#yamato army where ya at?
fifisfia · 8 months
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I don't think Yamato is getting the love that he deserves from people, like why isn't anyone talking about him as much? Yamato had been alone all of his life (accept with Kaido or the people serving Kaido). He also had explosive chained handcuffs on his arms to keep him from escaping because they knew if they had a choice. He would leave them without a thought. Now think about it. Yamato basically had no friends for the longest time and because he was a child do you really think that he would want to stay in a place like that?
Yamato found a handwritten book about a legendary samurai of Wano, without even knowing how to read as much. Yamato accepted the book as his own and because he had a feeling that the book was one of a kind.
Once he was able to understand the words, Yamato didn't hesitate to take his personality and incorporate that into his own for the sake of Wano. Even though he knew that once people knew about him being Kaido's son, they would treat him no better than his father. Imagine being treated like that in your world, you having to hide away because of your families reputation... For anyone going through that, stay strong my guys! You're awesome and don't let anyone stop you from being awesome! 💪
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(art study by this piece right down below! ↓)
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Back to the subject, Kaido, we all know who he is and I honestly don't want to describe him as much because this is about yamo, not him. Yamato was thrown into the rock dungeon because he believed in Oden thinking that the hungry samurai's would eat him or something 💀 but little did he know that the samurai's there treated Yamato a lot better than anyone had for the longest of times.
Just step into Yamato's shoes for a second, this kid grew up with no mother, a basically non existent father, no friends, and was thrown in rock jail as a kid for saying he likes Oden. We should respect the fact that Yamato stayed so strong for so many years. even though being Kaido's son had hurt him deeply. We as an audience got to see more sides in Yamato than just being "Kaido's son". He endured every little bad thing that came his way for the sake of Wano. Once he saw the tiniest shred of hope. Yamato did not hesitate to take the matters into his own hands
(Which is why I also think the relationship he developed between Ace was really special)
Ace might not have not fulfilled his promises to Yamato, but he did spark that flame inside if him, and changed his viewpoint in himself to keep him going strong for many future years. Ace was the one friend that believed in him. He knew Yamato was strong, and he wanted him to continue growing stronger even after he left. We also got to see our Yamato smile again 🥺 who wouldn't like to rewatch episode 1015 again for that sake?
Even though Ace left him all alone. This time Yamato knew what needed to be done, and he also knew that a notorious pirate will come roaming through the oceans, and eventually land to the land of Wano. His brother luffy.
He knew that once the time came, the Wano that everyone had been dying to restore will be achievable because of Luffy. So Let's all be silly and stay happy knowing that our boy Yamo is happy, he deserves it.
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Also... This is very random but Feminine Yamato is so fun to draw. I love Drawing him as the most female looking guy in the show. Let's show some appreciation for Yamato!
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Sabo x Marine!Reader. Ya know like enemies to lovers
Sabo x Marine Reader
Authors Note: Hey as requested, here is my attempt at Marine Reader x Sabo, enemies to lovers. I blame Yamato for my marine character being the daughter of Akainu Sakazuki, because fuck that guy, and I bet his kids would hate him. Marine Reader also  kind of seems like a female version of Koby. Anyways, attempt at enemies to lovers as requested. Let me know your thoughts below, next time I may do Sabo x Subordinate, because I love an authority figure. Not sure I got Sabo’s voice quite right, I haven’t watched episodes with him in them in awhile. Hope you like it. Let me know your thoughts or requests below. Thanks Friends!
Def some fluff and for sure some NSFW. Daddy issues for days with this marine reader.
Warnings: MDNI, Daddy issues, penetration, vaginal sex, breeding kink, fingering, strip search, glove kink, finger sucking, I do not own these character, messy aftercare, I hate Sakazuki
You were a vice admiral in the marines, promoted for your valor at Marineford. A decision not suggested by your father, the new fleet admiral, Akainu Sakazuki. He’d taught you from a young age to believe in justice, however you never embraced his views of absolute justice. You failed to see life as only black and white, as he did. Rather, you saw a world full of color. With this view you knew there were reasons behind criminal actions. Your desire to help others was why you joined the marines like your father. Continuing your beliefs under your father’s regime had been hard, especially, when you came face to face with a criminal you had met before. A criminal who, by your father, was wanted desperately to be made an example to the world, for his crimes.
You stood in a hallway on an upper floor overlooking the socializing plaza at this year's Reverie. You were assigned to guard the hall, a floor above the meeting rooms for the Reverie, you didn’t expect much trouble. You listened vigilantly and walked the hall of your post, occasionally looking out below at the socializing royalty in the courtyard below. You’d been on duty a few hours and so far, nothing roused suspicion. Looking at the people below, you took particular notice of those from Fishman Island, Arabasta Kingdom, Cherry Blossom Kingdom, and Dressrosa. These characters were all from areas Strawhat Luffy had been to. You found it fascinating how they had found and flocked to one another.
To you, Strawhat Luffy was an interesting character, a pirate in what seemed like name only, he helped people. Yet, he declared war upon the world government, the agency you worked for. He also had done a great job of making your world government look bad for its involvement with pirates and in pirate affairs. You knew changes could be made and hoped that in your slow rise to power, you could help change them. However, you knew with your father in charge everyone was in danger. Trying to have open discussions on justice as a child with your father led to more training hours and more meals you were left unfed.
As you stood and stared out the window, you reflected on those discussions. Your train of thought was broken by the sound of a small chuckle from behind one of the columns down the hall from where you stood. You gasped and turned your head in the direction of the noise, your hair whipping behind you as shifted. You looked on as a man with a top hat and burn mark to his left eye stepped out from behind a column. Your breath caught in your chest as you studied him.
“Sa-Sabo, Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army.” You stuttered out through gritted teeth.
You unsheathed a (weapon of your choice) and ran at him. He laughed harder as you came hurtling towards him. As you were about to strike, he stopped you by grabbing your wrists. Hands still in the air mid-strike, you fought through gritted teeth to hit him with your weapon. The two of you panted and stared directly into one another's eyes.
“That’s no way to treat an old friend. It’s good to see you again, Y/N.” Sabo said to you with a smile in his calm voice.
“Friend? Sabo, you are part of the Revolutionary Army working against the World Government. I’m a Marine, thus you fight against everything I believe in! You’re no friend of mine.” You replied as you lifted a leg to kick him.
Sabo took the hit, but didn’t budge from his position. He chucked again and easily overpowered you for your weapon, tossing it down the hall behind you. As he took your weapon, you lost your footing and stumbled backwards.. Sabo caught you by the waist, ensuring you didn’t fall.
“Well the last time we met, you let me go.” He replied as he looked deeper into your eyes, now holding tightly to your waist.
You shoved him off you and took a step away from him. Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to calm your angered breathing. Your eyes fluttered to the ground then back to the man before you, who was now thumbing at his top hat.
“Shut up. I thought I told you to forget about that and never speak of it…” You said with a pause.”I’d seen enough bloodshed at Marineford. I wasn’t ready for another execution… another war.”
“As you wish, vice admiral. That look suits you by the way.” He replied as he examined your outfit up and down. 
You were wearing the signature white Marine coat over your shoulders, a low cut top, and short skirt. You felt your outfit displayed your femininity while proving you were still ready to throw hands at any time. Sabo looked down to adjust his gloves, then returned his gaze to meet yours.
“Although, I don’t hate the World Government. I hate Celestial Dragons and what they do to the world.I hate that the World Government protects them.” 
Sabo stopped speaking and stared at you with more intensity. You took another step back as your mind raced through strategies to get your weapon back. Without it, you knew your actions were fruitless. You were willing to fight in hand to hand combat, but you had seen first hand the strength of Sabo’s dragon claw when you last met. You weren’t willing to take your chances with that, you had too much good to do in the world still. You breathed through gritted teeth as Sabo shook his head at you.
“I don’t think our views are all that different if we broke it down.” Sabo said.
“What are you doing here Sabo? Come to ruin the Reverie? I thought the Reverie would only help your cause, it’s a meeting for countries to discuss their issues and broker peace.” You argued as you aggressively took a step towards him.
In the gray walled hallway intermixed with square windows, you stood alone with Sabo. You looked at the wall behind Sabo and studied a tile, remembering that the hallways that connected to where you were stationed were empty of fellow Marines. This portion of the floor was guarded by you and you alone. You could try to scream, but that would make you look weak. You wrinkled your nose at the man in front of you and thought harder of ways to get back up to assist you. With your weapon, you could deal some damage, but you knew how strong Sabo was. You’d need an admiral to face him, especially now that he had the flame-flame fruit. Who knew if he was alone or if he had backup nearby. It of course, had to be one day you had grabbed your regular handcuffs instead of your sea prism ones. 
