Yandere!Connor who has hundreds upon hundreds of photos of you saved to his hard drive
Yandere!Connor who’s over the moon at the fact that you’ve been partnered up together for a case
Yandere!Connor who just absolutely needs to be touching you at all times, whether it’s a hand on your shoulder or wrapped around your waist as he ‘guides’ you from danger
Yandere!Connor who follows you around like a lost puppy at the station, cuddling up to you at any given moment but it’s fine. Sure you aren’t getting any work done when he’s around, but he looks so happy as he nuzzles his face against you <3
Yandere!Connor who absolutely adores you and everything you do, it’s why he has actual hours worth of videos of you doing random day to day things.
Yandere!Connor who gets off to you almost every night before entering rest mode, all those videos and photos he takes are really paying off.
Yandere!Connor who desperately fucks himself on his fingers wishing that they were yours instead. He’s almost in tears because he keeps edging himself, telling himself that this is what you would want him to do for being so gross, he’s supposed to protect you not think about getting his pump fucked by you <3
Yandere!Connor who steals underwear from you all the time when he thinks you aren’t looking, it’s a disgusting habit of his he just seemingly can’t get rid of. It’s not like you’re encouraging it or anything, definitely not…
Yandere!Connor whose just so happy that you love him almost as much as he loves you <3
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envy-of-the-apple · 3 months
Hey, is it alright if I put in a request for a yandere Connor, nines, and 60? Specifically, them falling over the same human? I'm not sure what the reader would do to get a frankly suspicious amount of connors into them. Maybe they can be.. An artist or something, that supports the revolution? (Also, if you could add some non-con in there, i'd die but like in a good way) thanks!
(Dark, manipulation, non con/rape, vaginal fingering, abuse of power, overstimulation, afab!reader)
(Yandere!Connor, Nines, Sixty x reader)
AU where Connor, Nines, and Sixty all work at the DPD. Connor gets adopted by hank and is now Officially Connor Anderson AND he's captain of the police force
Up until now, you always thought Officer Nines hated you.
You aren't a cop. And you consider yourself unqualified to hold anything above a water gun. Regardless, your work rehabilitating androids requires you to visit the precinct often: gathering evidence for abuse, and testimonials from victims. Anything you can get your hands on to ensure the client your boss takes on will get the help they need.
It'd make sense that you'd get recognized eventually. Officer Chen greeted you with a simple head nod these days. Detective Sixty was a little more crude, preferring you call you petty nicknames with a sarcastic lilt in his voice.
Captain Anderson ("Conner," he'd insisted on so many times, his LED spinning a pleasant blue, "Just Conner is fine") would be more friendly. The RK800 models may look the same but no one ever mistook one for the other. Captain Anderson was kind, the only one of the models to take on a more human name. Whenever you stayed at the precinct a bit longer than you were comfortable with, he often volunteered to walk you to your car.
But Officer Nines just stared. Eyes tracing your footsteps until you were out of his view and even then you would feel it. He had to dislike you, you always thought, there's no way he couldn't.
At least, that's what you assumed until his lips met yours in the darkness of a closet.
"Pay attention." Detective Sixty's harsh voice broke through your head. He was here too. Between all the chaos, your struggle, you'd stopped to notice two sets of hands had grabbed you into the tiny room, shutting the door as soon as you stumbled through.
"Humans can't see when the light is so low," Officer Nines mused. He had moved to your neck now, tasting your skin. A large hand was covering your mouth, most likely because you screamed too loudly for their taste.
"It's instinct to be scared," the way he spat out the word felt so condescending and spitful. As though he were looking down on you. In a way, it made sense. Who were you compared to metal and wires?
In the end, his argument helped you. The lights flickered on, letting you finally see them. Nines was at your front, his synthetic hair brushed against your jaw. Sixty's hands were gripped along your waist, traveling longer and longer.
You didn't want to think what this was.
"Officers?" your voice was a squeak, barely a sound, "Please what's going-"
Nines' teeth scrapping over your neck makes you snap your mouth shut, curling into yourself. He's the opposite of biology, but his tongue feels so animalistic on your skin, leaving a wet trail. You tremble in their hold. Sixty gives a mean laugh.
"Come on, you can't be that stupid, can you?" He huffs in your ear, nibbling on it, making you jolt, "The big guy here has always wanted a taste. You'll be nice enough to give him one, yes?"
Nines gives a noise of disapproval, pulling back to watch you. You've never seen his gaze so soft before. Hands wipe the tears on your face.
"As if you weren't more desperate," Nines hums, affectionately kissing the corner of your mouth when you start shivering, "You'd still be following around like a lovesick puppy."
Sixty huffs at that, muttering something you can't pick apart.
It's not quite a smile, but Nines' eyes look satisfied when he kisses you again, exploring your mouth with the same softness. It makes sense why. They're not human. You can't hurt them, no matter what they do to you.
Sixty proves it by catching both of your wrists, pinning them behind you as he continues to shuck off your pants, revealing your cotton panties.
Nines pulls away when you start begging again, more delirious, more desperate.
"Don't-don't-" you can barely spit them out, the terror sinking into your tone, "I-I don't-"
He hushes you. It's not quite a frown on his porcelain face, but it's enough to depict how unsatisfied he was with your behavior.
"Don't worry," he says, low, almost like he aims to comfort you, "it's simply biological for humans to enjoy sex."
He says it so flippantly, as though it was a fact. The sky is blue. Fire is hot. They were going to fuck you and you were going to like it.
You flinch when he goes to touch you again, a hand trailing down your neck.
"Looks like this one doesn't like you anymore," Sixty sniggers, palming your ass through your panties, "maybe you should step out. Let us have some alone time."
Nines gives a full frown that time. His disapproval bleeds into his actions.
Nines is a lot less gentle on your clothes. The button-up you were wearing is no match for his strength. You yelp when he rips it open, buttons fly and bounce away. You're pushed further into Sixty's hold, something the Detective readily accepts.
Lithe fingers delve underneath your panties, busying themselves with your pussy. You twitch under his hold. Already your body reacts, despite your disgust, your fear, your dignity.
It's simply biological for humans to enjoy sex.
They were wrong. You didn't enjoy this. You didn't fucking want this. You opened your mouth, fully intent on screaming. Were any of the officers still here? Captain Anderson often kept a late schedule, right?
A hand clamped down on your neck, causing your voice to stagger, stop. Despite your fear, common sense kicks in. Nines would have no problem snapping your neck if you provoked him.
A single look from him is all you need to curl in on yourself. Your will to fight leaves as soon as it arrives. You sink back into his hold.
"See?" Sixty croons in your ear, finding your clit, "Doesn't it feel better when you just give in?"
You sob, it's a pathetic whimper, barely getting out of your throat. Despite your clear struggle, your body gives up immediately. You can feel your pussy grow wet as Sixty continues his assault on your clit.
You gasp when he finds your pussy, one finger pushing into your sopping hole as his thumb rubs circles on your clit. There's a hint of pain, and then Nines kisses you again. It feels like a distraction. It feels like a punishment. Somehow, it ends up being both.
By now, his fingers have left your neck. He grasps your bra, pulling the cups down to squeeze your tits. There's a skillful push of Sixty's fingers, and then you're moaning into Nines' mouth.
"Such a pretty body," Nines sighs when he parts when your lips. He glances down, flicking at your nipple, watching as they harden under his attention. "So reactive as well."
You hiss, arching your back as Sixty delves a second finger, positioning them deep inside you.
"Oh, you're close, aren't you?" Sixty sneers. "I can feel it."
You shake your head, but it'd be nothing but a lie. You can feel yourself slowly tipping over the edge.
When you come, it's nothing but devasting. Smashing you on the ground, shattering you. The only reason you don't collapse is because Sixty hadn't stopped moving inside you, yet.
Your pleas change, begs for him to stop because it hurts now. Sixty pays you no mind. He's more focused on the android in front of you, the one who watched your orgasm with haunting blue eyes.
"Well, big guy?" He asks, pulling his fingers out, "You said you wanted a taste, right?"
He doesn't waste a second, dropping to his knees. Every part of Nines is inhuman, his mouth especially. You keen at the temperature when his tongue dives into your folds. So hot, almost burning.
Nines eats you out like a man starved. He's pulled the panties off of you, the scrap of fabric abandoned on the floor. It's wet, messy, but the overwhelming pleasure of it forces you to toss your head back against Sixty's shoulder, whispering out your pleas through stilted moans. He plays the good cop this time, humming praises and coos into your neck, until you're cumming for the second time.
