#xoxo 2018
scintillulae · 8 months
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128 notes · View notes
rhaenyratargcryen · 2 months
you're my shotgun lover and i want it all | tyler owens (twisters)
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masterlist ❈
summary: Every once in a while, the two of you will get a little too drunk, stay until last call, sneak back to your motel room, and fuck. Nobody knows – at least you don’t think they do – and you never talk about it when you’re sober. Tyler will generally stay until you fall asleep, but he’s always gone when you get up the next day. Only once has he woken up in bed with you the next morning, and you’ve never made that mistake again. There isn’t a name for what you feel for him, you don’t think, and you can’t tell what he thinks of the arrangement. Clearly he likes it, or he wouldn’t be making eyes at you from across three people’s laps as you pull these peanuts from their shells. author's note: i...wrote this...in one.......single......afternoon. my fingers hurt anyway he's so hot i have had a crush on glen powell since 2018 (set it up supremacy) but this movie reawakened something in me. i should probably watch top gun now
pairing: tyler owens x f!reader word count: 9,123 (...oopsie) warnings/tags: pWp (with, y'all!), alternate universe: canon divergence, friends to lovers, friends with benefits
also cross-posted to ao3 okay love you bye xoxo your comments and reblogs are appreciated but not required i will love you all the same i hope u like !!!! <3
all characters are 18+ these are 18+ activities minors pls do not interact my eye is twitching as i write this 
It has been one hell of a week.
The tornadic activity has been off the charts – more storms built up under ideal conditions for weather hell-bent on destruction in a multiple-day stretch than you can remember ever tracking before. Your team had obviously been up for the chase, but now that the storms have passed, and the sun shines on the cleanup efforts, you can’t help but wish you’d chosen a different life path. You love what you do, but God, were you tired. Blisters have formed on the palms of your hands despite the gloves you’d donned. You could practically feel the knots forming in your neck. You shovel one more load of leaf litter before heaving the blade into the ground and leaning against it. Across from you, a backhoe is demolishing and excavating the remains of a house.
You close your eyes and try to just let the sun warm your face, thinking about how fast it can all just be gone. Mother Nature’s a beautiful force, but she can be cruel.
“Hey, don’t be slowin’ down on me,” Tyler jokes, clapping a hand between your shoulder blades. You hadn’t heard him approach, and his voice has startled you, pulling you from your thoughts. “We’re ‘bout halfway done with our part, I think.”
“No,” you reply, swiping the back of your arm across your forehead, trying in vain to clear your bangs from your eyes, but they won’t budge. Tyler reaches up and, almost as if he isn’t even thinking about it, takes the unruly pieces of hair between his thumb and forefinger and tucks it behind your ear, underneath the temple of your sunglasses, to make sure it stays this time. The action is so intimate it sends a flush crawling up your neck. You chance a look around to make sure no one else has seen. “Not slowin’ down, I promise. Just thinking about how lucky we are to be alive. How sad it is that all these people just lost everything.”
You’ve known Tyler since the two of you were in college together, fast friends who’d stuck together through a lot that could've put a strain on any other relationship, although you hadn’t studied meteorology – you’d been in school to be a librarian. 
One night, he’d asked you to stay up and help him with a lab he’d missed for one of his classes, and he loves to say he knew it then – that you were hooked – but you were too far along in your degree to do anything about it now. Switching from an arts degree to one in STEM? You’d have had to start over from scratch. 
Tyler had formed his team while you were in grad school and he was working as a cowboy for the rodeo back home, and you’d dropped out without a second thought when he asked you to be a founding member, to travel the country with him every tornado season. Said he wouldn’t – couldn’t – think about doing it without you. You’ve been riding with him ever since.
The two of you share everything, always have, and sometimes you wonder if it might be too much for the professional relationship you’re supposed to have.
“That’s what we’re here for,” Tyler grins, the hand still glued to your back rubbing gently, sending goosebumps across your skin under your shirt. “To help ‘em feel like their luck is turnin’.”
Always the optimist, Tyler Owens. He clears his throat, the hand on your back pulling away, and steps slightly closer to you.
“One of the folks over there gave these to me,” he says, gesturing to a group of people gathering in front of a house that looks like something had tried to suck it into the ground from dead center. “I saved their cat from their screened-in porch, poor thing had been yowling all night apparently. Know these’re your favorite, so, here you go. I think you earned it.”
You take the tin from him and open it, your mouth instantly watering at the sight of the small, round butter cookies inside. “God,” you groan, picking one up and taking a bite, savoring it over your tongue. You can feel Tyler watching you carefully. “Thank you. You get me.”
“Do we get cookies, Tyler?”
Lily’s voice sounds from your left, and you glance over at her. The shit-eating look on her face tells you she did see Tyler fix your hair for you. Your stomach somersaults.
“If you’re good,” Tyler says, smirking, “after the sun sets, we can head back to the motel, find some shitty bar, and drinks’ll be on me, okay? How’s that sound?”
Lily whoops, turning to Dani, who’d since appeared beside her, and the two snicker and fist bump. 
“You need any help over here?”
You look back at Tyler, cupping one hand above your eyes to shield them from the sunlight. Despite your glasses, it shines bright from directly behind him, and you can hardly stand to look at him. 
“Yeah, I’m good,” you murmur in reply, bending down to toss some siding that had been blown off one of the houses on this street into the wheelbarrow you’ve been using. “You should go see what Boone’s up to – I don’t think anyone has seen him in a minute.”
No doubt Boone was hiding somewhere with one of the breakfast burritos Lily and Dani have been rolling since early that morning, seeing how long he can get away with not doing his part. He’s a good guy, but the manual labor side of the job isn’t really his thing.
“Eh, he’s better off wherever he is,” Tyler laughs, and a small smile takes over your face, too. “Hey, you sure you’re okay? You don’t need a break? You can take a minute to yourself, no one’ll judge. I know how this can all get to you a little more than it gets to everyone else.”
You know him well enough to know he’s not calling you weak-stomached, that he’s genuinely concerned for how you feel, but he’s right. It does all get to you. Settling in to help survivors of these natural disasters is just something that comes with the chasing – there isn’t one without the other for you and the rest of the crew. You nod, glancing back up at him. 
“I’m okay, Tyler. Go off and be the face of the operation – you don’t have to worry about me.”
Tyler’s eyes narrow, his gaze shifting between your eyes, trying to find evidence you’re withholding the truth from him, but he seems to find nothing. With a minute tip of his head, he turns to resume working through a long-term plan for rebuilding the town with the mayor and some other members of the local government. 
This is something else you know he loves to do – shmooze with higher-ups, show off his people skills. Not only are they higher-ups, they’re small-town folk. His kind of people. He knows how to get through to them, how to get them to trust him. You love that about Tyler. He’s never condescending – he always has a genuine desire to help. He’s been through this hundreds of times, and these people may only have been through it this one time. You look around at them, at the people of all ages picking up the pieces that remain of their community, then cross your fingers and send a thought out to anyone listening:
Please let it be the only time.
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After a few more hours of genuinely back-breaking work, you hear Tyler’s sharp whistle and know it’s time, meandering over to his truck where it’s been parked for almost eighteen hours. Using your teeth, you pull your gloves from your hands and hiss. They’ve been rubbed raw, the skin blistering where each finger meets the palm. You try to ignore the throbbing sensation, leaning against the passenger side door and closing your eyes. The rest of the crew sidle up to you, taking long drags from water bottles and cigarettes and trying to make peace with how you’re leaving this place tonight.
“Does anyone else want to break off to shower first?”
It seems Dani’s the only one, and they shrug, putting their hand out, palm up, to Dexter, who hands them the keys to the RV.
“Meet y’all there,” they say, stifling a yawn, and you know it’ll be a bit before you see them. The rest of you will have to pile into Tyler’s truck, and before you can object, the other three crawl into the back seat and leave you on the front bench with Tyler. You let yourself in and close the door behind you, buckling and watching as Tyler shakes someone’s hand and hustles to meet the rest of you. His Texans cap hits the bench before he does, between the two of you, and he turns his keys in the ignition, buckling his own seatbelt.
“Where we headin’?”
“There’s a place with a mechanical bull nearby. I vote there.”
“How nearby is ‘nearby,’ Boone?”
“Uh,” he pulls his phone from his pocket, does a quick Google to double-check. “Forty-five minutes?”
