#y'all can't convince me otherwise. i am here to stay.
tragedry · 6 months
i'm gonna consider this an ashler moment, bc ty literally scolds aiden like how a dad scolds thier kid by using thier mom's words on them lmao
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koyunsoncizeri · 2 years
A lil maedhros animation.
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I...am also finally sharing a lil fic? Ficlet with Mae x Oc - angst and fluff. Under the cut!
I would be SO grateful if y'all would tell me what ya think :') !!! Especially my writing mutuals!! ♥️
"Don't go…" he softly whispered to the small figure lying next to him. "You don't have to go, little dove…"
She opened her eyes slowly. She'd been awake for sometime, she'd feigned sleep to feel his hand smooth over her hair, and caress her cheek, just to savor the warm feeling he radiated.
"I can't stay, elf lord." she said slowly. He glanced away when their eyes met. She smiled. There was something so innocent and childlike about this otherwise intimidating elf.
"Don't call me that…"he sighed, and turned to lie on his back. 
"I'm sorry…my lord." she grinned. He rolled his eyes but pulled her to his side. She pressed her body against his and rested her hand on his chest. 
"Why?" he asked after some time, but there was a defiance in his voice. He still saw this as an argument he could win…and convince her to stay. 
They'd met a week ago, when she asked for a sanctuary at their gates. It was apparent she was on the run for some time. He ordered them to open the gates and assist the human, which he later realized because she was tiny. The memory brought a smile to his lips and he turned his head to press a small kiss to her forehead. She opened her eyes, she was about to fall asleep in this elf's arms. She returned the loving gesture by kissing his neck, but a surprised gasp from him stopped her. Instead, she smiled gently at him, and assumed her former position.
"There is no life for me here,"she said. 
He fell silent.
He knew she was right, she would be better off living as far from him, and here as possible, and yet… he wanted her, selfishly, irresponsibly. He frowned, he felt bad to even entertain the idea; this was not like him at all.
"There can be," He chastised himself as soon as the words left his lips, what was he saying? How could he promise something like that, when he had naught to offer, not his affections, nor security.
"I'm sorry my lord…" She leaned to him on her elbows, his eyelids fluttered at the sudden proximity. He held his breath when she reached for him, placing her hand gently on his cheek. His lip was caught between his teeth and he fought so hard not to turn his eyes away from hers. She caressed his cheek, then her hand combed lightly through soft locks of his russet hair. He sighed softly, and closed his eyes. 
"I shall remember all that you have said, all that you have made me feel," she whispered, and pressed a soft kiss on his forehead, and he quickly opened his eyes. "I shall remember the quiet and kind laughter of yours and the soft touch of your hand."she kissed his cheek. "I shall cherish every moment you have kindly graced me with your presence, every glance you bestowed upon me." She cupped his face. "You shall forever remain in my heart, and I hope to be in yours at least for a while," she gently smiled, and wiped the tear that rolled down from his cheek when he tried to blink it away. She pressed her lips softly on his, and he welcomed her. He deepened the kiss as she let herself fall on her back and he followed her; covered her much smaller frame with his large one, trying to burn how good she felt under him into his memory. 
Next day came too soon, and with that last goodbye.
"Farewell, my little Dove. May winds always favor you."
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gold-rhine · 11 months
Hsr update was a thing that happened... I'm just wondering what is HAPPENING with the writing?? Like it was never good imo but they know how to write in a few companion quests. Like belebog are y'all okay?? I've unistalled the game temporarily so I can have space for my other games but am wondering if I should even bother going back (I probably will for Like a character design I like or for nanook or yaoshi or xipe) the story just keeps getting more confusing in terms of direction. Like what are they trying to show here? Even the game play can't keep my attention long.
Anywhoo I think this can all be fixed if they just give the people what they want
right???? like idk whats happening on luofu bc they don't tell you shit and i'm not piecing together drama from expedition clues, thank you very much.
but for belobog its like. hsr spoilers btw. first we gonna lie to ppl that the tyrant that segregated half of them in underground mines without ever letting them see the sun and sent the other half to senseless wars with monsters is a hero actually. so they don't lose hope and bronya gets to conveniently step into position of tyrant herself, which everyone is like yeah she's the best option, shes so great!
then space amazon shows up and demands that they own the entire planet to cover 700 yold debt. they promise to solve ecological catastrophe, but everyone is gonna be amazon slave now. which ok, i can believe space amazon is this scummy, sure. but then instead of fighting it, instead of finding out precisely whats gonna happen to people, asking success rate, which methods are gonna be used, you know, asking ANYTHING. bronya reads letter from amazon union breaker executive whos like "my planet was bad too, and then we were sold to amazon and everything is a-okay now, so amazon's slavery is good actually:) you should trust me:)"
bronya is like hhm she sounds trustworthy:) then she asks opinion of like. 10 ppl. and is ready to sign ALL OF HER PLANET TO AMAZON SLAVERY
then himeko shows up like hey so i googled it, and amazon terraforming only succeeds in 60% of cases, otherwise you guys might die. bronya is like wow no slavery then >:\
and then she wins over amazon executive corporat by showing like. the giant engine first tyrant ordered to make. and union breaker, who btw took control of all robots and already sent them against local military AND fought main character directly, is like oh wow! your planet has strong leaders which my planet didn't, so your planet can stay free :)
like... the implications... bc "strong leaders" are literal tyrants... who, again, locked half of ppl into underground mines... and last tyrant was ready to destroy the whole planet... that these tyrants are the reason belobog is special from "weak" planets who can't survive by themselves and need to be owned by amazon... like what the actual fuck hoyo
oh and then we're supposed to feel sorry for amazon corporat bc she got demoted one rank :( boohoo i hope she gets shot, like?? are you kidding me??
its like if nahida didn't took akasha down, and instead dottorre demanded she has to let him use all the power of akasha and energy from sumeru's ppl minds as payment for akademiya debts. and she convinced him not to with power of friendship (but she kept exploiting ppl's dreams with akasha). and then we see a scene where dotorre is reprimanded by tsaritsa and we're supposed to be sad for him. like lol. lmao even.
also, i think plot expects me to fight nanook in the end. which like. no. i hope yall are getting crushed by his giant gold titties.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 5 years
“Wet Sugar” [Part 26 of 30]
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Summary: Erik and Yani’s time comes to an end...
NSFW. Mature. Smut.
"Every morning, every evening
Oh love, love, love, love, loving you
I can hear you when you're calling
Oh, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Take me with you
Take me with you
You'll break my heart and soul
If you left me behind
Take me with you
Take me with you
Don't want to stay around when you're gone…"
Blundetto Meets Booker Gee—"Take Me With You"
Yani dropped Erik off at the compound after ten in the morning. He stood in front of the compound gate and allowed the retina scan to gain him access onto the property. Meandering down the walkway to the main house, he ran into Jerome who dangled precariously close to the end of a tree branch hanging over the middle house roof. The iguana's eyes were shut tight in a peaceful looking pose, and Erik took a moment to watch the creature snooze in the sunlight.
To think his woman adored that overgrown lizard.
Erik called the reptile's name and Jerome opened one eye.
"Lazy ass," Erik said.
Jerome closed his eye again and ignored him.
Erik thought about taking a swim in the cove but decided to sit and meditate on the balcony overlooking the sea. Climbing the stairs, he saw Linda sitting on a lounger holding a mug of coffee up to her lips. Dressed in a beach robe with her wet hair jumbled about her head, she turned to look at Erik.
He gave a deep sigh. He was not prepared to see her again.
