#yago partal
palmtreeinator · 11 months
Yago Partal Research (Week 1)
Yago Partal is an artist that is known for his photo manipulation of animals wearing more human clothing. The overall image appears really saturated with lots of life and fun to the image, which matches the general person's perception at first glance to the absurdity.  There appears to be endless amounts of combinations possible with different styles of outfits with any kind of animal imaginable, whether there be scales, feathers or fur Yago Partal finds a way to make it work effectively. To achieve this effect he merely used a multitude of images layered rather smoothly with more realistic lighting and shading added on top to make the animals appear as authentic as possible, with suitable usage of matching colour scheming in the background. To take the head of the animal off of its head he meticulously goes around the head making sure that there are no unwanted parts included to get the highest quality possible, this is then followed with the similar process in the body he will layer it on top, and lastly the effects as previously mentioned are added to give its iconic realistic appearance.
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artsyamy · 11 months
Week 1 ~Pirates Themed~
Introduction to Photoshop and Maya ~ Research [Yago Partal]
In the first week of the project I was introduced to Photoshop and Maya. Now let's jump into more details:
Photoshop: I didn't find the app challenging because I have used Photoshop before, but not to edit pictues which was quiet fun to do. I had a look into Yago Partal's work and tried to associate it with mine and how I can make it as natural as possible, even if there is nothing natural about an animal head on a human body. In the two comparison pictures you can see in the first one I was playing around with the outfit and experimenting with my limits and the second one I made it based on the pirate theme that I am following, added more shading and lighting and also a background, which I think it gives the 'character' more personality.
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Maya: For me Maya was a bit of a struggle. It took me quite a while to get used to the controls and what they do even if it was just the beginning. A few of the tools were unneccesarily hard to use for me. I went ahead and played with the basic shapes and I ended up with what I like to call an 'Oriental Duck?' then went into a more serious task which was to make a submarine, but we had to use as many references as possible in order to understand the shapes better. For the references I was told to use PureRef, a great app which lets you add as many pictures as you want, amazing for moodboarding and the best part is that it will stay on top of any tab you have open. Once I decided what kind of submarine I wanted I started with a basic shape and then kept adding more details. I would say it is not the best, but it was my first model in Maya so I am pleased with it for now.
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nfkjournal · 1 year
Week 1 - Photoshop Introduction
Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the induction week due to roommate and sleeping problems so I had to begin from week 1. During this week we were given an introduction to Photoshop and we learned basic tools such as navigation, tools and composition ideas. We created photo collages of animal heads on top of human bodies in the style of Yago Partal.
I started my first collage by using the Quick selection tool to cut out the animal head and then cutting and pasting it on top of the human head. I then used the quick selection tool again to remove the human body from the background and onto its own layer. I then used a layer mask and hid the whole animal head, and then made the Brush tool soft and used white to reveal the animal head and black to hide the animal head to look like Yago Partal's examples below.
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These are 3 examples of Yago Partal's work.
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These are my attempts at Yago Partal's style of collage. I have not used Adobe Photoshop before as I usually use Clip Studio Paint I was not too familiar with layer masks so I found this workshop useful.
I wasn't really a fan of the first one with the Arctic fox head and suit because I feel like I faded the edges around the head too much and some of the suit was faded. I am quite happy with the second example I did with the bear head on the suit instead because it looks more realistically done and it gives the impression that the bear is in the suit without the faded edges. Partal further explores this theme by using head accessories so I tried doing a cat head in a pirate costume with a pirate hat and I am also pleased with this outcome as I believe it replicates the anthropomorphic animal theme quite well.
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merlinjor01 · 1 year
Week 1 - [Photoshop & Maya Intro]
During this week, we were given an introduction to both Photoshop and Maya (a 3D animation software) which was helpful considering I had never really touched either of them.
For Photoshop we had went over some of the basics such as the lasso tool, importing, blending e.g. The main task of the lesson was to create an animal portrait in the style of Yago Partal using the skills we had learned previously. Yago Partal’s art mainly consists of “Zoo portraits”, using different pieces of textures and photos to carefully blend together the portraits making them look very realistic. He manages all of this in photoshop which is what we will be using today to practice this type of blending to create a similar piece. I think his style is very unique considering it is all made by collages and putting photos together, yet they look very neat and realistic. He was a great choice to begin practicing on Photoshop as there are elements within his portraits that look simple yet difficult to do.