Dexter leans over and grips Boone’s phone, reading the screen. “In the opposite direction of the motel, Boone.”
Everyone groans, objecting, and you press your hand against your temple to alleviate the pressure there. The noise, God, the noise.
“Could we go somewhere closer to the motel, maybe?”
“It’s got a mechanical bull,” Boone stresses, and everyone rolls their eyes.
“Boone, you know damn well we’re not making it back to the motel if we go that far away.”
He groans, and you pull your own phone out, checking Maps to see what’s around the motel.
“This one’s three minutes from where we’re stayin’,” you say, showing Tyler your screen, and he nods, shifting into reverse, backing out, and starting down the one lane of the street that’s been cleared of debris. 
“Hey Boone,” you toss over your shoulder as Tyler shifts into second gear. “By the way. Long time no see.”
Lily snorts, smacking you on the shoulder to let you know she thought that was a good one. Boone shakes his head. 
“Hey, just because you didn’t see me all day doesn’t mean I wasn’t out there, too. How do I know you were workin’, weren’t sitting on your ass in the shade somewhere, hm?”
You hold your raw, red palms out for him to inspect and that shuts Boone up quick. Tyler whistles as he gets an eyeful of your skin.
“God damn, girl,” Lily murmurs. “That looks like it hurts. I think I might have Aquaphor in my bag back at the motel if you want some.”
“I’ll be alright,” you reply, knocking your elbow against her knee behind you in thanks. “Appreciate you.”
The rest of the drive is taken mostly in silence, everyone in the backseat trying to rest their eyes, but you stay up, your eyes on the road, so Tyler isn’t the only one making the thirty-ish minute drive back to where you’re staying, where you checked in only after it’d been decided which towns had been hit the worst, so you could reach all of them easily by truck.
“What’s goin’ on in your head? Hm?”
You turn to look at Tyler and he glances at you from out of the corner of his eye, then at your lap, at the fingernails you’ve picked down to the quick. “Real quiet over there.”
“Nothing,” you reply, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Don’t let Boone get to you,” Tyler says, tapping his right fist on your thigh once, twice, then letting it rest there. You brush your knuckles against his and he opens the fist immediately, taking your hand in his but not squeezing, careful not to put pressure on the blisters on your palms.
“It’s not that,” you start, then realize your mistake, your admission. “I really – I think I’m just tired. It’s been a long week.”
You’re acutely aware of your hand in Tyler’s. It’s not like you’ve ever been shy around him – your cheeks flush at the thought – but this is…different. Sweet. More.
“Yeah, that it has,” he sighs, adjusting his left hand on the steering wheel so he can drive a little more comfortably, but his right hand stays in yours. 
You settle back into silence, Tyler seemingly having dropped the subject, and your eyes return to the road, but you feel him looking over at you, checking on you, every once in a while. You try your hardest not to meet his gaze. 
Soon enough, Tyler is putting the truck in park, then shutting the thing off. The noise – or lack thereof, you guess – wakes Dexter in the back, then Lily, who snorts when she sees your hand in Tyler’s. You pull away and unbuckle your seatbelt, watching as Tyler, with a hurt look on his face, wipes his hand on his jeans and swings himself down and out of the truck.
“C’mon, Boone,” he shouts, slapping a hand on the door that Boone has his head resting against, and the man sits up straight, wiping sleep from his eyes. “The sun hasn’t even gone down yet. Drinks on me, pal!”
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The motel really is that close to the bar, so you all decide you’ll leave the truck parked there and walk home at the end of the night. The unspoken verdict is that you will all be getting shitfaced tonight.
The lingering smell of cigarettes in the air seems to rejuvenate everyone and Lily pumps a fist when she spots the old-fashioned jukebox across the room, then claps a hand over her mouth when she realizes there’s a TouchTunes sitting right next to it.
“Oh, I am so forcing you fuckers to listen to Chappell Roan all night,” she says gleefully, and you laugh along with her, looping your arm in hers and letting her pull you across the room while the boys settle in at the bar.
“So what was that all about?”
“What was what all about?” You play dumb, shrugging when Lily gives you a hard look and unhooks her arm from yours.
“Girl, seriously,” Lily scoffs, bumping your hip with hers and slipping a twenty dollar bill into the TouchTunes. Evidently she wasn’t joking when she meant you’d be listening to Chappell Roan all night. “I saw that thing earlier, the hair thing, don’t think I didn’t. And y’all holding hands in the truck. What’s going on there?”
You shake your head but she grabs your wrist. “I’m serious, Lil. Nothing’s going on. We’re friends – good friends. He noticed I was having a hard time today, and wanted to make sure I was alright. That’s all.”
You can tell she doesn’t fully believe you, and when she opens her mouth to object, you cut her off.
“I’m gonna run to the bathroom, okay?”
Lily watches you, trying to read the small line between your eyebrows, but eventually she nods and lets go of you, letting you turn away from her. You push through the door to the women’s restroom, your nose wrinkling at the smell, but you ignore it. Standing in front of the sink, you watch yourself, hands shaking. This isn’t you. You’re better than this at shoving these feelings for Tyler down, way down – or, rather, you had been, up until this week broke you, apparently. Turning the knob for the cold water to the left, you let it run over your sore hands, hissing at the feeling. Carefully, you cup your palms and watch them fill, then splash the water onto your face, soothing the flush. There. That should help.
There’s a cold bottle of Coors in front of the seat next to Dexter when you arrive back to the group, “Red Wine Supernova” playing from the speakers. You almost snort at all the old men – regulars, no doubt – groaning out their distaste for whoever chose the music all across the room.
“Thanks,” you toss over your shoulder at Tyler, sitting on the other side of Dexter and Boone. He nods and nurses his own. You frown and settle onto the stool, leaning an elbow on the bartop so you can turn and face your friends. The cold beer against the palms of your hands feels so nice.
What’s wrong with him? He won’t make eye contact with you, and you notice his jaw clicking as he grits his teeth. What’s got his panties in a twist?
As the night unfolds, you find yourself laughing more and more, loosening up, letting the stress of the last week fade into memory. Someone has produced a deck of cards from God knows where and Dani – who did join the group eventually – is showing off card tricks you didn’t even know they knew. You feel a warmth spreading through your body, and you can’t stop thinking about how much you love all of these people. Your friends. Your family. Empty bottles are swiftly replaced with full, cold ones without notice, and everyone is languid, relaxed, unburdened by the work that you’re all doing.
You take a pull from your drink, using the cover of the bottle to risk a glance to Tyler three seats down from you to find that he’s already watching you, and the look in his eye tells you exactly what he’s thinking. That somersault-y feeling is lower than your stomach now. You’re only three beers deep, but the air in your head reminds you that you’ve barely eaten all day, so you’re a little more affected by the alcohol than you’d usually be. Impolitely, you reach across Dexter next to you to grab a handful of peanuts from the basket to his left.
Glancing back up at Tyler, you meet his heady gaze again, and he smirks around the lip of the bottle against his mouth. He knows he’s got you right where he wants you. You swallow nervously around another sip of beer.
Every once in a while, the two of you will get a little too drunk, stay until last call, sneak back to your motel room, and fuck. Nobody knows – at least you don’t think they do – and you never talk about it when you’re sober. Tyler will generally stay until you fall asleep, but he’s always gone when you get up the next day. Only once has he woken up in bed with you the next morning, and you’ve never made that mistake again. There isn’t a name for what you feel for him, you don’t think, and you can’t tell what he thinks of the arrangement. Clearly he likes it, or he wouldn’t be making eyes at you from across three people’s laps as you pull these peanuts from their shells.
“Alright, y’all,” Lily says, slapping a hand on the bar, startling you out of your thoughts. You watch her, popping a nut into your mouth. “Think I’m gonna head out. I suggest you all do, too, fuckers, it’s late.”
Everyone starts to protest, but one glance at the clock tells you you’ve all stayed much longer than you thought – it’s a quarter past midnight, and you’ve got to be up with the daylight. You balk, but if you want to talk to Tyler tonight, you know you’ve got to shoulder your exhaustion and stick it out a little longer.
“I think I might stay for a bit,” you murmur, watching everyone stand and gather their things. You glance over at Tyler, who you can see clearly now that everyone’s out of their seats, and he’s watching you, too. The look on his face reads plain, now – he wants you.
“I’ll stay with her,” he says, eyes on yours. The green in them has disappeared almost completely, you notice, his pupils blown wide. “Walk her back. Y’all head back if you want.”