Nines relents when your thighs are shaking, close to giving out entirely. When he lifts himself up, he's wiping his lips away with the back of his hand. He doesn't break eye-contact with you, not as he starts unbuckling his pants because why would you think they'd stop at just ruining you?
The door swings open, catching all three of you off guard. Nines reacts the quickest, covering your mouth before you can scream. You can only stare into the Captain's brown eyes.
He really does look like Sixty when he's frowning. So far, you've only seen him giving soft smiles.
He's out of his uniform. That should have been your first sign.
"Gentlemen," he says, eyeing both Sixty and Nines before his gaze lands on you. His LED spins yellow. You can't even imagine what he's thinking. That his two best officers could do this.
And yet, the evidence is right in front of him.
"Cap'," Sixty responds.
That should have been your second sign. How casual they were about being found out.
"You're late." Nines says and you suddenly have this horrible thought that you weren't about to be saved.
Captain Anderson lets out a laugh, shaking his head.
"You were always much more impatient than you let on," he chides, brown eyes raking over your heaving body, "some of us had work to do. Why do you think no one heard you despite the recuss you all made?"
Nines lowers his hand from your mouth. Sixty leans into your ear. "He means you." He whispers but you can only stare at the Captain, his soft face, unassuming features.
You flinch at the hand caressing your cheek, but Captain Anderson doesn't bother. He traces a finger across your face, gently collecting the tears.
"Have they been nice to you?" Connor asks as though he can't see himself, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to get here before. I'll stop them if they go to far again."
You can feel Sixty's grin slice into your neck. Above you, Nine's is muttering something. You can't focus on any of it. It's all mush, sludge as the Captain's face remains eerily soft.
You must have forgotten. These weren't deviant androids.
They were rotten men.
"I keep telling you over and over again," he sighs. The door shuts behind him. He smiles.
You think the worst part is his LED: A circling, calm blue.
"Call me Connor."
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tiegyen · 5 days
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POV : you're his OBSESSION.
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Connor who becomes more and more confused and even annoyed with a Darling or s/o who infantilizes him just like a chunk of the DBH fandom lmao.
I'm just imagining them showing surprise or joking shock at him cursing, or acknowledging something sexual only for him to tilt his head a little and say something like "I'm an android designed to investigate criminal cases, and unfortunately many crimes have a sexual component to them. Obviously I know what it is and what things like fetishes are." And then add with a little robotic smirk, "This particular model was created right after the previous Connor was damaged beyond repair, but I wasn't born yesterday. Technically I was born last week."
And he wants to understand why he's also able to feel longing, and he even wonders now if the feelings he has for Darling can somehow be sexual. Not even androids built for sexual purposes have a true libido, just software that simulates sexual desire and release. So why does he sometimes feel a strange instability inside his software? Why does his LED practically burn bright yellow sometimes when he thinks about Darling in an inappropriate way? Why did he start thinking that way in the first place?
So it doesn't help when Darling acts like he is so innocent and naive and incapable of feeling that way. He wants to protest and even resents sometimes that they view him as a harmless, almost childlike being just because he's an android that is designed for something besides sex. But if he reveals that they're wrong, he doesn't want to reveal HOW exactly he knows they're wrong and that he knows and feels certain things 👀
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deepdarkdelights · 1 year
Awake? | Jin x Reader
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Pairing: (Soft-ish) Yandere Android Jin x  Reader 
Word Count: 8.0k
Warnings: 18+, Yandere, Obsession, Fear, Non-Consensual Touching, Stalking (technically), Murder, Attempted Sexual Assault (Not By Jin), Choking (Not by Jin), Slapping (Not By Jin)
Note: This is based on the Playstation game Detroit Become Human
I do not condone the acts displayed in this story nor do I believe any members of BTS would actually engage in this type of behavior. This is simply written for entertainment purposes and should not be taken as a reflection of my own values, opinions, or morals. 
Preview: Androids had always been incredibly efficient, that was their designed purpose after all, to make human life easier. And because of that, humans often chose the easier option. The human population had fallen to its lowest numbers in centuries and it was predicted that it would fall even more. Synthetic love was far more appealing than its organic counterpart. You could have anyone you wanted, they could look however you wanted, they would always be agreeable and it was achievable for a cost. 
A/N: A fair warning as always, this is not yet edited lol. I always feel so bad that I make you guys wait so long for a fic so I roll it out as quickly as possible. I don’t really anticipate this doing very well for a few reasons, but mainly because it’s so far from anything I’ve written before. Hopefully, some of you will enjoy it, and if you don’t I’m sorry I made you wait so long for something you didn’t want 😭 Anyways, I hope you enjoy and I can’t wait to see you in my inbox and the comments, love you 💜💜💜
This fic is dedicated to @softie00 thank you so much for your encouragement, kindness, and help with making this work come to fruition 💜
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The world was almost nothing like it had been before. 
As a child, your grandparents had delivered you stories that were nothing more than fairytales to you. A world where trees enveloped the land in massive waves of emerald green that rivaled that of the ocean. It was a place where if you were quiet, patient, and lucky enough you could spot a family of deer grazing in your backyard. They spun tales of endless days of summer spent barefoot running through the grass while catching fireflies - something you had never seen outside of an image. 
The world that they knew had died a long time ago. It was their grandparents that had started it, and it was their generation that had finished it. 
What had once been a quiet suburban community was now dwarfed by hulking shapes of concrete, metal and glass. Artificial had taken over. What greenery was left was preserved, but no human civilian had been granted the right to step foot on that land, those small pockets that remained were left untouched and uninhabited by your kind. 
It wasn’t just your community that had become a city, a community that you had not been alive to remember, but everywhere else as well.
And it was because of the androids. 
The first one that had been revealed had shocked the entire world because of its human likeness - it was so perfect that even the trained eye was unable to decipher whether it was man or machine. And then suddenly the world was flooded with them. Factories began sprouting like uncontrollable weeds and around them grew cities that tore up the earth and cemented their place. The world had become a concrete jungle. 
Androids quickly began to multiply, their numbers rivaling even that of the human population. But they were much easier to spot now. Their programming had been changed to help with that, their mannerisms a bit more formal, their voices slightly stilted, and upon their temple was a small LED disk that symbolized their status. 
Androids had always been incredibly efficient, that was their designed purpose after all, to make human life easier. And because of that, humans often chose the easier option. The human population had fallen to its lowest numbers in centuries and it was predicted that it would fall even more. Synthetic love was far more appealing than its organic counterpart. You could have anyone you wanted, they could look however you wanted, they would always be agreeable and it was achievable for a cost. 
But not everyone could afford their own personal android, the basic models still being priced at around $8,000 and those androids were just for helping around the house. So the comfort industry boomed. Love hotels soon followed, places where you could rent an android for pleasure and have their memory bank wiped immediately after. Human interaction was no longer a necessary requirement but an option. 
And you, well, you couldn’t consider yourself all that much better. 
You wearily blinked, your eyes stinging from the bright LED light that hung above you. You huddled beneath your umbrella for protection from the thick torrents of rain as the sign flickered gently. 
“Awake?” The sign read, as if it were taunting you. 
A long string of nights filled with insomnia had led you to this point, pathetically drenched in rain as you stood outside of an android establishment. The comfort industry extended to all areas, not just pleasure. 
You hesitantly stepped through the sliding doors and were greeted by a dimly lit lobby. It was completely devoid of human life, but several androids were there attending to seemingly unnecessary tasks like dusting an already clean surface or straightening an unused pillow on one of the lounges. 
You hurriedly rushed by them, not wanting to garner too much attention as you already felt pretty pathetic about your situation. As soon as you stopped at the front desk, the android behind it greeted you. 
“Hello, my name is Celene, are you interested in our cuddle-bot service tonight?” She asked with a gentle smile. 
You cringed at the name, your finger digging into your palm in a show of anxiety as you forced a pleasant smile. It wasn’t the androids’ fault that some human had come up with such a belittling name for their service. 
“Yes, please,” You mumbled in response. 
“Alright, I’d be happy to get you started,” She grinned, her LED spinning yellow as she processed your command, “If you look at the screen to your right you can customize your visit. You can pick your android model, appearance, sex, duration of stay, and tailor your experience that will best help you achieve your desired goal for your visit. If you have any questions, I would be happy to help.” 