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I began by selecting the two images that I would be putting together to create the 'animal portrait'. I had chosen a hyena head and found it fitting to give it a punk body. First, I had cut around the body and removed the head, vice-versa for the hyena. Putting them together to create the portrait was fairly as they had just fit in together without much hassle, for this I didn’t really have to blend much and was easy compared to the second portrait I had made of the puppy pirate. Around the puppies head I had to do some careful shading for it to blend well with the body, giving it a shadow underneath the head to give a “3D” effect as In Partal’s portraits. This introduction really helped grasp some of photoshops main elements for when I use it more in the future, and giving me a first look into what kind of things I can explore within the program.
In the same week, we had a go at a 3D creation software called 'Maya' which is usually used by larger companies for 3D rendering & animation. Unlike photoshop, I was completely new to this as I have never touched 3D creation/animation software overall. Firstly, we had looked at what 3D modelling is and where abouts it is used, such as within games, movies, creation in general etc and 3D modelling itself is described as 'The construction and manipulation of objects/assets in a three dimensional space'. We had just started off by looking at the each different 3D shapes that can be used and trying out the basic tools on them, such as rotate, enlarge and moving them around. We also had looked at the vertices, edges and faces of each 3D shape and how they can be edited to change the shapes. Out of the 3D shapes I had compiled together, I created a simple 'Rocket' type model just using the basic tools that I had learnt by moving and rotating the shapes on top of one another.
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noriiii04 · 1 year
The aim for this lesson was to gain a basic understanding of photoshop, and learn about the tools and basic editing.
The tools we learnt in this lesson were:
Importing images
Basic tools
We looked at artists Tommy Ingberg, Yago Partal and Hannah Höch, to get an idea of collage and get our heads around working in photoshop.
Tommy Ingberg
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We looked at self-taught photographer Tommy Ingberg who was relevant to this exercise as he works with digital image editing. He works to create minimalist and surrealist photo montages which we were shown to get us thinking in photo collages.
Hannah Höch
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Artist Hannah Höch, is best known for her photo montaging, and being one of the originators of photomontage. Thus she is a good starting point in research and grasping the idea of collage. She used the more traditional, cutting up local newspapers and collecting clippings to create her collages.
Yago Partal
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Yago Partal is the final artist we looked at, working in photoshop to create careful blends of human and animal headshots, he takes care to make sure his works blend properly and pays attention to detail.
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We then discussed how these skills would be useful to us in animation. Learning to select and cut out images, would be useful to us in practice for rotoscoping. It is widely used in industry, for things such as VFX. It is utilised in a way to get the idea of motion. Learning layering and tracing in photoshop is useful to us in that way as we can learn the concept of “rotoscope”.
We then discussed “photobashing” which I had heard of previously. It is widely used in concept art to work quickly, especially for background art. It is when you take bits and pieces of images to put together a concept, be it a character design or background art. So learning the basic selection tools of photoshop would be practical as they are widely used in that way.
So to grasp these useful tools we looked back at Yago Partal, and replicated his work, making animal portraits inspired by his work.
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To make my animal portrait I cut out the head of a puppy that fit the impression of the body and then used some shadows to properly fit the head onto the body. The final thing I did was transform the little clown afro onto the puppy so it properly fit. Overall, I already had some Photoshop knowledge but this session helped me remember them and develop them further. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out, though I think I could've attempted to fit the afro on better.
Then with the knowledge we acquired from the lesson we were asked to create a pirate version of our animal portrait in our free time.
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Using the same process I created a full body, though I feel like the head doesn't properly blend into the body, and no shading really helped. Altogether it is okay but I prefer my first rendition.
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barbaracousin · 1 year
Our animal personalities, 5-day workshop, with the poet A. Journo-Durey, La Source in Normandy (Fr.), 2016 - book edition with the linoleum cuts and the poems
The linoleum cut workshop was led by the artist Barbara Cousin and the poetry workshop by the poet A. Journo-Durey.
Cunning as a fox, stubborn as a donkey, dumb as a fish… language often compares human traits to the characteristics of certain animals. We ourselves also sometimes like to be as strong as a lion, as inconspicuous as a mouse, or as free as a bird. In this workshop, the children invented their own animal personalities. Based on the French language, the works of the 'Zoo Portraits' by photographer Yago Partal, the portraits of Rembrandt and Messerschmidt, but of course also on their own imagination, the children created linoleum cuts and poems, which were then summarized as a book edition.