Suddenly, you remembered the transponder snail in the pocket of your coat. If you could just manage to call someone and let them hear you in casual conversation with Sabo, surely, they would send an admiral to help you. You didn’t know what your father would do to Sabo, but coming to Mary Geoise during the Reverie meant he and the rest of the Revolutionary Army were up to no good and needed to be stopped. Peace was at risk. 
“Well I’m here on business that won't affect the Reverie, I assure you, but it needs to be done. I saw you standing here all alone and wanted to say Hi, and thank you for last time.” He spoke with a smile as he tipped his hat to you. “So thank you, Y/N. I’ll be taking my leave now. I hope we meet again.” Sabo added as he began to turn and walk away from you.
You quickly shoved your hand in your pocket and grabbed for the transponder snail. Your thumbs began to dial before it was out of your pocket, knowing the precise number to call. In an instant, a hand was grasping your forearm and blonde hair fell into your face.
“AGH!” You yelled as you were slammed into one of the hallway walls. 
Sabo’s hands were pinning your wrists above your head. You squirmed, trying to break free from his grasp, but to no avail. The transponder snail fell from your hand with a thud. Sabo shifted his arms, holding your wrists above your head in one of his hands and searching your coat pockets with the other. Your legs separated father apart as you squirmed against his hold, and he Sabo stood between them. 
“Now, why would you go and do something like that? All I was doing was thanking you. I’ve searched your coat pockets, but be honest with me… do you have any other weapons or ways of making calls hidden under your clothes? You know besides those weapons of mass destruction.” He said as his eyes trailed down to admire your breasts through your low cut top.
“No.” You replied through gritted teeth, still trying to wiggle your way out of his grasp.
“I never thought the man who killed my brother would have such an attractive daughter.” He replied with a small chuckle.
“Brother!?” You asked with a gasp, pausing momentarily from fighting his gloved hands that confined your wrists above your head.
Sabo looked down at the ground between the two of you. Then returned his gaze to you. His grip loosened slightly. He took a deep breath as his eyes turned to meet yours.
You gasped.
“Then are you also….” You began with widened eyes as your jaw fell closer to the floor.
“Brothers with Strawhat Luffy? Yes.” He replied with a nod.
You sank down the wall and as your breath caught in your chest from the news you had just received. Sabo put his other hand around your waist to keep you from sliding to the ground. He smiled at you then looked down the hallway to where earlier, you had been gazing at the socializing plaza.
“I saw you. That group of people you were watching out there, they were all brought together by my brother. That’s what he does. He may be a pirate, but he helps people and brings them together to make the world better. He’s going to be King of the Pirates and the World Government isn’t going to be able to stop him… or I’ll be the first to stand in their way and I won’t be the only one, but I won’t let anyone take his dreams from him.” He responded, returning his gaze to meet yours. 
His gloved fingers tightened on your waist. A small breath escaped your lips as you stared at Sabo. There was so much love in his eyes. Love and determination, like what you had seen from Ace and Luffy that day at Marineford. Before your father had… Your eyes started to water as you looked at Sabo’s kind features. He let go of your wrists, allowing your hands to fall to your side. You reached for Sabo’s shirt, gripping it tightly between your fingers. A gasp escaped his lips as he looked on at your eyes filling with tears. You shook your head as tears started rolling down your cheeks.
“Sabo, I didn’t agree with it. I didn’t want Ace to be executed. I still can't believe it… He was such a nice guy. Hell, he convinced me to keep being a marine when I was over my fathers justice tirades. He thought I should go after my dreams if it was what my heart longed to do.” You yelled, looking at eyes glistening wet with tears.
“What?” Sabo asked, gasping as he took a step back from you and the wall.
“In my early days of being a marine, I had a night off and went to a bar to cool off. I was frustrated with my fathers expectations. I sat next to a guy at the bar who noticed how upset I was. He listened to me and told me to go after my dreams. Little did I know until I saw him again atl Marineford… that day it was Ace, the FireFist himself… just in a crappy disguise. A pirate telling a marine to keep being a marine, just because it’s what she longed to do. That’s not someone who deserves to die because of who their parents were.” 
You looked down at your hands on his chest. You could feel how chiseled his chest was through his shirt. You slowly let go as you started to realize you were enjoying being this close to Sabo, you liked the feeling of his hand on your waist. He was your enemy, a sworn enemy of the World Government, a sworn enemy of what you believed in. Yet, here you were having a meaningful conversation with him and enjoying his touch.
“That’s Ace for you. Luffy’s just like him… Never give up on your dream, Y/N. If you ran the World Government I know the world would be in better hands. Keep making your way. Understand, knowing that though, I can’t stop living my dream either. Even if it opposes yours. I have to keep fighting for a world not ruled over by Celestial Dragons.” 
He took a step closer to you and wiped your cheeks. His calloused fingers felt comforting against your soft water covered cheek. Fireworks shot through your body as he moved his hand from your cheek back to your waist. You straightened up against the wall and pulled him closer to you. Your eyes met his as you nodded in understanding about what he had just said. 
“You never answered my question about the weapons…?” Sabo prodded as he slid a hand up your torso.
You laughed. Your stomach filled with butterflies as you stared into his dark caring eyes. He, an enemy, just wanted you to pursue your passion, and he thought you’d make the world better for doing it. He was so handsome standing before you, so commanding in his white blouse and jacket. His typical expression, full of determination and rage, but in other moments, you could see the softness he was showing you now. You bit your lip as you began to notice his lips inches from yours. You took a deep breath as you let the warmth of his touch envelop you with courage. 
“Guess you’ll have to search me.” You replied, raising your eyebrows.
His lips raised to a smirk. Sabo nodded his head and sighed. 
“As you wish, Vice admiral. I tried to offer you the easy way, but you’ve chosen the hard way.”
Sabo’s hands roamed their way from your waist to the base of your plump breasts. Your head leaned back to hit the wall at the feeling of his caress. He squeezed and began to play with your covered breasts. His lips fell to your neck where he placed wet kisses and took small nibbles until he reached your collarbone. A moan escaped your lips causing your hands to fall from his chest to the wall behind you. He continued to study your breast with one hand while the other circled your aroused nipple that poked through your shirt and bra. You let your legs spread and lifted one hand to run through his hair as he nibbled at your cleavage. 
Your right breast continued to be played with as his other hand traced down your torso and waist to your thighs. At your thighs his hand rubbed up and down your skirt a few times, stopping as he lifted his head from your chest to look you in the eye. You nodded at him as his hand played with the hem of your skirt. His hand rubbed up your thigh until it found your core. Your hands fell back against the wall as his hand traced your wet core through your panties. 
“So wet for me already… A wanted man is making you this wet… who knew the vice admiral could be such a rule breaker.”
“Did you find what you were looking for..?”
“Not yet, I’m going to have to do a more thorough search.”
You grabbed Sabo’s wrist to stop him from moving further. You bit your lip and raised your chin to look him in the eye. 
“Come with me.”
Sabo nodded back at you, allowing you to take his hand and lead him from the empty hallway. You turned a few corners, stopping to look for other marines before you did, finally stopping in front of a doorway. You rummaged through your pocket and pulled out a key. You opened the door and flipped on the light inside the room. The light revealed inside the room sat a desk with some paperwork and a picture frame on it, a desk chair, a bar cart, and a few pieces of artwork. The art on the wall mostly quotes about justice. You entered the room and sat on the desk, crossing your legs as you did.  Sabo stopped in the doorway and looked around.
“What is this?”
“My dad’s office.” You said, blinking your eyes at him. “Not his main one, just an auxiliary one. Just remember, we aren’t friends and don’t thank me for it next time. I’m a vice admiral, Sabo. So next time… I’m turning you in. I’ll train, so I’m strong enough. You’ll be my ticket to admiral.” You said with a smirk.
Sabo stepped into the room, closing the door behind him.
“And this time..?
  You shoved some papers off the desk onto the floor and rested your hands on your crossed legs. Sabo rested his top hat on the bar cart and stared at you.
“This time? You can show me what being a Revolutionary means.”
“I like the sound of that. Now where were we? I think I was still searching for weapons and communication devices.”
Sabo approached the desk. You leaned back, relaxing on your hands which rested flat on the desk surface, supporting your weight. Sabo’s gloved hand caressed your knee and pulled your legs apart, spreading them wide. He stepped between your legs, his lips slamming against yours as his hand inched its what up your legs to grip your thighs. His tongue tickled at your bottom lip waiting to be let inside. Your lips parted slowly, letting him in and  allowing his tongue to take over yours. Your breathing grew heavy as you reached for his neck, pulling him deeper into your embrace. His pelvis rubbed against your still clothed core causing his pants to grow tighter against you. Your hand fell from his neck to his waist where you felt at his hardening member through the fabric of his pants. 