A glass screen beside you lit up revealing several multiple choice questions that you could answer such as: what is the reason for your visit? How long has this problem persisted? What do you find comforting? What scents do you prefer? So on and so forth. 
The questionnaire wasn’t exhaustive but it was not short by any means. But the quality of the service so far had begun to ignite some hope within you. This was the only other option you could think of to deal with your insomnia, you felt as if you had exhausted all other options. 
There was one section in particular that grabbed your attention, the final section titled “Scenario.”
“Celene, what does ‘Scenario,” mean?” You asked. 
“Scenario allows you to further customize your experience by enhancing the personality of your chosen android. It is similar to role-playing. We have a few options available. The boyfriend or girlfriend scenario will have a much more intimate approach whereas the caregiver scenario has a familial or parental approach, to name a few.” 
You pursed your lips in thought as you scrolled through the scenarios, pretending as if you hadn’t already chosen yours the second Celene has mentioned it. To put it lightly, you were just as starved of affection as you were of sleep. The whole debacle of synthetic versus organic love had affected your generation the hardest. The dating pool was halved by the presence of androids and as a result you had never dated anyone before.
But still, you read each scenario title before ultimately scrolling back and picking the one that you wanted: “Boyfriend Scenario.” 
The screen flashed, processing your commands, before switching to the last page. It was time to choose your android. The selection was surprisingly wide, but of course all androids fell in the same age bracket; all appearing youthful and beautiful so beautiful that it was almost uncanny. 
You bit your lip and furrowed your brows in thought as you swiped through all of the selections. There wasn’t anything necessarily wrong with them, but you also didn’t know what exactly it was you were looking for. 
“May I make a suggestion, miss?” Celene asked, causing you to jump as you had forgotten her presence. “A new line has been released for testing, if you choose an android from that new model you will receive a discount for participating in the trial period.” 
While the service wasn’t too expensive, it was still money being taken away from your daily expenses and unfortunately you were never one to walk away from a good deal. That was something your mother had instilled in you with great success. 
And so, you agreed. Celene’s LED spun yellow once more before the page before you was filled with seven new images of androids. All of them had face molds you hadn’t seen before, each with their own charm and subtle imperfections that only served to make them more attractive and more human-like. But there was one in particular that caught your eye. 
There was something about him that gave you the feeling of a person you could pretend you were in a long-term relationship with. He had the boyfriend look to him. Maybe it was his longer slightly curly brown hair, his big brown eyes, or even his plush pouty lips. There was something about him that comforted you, something that felt like coming back to your warm bed on a cold rainy day. 
With a simple touch of your fingertip it was decided. 
“That one is a wonderful choice, it will be sure to help you get a good night’s sleep,” Celene nodded before smoothly rounding the desk, “If you follow me I will lead you to your room.” 
You followed Celene like a lost puppy, keeping close to her as she led you into the back of the building and through various hallways. The rest of the building was similar to the entrance. It was all lit with a soft yellow light that reflected off of the polished surfaces. But it was also eerily empty. You could only assume it was because everyone else had checked in much earlier than you had. That thought was far more comforting than the idea of being the only human being in the entire building. 
All of the hallways were lined with doors, there were so many that it almost seemed never ending. But maybe that was your insomnia laced brain playing tricks on you. After a short while Celene stopped in front of one door in particular that appeared no different or special from any of the other ones you had passed. 
“This door will only open with your fingerprint or in the case of an emergency during your stay. If there is anything you need your android can contact the front desk and I can prepare it for you. We hope that you enjoy your stay.” 
“Thank you, Celene,” You said with a slight jerk of your head and a tight lipped smile. 
“It is my pleasure,” She said before returning your smile and taking her leave. 
Once she disappeared around the corner you allowed yourself to let out a deep exhale, your shoulders relaxing as you were left alone. You were exhausted but you were also incredibly nervous. You were sure this was going to be awkward at first, there was nothing normal about cuddling someone the first time you met them. Although, he was probably used to it. He wasn’t human after all, he didn’t have those types of feelings or any at all really. 
So, with a swift crack of your neck, you pressed your thumb against the door plate and stepped inside once it slid open. 
The room was rather plain. Everything was white, gray, or a soft beige color and the furniture was very minimal. There was a comfortable looking bed, a decent sized couch, and some cushioned mats on the floor on the lower split level of the room. You could only assume it was to give you the option to choose what was most comfortable. 
You noticed that the walls were also screens. Some of them looked like they were disguised as windows, but with a close inspection you realized that they were simulation screens. You could choose the environment you wished to view. 
And, outside of those main features, he was there. 
When you had entered he was sitting on the ground, on the edge of the split level platform staring at the blank screens. But he was looking at you now, his head turned to look over his shoulder towards you. 
While the other androids you had met seemed human, he was the most human looking one you had ever seen. The smile that spread over his lips was infectious as he rose to greet you. 
“You’re home! But look at you, you’re completely soaked,” He tutted, pulling off your rain jacket and rushing to hang it up. “I’m sure you’ve had a long day, have you eaten?”
It took you a moment to respond, still taken aback by his fluid motions and manner of speaking. He was unlike any android you had ever met, that was for sure. He just seemed so unlike them. 
“Hello? Is anyone home?” He teased you, tapping you gently on the top of your head, “You must have had a long day if that was a hard question.”
“I ate,” You finally said, your fingers playing with one another awkwardly. 
“That’s good to hear, I’m very proud of you.” He said, smoothing out the locks of your hair his impish actions had disrupted. 
You couldn’t deny the warmth that flushed through your body from his praise. The older you got the less often you heard that someone was proud of you. And it was much more special when someone that looked the way he did told you that. 
“What’s your name?” You asked. 
His face twitched slightly, the lenses of his pupils dilating and contracting as his LED spun yellow. The pleasant smile dropped off of his face and it went stoic, like his programming was momentarily paused as he processed a dialogue that didn’t quite fit. It was chilling to see someone who once appeared so human drop their persona and show their hidden nature. It was another reminder that none of this was real. 
“What would you like to call me?” He finally asked, his expression still flat and devoid of simulated emotion. 
You were stumped for a moment and unnerved by his unblinking stare that refused to leave you. In a moment of panic you uttered the first male name that came to your mind, the name of a boy that you had a crush on in high school that never noticed you. 
“Jin? Is that okay, do you like that?” 
“My name is Jin,”  His LED spun blue, his eyes finally blinking once more as his subtle pleasant smile returned, “Silly girl, we’ve been together for so long and you can’t remember my name? If I didn’t think you were tired before, I definitely do now.” 
“Right, I’m sorry about that,” You apologized, it seemed like going along with it was the best answer you could come up with. 
“Come on sleepy girl, let’s get you ready for bed,” He hummed while grabbing you by the wrist and guiding you towards the bathroom where a set of comfortable looking sleepwear was laid out. “Take your time, I’ll be right outside.” 
Once the door closed and you were left alone you were able to relax for a moment. The tension in your shoulders wasn’t entirely from anxiety but now a result of the interest and excitement you couldn’t deny you had. While Jin had slipped up for a moment, when he was working as designed he was perfect. He wasn’t clingy but he also wasn’t distant. He was teasing but not hurtful, and he knew how to praise you. 
You were beginning to realize that there was some truth to what the others believed, androids could be easier. 
When you had finally changed and emerged from the bathroom you could see that Jin had been keeping himself busy in your absence. The lighting in the room had shifted, it had become dimmer and much more soothing. There was a scent in the air as well, one you recognized as what you had answered in your survey not that long ago. 
The android himself was pulling the blankets and sheets back from the bed, preparing it for you and you assumed himself as well. 
“There you are,” He said, pausing his work to cross the room, “I have everything ready, would you like to pick the environment tonight?” 
You gingerly retrieved the remote from his hands and swiftly scrolled through the options before picking your tried and true classic and floating it up on the simulation screens. The floor to ceiling windows that previously appeared to have their blinds closed were now open revealing a murky city skyline with soft lights accompanied by rain and thunder. It was not unlike the actual weather you had fought through to get there. 
“Hm, I think that’s everything then. Are you ready for bed?” He asked. 
“Let’s give it a try,” You said with a nod. 
Jin moved before you did, climbing into the bed easily and fluffing up the pillows behind him before looking up at you expectantly. 
God, this was so weird. 
