#yall remember how retinol literally burns your skin and thats how it gets such results?
sexc-snail · 1 year
I hope and pray that one day the skincare industry will lose its grip on us.
"Celebrity X uses product Y!" They're literally rich and make money off of being pretty and I'm supposed to believe they use a $35 product that was invented four months ago?
Hollywood is a cesspool of looking as unnaturally attractive as possible while maintaining that this is just "how I look normally" because no one can know you had to work for your looks (because that somehow makes you less attractive?)
They use vitamin A supplements or some expensive treatment, or they get plastic surgery and like about it because they've been taught to be ashamed. And that's if their skin isn't already perfect, because;
It's all genetics!!!! That's all it is!!!
Yeah acne begins with puberty and is heightened during - because your hormone are out of wack! But if you have acne beyond puberty you'll probably have it for a while. I had acne so bad I would regularly get abscesses in more humid areas (re: my coochie and armpits). Once it got so bad that I have to have two drained and it was too painful even under local anaesthetic so I had to go under general anaesthetic. I got put on vitamin A supplements, which dry out your skin, which was the best my skin was for a while (at the cost of cracked lips). And while it was less severe after puberty I still have acne!!!
Don't get me wrong, skincare is good for you. But everyone's skin is different in thousands of small ways! The chances that the hot new product on the market is what exactly matches your skin are slim to none! Especially when most of the products are for one type of problem and people have more than one type of problem. Now why could that be? (hint: it's because they want you to buy more product)
All in all, short of literally altering your hormones (which is why the pill helps some people) skin products won't do much for acne. They can still help if you have dry, oily, etc. skin, and even help with acne (but not to the extent of completely clearing it unless your acne is bacterial/environmental), but your goal shouldn't be clear skin it should be healthy skin.
Don't trust the Hot New Product, try different things and see what works for you to get a personalised routine.
And use SPF!!!!!!!
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