#y'all really thought Y/N didn’t have any side effects lol!!
taetae-tea · 7 years
The One (Part III)
Part II <- Part III –> Part IV
Genre: Hybrid!Taehyung, Fluff, Angst, slight smut 
Paring: TaehyungXreader
Word-count: 3,3K
Warnings: Abuse, unjust, anxiety, force, animalistic feelings, panic-attacks, indication of mating, a dilemma to chose between heart or mind
Summary: You’ve never liked the idea of hybrids, since it’s straight up abuse from a owner to a hybrid, they aren’t treated like humans. But what happens when your boss gave you a hybrid as a gift?
A/N: SORRY FOR THE WAIT I HOPE YALL DIDN’T FORGET ME. I legit just wrote and edited this part in 2 hours, I’ve never written something this fast lol. ALSO 1,8K y'all, fkn amazing, LOVE YOU PEEPS<3
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‘Number 5, what was the 13th rule of our enactment?’
Taehyung shot his eyes up to the dangerous and furious looking man, though he hadn’t done anything to upset him. Everything he did was wrong in their eyes, everything needed to be trained to the fullest. If you exactly did as they told you to do, you still had to improve. Everything could be improved. Nothing was good enough for the human’s needs. Nothing. If you scored a 100% on your final test, you still would be having a long training after. They do everything to brainwash the hybrids to the point they had forgotten their own name and then became numbers in the system.
‘Always call your owner ‘master’, but anything can be indicated if they’d prefered something else.’
‘that’s right, number 5, I think you may be ready for your second home.’
Taehyung’s eyes began to widen even more. This would be indeed the second time he would be go to a house he didn’t know, didn’t want or need, but needed to go anyways. At first, 3 years ago to be exactly, he had questioned himself a lot. Why did he for god’s sake participate to this? Why hadn’t he read the contract for a second time? It would’ve been life-changing.
‘You will be send to your new home tomorrow, so pack your clothes.’
Your eyes yanked open as you immediately sat straight up in your bed, shocked by the hard sound coming from your house. You tried to recall the noise and after you remembered, you immediately sprang up from your bed to ran to Taehyung’s room, scared to what happened to him. What if he got hurt? You will never stop blaming yourself if that’s true.
You opened his bedroom door and you see Taehyung all crawled up into a ball, tail surrounding his legs and ears uncomfortably twitching around. He looks scared and more scared when he noticed your presence. You cock your head to the side, inspecting his figure. You knew that nothing had hurt him and that he most likely had a bad dream. But the way he looks so alone and sad, got you questioning what the dream was about.
You nonetheless let out a sigh of relievement. You walk up to his still scared-looking figure and you felt how he came only more on the end as he looks into your eyes. Though you wanted to stop walking up to him, not wanting to scare him off more, something told you that it was okay. He needed comfort, so you could at least give him that.
You sit down beside him, eyes still on his as you let a little smile slip from your lips. Immediately, the thick atmosphere calmed down and became a lot more lighter. He felt relieved being in your presence after such a dream. He actually has been having these dreams a lot this past year after his last owner. It felt as if his body and body began to resist against this torturous living.
‘Are you okay?’ You softly ask as your hand went up to his arm around his knees, electricity immediately shooting through your bodies and warmth spreading along. You felt the affection, of course, but this time it was in a more relaxing way. You see and feel it in his whole body, how his in- and exhales became slower and his posture relaxed along. You had such a big affection on him and it made him happy knowing he could have such a person in his life. The only thing that makes him scared about it, is that you may not want it that way and that you maybe even abandon him, like all those other horrible humans did to him after they grew tired of him.
You frown as you could feel a certain gloomy feeling inside of your body, as if something within you is dragging you along in a dark pit in their mind. You feel scared, sad and uncertain at the same time. Why? It’s not you, for sure, so it must be Taehyung feeling so sad. Why does he feel sad like this? It was only 5 hours ago that he was climbing above you and wanting to fuck you on the couch, what happened in his dream?
‘Don’t you worry about me ___, I’m okay now.’
‘I can feel it.’ He says bluntly as his tail now untangled around his legs. You frown again upon questioning what he meant, making him grin a little. He somewhat found you so adorably when you had so much questions, so clueless and innocent. It’s what makes you precious to him. You are a hard woman, though your cluelessness always shows off the more soft side of you. You are like a open-book to him, so readable for him.
‘We are mates from each other, remember? I can feel every emotion you go through, though it’s not that big in humans to feel what we feel.
‘I ready have to do my research.’ You sigh, smiling to yourself. It makes you happy for some reason, when he talks about you being his mate. It’s no denying it now, you like it beyond believe. It’s obvious when you feel your reaction towards his touches, of course you like it. But the question is, do you want it? Do you want this to be your reality? It’s more complicated even when you think about your family, friend and colleagues. Yeah I got a hybrid and found out we were mated so now we are married? It’s not something so simple, you may be mated together, but it will not mean you can just let it become your life like that.