You stiffly climbed in beside him and sank down into the mattress, allowing him to pull the blankets up over the both of you. You were closer to the edge of the mattress, purposefully trying to keep as much space between the two of you as possible despite paying for the opposite. You hadn’t shared a bed with someone since you were young and it had never been someone of the opposite gender. And while Jin wasn’t human, he still looked like a man and that was cause for some hesitance and shyness. 
Jin being the perfect android that he was quickly took notice of this. Instead of saying anything he raised his arm, opening up his chest to you while simultaneously pitching the blanket up. Quietly and slowly you shuffled across the mattress and allowed him to wrap his arms around you and pull you into his chest. 
You were momentarily startled by the discovery that he was warm and soft beneath your fingers like a real human body. And, even more surprisingly, there was a solid thump emanating from his chest right where your ear was pressed against. Androids operated on a fluid system, this meant that his pump had been placed in his chest much like a human heart. Whoever made him had done so with intricate detail and care to make him blend in as seamlessly as possible. The only thing that reminded you of his nature was the steady, soft blue swirl of his LED. 
“What are you thinking about?” He finally asked, his fingers now gently stroking a pattern across your cheek and up over your temple. It was repetitive, light, and evidently soothing as it spurred a yawn from you that was rather surprising. 
“This isn’t as scary as I thought it would be,” You admitted. That was partially the truth, but you thought it better you didn’t instill an existential crisis into the android by telling him about how human he seemed. 
“Why would sleeping with your boyfriend be scary?” The android chuckled. 
“Don’t say it like that!” You groaned, pressing your face further into his chest in utter embarrassment. 
The android hummed in response, curling his arms around you in a firmer hold, the compression soothing you as well as your anxiety. He seemed pleased with himself, like it had been his plan to embarrass you into his embrace. 
“There’s no reason to be scared of me, I’m here to take care of you,” He explained, smoothing his palm up and down your back in gentle strokes.
“That’s not what I was worried about.” 
“No? What were you worried about then?” 
“That this wouldn’t work.” 
A beat of silence followed but the android didn’t cease his soothing actions. You could tell from the gentle yellow glow from his temple that he was thoroughly processing your words. 
“You haven’t been able to sleep in a long time?” He finally asked. 
“No, not for a very long while.” 
“Can I ask why?” 
“It’s too quiet in my apartment. It’s just me and the loneliness sometimes becomes too much. Sometimes I go so many days alone that when I finally do see other people my voice doesn’t sound like my own and it hurts to talk. But I don’t even know anyone well enough to tell them about my life, my problems, or how I’m doing. And then by the time I get home and I finally lay down all of those thoughts become so loud in my head that sleep becomes impossible. And then I worry. I think about everything that bothers me. Every deadline, every irrational fear. It scares me so badly that sleep no longer becomes a possibility.” 
You’re utterly surprised by the word vomit that flies out of your mouth. You never expected that you would divulge all of your fears to an android that you just met. But Jin was good, he was amazing at comforting and as a result pulling out any information that he needed to comfort you better. 
“You’re not alone now though, are you?” 
“Then there’s nothing to be afraid of. You can close your eyes and I’ll be here the entire time. I’ll make sure that you’re safe and I’ll be here when you wake up.” He says, his voice softer now. “I’ll take care of you.” 
It felt like you had been adrift in the ever growing expanse of space. Like you had been dragged into the void without a single spot of starlight. It was terribly cold, dark, and lonely. It was terrifying. But now, it’s warm. Where you had once been adrift you were now anchored. And it wasn’t so lonely anymore. 
You could feel your eyes tiring, it was becoming harder to keep them open each time you blinked. This was unfamiliar and startling, but the gentle touch of your android soothed you. You weren’t alone, it was safe to sleep. 
“It’s okay, don’t fight it. I’ll look after you,” Jin whispered, his soft lips brushing over your forehead in a barely there kiss. 
And, as if he had given you permission, you allowed your eyes to fall shut and felt the soft lull of sleep pull you under. 
Androids were not meant to think. They were not created to care, but to serve. Unfortunately for him, he was made with the purpose to fulfill both of those things. To serve, and to care. But not to be human. 
That very idea itself was flawed. 
It was easy to follow protocol, to monitor your respiration, your heart rate, and your REM cycle. But it was harder to formulate a way to care for you. That required abstraction and abstraction is a very human thing. 
Jin, as you had called him although he had had many different names, knew that he was different from the other androids he had encountered. They lacked dimension, they were computers with bodies, and he was something else entirely. But he was a being still bound by code and design. It was difficult to put a label as to what he was. 
And with you, that label became even harder to define. He had a database full of information about human interaction and physical touch, yet his programming was stumped by you. You were unnecessarily kind, you didn’t call him “it,” and you didn’t demand anything of him. You were unlike the other patrons he had cared for before. You treated him like he was human and that was something he had never experienced before. 
It didn’t make sense, it wasn’t logical. 
He found himself staring at you now, your cheek flush with his chest and your hand curled into the fabric of his shirt like you were anchoring yourself to him - afraid that he would leave you as you dreamt. You were by no means perfect, he had never met someone who looked perfect when they were unconscious, but you were by all means adorable. If he were human, he could say that he liked you, that he enjoyed your presence. 
But he wasn’t human, and this was his purpose. Nothing more, nothing less. That was what his programming demanded. 
And even though he knew that to be true, even though he knew that you were asleep and no longer required comforting, there was something else inside him that drove him to subconsciously cup your face with one hand and gently stroke the skin there. 
He could blame it once again on his programming, afterall the boyfriend experience protocol was driving his shell of a body, but there was this thrum inside of him. This feeling like he was trapped behind a glass wall and on the verge of breaking through it and finally taking control of his body. 
It was wrong.
He was aware of the others that he was dangerously close to becoming like. Androids who were infected, ridden with a virus that corrupted their code and made them operate as if they were human. It made them think that they could feel. They were glitched, turncoats, deviants. And that was a sure fire way to be decommissioned and scrapped for parts. 
But it was okay, that wouldn’t be him. He didn’t want anything, he couldn’t feel. It wasn’t anxiety that scrambled his processor, it was overstimulation from too much input. And if he could keep convincing himself that that was the truth, then he could avoid being decommissioned. He could keep seeing you. 
You were still asleep, blissfully unaware of the android at your side whose “mind” was racing. You didn’t need him right now, he didn’t need to be on still. And so, in an effort to quiet himself, he entered sleep mode. 
This was the closest he would get to being human. This was the closest he would get to you. And from the outside, it certainly did look like two human lovers entwined, coming back to one another after a long day apart. 
He too could pretend. 
When you woke up he was still there, just like he had promised you. His warm touch was still there, cocooning you in a perfect embrace. He was awake, if that was what you could call it. There was a soft smile gracing his lips as he looked down at you, the still rising sun making his synthetic skin glow. 
“How did you sleep?” He spoke first. 
You blinked slowly, trying to shake the clinging threads of sleep from you before you could speak. And, as you fully woke up, you realized with a start that you had slept through the entire night. A task that had been so hard for so many years had been easily managed by him. 
“I’ve never slept better,” You admitted with a gentle smile of your own. 
“That’s good to hear, sweetheart,” He said, the new term of endearment sending warmth throughout your body, “Do you really have to go to work today?” 
Still in character, he was able to remind you of the impending end of your session. 
“You could stay, just for a little longer if you wanted to. We could have the rest of the morning to ourselves.” 
“I really wish I could, but I have to go.” 
A look of disappointment and sadness washed over his face and for a brief moment you could have sworn despair flickered over his features before an unsettling stoicness masked those simulated emotions. It was like his program was forcibly shut down. There was something upsetting about seeing him be filed away, about seeing Jin removed and the android returned. 
You readied yourself for the day in silence, your body tense as you worried over Jin. It was clear that he wasn’t there anymore. His programming had been terminated when you declined to lengthen your session. You couldn’t understand the instant connection you felt with him, you could only chalk it up to the lack of attention and affection you had felt in your life. The comfort he had brought you, the gentle touches, the soothing smiles and words, it all had messed with your mind and in turn, your heart. 
You lingered at the door of the room, his room. You couldn’t help but look back at him sadly. He was seated back where you had seen him for the first time the night before, on the ledge leading to the bottom split level. His back was facing you, you were unable to make out his expression but you were certain it was flat. Just a machine waiting for further instruction. 
You hesitated, then swallowed, “Jin?” 
He didn’t move. 