“I might stay, too –” Boone’s voice cuts off, coughing as Lily elbows him in the stomach, maybe a little too hard. “What the fuck was that for?”
“You’re going to bed, too, Boone,” Dani interrupts, a hand on his shoulder, guiding him towards the door. They poke him once when he starts to protest. “C’mon, now.”
Everyone shuffles out the front, Dexter calling good night, and all of the sudden, it’s just you and Tyler. You don’t know why, but your palms begin to sweat at the thought of being alone with him again. He stands, palming his drink, and slides onto the seat next to you, his body angled towards yours.
He’s never made you nervous like this. You don’t know what the fuck is wrong with you.
“So,” Tyler starts, grinning at you. “You come here often?”
You snort, emboldened by the booze, and he chuckles in response. “Idiot.”
“God, but I do love making you laugh.”
You blush under his scrutinous gaze, and take a quick swig of the dregs of your drink, unsure what to say to that. He mirrors you, taking a sip of his own while his eyes bore into yours. Accusatory.
“You don’t do it much anymore, you know that?”
“Do what?”
You press your fingertips to your mouth and Tyler’s eyes follow your hand. “I guess I just haven’t had much to laugh about lately,” you start, sighing deeply. “Tornado season’s been hard this year, and you know how much that – it gets to me. As much as I love what we do. You know. Remember that family a couple weeks back whose daughter was stuck under her bunk bed when it pressed on her too long, lost her leg below the knee? That got to me, Tyler. It did.”
“It gets to me, too,” he murmurs, knocking his knee against yours. “I guess I’m just better at hiding how bad it affects me. You can talk to me about it, though. You can talk to any of us.”
“I know I can,” you breathe, trying to keep your hands from shaking. “I know. Sometimes I don’t know what to say, though, you know, what is there to say? It’s not fair to complain about how sad it makes me to watch these people lose everything.”
“You’re allowed to feel sad. And to feel frustrated. It’s not fair, you’re right, but we’re doing good work, yeah? Fighting the good fight. Figuring out what makes these things tick, how to warn people when they’re in the path, get them outta the way and safe. Maybe they lose their house, their car, but they won’t lose themselves, or each other. That’s what matters most. Just remember that.”
You look up at him, set your elbow on the bartop, and prop your chin on your open palm. Your hands don’t hurt so bad anymore, you notice. “Thanks, Tyler.”
“Anytime,” he smiles, but you shake your head. 
“Seriously. You always know what to say.”
A look crosses his face then, too quick for you to read, and he sets his drink down, flagging the bartender over to close out the team’s tab. You frown, wondering if you’d, ironically, said the wrong thing.
“What’s up?”
Tyler looks back to you, and this time, the look in his eyes is unmistakable. It burns. “Taking you home, sweetheart.”
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The walk back to your motel is done in silence. Tyler’s hand swings next to yours, and you feel it searching for yours more than once, but you don’t take it. You climb the stairs together, slowly, and he walks you to your door. His room is one more floor up.
You can tell he thinks you won’t invite him in, that you’ve changed your mind – or maybe that you never made it up. He hadn’t, after all, told you plainly that that was why he’d stayed with you at the bar. You unlock the room with your key card and step inside, opening the door only far enough for you to fit through it. You turn back to look at him, his face awash in the street lights shining into the hallway. You flip the lightswitch on next to you, illuminating the room behind you, too.
“Well,” he murmurs, making to head back down the stairs. “Good night.”
His head turns back to look at you, watching as you hold out one hand and he takes it, letting you pull him closer to you. You press yourself into him, push your whole face against his chest, your hip keeping the door from closing on the two of you. You inhale deeply, the smell of him overtaking your senses. His cologne, yes, but underneath that, the smell of dirt, earth. Home.
You feel his arms wrap around your back and you turn your head to the side, press your ear to his heartbeat. Your hands come up to scratch down his back and you feel it when he shudders.
You hear his breath hitch in his chest, then the deep rumble of his voice as he says, “Alright, baby.”
With a short inhale, your eyes flutter, nearly closing at the term of endearment. You step back, pulling him with you, and as you close the door behind you, he pushes one hand up into your hair and pulls your head toward his.
“I, uh,” you whisper against his lips when they get close enough to yours, “I think I might shower first, if that’s okay with you?”
“Alright,” he murmurs, unlacing his hand from the strands of your hair before toeing his boots off and carefully setting them under the chair next to the front door. “You want company?”
You swallow. You’ve never done anything like that before. It’s always been quick. When you do this with him, you hardly ever have time for a chat before he’s got your shirt over your head and his mouth on your skin.
“Sure,” you reply. You feel him watch as you turn around and pull your shirt off, reaching back to unclasp your bra. The modesty feels redundant, but you can’t help it.
“Not gettin’ shy on me now, are you? S’not like I haven’t seen you naked before,” he chuckles, and you throw a look at him over your shoulder just as he’s pulling his own shirt over his head. He left his hat at the bar, you think. You’ll have to go back in for it when you pick up the truck.
“Tyler,” you scold, and he laughs at you, steps across the room to wrap an arm around your torso and press a kiss to where your neck meets your shoulder. The place he knows makes you melt. You sigh and push back against him, the feeling of his hard chest against your bare back a welcome one. This feels more like what you know, what you’re used to.
“Shower,” you remind him, and he nods, his forehead pressed into that spot now, and he pushes his fingers underneath the waistband of your jeans, running them along the bit of skin there around to the front, where the fabric splits at the button. He pops it undone, then uses his thumb and forefinger to grip the zipper and slowly – so slowly – pulls that down. He can’t help himself, you know that, and so you hold your breath and wait for him to push his hand into your panties. Ever a predictable man, he does just that, and you gasp at the feeling of his warm hand against you.
“Are you sure?” Tyler’s breath against your neck makes you shiver, and you press your ear to the side of his chin. He runs his fingers along the seam of you, finding first your clit, your legs twitching at the sudden rush of pleasure when he brushes his hand against it, then pushing down to find you wet and wanting. You cry out softly. “You don’t sound sure. You don’t feel sure.”
You hum, your neck stretching back until your head is pressed to his chest, and he pulls his hand back up to start working small circles on your clit, your wetness on his fingers allowing for smooth movement, with just enough friction to have you panting for more. 
“Sounds more to me like you kinda want me to fuck you with my fingers.”
“Tyler,” you whimper, telling him with just his name that you are getting close. He smiles against the side of your neck, pulling his hand away and shoving your jeans and underwear down just enough that his hand has room to smack your clit lightly. You squeal, right leg kicking out at the feeling, and he continues moving his hand in circles to soothe the hurt.
Your breath is coming out of you in short huffs, and before you can come, Tyler takes his hand off of you and wraps it around your stomach to join the other. You pant and whine, rubbing your thighs together to chase the feeling he’d had you practically pressed up against, now ebbing with the loss of his fingers.
“You said you wanted to shower,” he whispers in your ear, pulling your panties back up, and you scowl, pushing away from him. He laughs and holds his hands up in defense as you pick your t-shirt up off your bed and crack it at him like a whip. “Let’s shower, baby.”
“I might kick you out right now, Owens,” you snark, but the small smile on your face gives you away, and Tyler unbuttons his own jeans, leaving them in a pile on the floor at the end of the bed. Your jeans join his, and you’re both left in your underwear.
“You wouldn’t,” he replies, pulling his briefs off slowly, biting his bottom lip as you watch him. “You like this cock too much.”
You can’t help laughing at him, but the sight of him bare in front of you does have you biting your lip. You step forward to cup his growing length in your hand. Before you can move it, Tyler puts a hand on your wrist.
“How’s your hand?” He makes to pull it away, presumably to turn it over and appraise your blisters, but you shake your head.
“S’fine,” you whisper, tightening your grip. You tug once, twice, and press a kiss to his bare chest, then tip your head back to search out his lips. He leans down to oblige you, his lips parting against your mouth as you twist your fist. You love these moments you share with him, when you’re both bare, physically, emotionally, away from the real world, and you can pretend this is an everyday thing. When you’re not trying to tell yourself you feel nothing for him. Like this is just how it is between you.
Tyler groans when you pull your hand away from him and you click your tongue, press that same hand against his bicep.
“Doesn’t feel so good, now does it?”
Before you even know what’s happening, Tyler is picking you up, one arm underneath your back and the other around the backs of your knees. You look up at his face and laugh. “Put me down, Owens!”