Their conversation the night before was uncomfortable for him. When Yani told Erik that Linda was in love with him, he scoffed at the idea. Linda? In love with him? She was a woman with a sex drive as high as his, and she often stayed out late sowing her wild oats like him. He knew she liked him, respected him, trusted him…but love?
Thinking on it, he knew she still had the hots for him, but that was because he put that thang on her so long ago and it was only natural that she'd want to have sex with him again if she could. He did enjoy it…for what it was. Just sex. He had no deep affection for her because his heart had already made a connection to Yani.
He should've been stronger, more discerning with where he laid his pipe. Hooking up with Linda had been a flippant mistake on his part. He assumed that she was a confident woman who played the field too. She had fucked him while she had a man and didn't regret it. Allowed Erik to humiliate her boyfriend in another country. He had no clue that her wanting to sleep with him on different occasions was her way of showing love for him. He thought it was just lust and horniness. Boredom from the other mercs and not having access to other men while they were stuck in various places doing the bidding of Klaue. If Yani hadn't been in the picture, he and Linda would probably be fuck buddies as well as colleagues. But love? Nah.
Perhaps her drinking too much all the time was a way for her to cope with his lack of interest in her. She could be hard to read. Perhaps her overconfidence and need to one-up the other mercs was her way of trying to impress him. Make him notice her more. She acted like Yani was beneath her and made fun of him when he came back from trysts with his woman.
To see her so upset in the kitchen of the middle house, her eyes blazing with anger and jealousy, was a sight to behold. It was a complete crack in her façade.
He knew what Yani said was true when he went to get his overnight bag and he found Linda crying on the balcony, her chest heaving and her eyes shiny with tears. He had never seen that woman emotional like that before. Didn't even know her powerful aura could even shed tears. She held her own with the deadly male company, her brilliant mind a joy for him to tangle with during their free time together. Nothing about her was ever soft with him and so he treated her like one of the guys at all times. To see her weeping because of Yani threw him.
"I wish you looked at me the way you look at her."
That's what she said when he tried to slip away with Yani.
He took the plunge and sat next to her.
"I tried to play it cool with you, Killmonger. I thought that's what you liked about me. I thought…I thought we had so much in common. I thought you would see me as something more…"
He let her talk. Tried to be a good listener.
"I didn't know," he finally said.
"You know how to read people so well, but you couldn't see how I felt about you?"
"We work for Klaue. He takes so much energy to keep up with. Maybe I just didn't want to see that. Or even deal with that. I don't feel that way about you. I'm not looking for that right now."
"I'm just one of the guys…"
"I tried to play it that way for a long time. But those nights together in South Africa…before the raid…shit. As wild as it sounds, those were some of the best nights of my life. Talking under the stars all night. Arguing about shit in front of the fireplace and drinking so much together. Laughing so hard with you. Watching bad movies together. I thought of us as friends and then I just…wanted more. I should've told you then, but I thought we'd have time here to relive that magic like we had in South Africa. But once I got here, I realized that you wouldn't be with me like that. And then when Neal said you were fucking her…"
She wept and Erik could only sit and listen to her. No words of comfort came to him except sincere apologies for not loving her.
Staring at her on the lounger in the morning light, her eyes looked better. Less red and less puffy.
"Hey," he said. He sat next to her again.
She sipped from her mug.
"Back early," she whispered.
"A lot to do today before y'all head out."
"Yeah. I'm not sure if the Sweden adventure is a good fit for me."
"You quitting the team?"
"Doesn't seem to be a good idea since our misunderstanding."
Her head bowed down and she stared at her coffee mug.
"I acted a fool last night. None of the guys will take me seriously again. They'll look at us like a soap opera."
"It's a four-unit team now. Limbano and Klaue don't care—"
"But I do."
Her eyes regarded him with deadly seriousness.
"I love you. I can't change that, Killmonger. Yani saw through me like an open book and I was so pissed at her. She apologized for the fact that you didn't love me. Ain't that some shit? Apologized to me. That's fucking rich…"
"You're a big girl, Linda. You can work around feelings—"
"I can't. Not when it comes to you. Best to leave the team. Keep the drama at bay."
Erik felt the itch of panic in his belly. They needed Linda. It was too late to vet a new hacker or even a new team member. Tahir wasn't available. None of the other mercs were trustworthy.
"Yani is just a distraction for me."
"I made a mistake mixing business and pleasure with you. That's on me. I've had other women on this island too. You ain't the only one out there getting it in."
"Don't play me, Killmonger. You love that girl—"
"I love fucking her. Pussy too good to turn down. It's there when I want it. Think I'm gonna pass that up? She was just showing off yesterday. Tryna get a rise outta you because you always dog her out. And you fell for it. I got a million things to deal with that are far more important. Like getting this C.I.A. money. Getting into Wakanda so I can ghost this life."
Erik prayed that his words would get through to her.
Linda gazed out at the water.
"You don't see yourself when you're around her."
"The fuck that mean?"
"You glow—"
"Girl, please—"
"You do. Look like a big ole puppy—"
"Shut up."
She laughed.
"You're not a good liar. So stop trying to convince me otherwise."
"When we get to Sweden, you'll see how ridiculous you sound right now. Good pussy will make any nigga glow. You didn't see me shining with you after I hit it?"
Linda stood up.
"Good luck with Wakanda—"
Erik grabbed her arm and pulled her back down next to him. Klaue would rake him over the coals if this woman left them.
"You never said anything to me, Linda. How am I supposed to know your true feelings when you don't say shit? We gotta keep focused on the job at hand. We need you. Don't fuck up a fortune. You smarter than that."
"It's not easy for me. I'm not this person. But here I am."
"Do the job. Make these coins, Ma."
"I can't—"
He pulled her into his chest and let his lips nuzzle her neck. Her body shuddered against him.
"I can't even look at you without wanting to cry. And I hate it. Fucking hate it. I'm better than this."
"I know you are."
She pushed back from him and he pulled her even closer.
"I can't force myself to be where you are. Don't hold that against me. It's not fair. I need you. I need your skills. You'll love being a multi-millionaire more than you love me, I promise."
She laughed into his neck.
"Come with me," he pleaded.
He stressed the word "me". Not "us" or "the team". He had to make it about them. Corral her into his control. She was making it hard. Linda had pride and she was so damn stubborn.
He ran his fingers up and down her back. Her robe loosened up and he stuck his hand inside the material so that his hand touched her side. She was naked underneath and her sighs from his touch danced in his ears.
His hand dipped lower and rubbed her hip.
"Don't be stupid girl. I'm 'bout that work. Always have been."
His fingers rested in the cleft of her thigh and hip, dangerously close to dipping down…
Linda pressed her face into his chest, her breath hot on his shirt.
"Okay," she whispered.
Erik's eyes closed with relief.
"We'll have fun in Sweden like we did in South Africa. Maybe you'll open your mouth and talk to me honestly for a change?"
"Whatever," she said pulling her robe tighter together.
He walked a fine line of manipulation. Gave her enough to draw her in, but not enough to commit to anything with her.
"I'm so embarrassed about everything."
"Who cares? Forget it. It's done. We'll be gone from here and it won't matter."
"My feelings won't change."
"That's all you, Ma. I told you my position. You packed up?"
"Yep. Bags in the S.U.V. Separate flight times and airline carriers confirmed."
He stood up.
"I'ma take a nap. See you at departure?"
She sank back into the lounger and curled her legs under herself. She looked a whole lot better. Relieved.
Erik strolled into his room and after he locked the door he jumped on his bed and covered his face with a pillow. Fuck. So close to losing her over some bullshit. He texted Yani with his cell.