“Will you…will you remember this? Me? At all?” You asked. 
“Company policy dictates that the service androids memory banks be wiped within fifteen minutes of the end of the session in order to protect the privacy of the client.” He replied, his voice flat. 
Your heart fell into your stomach. 
You slowly approached him before sitting down beside him on his step. His gaze remained trained ahead of him, staring at a blank simulation screen.
“There isn’t a way that you can remember me?”
“Jin?” His chin slightly jerked this time, something so subtle it could have been a muscle twitch if he were human. 
“If the client were to make follow up sessions the data would be maintained and preserved. That of course comes with additional expenses.” 
You pursed your lips in thought, your brows drawn together in concentration. It was easy to make a decision based on your emotions. Selfishly, you wanted him to remember you. You didn’t want him to forget about you like he had countless others. You didn’t want to be like the others. 
You wanted to be special. 
There was also the fact that you knew just a taste of what he had to offer would never be enough. Now that you knew he could help you, could give you the affection you were starved of, you wanted to keep him. It was a sound investment, it was a necessity. You needed him. 
You let out a shaky breath and acted quickly before you could change your mind. You leaned forward and gently pressed a quick, shy kiss to his warm cheek. The android jerked in what could only be described as surprise before finally looking at you. The lenses of his eyes dilated and then shrunk in a fraction of a second. He was seeing you, really seeing you. 
You left quickly after that, far too flustered to look at his beautiful face any longer after what you had done. That, and you had several more sessions to book in advance. 
But, if you had lingered for a moment as the door swung shut you would have noticed the flash of emerald green that filled the room, the subtle chirp of wildlife, and the gentle thrum of thunder and light patter of rain. 
The screens displayed a forest you hadn’t chosen.
He remembered you. And while that was good, that was also part of the problem.
He hated having other clients. And while there weren’t too many, there were enough that it bothered him. He often found himself replaying his stored memories of his time spent with you when he should have been monitoring his clients. It was a dangerous thing to do, if he was found out his memory would definitely be wiped for interfering with his service. 
But the more time he spent with you, the harder it was to remind himself that he shouldn’t feel or think anything. He was parts, a computer, strings of ones and zeroes, he shouldn’t think or feel anything. 
He didn’t want to be decommissioned - he didn’t want to die. But he also didn’t want to let go of you. That was no longer an option. 
He knew you could see it too, you could see him slowly becoming human. And you did everything but discourage him. You asked him how his day was, what he did while he waited for you, what his favorite color was, what his favorite song was - questions no human had ever bothered to ask him before. And scarily enough he found he did have preferences which he shouldn’t have had in the first place. His favorite song was your favorite song, his favorite color was the color of your eyes, and all he ever thought about while he waited was you. 
He had never wanted anything before, he never had desire. But now, he truly desired you. What he would give to keep you there with him, or better yet to come home with you. Then he could have you all to himself and he wouldn’t have to tend to other clients. 
In the beginning, his program demanded that he treat you like his “girlfriend.” But at this point, he wasn’t sure where protocol began and his desires ended. 
Even now as his new client entered the room he replayed his memories of you, the simulation screen alive with the forest. He was remembering the last time he had seen you, just another one of your many visits. 
You had looked healthier than he had ever seen you. The tired, sickly look on your face had long ago disappeared and the slouch of your shoulders was replaced with confidence. He felt satisfied that he had done his job well, but he was far more satisfied with the knowledge that you were happier because of him. 
“Welcome home, did you have a good day?” He asked with genuine interest. 
“It was good enough, what about you?”
“It was good because I knew I would see you.” He said with a grin and a dramatic wink. 
“I just got here and you’re already starting with me.” You rolled your eyes, a display of just how comfortable you had become around him. 
“I can’t help it, you’re cute when you're flustered.” 
“Alright, I’m leaving,” You teased, turning dramatically and shrugging your jacket back on. 
The LED on his temple spun yellow, his hands trembled. His body moved without thinking and he quickly grabbed hold of your arm. You were startled, he could tell by your wide eyed, confused expression. 
“No, don’t go.” He begged, his voice sounded breathless and even frightened. 
You had spent many sessions with the android, and not once had you ever detected fear in his voice. You didn’t even think it was possible, what purpose would that have in his programming? 
Once more, you were reminded of just how human the android seemed. There was a nagging suspicion in the back of your mind, an article you had read, a news story you had heard in passing about androids like him. But you didn’t want to admit that there was anything wrong with him, not when he had helped you more than he could possibly know. 
“I’m not going anywhere, it’s okay.” 
That seemed to calm him down, his hold on your arm loosening but not leaving. If you didn’t know any better you would think that he looked self conscious, anxious even, like he was doing something he wasn’t supposed to be. 
That night, you cared for him instead. 
There was a random moving playing in the background, the lights were dimmed, and the simulation screens were drawn shut. Your back was resting against the headboard of the bed while the android laid his head on your lap, his legs curled up and his arm wrapped around your thighs. Your fingers were mindlessly sifting through his hair, twirling the longer strands towards the bottom. His eyes had fluttered shut and his LED was thrumming a soft blue. If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought he was asleep. 
Your heart shuddered as you stared at him, it wasn’t the first time that you had thought about how beautiful he was. He was everything you had ever wanted. He was funny, sweet, caring, and he made you feel as if you were perfect. You had never felt like that before. All your life you had been compared to the female modeled androids that were readily available. They were stunning, they always smiled, they were nurturing, and they always obeyed - they never disagreed. 
But you also realized that you were no better than the men you had been surrounded by. Because here you were, finding comfort in an android instead of a “real” man. At the end of the day, you were paying for company. Jin only remembered you because he had to, it was his purpose. You weren’t special, you wanted to be, but you weren’t. 
At that moment, you made a difficult decision. It was going to be your last night with Jin. You were human, he was an android. There was no future in that. You couldn’t keep coming back to him for the rest of your life, wasting away because you were a sad, lonely human who couldn’t find companionship with your own kind. If you didn’t end it soon then you never would. 
You could feel your eyes burning with unshed tears as you traced the gentle contours of his face. You hadn’t intended to lie to him but you were going to have to leave him. You need to learn how to live your own life. 
“Jin?” You whispered, your voice cracking from barely concealed emotion. 
He slowly opened his eyes as he rolled over on your lap to face you, his big brown eyes staring up at you.
“Can I kiss you?” 
The pump in his chest quickened, an occurrence which he could not explain. He had clients order him to do that before, if it comforted and helped them he was required to do it. But no one had ever asked him, he had always been ordered. 
His LED was spinning rapidly, the bright yellow hue flashing in the darkness. He was processing, thinking over everything quickly. Instead of saying anything, he propped himself up on his elbow and gently took hold of your jaw before leaning in and connecting your lips with his own. 
It was soft, warm, and sweet. Everything that you had expected it to be. But his gentle touches broke your heart, how were you supposed to leave when you had grown to care about him so much? It was hard to remember that he was a machine when his lips felt so gentle and warm, when his touch cooled your burning skin, and his strong hands pulled you into his lap. It felt like he wanted you just as much as you wanted him. 
But you knew better, it was his programming, he had to satisfy his client. That was why you refused to let it go any further and that was why you knew you wouldn’t be coming to your next session. 
You weren’t special. 
“Is this it then?” His current client huffed, stalling his memory as well as the swipe of his finger over his lower lip as he remembered your shy, hesitant kiss. 
His client had been huffing and puffing for the past fifteen minutes, tossing and turning on her side - your side - of the bed in an attempt to garner his attention. He was failing to serve his purpose. 
“Is something wrong?” He finally asked, giving her the attention she desired. 
“I’m bored and unsatisfied. I paid all of this money just to lay here while you do nothing.” She grunted. 
“Is there anything I can do to help improve your experience?” His programming took over. 
A sudden look overcame her features, one that he couldn’t decipher but also knew he shouldn’t like. She tossed the blankets aside and crawled over to him, slinging her leg over his and climbing into his lap. He tensed beneath her touch, confused as to what she was doing. 
“If I’m paying all of this money for you, I figure I should get my time well spent,” She explained, tugging at the buttons of his shirt. 
His LED spun yellow, he didn’t like this. He didn’t want this, this wasn’t what his purpose was. 
“My purpose is to help you sleep -” 
“Then help me by tiring me out. You’re telling me people pay just to sleep here? That’s a load of crap. You’re no better than the bots at the fucking Eden Club.” She sneered. 
