#ya know if jack was my son i'd be proud of him
simptasia · 8 months
jokes aside, i genuinely don't know what christian's problem with jack is
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icybeanheadcanons · 7 years
Hihi~ I know I said I'd drop this by a while back, but I wanted to wait till your ask box was calmer so you wouldn't feel overwhelming 💖 What are your headcanons for the different Gasters, if you don't mind? (Like before, please feel free to take as long as you'd like to answer; it's always worth it!) ~
I was wondering when I'd see this ask in my box. Bless you for waiting for my ask box to calm down. It really helped.
Gaster Headcanons
 -Royal scientist as we all know
-holy fucking memes. The memes never stop it seems. Probably Alphys who introduced him to them.
-plays piano, and composed a piece of music for his boys. He taught Classy Bean how to play piano.
-The dad jokes never stop.
-bad habit of forgetting to eat when he works on his experiments
-SCIENCE. The more complex the science, the more interested he is.
-what’s sleep? He forgets to sleep. A lot.
-his sleep schedule is so out of whack oh my god. His internal clock is fucking jacked up.
-adores kids, and kids tend to adore him.
-Dotes on the people he cares for, and made sure he made time for his kids.
-Classy Bean’s love for science comes from him.
-Tale’s love of puzzles is from him.
-Puzzles are wonderful he loves them
-Coffee is his savior okay
-When he isn’t working on something he loves, he’s pretty lazy.
-made a scrapbook of sans and started on one for papyrus before he fell into the core.
-was a great dad until he fell into the core.
-Wasn’t completely erased from existence after falling into the core. Nobody dared speak of him, (it hurt too much) though many forgot him, a few never could. These people include Classy Bean, Toriel, Asgore, and Alphys.
-the void is the worst place ever, but now he’s able to watch his boys grow up and check in on them. Its the best he can to be there for them. He wishes he could do more.
-Classy Bean’s machine isn’t to other multiverses. It’s him trying to make a door to the void so he can have his dad again.
-Always hums the tune he made for Classy Bean and Tale when they go to bed, almost as if he’s singing them a lullaby. Whenever he seems to do this Classy Bean seems to be able to go to sleep that night. He hopes it’s because of him.
-6 ft. tall by default, but he goop now so he can shift to being a bit taller or being much shorter.
-loves dogs. Annoying Dog is an actual dog that fell into the underground. Some animals fall in all the time, and the dog was one of them. Gaster took the dog in as a pet which is why Annoying Dog is around Tale and Classy Bean so much. Annoying Dog though has become the town’s dog.
-Alphys was the one to get him out of the void. She had found a weak spot in the void so he could step out. It was a really dangerous operation and she was trembling with the phone when she called Classy Bean in a panic.
-Classy Bean Shortcuts him and Tale to the lab immediately. He’s still pretty goopy from the void, but Classy Bean runs to him already sobbing.
-Goop is crying too, scooping his boy into his arms. Tale hardly remembers him but he gets pulled into a hug too. Goop lives with his boys now.
 -Super fucking cautious holy shit.
-Red Boy whenever he’d go out to play had this lecture he’d have to go through, a list of everything he’d taught him.
-Ha, he was never alone though. He watched over him, stalking him through town because he was worried.
-He’s the one who installed several thousand locks on the house. The windows have puzzle locks. Ain’t no one crawling through windows.
-He was super strict with Red Boy and Soft Edge, but behind closed doors super affectionate and loving.
-He taught them to stick together. No matter what. They’re family and they are going to be the only ones to trust down in the underground. He was enforcing tight bonds as much as he fucking could.
-Taught Red Boy piano and how to sew.
-Made all of Red Boy’s and Soft Edge’s clothes by hand.
-Taught Red Boy some science along with Soft Edge. Soft Edge vaguely remembers it.
-When he went out with his boys he would pick them up and carry them. No excuses. He couldn’t let them trail behind. Sure killing children was frowned upon but it didn’t really stop monsters from doing it. The harsh punishment didn’t always get carried out when they couldn’t find the culprit unfortunately.
