remindertoclick · 3 months
Reminder to Click for Palestine today!
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1995lahaine · 1 year
i havent watched any of s2 yet but it is sad to see that melanie lynskey finally getting a well known juicy and complex role seems to have become collateral damage to a sophomore season curse
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oblivions-dawn · 1 year
This is your explicit permission to storm my inbox [inquiry?] and enable me to rant about Serana. Or Vigdis. Or just Virana. Florentius knows I can't rant about one without mentioning the other 99% of the time
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girlactionfigure · 7 months
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Baruch Dayan HaEmet
This was 27 year old Sgt First Class (Res.) Ori Yaish of the Combat Engineering Unit 8119 who was murdered by the terrorist yesterday in Israel. 
May his memory be for a blessing
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huntresswarlock · 6 months
tagged by @z-nogyrop thankies ❤
last song: Holding Out For A Hero by Bonnie Tyler from Footloose.......
favourite colour: where are all my blueheads, make some noise!!!
last movie / tv show: do DropoutTV shows count? VIP with vic michaelis
sweet / spicy / savoury: my sweet tooth will be the death of me
relationship status: single and not looking. i don't want someone else in my house.
last thing you googled: "dropouttv very important people" so i could be sure i spelled vic's last name right; before that it was "squid target strength" for work
current obsession: the original YAish fantasy story i'm writing, alongside Monster Hunter: World/Iceborne!
get TAGGED: @nerdyskeleton @tatsugiriroll @elysiangroom @pokemonmansion @k1spiegel
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grandhotelabyss · 1 year
Do you have any experience with Colson Whitehead? I was very impressed by the Pynchonesque The Intuitionist, but let down by the hype around The Underground Railroad, which turned out to be some fragments of an excellent "straight" historical novel stapled to some bad YAish Twilight Zone episodes. Since then he seems to have trended more towards realism (Nickel Boys etc), and there were more Lethem-esque genre experiments before Railroad. Has any of it stood out to you? Is there greatness there?
Never read him. I once found a copy of The Underground Railroad in a Little Free Library and browsed through it. The nice liberal white lady who'd deposited it there (I make these assumptions based on the demographics of the neighborhood and the demographics of the literary novel's readership) had written in her bubbly handwriting items in the margin such as, "Just like mass incarceration today," so I concluded, perhaps unfairly, that it was some kind of pedagogical exercise. I've also always held this unfunny parody of James Wood against him, since it so totally misses the mark; you can find Wood's taste too narrow, and I do, but, for one thing, it counted as cosmopolitan and modernist in the England of his formative years, and, for another, it was the product of a secularized Evangelical fervor rather than placid English snobbery. From this misfire, I concluded that he didn't have the satirist's keen eye. I always meant to read The Intuitionist though.