Will contact you soon when everyone is gone.
"Dat's mi fuckin' friend, we is trouble!"
Yani was loud and grabbing onto her friend Lesonne's arm as she screeched out words to a group of women who tried to provoke a fight with Yani's other friend Milah. She spilled a little of her rum drink on her white pants as she swayed against her other girlfriends Aisha and Caypri. From the side of her eye, she saw Erik at the bar stirring his glass of brown liquor as he spoke to the male bartender leaning over to listen to him.
Since she didn't have to drive, Yani decided to drink to her heart's content. She was so ready to hear Kendall perform live. The audience was bigger, the venue was bigger, and his popularity had grown to greater heights since his travels to Florida and New York. He had quit his gardening job with Klaue and moved into an apartment with two other rappers, finally getting his very own bed to sleep in. He no longer rode his motorcycle since he now had a new car to tool around in. Nothing too flashy, a two-year-old red Honda S2000. It was enough to make Kendall feel like he had arrived.
The boisterous women who had the nerve to accost Milah for looking at one of them a little too hard peeped Yani's whole crew, including Twyla who arrived on the scene late with her newest boyfriend. They hesitated to go any further with their backchat. Flouncing away with her girls, Yani tossed her empty drink and headed out to the dance floor and joined her cousin Dulan in swinging hips and throwing up party hands. She kept an eye on the bar as Erik was approached by different women. He was engaging but focused on his liquor and his view of the stage where Kendall would perform.
Yani danced with her friends among a group of men who tried to show off for them. Two were from St. Croix and Yani was stuck with a Trini who wanted to talk her ear off asking questions about Kendall. She eased off the floor and stood to the side to watch the action. Tapping her left heel with her arms folded across her chest, she enjoyed the gyrating bodies.
"Booty out here jiggling."
She felt Erik ease behind her, his right hand caressing her waist and pulling her back against him.
"I'm not even dancing, hush."
"It don't take much to make them yams bounce, Ma."
He kissed the side of her face and she reached up and stroked his new locs. She thrust her backside against him and he eased back.
"Nah, you not getting me in trouble right now."
She grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the floor with her and he held his drink above her head with his left hand.
Yani felt up his chest while enjoying the stares of others as Erik let her nails rake up and down his pecs that strained against a white cotton shirt. They both agreed to wear all white and her own form-fitting pants and shirt complemented his outfit. The lights of the club made them glow on the dance floor.
Erik sipped on his drink and watched her bring back old dancehall moves, her butterfly a bit raunchy for the crowd. Her friends swarmed around them making the affair more hyped. The energy in the room was high octane and so ready for good live music. Erik finished his drink, tossed the cup, and moved them deeper into the dance mix.
Her eyes took in Erik's face and the happiness she saw there made her spirit burst. The man could dance his ass off and entwining her fingers with his made her feel possessive of him. When dub mixes came on, she usually left the dance floor, but Erik made her appreciate dancing to the dank sounds, especially when she rubbed up against him and he matched her move for move. Winding on him, he gripped her hips and let the room see how he handled all of her. She noticed a lot of women watching him work her body over with dreamy expressions on their faces. There were a lot of stone faces from the men though.
They touched one another openly as they danced, and several times she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him while they swayed.
"Having fun?" he asked after releasing her lips.
She shook her hips and he slapped her butt playfully before pulling her close again and lifting her off of her feet to swing her around in another direction.
She couldn't keep her eyes off of him, nor could she stop touching him. His hands rested on her lower back as she gazed up at his face. His eyes darted about taking in the couples on the floor and his dimples flashed whenever she squeezed on his ass. He smelled so good that she constantly nuzzled her face into his neck so that her nose could take in his scent.
"Why you keep licking on me?" he asked.
Her tongue flicked along his neck and he leaned back from her.
"Tickles…" he whispered.
He lowered his mouth to hers and they kissed for the thousandth time that night.
"Hey, Killmonger…"
The woman's breathy voice caught Yani's ear as Erik released his mouth from hers and swiveled his neck to see who was talking to him on the dance floor.
"Still around I see," the woman said.
Yani sized her up.
She was only a few inches taller than Yani, a yellow-brown gyal with cat eyes and wanton lips. The woman danced with her man, but her moves were for Erik. Big titties… way bigger than Yani's…were thrust out for the world to see and her hips were made for men like him. Yani didn't like the way the woman licked her lips at Erik before her eyes fluttered to see what he had on his arm. She recognized Yani but chose to act like she wasn't there.
"Harlee," Erik said.
His tone made Yani's lips scrunch up with annoyance.
He had fucked that woman and it had been good to him.
"Tend to yuh man," Yani said to her with some attitude.
Harlee smiled and Erik pulled Yani closer into him.
"No disrespect, Black Mermaid," Harlee said.
Yani sucked her teeth and Erik slapped her butt.
"Stop being mean," he said.
Harlee moved with her partner further behind some other dancers.
"Her meant disrespect. She didn't have to say one word while I'm here."
"Waving her titties in yuh face. She letting me know she fucked my man to get mi vex."
"Girl, stop."
"For true, man. But me nuh vex. For real. She rude. Yuh rude! Frog face, bitch!"
Yani felt spittle fly from her lips. Erik only smirked and twirled her around.
"Thought you had taste," she teased.
"She not ugly. Don't tell that lie."
"She not cute."
"You trippin."
"Step your game up. Yuh suck them titties good?"
Dimples. Big pearly white teeth flashed at her.
"Yuh did. That's the only thing cute on her."
Yani was amazed that she could joke about a woman he had sex with, but the way Erik held her let her know it was so long ago and probably a one and done hook up. She just wanted to be petty and he let her.
"You were still being mean to me when I got with her."
She caressed his chest again and he ran his fingers up and down her spine.
The movement on stage let the patrons know it was about to be showtime. Erik clasped Yani's hand and led her back to the bar where the best view was while Yani's friends headed to the left of the stage.
Posted up against the bar counter, Yani leaned into Erik, his hard body supporting her frame. She turned around to hug him a bit and his right hand drifted down to grip her right butt cheek. He rubbed it knowing people were watching, thirsty locals wishing they were in his place and squeezing soft handfuls of the Black mermaid. She tilted her head up and puckered her lips. Erik lowered his head and their lips touched. Yani slipped her tongue in his mouth and felt dizzy tasting cognac. His fingers rested on the cleft of her ass. She tried to keep her tongue in his mouth but his lips traveled up her neck and he nibbled on her earlobe.
"You 'gon take care of Daddy tonight?" he whispered.
"All night," she sighed.
"You 'gon sit that fat pussy on my dick all night?"
Yani's lips quirked and she felt her eyes water. His words were hot in her ear making the nerves tingle from his breath. Erik's hand dropped down and cupped her mound. He didn't care who saw him do it. The tips of his pointer and index finger tapped against the outline of her opening.
"…get you all wet wet. Let Daddy fuck you in your ass?"
His fingertips pressed a little too deep into her slit and she felt like she was about to cum in front of everyone. His soft taps along her pussy lips had her wiggling on his hand.
She could feel her clit thumping with his tongue dipping into her ear.
The lights on the stage flashed and the music switched to Kendall's "Fiyahbun". Yani's voice filled the entire club as they heard her sing the chorus. A big grin spread across her lips as she saw Erik giving serious appreciative stank face to the thunderous bass carrying her voice all around everyone. A few patrons stared at her as they sang along with her vocals. Yani twisted around to face the stage as she listened to the new remixed version of the song.
"Baby, you sound wavy as fuck," Erik shouted above the music.
