuh’ and gasp when you feel Erwin’s large hand cup your growing bulge.
His palm kneads you over your pants, making your cock harden completely.
“Look at you, Baby. Whimpering in my front seat already and I’ve only just started touching you. Do you like the way my hand grips you through your pants?”
“Yes.” You sigh, your eyes still locked with his heavy blue ones.
“Yeah. You're such a needy boy, huh?” You nod again, making him smile. “Take off your pants.”
“What?” You were stunned by his request –more like command. You thought he’d just palm you till you came in your pants but he’s telling you to strip your bottom half bare in the parking garage of his workplace.
“You heard me, Baby. Be a good boy and do as I say, you wanted me to play with you did you not? Because we can stop and go in now or-.”
“No. I- I’ll take them off.” You’d be a mess if you stopped now. Showing up to a party with a raging hard-on is hardly a good first impression.
Unbuckling your seatbelt you kick off your shoes and shimmy out of your suit pants as instructed.
“Your underwear too.” Erwin adds, you do as he says. Looking out the window as you pull your boxers from around your ankles. A hand jerks your eyes back to the man next to you by your chin.
“Look at me, Baby. No one is here.” He reassures but you know that at any moment someone could pull into the empty spot next to you and see you half naked —though you’d be lying if you said that didn’t kinda excite you.
Good impressions be damned.
Your boyfriend’s big hands touching you is skirting away all rational thoughts in your mind.
Wrapping his hand around the back of your neck Erwin pulls you in for a heated kiss. Your tongues dance together and you moan into his mouth as his free hand begins to slowly tug on your erection. He pulls you away by the hair on the nape of your neck, looking at the way your face scrunches up when he squeezes your shaft and teases your tip with his thumb.
“You're so cute like this. Your lips pouting and your tip already oozing so much in my hand. I’ve only just started playing you, is my sweetboy so starved for my touch that he’ll cum just from me kissing him and stroking his pretty dick?”
“Yes -ah.” You breathe out a soft moan.
But your sighs of pleasure turn to whines of loss when the hand wrapped around your member disappears. Opening your eyes you see Erwin reclining his seat, untucking his shirt and undoing his belt. You lick your dry lips as you watch him unzipping his slacks, a large bulge trapped underneath. Your length twitches at the sight of Erwin pulling himself out.
His shaft is thick and veiny in his palm, a pink bulbous tip already glistening with precum.
“You want my cock, Babyboy?” He asks, teasingly slapping it against his exposed abdomen. You nod your head. “Good boys use their words, Sweetheart.”
“Yes, Sir. I want your cock.” Smiling, Erwin’s sinks lower in his seat.
“Goodboy.” The single-worded praise is all he says before pulling you over the center console by the back of your head holding your face centimeters away from his throbbing erection.
Not wasting any time, you eagerly wrap your lips around his tip and give it a hard suck, earning you a pleased growl from your boyfriend.
Your knees are bent on the passenger seat cushions, your ass propped up –on display for anyone who may walk by– as your hands rest on Erwin’s thick muscled thighs for support. You bob your head up and down his thick shaft, only able to comfortably fit half of his girth in your mouth. His hands rests on the back of your head, guiding your movements.
“Just like that, Baby.” He praises in a low growl. “You’re such a good little cock-sucker. Come on, take a bit more. I know you can. Ah, yeaah.” He moans, pushing your mouth further down his length till you feel his thick tip prod at your throat making you gag.
With his fingers tangled in your hair, Erwin’s other hand slides down your clothed spine to cup your ass. You moan around his girth when he gives your cheek a firm squeeze in his palm. He continues to massage and grope your ass lazily, making your body throb with more need. Pushing your ass back against his wandering hand earns you soft smack in warning.
“Ah ah.” He falsely scolds. “None of that, Baby. Grinding your needy ass agasint my hand as you have my cock stuffed in your mouth. Such a naughty boy. Someone really ought to teach you some patience.” He says, punctuated with a firm spank making you choke on his length once more.
He grips your hair to increase the speed your mouth is working his shaft as he continues to spank your reddening ass with sinful words spilling from his lips in a low purr.
“Making me pull my cock out in the garage of my job. Forcing me to punish you in order to teach you a lesson in patience, your ass bare for anyone to see –you should really be ashamed of yourself.” Your moaned responses vibrate along his twitching cock breaking up his words with gritted curses.
“But my Sweetboy likes that, huh? Being used and on display for me?” You nod your head and hum in eager agreement making Erwin chuckle.
Reaching further down, his fingers running down your crack. A predatory purr sounds in the closed car and a mock disapproving tsk.