-Was friends with Jerkby, who was a bit older than Red Boy. Probably about three years. Jerkby didn’t have parents, they were dusted after all, and he’d allow Jerkby to stay in the shed (Jerkby refused to step inside a stranger’s house). When they grew closer where Jerkby trusted him more he let him stay in the house.
-When he disappeared into the core they were all still relatively young. Jerkby got rougher, and meaner. Red Boy is the only reason he kept any bit of kindness that he had beforehand.
-He was violent in the void. He hadn’t ever killed anyone really just beated them to near death before leaving them alone. So he’d never been outright violent. The void made him beyond angry though.
-When the barrier breaks, the void wavers enough from the pulse to let him out, and he immediately tracks down his boys.
-Red Boy almost threw a bone attack at him until he realized it was possibly his dad.
-Soft Edge doesn’t buy it, but the uncanny resemblance to his hazy memory is too much for him to deny. He is the one who demands to hear the his story.
-Red Boy quizzes him on things only he would know and he passes with flying colors. As soon as he does Red Boy is LAUNCHING HIMSELF AT HIS FATHER.
-Red Boy cries for the first time in a long time, and honestly he can’t blame him. He’s holding back tears himself.
-He’s so proud of his boys and who they’ve become. He’s proud of Red Boy for not trusting him immediately. It meant he did his job to keep him safe in the underground. He’s proud of Soft Edge for achieving his goals. So what they’re rough around the edges? They’re alive.
-They live together on the surface.
-He’s 8 ft tall. He likes to tease Red Boy for ending up short.
-The surface??? Is so different??? He’s baffled.
-There’s cute shit and edgy shit. How the fuck is he supposed to choose between these things. He’s serious.
-Very indecisive when choosing shit. Like he likes both the cute things and edgy things. Though he leans toward edgy more, it’s hard for him to deny anything cute.
-He’s all about adapting to new living situations, so he’s proactively trying to improve.
-Literally makes notes on a notepad so he doesn’t forget what’s acceptable and what isn’t.
-Watches some TV to figure out some basic interactions. Red Boy and Soft Edge also help him learn.
-he’s still a little rougher around the edges than his boys though. It’s surprisingly difficult for him to wrap his head around a peaceful environment.
-He argued with his boys on how many locks they needed for the door. They went with 3. The windows have 1 basic lock much to his irritation.
-oh my god he hates country and the pop genres. He thinks their bullshit and the grate on his nerves.
-his aura is terrifying and so he’s very difficult to approach.
-He fucking loves cats. He wants 20 of them. Soft Edge constantly tells him no. “WHY THE FUCK NOT?”
-Okay he knows he’s supposed to love the sky and the surface but could the sun shut the fuck up??? Just??? Turn down the brightness.
-He discovers quickly that he isn’t a morning person. Mornings are awful and whenever someone greets him with good morning he stares them dead in the eye looking utterly exhausted as he says, “There are no good mornings.”
-Please get him coffee. He is dying. No he’s not being dramatic get him fucking coffee. (he’s being a dramatic lil shit)
 -He’s not the riverperson. He’s still the royal scientist. But it seems as though he has more of Riverperson’s personality.
-Ya know Goop? And his dad jokes? Increase ten fold.
-Speaks in riddles it sounds like, but he’s just talking I swear.
-Look at his boys!!! His boys are good. He’s kind of,,, a weird dad. A parent figure who doesn’t know shit about raising a child let alone two.
-When Honey Bear showed interest and an advanced understanding in science and other things he instantly jumps on this chance to teach him.
-He’s a semi decent teacher. Some of the material went over Honey Bear’s head which frustrated him. He’d try to explain only making it worse. Honey Bear had random clicks of when it suddenly occurred to him what he was talking about and he’d become very angry at his past self because it was so easy.
-A chaotic neutral kind of person.
-what a fucking brat holy hell. Shit eating grins are his signature smile.
-He loves to go around and calling random things cursed for no apparent reason.