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thecathack · 3 years
Dressing cats
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its-all-down-hill · 7 years
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architorturedsouls · 5 years
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The Room / Nook architects ph: Yago Partal
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palmtreeinator · 11 months
Photoshop Introduction (Week 1)
One of our first sessions involved the understanding of basic usage of photoshop’s capabilities ad equal execution of them. To begin we were told to merge the head of an animal of our choice with the body of a human akin to that of  “Yago Partal” . To achieve this we used the lasso tool to suitably go around the outline of both the neck area of the human and head section of the animal, I chose to go with a parrot and matching colour scheme suit with a pose that goes in line with the head position. To add some extra depth to the design I provided a simple shadow going in front and left of the two images as to stay consistent with their shadow angles. And to give the illusion of this being somewhat of a photo shoot I made a green background with the gradient tool for both the floor and wall behind. I found the process of lassoing the model to be rather difficult as often I would found myself redoing entire sections due to simplistic mistakes, however as one of my peers pointed at to me I would be able to add and take away from the current area selected with the Alt and Shift key, from this discovery I was able to make specific selections within selections, as shown in the necklace being present on top of the parrots necklace, once completed I decided to create a quick and more stylized drawing akin to Lou Romano's exaggeration in certain clothing. After that image editing task I had to show that I was able to suitable draw with multiple layers and use the shape and line tool I made a weird creature with added details on top to add depth along with a very basic sun with light rays coming down.
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katemellor · 4 years
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Abstract Portraitures
This is one of my favourite pieces i’ve made for this project. I really like the intensity of the brush strokes in this picture. When i was creating this i knew it could have gone either way good or bad as colours can get muddy easily. When i started this piece i knew i wanted to stick with pastel colours throughout as they are my favourite colours to work with.
I did this piece is layers the first layer being the portraits. I used my homemade print making methods and applied different coloured paints to the hot glue meaning when i printed them different colours would be left on the page ( this was only an experiment but i really like it ) . After printing two portraits on the page i when started the second layer of paint. This was covering the rest of the page with different coloured paint that somewhat complimented each other ! When i was applying this paint i did try to create some brushstrokes but it wasn’t working and it did look very flat on the page and had no dimension at all. This is when i decided to add these brushstrokes inspired by Yago Partal! Sticking to pastel colours i went in with different sized brushes to create these brushstrokes. Adding these brushstrokes definitely created depth to this piece and really finished it off nicely. This piece is definitely very abstract and fits perfectly with my project so i’m very happy.
Quick Overview -
This is one of my strongest pieces from this semester in my opinion as i really enjoyed creating it as there’s something about it that’s different and unique compared to my other work. The only down fall i’d say is the lower portrait with the mixture of colours it did start to get a little bit muddy but not enough so take the colours away so i probably wouldnt mix as many colours in the future to avoid this problem again.
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Ph : Yago Partal
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yacheika213 · 4 years
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myhouseidea · 5 years
“THE ROOM designed by nook architects presented with the opportunity to develop a workspace in line with present-day needs. A flexible, multipurpose environment that could take on different structures as required by the user. Photography by Yago Partal
#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
A large space was needed to host occasional workshops, a room with an adaptable capacity and direct access from the street, two smaller boxes to be used as offices or small meeting rooms and an office-dining room linking the rest area with the patio. The main space began with the installation of two light volumes of spruce wood. This divides the overall ambience into two large areas: a sizeable meeting room facing the street; and a multipurpose area in the centre. Finally, the location of the office, which looks out over the interior patio, closes the series of open spaces. The smaller passageway, defined by the pre-existing pillars and the supporting wall, houses a range of services; two bathrooms, a storage area and access points. With a height of 3.50 m, we were able to meet all functional requirements without building up to the ceiling. This not only ensures that the structural framing remains visible from all angles, but it also allows for cross ventilation between the different zones. The central rooms were designed as two identical boxes to accommodate small offices or occasional meetings. Once their position had been established within the overall layout, each space was carefully adapted. A utility office was created in the space facing the street and, on the other side, a staircase of shelving blocks were constructed, giving access to the roof. The area between these rooms is allocated to personal storage for the users. These boxes incorporate lightweight, translucent polycarbonate partitions which, along with the practicable windows, facilitate the cross ventilation of the whole space. New approaches to work demand flexible rooms that can be adapted to emergent needs. THE ROOM, therefore, proposes a versatile arrangement of spaces that respond to these new realities, transcending the assignment of a specific chamber to a specific use.”
Architects: nook architects Concept: http://www.zamness.com Location: Barcelona, Spain Year: 2019 Surfaces: 120 m2
THE ROOM by nook architects "THE ROOM designed by nook architects presented with the opportunity to develop a workspace in line with present-day needs.
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k18 · 6 years
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Yago Partal (1982-) #今日の写真家
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funny-neel · 2 years
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20 Funny Photo Manipulations of Zoo Animals by Photographer Yago Partal
Read Full Post here: Funny Photo Manipulation Zoo Animals Yago Partal See all Funny Photomanipulation , Root Image Category , Funny Photos , Photoshopped posts | | Funny Pictures
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