Immediately you feel him becoming more sad again and upon knowing he will probably feel what you’re thinking, you immediately let go of his arm. You look down at you lap as you didn’t know wether to go away or to stay and watch him for a little. Taehyung also looks down at his lap. He feels sad to know you are so nescient from what you really want, your true feelings. If it were to him, he wouldn’t want to have anyone else in his life beside his own mate, but humans are still different and he has learned to accept that a long time ago already, but he couldn’t stop himself from getting disappointed in you. The only thing he could do is to get you to fall in love with him even more, manipulating your choice.
‘Can you stay with me tonight?’
The question filled the air and eventually your ears. You look up at him, yaw clenched. You don’t know if it’s the best idea in such an unstable mindset. Taehyung picks up on your hesitation, so his hand went up to your arms this time and gave it a small squish in a comforting way. Again, as always, warmth spread through your body and you almost began to lean into his touch, but worked against it as you again look down at your lap.
How could you ever refuse Taehyung? He will get anything out of you whatever he would want, that kind of power he has over you. And you know it’s not in a bad way, because you knew that mates wouldn’t want to do anything wrong with their own significant other, never.
Taehyung placed himself further towards the edge of his single-bed and waited for you to join him. You stood up and grabbed the edge of the blanket, scooping it to the side and placing yourself on the bed before closing the blankets around you again. You felt his warmth lurking on the covers and his eyes were strictly focused on your doings. His presence became a bit too much for a second, your senses being too affected and just wanting to have him already, to be his and for him to be yours.
You turn around to face the door, wanting to focus on something different and you felt yourself hesitating on walking out of that very same door. It was at that moment that Taehyung slipped his arms around your waist and his head got buried in the crook of your neck, leaving no space between your bodies. You felt by the way his heart was pounding and his nose was sniffing, that he felt very affected by your presence as well. Though all the signals of wanting to be mated right now, you kept yourself focused on what is really important and to think about what is right in this situation.
‘I love you Y/N, you’re mine, all mine.’ He whispered before his tail began to find their way around your leg. You gulped slightly and you knew it was now or never to walk away. Because if you stay there, you just knew this would be the moment that you will get mated with him. No, you can’t, it isn’t right ___, get out of there now.
You pushed away from his arms that had held onto you and stood up. You almost began to speed-run out of his room, leaving Taehyung empty and alone. You could feel the sadness rising within you and you knew it was from Taehyung who was now really scared that you may leave him. Every single nerve in your system tries to stop your movements, to walk back to the one that makes you whole. The one that is really important in your life, but no. Your head gets the best of you and leads you straight to your own covers.
‘Fuck, I really need to be quick to find him a save place.’
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That night, was a sleepless night of wonders. Everything could go wrong at this point. You saw how much you want to be close with him, you body and you senses. It makes you scared, knowing how much he effects you and you actually don’t want any of it. The more you think about the way your head began to spin around in his arms, the more it made you so scared.
You’ve actually never felt any hatred towards the thought of marriage, commitment or any of that kind, but when it comes so close in such a dazzling way, it got you so lost in your own thoughts. You don’t know to who you should talk either. Your parents is already a No No, they will never understand by their old-fashioned ways. Maybe your friend, Iris, would understand. But when you would place yourself in her position, you would only be weirded out about it. It has no use talking to anyone, not when they don’t understand you and have felt the way you feel.
That got you an idea, maybe you should look up someone who has experienced the same thing. So, that’s exactly what your plans were today. You’d been hunting down hybrid/human-mates and had found only 2 online. You tried to contact them and after an hour or so, you got a reply from the first couple you had tried to reach out to.
Unknown: Hey! It’s Emma. You’ve tried to contact me today through my email, so here I am! :) You said you had a few questions about the whole mate thing, ask me anything.
You smile as the message came up on your screen. You excitingly open the message and after you had read it, you began to type your main question. 
You were still in your room and hadn’t left it since you came to the kitchen for breakfast and to prepare for the both of you and Taehyung. You were relieved to see an empty living-room and knew from that point on that Taehyung wasn’t planning to come out very soon either. You somehow knew he felt as shitty as you, so meeting you today probably wasn’t on his list.
You: Hallo I’m ___ :)) I indeed have some questions about the whole mating process. I’ve recently found out that I’ve been mated with my own hybrid and i am now deciding on wether to really commit to this relationship or not.
It didn’t take Emma very long until she would be replying to you.
Emma: Ahh, I totally understand why you are questioning yourself like that, I have had the same problem. I have to be truthful with you of course, so I have to say that this is a huge commitment to be honest.
You: Is it very hard?
Emma: No, not very hard, it’s just really different. It’s in the beginning very weird, because you’re now a 100% aware of your mate, his thought and doings. It even came to the point where I could feel where he was out and about, I just sensed it, as if I became some hybrid too. But it wasn’t bad, I felt very secure knowing what was going on with him and he feels the same about it.