He grins and carries you the few paces into the bathroom, placing you on your feet in front of the tub. Tyler leans down and pushes his thumbs underneath the waistband of your panties, waiting for you to put your hands on his shoulders and step out of them.
He lets you pull away from him to turn the hot water on, adjusting the cold side until the temperature is perfect, before pulling you against his chest once again. This time, you can feel his hard cock pressed against your backside, and you hum appraisingly. You reach behind you to fist him again, but he shakes his head – you feel his chin brush against the top of your head – and he groans out, “Mm-mm.”
“We’re gonna shower, baby, c’mon.”
You glance back towards him and watch as he flicks the overhead light on. “So we don’t slip and die,” he says, and you laugh, pushing the shower curtain to the side. Holding Tyler’s hand, you step over the lip of the tub and under the steady stream of warm water, inhaling deeply when it hits the sore muscles in your shoulders and back. Tyler groans at the feeling, too, when he steps in behind you.
“Here, switch with me,” he murmurs, guiding you by your waist until you’re the one underneath the water. You let it fall onto the top of your head, over your face and down the back of your hair, for a moment, eyes closed, relishing the feeling. Tyler reaches both hands up and brushes the water out of your eyes, runs his hand over the top of your head. 
You open one eye, the other shut against the water, and nod. You gaze up at him, heart squeezing at the way he’s watching you. His smile widens and he takes the tiny bottle in his hand – it looks even more comically small now – and dumps the product into his other palm, setting the bottle down onto the edge of the tub and rubbing his hands together.
“Turn around.”
You do as he asks, inhaling sharply through your nose when you feel his hands run through the hair at the crown of your head. Your stomach aches with longing as you register how unnaturally intimate this is. His fingers feel so good against your scalp, which is slightly sunburnt, you’re now realizing. He massages the shampoo further into your hair, running his fingers down the back of your neck and across the tops of your shoulders. When he’s satisfied with his shampoo job, he steers you by your arms to face him again, then carefully helps you tilt your head back and rinses it all from your hair.
You watch him pick up the other small bottle from the shelf, warm water still running down the back of your head. 
“I’ll do my conditioner,” you murmur, taking the bottle gently from his hands. “It’s a – it’s a science.”
“I am very good at science, if you can recall.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “It’s something I’ve gotten perfectly right. It’ll take just a sec.”
So you work the conditioner through the ends of your hair, avoiding his gaze as he watches your hands first coat your hair in the product, then rinse it out. He reaches forward to run his own fingers across it, as gently as he can.
“Hm,” he makes the noise in the back of his throat, pulling his hand away. “Soft.”
You can hardly look at him, the twisting feeling in your stomach shifting to something warmer, something further from apprehension, something that feels a lot like want. “You?”
Tyler shakes his head. “I’m good. Here,” he says, rubbing his hands across the plane of your upper back. “You’re tense. You worked hard today. Let me help.”
You weren’t going to protest, but before you can, Tyler guides you forward and out of the direct spray of the shower, then presses his thumbs into your muscle. You groan, your head falling forward onto his chest at the feeling, and he chuckles at you, continuing with his hands. “Feel good?”
“So good,” you whimper, and you feel his cock twitch against your stomach.
“You fucking dog,” you joke, and Tyler laughs against you, pushing your hair off the back of your neck and pressing his thumbs in there, too.
“Hey, what can I say? I like making my girl feel good.”
You freeze. His girl? His girl. He hasn’t noticed your reaction, and he keeps pressing his fingers into your sore muscles, pulling one hand away briefly to push the showerhead down and away from the two of you. You glance up, already missing its warmth, but you find that the steam rising around you is doing a good enough job at that.
“Here, baby,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your forehead and guiding you to press your hands against the tiled wall to your left, running his hands down your back.
“What are you –”
Before you can finish the thought, you feel Tyler’s fingers parting the seam of your cunt from – from behind, and you groan at the feeling of his middle finger slipping inside of you.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” he groans, his knees hitting the floor behind you. You toss a glance at him over your shoulder and your own knees nearly buckle at the way he’s looking up at you – with hunger, and with reverence, and with something else entirely unrecognizable. He looks wild. He looks in love.
One of Tyler’s hands clamps down around your hips and he leans forward, pressing a kiss to the back of your thigh as his finger starts to shift in and out of you. You shiver and push your face into the cool tile, groaning softly when he finds that rough bit of flesh inside of you, the one that makes you come undone if he works it long enough.
“Yeah?” Tyler sounds fucked out already, his voice breathy against your skin, and you can picture the look on his face, the concentrated expression he gets when he’s trying to make you come. You try to focus on the feeling of the shower’s spray where it hits the edge of your foot rather than how good his finger feels inside you because if you think too closely about how good it feels, you’ll get lightheaded. And nobody wants that.
“Yeah,” you reply weakly, and for a few minutes it’s just like that, the only sound in the bathroom the shower, your panting moans, and the noise your pussy makes as he pulls his finger in and out.
“Sound so good for me, baby,” he says, pressing a kiss to the back of your thigh again, and you whine, trying to protest when he slips his finger from you. He laughs deep in his chest and lightly smacks the swell of your ass.
“Don’t complain when I’m doin’ somethin’ nice for you,” he jok, and you can feel then that he’s shifting himself around. You want to look over your shoulder, want to see for yourself what he’s doing, but freeze when you feel his palms cupping your ass, his nose pressing against the inside of your thighs.
Your mouth forms the word oh, but no sound comes out until you feel his mouth press against your cunt, tongue pushing inside of you, and then you cry out, chest heaving, when he presses a sloppy, wet kiss to your clit. You pull your face from where it’s still resting against the tile and look down at Tyler to find he’s already looking right up at you. His grip on your ass tightens when you make eye contact with him, and he spreads you open wider for him, eyes narrowing as his tongue flicks again, and again, and again.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” he moans against you, the vibrations causing your legs to twitch. You already thought you were going to burst, the steam from the shower, the way he’d washed your hair, the fact that he was in your room at all – it all made you feel slightly insane. To add insult to injury, he’s just pushed two fingers inside of you and immediately found the spot that takes you out, and you start to shake a little.
“Tyler,” you whine, pushing one hand down to grip his hair. He groans when you tighten your hold on it, fucking into you a little faster. “Tyler, fuck, gonna come.”
“So come, baby,” comes his reply, and you do, you come so hard that the toes on your right foot curl until you’re on tiptoe and Tyler has to reach up and grip your waist to steady you. You feel it crest, and peak, then subside, but he keeps working you through it, his mouth moving against you still, and a second, smaller – though still good – orgasm wracks your body right after the first.
You breathe through it, push your foot down so you’re standing flat on the surface of the tub again, and wait for Tyler to pull his fingers out of you. 
“Baby,” Tyler groans, squeezing your hips, his fingernails biting slightly into your skin. “You gotta let go’a me, if you want me to get up.”
His voice, fuck, his voice, you think, releasing your grip on his hair and turning to watch him rise from his knees, the tile cold against your back. You surge forward to kiss him square on the mouth and he catches you, smiles against you when you part your lips to taste yourself on his tongue.
“Was that good?”
“Yeah,” you breathe, pressing one, two, three more quick kisses to his mouth, before he reaches behind you to turn off the water. “So fucking good.”
Neither of you bother with a towel, instead opting to stumble toward the queen bed in the middle of the room and climb right underneath the covers.
“Hi,” you whisper when you’re settled in, the duvet pulled up under your chin. Your eyes rove over his face, then glance over to the alarm clock behind him. 1:56 in the morning. “You still wanna fuck?”
Tyler snorts, reaching over to poke you in the side, gripping the skin there until you start to laugh. “You still wanna fuck?”
“Yeah,” you reply, grinning, when you catch your breath. “Wanna?”
He’s quiet for a second, watching the duvet rise and fall with each breath you take, before he peels it off of you, using his elbow to push himself up until he’s leaning over you. There’s a rosy flush on your chest, your breasts heaving and it’s all he can do not to lean down and take one of your nipples in his mouth, the one closest to him. Instead, he runs the back of his other hand across your chest, catching against the hard peak, and watches your breath stick to the inside of your throat. You feel yourself subconsciously leaning toward him as his face comes toward you. You want him to kiss you, but instead, he angles his mouth to kiss the skin below your chin.
