sungodded · 1 month
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@xxxlovedandlostxxx asked: “you okay?”
send “you okay?” to find my muse sitting alone on a roof at night.
It had been a long time since Koyash had sat on terra firma staring up at the moon as though he were one of humanity. Ss if he wasn't particularly close with the Moon Goddess, or brother to the Moon God as well. But sometimes it was nice to look at things from a different angle -- - or so he believed, unlike some of his siblings.
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He'd been entangled amongst those thoughts when someone caught him off-guard, brows suddenly lifted as he turned his head. "Lost in my own head more than anything." The God mused warmly, looking rather delighted to have company. "I could ask you the same question."
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godofcourage · 23 days
@xxxlovedandlostxxx ∣ 🕵️
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"You seen anything strange around here? People hanging around... looking all kinds of shady?"
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of-kirkwall · 1 month
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@xxxlovedandlostxxx sent: “I was hoping we could talk.”
"What can I do for you, Inquisitor?"
Maker, even here in the tavern the Champion of Kirkwall cut an intimidating figure. He was a bear of a man, even more than the stories about him described, with a somewhat overgrown black beard, and a size and bulk that most found surprising in a mage. The chair he sat in creaked ominously as he shifted, his one golden eye focusing sharply on Anthony.
"Did Varric send you to find me?"
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adsagsona · 2 years
Anthony kept his expression neutral, but he cleared his throat, and the faint signs of strain could be heard if one knew to look for them. "They found out that night when we holed up in that shitty motel room after the fight. They suspected for a while, but... I'm sorry. They found out about us and concluded that I'm not fit to be your Watcher anymore."
Tommy was livid. He had never liked that whole Council at all, from the first moment they thought they had to keep an eye on him.  “Who the fuck do they think they are? They’re not doing any of the field work.” He growled as he began to pace from one side of the room to the other. “So what if we’re together? It makes us better! Why can’t they see that? You’re not leaving me, are you?” Suddenly the anger turned to fear. “Anthony?”
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lostxndbroken · 1 year
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@xxxlovedandlostxxx​ ||  ❛  are you still mad at me?  ❜ (immediately thought of Vesemir lol)
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It took Vesemir a moment to answer, then he turned to Anthony. “Yes! I’m fucking pissed at you! How could you go there alone?! That was a two man's mission. We agreed on that the moment we accepted that contract and you went on without me. You could have gotten yourself killed, dammit!” The Witcher was angry, but before he reached this stage, he was worried and scared up until the point Anthony returned all bruised, bloody.
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So, it was relief first, relief that he returned to him and when he saw his state, he got worried and then angry. “Why did you go without me, Anth?!” That nickname he hadn’t spoken out loud before, he kept it in his head as he had conversations with Anthony in his mind, which Anthony could never answer to.
“A two man’s job…” He ran his fingers through his hair as he began to pace again. The thought that Anthony wouldn’t return ached him, more than he thought it ever would.
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 years
@xxxlovedandlostxxx continued from here (x)
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"You could have taken that break on your own or with friends or even with family but you picked me!" Elio pointed out breaking out in a smile. "Besides I still want to thank you either way because you're sharing this place with me." It felt like taking a glimpse into Anthony his past. He wondered how he would have been as a child running around in this place - without a doubt causing a lot of havoc like most kids.
"I hope with that you mean playing on it and nothing something else," Elio said, pulling back and giving him a stern glance. By nnow, he knew all too well that Anthony was dirty-minded.
"It might be out of tune if it hasn't been played in a while…" He mused while turning back to the piano and sitting down on the stool. "I suppose giving it a shot won't hurt."
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taiinted · 2 years
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 ❝I do like it, ya jus’ got my default broodin’ expression mixed up with disappointment. The pattern is gorgeous, it’s jus’... the color is not... really me. M’more well known for my red and black aesthetic and I wouldn’t have known it was green, were it not for the label tellin; me that. M’partially color blind, ya see. ❞ They gently take the shawl off  their hands and runs their fingers over the snakes glittering red eyes, their  black forked tongues, the intricate patterns on their bodies. It really was beautiful and they hugged it to their chest, then leans forward to place a  kiss upon Antony’s cheek.  ❝Can I... still keep it? It might not be my color but it screams me. I actually worship a deity who’s main symbol is  a snake and snakes have always been misunderstood, , which is how I feel people also represent me. I’m a bit of a outcast ❞
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@xxxlovedandlostxxx​ asked  :   ❝ What’s wrong? You don’t like it? ❞
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Shoot me now 1115 1317 1212 1701 8 7 5 1 11 1303 1305 130 8 100 8
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flownintothesun · 1 year
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 ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───    ‘ 𝟎𝟏. 𝐢 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 
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                        ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ─── 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬.  ( @xxxlovedandlostxxx )
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       𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐍𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃, 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍. The problem is, Westley can still feel Anthony’s sheets — soft as a cloud beneath his bare skin. And yes, okay, the problem isn’t the sheets at all — it’s Anthony. The way he’d touched him, the way he’d looked at him — like he was more than the sum of a moment. But Westley doesn’t have a future — he lives in the present, and remembers the past. There’s too much to get through in the day to day to be bogged down with the uncertainty. And if there’s been any constant in his life — it’s that there’s been no constant at all.