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hasselt ola sabi fe al-munzal fe michigan vatameh muthall jacque andama aqbalah lathlek achberth anni lem ahebb asdaqayha abda alan rahl ، weho lenadini balahra murra akhra hannak umbrella yaish fe hala al-hadika oakhberni anna sanandja hatte natkharzh. lathlek achberth an al-musiqi testahaq al-natzar lackne erideny fe mutbakh ma tabaq asha anne aaman ، atkod ، anne aaman ، anne aaman hatha mae jeageb an necon aleh lucken al-ghirah ، al-ghirah ، al-ghirah ، al-ghirah ahsal ola afdal mae lady anzar ، cerda aqasd al-ihbat ، laknani daema ertkab neves al-akhta ، nim daema ertkab neves al-akhta 'al-sabab anne saya fe al-hab (aue aue) lucken cerda yimkenk ilka allom ali ola al-mahawila ' ant talam anni sakun kadhba "akul " kent al-shakhs (aue aue) hatha yamakn an yaslahni achira anzar elly tarrichi anne saya fe al-waad hasselt ola fatah ma ayoun kalifurnia waatekdet anha yamakn an tekon haqqa vahida hedheh al-murrah lucken lem tetteh lee farsa abda lajalha lee lanha vaqat fe hubb khatut beyza rafia saghira fatah landon maحصلت على صبي في المنزل في ميشيغان وطعمه مثل جاك عندما أقبله لذلك أخبرته أنني لم أحب أصدقائه أبدا الآن رحل ، وهو يناديني بالعاهرة مرة أخرى هناك رجل يعيش في حالة الحديقة وأخبرني أننا سننجح حتى نتخرج. لذلك أخبرته أن الموسيقى تستحق الانتظار لكنه يريدني في المطبخ مع طبق عشاء أنا أؤمن ، أعتقد ، أنا أؤمن ، أنا أؤمن هذا ما يجب أن نكون عليه لكن الغيرة ، الغيرة ، الغيرة ، الغيرة احصل على أفضل ما لدي انظر ، لا أقصد الإحباط ، لكنني دائما ارتكاب نفس الأخطاء ، نعم دائما ارتكاب نفس الأخطاء 'السبب أنا سيء في الحب (أوه أوه) لكن لا يمكنك إلقاء اللوم علي على المحاولة ' أنت تعلم أنني سأكون كاذبا "أقول " كنت الشخص (أوه أوه) هذا يمكن أن يصلحني أخيرا انظر إلى تاريخي أنا سيء في الوعد حصلت على فتاة مع عيون كاليفورنيا واعتقدت أنها يمكن أن تكون حقا واحدة هذه المرة لكن لم تتح لي الفرصة أبدا لجعلها لي لأنها وقعت في حب خطوط بيضاء رفيعة صغيرة فتاة لندن مع
ሚሺገን ውስጥ አንድ ልጅ አገኘሁ እኔስ ስስመው እንደ ጃክ ይጣፍጣል' ስለዚህ ጓደኞቹን ፈጽሞ እንደማልወድ ነገርኩት አሁን ሄዷል። እንደገና ጋሽ ይሉኛል በአትክልቱ ሁኔታ የሚኖር ሰው አለ እናም ‹‹እስከምናስመረቅ›› እንደምንደርሰው ነገረኝ። ስለዚህ ሙዚቃው መጠበቅ እንደሚገባው ነገርኩት ነገር ግን እራት ሳህን ጋር ወጥ ቤት ውስጥ ይሻለኛል አመንኩኝ አምኜ አምኜ እንድንሆን የተፈጠርን መሆናችን ቅማንት፣ ቅናት፣ ቅማንት ግን ምርጥ ያግኙኝ እነሆ ተስፋ መቁረጥ አልፈልግም እኔ ግን ሁሌም ተመሳሳይ ስህተቶችን አድርግ አዎ ሁሌም ተመሳሳይ ስህተቶችን አድርግ ምክንያቱም በፍቅር ክፉ ነኝ (ooh-ooh) ነገር ግን ስለሞከርከኝ ልትወቅሰኝ አትችልም' እንደምሆን ታውቃለህ'' አንተ ነህ (ooh-ooh) ይህም በመጨረሻ ሊያስተካክለኝ ይችላል ታሪኬን ተመልከቱ ቃል በመግባት መጥፎ ነኝ የካሊፎርኒያ ዓይን ያላት ልጅ አገኘች እናም በዚህ ጊዜ በእርግጥ እሷ መሆን ትችላለች ብዬ አሰብኩ ነገር ግን እሷን የእኔ ለማድረግ እድል ፈጽሞ አላገኘሁም በትንሽ ቀጫጭን ነጭ መስመሮች ስለወደደች ለንደን ልጃገረድ ጋር
Kam një djalë në shtëpi në Miçigan Dhe ka shije si Jack kur unë jam puthur atë Kështu që i thashë se nuk më pëlqenin kurrë miqtë e tij Tani ai iku, dhe ai po më thërret përsëri një bushtër. Është një djalë që jeton në shtetin e kopshtit Dhe ai më tha se do t'ia dilnim deri sa të diplomoheshim. Kështu që i thashë se muzika do t'ia vlente të priste. Por ai më do në kuzhinë me një pjatë darke Besoj, besoj, besoj, besoj Që ne jemi menduar të jemi Por xhelozia, xhelozia, xhelozia, xhelozia Merr më të mirën nga unë. Shiko, nuk dua të frustroj, por unë Gjithmonë bëni të njëjtat gabime, po Gjithmonë bëni të njëjtat gabime sepse Unë jam i keq në dashuri (ooh-ooh) Por nuk mund të më fajësosh që po provoj. Ti e di që unë do të isha duke thënë' Ti ishe ai (ooh-ooh) Kjo më në fund mund të më rregullojë Duke parë historinë time Jam i keq për të premtuar Kam një vajzë me sytë e Kalifornisë Dhe mendova se ajo mund të jetë me të vërtetë ajo këtë herë Por unë kurrë nuk kam pasur mundësinë për ta bërë atë timen Sepse ra në dashuri me vija të vogla të bardha të holla Vajzë e Londrës me