"Queen Mary, ah where you 'gon burn? Queen Mary, ah, where you 'gon burn?"
Yani moved her neck in time to her own voice, impressed with the new version.
"Queens don't vibe, hear me now? With no fuck niggas!"
She felt Erik moving his hips dancing to the song. He gripped her waist and rocked into her as she let her ass cheeks rub against him in time to the music.
"Shit is dope," Erik whispered into her ear.
There was something epic about swaying with her man to her own song. The heat from his mouth on her ear had her turned on all the way. She wanted him to drag her to the car and fuck her in the backseat while listening to her voice in surround sound crooning to him.
The speed of her voice was slowed down in reverb creating a haunting sound as Kendall took to the stage. So much swag. So much confidence. So much command of the stage. Yani felt like his first performance over a year ago where he had an anxiety attack and almost vomited on himself was a fuzzy memory. The young man controlling the stage and audience now was acting like a seasoned professional while her voice backed him.
"Queen Mary…fiyahbun…fiyahbun…fiyahbun…"
Her voice seduced the audience and Yani stood still watching the crowd react to her singing as Kendall rapped a few bars on top of her lyrics. Kendall had asked her to perform live with him, but she wanted this night to be about him.
The last echoes of her voice faded as the live band behind him fired up and played the intro to his latest track. A mash-up of all the sounds they grew up with as children. There was nothing like live musicians feeding into the energy of their vocalist, and Kendall gave them all a taste of his true vocal prowess. He sang the chorus himself and his backup singers, top-shelf beauties who swayed in sync behind him, backed him up smoothly as the funky sounds reached a crescendo.
"Your cousin done come up!" Erik shouted.
"Mmmhmmm, him choice. He ah star now!"
Kendall's set was a glorious triumph and Yani felt so proud of her cousin. She hooted and hollered for him along with everyone else and when he finished, Yani knew for certain he was going to make it big. The charisma and talent and star power were right there in front of everyone.
A new performer took to the stage and Yani clung to Erik's arm as it wrapped around her chest holding her close. The seductive female vocalist put everyone into a sexy state of mind after Kendall's fiery intro and Yani arched her back and thrust her backside against Erik once more.
"Stop teasing'…" he whispered trying to ignore her ass by being still.
The crowd around them was busy holding up cell phones to capture the performers on stage and Yani felt bold bouncing her thickness on him openly.
His left arm pulled her tighter against him.
Her mouth formed a tight "Oh" expression when his right hand slipped down into her pants, bypassing her panties. She gripped his arm in a panic as his fingers dipped into her slick opening.
"That's what you get for teasing me. I'ma play in this pussy now…"
Yani tried to squirm away from his hold, but he clutched her in a solid embrace, his fingers wiggling against her walls.
"People can see…"
"Think I care?"
Yani's eyes swept to her left. One man around Erik's age was the only person not watching the stage, his horny eyes glued to Erik's fingers turning her out.
Erik's teeth gripped the sensitive tip of her ear. Yani panted, her eyes darting about. Only the stranger to her left was paying attention to their public debauchery.
"A man is watching—"
"Let him."
Her eyes tracked back over to her left and the stranger's lips were pursed, his eyes fully taking in all the pleasure she was receiving. When Erik's fingers flicked her clit, Yani's body jerked back and her mouth flew open again. Her eyes latched onto the stranger's and the illicit connection made her pussy pulse around Erik's fingers. She widened her thighs and Erik went deeper and she moaned much to the stranger's own pleasure at watching her. The man's right hand held a drink, and he let it drop down in front of the clear bulge that poked out in front of his pants. He tried to be sly about it, but Yani could tell he was rubbing himself while watching her get fingered.
Tight circles teased her hard clit and when she felt the uncontrollable release of her orgasm clutching Erik's fingers when he inserted them once more into her gushy slit, the stranger's eyes closed tight.
"Jesus, man…yuh killing me…" she hissed.
Erik pulled his sticky fingers from her pants and grabbed her hand. She straggled behind him as he guided her out of the venue and to Klaue's S.U.V.
Erik opened the back-passenger door of the car and helped her get in. He jumped in after her.
Pulling down his pants and boxers to his ankles, she could see his rock-hard erection waiting for her. She kicked off her heels, pulled off her pants and panties for him and crawled onto his lap.
"Ride this dick."
He held her up by her waist and she lined her wet opening with his tip.
"Fuck yes!" he shouted when she slid down to his balls.
They had the car bouncing with their fucking and Yani couldn't stop squealing when held her still and pounded his dick up into her hard and fast.
"Lemme cum in your pussy—"
"Why not…oh shit…pussy wet as fuck…fuck…Yani…I wanna cum in this pussy—"
"Cum in my mouth. Mi wahn see the rest of the show…yuh fill mi pussy up too much…ooh love…right there…I feel it deep…shit…yuh soak my panties up and I'll be a mess all night."
Erik grabbed her throat.
"I'ma bust in this fat pussy—"
Yani pushed on his chest.
"Pussy too good baby…"
He choked her tighter.
"Don't… mi nuh wahn walk around with soggy pants."
Erik burst out laughing and released her throat. She lifted off of his dick while he kept laughing.
"For real, man. Yuh like ah volcano. Cum heavy…then it flows back down."
"You don't like it?"
"I love it… at home."
He kissed her and she stroked his length.
"Too much," she whispered.
His eyes regarded her with humor until her thumb circled around the fat head of his glans.
"Let's go home," he said.
She rolled her eyes.
"Open your mouth."
Yani shifted next to him and put her face down by his tip. She let him tap his dick on her lips before she separated them for him.
He had her slurping on his dick while he cradled her head. She moved to her knees in front of him, head steady bobbing. He hit the back of throat roughly and she released his length to catch her breath and rest her mouth.
"I make too much cum?"
His thumb toyed with her wet lips and Yani nibbled the tips of his fingers before dropping her head back down to his lap.
His eyes burned into hers as she sucked around his frenulum. The tip of her tongue teased his slit. Playing with her nipples through her shirt, Erik closed his eyes.
"You should let me soak them panties…"
She groaned on his dick and he let the back of his head fall on the headrest.
"You know how to take all my cum…lick my balls…"
Her face lowered further and she suckled each nut sack for him.
"Yeah…put those balls all in your mouth…"
She sucked, licked, kissed, and fisted his erection until he lifted her back up and made her ride his dick in reverse. He squeezed her breasts and thrust up into her.
"I just want to hit it a little bit more…fuck this pussy right…get you ready for more later…"
The loud sound of him slapping his body into hers filled the car. She threw her head back and took it, the build-up of a new orgasm tightening the nerves in her clit that was feeling the strong tugs from his pounding. She loved what he was doing to her. She loved the liquor still coursing through her. She loved it so much that it made her mouth reckless.
"You fuck Linda like this?"
He slowed down.
"What…why would you ask…"
Her mind thought of her and Erik on the dance floor together, all the eyes of the other women watching him, watching his tight body rub against her front and back. She liked the longing she saw. All that desire. It was the same look Linda had on her face, and Yani wanted him to remember her pussy that had him begging to cum in it. Linda wanted what she had, and Yani wanted Linda's sex with Killmonger wiped from his mind.
"Answer me."
"Whose pussy yuh wahn cum in?"
His moans thrilled her ears and the hard needy gasps he emitted every few seconds let her know he was desperate to spurt inside of her.
"Yours girl…yours…," he grunted.
She leaned forward and shifted her weight. Erik shouted and slapped her rump.
"Godammit! Bounce on that dick!"
"She nuh give it to yuh like this?"
She slowed down and flexed her walls around him, doing her best to hold his erection as tight as she could.
