#xochitl: bad spanish
mortemoppetere · 1 year
@vanishingreyes from here:
[pm] I don't know where he learned his Spanish. It's worse than things just from Duolingo. That is how bad. Also he called me señora. :/
​[pm] What is Duolingo? [...] Oh, well, lo siento señora. If I had known this was what you preferred, I would have shown respect. [user is being a little shit.]
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fairytellerxo · 5 years
I was bored one day and gave Coco a daughter who is older than Leti but you know Leti doesn’t actually want to share Coco. So, let’s see how this will all unfold.
“I got a daughter, she’s older than Leti,” Coco looked at Bishop. “She reached out and wants to meet me. I told her she could come here, she’s eighteen and heading off to college.” He smiled. “Seems super fucking smart and goal oriented.”
Bishop nodded slowly before looking around the place. “You invited her here?”
“Figured if Leti likes it here she will too.” He shrugged. “I don’t know. Her name is Xochitl, call her Flower.”
“Your ex named your daughter that and then called her Flower?” Angel shook his head. “She looks like you then?”
“Nah Leti is the one who looks like me the most,” He laughed. “Feel bad for her.”
“Coco?” A brunette walked into the clubhouse and looked around. “Coco?”
“That’s her, that’s my girl,” Coco smiled before moving towards her. “Hey, thanks for coming here.”
“Hey,” She offered a smile before tucking her hair behind her ears. “This is interesting. Never been inside of a clubhouse before, besides like the rec center back home.”
Coco nodded. “Let me introduce you to my club, my brothers.” He lead her towards the group. “This is Flower.”
“Hey,” She shook the men’s hands. “This is an interesting place. I’ve never heard of any motorcycle clubs before.”
“You’re not from around here?” Angel looked at her. “Where are you from?”
She shook her head. “I grew up in Utah, my mom, my dad and some siblings. I’m visiting California for school and I reached out to Coco, I’ve always been curious to see who I get half of my genes from. My mom always told me about him but she also told me that he’s a lot of crazy and unpredictable.”
“Sounds right,” Coco smiled at her. “So what college are you going to?”
“USC,” She smiled proudly. “Full ride scholarship for academics and softball. If I didn’t get into college, I was gonna go enlist in the marines like my dad. It was cool traveling all over with him. One time we lived in Japan for an entire summer.”
“I used to be a sharpshooters for the Marines,” He looked at her and nodded slowly. “Full transparency, I’ve got two other kids. One that comes around, her name is Leti and one that doesn’t. Different moms.”
She nodded before looking around. “Oh,” she let her eyes settle back on him. “That’s cool, a sister. I’m the only girl at home. My younger brothers tower over me like it’s nothing.”
“You look like your mom,” Coco lit a cigarette before offering it to her. Smiling as she waved him off. “Good, smoking is bad for you.”
“Can we go outside and talk?” She looked at him. “Please?”
He nodded before he started to walk towards the exit. “I didn’t know where else to have you meet me. Figured this would be neutral enough grounds.”
She shrugged. “It’s okay, I just don’t think I want our full first conversation to be around so many people.” She smiled at him. “It’s kind of cool to meet you finally, I always dreamed of meeting you. I grew up well, if you’re concerned about that type of thing. No kids, no criminal record, no rebelling against my mom.” She chuckled. “I did grow up without a lot of my culture though.”
“What do you mean?” He looked at her. “You speak Spanish right?”
“Yeah!” She laughed and covered her face. “I speak Spanish but the neighborhood and schools were mostly white kids and all mom’s family is in California and they only visited every blue moon. Disowned my mom for marrying a white man.”
He nodded slowly and smiled. “At least you speak Spanish, you didn’t miss much though. Just crazy ass family parties and arguing and flying chanclas.” He pointed to the SUV that was parked carefully next to the bikes. “That yours?”
“Yeah, graduation gift.” She smiled. “It’s a little less pretentious than a Range Rover but still gives off a vibe. It was better to drive out here than my Audi.”
“Spoiled little rich girl,” he looked at her and irked an eyebrow. “You got a job or anything?”
She nodded. “Yeah, I work part time in an auto body shop, I do oil changes and switch out air filters. Sometimes I get to change tires and that’s always a fun time.” She shook her head. “I get more spoiled because I’m the different one of the family.”
“Well I’m glad that you don’t mind getting your hands dirty, your mom always had two jobs.” He smiled before running his thumb over his lip. “That’s how I met her, was at her waitressing job, I saw her and immediately wanted her.”
Flower laughed. “I got something for you,” she slipped out of her backpack before unzipping the small front pouch and pulled out a picture. “So, you must be the guy in the picture then?” She passed it to him. “My mom gave me that picture when I was fifteen, during my quince when she caught me trying to sneak a bottle of vodka.”
He looked at the picture and smirked. “Yeah, that’s me. Look at me, I looked good back then.” He laughed. “Man, barely any ink. Still had the cigarette in my mouth though. Your mom hated it.”
“Coco!” Leti walked towards the pair and gave him a nod before looking at the brunette. “Who’s your friend? Kinda young for you don’t you think?”
Coco shook his head. “Leti, this is Flower, she’s your sister. Flower, this is your younger sister Leti.”
“We look nothing alike, that’s kind of disappointing.” She furrowed her brow before smiling. “Nice to meet you Leti.”
Leti eyed her carefully before shaking her head. “You’re saying that tan Malibu Barbie is my sister? Where?”
“She looks like her mom, you look like me and your mom.” Coco shrugged and smiled. “But look you got a whole sister to get to know.”
“Whose name is Flower,” Leti scoffed. “CoCo and Flower.”
“It’s actually Xochitl but I had a lisp when I was little and just started calling myself Flower, it stuck.” The older brunette tossed her hair over her shoulder and smiled. “Sorry can’t have something boring and simple like Leti.”
“Jesus,” Coco stepped between the pair. “We’re not doing back and forth mean girl shit. Leti apologize to Xochitl and Xochitl apologize to Leti.”
Flower looked down at Leti and shrugged. “Sorry I said your name is boring and simple.”
“Sorry you look like a tan Malibu Barbie,” Leti scrunched up get face. “Must suck.”
“Sorry you’re short and look like a fucking chihuahua,” She crossed her arms over her chest. “That mouth of yours must be the only thing that’s getting you through life.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Leti looked at Coco before looking at the brunette. “Huh?”
“Take it how you wanna take it,” She grabbed her backpack. “Coco, I’ll see you later. Next time we can meet up at a restaurant.”
Coco nodded as he watched the young woman walk off before looking over at Leti. “You gotta be mean huh? That’s blood. That’s your sister. That’s family.”
Leti looked at Coco. “Did you see her? She looks like a walking Barbie, she’s not like us, she doesn’t know what we go through.”
“It doesn’t matter, okay? She got a mom that took her out of the struggle. She’s smart, she’s college bound, she’s well spoken for the most part but did you see the Cruz creep out when you started with her? She’s gonna dish it back to you.” Coco shook his head. “I’m not sure about you but I want her to be part of my life. I wanna know her. That’s my kid too. It’ll be good for you too, you need more friends. You need her, maybe you two will end up actually being close, give it a fucking chance Leticia.”
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mortemoppetere · 1 year
[pm] Guess who had some dude hit on her in shitty Spanish?
[pm] Christ. How bad was it?
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