      He can’t look at Anthony — because if he looks at him, he’ll remember his chest heaving in bed. Remember that it hadn’t been the first time they’d bumped into each other and made hasty decisions. He won’t have to remind himself that he doesn’t believe in fate, because if he did, she’s sure as hell got it out for him. He can’t look at him because his eyes are gorgeous and sincere — and in the moments Westley’d spent caught in them — he hadn’t felt pinned down, he’d felt....something else. “Trust me,” he mumbles, “I’m better off left as a memory.”
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soncfthewitch · 1 year
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closed starter for @xxxlovedandlostxxx​
The sun sank in the sky with its final rays, as if bidding farewell to the day and all that it had held. As night began to creep, a heavy shadow stretched across the land. The air shifted and grew tense as the thunder of massive wings rumbled from the distance. The ground shook beneath them as the great dragon descended, its alabaster scales glistening in the pale light of the moon. The dragon's eyes were two smoldering embers in the darkness, set ablaze by some inner fire. Its massive wings stretched across the sky as it hovered for a moment and then landed with a deafening thud. The dragon's roar echoed through the hills, shaking the trees and sending birds fleeing from the sky.
A single rider slid off the dragon’s back, stepping onto the grassy terrain with a whisper of supple leather and edged steel. The beast’s wings unfurled in a sweeping arc of shadow, their tips brushing the night sky as if to part the clouds. A cloud of dust and stone descended upon them, a stormy haze that enveloped their figures. When the cloud dissipated, all that remained was a slender figure outlined against the stars. The dragon had shrunk and shifted, its scales replaced by supple skin and tussled hair.
"Never ask that of me again." Talen said with a wry smile, his voice smooth like honey and laced with a hint of amusement. He stepped closer to Anthony, rapping his knuckles against the hard leather of his chest. "I doubt even the Champion of Kirkwall rode Flemeth like some common steed." He leaned closer still, his breath warm against Anthony's cheek. "At least we're a few days ahead of the others. I've never been one for leisurely strolls." Talen flashed a cocky grin and stepped back, casting his gaze to the horizon with a slight tilt of his head.
"What's the plan, O'mighty... Inquisitor? Does that title still apply?"
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
Lestat rose a perfect blonde eyebrow as he stepped out of the bathroom and into his room. How had he not noticed that someone had not only snuck into his home, but also into his bedroom? He was an attractive young man, for sure. One that Lestat wouldn't mind sinking his fangs or cock into.
His towel hung low on his hips as he made his way towards the other the way a predator might.
"And who might you be?"
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xxxlovedandlostxxx · 2 years
xxxlovedandlostxxx asked:
" how long was i out for? " Ulysses or Devlin
iincantatorum answered:
alternatively, send in " how long was i out for? " for the sender, having woken up on the receiver's sofa/bed/spare bed, to greet the receiver after showing up on their doorstep earlier with serious injuries and in a weakened state.
The mage was glad that Anthony managed to use his powers to thwart the werewolf attack. Ulysses knew it was coming, and now it meant he cannot remain here in the woods any longer. The pact he had with their leader was broken and he had to leave. At once. Anthony’s group seemed like a safe bet. One after another they looked sort of... decent. He hoped they were stronger than he assumed them to be.
He was admittedly worried for Anthony’s safety. He not only saved him but everyone else and it made him realize how powerful he was. Finally it seemed as though he was stirring awake, so he went to his side and felt his forehead. The feverish warmth was gone, and he exhaled in relief.
“Three days. That was... quite a remarkable feat. How are you feeling now?”
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Anthony blinked, confused. The elf Solas had been with him as he was at Haven, tending the magical damage incurred both by the Mark, and over-exertion. He knew this in his bones, even if he hadn’t been fully conscious throughout, and had seen fleeting images of the elf tending, coming close, scrutinizing him with worry, and ... a sort of scrutinizing, calculating look.  That was not exactly comforting.  He expected Solas to still be there, but instead, it was the strange, white haired hedge mage, and for all the apostate’s eccentricity, something about this relieved the herald.
