hermitagereheadcanons · 4 months
Xisuma sometimes has to call Martyn to the server whenever Ren is regressed but having flashbacks from the life games. Martyn is the only one that can go through Ren's own pesky and mean toughts, Xisuma even let's Martyn stay longer for a bit. The Ren apreciate that so much - 🦋
Maybe it's that he understands what the games were like on a level the others don't, or maybe he just understands how Ren works. Either way, Martyn has a way of keeping him grounded, and the Hermits don't mind having him as a guest.
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hermitcraftkinfessions · 10 months
Evil X from my source would add "evil" to the start of random things and it was genuinely super funny we lived in an evil house with an evil garden and slept in evil beds - 🌸🐶 anon
THAT’S SO FUNNY i need to start doing that again /silly
-mod ex
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hermitagereheadcanons · 6 months
Little Xisuma when he is baby age, will try to take his armour off even tho he isn't supposed to, because its heavy and uncomfortable, so Keralis keeps a sharp eye on him in case he starts to get too figted(is that the word??) With his armour, so he can bring the admin to his base and take care of him because if his sweet Shaswamy regressed to that age the poor little guy must be stressed - 🦋
Keralis had to figure out ways to distract him and keep him happy. Regressed that young, Xisuma doesn't understand why he can't take the armor off, which can be confusing and upsetting. Keralis does a good job keeping his mind off it.
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hermitagereheadcanons · 8 months
Cleo and Xisuma have agreed that regressing at the same time probably isn't a good idea. Cleo doesn't always realize when her dry teasing is coming off as mean, and Xisuma is a bit oblivious and sensitive and often takes her jokes personally. There's no hard feelings about it when they're both big again, but they just aren't compatible when they're both little.
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hermitagereheadcanons · 8 months
Xisuma goes about his day as usual when he regresses. The Hermits generally don't realize unless they're specifically looking for it, or unless he tells them.
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hermitagereheadcanons · 10 months
Sometimes, when he regresses, Xisuma likes to follow False around and watch her build and do chores.
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Xisuma actually doesn't take care of the regressors of the server very often.
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I headcannon Keralis as a Naga/ half snake person, and I think it'd be cute if he could trigger X into regressing. Just squeezing the admin and getting him relaxed can cause it, and keralsies tail makes a good little boundary kinda playpen type thing for him!
To an outsider, seeing a Naga slowly constricting the admin of a popular server might be terrifying, but anyone close to them knows it's purely affectionate and no one is in any danger.
(Also, X never has to worry about toys getting knocked out of reach because Keralis's tail blocks them.)
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Xisuma often feels like he isn’t allowed to regress due to his responsibilities for the rest of the server. As a result, someone like Keralis will occasionally drag him to their base and treat him to whatever he wants, be that regression or just cuddles.
I think everyone needs a Keralis to drag them away from their work and responsibilities when they need it.
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Headcannons for Little! and or CG! Xisuma, please and thank you
(and yes, this is my 2nd request but shhh, ‘tis fine)
-Blue Words Anon
No need to worry about sending back to back requests :)
-He often worries that the regressors of the server won't want him to take care of them because he doesn't like to take off his armor.
-On the flip side, he also gets upset a lot when regressed because he often can't bring himself to take the armor off, but it gets in the way of physical affection.
-He often struggles to relax enough to regress because he's worried about something going wrong with the server when he does.
-When the Hermits learned about his regression, they started gifting him plushies in the same theme as his armor of the season. They're some of his favorite items he owns.
-The only Hermit he tends to take his armor off around is Keralis, who does his best to make up for all the affection X has missed out on.
-If he's particularly stressed out, all it takes for him to regress is a Hermit doing something for him like bringing him food or asking him if he wants a break.
-He gets embarrassed when Keralis breaks out the pet names, but secretly loves how little it makes him feel.
-He's very sensitive to touch and textures in general, but even more so while regressed. His favorite item he owns is an axolotl plushie made from the softest fabric he's ever seen.
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Xisuma tends to regress when he’s really stressed/anxious. Which means that, naturally, he regresses during updates. But the issue is, he hates regressing during updates because he can’t work on the updates while little. So he actively tries to avoid regressing, which makes him more anxious and stressed and it’s just a horrible cycle until someone comes and “saves” him–usually Biffa or Keralis, as he goes to them for his mental health issues anyways.
Biffa and Keralis both have learned to anticipate Xisuma getting stuck in that cycle during updates and have started checking up on him periodically. This doesn't mean Xisuma doesn't lie and insist he's fine and doesn't need a break the first several check-ins.
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fire res pot + floating in a lava pool with striders = happy strider regressor X time :] (if he doesn't have enough potions then a warm bath is an okay alternative)
I think he likes to mimic the striders' chirps :)
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Xisuma likes honey. Specifically playing with it. He’ll put it in a little tray and use a stick to sort of swirl it around and make pretty patterns. Sometimes he tosses some glitter in too to make even prettier patterns. The only issue is, he can’t stand having honey on his hands. Like he HATES it. Full blown melt down. The hermits have tried giving him gloves and things but he hates those almost as much. So they’ve learned to just wipe his hands as fast as they can. Preferably before he really notices.
Immensely relatable, if my hands are sticky or greasy I WILL commit atrocities
Glittery honey sounds so pretty, too
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Contrary to popular belief, Xisuma is completely clueless when it comes to caring for regressors.
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You'd probably never notice if you found etho or xisuma regressed and just going about their day
The changes in their behavior are too subtle to recognize, and if ever they aren't, it gets written off as them being them.
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for the qotd: xisuma n ren definitely, mainly to wolf pups but sometimes x regresses to an axolotl or bat
Chewing on this answer /aff
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