Het 'n seun by die huis in Michigan gekry En dit smaak soos Jack as ek hom soen Daarom het ek vir hom gesê dat ek nooit regtig van sy vriende gehou het nie Nou is hy weg, en hy noem my weer 'n teef Daar is 'n ou wat in die tuinstaat woon En hy het vir my gesê dat ons dit sal maak totdat ons gradueer. Daarom het ek vir hom gesê dat die musiek die wag werd sou wees Maar hy wil my in die kombuis hê met 'n etensbord Ek glo, ek glo, ek glo, ek glo Dat ons bedoel is om te wees Maar jaloesie, jaloesie, jaloesie, jaloesie Kry die beste van my Kyk, ek bedoel nie om te frustreer nie, maar ek Maak altyd dieselfde foute, ja Maak altyd dieselfde foute 'oorsaak Ek is sleg met liefde (ooh-ooh) Maar jy kan my nie kwalik neem dat ek probeer het nie. Jy weet ek sal lyin' sê ' Jy was die een (ooh-ooh) Dit kan my uiteindelik regmaak Kyk na my geskiedenis Ek is sleg met belowende Het 'n meisie met Kalifornië oë En ek het gedink dat sy hierdie keer regtig die een kan wees Maar ek het nooit die kans gekry om haar myne te maak nie Omdat sy verlief geraak het op klein dun wit lyntjies Londense meisie met
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yhwhrulz · 7 months
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infosisraelnews · 7 months
La publication a été autorisée : le général de division Uri Ya'ish a été tué dans l'attaque près de Kiryat Malachi
Le major (de réserve) Uri Yaish, un combattant de réserve de 27 ans originaire de Modi’in, est la deuxième personne tuée dans l’attaque hier (vendredi), qui a également coûté la vie à Yishai Gartner 23 ans.: Yaish était un combattant de réserve dans le PLASAM 8119, Brigade de Jérusalem (16). Outre Yaish et Gartner, quatre personnes ont été blessées, dont un garçon de 16 ans tres grièvement et…
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enparallel · 1 year
Book report: Midnight Strikes
Midnight Strikes, Zeba Shahnaz
Cinderella’s Groundhog Day with some feeble political subplots. The premise is super interesting and I very much wanted to see how it ended but UGH did it take forever to get there. Prose is extremely YAish and seeded with annoyingly sloppy turns of phrase on top of it; metaphors that made no sense and nothing much languagewise to make up for it. Setting is a weird psuedoSpain where there are like four countries in the whole world and they’ve dropped gendered endings to nouns apparently. You’ll be visiting one of those courts where everyone dresses in fancy skirts but all other aspects of culture are an inch deep.
Plotwise iterations through the scenario started to feel mostly like a video game, and it might actually have been more fun to play through than to read. There’s a film agent involved. It could be a fun movie. Somebody fix the end.
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rwizakakiza · 2 years
Tumaini Jipya, ndani ya YESU KRISTO
(8). Upendo kwa MUNGU kuongezeka ni hali ya kumpenda MUNGU ndani yako kuongezeka au kuzidi zaidi ya jana au zaidi ya mwanzo ilivyoanza kumjua.
>Kati ya tatizo kubwa ambalo watu wengi wanakutana nalo ni
>Wengi wameona ni kawaida ama hawagundui kabisa kwamba WALIVYOMPENDA MUNGU kwanza na sasa kuna utofauti mkubwa sana.
Hii hali uanza taratibu, kupunguza umakini wa kuhusiana na MUNGU
...... Ulikuwa unawahi mapema kwenye eneo la ibada, lakini kwa sasa hata ukichelewa hauoni shida....
..... Ulikuwa ukimwona mtu anatenda dhambi, ndani mwako panawaka kwa kumwombea, na ikibidi kumwambia Habari za YESU, lakini sasa haikusumbui....
..... Ulikuwa unajitenga na kusali, lakini kwa sasa mpaka story au movie au maongezi fulani yaishe, ndipo uende kusali.... nk.
>Mtu akidumu kwenye matatizo ya muda mrefu, mfano..... Magonjwa,.... Misiba.... Kunyanyaswa/kutengwa/kutuhumiwa.... Maombi kutokujibiwa kwa wakati... nk
Husababisha hali ya Kumpenda MUNGU kupoa au kutoweka kabisa, maana anaona MUNGU hayupo, Ukweli MUNGU yupo, na anakusikia anataka atukuzwe na kukuheshimisha wewe siku za mbele.