"Fuck her, Yani…stop talking 'bout—"
"This be yuh pussy forever, hear me? No one love mi like yuh do, man. No one…"
Erik stroked the back of her neck. She turned around to bounce on him face to face. Her wrists draped around the back of his neck.
"Love me always, Killmonger?"
Wet kisses joined them together even more and she leaned her face against his as he held her tight giving her everything he could in the backseat of the vehicle.
"I'ma cum…lemme cum in you, baby."
Yani sat still and just let her pussy muscles work Erik's thickness.
"I told you I wahn see the show."
"You betta lift up then cuz my balls are tight and I'ma—"
"Hold it—"
"Girl…the fuck…I can't just—"
"I wahn feel your dick all thick and juicy in this pussy—"
"Yani…I'm fuckin' serious…you betta—"
"Big dick…all in your fat pussy—"
Erik's eyes rolled back and he lifted Yani up from his dick. Her labia rested on his length as a hot lava flow of cum shot all over his chest and dripped down to her mound drenching them both.
Erik fell back against the seat gasping and stared down at the semen overflow. He touched his shirt.
"Damn, I messed up my shirt," he said.
Yani glanced down at his lap and lifted up. She felt his semen pooling under her ass. She gave a big sigh and stared back at him.
"Hey, I didn't cum inside you, so don't blame me for what happens outside your pussy."
The smirk on his face made her giggle and slap his chest.
"Guess we're going home after all," he said reaching for his pants.
They picked up Sydette from her parents.
Since they had left the club so early, there was no point waiting until morning to get her. Yani held her sleeping daughter in her arms as Erik drove them to the compound. She took a deep breath when they walked into Klaue's main house.
"You alright?" he asked.
She nodded.
They were back in their home again.
It was Klaue's property, but only the three of them made the house a real home.
Erik showered first and while he dressed in clean loungers, Sydette woke up and walked out of her room looking for Yani. Erik watched her while Yani showered, and instead of the nasty sex he thought he would have with Yani again, the three of them piled onto the bed together.
Sydette slept between them and Erik just stared at Yani's face as they watched one another. It felt good to have them both back with him.
He had food prepared for their last two days together. The next day would be a cove day and swimming with sunbathing. The following day had even more chill around the house time until he had to fly out. He planned a surprise birthday party for the three of them. He would miss both their birthdays again, so he wanted to have a celebration to end his time there.
Yani's eyes watched him so intensely that he reached out and stroked her cheek. She didn't want to sleep. So afraid he would suddenly disappear probably. They held hands on the bed until Sydette half woke up and crawled onto his chest, her head resting under his neck. Yani tried to pull her back between them but Sweet Pea whined until Erik made Yani leave her alone. Yani stroked her daughter's shoulder until she dozed off herself.
He listened to both of his girls' breathing and tried to stay awake for a long time so he could remember that sound.
He woke up in the middle of the night with Sydette shaking his face.
"I have tuh go bathroom, Baba," she said.
He helped her down from the bed and walked her into her room's bathroom where her potty seat was. The bright lights in the room woke him up fully as he waited for Sydette to finish.
"Make sure you wipe yourself."
She reached for the toilet paper next to the adult toilet and he had to keep himself from chuckling when she did her best to clean herself.
"Throw it in the big toilet," he said.
He helped her wash her hands after flushing the toilet.
"I wahn juice."
He walked with Sydette into the kitchen and found an unopened bottle of apple juice waiting. He poured a little inside a plastic cup and handed it to her.
"More, please," she said holding the cup up to him.
"It'll make you pee again."
"Yes, it will."
"I hold it."
"No don't do that. Just a little bit."
He poured just enough for her to get three good sips.
"Thank you," she said handing him the cup.
"You hungry?"
His eyes took in her small form. He felt a small lump in his throat as he thought about the exact moment he first saw her on his bed fast asleep. No teeth. Tiny curls plastered to her scalp. Chubby belly making her shirt ride up. She could only babble and point back then, but now…
"We all good now?" he said swallowing hard.
Sydette nodded.
He wanted the best for her. If Yani ever married or formed a new relationship with someone, Erik wanted this little girl to know she was loved and would never want for anything. He didn't want Sydette to forget him, but she was so young. Erik tried to think of the many people from his past that his own parents knew and sometimes there were blanks when he tried to go back to when he was two.
Sydette was just nine months when he first stepped on the island. She would be two so soon.
Her face stared up at him, probably wondering why they were still standing in the kitchen.
"Back to bed, Sweet Pea."
Erik guided her to the master bedroom. She fell back to sleep quickly against Yani's arm and Erik got up to go stand out on the bedroom balcony. The roar of the surf sounded loud and he stood there until dawn broke. The hours were winding down too fast for him.
When sunlight struck the room, he turned to see his love wide awake and watching him. Sydette was still asleep. Yani held out her hand to him and he walked back inside. Spooning around her he gave her kisses for over an hour until they both slipped away into the other bedroom to make love. He held her legs with his arms as he balanced her on the edge of the bed. Plunging into her, the only sound they released were soft sighs and the wet suction of her walls gripping and releasing him. She slathered his morning wood with so much frothy slickness that he had to bite his own lips to keep from yelling and waking Sydette. He didn't spill into Yani until they were under the covers spooned together once more, his hips rocking into her backside as he fondled her breasts. He bit her neck during his release and the new mark was deep enough to stay for a few days. A harsh shout escaped Yani's lips when he sank deeper to drown her with all of his seed.
A loud "Fuck!" jumped from his mouth and he pushed his face into her shoulder to laugh. He could never be totally quiet with her. It was impossible.
Sydette came looking for them and luckily, they were under the covers and already finished when she found them huddled together.
"Waffles?" Sydette asked.
"I guess I'm making waffles for breakfast," he said.
He had gumbo simmering on the stove early in a large crockpot and made them cranberry chicken sandwiches and salads for their time spent on the beach at the cove. Yani was relaxed on a beach chair and deep into a new medical journal on global pandemics while Erik built sandcastles with Sydette and dipped in and out of the water when the mood struck him.
They ate at their leisure until the sun was high overhead.
"I'm so full," Yani said rubbing her belly, "I won't have room for gumbo."
Sydette was tipped over on a blanket fast asleep, her fingers still clutching a pink plastic shovel.
"Here, put this over her."
Yani unwrapped a rayon beach cover she wore over her waist and Erik draped it over Sydette to keep her skin from burning.
"I should move her to the shade—"
"She's fine. It's not too hot right now. Give yourself a break."
Yani stood up and stretched. Her eyes surveyed the water and Erik watched her take off her blue bikini and wade in. She dove under a lazy wave and floated on her back. Her deep brown body drifted away from shore. He felt that automatic pull to go to her. Eyes checking for Sydette, Erik stood from the blanket they shared and followed Yani out into the water. He circled her and she tread in place.
"Sneaky face," she said.
He splashed water on her and she splashed back.
He ducked under and grabbed her legs pulling her down.
Rising back to the surface together, Yani wiped droplets from her face. They moved closer to shore until he could feel sand under his feet. The aura around her face had him entranced. Without make-up she was a natural beauty, her youth so apparent to him. A decade older he wondered how he would've been with her had he been in his twenties again. That time in his life was wild. Certain women from his past came to his mind and he was so glad that this woman swimming before him came at a time when he could really appreciate her. He broke a lot of hearts, but he could always say that he was honest with the women he hurt. So many tried to scoop him up. Lock him down. Domesticate him. He was a dog. A good dog. But still a dog. He may have run all through Yani and felt no guilt when he stepped. That's just how it was. His Uncle Bakari told him he had his father's nature. His Aunt Serah concurred whole-heartedly.