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathes against your neck, pressing his open mouth to you there, and you gasp at the feeling – of his mouth against you, and of his praise. It all feels so nice. He just made you come in the shower, and now he’s going to make you come in this bed, hopefully more than once. 
You wrap your hands around his back and pull him toward you, watch as he settles in between your thighs. You can feel his thick cock, heavy, insistent, where it presses against you, and you want to take him into your hands, but he has other plans. 
With one hand pressed into the pillow on either side of your head, Tyler uses his knees to knock your legs out further, sitting back against his heels when he’s satisfied. He wraps his big hands around your thighs and pulls you closer, smiling down at you. “You’re so beautiful.”
You blush when he repeats himself, suddenly feeling very bare. He’s just as naked as you are, but you can’t help but feel like he’s seen your whole hand, meanwhile you hardly have any idea what cards he might hold. In the dim light from the lamp beside your head, you notice that you can see the green of his irises again. It seems like the shower sobered the two of you up very quickly.
His gaze locked on yours, Tyler takes himself into his hand, groaning at the pressure of his grip after neglecting his own want for so long, but he suddenly curses, pausing just as he’s about to press inside of you.
“I don’t have a condom,” he breathes, sitting back again. He runs one hand through his hair, visibly weighing the options.
“It’s okay, Tyler,” you murmur, leaning up onto your elbows. “It’s okay. I have an IUD, and I got screened after the last time I was with someone. I’m good. I’m good if you’re good.”
Tyler heaves a heavy sigh, running his hands up your thighs. “You’re sure? I’m clean, too, cross my heart. But only if you’re sure.”
You nod. “My head is clear. I think I shook off my drunk an orgasm or two ago.”
A grin crosses his face, and you roll your eyes at him before he even opens his mouth. Two? he mouths, then whistles lowly. You smack his stomach, and he grabs your wrist in his hand, lightning quick, pressing a kiss to the pulse point there. Your jaw falls slack, and you go all soft and pliant, letting him pin your hands above your head. His body comes down over yours, and his mouth presses to your cheek, then your forehead, and when your eyes flutter shut, the ghost of a kiss crosses them, too.
“I’m gonna fuck you so good,” he murmurs, and normally if a man were to say that to you, you would immediately regret letting him into your bed. But for some reason, when Tyler says it, it sends that familiar warmth spiraling down into your gut. You know he means it.
Slowly – too slowly – he guides himself back to your entrance, shifting his hips so they’re resting comfortably against yours, and he presses himself inside of you. You hiss; the girth of him, although a welcome stretch, is also a bit of an uncomfortable one. He leans down to kiss you, working you through it with a thumb pressing circles into your clit, sliding himself in bit by bit until he’s fully seated. 
A groan pushes out of him when you clench around him, testing the waters.
“Careful,” he murmurs, easing his hips back. “I’d like it if this lasted longer than ten seconds, please.”
You laugh against the side of his head, pull your hands down from where he’d left them above you and wrap yourself around his shoulders, pulling him flush against you. Tyler grips your thighs and starts to work himself in and out of you, carefully, gently, but you squeeze his waist with your knees. Encouraging him. Asking him to pick it up. You can handle it.
His hips start to pull back and snap against yours quicker and quicker, Tyler panting in your ear, lifting up onto his palms and pushing himself off of you. He sits up onto his knees and tilts your hips up for a different angle, one that sets sparks dancing in front of your eyes. You groan, head tossed back, and dig your nails into his thighs as his pace picks up.
“Fuck, yeah, that it, baby? I can feel you – fuck, feel you squeezin’ me.”
You hardly have a voice with the rate he’s slipping in and out of you, barely enough to squeak out, “Fuck,” before your cunt has him in a vice grip, working through another orgasm.
“Ohhh, that’s it, huh, that’s it.” His mouth is going a mile a minute, neither of you really paying much attention to anything he’s actually saying. You’re both focused on his own mounting orgasm – you don’t feel like your body is capable of much more than that – and you weakly clamp down around him once more. His eyes squeeze shut, his hips stutter, and he grits out, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck fuck,” before he slots against you and you feel him filling you. You run a hand down his back, soothing him as he comes, biting your lip at the feeling, foreign but enjoyable.
Tyler groans and glances down to where his cock is softening inside of you. He eases his hips back, cupping your face and pressing a kiss to your forehead as he does. “Shit, I’m sorry, are you okay?”
You nod meagerly, pressing the back of your hand against your warm cheek. He watches you and, assured that you’re not going to pass out on him or anything, stands and hobbles into the bathroom. The sink turns on out of sight, and you close your eyes, listening to the water run. Tyler returns with a warm, wet towel and wipes the inside of your thighs, swiping gently across your cunt, before folding the towel and letting it fall to the floor at your bedside.
You feel loose, calm. Safe. You hardly notice him turn the light off, but you do feel the bed dip beside you as he rejoins you under the covers and pulls you into his arms. You melt against his sturdy chest, his heartbeat under your face a comfort, the rhythmic tick tick tick of it lulling you to sleep. But there’s still one thing you have to know before you can relax completely.
His breathing has started to even out, but he hasn’t snored yet, so you know he’ll still hear you when you ask, “Are you gonna leave?”
He grunts an acknowledgement of your question, nuzzling down into the top of your head.
“Do you want me to stay?”
You know your answer, but you still bite your lip, considering the question. You hadn’t thought before that maybe he left after every night you spent together because he thought you didn’t want to wake up with him. “Yes.”
“Okay,” he murmurs against your hair, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Then I’ll stay.”
If he’s at all worried about what will happen when you wake up tomorrow, he doesn’t show it, but anxiety courses through you at the thought of anyone finding out. Does he want the others to know? Because that’s what it feels like.
“Stop thinking about it,” he whispers, like he can hear your thoughts racing. “It’ll be fine. Just go to sleep.”
Easy for him to say. He’s out like a light. And you’re left alone with your thoughts until you fall into fitful, dissatisfying sleep sometime around when the world outside starts to turn blue.
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A pounding on your door wakes you from deep sleep – the deepest you’d gotten all night, at least – and you try to sit up but find there’s a heavy weight on your chest blocking you. You rub the sleep from your eyes, glancing down at the sleeping body next to you. It takes a second for it to register: Tyler’s here. 
Tyler’s here. Sidled up against you, arm thrown over your stomach like this is where he belongs. He didn’t leave. He stayed, like he said he would. His face looks so peaceful – so beautiful – you almost hate to wake him.
“Come on, sleepyhead! Time to get a move on!”
Almost. You scramble to push Tyler off of you, ignoring his noises of protest, jumping out from under the covers and grabbing various articles of clothing off the floor to pull over your naked form. You plop back down on the bed, this time on his side, right next to where he’s starting to wake.
“Dude, get up, they’re gonna know you’re not in your room. They’re gonna know you’re in here.”
“So what,” he grumbles, rolling over as you push him and settling deeper into the bed. “Let ‘em.”
You sit up straight, one hand on his arm. “You mean that?”
He hums and turns his neck to glance at you over his shoulder. “Yeah, ‘course I do. You’re my girl.”
Your face flushes a deep pink and Tyler grins, reaching over to wrap an arm around you and drag you back down into the bed, pinning you under him and peppering an assault of open-mouthed kisses all over your face. You grin, thinking that you could get used to this – just not right now.
“Seriously, Tyler,” you laugh, pushing a hand against the side of his face. He squeezes your hip. “We have to get up. We gotta get back out there.”
Tyler sighs, loosening his grip on your body and kneeling over you. “Yeah, you’re right. Alright, alright.”
He stands and takes the top sheet with him, wrapped around his waist, and heads to the bathroom. To brush his teeth, you hope. God.
“You know,” he says, head popping back out into the room, mouth full of toothpaste. “Yesterday. I wanted them to see us holding hands.”
You watch as he smiles at you and disappears back into the bathroom, then fall back onto the bed, hands pressed over your eyes. 
Fifteen minutes later, the two of you are dressed, teeth brushed, hair taken care of, day packs slung over your shoulder, and you’re pulling the door closed behind you when you hear a whistle that pulls your attention to the parking lot.
“Damn, Owens!”
The voice makes you jump, and you groan. You thought you were going to get away with the sneaking around, but the rest of your team is watching from next to the RV as the two of you descend the stairs together.
Lily and Dani turn to Boone with smug looks on both their faces, and he rolls his eyes and pulls his wallet from his back pocket. They hold their hands out for him to slap two twenty dollar bills down into.
