#yall wouldnt deny so hard if you werent so into each ither
Buck: All due respect, I love you
Eddie: Don't you dare say what you're about to say
Buck: You know you're not my type, Eds
Eddie: Well you're not my type either bitch
Buck: Wait, how the fuck am I not your type?
Eddie: Because I like them a little more rugged than you
Buck: I'm rugged
Eddie: You're not really
Buck: I'm so rugged
Eddie: You're not rugged
Buck: I'm very rugged
Eddie: Look at you, you're not rugged
Buck: How am I not rugged?
Eddie: Because-
Buck: 'Cause I'm not wearing a fucking flannel in 80° weather you stupid dumb idiot
Eddie: Yeah, but look at you now, you're too angry too. You fly off the handle, I don't like that
Buck: That's a very rugged thing to do
Eddie: No it's no- "wheeze*
Buck: Is it not rugged for you?
Eddie: No it's not
Buck: No?
Eddie: You can never be what I need Buck
Buck: I think I could be exactly what you need
Eddie: That's what you think. You don't even want me!
Buck: I don't want you
Eddie: So why do you need me to have you?!
Buck: But I want you to want me
Buck and Eddie singing in unison: I want you to want me. I need you to need me
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