Your lips separated from his, allowing you a moment to breathe. Sabo’s lips trailed down your neck as one of his gloved hands slithered up to your heated core. A finger pulled your panties aside and began tracing your wet folds. You moaned as his fingers slid upwards and began circling your clit. His other hand roamed its way to your entrance and teased at your folds. Lost in the sensation of his fingers, you were caught off guard as his teeth dug into your shoulder.
“Sabo.” You moaned in his ear from the mixed sensations from his body parts.
“Do you want a criminal to finger you, marine?”
You nodded against his shoulder.
“Fuck me, Chief of Staff Sabo.”
“Never knew a marine to beg like this, but I like it.”
Sabo pressed his lips back to yours and ran his fingers through your hair. He bit at your  lip causing you to moan louder against his kiss. You moved your hands down his chest to his waist, where you started to unbuckle his belt. His hands met yours and forced them to wrap around his neck.
“Not yet. Have to search you first.” He said with a smirk before pulling at your clothes.
Sabo pushed off your coat and lifted at the hem of your top. Once your top was removed all that remained was your purple bra. A smile formed across his lips as he admired it for a moment before his lips established connection with yours again. Calloused fingers danced on your back until they found and undid your bra clasp. He pulled your bra off you in one swift motion. His tongue fought yours for power as he began playing with you exposed sensitive nipples. You moaned against his wet lips causing him to laugh against yours. Kisses began trailing down your chest until they found your nipples, where Sabo began taking small nibbles. As the tingle in your abdomen began to grow, Sabo’s still gloved hands trailed down your waist back to your exposed thighs.
In another smooth motion, Sabo lifted you from the desk and pulled your skirt and panties off. His lips still pressed to yours, as he returned you to the desk. He began rubbing his thumb in circles higher and higher up your bare thighs. His hands froze just before your core. You moaned with desire pulling out of the kiss to rest your head against his cheek and catch your breath. Sabo stood up tall and admired the view before him.
“I wouldn’t have guessed that’s what you were hiding under there.” 
“Well, what are you going to do about it? Such a high bounty, you have to be good for something.” You said with a chuckle as you bit your lip. 
Sabo’s gloved fingers moved up your thighs and slowly traced your entrance. You needed him. Your hips bucked towards his at the start of the new sensation. You moaned as a second hand began drawing shapes over your clit. You leaned back on your elbows against the desk. Your breathing grew heavier and more rapid.
“Sabo.” You moaned.
His gloved middle and ring fingers moved between your folds and pushed inside you. You moaned at the feeling of the cool leather and new thickness inside you. His fingers steadily pumped in and out of you, while his other hand began tapping and rubbing at your clit. Your hips bucked furiously against him as your craving for his fingers to stay inside you grew.  He chuckled and brought his lips back to yours. This time your kiss was sloppy as drool began dripping from your lips as he finally began giving attention to your sensitive spot. You loved his fingers, especially with his gloves still on, but you couldn’t help but wonder what was under his trousers. As his lips easily overpowered you, Sabo began switching between tapping and holding pressure on your sensitive spot with his gloved fingers. Sabo’s left hand slowed its motions against your clit as his other hand played with your sensitive spot. You moaned against his lips as the heat built in your abdomen.
“Sabo, going to cum.”
With that Sabo removed his fingers from your folds and removed his lips from yours. You whined at the loss of thickness within your walls. He deviously looked at you and brought his gloved fingers to your lips. 
“Sabo, need you.” You begged, hips bucking towards him and hands grabbing at his waist.
“Look at the mess you made. Better clean it up.” He instructed as he pushed his fingers into your mouth.
You licked and sucked on his gloved fingers, swallowing every last drop of your wetness. When he was satisfied he removed his digits from your lips and began unzipping his trousers.
“Now, I have somewhere to be, so we have to make this quick. You were so tight against my fingers, I can’t wait to feel you clench against me. Are you ready?” He asked as he dropped his pants and briefs to his ankles. 
You licked your lips as his hard member flung out and hit your throbbing core. He was big, and you questioned whether you could take all of him. You sat up and reached for his member, pumping it a few times. He grunted as you moved it up and down your wet folds. He repositioned as you played with his length at your entrance and grabbed your thighs with his gloved hands.
“Put your hands on my shoulders. You, marine, need to learn what your enemy is capable of.” 
You nodded in response. Sabo took his member from your grasp and as he did, you placed your hands on his shoulders. Slowly, he began pressing his pink tip against your entrance. You clenched your jaw as the girth of his member was a bit painful as it entered you. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You wanted this, so you smiled through it. Sabo stopped and looked at you, having noticed your breathing had changed.
“Can’t handle me, Y/N? Want me to stop?” He asked.
“No, Sabo. Need you.” You said as your eyes fluttered open and you pulled his lips against yours.
Sabo gently pushed his length in further. He stopped your kiss as your walls began to clench around him. He grinned as his length began to twitch inside you. Once your walls had relaxed some, he started to move his length in and out of you. His pace was moderate at first. You saw passion build in his eyes. He pulled your hips closer to his, forcing you to lie back some. His hips began to buck furiously against you causing his length to hit your cervix and the desk to shake. His balls slapped against your pelvis and perineum.
“Sabo” You called as your eyes widened.
Your head fell back in pleasure as he slammed against your cervix again, causing a picture to fall off the desk. Your hands moved to grip the edge of the desk for dear life, as the heat in your core built again. Your eyes started to water at the mix of pleasure and pain from Sabo’s pace combined with his deepness.
“Can you handle this?”
“Yes! Sabo!”
Sabo continued thrusting into you. Your breasts jiggled in his face, when he was at his deepest point within you. You moaned with every entrance, your eyes starting to water. Your thighs tried to clench around his arms, but he fought you, continuing to rail you deeper and deeper with his long thick dick. Your walls clenched harder around him.  Your hips fought his hand trying to buck against him for more friction on your clit.
“Sabo, going to cum.” You cooed through gritted teeth as he railed you faster.
“Me too. Going to finish in you and let it pour out onto this desk.” 
Sabo slammed into you twice more, as he did a tear rolled down your cheek.
“SABO.” You moaned loudly as you felt the heat in your abdomen burst.
Your juices dripped out of your entrance and down your thighs. He pounded you through your ecstasy. As you came down from yours, you felt a warmth explode inside you. His length twitched and he dropped your thighs to grab the desk, for support as he rode out his ecstasy inside you. The two of you panted, still intertwined. Steadily he removed his length from you allowing both your juices to drip from within you and pool on the desk. 
Sabo reached for a towel from the bar cart and wiped himself off, tossing a fresh one to you when he was done. You sat up and wiped yourself down, then reached to clean up the desk. You paused and looked up at him.
“I’m going to leave the mess, I want my father to know someone was here. I want him to know someone was ravaged on his desk.”
“Not, so innocent yourself, aye, Vice Admiral?” Sabo questioned as he zipped his pants and placed his top hat back on his head.
You crossed your legs and stared at him as he adjusted his coat. He was handsome for a criminal and he sure knew what he was doing when it came to pleasing a woman. That still didn’t tell you why he was here. He certainly had not come all this way to fuck you in your dad’s office.
“What are you doing here, Sabo? This was a fun detour, but you know I can’t let you go again.” You said as you stood up from the desk shakily.
“Why do you think I fucked you, so hard?” He said with a devious smile. 
You reached for the desk drawer knowing your father usually left a back up transponder snail inside. Sabo pinned you back onto the desk and threw the drawer open. He found the snail and put it in his pocket. Before removing himself from you, he smirked as he once again admired your still naked form.
“Shame I don’t have time for a second round, Y/N. The first was fun, but I really must be going. Until next time.” Sabo said as he slammed his lips against yours once more and squeezed your breasts in his gloved hands.
Sabo removed himself from you and ran out the door. You sat up and groaned. 
“My goodness, am I going to let that man get to me like that everytime?” You thought to yourself.
You stood up and put your clothes back on. Once you were dressed you turned off the lights, exited the door, and locked the room behind you.
“He said he wasn’t here to wreck the Reverie, but what could he be here for..? Well, he did take care of me, I think that warrants the head start I just gave him.” You whispered to yourself.
You took off in the direction of your weapon. Once you had your weapon in hand, you headed for the other side of the floor to find a transponder snail you could use to report the intruder. 
“Better start coming up with a cover story now… He was too fast for me? He pleased me into submission? He overpowered me and took my transponder snails? That’s it. Not too far from the truth, there may just have been a little detour.” You thought to yourself as you ran.
