realduelacademia · 1 year
KC employee here again. Question from managment, what is this about Biobracelets? I've asked around, and they are something that haven't been approved by the board. The only required equipment that should be issued is the Duel Disk, PDA, and your assigned Kaibabook laptop.
PS Chronos, please be aware that Mr Kaiba is asking for a meeting about why this didn't come to his attention earlier
@geartowns uh ohhh i think you're in troubleeee
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destiny-islanders · 3 years
What does Z'ahra think of the villians. Does he forgive Gaius, does he morn emet selch, how much does he fear/hate zenos
Gaius: It’s really hard to look past the awful things that Gaius has done, even with Z’ahra’s easygoing and generally agreeable attitude haha. He does sense that Gaius is genuinely trying to make amends and readily helps him dispatch the weapons, and he sympathizes with Gaius when he loses his children. You won’t find Z’ahra buying him a drink at the pub, but you won’t find him preparing a Flare spell while his back is turned, either.
Emet-Selch: He really does consider taking up Emet-Selch’s offer to retreat to the Tempest so that he can become a Sin Eater far removed from the ones he loves. He means it when he promises Emet-Selch that he’ll remember the Ascians and senses the connection they once had. He REALLY doesn’t appreciate his beloved being kidnapped and brutalized, though. >:/
Zenos: Z’AHRA HATES ZENOS. Zenos gave him his first real ass-kicking lmao. Their first battle was the first time Z’ahra actually felt real, crushing defeat and he really thought he was gonna die ;__; The second time they fight in Yanxia, Zenos RIPS THE EARRING OUT OF HIS EAR AND STABS HIM THROUGH THE HAND OW YOU ASSHOLE I HATE YOU??? He gets the heebie-jeebies when Zenos calls him a dear friend and seems to mean it. His tail gets all poofy whenever Zenos is even mentioned I’m sorry Z’ahra really really hates him hahaha! When Fandaniel tells Z’ahra Zenos awaits him he’s just like UGH CAN’T I JUST FIGHT YOUR BAHAMUT INSTEAD PLEASE JUST LEAVE HIM WHEREVER HE IS
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realduelacademia · 1 year
Hey, KC employee here again. Please note that in the official student handbook to report interdimensional or time traveling beings to staff.
To the traveler, Kaiba is very interested in this other duel academy, saying and I quote "If these ###kers managed to militarized my game, then I'll show them what war means"
Please find him and surrender peacefully. The man has traveled to the death and back over this game and hates war. He's preparing his blue eyes jet as we speak
not sure how i feel abt a kc employee following me after i hacked that duel d- I MEAN, YES OF COURSE RIGHT AWAY
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