pridaxus-worldbuilding · 11 months
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Royal family of the Xojiki. The Xojiki are currently led by Metzlixochitl
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pridaxus-worldbuilding · 11 months
In Amphinis there are four main ethnic groups
The exiles/their descendants
The newest group of people and the people that most of Amphinians fall into. These people come from all of the other nations somewhere along the way. These people are mostly descendants from
The Xojiki and Nimhaji
The Xojiki and Nimhaji used to only live in the jungles on Twin Island and Lily Rock with the only difference @ this point being that Nimhaji tend to be more ancient sea creature than the Xojiki. They are rich in culture religion and art. Something notable about them is that you can tell if someone belongs to the Xojiki or Nimhaji or @ least follows their religion and culture by fashion. The women (usually but not exclusively) wear tall elaborate headscarves that cover most of their hair (this was mostly just the cultural fashion and functionality rather than like some huge political or religious thing. All people with long hair on the island usually wrap their hair to keep it out of the way. If u have short hair its all good no covering needed.) They have their own government which is headed by a Colli or Cihtli.
Finally The Farashq
The Farashq live in the harsh desert of Sweetfish. Even though they have accepted and opened their arms to other cultures (now) they limit contact to the outside world. Somehow similarly to the Xojiki and Nimhaji the Farashq also are rich in culture where as although more focused on intellect than art. These people are rarely if ever fish related. The people of the Farashq wear head garments similar to the other cultures however its less pretty and more functional to keep ones head from being spoiled from the sand. They have their own government which is headed by a Sultan or Sultan.
It is easy to recognize a Farashq, Xojiki, or Nimhaji as they tend to still wear elements of their cultural clothes, even outside of their homes. Most Xojiki are humans or avians, most all Nimhaji are nymphs and sirens, and most Farashq are humans or lycanthropes
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What are the different languages that exist in pridaxus
In Pridaxus there are 5 main languages (almost everyone speaks at least 2 of these)
- Common: The language which everyone in Pridaxus speaks or has some understanding to to. It is similar to English.
- Glimmerierian: Spoken by all Glimmerierians and people who have relatives or have visited etc etc. It is most similar to French or Italian all your romance languages)
- Elvish: Spoken by all Elvish people and people who have relatives or have visited etc etc. Which is most similar to like North germanic languages such as Norweigan, there is also German elements to the language as a result of their former relationship with Idealps
- Amphinian: Spoken by all Amphinian and people who have relatives or have visited etc etc. Which is most similar to common so its like English but derived from English/French dialects ie. Patwah elements as well as creole elements
- Idealpian: Spoken by all Idealpians and people who have relatives or have visited etc etc. Which is derivative of East Asian Languages such as Mandarin and Japanese. Unlike all of the other nations they do not use a common alphabet
However there are more languages
-Old Elvish/Runic- Spoken Elvenwick, a religious language, it’s kinda like German and Celtic languages had a weird love child baby. Its kinda like how nowadays Latin is mainly exclusively used for religious things
-Farashq- Spoken by the Farashq people of Amphinis, Arabic/Persian inspired
-Xojiki- Spoken by the Xojiki and Nimhaji people of Amphinis, Nahuatl inspired
-Old Idealpian- Spoken by the Idealpian aristocratic, has German English Spanish Russian elements. Its mostly for literary reasons etc
-There are many other languages some are dialects of previous language, or specific languages for secret clubs but these are the big ones
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