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
One Piece Chapter 985: Initial Thoughts
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Well that’s taking a turn, not 100% unexpected but still, we’re heading into the danger zone right now Today’s fan translations are a bit wonky, so a few things may be a tad confusing, but this is what I am taking from it, of course I’ll read the official to get the clearer insight
Spoilers for Chapter 985, Support the Official Release
And we start with a 3 Captains Color Spread, people will gush over how Law doesn’t get a parrot so is sitting on Luffy’s or the fact that Oda really does love parrots but my curiosity lies on Kid’s trousers (not that way you dirty minds!), that text feels like it’s hinting at something...
Just a note on the title, yesterday’s translation missed it, but this New Onigashima Initiative means that this naming is of Kaido’s choice, it’s like his Whole Cake Island or Fullalead
“A storm is coming” - feels like we’re gonna get some big stuff in a bit
Of course it’s this bitch Kanjuro intercepting the flank party, backed by his own artwork and some of Kaido’s men
Izo and Neko are taking this all pretty in stride for someone who are just finding out that Kanjuro is the traitor
Something irks me though that Momo - who has spent Wano training with a sword - could only do a papercut to Kanjuro’s hand. Like, I know he’s strong but if something that small would put Kanjuro into a rage mode then it’s a bit of an exaggeration
That is if we believe Kanjuro’s story, I don’t think he’s good, but I think it’s interesting that Kanjuro is completely darkened out when beating up Momo, as if to hide something. This hand injury may come back around
Kawamatsu and Kiku may be shaken, but Inu and Neko don’t give a fuck about Kanjuro’s speech XD
Kiku’s title being because her cuts carry into the afterlife does give off a similar vibe to Brook, who uses ice ‘from the afterlife’ in a similar manner
Also side bar, I think Kiku’s armor is the one Luffy initially wears in the pre-raid chapter, the old chapter cover (380?) and Volume 95, so that may explain where it went, but what about the Kozuki puffy trousers!?
Izo looking like some gangster with the samurai PACKIN’ HEAT
Neko had a gunhand so Inu raised him for a sword leg, nicking some Shiki traits there Inu?
Noticeably missing though is the Law Squad, so maybe they are pulling a sneaky
I wonder how far this Video Announcement Kaido is reaching? Like is it just Onigashima? just Wano? The entire world? Is the Revolution about to be Televised?
Yamato bluntly using Ace to convince Luffy to join...I’m not sure about it. As you would’ve seen I am not 100% on board with Yamato for Nakama, I think Oda is just playing those who are. It just, isn’t the right format, granted Nami asked Chopper to join and Robin convinced Luffy to let her join but Yamato saying ‘you’re Ace’s brother, so you let me join’ seems the wrong way about it all
The translation I have is really messy here, but Luffy seems to be as confused as me about Yamato’s kinning (is that the right word?), I think he’s also imply that Yamato just set off themselves if they wanna leave
The explosive cuffs make yet another return, first with Sanji, now with Yamato
We learn a little more info on Yamato, they appear to be 28 at least (2 years older than Hiyori) and wanted to venture with Ace last they met, so this has similar Tama vibes already
Yamato though going on this intense philosophical backstory of how Kaido would rather blow up his own child’s hands than let them leave and Luffy’s just all ‘I could take them off for you’ XD
Yamato definitely seems on board with beating Kaido, but we must remember, Kid and Law want to kill Kaido, it’s very different.
Also is that hesitation? Like, you want the cuffs off right?
Kaido with the current affairs updates, how is he getting this info though with Wano being closed off? But this is how Luffy and co find out that the Shichibukai system is gone at least, and Kaido is rating the choice
Kaido’s plan to combat it though is simple, we’re treading back on the Ancient Weapons route
Yamato’s horns peering out of the attic is somehow humorous to me
Big Mom strolls in though with her Homie army, a KO’d Zeus in hand too, it’s not a good look for Nami and Carrot as their disguises are removed and Nami’s power buff is gone, Shinobu is strangely missing though
A lot of people are picking up on ‘Ours’, but don’t get too ahead of ourselves, ours can mean any group, not just Kaido and Big Mom or the alliances as a whole, they could even be referring to their singular crews
Meanwhile Luffy is just ‘that shit is mine I called dibs ya bastard!’
The big decree though, Orochi’s men now have to make a choice because Wano is gonna be a pirate-led lawless state
Orochi’s head started to roll...and then it did literally! YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!
I was half right then, Kaido did kill Orochi and kinda save Momo from him...surprised he used King’s sword though...though, Hydra’s do have a knack of surviving when a head is cut off...
However, this now bodes potentially well for the raid. Kaido is opting for ‘with us or against us’, either the Samurai join or die, but that means our samurai raiders are bolstered by anti-Kaido samurai...if there are any that is
Luffy of course almost blowing his cover to save Momo, surprised so few picked up on the roof falling
Kaido’s main initiative now is to turn all of Wano into his Pirate Empire and spread from there, a tactical fortress fused with the ancient weapons and technological advance, Onigashima itself will now be the Flower Capital and yeah, makes a lot of sense for Kaido
I’m not sure about the Kiku stuff, Kiku crying with a bloodied blade alarms me because we don’t see a body, maybe Kanjuro pulled another sketch trick and got away?
Kaido wants Wano to be called New Onigashima, and per the Yamato-based announcement, they are the new Shogun
But Yamato’s quick to blow their cover to refuse, and now the Flying Six are also on their way as Luffy chases to save Momo
Whew, that was a lot of stuff happening in the chapter, a lot of it feels like misdirects but things are still very dire Yes, on the plus side we may get some Orochi loyalists and Wano purists on our side to save Wano from Onigashima, it’s not just its weapons but its culture and people that Orochi had neglected in vain to stay on Kaido’s good side. We also can confirm that Yamato is an ally, Nakama is still 50/50 I think they just want out more than to join Luffy, they didn’t even consider the One Piece!
But the downs are still dangerous, Orochi is dead so Kaido has full command, Momo is still in danger, the back flank is halted, Marco is far away, Nami and Carrot are injured by BM (and this storm negates Su Long), Perospero is oncoming, half of the crew are stretched away from the main dome and the flying six are about to close in, not to mention that Yamato still does have their handcuffs on The raid hasn’t even begun and we have so many twists and turns, but there are still the AWOL factors; Apoo, Denjiro, Kin’emon, Hiyori, Drake, Hawkins, Speed, CP0, Perospero, BM’s crew, the Numbers, Marco, Team Law, Team Walkng Tank, Team Rhinocycle, the shady person Robin and Jimbei were near, Shinobu, Sanji, Team Kid, Team Ulti, Sasaki, Who’s Who, Black Maria and more Not to mention I think SJ is on break next week so OP will be delayed again! So we have to bear that as well
Like I said, we haven’t even begun.
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zenithlux · 4 years
Cadence - 30
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Catch up on the story here!
Lost all my precious Rage ate me up Endless forlornness has made me numb I’d rather rise from here Or should I hold on to my past?
Ashes - Hiroyuki Sawano
When Vergil woke up in a field of flowers, he knew he was back in their mindscape. 
He sat up slowly, wincing as his bones seemed to pop back into place. He felt her tugging on his mind, but it didn’t feel like she was trying to wake him up. Instead, it felt like a gentle, almost mindless tug. It was as if she wasn’t intending to pull at him at all. And when he found her on the edge of their mental garden, he knew she was lost. She stared at the broken statue of Kuro that still towered over her. Her arms were wrapped around her legs. Her head was tilted back. Vergil could feel the solemn sadness that had plagued her heart for the last few weeks. But there was something different this time. Some emotion that Vergil couldn’t quite describe. Longing? Possibly, though that didn’t feel quite right. Acceptance? No, not quite. “Roxy,” He said as he approached her, disheartened to see that her skin was a pale blue. “You’re frozen.”
To his surprise, she nodded. “This is where I used to rest during my stasis.”
Vergil sat down beside her, glancing up at Kuro’s half-broken face. “I didn’t think you would still freeze with me.”
“My father used to say that one’s heart is the source of their power,” She said as she pressed her hand to her chest. “And if I have his heart… then…” She sighed. “There’s a lot I don’t understand.” 
“Something is on your mind.”
“How could Kuro have possibly survived losing his heart?”
“Familiars are different,” Vergil said. “They may have a preferred form, but they survive things we would deem impossible. Most would go into their own stasis…” He paused as the realization dawned on him. “You’ve been going into stasis in his place.”
“That’s the only explanation,” Vergil said. “When the power sustaining him started to wane, the power holding onto your heart did too. He must have purposefully slowed it to make sure it didn’t stop.”
“But this is all conjecture.” She said miserably.
“There must be a way to find out.”
“If my father was still alive…” She paused. “My father must have done the procedure.”
“Why?” Vergil said. “Why would he risk your life like that?”