-enjoys the looks of horror and confusion from people when he does something odd again.
-When he disappeared everyone was confused. No one knew what happened to him except the King and Queen along with Honey Bear and Sassberry.
-He’d only been able to teach Sassberry some music theory, and Honey Bear sewing. He was very disappointed.
-spent his time in the void listing what he was gonna teach his sons. It kept him from going insane.
-During a reset, he was spit out of the void like a spitting bullet when they arrived to the surface. He keeps a close eye on Chara to make sure they don’t reset. Who knows what’ll happen if they did, he’s finally out and he refuses to go back to the void. Chara is semi terrified of him and making him made so they refuse to reset. Even went to the point of breaking the reset button. This makes things a million times better between the two.
-The day he disappeared he had asked Honey Bear a riddle. “How is a raven like a writing desk?”
-Honey Bear tackled him to the ground he was so happy to see him, and the first thing he says to him, “I’ve been thinking about it for what feels like 50 years of how a raven is like a writing desk and I need to know. How?” He shrugs and gives him a shit eating grin. “How would I know I’ve been in the void for 50 years.” Honey Bear is screaming.
-He lives with his sons after that still though.
-He is a mess to live with. He leaves shit everywhere and he has to ask constantly where he put something down.
-Sweet tooth. He visits Sweetby’s cafe often and has become good friends with him.
-doesn’t make puns but he thoroughly enjoys hearing Honey Bear make them.
-He’s 5’4. Taller than one son, shorter than the other. He’s fine with this.
-he’s very poor at reading a room. He says such weird shit that people generally have a hard time understanding him, but when he gets weird awkward stares is when he figures out he needs to probably shut up and pay attention to what the fuck is going on.
-He wants to teach people things.
-loves to learn and he grabs too many fucking books at once to learn something.
-Seems to oddly? Be a genius at languages and he quickly learns French, German, and Russian.
-makes random noises because he feels like it while he does things. Sometimes it’s just random humming other times it’s squawking.
-kind of has hipster tastes but just cause he likes really weird shit.
-loves spicy food that feels like you’re standing on the surface of the sun.
 -Paranoia and anxiety bean
-also the royal scientist.
-He double checks his work about a hundred times before doing anything.
-He’s the epitome of internal screaming, but is calm on the outside.
-A fondness for riddles. He doesn’t indulge them often because it pisses off a lot of monsters.
-taught his boys how to hide and keep out of trouble. He also taught them ambush attacks, and other guerilla tactics. It was in case they ever got in a fight. Hit and run tactics would keep them alive.
-Is an amazing at strategy for combat surprisingly. He learned about it because of how the underground became so vicious.
-he has a billion locks on the doors. Windows have iron bars he welded on them. They’re wide enough for hands to reach through and open the window but that’s it.
-Was a very stressed bean with his work as the royal scientist. He brought his boys to the lab constantly just so he could relax enough to work.
-Undyne worked with him closely, and ended up becoming friends with Rus. Undyne ended up being a close family friend.
-Voice of reason. Please don’t do the thing. That thing is bad. How does he know? It’s literally written on the thing.
-When they started working on the core, he started writing notes for the boys. They were full of advice, and reminding them he loved them very much. He made them in case something bad happened because of how dangerous the project was.
-He fell in during a check on the process of putting up rails.
-Undyne kept an eye on Rus and Scaryberry for him, but could only do so much since she was the new royal scientist. She kept them afloat for as long as they needed. He appreciated this deeply. He noticed she took care of them financially for as long as she could.
-he blames himself for Scaryberry’s anxiety and Rus’s extreme levels of stress. That was… his bad. He must have looked rather frantic to the kids which couldn’t have been very good for them.
-He spent a lot of time crying in the void. At least they had his letters to look to for guidance even if it didn’t cover all of their problems.
-He experimented with the void and managed to cause a reset that spit him out of the void. He doesn’t understand what happened but he accepts this bullshit.