“What do we have here?” He says in dark amusement, his fingertips rubbing and pressing against the silicon buttplug you’d put in before leaving the house.
Spit is seeping from the corners of your stretched mouth andwetness beginning to seep from your eyes. Erwin rips your mouth away from his cock with a wad of your hair tightly gripped in his fist. Sputtering. Slobber dripping down your chin, face flushed and chest heaving for lost air your face was forcibly directed up to the hungry man looking down at you.
His hand makes a necklace for you around your neck, his palm slightly impeding your airway as the other continues to play with the secret toy lodged in your ass.
“Such a dirty boy. Not only are you slobbering all over my cock with your bare ass up for any lucky passersby to see but to think you were going to parade around my workplace, shake hands with my coworkers –all the while with a toy shoved up your ass, making it ready to stretch around my cock when we get home.” He tsks again, rotating the toy in your gummy walls pulling whimpering mewls from your throat and just as you were about to start begging you’re cut off with yet another firm smack to your sensitive asscheek.
“What am I to do with you, Sweetheart?” He asks rhetorically, head tilled with mockingly soft eyes. “Perhaps I should make you get dressed and walk into the middle of the party with your cock painfully hard and your hungry ass having nothing but that toy to suck on. Or better yet, maybe I’ll pull you out of the car just as you are for every one of my coworkers to see just how much of a shameless little boy you really are.” Erwin’s threatening words send a chill down your spine and pout from your lips.
“Please, Sir, no. I’m sorry, I’ll be good. Please don’t leave me like this, I need you so badly.” You cry pathetically, past the point of no return –you know what you need and at this moment you aren’t above begging for it.
Erwin’s warm hand around your throat moves to cup your cheek, pulling your hot damp face closer to his.
“You’ll be good?” You eagerly nod your head. “Sweetheart, what makes you think I should believe you? Considering all that you’ve done thus far?” Your mind spins for a response, desperate to convince him to satisfy your selfish needy wants.
“Please. I’ll do anything. Anything! Anything you ask, I’ll do it like a good boy. I’m your goodboy, I swear.” Your words are becoming more of a whiny keen with frustration building inside your belly and in response an all too wicked smile begins tugging at the corners of Erwin’s lips.
“Well then.” He said, retracting his hands from your body to lean back in his seat, reclining it further back and pushing his slacks further down his thick thighs.
Looking at your dazed and confused face expectantly he instructs you to remove the rest of your clothing with a wave of his hand.
“I want to see every part of you as I make you fuck yourself on my cock.” You were okay with your ass out but to be completely naked would make it near impossible to hide what it is you’re doing if someone were to walk up to the car but you can tell from the sure look in Erwin’s eyes that he is not the least bit caring of that fact.
How much of a shameless little boy you are.
The words play back in your head, reminding you what you are for him and the hungry look in his crystal blue hues is a further testament of what Erwin needs from you in this moment.
Shamelessness. Obedience. Pleasure.
Looking over your shoulder one last time you look at the large man watching you. Tossing your blazer in the backseat and undoing every shirt button you’re locked in a staring contest till you are completely bare in the front seat of Erwin’s car —nothing but the tinted windows to hide you from the world. You’re sitting with one leg crossed under your butt and the other planted on the floor. Your legs are spread open, showing you balls resting against your ankle and your stiffness standing tall. There is nothing but a hot, hungry silence passing between you two in the too small car making it hard to breathe till Erwin’s voice breaks the air.
“So pretty, Sweetheart.” He comments, licking his lips. “Come here, let your loving boyfriend take care of you.” Patting his thigh he beckons you over with a welcoming smile.
You quickly scurry over the center console as delicately as possible. Your legs are partially resting against your boyfriend’s thighs and the seat beneath him, your back hunch and hands curling around the back of his neck –thank god his seat is reclined.
“Such an eager little boy.” He purrs, sliding his hands up your already shaking thighs to cup firmly your ass. “Needing my thick cock to stretch out your little asshole so badly you’ll be completely naked for anybody to see. What do you think my coworkers would think if they passes by right now to see my sweet little boyfriend, naked and rock hard, begging me to fuck them in my car?” He taunts as his hands continue to squeeze and spread your ass-cheeks.
Just as you were about to answer you’re cut off by your own moans as a hand begins toying with the plug in your needy hole. He is pressing and spinning it within your walls, teasingly giving it a slight pull to test the tight grip around it.
“What do you think they’d say, Y/n? Seeing you cry as I play with the toy you shoved in your ass before we came here?” Your nails dig into his neck, eyes screwed shut and mouth slack.