For a long moment, she said nothing, but memories flooded Vergil’s mind. Flashes of metal. The screeching of tires. Her sister’s scream as two cars collided. The pain of a pole shooting through her body, pinning her to the seat. Sirens ringing in her ears. Her last breath…
Her eyes widened. “He wasn’t risking my life.” She murmured. “He was saving it.” Her lips parted. Her mind raced in a whirlwind of thoughts and feelings that Vergil couldn’t hope to pull apart. “I… I died. He… he saved me…” Her eyes glistened with tears. “Why did he save me? Why didn’t he save her?”
“Dia would know,” Vergil said. 
“But my sister…”
“Your father made his choice,” Vergil said. A choice I couldn’t imagine making. If it was Nero’s life on the line, Vergil knew now that he would do anything to save him. But if he had a second child, and he could only save one… How could anyone make that choice?
“Dia knows,” Roxy muttered. “She must know.”
“Did you know she and Kuro were related?”
“No,” Roxy said. “But I have a feeling I might have before.” She stood up slowly, eyes locked on Kuro. “Why did you lie to me?” 
But the lifeless stone didn’t answer, and Vergil found himself falling as Roxy turned away. 
Vergil jerked awake in a panic, his chest heaving. He coughed, and the pain-wracked his body. He reached for his heart, smacking a hand on the way there. “Hold on, Verge,” Dante said, his voice echoing over the ringing in Vergil’s ears. “Here.” A cup of water appeared in front of him, and Vergil snatched it away, forcing himself to take a deep breath before taking a drink. He nearly choked, but managed to swallow before the coughing began again. A hand smacked his back and he nearly fell out of bed. “Whoops,” Dante said. “Forgot how… uhh…” 
“Fragile I am?” Vergil said, his voice hoarse. 
“Your words not mine.”
Vergil glared at him. “Where’s Roxy?”
“She’s fine,” Dante said. “Worry about yourself.”
“Where is she?”
“I told you she’s fine,” Dante huffed, crossing his arms with an indignant glare. “Would I ever lie to you?”
“Yes,” Vergil forced himself to his feet but stumbled the second they touched the ground. Dante reached for him, and it took everything Vergil had to not try pushing him away. His brother was nearly twice his size like this. He’d be lucky if he didn’t knock himself over in the process. “Curse this body,” He muttered, but he didn’t quite mean it.
“At least you’re not a cat.”
The cat’s marginally more useful, Vergil thought as he stood up. He was dressed in pajamas and one of his coats, but he was practically swimming in it. He’d forgotten how thin this form was. How fragile. One snap in the right place and he’d be nothing but a pile of bones. But it was something. A sign of power that he wouldn’t take for granted. And he could still feel his other forms hovering at the back of his mind. This was something new. A step in the right direction. “Is she frozen?” He asked. 
“She was earlier,” Dante admitted. “But her skin is all warm now. She’ll probably wake up soon.”
“How did you find us?”
“I was in the area,” Dante shrugged. “The ice pyramid helped. How’d ya manage that?”
“I don’t know,” Vergil said. “And I don’t think it was me.” He stumbled out to the doorway, stopped, took a deep breath to find his footing, and followed his instincts. Vergil was certain she was awake, but only just. If it was like her last stasis, she would be groggy for at least half an hour before she could communicate with anyone, much less wander around. “How long have I been out?”
“You?” Dante said. “You appeared about thirty minutes ago. She’s been out for a week.”
A week? “And nothing’s happened?”
“A lot’s happened,” Dante said. “But nothing serious. The big man downstairs still hasn’t appeared, and Nero said nobody has made a grab for Yamato, so our dragon man’s been missing.”
“Anything from Dia?”
“She’s been working with Nico on some things,” Dante said. “But I’ve been too busy fighting all the demons.”
“Mundus has to be getting closer,” Vergil said. 
“We still don’t know what he wants,” Dante said. “If it was Yamato, then what was the point of killing Kuro? Surely he knew his little dragon minion or whatever wasn’t going to get it back.”
“If they’re actually working together,” Vergil said as he finally made it to the doorway he was searching for.
“They have to be,” Dante said. “It’s all too convenient. And even Kuro worked for him in the past, didn’t he?”
“Yes,” Vergil admitted. “Conscripted, just like his brother. But he said they both escaped.”
“Clearly he was wrong.” 
Vergil said nothing as he knocked on the door. It snapped open, and he nearly fell over again. “She’s awake,” Dia said. Behind her, Roxy shivered as her head turned to look at him. 
“What does Mundus want?” Vergil said. 
“Vergil,” Roxy whispered. 
“You know, don’t you?” He pressed. 
Dia glared at him, but her gaze softened and she sighed. “Come in,” She stepped back to Roxy’s side, beckoning to the brothers. As Vergil found his spot on the bed, Dante kicked the door closed and leaned against it. Dia flinched before she spoke again. “His name is Raijin,” She began. “Kuro’s brother… My son. I believe that he has fallen back into Mundus’ service.”
“What does he want?” Vergil said. 
“Roxy’s father.”
“My father is dead,” Roxy said weakly.
“Yes, he is,” Dia confirmed.  “But the information he gathered isn’t.”
“Why would Mundus want that?” Vergil said. 
“Control,” Dia said. “If a familiar were bound to him with a physical piece of itself, they could never escape.”
“That can’t be it,” Vergil said. “Mundus is more than capable of controlling those around him.” He felt Dante’s gaze harden on him, but he ignored it. “Unless his power has weakened that much.” 
“Or…” Dante said slowly. “He thinks he can implant himself into someone else.”
Vergil stared at him. “What?”
“Think about it,” Dante said as he tapped his forehead. “What would Mundus need with more men? As far as we know, he’s raised a small army down there, and, as you said, he’s had no issues with controlling people in the past.” Vergil met his gaze for a moment before both broke it. “Clearly he wants to cross over to this side, right? What good is he doing in  hell?”
“A strong enough familiar could take over his host,” Dia said. 
Vergil paused, pondering. He honestly wasn’t certain that was the answer. There was a lot about familiars that he still didn’t know.”But then the familiar is still bound to the body. Mundus would never willingly chain himself to a human. It has to be something else.”
“The brain,” Roxy said softly.
Vergil froze. “What?”
“If you can implant a demon’s heart for their power,” She said. “Then would it be possible to move their brain too?”
“What would that do for him?” Vergil said. “A demon brain in a  human skull is still handicapped by the potential of the host.”
“So find a stronger host.”
“Like what?” 
“Like a half-demon who ate the Qliphoth fruit,” Dante said. 
Vergil’s heart sank. “That’s why he’s trying to get to me.”
“And you were once…” Roxy paused. “In his service… right?”
“So he knows how your powers work.”
“... Theoretically.”
Roxy sat up slowly, her muscles crackling as she moved. She flinched as some of the ice broke off, leaving behind bright red marks along her neck and arms. Dia moved to help, but Roxy stopped her. “I’m fine,” She said, her voice rough. Dia looked away. “If he is after you,” Roxy said slowly. “Then why kill Kuro?”
“Maybe he didn’t expect Verge to give himself up,” Dante said. 
“Surely he considered it,” Vergil said. 
“Why would he?” Dante countered. “Think about it. He knows who you were, Verge. Not who you are.”
“Remember what Raijin said?” Roxy looked to Vergil. “He said you had a choice; save me or your own power. Is it fair to think that Mundus expected you to abandon me?”
Vergil’s jaw locked as he stared at her.  “He should have known better.”
“But the old you would have,” Dante said quietly. “And if you’d reclaimed Yamato after it killed Kuro…” 
Roxy looked to Dia. “So Raijin knows that I have Kuro’s heart.”
“Of course he does,” She said bitterly. “He was there when Kuro gave it to you.”
A silence fell over the room. Roxy’s eyes widened. Vergil gently took her hand, but she didn’t look back. “He gave it to me?”
Dia sighed before she reached for Roxy’s forehead. “Remember,” She whispered. “Remember everything.” 
The world vanished, replaced by a room Vergil didn’t recognize. It was nearly three times the size of his own and flooded with natural light from the wide-open windows. Boots were scattered in perfect piles in front of two empty bookcases. Beside that was a desk and computer that Vergil recognized from Roxy’s own apartment. The walls were painted bright orange and covered in various pieces of artwork ranging from flowers, animals, and a half-finished painting of a dragon. Kuro. The form was undeniable, and the painting itself was lying on the floor, surrounded by bottles of paint and numerous brushes. 
The door behind him opened. “I told you not to look,” A young Roxy said, pouting in that fake way she did when she was pretending to be annoyed. She looked… different. Her skin was a few shades darker. Her hair was black. Her eyes were green. And as a second half-dragon boy walked in behind her, Vergil realized why. 