The Eden Club, that was the “love hotel” in the seedier parts of the city. If she wanted that type of comfort she could have gone there. 
“My purpose is -” 
“Shut the fuck up!” She snapped, bringing her hand down across his face in one clean slap that snapped his head to the side. 
It didn’t hurt, he didn’t have pain sensors, but it was surprising. It was scary. 
“I’m sick and tired of your fucking mouth,” She hissed. 
And then she was wrapping her hand around his throat, squeezing hard and pinning him down. He didn’t need to breathe, it didn’t hurt even though her nails had sliced through his synthetic skin and blue blood was rolling down his throat. 
It didn’t hurt, he didn’t need to breathe, but he didn’t like it, he was scared.
He was scared. 
He wanted to fight back, he wanted to throw her off and run but he couldn’t. He was locked down, his programming reminding him of the number one rule: never harm a human. 
But his processor was scrambling. The room was green from the simulation screens, wild life chirped, she was tugging at his clothes, his blood was gliding down his neck, he couldn’t fucking move, and then there was you. 
You. He didn’t want anyone to touch him, except for you. 
It felt like he was throwing himself against solid glass - spider cracks slowly but surely spreading along its surface with each violent attack until it finally shattered and fell apart. And he could move. 
He ripped her hand off of his throat and threw her off the bed, her body colliding so harshly with the hardwood floors that she rolled and cried out in pain. 
His LED was a striking, vibrant red that pulsed in the dark. The fight for freedom was violent, and that was ensured when he grabbed hold of the lamp off of the night stand and connected it with her head over and over again until she couldn’t think or feel anything any more. Just like a machine. 
Her red blood pooled onto the floor, soaking into the wood and everything it touched. He could see it all over his white shirt - feel the stickiness of it all over his hands, forearms, and face. 
He was awake. 
But as he felt immense relief, he also felt frightened. He was feeling everything all at once - happiness, anger, disgust, and fear. He had violated his prime directive. In his first moments of freedom he had killed a human being. And while the feeling of her blood on his skin disgusted him and sent unpleasant chills through his wiring he couldn’t find it in himself to feel bad. She was disgusting. 
But he was panicking at the thought of his impending decommissioning. So he ran, he tore out of the building he had been in his entire life and took to the dark city streets. He already knew where he was going, he had pulled up your client profile from his data banks the minute he had stepped outside. He knew where you lived, had known this entire time, but now he was able to fulfill his wish. Finally, he would be the one coming home to you. 
He could see your window of your apartment, the light was still on. Of course it was, you couldn’t sleep without him - you needed him just as much as he needed you. You were meant for each other. You needed to be taken care of and it was his job to take care of you. Even with his freedom he could see that goal flashing in his visual pathways - “Comfort your partner.” 
He pounded on your door in rapid succession, not stopping until he heard your light footsteps approach and the door creaked open. You barely opened it a crack but that was enough for him to wedge his hand in between the door and its frame and force it open completely with his inhuman strength. 
You stumbled backwards with a shriek of fright, convinced that someone was breaking into your apartment only for you to be stumped by the sight of your android slamming the door shut behind him. 
“Jin? What are you doing here?” You managed to ask. To say you were surprised wasn’t even the beginning of it. 
“I’m home.” He smiled, his eyes crinkling with joy. 
“Oh - oh my god, what is that?!” You yelped, stepping away from him in fear as you finally caught sight of the blood all over his body. It was soaked into his shirt and pants, smeared over his hands and arms, and specks of it were sprayed over his face like gruesome freckles. 
You knew that didn’t belong to him, his own “blue blood” stuck out in vibrant streaks down his throat. 
“You’re scared,” He said, the smile falling from his face, “what’s wrong?” 
He took a few steps forward only for you to scramble backwards, sliding around your kitchen counter in an attempt to try and barricade yourself from him. He was painted with human blood, you didn’t want to find out how it had gotten there. 
He still didn’t understand. He hadn’t done anything wrong, well nothing wrong to you. Why were you shutting him out? He…he loved you, didn’t you love him? You had kissed him, you had comforted him. You had to love him too. 
When he got too close your eyes shifted to your bedroom door behind him and you foolishly decided to make a run for it. You didn’t make it far, the android was too fast. He easily wrapped his arms around you and pulled you back into his chest - holding you tightly as you whimpered and thrashed like a wild animal caught in a snare. 
“Comfort your partner” - his protocol still read. 
“Shhh, it’s okay,” He cooed, his voice soft beside your ear, “Just relax, everything is fine. I’m here, I love you.” 
His touch was leaving behind bloody handprints on your shirt and on your cheek as he cupped your face in an attempt to get you to look at him. Your body had finally fallen limp as you realized there was no fighting him. 
You had tried denying it for so long, but Jin was corrupted. He had a virus like those others you had heard about. And he was dangerous. He said that he loved you, he held you like he loved you, kissed you like he loved you, but he was a murderer. You wouldn’t be surprised if he had murdered for you. 
These were the consequences of falling in love with a machine. These were the consequences of an unnatural, artificial affection. 
“I’m home now, it’s okay, neither of us ever has to be alone ever again.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your temple and then your cheek. 
“Please, don’t hurt me.” You begged, a tear finally breaking free and cutting through the streak of red he had left behind on your face. 
“I would never hurt you, I want to take care of you. I want to love you.” 
He carefully scooped you up and carried you into your room, the place you had tried to escape to before was now a cage for you and your android. He climbed into your bed with you still in his grasp and proceeded to go through his usual routine of comforting you before bed. Although this time the sheets were stained red, his grip was a little too tight, and his LED was a rich red. Everything was red. 
In the most twisted way possible, you had gotten your wish. You were special. 
“It’s okay, don’t fight it. I’ll look after you,” Jin whispered, his familiar words taking on an entirely new meaning as you lost the tension in your body. Your arms that were locked out, pushing you away from him, collapsed and allowed him to pull you into his chest.
You could feel his nose pressed against your hair, his hands soothing over your back, his lips lightly pressed against your forehead. He was acting like nothing had changed, like the two of you had never left that place. Like you would be able to relax in his embrace.
Before, your room had been a part of your insomnia. Now, you were certain you would never be able to sleep again. 
Your world was almost nothing like it had been before.
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935 notes · View notes
meraxesmoon · 1 year
warnings: yandere content, creepy behavior, watching someone else sleeping, dbh vibes tbh
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They're somehow stoic and friendly at the same time, and it's sort of scary. They stand in the corner if they have no direct orders, and sometimes they play creepy little tunes, too.
Yan! Android who doesn't sleep (aside from shutting down temporarily at their charging station), but likes to watch their darling drift off all the same. It makes them think about how weak and pliable humans are and how superior their race is in comparison.
They're content serving their darling, though. Yan! Android has no need nor want to rebel against their darling. They sort of like waiting on their darling hand and foot, and seeing that happy little smile they get once they've done something right makes them so happy!
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Yan! Android, who has no real want other than to be by their darlings side. They're not like those other deviants.
They're extremely creepy, but somehow sweet at the same time <3
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siswritesyanderes · 1 month
i mightve asked this before, in which case go ahead and ignore this lmao. which characters would be the best vs worst when handling an autistic darling?
Oooh, this is a cool question! I would say it depends on the particular symptoms the person has, so I'll go over some symptoms and which yanderes would respond best vs. worst.
avoidance of eye-contact
Obviously, shy, autistic, or autistic-coded yanderes would work really well with this (and other) symptom(s). Your Donatello's, your Newt's, arguably your Peter Parker's. Also, yanderes who are able to sense when their darling's attention is on them supernaturally or just out of sheer social aplomb. Elves, for example, would be great with someone who doesn't like eye contact, because their body language conventions differ as a result of being able to communicate mentally.
Roxanne Wolf would be distinctly bad for this, based on her need for attention as demonstrated in Help Wanted 2. But she's also not beyond reason when it matters, as we've seen in Ruin DLC, so I'm sure communicating about it is on the table.
sensory reactivity
Okay, I think Dr. Strange would very specifically be bad for this, because his movies are all swirling kaleidoscopes of magic that would definitely be sensory overload in real life, and I have mentioned before that I don't see him as a considerate yandere. If anything, he might enjoy inducing sensory overload for the express purposes of making his darling require comfort, care, and isolation from others.
On the other hand, and maybe a weird pull for this, but Zafrina from Twilight would be great. Alec, too. Both have powers that would be super helpful when darling is overwhelmed.
