#yall have to decide if vilco is viktor and silco or vander and silco
emptymasks · 3 years
me having viktor/silco ideas first thing in the morning and making myself write out just this short scene from this larger idea/au i’ve had that now is already continuing on and this can’t become a full fic i don’t write big long fics because i’m not good at them and can’t keep the motivationnn. unless i construct it like those house or mozart das musical fics i wrote where there’s a bunch of fics in a series, some having multiple chapters and anywhere between 1-10k words per part, that take part in the same overall universe but that way i don’t have to write things chronologically, i can just write which bits i have ideas for... that’s actually not a bad idea
okay so who wants act 1 viktor x silco? i blame a post i saw suggesting it and they’re right most vilco fics are either alt viktor who never left zaun in the first place, never went to the academy, or act 2/act 3 viktor who’s fallen out with jayce/left jayce, been approached by silco, met silco when trying to find singed... but the idea of act 1 viktor (i have such a soft spot for him only because he gets drawn so rarely compared to act 3 which understand but he’s a cutie with that short hair okay) getting approached by silco who see’s this potential and thinks to recruit viktor as a sort of informant/spy before viktor ever meets jayce and the dean’s assitant becoming rising crime boss silco’s little pet and the undercity knows and keeps it’s mouth shut and it in return all of viktor’s research gets funded? if in return viktor seems to be able to get whatever meds he needs? if jayce wonders where viktor disappears to sometimes? if viktor ends up finding himself fantasizing that one time when silco would make a surprise visit to the lab to check viktor is on track with everything that he’d just push viktor against the desk and have his way with him? if silco does end up seducing viktor and telling himself it’s just to keep viktor loyal and because viktor is pretty but ends up getting too attatched to his little scientist??
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