flamestyle · 10 days
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  he takes a step (or three) back as the water makes a mess of zoro and the floor. gaze drifting down to watch the spill move past his own feet, before settling on the shark, again. these idiots... a sigh. "...look, it obviously isn't comfortable in there. if you're going to keep it, at least put it in something bigger..." / @yakiire continued from this.
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medicus-felini · 7 months
all he knows is that cats don't like water and that this island is prone to rain ( according to their navigator, which makes for infallible information ). he near-shoves the flowery umbrella he'd been equipped with at his departure from the sunny into the strange girl's hands—just as the sky begins to darken, sending down a first few stray drops. he only would've used it as a makeshift 4th sword, anyway.
──────────────────────── ❀⊱ 𝕌𝕟𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 ⊰❀ ────────────────────────
      𝐆𝐞𝐧𝘁𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝗿𝐨𝐩𝘀 𝐨𝐟 𝘄𝐚𝘁𝐞𝗿, 𝐧𝐨𝘁 𝐦𝐚���𝘆, 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝘆 𝘁𝘄𝐨 𝐨𝗿 𝘁𝐡𝗿𝐞𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝘀𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝘀𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝘀, 𝐡𝐢𝘁 𝘁𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝗿𝐨𝘂𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝘀𝘂𝐜𝐡 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝘄𝐚𝘆.      Surely, that was a bigger storm announcing itself. Even if Linn wasn't exactly afraid of water, the feline was also not very fond of the cold wet coming from above. Her fur dries poorly from alone. Oh, if she had just thought about bringing an . . .
 . . .
   Umbrella   ?
Hands open automatically in the process of this firm offering of an umbrella. How convenient. Not exactly sure if the gesture was out of annoyance or of pure heart, a nervous smile dances on Linn's lips.
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     ❝ Ah   —   Thank you very much. ❞     Her voice is held quiet, a small bow to underline her gratitude. With a click, the little handy thing is opened, protecting herself from the rain which is slowly picking up in intensity. Pale eyes gaze up towards the man's frame next to her.
Her hand lifts the umbrella, a silly attempt of shielding the green-haired one too. The doctor doesn't utter a word. She just . . . awkwardly looks at the ground.
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bonescribes · 11 months
❛  why are you here ?  ❜ ( for sänji )
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he's scowling before zoro can even get his question out , and his frown only deepens upon actually hearing it . sanji crosses his arms , jutting his chin out at the swordsman before gesturing to the sprawling town around them , where people mill about without even a glance at the two pirates in their midst .
" everyone else had errands to run , so i got stuck on babysitting duty . learn how to read a map and neither of us will have to deal with this anymore , stupid marimo . "
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sylvva · 2 years
@yakiire​ ♡’d
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❀ 𓏬 ❝Oh perfect timing!❞ Camilla had gotten it in her head that today would be a great day to deep clean the kitchen. She was already a couple hours into the project when she came across the dilemma of moving the fridge. Or at least it was a dilemma until the solution walked in. ❝Can you help me pull this out?❞
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deathleadsarc · 2 years
@yakiire | sc
―  🜛  ―  Basker is a strange pup if at one moment he is rampant with snarls and at another he is happily sniffling and snorting his nose against a stranger  (  his fullest form, paying hardly any heed to her words of confusion )  in a huff, she set their provisions near the stranger and bent her knees to meet the eyes of her companion  ―  she wouldn't lie, it was hurtful that he would not listen! Basker usually kept directly at her side, utterly adoring and obedient, so such a change had been jarring to say the least. . . 
Through attempting to navigate these oceans, the lass was always aware of the world of pirates to which she had been protected  ―  so she made the very obvious assumption that this stranger had been dead, passed away to the side of the streets, brushed aside like trash. . . when Basker began to whine, she leaned forward and put a hand to his chest.
Feeling. Waiting for a heartbeat  ―  now jumping back with her hands up once their eyes had met. 
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     " Ah. Uhm. Sorry! I thought you were dead! Just making sure! Sorry! "
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mtwiind · 1 year
bathing is optional, sword is forever
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is upset that zoro does have a point. swords are forever.
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burdenedreverance · 1 year
👊 & 🤥 & 🙈
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
"How easy it is for me to grasp the handle of a weapon and throw myself once more into the zealotry of war."
He has always tried to conduct himself righteously. Yet, he is still a man of physical violence. He has fired many shots in anger, and he has witnessed the glassy look of deceased eyes caused by his actions. For a man of war and violence, so attached to his causes, must exhibit some zeal for battle.
"I must exercise self-discipline least I allow myself to become entirely overtaken by my bases urges, to inflict violence on those I deem worthy. If I should allow myself to murder as I see fit those who deserve it, than I shall surely betray not only the higher values I serve but myself."
It is easy to want to punish evil, and it is easy to inflict the same pain unto those who do unto others. That does not make it right."
👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
"By my nature, yes. By actions, no."
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
"I am not a particularly well-versed liar; I lack the charisma to scarcely convince those when I tell the truth. Lying should be avoided except in the most dire of circumstances, and if I do perform such it is usually a short lie which will soon be revealed."
Deception in matters of war, however, are quite different. Those, he are versed in.