“I just can’t help myself,” The human Kuro said, the scales along his neck glistening in the sunlight. The similarities to Raijin were uncanny. Only his hair and scales were different, and even those were fashioned in the same style as his brother.  “I just hope you got my good side.”
Roxy rolled her eyes as she swatted at his shoulder. “I have a good memory.” She carefully navigated her way through the stacks and moved to the painting. “What do you think?”
Kuro paused, staring down at it with a look between shock and admiration. “It’s…”
“Amazing?” Roxy said with a grin. “I sure hope so. I’ve been working on it non-stop.”
“Beautiful,” Kuro murmured, but his eyes hadn’t left her. Roxy didn’t look up, reaching for the blue paint at his feet. 
“You can watch for a bit if you want,” She said. “But don’t distract me.”
Kuro smiled. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
The scene shifted, and Vergil was in a new, much smaller room. This one he recognized as the living room in Dia’s cottage. All of the furniture had been removed, save for a single table in the center. On that was Roxy’s body, eerily still. Her skin was pale. Her eyes were glossy, and Vergil knew without moving that she was dead. Kuro stood beside her, face stained with tears. Dia appeared in the center of the room. “I told you not to get too attached,” She said. “Human lives are too fragile for demons like us.”
“It’s too soon,” Kuro whispered. 
“Tragedies happen,” Dia said. “You’ve been alive long enough to know that.”
“But she… she’s different.”
“What are you getting at?”
“If her father gives her my heart,” Kuro said. “Then she’ll live, right?”
Dia gawked at him, but it was Raijin who spoke, his voice echoing around the room. “You would give your life to a human?”
“She deserves better than this.”
Raijin snorted, stepping up beside Vergil. “Love has made you a fool.”
“Do you have any idea what you’ll be forcing on her?” Dia said. “Her body is broken, Kuro.”
“But I can heal it.”
“And then what?” Dia clicked her tongue. “You cannot come back from this.”
“I’m not expecting to,” Kuro said as his eyes fell back to Roxy. 
“And how will she feel, knowing that her life was spared while her sister was abandoned?”
“I can only save one,” Kuro snapped. “It’s my choice.” 
Dia sighed. “I cared for her as you did, Kuro. But you…”
“No, you didn’t,” Kuro snapped. “You don’t understand.”
“But you have hundreds of other lives to live,” Dia continued. “More humans to meet, and more that will pass by you.”
Kuro’s hand tightened around hers. “She deserves better,” He repeated. “She deserves to live.” 
Silence fell between them as tears streamed down Kuro’s cheeks. Finally, Raijin scoffed. “You’re a fool, brother. Always have been.”
“Jealousy is an ugly thing, brother,” Kuro shot back. 
“I am not jealous of this lifeless body before me.”
“But you are jealous of me,” Kuro said, standing a bit straighter. His eyes darkened, shifting to slits. The scales on his body shifted upward, wrapping around his cheeks and under his eyes. “What you wouldn’t give to have someone you believe in like I do her.”
“Foolish,” Raijin repeated. “All of it.”
“It is Kuro’s choice,” Dia said softly. “But you must consider…”
“Wipe her memory,” Kuro said. “Of all of this. Of me. Of us. Pretend I’m simply a familiar that chose her. I’ll reveal myself as soon as I can.”
“That could take years,” Dia said, rubbing her temples.
“Then so be it.”
But Raijin wasn’t done, and his fury consumed the room. “You escaped Mundus for this?”
Kuro ignored him. “Go find her father,” He said to Dia. “Tell him the truth, and tell him its not his fault.”
After a long moment, Dia nodded. “There is no going back from this.”
Kuro nodded. “I won’t regret it.”
Vergil blinked and his room returned. Roxy stared at the bed, hands shaking as she clutched the blanket tighter than he thought possible. “Verge?” Dante said. “Is everything alright?”
“He loved me?” Roxy said, her voice hollow.
“Of course he did,” Dia said. “Why else would a demon give up so much?”
Vergil could feel her desire to snap back. Why keep that from me? But she silently rose from the bed, grabbed a coat, and left the room. 
“I think that’s your cue,” Dante said. 
Perceptive as always, was what he wanted to say. Instead, he simply nodded and followed after her, his mind lost in what he could possibly say to make all of this right.  
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[07- Meeting the Alternate World’s Chosen Children]
“So you came from another world…?” Takeru asked the wandering trio “But why are you here?”
“Uhh…” Daichi had yet no idea how to answer that question, but tried to not reveal much details “We were travelling through Space-Time network and we ended up here by accident.”
“Hm, he does seem like Motomiya but does not speak like Motomiya” Miyako shrugged.
“At least he helped us to recover that area” Iori mused, “thanks anyway.”
“I’m Daichi. These are Ulforce and Natsu, they’re traveling with me.”
“Nice to meet you, Daichi” Hikari smiled “I’m Hikari, and these are Takeru, Iori and Miyako. We’re part of the Chosen Children group.”
“I noticed it” the boy nodded “Say, why is mr. Motomiya Daisuke against you all? Weren’t he part of the group too?”
“Pff like that birdbrain would’ve been on our side” Miyako snorted and commented with disgust “He’s a bully! That’s it.”
“Um…” Natsu avoided looking at the group “The Daisuke from our world is nice and caring. Not like this world’s Daisuke.”
“... He was like that here too” Hikari said with a sad tone of voice “But everything changed, he says he’s trying to protect us but… He’s hurting the digimon now.”
“May I ask what happened?” Daichi frowned. Something must have changed from his world’s timeline.
“... Three years ago, my brother and our friends had been summoned to save the Digital World from the evil forces, but they had to return and find the eighth Chosen Child. But with them, a strong enemy named Vamdemon came before and took the entire Odaiba as his hostage, with the power of his nightmare army.”
“Hmm, and...?”
“Many children had been taken away from their families, and Daisuke was one of them.”
“We assume he had been convinced to join forces with Ichijouji Ken, the Digimon Kaiser” Takeru added “Because before that, he was willing to help to beat the Kaiser.”
“Makes sense-- Wait you said ‘Ichijouji Ken’ ?!”
“Yes, the prodigy boy” Miyako pouted “He’s pretty but crazy! He acts all as a god-like figure, but he’s a dummy!”
Daichi glanced at Natsu. So, all the kids he had met right now are part of the friend circle of his parents. He would assume things are like that because it’s an alternate world or he could expect to all of them being related to the legend of the Chosen Children.
“... But why did he do that?” Daichi wondered “Why would he join the villain’s side?”
“We don’t know…” Iori shook his head “But that’s unforgivable. We will stop them no matter what happens.”
Hikari silently gasped. Natsu noticed that though, same about Daichi. Ulforce punched the palm of his hand and smirked:
“Oh? Then it’s a deal! We’re going to stop’em!!”
“Hikari…?” Tailmon seemed concerned.
“I’m okay… Don’t worry.”
“... my dad and mrs. Hikari were close to each other as much mrs. Hikari and mr. Takeru” Daichi thought, having a few memories of him witnessing a couple of encounters and parties before, “She must be suffering because of having to fight a friend…”
After returning to the base...
Daisuke looked at Ken, “Huh?”
“Who’s that kid and why does he look like you?”
“And ya think I know!? He was watchin’ the fight and said you were in trouble.”
“Then, why did he try to stop us, you airhead?!”
“Okay, you need to stop callin’ me like that. And second, I have no idea why that kid did that. Maybe he thought I was with the Chosen Children. Like if I would join the side of those losers heh.”
“That kid will be a nuisance if we don’t discover how to handle him and his digimon.”
“... He has a V-mon too… Very powerful. I haven’t seen a digimon catch Fladramon like that before.”
“... I will have to research about that digimon and take precautions against it.”
“I wonder how could he evolve that V-mon with a Dark Tower stopping the rest from evolving.”
“The same process of the Digimental perhaps…?” Ken began his research on the computer “No, it’s impossible… My digivice was supposed to suppress evolution and keep them under my control.”
“Yeah but we have school tomorrow, better we go home--”
“I have no time to think of school when there’s a new meddling kid ruining all of my strategy!”
“Your family don’t know yet and no one else but us and them. If we vanish from out of the blue they will call the police and then all our hard work will be in vain. No one believe those digimon are real, only us and the Chosen Children.”
“Fine, you won. I’m going home, but after school we will continue the research.”
Daichi felt conflicted: Should he stay and discover what made Daisuke join forces with the Digimon Kaiser? Or should he leave…?
“Daichan, we need to go.”
Natsu would vote for the latter option. She waited for the 02 team walk away to whisper to the boy:
“You cannot mess with this world’s timeline.”
“I… I understand. Then, let’s go home.”