“What’s that?” You ask when you get close enough to them.
“We had a bet that you and Owens would come out of that room together. Well, that one or his. Didn’t matter which.”
“A bet I just lost,” Boone groans, pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes. “I thought for sure…”
The rest of the crew snickers, including Tyler, who won’t look at you. You poke a finger into his chest.
“Did you know about this?”
“No, I swear,” he says, hands up, and you don’t know why, but you believe him. “That doesn’t mean I didn’t drunkenly confess to Lily weeks ago that sometimes we, you know…”
You scoff, almost mad, but then Boone shouts and the scoff turns into a snicker because, hey, you love him, but you can’t help but relish in his defeat.
“So they knew?! That’s cheating!”
He storms off while the rest of you laugh, Dani clutching their side and following him around the side of the building to try to make amends, trailing off, “If it makes you feel any better…”
Lily looks over at you, then at Tyler, a grin swallowing her face. “So, are you guys, like, together now? Or something?”
You look up at Tyler, who’s smiling softly at you, clearly deferring to you to answer that question. You feel a surge of affection for him swell in your chest. Clearing your throat, you turn to Lily.
“Or something.”
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skywitchmaja · 2 years
this however is unforgivable
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k-hippie · 8 months
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Here we are ... After 2 weeks of intensive work :D comes the release of Windenburg 2024, 4 years after the first update and 8 years after the first release ... A long time due bold update where we tried to enhance one of the most iconic sims 4 World ...
We made a lot of work on urban stuff ( mainly ) and tried to enhance everything we could, except the ruins which are a work apart ;)
We enhanced the grounds ( streets, pavements ), the walls, some colors of the soils, the rocks, the textures, and even the fake buildings and houses :D
We made too some modifications such as the kakemono ( we made newer simlish pictures ), the streetlights ( we removed the stupid little posters in order to get cooler street lamps ), we added some textures to the plastic/glossy sculptures, we corrected basic textures we didn't make last time, we made an overhaul brighter aspect, we worked on many details all around when it was possible ...
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Even where the textures were already ok, we revised the whole stuff ... Well you'll see ;)
We divided this Windenburg ( Get Together ) update in 5 files :
- k-hippie-k505-terrain-gtog-new-nature-replacement-10102024 - k-hippie-k505-terrain-gtog-new-roads-replacement-10012024 - k-hippie-k505-terrain-gtog-new-rocks-replacement-10012024 - k-hippie-k505-terrain-gtog-new-ruins-replacement-10012024 - k-hippie-k505-terrain-gtog-new-urban-replacement-10012024
Beyond the k-505 terrains, there is too an update of the k-101 and one or two important files we put in the k-303 Multifix mod ...
There are an important k-303 file in order to get all the textures in the right place ... a kinda "bizarre" element which doesn't appear without this :/ but do not worry, it's nothing embarrassing for your game ;)
- k-hippie-k303-2024-obj-gtog-debug-stonewall-both-replacement
At last, to get the modifications we made ( such as the streetlight ) :
- k-hippie-k303-2024-obj-gtog-streetlamp-replacement - k-hippie-k303-2024-obj-gtog-debug-kakemono-replacement - k-hippie-k303-2024-obj-gtog-debug-fenceiron-replacement - k-hippie-k303-2024-obj-gtog-debug-fencebrick-replacement
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Attention : some of the pictures have been made using the Tudor Walls we made in 2018 : HERE
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Next weekend, we'll provide the fences redux, aka the k-606 update for Get Together ( and maybe for the Base Game too ) ... if we have enough time ! :D
Ko-fi // Paypal --> if you think our creations are worthing ;)
Anyway, hope you'll like this bold update :)
- download the k-505 terrains files
- download the k-303 files
- download the k-101 update
And Have Fun !
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playburo · 5 months
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Klara Kristin by Dan Beleiu for XOXO The Mag S/S 2018
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Wow...I cannot believe we're into September already!😮This year is going swiftly (it seems to as you get older, lolz) X'3 And now, Autumn is here!🍂🍁But do you know what that means, folks?😁...IT'S MY BIRTHDAY MONTH, WOO-HOOO~!! =^0^=✨🎊🎁🎂🎈🎉✨
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Another year older on 24th September, but still feel young at heart~💓✌🏻I will also make my wish list of what I would like for my birthday, this year~📝😊I am always truly grateful and very appreciate of all gift arts I receive, so you dears are always more than welcome to make me something, if you'd like to~💝😇 And here is what I have in mind: (It's not much, but all bring me great joy~💖)
~DreamWorks Trolls~
💚Coossy (Cooper x Jussy, my Trollsona) 💚Happy Moments With Jussy, Her Son - Toby & All The Funk Fam 💚Johnalthea (John Dory x Amalthea, My Space Troll OC) 💚SynKaa (Synth x Kaa/Kanye) ~Poppy Playtime~ 💚DogDay x DeerDelight (Vanilla Nutmeg)
~Indigo Park~ 💚Ramblestine (Rambley The Raccoon x Justine, Myself)
Do check out my blog and reblogs for references, and thank-you kindly to all for checking out my birthday month post and being such wonderful darlings~!🫂💘🫶🏻😘xoxo. I am also preparing to upload a revamped piece of my Transformers Animated OC - Jadebutterfly, whom I haven't drawn since 2018 for TFNation, gosh!😲I needed to change that since I've been RPing TFA again recently~🤭
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disgracefiles · 24 days
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2LUVU (often shortened to 2LU, which, let’s be honest, is weird and kinda stupid since the name wasn’t exactly long to begin with) was JYP Entertainment’s first and last attempt at a coed group, currently inactive and disbanded. The lineup consisted on four members (two boys and two girls): Liv, Hanse, Jules, and Junseo. 2LUVU made their debut on March 12, 2018, with the EP ACTION!, which, unfortunately, flopped hard due to JYP’s half-hearted promotion efforts.
The EP was promoted for the sad amount of three weeks, including the pre-release period in which JYP posted a couple of photos of each member and called it a day. The MV teaser dropped only three days before the actual release, leaving no time for barely any hype to build up around the group’s debut. Once the EP was out, 2LUVU only performed the title track U READY? four times. Surprise, surprise! They didn’t get any wins because who were they, anyways? No one knew! They came out of nowhere so no one was expecting them. On top of all the lack of promotion, a lot was going on in the industry at the moment. Just to name some names, KRUSH and STUPID CUPID happened to be promoting around the same time, which banished any remaining hope the group had at getting any win at all. If the effect these groups had wasn’t negative enough for 2LUVU, the VENUS debuted only five days later, completely overshadowing them and their silly little song. Let’s just say, JYP wasn’t the brightest when deciding on the group’s debut date.
Following their debut, 2LUVU remained silent for almost a year. This made the few fans the group had gathered completely forget about them. Honestly, with JYP in charge, the group was doomed from the start, but leaving them without any new music for a whole year? Even their small fanbase was losing their minds! Rumor has it that JYP had bigger, more successful groups to focus on, so they just sidelined 2LUVU after their flop of a debut. I guess, at some point, someone remembered the group existed and that they hadn’t had a single comeback. So, they got a second chance in February 2019, though this time with a way smaller budget but slightly better promotions. Their digital single XOXO did better than ACTION!, but it still wasn’t enough to cover all the costs. JYP ended up disbanding the group and pretending they never existed in the first place. I mean it! No one in the company talks about them and, when being asked about their time in 2LUVU, the former members always avoid the question. Expect for Junseo, I guess. He likes to point out how awful his time in the group was and how much he despised their concept and discography.
₊ ⊹ DEBUT DATE: March 19th, 2018
₊ ⊹ DISBANDMENT DATE: July 7th, 2019
₊ ⊹ COMPANY: JYP Entertainment
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🙂 KANG OLIVIA ‘LIV’, 1999 ₊ ⊹ After 2LUVU’s disbandment, Liv became a trainee once again. She trained for a around a year before being sent to Mnet’s Once Upon a Dream, where she ranked 3rd and got to redebut. She’s now an active member of IDOL MAKER’s EVERMORE as the group’s main vocalist and visual princess.
🍓 CHOI HANSE, 2002 ₊ ⊹ Hanse’s contract was bought by IDOL MAKER right away, but he’s still in the company’s basement ever since! His fans continuously beg for his redebut on twitter, but so far IDOL MAKER has turn a deaf ear to their pleas.