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remedicine · 1 year
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@yakiire asked: "you want to be 'cool'? isn't being a doctor cool enough."
                     ❝ Not as cool as swordsmen. ❞
It wasn't that Chopper disliked being a doctor, of course! It was an important job, especially with a crew as adventurous as this one, and there was nothing in the world that could have convinced him to change his role.
But there was something so awesome about swords. Blades as sharp as his scalpels and requiring all the same focused precision, but so much more dangerous than his medical instruments could ever be. He watched Zoro and Brook fight whenever he got the chance, lost in starstruck awe.
They were cool. Chopper... Well, he had his moments, but they didn't quite compare.
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                     ❝ Please let me see your swords, Zoro! I'll be careful! ❞
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bloominghands · 2 years
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@yakiire whispered: between slow blinks, he spots swords on the old book's cover the archaeologist has laying on the table before her. he's anything but a connoisseur of literature, but that does pique his interest. "—what's this one about?"
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Page is flipped along with the salty sea breeze that dances through raven locks, and a careful hand smoothes it back down before the question piques her ears, and she turns a slightly surprised countenance towards the swordsman whose familiar voice had presented said query. Her expression immediately softens a moment later, and she closes the book to show him the title. "It's called War and Wrath." She replies with a pleased tone, taking the spectacles off the bridge of her nose.
" It's a historical fiction based on real events that recount several very detailed and bloody battles. " It wasn't often that Zoro showed much interest if any at all in her ever-changing reading material, but she was pleased to share.
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" One of the characters reminds me of you, actually. "
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suiqin · 2 years
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# aesthetic builder! . . fill in with either a. your character’s favorite or b. what describes your character best. ( @yakiire thanx for the tag <3 )
 /  tagging YOU & @deprcvities . @shiigures . @chatcambrioleur ( only IF u want ofc )
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flamestyle · 2 days
' i know the way back. '
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   he stares. he doesn't believe it. even if he really really wanted to, he can't. and it never fails to amaze him how even after getting lost time after time after time...after time; zoro believes this. "yeah? alright...then point in that direction."
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kaizckuou · 5 years
- ̗̀  @yakiire liked for a starter  ̖́-
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he    jumps    onto    the    spot    next    to    the    swordsman;    there's    a    hum    &&    a    small    curious    tilt    of    the    head.    " oi,    oi,    zoro    what's    it?    is    it    supposed    to    be    like    this?    you    look    weird. "
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shukkou · 5 years
catches his straw hat as it's about to get swept away by a sudden breeze and dunks it back on the fool head it belongs to.
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The KING D R E A M S;;
That distant DREAM instilled into woven reeds, pulled tight and solidified, given to him as a constant reminder of the glistening horizon that he so sought and cherished - it was something that could be bustled by even the slightest breeze, but such was a precious heirloom held by he who COULD ONLY SEE FREEDOM.
- - He hadn’t been paying much heed to the world around him, let alone the state of that precious artifact, merely setting his sights abroad in search of the next thing that piqued his interest, and as such, an ungodly honk would emit from deep within a marred chest as he was bombarded with his own headwear.
                                         “ N N NANDAYO ? EhH, ZORO - ! !”
At first, protest, that perhaps his precious swordsman was just being a bully, only to note a few papers flying by as a result of an abrupt change of wind.    - - That’s right, of course, not just him.Maybe it blew away so easily because it also proved how much he needed that support, how as the captain, he was really PRETTY USELESS on his own.  A decadent display of pearl that encompassed most of the rubber youth’s face, and he had decimated any minuscule distance between them, essentially smushing his side against whatever part of the moss-haired man he could manage.
                     “.. Shishishi - Thank ya’!                   mm, ne! Zoro, watcha think about fishin’?                            Innit time for dinner, yet?”                  
                                                                                    We G O - TOGETHER;;
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sylvva · 2 years
@yakiire​ ♡’d
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♞ 𓏬 ❝My sister told me a great deal about you.❞ All good of course. It seemed that Kiku had taken a liking to the Strawhats. ❝She mentioned you helped her when you two first met. Thank you for that.❞ And for everything else that had followed. 
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pasttorn · 5 years
@yakiire​ asked: he opens one eye at the sound of the other's steps; briefly interrupting what seems to be a bout of (routine-) meditation. "—— joining in?" (@jimbei)
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        like most mornings, he’d woken BEFORE the sunrise, the tides rocking the boat in the most calming manner possible. & though he expects himself to be the first one awake ( apart from the one on night shift, as one would expect ), he’s slightly surprised to see zoro sitting on the ship’s deck. the fish man approaches the other, corner of his lips curving to a small smile when he hears his words, responding with his own, ❝ i would be glad to. ❞ 
        it hadn’t been his intention to DISTRACT the other from his daily activities, but he should’ve expected it would happen as soon as he got close enough. still, he stands next to the swordsman, ❝ -- only if you’re alright with some COMPANY, that is. ❞
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mtwiind · 2 years
they don't got basic hospitality out there in giraffe country huh
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"could you imagine if there was actually a giraffe country? i don't think i would ever leave." thanks zoro, now kaku wants to find a giraffe country.
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