She nodded and got the pendant, but the pinky sand inside had disappeared. That wasn’t a problem in their minds, so when Daichi pointed the digivice to the crystal…
… Nothing happened. No gate opened. It was like that…
“I guess this means we’re stuck in this world ‘til we discover how to recharge the pendant” Ulforce commented with a shrug.
“Is it what should happen, Natsu?” and the boy found that troublesome, but he had to ask.
“I think so… I didn’t expect to use all power in one row” she muttered “Oh! I think we will have to stay for a while, maybe until it is ready again.”
“And how much time it will take?”
“Um… Maybe days. Or weeks.”
“I hope I can go home in time…” Daichi felt defeated. The imagination of his mother calling officer Ichijouji all again caused him goosebumps “... Or I will be in trouble, again.”
“Hey Daichi, won’t you come?” Miyako had returned and stood in front of them “Hey, what’s the problem?”
“We’re stuck here” Natsu answered “At least for a while.”
“I see… Hey Takeru! Can Daichi, Natsu and Ulforce stay with you tonight?”
“I don’t see why not, but why?”
“They’re stuck in our world. It’s temporary but I don’t think it’s safe to leave them here.”
“Say, how’s your world?” Once they arrived at the Takaishi household, Takeru decided to prepare something for themselves to eat “Ah, don’t worry. My mom is coming late today, I will phone her later to tell about you’re staying here today.”
“My world is… pretty much like yours, except you’re friends with mr. Motomiya” Daichi answered “And I may say, with mr. Ichijouji too.”
“... I wish that were like this here too” that sounded a bit sad…? “Daisuke’s not a bad person, at least not how Hikari, Taichi and my brother said. For some reason he hates me because he thinks Hikari and I are a couple” he chuckled “But… I wish we had been friends.”
Daichi looked down, it didn’t seem a nice story. So, according to those people Takeru mentioned, Daisuke isn’t a bad person despite him being in the wrong side in this world.
“Do you… Tried to talk with him before?” and Takeru’s guest spoke “Or ms. Hikari?”
“We tried” he turned the stove off, opened the instant ramen cups and poured hot water inside to prepare them “Daisuke said it was for everyone’s sake, but… We don’t know what Ichijouji had told him. Unlike Miyako and Iori, I think he needs to snap out of it.”
“I see…”
“Why were you space-time traveling, then?”
“... I’m not sure if I can…”
“He’s trying to save an important person” Natsu said with a serious voice “That’s all.”
“And then you ended up in this world instead.”
“Yes, exactly that.”
Daichi carefully looked at the goggles on his neck, under the scarf. Unlike Miyako and Iori outfits, Daichi’s blazer and scarf didn’t vanish once he went to the human world of that alternate timeline. It was strange, but… At least the scarf can hide the goggles.
“It’s done” Takeru smiled and then put the cups on the table with the chopsticks “Sorry I’m not a good cook, so sometimes I rely on instant food.”
“It’s okay” Daichi chuckled “my father has a restaurant so I know a few tricks.”
“Lucky you!” he laughed “My parents are divorced, but they let my brother and I visit each other. Sometimes I go see them, we had recently moved to Odaiba. I think this is a good signal… That maybe mom and dad being at least acquaintances now.”
“I… I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”
“It’s okay.”
The silence fell upon them, quite awkwardly. Daichi had so many thoughts and questions but felt it wouldn’t be appropriate for that moment. Not when he was sure it’s hard to deal with divorced parents. Him, a child with no experience on it… Also Takeru’s son in his world does not share this same fate either. Maybe no one Daichi knew has divorced parents.
“Hey, can I ask you something?”
Takeru’s question made Daichi look at him.
“How is my family in your world?”
Daichi couldn’t answer that. Not that he knew, but even if he did he couldn’t answer it properly. Instead…
“Look, things may be hard but I can assure you that it’s the same as here” Natsu said with a serious voice “But you and Yamato are happy at least by seeing each other.”
“I see…”
“I never had seen a digimon like you before,” Patamon was looking at Ulforce, now on a lower form -- Chibimon “I mean… You look like a Plotmon with that Holy Ring on your neck.”
“I feel insulted. How can you NOT know another of my species!?” and he snorted.
“We do. But he’s working with the Kaiser.”
“But why?” Daichi mused “Why would they do the opposite of protecting the digimon?”
“Hmm…” Natsu seemed thoughtful.
“Do you know something?” and he asked her “Anything that could help…?”
“Let’s ask him after school tomorrow” she decided “I’m pretty sure he’s still living on the same place here.”
“Isn’t that dangerous?” Daichi got surprised by that “I… I wasn’t expecting you to say that…!”
“He leaves school in the first instance the class is over, but we don’t know where he goes” Takeru spoke “If you be lucky enough you can try to meet him.”
“Then it’s settled” Natsu replied with a nod “Once the class is over, we will meet Daisuke and ask him directly why he is doing that.”
In the mysterious palace connecting each world and time, Skuld watched carefully Daichi’s steps, with ClavisAngemon behind her. He couldn’t read her mind, and kept questioning himself what was she thinking. Shouldn’t they intervene and bring Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu back?
“Master Skuld…”
“No, let’s see what he will do. This is his first trial.”
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mokutonprince · 5 years
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Cursed (part 1)
The moon settled high in the night sky, the few lights that illuminated the village doing nothing to diminish the beauty of the glistening stars that littered the black sky. 
It was calm, a distant owl hooting in the surrounding forest with muffled laughter in the red light district as groups of friends relaxing in the few bars and open late restaurants.
It was a perfect night for drinking apparently, a tight group of jounin ninja cramped into one of the corner booths with bottles of beer and small cups of sake between them.
“Aw cmon, Hatake~” Anko cooed, pleasantly drunk already as she leaned across the table in an attempt to get closer to the masked shinobi.
“There’s gotta be someone!”
Kakashi just sighed, leaning back in the cushion of the booth, “I can’t be telling my secrets, you know.” he shot back as relaxed as ever, the alcohol buzzing in his veins the only thing allowing this conversation to even take place.
Anko offered a dramatic pout, plopping back into her seat with a huff. Asuma chuckled at her reaction, giving a pat on the back when she scowled at him.
“He’s never going to tell us if you keep pushing about it. You know how he is.”
“I can hear you, ya know.” 
To which Asuma only gave him a smile.
“Well, with how often you read your books, I wouldn’t want to share my secrets either.” Asuma snickered, winking when the white-haired male huffed, not offering any response.
He was right, he didn’t want to tell his secrets...pretty much because he was not in a relationship and the person he actually had his one eye on was too far from his reach. But he wouldn’t hear the end of it if that got out. Kami forbid...
Genma finally took his time to return, Gai in tow each with a tray of another round of beer and a few fresh bottles of warm sake.
“Woohoo!” Anko cheered, immediately forgetting about her interrogation in favor of the alcohol as they were set on the table.
“So what did we miss?” Genma voiced, needle shifting in his mouth before he took a shot of whatever he had gotten from the bar. Something strong from what Kakashi could smell.
Anko visibly brightened at that question, a shit-eating grin stretching on her face as she remembers Kakashi’s little secret. She opens her mouth to continue her interrogation when the energy of the village suddenly tenses before being followed by an ear-rending boom that seemed to shake the entire country. For a split second, Kakashi thought that perhaps it had woken the dead before he was up and out of the bar in a blur.
“What the hell was that!?” 
Anko shouted over the sudden screams. Their peaceful night out, having turned into chaos only a second later.
Civilians were running out of their homes in fright, the new sound of some snarling and growling thing making them run faster with their children in their arms.
“What the..?”
Chakra flaring, each of them tried to get a sense of just what was happening. There was a feeling of Deja Vu, but looking around, there was no towering red fox ready to destroy the village. Instead, there was a growing pillar of smoke coming from a what looked like, a single building from further down the street, too close to the Hokage’s office for anyone’s comfort. 
“Go check with the Hokage!” Kakashi shouted to the others, who gave no word of disagreement before they vanished from sight, beside’s Gai who decided to stay at his Rival’s side.
Kakashi barely gave a glance before he started running towards the loud sounds, the odd growling and people screaming almost making him tense because this sounds too familiar.
As they got closer to what seemed to be this furry dark brown beast, Kakashi noticed plenty of Anbu and Jounin nearby and Kakashi frowned behind his mask when he noticed that his favorite Kohai was not among them. Lady Tsunade herself even decided to join the impromptu party even from the side. They seemed to all be watching this creature, keeping themselves a safe distance on top of the surrounding rooftops as the beast seemed to slow down its rampage with heavy breaths.
“Is that a bear?” Someone asked.
“Is it a summon?”
As a group began to talk amongst themselves, the bear; who was much too large to be a normal bear, had collapsed. It’s heavy body dropping to the ground with a heavy thump. 