🦋 JULIANA ‘JULES’ SANTOS, 2002 ₊ ⊹ Jules is now one of the famous Pick Me dolls! After 2LUVU disbanded, Jules was sent to Girls Planet 999, where she didn’t make the cut to debut with Kep1er. But then her contract was bought by Heartbreak and she’s finally got the success she always deserved.
🌈 LEE JUNSEO, 2000 ₊ ⊹ Junseo, now going by the stage name JUNO, is a soloist under IDOL MAKER. He redebuted on 2020, only a year after 2LUVU’s disbandment. Even though his redebut was a total success thanks to IDOL MAKER’s management, he’s initial fame has been declining lately. You could say people has grown tired of his music!
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thanks to @venusvity, @stcpidcupid and @urmykrushhh for giving me permission to mention their amazing ocs <3 love you lots!
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horseshoemybeloved · 1 year
cant send pictures because this is an anon ask but if you scroll way back on joes tumblr you can see some drawings he did... theyre actually pretty awesome imo!!
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His lineart is too confident for an amateur ( also shout out to Patrick’s drawing it’s cute 🫶 he’s Def try Harding and I think that’s cute xoxo )
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lesserafim-eden · 10 months
╰► ⌕ 𓆩 𓆪  ʾ ִֶָ%˓ ᵎ ҂ ࣪˖﹫𓂃⌁. ࣪˖ EDEN NOELIA LEE (LE SSERAFIM) Profile
Eden Noelia Lee (LE SSERAFIM) Profile and Facts:
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EDEN NOELIA LEE ( Hangul; 에덴 노엘리아 자오, Mandarin; 赵伊登 born November 11, 2001 ) better known by the mononym EDEN is a Chinese/Korean English model, singer, rapper, Global ambassador, and dancer is a current member of South Korean girl group LE SSERAFIM under HYBE and Source Music. She is a former member of the South Korean-Japanese girl group IZ*ONE.
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⌕ ‣     BASIC INFO ׁ⠀ ࣭ ⠀⠀⊹
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𖥻★! ︿︿STAGE NAME: Eden
𖥻★! ︿︿BIRTH NAME: Eden Noelia Lee
𖥻★! ︿︿KOREAN NAME: Lee Binna
𖥻★! ︿︿CHINESE NAME: Zhao Meixing
𖥻★! ︿︿BIRTHDAY: August 1, 2003
𖥻★! ︿︿AGE: 21 years old ( Korean age ) 20 years old (int.)
𖥻★! ︿︿ZODIAC SIGN: Leo
𖥻★! ︿︿BIRTHPLACE: London, Uk
𖥻★! ︿︿NATIONALITY: English
𖥻★! ︿︿ETHNICITY: Chinese/Korean
𖥻★! ︿︿HEIGHT: 5'8" (173 cm)
𖥻★! ︿︿WEIGHT: 49kg (100lbs)
𖥻★! ︿︿REPRESENTATIVE EMOJI: 🐨 ( koala  )
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⌕ ‣     EDEN FACTS...!?
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https://Eden-Facts.Com: She was born in London, Uk so her British accent is so strong. Her family includes four grandparents, mom, dad, four older brothers. She was raised in Los Angeles, California, United States.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She's the global ambassador of vivienne westwood, Alexander Wang, Chanel, HARRY WINSTON, l'Oreal, Fay, CoverGirl U.S, Maybelline, Mikimoto, Panerai, Revlon, Lancôme international, Versace, Puma, Miu Miu, Liu Jo, Prada, Maxim Mooncakes, Comme des Garçons, Clarins, CHOPARD, VAN CLEEF & ARPELS, BUCCELLATI, & GRAFF.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Eden is often called "Man-heart's destroyer" or "Boy crush" as many male idols and actors have a crush on her or have said that she's their ideal type
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Eden is currently in college and majoring in Business (Management ) and minoring literature at Seoul National University online.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She writes all of her parts. She also produced and wrote a number of songs including WayV 'Love talk', TxT 'cat & dog', 'Anti-Romantic', 'loser=Lover', 'OX1=LOVESONG' Stray Kids 'Back door', Pristin V 'Get it', Twice 'Cry for me', Weekly 'After school' Enhypen  'Drunk-Dazed', 'Polaroid love' Aespa 'Next Level', 'Girls' 'Illusion' IVE 'LOVE DIVE' StayC 'SO BAD', 'ASAP' Itzy 'WANNABE','LOCO', '#Twenty', 'SWIPE' Chungha 'Gotta Go', 'Bicycle' Red Velvet 'Feel My Rhythm' Jeon Somi 'XOXO' BLACKPINK 'Typa Girl' & more. Eden has solidified herself as a genius musician with 155 KOMCA credits.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She is extremely loved by the public which is why she earned the titles of princess of K-pop, SM/HYBE's Ace, Idol's idol, The Nation's Treasure, The Genius Composer, and The It girl of Asia.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She is a former IZ*ONE member.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She trained for 3 years in SM Entertainment before joining Produce 48.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: In Gallup Korea's annual music poll for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Eden was voted the most popular idol in South Korea, making her the highest-ranked individual in that poll.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Eden is know for endorsements, various photo-shoots, and covers as they sell out in a minute.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: In 2020, She was featured in Harper Bazaar's 'Go To Bed With Me' and went rival for her nighttime skincare routine. It was mostly because of how simply yet in depth it was.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Eden is really good at math as once she did over 20 fans math problems for fun during her Vlive in 2021.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: In January 2022, Eden purchased a building in Gangnam district's affluent Samseong-dong area, otherwise known as the Samsung neighbourhood. Purchased for approximately US$6.3 million, the mixed-use building has both residential and commercial spaces and spans a total of seven floors. Eden reportedly makes US$830,4000 monthly from rent. 
https://Eden-Facts.Com: In 2014, she performed as one of the upcoming members of SM Entertainment's pre-debut training group SM Rookies on SM Town Live World Tour IV.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She is a big food lover. She can eat most types of food but likes spicy foods the most.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Her way of relaxing: A can of pringles and either Netflix, or watching Law & Order: SVU on Hulu.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She thinks she's pretty talkative especially if the vibes between her and another person match up (Instagram Q&A 2022.08.10).
https://Eden-Facts.Com: When she was younger, Eden frequently performed and sang for house guests and eventually began taking acting/singing classes.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Her airport fashions always goes viral on Twitter, and fans say that the airport is her runaway.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Eden once said if she wasn't an singer, she would have been a vet because she really loves working with animals.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: In November 2018, she revealed that she has three citizenships: Chinese, British, and South Korean.
⌕ ‣     EDEN'S IDEAL TYPE: I really don't have an ideal type because if I like you, then I like you as simple as that."
⌕ ‣     Show more Aria fun facts
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intoapuddle · 1 year
Tell us your dnp opinions 🎤
Am I boring if I say I don't feel like I've seen enough of them to have a fully formed opinion? The honest truth would be something like that, but I do have stray ideas and concepts. Don't take this as me not watching though. I watch everything they post, every video, every tweet, every ig story, the works (even if I'm not as active on here as I've been in the past). They just aren't giving us a lot recently. And in the small things they have given us, they haven't really told us their plans.
BUT if there's one thing about phannies it's that we are LOOKING, we are analysing, and we are relentless LMAO. So despite not having a lot to go on, after thinking for a bit I've come up with a theory:
Ever since covid hit, Dan and Phil have been *waiting*. Waiting to be able to perform again, waiting to move house, and now waiting for the house to be fully finished. Not that they haven't done things, but I honestly think this is one of the reasons for why they've delayed some youtube things? This could be just a shot in the dark but I feel like I can see this pretty clearly as being "a thing". Having things need to get done at home and being around workers a lot I think honestly affects their youtube stuff, and as we already know about them they love to wait until "the time is right". Which, obviously, is for better or for worse sometimes.
I think they want to do a joint project together again when they feel they can, and I think it's gonna be sooo much fun (like everything they do together is!!). I don't know if it's going to be a podcast, or a video series, or gaming channel/talky youtube videos or anything, but I do have this inkling that Phil is giving us tiny hints. And we know they love to give us tiny hints.
I think Dan's projects, the book and the tour, were because he's been so tired of waiting. He's told us as much, just maybe not in exactly those words. And Phil has done what he always does: going along for the ride and trying to keep his youtube channel alive through the means he has under the circumstances he's in (illness, anxiety, big move).