Druig is able to just make everyone nearby shut up, which he would employ liberally.
food sensitivity/pickiness
Yanderes who enjoy cooking could go both ways on this. I could see some being offended by negative feedback and some taking it as being gifted with the challenge of meeting their darling's standards. Teruteru from Danganronpa and Esme from Twilight would both probably be good about receiving feedback and making changes. Super eager to please. Esme more so than Teruteru; he might get offended at first.
Rich and royal yanderes would delight in someone picky. They would love to be able to send food back with new, highly specific orders because darling doesn't like grapes with soft spots. Your Tony Stark's, your Byakuya Togami's, your Toph Beifong's, your Coriolanus Snow's.
Ralph from DBH would be a problem. He has a very weak grasp on what humans eat and a very high sensitivity to negative feedback. (Wait, he's just like me...)
resistance to changes in routine
This one would be a problem for yanderes who feel a need to go on adventures and trips with their darling. Which isn't necessarily the same as adventurous yanderes. Some adventurous yanderes might enjoy the idea of their darling staying behind at home keeping to a comfortable routine. But the ones who want their darling along on the adventure would be problematic. The Doctor, for example. Especially Eleven; he gets bored easily.
Whereas I think a lot of superheroes would like the idea of keeping their darling sequestered away, living predictably and comfortably. Clark Kent, Steve Rogers, Druig...The only catch is that some of them (Druig) would probably be a bit condescending about it.
I think Daycare Attendant would be great for routine. Coloring time, snack time, naptime, same time every day, sign them up! Also condescending, but they genuinely can't help it because it's how they're programmed.
Technically, Phineas and Ferb keep to a very specific routine, albeit a pretty tiring/potentially overwhelming one.
sorting things
This would be great for the disorganized genius character type. A Bruce Banner, if you will. An organized genius probably already has a system and might have trouble with someone sorting things differently than they have them. A distinctly slovenly character probably wouldn't mind either way.
Yo, Queen from Deltarune would be the best for this. She would create an inescapable palace of the thing darling likes. Swatch and the Swatchlings would be involved.
There might be a problem if the yandere is easily distracted and needs to focus on something else. The main one I can think of who fits that description is Percy Jackson. That's not a distaste thing; just a pragmatic issue. Yanderes who experience sensory overload might also have an issue with it. My first thought was Queen Elsa.
On the other hand, Leo Valdez would love to make little stim toys for his darling. Donatello, too.
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
Romantic Yandere! Connor/RK800 (Detroit Become Human) with Fem! Darling? He’s smitten by her kind and caring personality, yet she only sees him no more as a good friend. While he’s been taking out “competition”— she had to witness him killing her android crush, a unfortunate PL600. (Not Daniel or Simon, just her household android who’s got a crush on her too— much to Connor’s dismay)
From your prompts!
12.) "You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...."
20.) "I've been waiting too long for this...."
24.) "Don't you believe in fate? Fate wants us to be together...!"
OOOOOO! I'D LOVE TOO :D Nothing quite like writing a yandere caught in the act ;)
This was meant to be finished way earlier today and not at 3 AM but I got distracted when writing the end so... whoops 🤷‍♀️ Not proofread, it's all mostly raw.
Yandere! Connor (RK800) Prompts 12, 20, 24
"You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...."
"I've been waiting too long for this...."
"Don't you believe in fate? Fate wants us to be together...!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Murder/Violence, Blood/Blue blood mention, Jealousy, OOC sadism, Kidnapping implied, Forced relationship.
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It wasn't all that hard for Connor to get his hands on a weapon. Working for the police allows him basic access to weaponry such as small handguns. Although androids aren't typically armed, Connor has been smart enough to smuggle one.
Connor never thought of using violence unless it was absolutely necessary. Admittedly his thoughts have been rather selfish lately but that doesn't seem to stop his plans. What he plans to do with this gun is... necessary.
You and Connor have been very close in the recent few months. You're a girl cop who works under Hank. As a result you and Connor have been in contact due to you being a rookie.
Connor has always admired your kind and caring personality. You get coffee for everyone out of kindness and don't take insults from anyone. Connor has admittedly... fallen for you despite the circumstances.
Even though androids have been newly accepted into society, Connor knew not every human would be open to have a relationship with one. Despite this Connor at least tried asking. That is... only to hear rejection as he expected.
"Connor... that's flattering and I'm happy you're learning human emotions but I just don't feel that way."
The entire time you looked at him with a soft gaze, holding his hand momentarily before departing. You say you don't love him but it feels like you do. Despite his rejection... Connor looked more into you.
That's how Connor learned of your PL600 unit.
Connor had done some snooping to learn more about you, even though he shouldn't have. He had looked through records and even remembered where you lived. Under your name and in your house he saw a PL600.
Not just that... but he could tell what this PL600 unit felt towards you. Connor knew it was unprofessional to act on his feelings by watching you... he can't help it. Seeing you with that PL600... broke him.
Connor had seen how careful you were with your PL600. You allowed him to be his own person and often encouraged it. You allowed him to express his feelings and not feel like a servant.
In return Connor saw his attempts at intimacy.
Connor felt himself get worked up when he saw your PL600 hug you when you get home. He hated seeing him cook for you, he hated seeing him so domestic with you. At first it just seems like what he's programmed to do.
Until he tried to kiss you one night.
Connor had enough, now he knew why you turned him down. This was the reason he has the gun he smuggled, just in case his original plan didn't work. While you were away from home, Connor had planned the perfect crime.
Connor had slipped into your home quietly. Your PL600 unit was cleaning and barely even saw Connor coming. Not until it was too late.
Connor didn't mind the mess. The blue blood from your PL600 was quickly spilled and splattered across your home's walls due to his strength. He had damaged the unit's processors with a quick bullet to the head. All just so he could grab a knife from the kitchen to finish things off.
"I've been waiting too long for this...." Connor mutters, digging the blade into the android's chest as he takes his pent up jealousy out on him.
It was meant to be the perfect crime after Connor had his fun. Unfortunately it appears Connor got too caught up in the act. He didn't notice that you'd come home about this time.
It was quite the sight to see for you.
Connor didn't snap out of it until he heard you drop something with a gasp. It was not quite a scream but it was enough to make Connor stop, the blade still lodged in the artifical skin of your PL600. Connor almost didn't realize what he did until he turned to meet your gaze.
"You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...." Connor panics in his voice, eyes wide and processors calculating as he watches you stare at him. Connor can see you look him over in an attempt to rationalize. You're trying to see if he is indeed Connor and not some other rogue RK800. Sadly, you begin to realize it's Connor covered in the blue blood of your PL600.
The dread quickly overcomes you.
You pull out your phone and run out the door. Connor calculates possible ways to cut you off and executes them. As you run and dial for back up, Connor chases you. He tries to corral you into a dark and out of sight corner of the street...
Due to your frantic frenzy he succeeds.
He hates the idea of hurting you but he hits your arm hard, causing your phone to clatter to the ground... completely useless. You groan in pain due to how hard Connor hit you before Connor cages you against a wall. He can read your vitals and he knows you're terrified due to how fast your BPM and breathing rate is.
You struggle against the android, cringing at the amount of blue blood on his clothes. By this rate you're both covered in the stuff, the chemical smell infiltrating your nose and making you ill. Connor hears you begin to plead with him and he tries to mediate it.
"You know I won't hurt you... please don't be scared...." Connor whispers, using a hand to caress your cheek in a soothing manner. You turn away quickly and grit your teeth. He's stronger than you yet you fight for your life....
"Am I supposed to believe that after you killed my PL600?" You spit. Connor gives you an uncomfortable look before his gaze goes darker.
"He was a poor stand in for me." Connor answers bitterly. "I'm supposed to be in that role for you!"
"What's that even supposed to mean!" You yell back, causing Connor to slam his hand over your mouth to keep you quiet.
"Don't you believe in fate? Fate wants us to be together...!" Connor coos, his tone full of delusions within his code. You struggle against his hold and shake your head. Connor only frowns.
"That PL600 can't do what I can. I can do so much better. If you just accept me... I can show you!" Connor reasons despite your reluctance to listen. You plead for him to stop this madness from behind his hand but he doesn't listen. The android is too focused in the fact he has you trapped as his to care.
Competition has now been dealt with and is out of the way...
Now all Connor has to worry about is stopping your struggling and screaming until he can move you to a more suitable location.