Maturity brought reflection. Wisdom.
He was old enough finally to have someone like Yani for the short time he did. And it was worth it. She made him remember his heart again. Made him feel once more. He was losing that side of himself through anxiety. Depression. Killing. All the anger he held deep inside.
"I like it when you smile at me," he said.
"I always smile at you."
"Not that first time I came here. You yelled at me."
"This is all my territory. Can't have some strange man out here."
He imitated her voice in a teasing high-pitched whine.
"Hey! You out there! What are you doin' here?"
Yani splashed water on him.
"I didn't say it like that!"
"Yes, you did! Gave me stank face and everything! Hand on your hip. Sucking your teeth. Pointing your finger at me—"
"Yuh lie, man!"
Her soft laughter warmed his spirit.
His Black mermaid.
"The second time I saw you…you were naked and the water fell from you like… jewels. I walked away from you…"
Yani wiped seawater from his cheeks. He kissed her hand.
"My father…my Baba…he said the first time he saw my mother he knew she was his life…"
He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He held her and floated for them.
"Thank you," he said.
"For what?
Erik looked away from her bright eyes.
"This chance…"
A wave pushed them and Yani let go of him. They tumbled closer to shore. Water splashed in her eyes and she turned away. Wrapping his arms around her waist, Erik kissed the back of her neck. Tracing his fingers down her shoulders, he cupped her breasts and circled her tips with his index fingers. Yani turned suddenly and jumped on him, knocking him back into the water. He felt the drag of the tide sucking sand back under his feet and he reached out for her. Lifting her high in the air, he tossed her out toward the sea and the big splash blew back on his face.
"Mama! I wahn play!"
Erik saw Sydette bouncing on her feet, the water licking her toes at the shore.
"Come out here, Sweet Pea," he said.
"It's not that cold," Yani yelled.
Sydette hopped on one foot and then the other. She was so cute in her little blue bikini.
"Come get me!"
"Swim out here," Yani called.
Sydette hopped up and down.
"Baba! Get me!"
Yani grabbed his arm when she saw Erik moving toward her.
"Let her swim," Yani cajoled.
Erik was torn. Sydette's hands were spread out toward him. They heard the whine in her voice and watched her stomp her feet with annoyance.
"Baby girl, swim to us. I'll meet you halfway, okay?"
Erik waved her toward him.
Sydette took a tentative step forward and tested the water again with her right foot.
"Be a big girl, Sweet Pea. Show me you can do it."
It was obvious to her that no one was coming, so Sydette ran really fast toward them.
"Ow…ow…ow!" she huffed out as if the cool water was really hurting her.
A small wave pushed her back and she went under only to pop back up dog-paddling toward them. Erik stepped toward her, keeping his promise and moving halfway to her. Her body was buoyed up by a new wave and he reached out his right hand.
"A little further, Sweet Pea," he encouraged.
The closer she got, the more determined her face was until she reached out to grab his hand.
"There ya go! Big girl!"
Erik held her against his chest as she wiped her face.
"I did it, Mama!"
"Yeah yuh did!"
Yani kissed her forehead and Sydette jumped from Erik's arms to hers.
They played in the water together until rain fell upon them. Sydette looked up toward the sky and stuck out her tongue to taste the rainwater.
"Well, at least we were able to get a few hours down here," Yani said as she gathered up her bikini.
They packed up their lunch basket and towels. Erik carried their beach chairs and once more found himself trailing Yani and Sydette. Yani bent down to adjust the bikini top that Sydette wore that matched her own.
"Queen Mary what yuh bun…" Sydette sang.
Yani glanced back at Erik with a big grin on her face.
"Who taught you that, Sweet Pea?" Erik asked.
"Auntie Twyla."
"No bad words I hope," Yani said to him.
Taking shelter from the rain in the main house, Erik made tea while Yani cleaned up Sydette.
"Are you yawning?" Erik asked when Yani padded into the living room wearing an orange baby doll dress.
"Water made us sleepy. I'm going to lay down with her. Want to come?"
"Y'all rest. I'm gonna chill a minute. Check on this gumbo. Take a nap with the baby. I'll wake you up later. Okay?"
"Not too late," she said.
Yani kissed his nose with a loud smooch and sashayed back to the master bedroom.
Erik checked their food and debated about making cornbread. He baked a small cake for their birthday celebration and let it cool on the island counter.
His personal cell rang and he saw Marisol's avatar. Padding back into the living room, he closed the hallway door that led to the bedrooms. He accepted Marisol's call on the viewscreen and lowered the volume.
"Yo, what it do cuz?"
Marisol's eyes didn't look playful like they normally did. In fact, they looked tense.
The Portuguese accent on his family nickname let him know no English was going to be used.
"What is it?"
"Change your mind," she said.
Marisol's face loomed large on the screen. She was in her apartment alone.
"Don't start—"
"I'm begging you—"
"I'll call you when I get to my next spot—"
"You make me carry this burden. I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want you out there doing that shit anymore."
"Lower your voice."
"Don't tell me to lower my voice, JaJa."
She burst into tears and Erik stood up from the couch and moved in front of the viewscreen.
"Grandpa Dante told me that you are planning visits to everyone soon. That some kind of Tour of Duty?"
"I visited you and Aunt Serah back in December—"
"He said everyone, JaJa. Like a farewell tour. You're going there now, aren't you?"
"I'll talk to you later—"
"Don't you hang up on me!"
Her shriek was more explosive with her face so large in front of him.
Yani stood in the open hallway door. Her eyes were wide staring up at Marisol's crying face.
"Go back to bed, baby. I'll get you in a few minutes. I need some privacy right now—"
"You're Yani, right?"
Marisol's English was good, but when she was stressed or excited, her accent came out thick.
Yani stepped further into the room.
Marisol's eyes gazed at Yani with compassion.
"Yani, I said go back into the bedroom—"
The rumble in his voice made Marisol's eyes focus hard on Yani.
"Yani, talk to him. Convince him to stay there…with you. Please! He's about to —"
Erik shut down the viewscreen.
He kept his back to Yani.
"Killmonger. What was she talking about? Who was that?"
"My cousin. She is upset with me because…"
The words wouldn't come the way he wanted.
"Finish. Why is she so angry? Scared?"
He heard the fear in her voice now too.
"We've had a disagreement for the last six months and it makes her upset to talk about it. It's personal Yani. Nothing to do with you."
"She knows my name. Looked at me like she knows me well—"
"I was with her and my Aunt. Before Sydette was sick. I told her about you. Us. Just forget it!"
"Why are you so angry right now?"
"I'm not angry Yani. Just irritated. That's all. You know family shit gets people agitated. Give me some space right now and I'll come in the room in a minute—"
Her arms went around his waist.
"She's scared for you. She was crying over you. Yuh going off to do something bad. Like before…"
She touched his keloids. He rested his hands on top of hers.
"Don't go," she whispered into his back.
It was the thing he didn't need to hear. The thing he dreaded coming from her. It was bad enough to see Marisol crying over him. He didn't need Yani falling apart too. Not now.
Twisting around in her arms he held her against his chest.
"Let's go lay down."
She shook her head furiously.
He eased her backward and she went along with him.
"Happy birthday, baby."
Yani couldn't help but grin ear to ear when she saw Erik walk into the dining room with a blue and white frosted cake. Three light blue candles flickered on top. Sydette sat on Yani's lap and clapped her hands when she saw the birthday treat. He placed the cake in front of them on the table.
"Make a wish," he said.