“That I’m a bad boy- ah.” You pant in quick response as a wonton moan erupts from your lips as Erwin pulls the toy almost completely out before popping it back in your tight ring.
“What else, Baby?” He eggs on, clear amusement in his sultry voice.
“Tha-that I’m your needy cock-slut who needs -ah- needs you to stretch me out.”
“What do you need stretched out?” He asks, punctuated with a firm spank making you whimper once more –trying so hard not to grind against his hardness that is touching yours.
“My ass. Please, Sir! I need you inside me.”
Your fingers are tangled in the short hairs at Erwin’s nape, your eyes pleading –leaking desperate tears– as you watch him ponder your plea while gently pumping the toy in and out of the very place you need him. And in a mournfully-delicious instant he finally rips the toy from your gaping asshole, leaving you to clench around nothing.
“Sit up, Baby.” He instructs, spitting into his palm.
Propping yourself up on your cramped knees you are inraptured by the way his large hand wraps around his own cock, slicking it with his hot spit till it is glistening and ready to fill you.
Wrapping your arms around his neck you lean forward, allowing him to direct you where he needs you. His hand spreads your cheek as he begins to teasingly slide his cock-head against your hungry hole, kissing the tight ring of muscle tauntingly.
“Is this what you want, Sweetboy?”
“Yes, Sir. Please. Fill me.” You pulls back from his neck to look into his hard eyes. A dark smile curls his lips.
“Well then-.” His hand gently cups your cheek, leaning into his touch your eyes flutter as the smooth baritone rocks you into a submissive transe. “My cock is ready for you, baby. I want to see you ride me —hard.” He says, forcing your ass to sheath him whole in one push.
A strangled gasp tears through your throat as your body quacks from the quick intrusion. Erwin’s thick curved cock stretches you fuller than any toy could. The way your body burns to accommodate him makes your toes curl against the leather seat. Another moment for your body to accept his invading length, Erwin’s rough hands slide up and down your thighs —sending goosebumps across your exposed skin.
“Ahh-.” A pleasured groan seeps from your boyfriend’s throat as your walls quiver and clench around him. A firm smack to your asscheek brings your back to reality momentarily before you’re swept back into Erwin’s domineering voice.
“Ride me, Baby. Show me you deserve to have my cock stuffed inside you. I want to see how dirty by babyboy can be.”
Erwin’s encouraging words sends your body into autopilot. Your scandalous body begins to buck against the strong man beneath you, your hand tangling into his neatly styled hair —wanting to mess it up. Proof that you were here.
Wonton gasps and moans flood the car’s cabin from the both of you. Your coiled fingers pull at Erwin’s roots for leverage as you take his throbbing length hard and fast. You’re surer and surer that if anyone were to walk by your rocking car there’d be no doubts of what is happening within —but you don't care.
All that matters right now is Erwin’s thick cock pummeling your insides, his callused hands groping your ass —his nails digging into the soft flesh and palms coming down with demanding smacks— and your face buried in his neck, inhailing his musk and sweat.
“Fuck.” Erwin roars into your ear, pulling your face from the curve of his neck till your drooping eyes are held by his. “Just like that, Baby. Ride my cock. I want you to pump my cum into your perfect little asshole so I can see you walk into my office, knowing you’re leaking me in your pants. Is that what you want, Babyboy?” He asks, as if he doesn’t already know that is exactly what you’d want.
Wanting him to fill you. Claim you. Own you.
“Yes, Erwin! Please! Fill my ass with your cum. I need it.” You cry, fighting through the burn in your thighs to gain the earthdifying pleasure of having your boyfriend’s cock moving within you —hitting you deep and hard.
“Yeah? You need it? You’d do anything for it?”
“Yes!” You gasp desperately. Your head is swirling, you feel drunk and dizzy. The only thing keeping your head up is Erwin’s hand holding your forehead to his, his intense blue gaze carving into your scrunched up face, watching you unravel on his lap.
“Tell me, baby —who do you belong to?”
“Who’s cock is only enough to satisfy this slutty little hole of yours?”
“Yours, Erwin. Yours! Please!” Your voice is rough with exhaustion and dehydration but the pain of the scratching doesn’t register, if anything it only adds to the deboucherous cacophony of pleasure coarsing through your weak body.
“That’s right, Baby. Let everyone in this damned parking lot hear you. Take my cock —Fuck!— Just like that! Going to make me cum, Baby.” Erwin says, his head falling back, hand letting your head fall forward to assist his other hand pulling your hips towards him —increasing the speed in which you take his cock.