-He finds the fallen child immediately and explains what he did, and apologizes. He begs for them to do another pacifist route, one last time. Chara wanted to live on the surface with everyone and agreed. With his help after breaking the barrier, he helped them break the reset button. It scared Chara but, he reassured them it was the right thing to do.
-7 ft tall. He’s on the taller side for monsters.
-His reunion with his boys is full of tears for everyone. Scaryberry is crying. He always wanted to know his dad and he has the chance to do that now.
-He lives with his sons because he missed too many years with them.
-He takes turns cooking with Rus, but Rus is much better than him at cooking.
-He’s okay at cleaning. He doesn’t clean up often though and will tag team a room with Scaryberry.
-He’s got insomnia, and so he struggles with sleep. He passes out on the couch often and when he wakes up he gets a bit startled before he remembers he’s on the surface and not the void.
-When the boys leave the house he’s always making sure they have everything they need. It’s important to him that they have a way to contact him.
-He listens to music a lot to relax. It helps to a degree.
-Reads to Scaryberry a lot because he didn’t get to do that a lot and Scaryberry still wants to have that sort of childhood experience.
-Scratched and clawed his way out of the Void.
-His body ended up being very torn up because of this, and he lost a limb. Specifically his arm.
-Do not ask about the Void. He’d rather not talk about it and suffers PTSD from everything he witnessed. He barely escaped with his sanity.
-His humor is morbid, and self deprecating.
-low self esteem from the void. Lets just say he wasn’t exactly… alone.
-He has a rather unsettling vibe, but so do most monsters from this AU. It’s not that he’s bad, its just that… you can feel he’s seen some shit.
-Loves his boys. He couldn’t confront them right away when he crawled out of the void because he was barely keeping himself together. Not only that he was not prepared for a brawl.
-not a fighter. I’m serious. You will kick his ass. You can be terrible and still win.
-Loves his boys! He’s so proud of them, and they’re so brave for everything they did.
-Axe was upset about him not coming to them as soon as possible until he heard about the condition he came from the void to the underground. Now he’s just happy he has dad back at all. He could’ve been eaten so easily… It scares him.
-Scared of the dark. Requires a nightlight or some form of dim light.
-He heard one superstition and then proceeded to look up others. He now treads very lightly.
-He starts to study mythology. He loves the stories and learning what Humans believed in the time they were underground. It seems they weren’t the only ones who suffered great ordeals.
-Not a goop dad. The Void was the reason for the Goop like appearance, and he was painfully and barely holding himself together.
-believes in the paranormal. He’s seen shit that he will never elude to that makes him believe. He’s not a fool. Is everything paranormal? No, why the fuck would it be?
-After some time of getting to know his boys more, they let him move in. He’s thrilled with this.
-Rate of success for cooking is debatable. Sometimes he just shrugs and says, “It’s a fire day today I guess.”
-he’s 5’6. The Void made him shrink a bit, and was originally 6’ tall.
-excitable. He’s not loud like Sugarskull, but he’s very eager to do things and talk with people.
-He understands monsters had done what they had to do to survive. He ends up learning about how some humans have been known to cannibalize without lack of food, so he likes to shoot that back at those who judge him. He also lists any other instances of cannibalism humans have shown if people continue their rants.
-He knows how to argue/debate. It’s an important skill to him. If he makes a mistake he’s reasonable and backs down.
-Actually pretty good with people. He’s generally well liked.
-Surprisingly functional, but there are days… Those days that pull him down in the void again and he can’t escape. He’s not grounded and they sneak up on him randomly.
-Nightmare every night, but he doesn’t remember. He wakes up smiling, but with a slight feeling of terror that he tends to brush off. He’s fine nothing happened as far as he’s aware.
-Constantly reminds himself he is safe. He’s with his boys. Everythings okay. They’re on the surface.
-Randomly stomps his feet on the ground to prove to himself that it is indeed real, and that he is indeed solid. He needs the reminder.
-not a fan of Undyne. He knows what she’s done, and her decisions as a queen were foolish in his opinion.
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