Yani's eyes held his gentle gaze and she looked away before she said something to make herself start crying again. She closed her eyes and made a bargain instead. Something she would keep to herself.
When her eyes went back to his, he was watching Sydette touch a tiny corner of icing and taste the sweetness.
"Happy birthday to you…" he sang, and Sydette joined him.
"Blow?" her daughter said looking at Erik with excited eyes.
"Go ahead," he said.
Yani blew the candles out with her and Erik clapped his hands.
He didn't bother to bring out plates, just three forks. They dug into the cake and watched Sydette smear frosting on her cheeks trying to eat a forkful that was bigger than her mouth. Chocolate was their favorite and the small cake was gone in a matter of minutes.
"Dang, I forgot the ice cream," he said jumping up and running back into the kitchen. He returned with small bowls of vanilla ice cream and they ate that quietly together.
They watched a little television, Animal Planet, and Sydette sat wide-eyed watching giraffes run wild in a pack until she yawned and sprawled out on Yani's lap. An hour later Erik lifted her daughter from her lap and carried her into her room.
Yani stretched, took a moment to use the restroom, then waited for Erik to return. She was still rattled from Marisol's call. Couldn't get that woman's face out of her mind.
Erik sprawled out on her lap in Sydette's place and she stroked his hair. His eyes eased shut and his body relaxed on her. His bare chest enticed her to touch it and his warmth was nice to feel.
"Where are you going, Killmonger?"
He ignored her at first, turned his head toward her stomach and tried to pretend he didn't hear her.
"I have the right to know this time. Yuh never come back…I have the right to know…"
"Let us have this last night in peace, Yani. Please."
"You gave us so much. I don't want to spend the rest of my life…"
She felt his body tense.
"I don't want to start a fight or upset you—"
"Then leave it be."
"I want to…for you…but…"
He rolled over and looked up at her face.
"Don't make me hurt more than I already do. Don't hurt yourself more by asking. You're right about me. I'm a killer. That bad man. I just want to be a good man for these last few hours. Be a good man for you…"
He stroked her cheek and she held his hand against her chest.
"You can be a good man for always, love…please…"
He turned away from her and watched the tv.
"I'm sorry…I'm sorry…"
She touched his temple and smoothed back a few of his locs. His eyes shut tight and he reached back to touch her cheek.
"I'm the one that's sorry, Yani. I can't give you what you want. There ain't no promises I can give that can make you feel good or make you think we have a future. I have nothing—"
"You have me."
"I have you," he whispered.
She bent down and rested her plump lips on his fuller ones and let the skin there lightly touch before she opened her mouth to let her tongue taste his.
He fondled her nipples through her dress as they kissed.
"Take this off," he said tugging on her dress.
She did what he asked and he rested back on the wide couch.
"Sit on my face."
Always direct. Demanding.
She crawled above him and sat her vulva on his lips.
The heat from his mouth had her sighing before he even licked up and down her folds. She felt her labia plumping up fully, and when the tip of his tongue flicked her clit, she was already dripping onto his lips.
He flattened his tongue and Yani wiggled her waist to get the full lavish flourishes of his wet mouth. Leaning forward, Yani exhaled hard into the couch. He ate her pussy like it was a fine art to be mastered. His hands reached up and held her ass cheeks as he plunged his tongue into her opening. Hot puffs of breath from his mouth excited her more as deep groans had him stop every few seconds to gather himself. She lifted up and gazed down at his face as she writhed above him. She felt his hands release her ass as he pulled down his loose sweatpants and freed his erection. His right hand gripped his length and tugged hard.
She dropped her ass onto his face and he moaned into her pussy.
His tongue traced patterns into her folds and her keening above him spurned the movement of his hand jerking off his dick. That wide tongue of his, interchanged with his big lips rubbing all over her labia, made her cry out his name. She pressed her pussy hard on his mouth.
"I'm cumming!" she yelled.
Erik groaned so loud and his body went stiff under her.
When she looked behind her, she watched him ejaculate all over his hand.
"Fuck! I want to cum in your ass Yani."
She crawled off of his face and sauntered into the master bedroom. When she returned to him on the couch, she handed him a bottle of lube and some tissue to wipe up his semen.
Lying next to him, she allowed his hands to roam all over her body before he squeezed a generous amount of lube onto his fingers. He kissed her with slow deliberation as his fingers took their time inserting into her anus, massaging her there. He slickened up his new erection with even more lubrication. Yani leaned forward while gripping the couch cushion and lifted up her leg a bit so he could get his tip pressed into her anal opening. She held her breath and relaxed with a deep exhale as he inserted three inches into her.
"You okay?" he asked.
Rubbing her waist, he waited for her consent before he pressed in further. She could only handle about four inches at that moment and he eased back out to use more lubricant. When she was ready, he pushed back in until she was comfortable with more from him.
He gave short thrusts that she liked and inserted his fingers into her pussy. Stroked from both openings, the tightness pulling her close to the edge of another explosive release, Yani endured the nasty words spilling from his mouth and into her ear as he fucked her good and long.
"…just letting me fuck you in your ass like this…"
"…nasty…I'ma put cum in you like this…"
"…'gon nut all up in you like this…deep in this ass…fuck girl…letting me do this shit…"
She chewed on the sensitive skin of her lips.
"Who else you fuck like this?"
"Just you…and Chez…"
"Goddamn, I'm in there deep!"
His head fell forward onto her shoulder and she knew he was done whenever he couldn't speak anymore. His fingers had her pussy sticky. His dick had her anus stretched with pleasure. Slow. Deep. Gentle. Just how she liked it with him and only him. "I feel your balls, Killmonger…"
"All in this ass…tight…ah fuckkk—"
His orgasm rendered him speechless and he jerked against her as he spurt hot jizz.
"…nasty bitch…cumming in your fat ass…"
Yani felt tears of sexual release drip from her lids as her pussy spasmed around his fingers. When he removed his slick digits from her, he held her tight and kissed the back of her neck and shoulders. They were both covered in sweat.
"You can bring a nigga to his knees, swear to God."
Yani grinned and held onto him as he brushed his lips over her clavicle. She felt his penis soften and he pulled out from her.
They watched tv a bit longer until Erik removed himself from her and took a long shower. She took one after him and when she finished, all he wanted to do was lay in bed with her for the rest of the night. She asked him no more questions about his destination.
She focused on the now.
"What are you two doing?"
Erik sat still on the floor with his back against the vanity mirror drawer. Sweet Pea stood in front of him with her left hand on his forehead and her right hand smearing bronze lipstick on his lips. Yani clutched her stomach and laughed hard when she saw his entire face when Sydette stepped back from her handiwork.
Bronzer, cinnamon eyeshadow, false eyelashes, and liquid foundation rounded out Erik's features.
"Makin Baba pretty Mama, see?"
Sydette returned to her work tracing the lipstick outside the lines of his mouth.
"How I look?" he asked.
"A hot mess," Yani said.
Erik stood up and looked in the mirror. Sydette crawled onto the vanity chair and patted his arm.
"I have tuh finish your lips. Put more on…"
She held up the lipstick and he bent down so she could add a little more.
"There," Sydette said.
"All done?" he asked.
She nodded.
"Clown face—"
"Hush, baby girl worked hard to perfect this look. You just jealous cuz you can't get your face like this."
Erik ran his fingers through his hair to fluff out his locs.
"I look good, don't know what you hatin' on. Jealous."
He walked into the living room and grabbed his sandals by the door.
"Please tell me you not wearing that face—"
"We're going for a walk. Join us if you want."