“Three days?” He rose up sharply, and ignored the resulting nausea. “We need to head back west. There are rifts to close. I need to alert the commander of what we’ve uncovered-”
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iincantatorum · 2 years
xxxlovedandlostxxx asked:
“ don’t presume that you know me just because you’ve heard a few rumors and read a few articles. ” Ulysses
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“So they’re wrong, what the rumors and articles are saying?” 
Ulysses was vastly intrigued by the son of a famous producer, and not because he wanted to snag an audition. He himself was a famous star about two decades ago, but had disappeared from the limelight altogether. It was not that he was interested in a comeback, no he left the industry for his own reasons, namely because he had a disagreement with Anthony’s father, not that the other knew about it. 
But he was interested, having read a few articles on how the other was a writer and was doing well for himself. Ulysses had time, and was genuinely curious, so why not pick the other’s brains?
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“I mean, I am not saying I am always right, and I agree the media can be vicious. Had my own negative experiences, back in the day. A wrong depiction, simply to get extra sales. I’ve been curious about you though, and I promise I am not trying to trick you.” So convincing, he thought.
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adsagsona · 2 years
♋ : Who would be the big spoon and who would be the little spoon.
♒ : How my muse would describe yours in one sentence. Tommy
Send me a symbol, and my muse will answer:
I think Tommy and Anthony would take turns... certainly when one of them feels a little sad or worse for wear, the other will wrap himself around them and hold them close. Like, honey, I'm here for you. A stubborn ass mule I love beyond words.
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lostxndbroken · 2 years
checklist , remus, vesemir
I find you to be:
[X] interesting [ ] cute [X] attractive [X] sexy [ ] reassuring [X] intimidating [ ] annoying [ ] tedious [ ] terrifying
I think we should:
[X] talk more [X] hang out more [X] date [ ] adopt each other as found family [ ] fight (friendly) [ ] fight (hostile) [ ] avoid each other if at all possible
If we spent an evening together we would:
[X] just hang out [X] talk about deep stuff [X] cuddle [X] go to bed together (to sleep) [X] go to bed together (to… not sleep) [ ] go out and party till sunrise [ ] both get arrested [ ] probably wind up killing each other
If we kissed it would be:
[X] a chaste press of lips [X] a playful smooch [X] swift and stolen [X] deep, sweet, and sincerely meant [X] all teeth and tongue and hot as heck [ ] not happening
If we had sex it would be:
[X] romantic and luxurious [X] fast, rough and hard [X] against the nearest wall [X] fantastic [ ] awkward [ ] a really bad idea [ ] an all-around disaster [ ] not happening
If I woke up and found you unexpectedly in my bed I would:
[X] cuddle you [X] offer you breakfast [X] attempt to seduce you [ ] kick you out [ ] demand to know how you got there [ ] scream
I find you to be:
[X] interesting [X] cute [X] attractive [X] sexy [X] reassuring [ ] intimidating [X] annoying [X] tedious [ ] terrifying
I think we should:
[ ] talk more [ ] hang out more [X] date [ ] adopt each other as found family [X] fight (friendly) [X] fight (hostile) [ ] avoid each other if at all possible
If we spent an evening together we would:
[X] just hang out [ ] talk about deep stuff [X] cuddle [X] go to bed together (to sleep) [X] go to bed together (to… not sleep) [ ] go out and party till sunrise [X] both get arrested [ ] probably wind up killing each other
If we kissed it would be:
[ ] a chaste press of lips [ ] a playful smooch [X] swift and stolen [X] deep, sweet, and sincerely meant [X] all teeth and tongue and hot as heck [ ] not happening
If we had sex it would be:
[ ] romantic and luxurious [X] fast, rough and hard [X] against the nearest wall [X] fantastic [ ] awkward [ ] a really bad idea [ ] an all-around disaster [ ] not happening
If I woke up and found you unexpectedly in my bed I would:
[X] cuddle you [X] offer you breakfast [X] attempt to seduce you [ ] kick you out [ ] demand to know how you got there [ ] scream
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 years
@xxxlovedandlostxxx continued from here (x)
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He is snapped out of his longing when Anthony out of the blue "Oh my god, Anthony!" Elio squealed while trying to push him off him laughing. The anticipation that had been building up had vanished into thin air thanks to his lover's action. "Stop it! You know I'm ticklish this isn't fair!"
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