So in conclusion, my opinion is I think things are on the horizon for the lads and we aren't all just here for nothing. Something will happen! And that's gonna be great!! \o/ xoxo dapg delulu lifer since 2018
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confused-canid · 5 months
Bae, can you make me a TMNT mood board??? If it's not much trouble that is (preferably Rise! / 2018)
Thanks xoxo
Hey pookie (Im assuming you're @homoguyzomby)
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I have no fucking idea how to do moodboards for spurces and I've never watched the show lol
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scintillulae · 8 months
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aeverse · 8 months
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𓂃⊹. ❪ basics ❫
STAGE NAME ﹕lili (리리)
BIRTH NAME ﹕lai lihua (賴梨花)
KOREAN NAME ﹕lee hayoung
BIRTHDAY ﹕april 17, 2000
NATIONALITY ﹕taiwanese
ETHNICITY ﹕taiwanese
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹. ❪ physical ❫
FACE ﹕yeh shihua of gidle
HEIGHT ﹕161cm / 5’3”
WEIGHT ﹕45kg (99lbs)
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹. ❪ career ❫
TRAINEE TIME ﹕august 2, 2018 -
COMPANY ﹕delphi entertainment
POSITION ﹕unknown
INSTAGRAM ﹕lailaihua ( deactivated )
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹. ❪ stats ❫
VOCAL ﹕94/100
RAP ﹕12/100
DANCE ﹕34/100
VARIETY ﹕41/100
ACTING ﹕86/100
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹. ❪ history ❫
Lai Lihua was born as an only child on April 17, 2000 in Taipei, Taiwan to fashion designer Lai Yanjun and model Fan Xinyi. As a child, her father would always be gone and her mother would be home but ‘busy’ so that left her to her own devices. This is where she found her love for singing and acting like she was a singer on stage.
It came as a surprise to her parents when she demanded to be in vocal lessons, but not to the staff, who took care of her the most. Her parents quickly complied, as they always did and thought giving her whatever she wanted would make it all better. She tried getting into Chinese traditional dance, but she ended up twisting her ankle and that ended any efforts of hers to dance.
After becoming obsessed with Girls Generation and TWICE, she made sure to audition online for multiple companies. She only got into one— Delphi Entertainment. Two days later, she was on a plane to South Korea alone.
She has since starred in the background of multiple music videos for GIRL TALK, HAVOAX, and SUGAR CRUSH. She has featured on a song with XOXO’s Eunmi, LAW.
In 2024, it was announced she was one of the contestants for MNET’s upcoming female survival show, Fresh Produce.
find fresh produce at @frshproduce
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psychomindgames · 5 months
Girl Group: XOXO
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XOXO is a South Korean girl group under Cloud Media. The group consists of 5-member: Yena, Angel, Miso, Jiwoo, and Ruby. XOXO concept is a fresh and clean concept but as they grow into the career their concept develops into dark and powerful. They released their Pre-Debut song "Only U" on February 6, 2018. Their official Debut was on February 25, 2018, with their first mini album "Love Note".
I scripted in idols that are super underrated in this reality. I made this script last year. This was actually my 3rd girl group that I made. Hope this inspires you to make a Kpop Dr if that’s what you like.
Fandom name: Luvs
Official Colors: Purple
Genre: Kpop, Dance-Pop, Electropop, Contemporary R&B
Company: Cloud Media
A company known for its solo artists. Other artists signed with the company; Kara, Heize, Kard, Rainbow, PUNCH, DEAN.
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First Mini Album: Love Note
The mini album is inspired by the various stages of developing a crush, from the initial stages of attraction and infatuation to the uncertainty and angst that comes with falling in love, and finally, the thrill and relief of confessing one's feelings through a "Love Note."
Title Songs: "Hype Boy" & "Nineteen"
B-Sides: "Confession", "Endless Love", "Touching Heaven", and "Only U"
The mini album comes with a sticker sheet, CD, polaroid pictures, a poster, a random cute bear keychain, photocards, 2 random photograph holders. This album is a wonderful collaboration between a XOXO and Sanrio, in which fans who purchase the album also get a random Sanrio plush, notebook, and pen.
More about the XOXO Members
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k-hippie · 7 months
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So ... to complete our Artwork section, something we wanted to do for a long long time, say hello to some new monochromatic art :)
- 2 sets ( of 11 each ) of square-abstrakt-artworks - 2 sets ( of 11 each ) of vertical-artwork-impasto - 1 set ( x11 ) of square-vintage-astrogeo illustrations ... and to finish, a second set of 11 Fantastic Beasts related artworks
Abstract Art can bring a unique and dynamic energy to any space, making it an excellent addition to a home's déco ! and Vintage ? well, how to resist to timeless things and stuff ? ;)
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Abstract Art often eschews realistic representation in favor of expressing emotions, ideas, and concepts through form, color, and composition. This allows viewers to interpret the artwork in their own way, sparking curiosity, contemplation, and introspection :D
Abstract Artworks can serve as captivating focal points in a room, drawing the eye and anchoring the space. Whether displayed prominently above a fireplace, on a feature wall, or in a gallery-style arrangement, abstract art adds visual interest and dynamism to any interior ...
Overall, incorporating Abstract Art into your home not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your space but also enriches your daily life by stimulating creativity and inspiring contemplation ... The addition of artworks can transform your home into a sanctuary of beauty ;)
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More pictures on our website / download pages :)
And now the Vintage ...
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All about Astronomy and Geography :D 2 subjects I'm in love with ;)
The 2nd set of Fantastic Beasts Artworks come from forgotten but re-found pictures we had for a long time in the deep guts of our Hard Drives :D And indeed the most beautiful posters of the movies : the Chinese illustrations made in 2018 for the Crimes of Grindenwald ...
We added some other posters too ;) And those 11 Artworks completes the first set of 7 posters we released in November 2016 :)
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Next week, we should have finished our update of our old artworks ( Malevitch, Magritte, and few other things & stuff )
We are currently working on some kitchen stuff ( counters and islands ) ... stay tuned ;)
These objects don't override anything, work fine in-game, and are new meshes 🙂
Send caffeine please: ko-fi // paypal 
Made with Sims4Studio and S4PE Date of Release: February 16th, 2024 Expansions: Base Game Category : Buy > Decoration > Paintings / Sculptures Price: 400§
download square abstract impasto here
download vertical abstract impasto here
download square vintage astro & geography here
download fantastic beasts and where to find them here have fun :)
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💚🦋~TFA Jadebutterfly REVAMPED~🦋💚
Okay, some of you may know from my yearly convention weekend, some of you may not, but I am actually a big Transformers fan - especially of the Animated series!😁✨ I did watch Beast Machines on Fox Kids when I was a kid, but it was the Animated series that REALLY got me into the Transformers franchise, around late 2008 and I never looked back - still a big fan to this day~✊🏻😊 I've recently gotten back into RPing TFA with my fellow TF bestie, KaitlinEXE a.k.a @kaitlinexe, which has inspired me to draw and revamp my main TFA OC - Jadebutterfly (Jady for short) who I created back in 2008. And...voila~!🪄Here she is for 2024!🦋 Here are also some examples of her from over the years:
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(June 2010)
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(August 2018, Cybertron Mode)
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(July 2013, featuring Bumblebee headshot~💛🐝)
Wow!😮Comparing my revamped piece to the previous others, I have to say how much I've improved over the years with my skills, TFA style!🤩And Jady 2024 came out just as imagined, with the back view I chose and wanted to try out for her~👏🏻😍 I'm so proud of how it all turned out, that I had the idea of making her wing blades transparent so you could all still see what Jady fully looked like from the back😚👍🏻Also, huge kudos to Kaitlin too, for suggesting the glitter and sparkle effect for her wings~💖🤗 And yes, I do ship Jadebutterfly with my most favourite bot of all time...Bumblebee~!💛🐝💘🦋💚🥰 Hope you all like too, my dears!🫂💞If you have any questions about Jady, please feel free to ask~✌🏻😉Aaah, it feels so good to draw her again after all this time!💗xoxo.
*~Reblogs are also deeply appreciated as well, so please do reblog as well as like! Thank-you kindly!~*
Autobot Jadebutterfly/Jady (c) @jade-green-butterfly (Me~!)
Transformers Animated (c) Derrick J. Wyatt (Passed away in 2021, but never forgotten~💕🙏🏻🪽) & Hasbro
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