Sydette still held the lipstick in her hand and rolled it along her mouth. Yani took it from her.
"Fifty-dollar lipstick…for playtime," Yani said.
"You can afford it. Let's go Sweet Pea."
"We pretty, Mama."
"I see."
Sydette held Erik's hand and they walked around the compound.
They visited Jerome and watched him chase off another iguana from the pool. Moving through Klaue's prized flowers, they observed butterflies resting easy and caught a gentle breeze on their faces as they walked down to the cove.
Yani trailed behind them, still laughing at his overly made face, and Erik just acted like it was normal to have a face beat to the two-year-old Gods of cosmetics. He picked up seashells with Sydette and dipped his toes in the water with her. She chased him when they returned to the house for lunch.
"You are really going to keep that look?"
Yani served them leftover gumbo and cornbread. She kept shaking her head each time she looked at him.
"Hater," he teased.
They napped together on the couch until it started raining again, the soft patter of water striking the roof. They played with Sydette's toys until Yani couldn't take it anymore and made Erik clean off his face. He could hear Yani's snarky laughter while he did it.
Yani cooked their last dinner together, made him all the island foods he loved, and Erik ate until he was stuffed.
As the sun made the journey down from the sky, Erik grew somber.
They put Sydette to bed early and Erik read her a book and stayed with her until the little girl fell asleep.
Yani handed him a glass of white wine and they sat outside on the lounger to watch the stars pop out across the dark velvet sky.
Yani crawled onto his lap and he held her close, nuzzling his nose into her neck. A dragonfly drone flew past the balcony, its movement a little off-kilter. The battery was probably running down.
Yani wiggled on his lap, hungry for him once more, and he stripped out of his loungers for her and gave her the dick she craved. In his favorite spot. In his favorite position with her.
"Fuck, I don't want nobody else in this pussy…." he chuffed into her neck.
Lifting her up, Erik stood with her legs slung over his biceps. His eyes watched the water far down below as he thrust. The mewling from her throat had him on edge and he locked his legs in position to hold her up while his length pumped up into her. He needed to work his back into it and carried her on his dick back into the house and into their bedroom.
Her legs spread wide and her toes pointing toward the wall, Erik pressed his muscular thighs into her thick ones as they both watched his dick plunge in and out of her gripping folds.
"I'ma be in this pussy all night. You know that, right?"
She nodded vigorously, her lips pressed tight as they heard the sloppy noise coming from their engorged lower parts.
"You want all of Daddy's cum now, huh girl?"
"Want me to fuck you in your ass again?"
Her head fell back onto the pillow with her mouth dropping open and when his dick slid out, he saw more sticky wetness spilling from her slit. He sank back in again hitting the side of her walls. The bed was bouncing with his thrusts. Yani's eyes went back to watch their joining.
"Oh shit…Yani…ah fuck girl…I love you…"
"Say my name again."
He groaned as he slammed into her hard to punctuate the pleasure he received hearing his real name drip from her lips like honey.
"Erik…love…you feel so good. Making my pussy feel so good…God!"
"I see you squirtin' baby. I see it!"
Yani's legs shook even as Erik pressed down on her thighs to keep them flat on the bed.
"You tryna make me nut right now? Huh?"
He dug in her deeper and she took it like he knew she could.
Forcing her onto her hands and knees, he made her face the wall mirror so he could enjoy hitting it from the back and watching her face while he did it.
"All night, baby," he whispered.
All night indeed.
Every position.
Every nasty word he could think of in six languages.
Yani was panting, screaming into the sheets, squirting and cumming from every angle he could twist her into. Front. Back. Side. Diagonal. He held off from ejaculating, wanting to marinate in her juices for as long as he could, trying to savor and remember every moment of that night with her in their bed.
"Ah…baby…'bout to make a big mess…"
She held her breasts, her fingers circling her areolas.
"Wish I could suck milk out them titties again."
His head dropped forward and his right hand clutched her left breast and held it.
"These big titties…"
"Cum in my pussy, Erik."
His eyes narrowed looking down at her face.
"Want me to cum in your pussy, baby?"
He moved slow, so slow that her legs wrapped around his waist to get more friction from him.
"Tell me you love me again," he begged.
Yani clutched onto his back, her harsh pants tingling his ears. He knew that look and reaction from her. She was at the tip of her orgasm. A large one.
Her big eyes looked up at him as she clung to him, the look on her face taking him back to the first time they ever made love.
"Yes, baby. I'm here."
Her voice hitched and Erik froze with her as her vaginal walls quivered against his length.
He couldn't breathe.
Tears slipped down her face.
"I love you, Erik. I want you here with me forever—"
Her head fell back as her pussy spasmed tight.
"Erik! Erik!"
"I'm cumming with you! Goddamit I'm cumming so fucking hard!"
There was no shame in his yelling out loud. Every hard spurt into her pussy made him yell out her name and how much he loved her. She only clung to his body as all of her softness pressed into the hardness of his body. When he felt the last of his semen leaving him, he bit into her shoulder and squeezed her tight. His toes cramped up and didn't want to let her go.
Their bodies cooled with the hot sweat evaporating from their skin.
Pulling her on top of him, Erik cradled Yani in his arms until she needed to go pee. He listened to her take a quick shower before she returned to his embrace.
"All night, remember?" she whispered to him.
"I remember. But a quick respite."
He shifted down until his head was on her stomach.
Yani whispered how much she loved and needed him until he fell asleep cradled in her arms.
Sydette's crying woke him up.
"She's probably having a bad dream," Yani said.
Erik shifted and Yani pushed him back on the bed.
"I'll take care of her. I get back and yuh give me some more."
Her eyes twinkled.
Jumping off the bed, she pulled on her panties and threw on one of his t-shirts.
"Big nipples poking through," he said grabbing his dick.
She kissed his lips and bounded out of the room.
It was late. If Sydette was up, she'd want to get into bed with them unless Yani could get her back to sleep fast.
He rubbed his belly then scratched his balls waiting for her.
His mind wandered to trivial things until he noticed things were too quiet.
"Yani. Everything okay?"
His hand swiped the security cam feed and he immediately sat upright. There was nothing there, which was impossible because he should see an image of Yani and Sydette…
Erik slid his hand to his bedstand drawer and pulled out his Glock. He slipped his loungers on and crept to the door.
The hallway was empty.
He checked Sydette's room. It was empty. He checked the hall bathroom and Klaue's bedroom on the far end of the house.
Easing toward the living room, Erik noticed a light pop on. He stepped into that light and saw Huntsman sitting on the couch with Sydette on his lap, his own Glock pressed into her little chest, his other free hand covering her mouth. Across from him standing near Klaue's wall of African masks was Shipley strong-arming Yani with his weapon pressed into her temple. His left hand fondled Yani's nipple.
Neal stepped into view with an AK-15 pointed at Erik.
"Now see, you shouldn't have been here, Killmonger," Huntsman said.
"Let them go," Erik hissed, keeping his eyes on Sweet Pea who had big shiny tears in her scared eyes.
"No. We can't do that. It's too bad though. Now they get to die with you."
Chapter 27 Here
Tag List:
@fd-writes​ @soufcakmistress  @cherrystainedlipsbaby @tclaybon  @thadelightfulone
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@raysunshine78 @the-illllest @terrablaze514  @l-auteuse @amirra88 @jimizwidow @janelledarling
@chaneajoyyy @sweetestdream92 @purple-apricots @blackpinup22 @hennessystevens-udaku
@scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @bugngiz @stariamrry  @honeytoffee @meilintheempressofdreams
@tyees @eye-raq @writerbee-ffs @chocolatedream30
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