>Kati ya vitu hatari vinavyoomdoa pendo la MUNGU ndani ya mtu ni ulimwengu na tamaa zake.
....Kuna lugha ya ulimwengu ni maisha ni magumu,.... Ni lazima uzini kwanza ndipo uoe au uolewe,..... Lazima utoe rushwa ndipo ufanikiwe,.... Lazima useme uongo ili kuleta suluhu.... Lazima utumie nguvu za giza, ndipo mambo yaende....
Mtu anapoishi kwenye mazingira haya asipokuwa makini, atabadilika na kuuacha upendo wa kwanza.
Usibadilishwe na mazingira ila yabadilishe mazingira.
>Namna pekee ya kurudisha upendo wa kwanza kwa MUNGU ni
KUOMBA TOBA, yaani kumgeukia BWANA YESU ili akupe nafasi ya kuwa mwana wa MUNGU upya na kuonja pendo la MUNGU upya
But I have this [charge] against you, that you have left your FIRST LOVE [you have lost the depth of love that you first had for Me].
Revelation 2:4
Please SHARE and FOLLOW me
@2023 the greatest Glory for me.
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thebandcampdiaries · 2 years
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Mister Yaish is back on the scene with a brand new studio work: "How you doin baby"
October 2022 - Mister Yaish is an artist who likes to dive deeper into his sound, bringing fresh ideas to his songs and constantly pursuing excellence with his productions. Recently, he dropped a new release titled "How you doin baby", which stands out as an outstanding example of his ability to pursue new ideas and sounds with his music, while still retain his identity and personality. The music combines a huge range of influences, including dub, reggae, pop and dancehall, only to mention a few. Even more impressively, the artist actually directed the music video for the song! The clip is awesome, as it combines actual live footage with animation. The concept is bright, sunny, and fun, and it feels like a perfect mach with the song. This is a really well-executed production, with a killer video and some amazing vibe that make Mister Yaish really stand out! This new project is indeed an amazing highlight for his music and even video production work, as well as a distinctive showcase of power and creative vision from an artist who is always on the lookout for new, amazing opportunity to try new things and make sure they are always ready to pursue innovation with his work.
"How you doin baby" is a great snapshot of Mister Yaish’s creativity, and it comes highly recommended to fans of artists such as Pitbull, Francis Moon, Ed Sheeran and Harry Styles, only to mention a few. This release is a perfect taste of modern dub-pop music at its best, and it is definitely an indication that the future ahead is quite bright for Mister Yaish, who is certainly going to accomplish great things with his sound. 
Find out more about Mister Yaish, and listen to "How you doin baby", now available on some of the web’s best digital music streaming services.
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jayahult · 2 years
star-crossed lovers/forbidden romance for the trope rating thing
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
With the caveat that it depends on how contrived the forbiddance is. There's something that could probably be broadly described as the "YA stupid cultural taboo" wherein a cheap YAish fantasy novel includes a cultural taboo or aspect exclusively for dramatic purposes without really grounding it in any real in-universe history that makes sense with social dynamics, if that makes any sense. Like, there are tons of relationship dynamics that were and are considered "forbidden" IRL for a variety of reasons, usually dictated by religious strictures (homosexuality in the West and Near Middle East), class animosity (this is basically so common as a form of forbidden relationship that it might be easier to count the exceptions), racism (racial segregation in the US and Apartheid in South Africa), or of course just plain old interfamilial feuds (the classic Romeo and Juliet story.) There are distinct reasons, historical and material causes for these biases that did not emerge ex nihilo, and not at least hinting at those material realities often creates a sense of dissonance with the story for me. I actually very intentionally tried to deal with some of that in Heresiarch.
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housebaylor · 2 years
in the mood for reading a vampire romance
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Chapter 6
In which Howl expresses his feelings with green slime
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thethief1996 · 3 years
Updates on Palestine: June 27th 2021
On the 15th, Israel returned to bombing Gaza during the ceasefire. Two days after, they bombed Gaza again, leaving more than 100.000 people without homes.
Israel has been blackmailing Hamas and other Palestinian leaderships in Gaza, saying they will only let Palestine resume fishing, reopen its borders and let Qatar financially aid them in exchange for political prisoners.