“Yes! Cum inside me, Sir! Please. I- I need it.” You beg —unneccissarly because you both know Erwin was planning to spill his hot cum inside you, regardless of what you said.
The windows of Erwin’s luxury car is fogged from your hot breaths, rocking rapidly from your ravenous joining and surily is emitting fiendish sounds of pleasure spilling from each of your lips.
“So close, Sweetheart. Look at me!” Erwin demands. Pulling your head from his shoulder you rest your head against his. You’re truly a vision to him —one he wants framed for his viewing pleasure— your jaw slack, dripping drool and your eyes watering as they attempt to stay open.
“You want to cum, Baby?” You quickly nod your head, whimpered pleas incoherently fall from your tongue.
Leaning back, your hands resting on his knees for support you give Erwin a full view of your naked body’s lewd movements.
“So gorgeous.” He praises through hagered breath. “Look at your pretty cock. All red and leaking, needing to realse.” A choked sob rips through your throat as Erwin’s hand wraps around your length, jerking it in rythme with your stuttering hips.
“Wait, I- Erwin- ah!” Your voice is broken up by pathetic mewls, unable to grasp your words as your boyfriend continues to stroke your cock, squeezing your shaft and twisting at your tip —coating his fist in your precum.
“Wait? Why would I when you look so pretty like this —Fuck!” He huffs, his face flushed with exhurtion, his end nearing. “Cum on my cock, Sweetheart. I need you to squeeze me. Make me fill you with my cum. Please, Baby. Cum for me.” The blonde’s pleading words were just the thing you needed to finally plummet.
Your hips grind against his length, encouraging it to press against the sinful button deep within you and in a shell-shocking moment you’re left gasping and wailing as you reach the end of your rope. The hand around your shaft continues to tug on you as streams of white begin to coat your bare chest and belly.
“God damn, Baby. Don’t stop!” Erwin demands, hand milking your balls and his other hand keeping your pass on his lap till you finally feel the heat bloom in your belly as his twitching cock floods your insides. The two of you fill the car with your pleasure filled roars as you each ride out your highs together till you’re each overstimulated and gasping.
The next few moments are spent catching your respective breaths, bodies still connected and coating in sweat, spit and cum. The firm hands griping your hips detach to begin gently running up and down your trembling form, sending aftershocks up and down your spine.
“You okay, Sweetheart?” Erwin’s voice softly says into your ear. You tiredly nod your head, breathing in his scent at his neck and gently laying a kiss on his pulse. Pulling your face to his, he connects your lips for a tender kiss.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I? Feel any pain?” You shack your head, chest fluttering at his love and care for you. Looking into his eyes you give him a tired smile.
“I’m more than okay.” You chuckle, one that he returns in response making your belly flutter for naughtier reasons. After another moment of looking into his eyes, Erwin slowly helps you off of his softening length. You gasp as he finally pops out of you, hot seed gushing out of your used and exhausted hole.
Helping you slide over to the passenger seat so you can resume your clothes, Erwin lets out a silent curse. Looking over, your underwear in your hands, you see him looking at his black trousers —a sheer white blotch disrupting the pristine fabric.
“Is everything okay?” You ask. Erwin nods his head giving you a soft smile, shaking his head to himself.
“Everything is fine, Darling. In my rush to take you I didn’t think about the possibility of messing up my pants.” He lets out a lighthearted chuckle. “Guess we should head home after all.” Frowning at his words you lean over the center console, your head dipping to his lap where you begin to lick at the splotch that rests on the junction of his right hip and his groin.
A low growl sounds over your head, you don’t need to look up to know Erwin is watching your lewd show of cleaning the mess you’d made on his lap. Sitting up innocently, wiping the dribble of spit on your chin, you flash Erwin a sweet smile.
“Better?” The dark look in his eyes reveals that everything is far from ‘better’.
“Oh now we’re defiantly going back home.” A strong hand grips your hair to crash your lips against your boyfriend’s before being pulled back harshly. “I’ll tell everyone that you weren’t feeling well and I’ll bring you around some other day.” His voice is a low purr, hunger brewing in his crystal eyes.
“Why, Sir? I feel just fine.” You say, as if you’re pure of heart and clueless of the situation.
“You know exactly why, my dirty little boy. Now sit back in your seat —and don’t even bother getting dressed because the moment we pull into our garage I’m gonna fuck you so hard you wont be able to walk your cute out of this car.”
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Hope that was ok. Feedback and Interaction is always appreciated! :)
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