You: What kind of hybrid is your mate?
Emma: A panther
You smiled slightly, happy that you have a similar kind of hybrid.
You: I have a lion :)
Emma: Oh! That’s so similar.
Emma: So, now talking about you, have you already felt the urge to be with him? I can remember that my senses went crazy every time he came closer to me.
You: Yeah, I go completely insane every time he touches me or anything. Like last night, he hugged me under the covers and I just felt like running away, which I did. That’s why I contacted you, because I just needed some kind of advise hehe.
Emma: Wohh, you’re deep in already. But, besides all the feelings inside of you, I think you really need to think if this is worth it. Because, after the mating process, your mate will not be able to stay away from you for max. 5 hours a day. Like I noticed, he will just go wherever I am and drag me home only to cuddle me and saying that he missed me.
You sigh as you sadly look down at the message. That confirms your exact thoughts. Committing to this relationship means to just give up on your job. Though it’s a fucked up place, it still pays well. You can’t afford to lose this job, this house and your normal healthy life.
You: Thank you for your advise :) I’ll try to figure it out myself now.
Emma: Okayy. But, if I really could give you an advise, I would do it, nonetheless your circumstances.
You: Why so?
Emma: It’s worth it. I’ve never been so happy in my life.
You: Hmm, I will think about it, thank you again. Goodbye! xx
And with that you locked your phone and threw it somewhere on your bed as you fall down with your head on the pillows. This conversation hadn’t helped for any little bit. You’re still conflicted. She says you have to do a lot to commit to this relationship, but it’s still worth it. What if it’s really worth your job, your living and house? What if all that doesn’t matter and real love is really stronger than that, like those cliché series they always show at 10 am.
Suddenly, the hairs on your arms sprang up as goosebumps covered your skin. You felt your heart suddenly race, but to what was unknown. It was only when you heard a knock on your door that you knew what the unpleasant feeling was about. You slowly stand up and walk up to find Taehyung standing there, looking down at his feet but ears and tail twitching around. He feels nervous and anxious to your reaction to his presence.
After he got to know that he made you scared last night, because of the feeling he had created between the both of you, he didn’t dare to cause any more disturbance within you. It at first was his plan to manipulate your feelings like that, but when he felt your racing heart and changing mood, he knew he went through a mistake. He just couldn’t help himself, when he knows he is on the edge of losing you. He had felt how much of hesitation you felt, conflicting what to do, he just wanted to show you more and more of his love to you. But appearanly it didn’t end up so well on your side and you began to run off.
He was, right at that moment, scared and anxious to what your further actions will hold. If you will abandon him and he could swear he heard you saying ‘ really need to be quick to find him a save place’ In his head and maybe it was just an illusion, but those words got the best of him and had lingered inside his head. So, after contemplating on confronting you about it, he finally did so.
‘Yes?’ You say with a quiet voice, trying to find his eyes to look if there may be something wrong. Of course, there is something wrong, it’s obvious, but you just need a confirmation nothing had happened during your stay in your room, like a nightmare or any of that kind.
‘Do you really plan on throwing me out of the house?’
His voice sounds broken and scared. Your heart sank right on that moment and your senses told you to to hug and caress him. But like always, your mind took the first step.
‘I-I don’t know yet.’
His eyes shot up to yours and you could see how noticeably red they were. You couldn’t decide on wether it were old tears or new, but whatever it was, it was you who caused them and that crushed your insides. Taehyung doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment, you don’t deserve him.
‘You don’t know? So you are really hesitating on throwing me out? Your own mate? You can’t leave me like this ___, I will not be able to bare it to stay away from you.’
He began to rant and tears again streamed down his face as he couldn’t stop himself but to speak his mind. You can’t do this, you aren’t able to look dead in his eyes while he is so broken in front of you, not when you can literally feel all of his emotions. It losenes up your own emotions and tears aren’t failing but to also stream down your own face as you just listen to his words.
‘___, don’t leave me, please, I need you with me otherwise I’ll go through hell all over again, not again ___, I can-‘
You step forward and slipped your arms around his torso as you burry your head against his chest firmly. He didn’t show any hesitation and closed his arms around your smaller form, almost trembling. You stay like this for a long while, both crying in each others arms as emotions flew through the air.
’Taehyung, how in heaven’s sake can I commit to this relationship, tell me.’
‘Please ___, I know that it’s a hard decision.’
‘You don’t understand.’
‘I do.’
‘Of course you do.’
The both of you silenced for a second, but never broke away from the hug you two shared, but thinking.
‘I want to be with you, marry you, have kids with you, go to thin and thick with you. Everything ___-’
‘Give me 2 days, 2 days to let me think about it all. Don’t force me, don’t try and effect my answer because we both know you will win it that way. I want to solve this problem with a proper mind-set.’ You say as you look up at his beautiful eyes, twinkling by just the mere touch of your hand on his back, torso against yours.
‘Okay ___, I’ll wait.’
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Hope you liked it! 
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