#yahaha finally finished. stars im so tired.
niftukkun · 9 months
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=The Hearth=
[Weak of body and burdened with an old injury, your failing body will be your main concern. Be wary yet, this path is one of extreme peril.]
[Little Gods and Passing Beasts AU, aka roleswapped rain world! ;; more under the cut]
Looks to the Moon!! in hunter's campaign whoops. they will die in 30 ish cycles,, maybe 28.
(i dont think ive said yet but its a headcanon of mine that scugs dont have gender, not like we do. so. they them for every scug. iterators however get that sweet sweet Gender and also neopronouns)
anyway yeah the Hearth is the Hunter campaign, or hard mode, of Little Gods and Passing Beasts rw au. even worse actually, as Hearth has Monks shit spear throws in addition to the 'everything hates you, specifically' of Hunter's campaign. on the bright side the food pip requirement looks more like Survivor's. also, theres a lotta vultures. a Very Big difference in Hearths campaign to Hunter's though is that the cycle limit is a hard limit. apparently in Hunter you can go below 0 cycles? i didnt know that. but thats not a thing with Hearth, you do all the everything in 29 cycles then permadie. cope the intro of Hearth actually places them close to RS, like how Hunter is placed in farm arrays not outskirts. if you successfully backtrack into RS she will give you five extra cycles like 5pebs does, but the trip might not actually be all that worth it cause i imagine Hearth starts juuust far enough that if you arent quick about it the five cycles you get will be negated as by the time you get back to where you started five cycles have already passed. maybe more. and thered be enemies in the way thatd kill you dead. anyway
the Hearths former slugcat colony is close by, right outside RSs retaining wall. some time before Hearths campaign, their little sibling had a hunt gone wrong. no scug died, but many were injured - the worst being Hearth themself - and the blame was put on their little sibling due to the unnecessary risks taken by them. they were exiled while Hearth was healing, unable to speak up in their defense. after Hearth deemed themself healed enough they left the colony in search of their little sibling. they didnt succeed, couldnt find them. time is running out. while exploring the area, Hearth managed to get into Rushing Streams's can. after receiving the Mark of Communication they were asked by a frantic, frazzled, so very regretful god to deliver a golden pearl to iterator Explosive Redamancy, who is nearby and will have the medical facilities that RS does not, and should be able to heal Hearth even in her disrepaired, fallen state. the Hearth suspects that an apology lies in the pearl, and suspects that ER will not be able to heal them. nonetheless, it was by kindness they earned their name, and it is kindness that defines them, and so with their remaining cycles they will deliver the pearl and expect nothing in return. it is only right. maybe, just maybe, if they are quick enough they can make it to the void sea they were told about, and wait for their little sibling there, at the end of everything
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