Surprisingly, or perhaps not so much, Naruto captured everyone’s attention as he drops down to the barren street only a few yards away from where the bear had fallen and made everyone around tense.
“What the hell happened!? I fall asleep for ten minutes and something blows up!”
“Get away from that thing, Naruto!” Tsunade shouted back, ignoring the brat’s comment.
Turning around, blue eyes widened as he finally faced the overly-large bear. He jumped back with a shout when it moved, a low grumble startling both him and the others, especially when it moved its head around to face the young man. Kakashi held back a gasp when he saw the amount of blood that coated and dripped from the beast's mouth. Naruto has no reservations.
“AH! What the hell did it eat!?” he jumped back as far as he could go, the wall of a nearby building stopping his retreat even though he could just jump up onto the roof but of course, he didn’t realize that and wanted to make things much more difficult. 
“Just. Don’t move anymore.” Tsunade ordered, holding out her hand to stop the others from jumping down just yet.
“But it’s gonna eat me!” 
Movement and a growl made everyone grow silent, all eyes going back to the bear as it tried to stand back up, even though its legs were visibly shaking with exertion. In a fit of irritation, it shook its head like it was shaking off water much like a canine would.
It huffed once more when something shiny clanged to the ground and slid a bit away from the force. Naruto was the first to notice it, while the others waved it off as some sort of debris.
But when Naruto gasped and his chakra gave a dangerous spike, Tsunade tensed ready for some kind of fight because her idiot brat somehow got hurt and she doesn’t who to blame just yet.
“Captain Yamato...?” he whispered, shock and blooming pain in his voice as he stared at the bit of metal in his hands.
That caught Kakashi’s immediate attention, eyes narrowing on his student with concern, then to Lady Tsunade when she and Shizune gasped, hands over their mouths. Whipping his head back to Naruto, he was met with wide blue eyes staring right back at him as he held out-
Naruto was shaking now, but then again, so was Kakashi; both eyes wide even though the Sharingan was hidden away. Looking closer, the Happuri was littered in blood, his blood.
Without his noticing, the bear had managed to stand up and move closer towards the young Uzumaki, despite its heavy limping.
Its head drooped and bobbed in a way that spoke of exhaustion, heavy body dragging itself closer as though it was the only thing it could do. Everyone was frozen, unsure as to how they should continue without causing injury.
Naruto watched in obvious fear, eyes wide as he clutched his Captains head-plate to his chest. As the bear got closer, its head dropped lower until it could press his shout to Naruto’s stomach, ignoring how blood continued to drool from its loose lips and the obvious pain it was in. 
Against the judgment literally being yelled at him, Naruto placed one shaking hand to the bears head in a weak pat. He felt the beast grumble in its throat before it dropped once more, falling to the dirt road with a heavy thump as it finally gave in to its exhaustion.
Kurama was rumbling deep in his mind, making Naruto frown because it felt as if he was responding.
It took barely three seconds before Tsunade and the rest of her army jumped down to join him in a burst of fury.
“You can’t just touch a random beast, Naruto!”
Wait, when did Sakura get here?
“It’s dangerous!”
“No, he’s not!” Naruto shouted back, suddenly angry at her for saying such a thing and gaining a few raised eyebrows.
“He?” Tsunade asked, curious.
Naruto nodded, kneeling down to gaze at the sleeping bear at his face, grimacing at the amount of blood that was still dripping from his mouth.
“He’s hurt..” He mumbles instead, refusing to answer as to how exactly he knows. 
“What do you mean, he’s hurt?” She asked again, much more firmly this time.
He stayed silent for a while before replying, looking directly at the bear when he did, “The fox told me. There’s something wrong with him and he needs help. He has chakra but...” Naruto pauses, nose scrunching up as he tries to find the right way to explain what he felt.
“..It’s messed up. Like it’s fighting something inside his body. He’s in so much pain. The fox said that the blood was his own and that he didn’t...eat anyone.” Naruto explained, his attention now shifting to the faceplate he cradled in his hands.
“But why is this here? Captain Yamato never takes this thing off!” 
“He’s not here,” Kakashi spoke up, catching the gathered groups attention. Tsunade looked at him with worry, lips pressed in a thin line. When he caught her gaze, she slowly shook her head that only confirmed his fears.
“I- we have to find him.” Kakashi grit, fingers twitching at his sides in an effort to not react.
Lady Tsunade didn’t need to be told twice-or even once because she already knew that.
“Inuzuka!” She barked, 
“Hai!” Kiba jumped, Akamaru trotting them both closer to the Hokage so she could give them her orders. But as they got closer, Akamaru paused only a few steps away to growl at the fallen beast, catching everyone's attention but Naruto only stepped in between them with a glare.
“Don’t attack him!”
“I’m not!” Kiba snapped back, “But he smells weird- guh, it’s all that blood, he’ll bleed out if you don’t stop it.”
“Where’s your sister-”
“Here!” came a new voice, trotting up beside her younger brother with her three ninkin right on her heels, “I needed to gather some scrolls. I have enough knowledge of wild creatures to try and see what is wrong with him.”
Tsunade nodded, looking back to her solemn looking assistant, “Shizune will help you. Relocate him where you wish. In the meantime. Team eight! I need you to go on a search party for one of our own, effective immediately.”
“Wha-! Baa-Chan! I’m going to! He’s my Captain, and I have his faceplate. Plus my clones, I would be more than helpful!”
Like she didn’t know that was going to happen.
“Team seven, join team eight. I am not taking this lightly, there will be back up at the ready. Go along the borders of the village and further out is necessary. Now go!”
There was a combined shout of agreement and a couple grumbles as six members disappeared from sight.
“Hatake.” Tsunade spoke up, eyeing the Copy-Cat ninja as he stared down the bear, body tense as he watched Shizune and Hana along with a few assistants ready to relocate the beast probably to the clinic on the other side of the village. When he didn’t reply, she sighed.
“I need you to stay here. While the kids look outside the gates, I need you to search inside the village. You know him better than anyone.”
Kakashi tried not to scoff at that, remaining still even though he wanted to refuse because he knew that wasn’t true...not with his he had been trying to keep himself distant from his Kohai as much as possible. He didn’t really know him at all..Anbu was a different time. He doesn’t know his Tenzou anymore, not like he used to.
“I’ll do my best.”
He didn’t give her a chance to respond before he popped away in a burst of smoke.
“Oh, Tenzou...” Kakashi whispered, his feet carrying him just somewhere so he could think.
“What have you gotten yourself into..?”
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dragonandtiger · 5 years
Dreaming To Reality: Oneiromancy Chapter Five - 26
“What the hell-?” Yamato began before he jerked as Takeru bolted past, hurrying after Hikari and Taichi. With a displeased grunt, he lept out of hiding to wave towards the crowd, hoping Gabumon or the other Digimon would spot him. When it was quickly apparent that they wouldn’t turn around before some random Digimon did, he let out a quiet curse and chased after his friends and little brother.
Hikari made it to the door well before the others did and peered inside to see, much to her relief, the passageway was empty. She quickly glanced about to make sure no Digimon had spotted them before looking down at YukimiBotamon, who had quickly figured out what was happening. The small Digimon gave her partner a sharp nod, which Hikari returned before she reached up to grab the door and began to tug on it. Unfortunately, it was far too heavy for her to move by herself, causing her to yank harder with frustration.
“You’re crazy, you know that?” Taichi whispered harshly as he joined his sister’s side, reaching to grab the side of the door.
“Recklessness runs in the family, apparently,” Yamato said as he moved to help Taichi as Takeru came to a stop by Hikari and kept watch on the crowd.
The door gave easily to the two boys’ strength, opening with a dull creak that couldn’t begin to be heard over the clamorous Digimon. The children quickly confirmed that no one had noticed, looking around, before they rushed inside within the fortress itself.
The Chosen Children were greeted by a large kitchen area, big enough to feed an army. It had numerous ovens, with counter space wrapping all around the walls of the room. All of it seemed centered around an open barbecue pit, where a big chunk of meat on a bone slowly turned on a spit. Everything looked like great preparations had been underway before being suddenly cut short, with everyone taking off in a great hurry - evidenced by a container of pepper that had been dropped, spilling its contents across the floor.
Takeru eyed the room with a suspicious gaze and furrowed brow, an uncomfortable hum rumbling at the back of his throat. “That’s… odd.”
“So, uh, now what?” Taichi asked as he scratched the back of his head.
The door slammed shut behind the Chosen Children, causing them to jump. They turned in time to see FlaWizarmon leaning against the door, his arms crossed as he cut off not only their escape but any way for Agumon, Patamon, and Gabumon to reach them.
“I was wonderin’ if ya’ll were stupid enough to fall for such an obvious trap,” FlaWizarmon said, coolly. “Turns out... ya were.”
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