Israel has imposed stricter import restrictions on Palestine, including the import of raw materials, what's directly affecting Palestine's industry and leaving hundreds on job insecurity. Note that Gaza's borders are all tightly controlled by either Israel or Egypt in a blockade (hence why it's called an open air prison)
Because of the 14 year old blockade, Israel doesn't let construction goods in Gaza under the guise it can be used for military purposes. Over 100.000 displaced Palestinians have no material to reconstruct their homes and have to repurpose debris, while some of them are uncertain to rebuild at all under the political climate
A timeline of Nizar Banat's murder and protests
June 24th: Nizar Banat, an outspoken critic of the Palestinian Authority, had his home raided by PA security forces at 3:30 AM, was taken to an unknown location and killed. The body was hidden from the family. Preliminary autopsies say the cause of death was unnatural and he took blows to the head
Still about Banat's murder, his home is in an part of the West Bank occupied by Israel, meaning that the PA couldn't coordinate the attack without help of the Israeli government
To understand better who Banat was and the relationship of Palestinians with the PA, here's an article
Palestinians came together to protest and were met with heavy backlash, being teargassed, beaten with sticks and brutalized by plainclothes officers
Trigger warning for police brutality: here's two videos showing the protestors being repressed by the police
June 25th: Dozens of Palestinians turn up to Banat's funeral to protest and are heavily repressed.
The PA brings an unconscious Palestinian to the ER of the Palestinian Medical Complex and closes off the building for other injured
Three lawyers were arrested by the PA
June 26th: Hundreds of protesters gathered in Ramallah demanding that the PA's president resign. Once again they were heavily repressed
Seven Palestinian journalists were brutally beaten by PA officers in plainclothes and uniform alike. Their names are: Shatha Hammad, Saja Al-Alami, Mohammed Ghafri, Najlaa Zeitoon, Fayhaa Khanfar
Here's a graphic video of a PA officer in plainclothes brutalizing Najlaa Zeitoon
Here's a graphic video of the PA dragging an injured protestor down a street
June 27th: PA cuts off internet access in Ramallah.
PA police attacked a group of twenty women trying to keep each other safe. Right now, Palestinian youth are protesting, without knowing if a plainclothes officer or Fatah loyalist will brutalize them with no way of communicating
About Beita
Israel is building a new settlement in Beita, on the West Bank (I want it to be very clear it's not Israeli land either by 1948 or 1967 accords, it's an invasion even to the most liberal person)
Beita has been raided by settlers for weeks now, with deaths, including children, and injured. IOF has been shooting and stopping ambulances coming to aid.
Beita heavily depends on its olive groves, and over 100 olive saplings were burned and older trees chopped down
Residents have come together in something they call night confusion units, where they honk horns, burn tyres and use laser lights to bother settlers. This is what's being compared to the Charlottesville nazis by zionists.
About Sheikh Jarrah
Sheikh Jarrah residents are still being beaten and brutalized for months now. Settlers have thrown stones at palestinians and pepper sprayed four children, leaving 20 hurt, all with cover of the IOF.
Israelis have started fires in Sheikh Jarrah
Here's a graphic video of the IOF choking a resident and beating another (26/06)
The IOF has been abducting people in Sheikh Jarrah by the dozens. Today, they arrested two members of the Abdulatif family, including a 16 year old and two women of the El Qasem family, after making sexual comments to humiliate them
They've also detained Bashar Yaish, a resident from Sheikh Jarrah, for no reason, being released hours later. It can't be more clear theyre doing this to break palestinians' spirits.
Mohammed El Kurd was almost arrested again, while other residents have been arrested for recording the streets of Sheikh Jarrah, under charges of "Tiktok"
About Silwan
Today's the last day before the demolition of Silwan. Over 1500 palestinians have been threatened by the Israeli government to either destroy their own homes or pay the government to destroy it for them
The Bustan neighborhood will be demolished to make space for a biblical park. This thread by Mohammed El Kurd of how this is a systemic excuse to displace palestinians
They've renamed Silwan with a hebrew name in anticipation, attempting to erase them
Not only are the people of Beita, Silwan, Sheikh Jarrah, Gaza and so on being made homeless, they're made homeless in a place where they can't build homes elsewhere and are being systemically repressed, starved and driven out. Be angry and amplify Palestinian voices. Follow Palestinians like Mohammed El Kurd, Linah Al Saafin, Mariam Barghouti and Al Shabaka and share their voices. To quote @/princessmlokhia on twitter, they will demolish these homes if they believe they can do so quietly.
Also found this petition to support Huda, a pakistani student who was harrassed for calling students to learn about Palestine. Feel free to add more
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