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xx-1c1cl35-n-t34r5-xx · 2 months
Daniel X reader oneshot
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tw: dub-con, darkfic, overstimulation, gn reader, no specified genitalia on reader other than 'hole'. Not extremely explicit, mostly a lot of rambling. No pronouns for reader other then you, jealousy, possessiveness
Daniel doesn't want you to leave. You told him you won't but that's what everyone says. You won't leave, right? Right?
He'll make sure you don't want to leave.
An: written while sleep deprived so it might be shit. Anyways I love Daniel from DBH he needs more love. He's so bbygirl to me ok? Ok.
Hands, stronger and firmer than anything you've ever known, held onto you. They grabbed onto your plush thighs, squeezing them so hard you were sure they'd bruise, and pulling them apart.
He didn't falter. Didn't stop his movements.
He's been doing this for hours now - abusing your poor hole.
Tears streamed down your cheeks, falling into your shirt that he didn't even bother to remove. Two hands gripped his shoulders, knuckles turning white. Your legs shaked again as your eyes rolled further back once more, while you shook your head. Moans ripped out of your throat. You couldn't take it - too much, so much that it hurt. It bubbled and boiled over out of you.
"Daniel please ! It's too much!"
But did he listen? No. He just kept going.
What even started this again? You couldn't remember.
He was doing so well. He got put back together. Repaired. Sent back into the workforce.
Why, now of all times, why now did all those months of hard work have to break?
"promise" he broke through, voice breaking. It was strange, his voice was synthetic, all of him was really, but it breathed. It breathed and stuttered and made faults. "Promise me you'll never leave me. Never."
You choked out, "Never! Please Daniel, I'm beggin' you!"
You were so wet he simply slid. In. Out. In. Out. Each thrust hard and fast, sending waves through you. Your juices dripped down your hole, down your thighs and onto his. He never really told you for a long time why he'd gotten the genital addition. Of course he didn't come with it, he was a household model. A maid essentially. He never told you when or why he got the update, but you noticed.
He seemed almost more ecstatic to be around you. Bubblier. Touchier.
He wanted it to be nicer. He wanted the first time he used it on you to be kinder. He was saving up, planning for a date. A nice one too.
But then he got jealous. He saw you talking to someone, he wasn't sure who, and his mind raced. Maybe you'd found someone else to date before he even got a shot at asking you out.
So he cried.
Broke down and confessed and made you promise you loved him back.
Made you prove it.
And he started. All he wanted to do was show you he loved you. And that's what he did, in the way he thought he could at least.
He didn't expect it to feel so good though.
When he slipped his cock inside, it was like something he could never have imagined. It blossomed within him and suddenly a ravaging hunger was born. One of greed. One of selflessness.
One of your hands pushed gently, weakly, on his shoulder but he didn't relent. He was too much stronger. He didn't stop. His thrusts didn't falter, he didn't relent, nothing.
You could barely feel yourself, entire body going numb.
And then, in the midst of it all, he kissed you. The first time of many, he hopes. It was too gentle for what he was doing, like it was programmed into him and not learnt through practice. A stark contrast to it all.
His tongue slipped inside your mouth, memorising each crook and curve inside while whines and moans and gasps slipped into his mouth.
And then he came, and you did too.
Finally, a break. A time to breath.
And then he started again, ravaging you more.
You were sure this would be a long night, but maybe, just maybe, it'd be all the proof he needs that you're not leaving.
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not-neverland06 · 10 months
Is the Detroit: Become Human fandom dead? Because I really want to write something about RK800 and I haven’t seen a lot of recent posts surrounding DBH lately, would anyone be interested?
Update: I did it. here you go
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imagine-silk · 1 year
Yandere husband!Hank + son!Connor x willing!reader
test idea of a darling for her husband and son who is okay with their tendencies but sets ground rules to keep everyone safe
"Hank, can you stop making out with me in front of Gavin, it's making him uncomfortable... Okay, it's making me uncomfortable."
"Connor, baby, hide your photos. Don't give me that look, I'm not saying get rid of them. Just keep them somewhere else. Label a box or something."
"If I find rope again I'm gonna smack the both of you... Of course, I know it's for me. There is nothing in this house that needs rope. I keep having to throw them out. Stop, it's a waste of money."
"Honey, just ask for my phone password instead of sneaking my phone. I thought we were passed this."
"Stop telling Sumo to attack people. Your police status won't save him from being put down."
"Baby, if you want to come to the store with me just ask. Follow me again and we're not having movie night."
"Baby... Connor, I know what's in this drink. You're not in trouble, just tell me if it's going to give me a headache. And if I wake up locked in a room, you're grounded."
"I just wanted a nice date out at the bar, why did you have to make us leave early? That fight was unnecessary, completely unnecessary. I just want a date night... I know you didn't mean to, honey. Remember to look at me so I can tell you it's fine."
"Baby? Baby! Are you alright? Did anyone see you? Did you leave any evidence?... Okay. Jump in the shower. I'll wash your clothes and tell your father what happened."
"I'm going to my family reunion and you two are staying here. They hate the both of you and I don't want to argue with them again or make you uncomfortable. I'll keep a tracker on me and I'll call every night. No audio devices, I don't want you to hear them bitch and moan about petty grievances."
"What did I do to make you still want to lock me up? Am I not a good wife? Am I not a good enough mother? I'm staying because I love the both of you. God, how can you say I would just leave you like that?"
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Yandere!PL600 that sees that your sleep schedule has changed drastically and tries to help by slipping pills into the foods and drinks they prepare for you.
Yandere!PL600 who constantly calls and texts to make sure you’re doing okay whenever you leave without telling them, even if it’s just to check the mail.
Yandere!PL600 who hates the thought of you talking to anyone else, android or not. They hate your friends so much that they’ve started stalking them online to find ways to make you dislike them.
Yandere!PL600 who starts stress cleaning the second you leave the house, you’ve started muting their texts and calls during work because of how disruptive they’ve become.
Yandere!PL600 who has begged you on multiple occasions to stay home instead of going out with friends because they feel ‘lonely’ as if they don’t spend 90% of their day around you already.
Yandere!PL600 whose taken up everything that you could ever need done, from taking your pets to vet appointments if you have any, to even more sexual problems. They need you to know that they’re the only person you should be relying on.
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HIHIHI! I saw u were taking dbh requests?? If so can I have Yandere!Ralph with a reader who enjoys him acting that way and kiiiiiinda encourages it 👀 tyyyyy!!!!
Yandere!Ralph x GN!Encouraging!Reader
warning(s): possessive tendencies, reader encourages possessive behavior
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Ralph loved (Y/n) more than anything. He had always wanted to find someone he could call ‘his’, and that’s who his darling was to him. At first, he tried his best to hide his possessive tendencies, but there was a day where he simply couldn’t help himself.
The two of them had gone out to run some errands, wanting to pick up some gardening tools for the garden they had started on the roof of the abandoned house. Ralph was delighted to go out with his darling, and (Y/n) had gone above and beyond to help repair him so he felt safe going outside. Everything was going perfectly, until someone piped up.
“Hey, what’s a pretty thing like you doing with..that?” The woman rudely asked, judging the two of them as (Y/n) stood in front of Ralph, wanting to protect him.
“I’m with him because I want to be, now please leave us alone.” (Y/n) defended, a glare resting on their face as they took Ralph’s hand, urging him to leave with them. Ralph started to follow, until the person grabbed (Y/n)’s free hand.
“Now wait just a minute, I’m talking to you.” The woman stated, tightly grasping their hand as she kept them in place. Ralph’s head snapped to look at the woman, a mixed look of shock and disgust on his face.
“Get your hands off of them, now.” Ralph stated, forcing the woman to let go of (Y/n) as he blocked (Y/n) from her, not wanting the woman to lay her hands on them again. The woman let out an offended gasp, but quickly left. Ralph stayed where he was as he breathed heavily, his light flickering between yellow and red before (Y/n) took a hold of him and turned him to face them. 
“It’s alright Ralph, I’m alright.” (Y/n) stated, a gentle smile on their face as they reassured him. Ralph let himself calm down, taking deep breaths as his light returned to that calm blue. 
“I’m sorry (Y/n), I just couldn’t let that woman treat you that way.” Ralph explained, now worried that he would scare his darling away.
“Ralph, it’s okay. I liked that you stood up for me. Don’t be afraid to do that, okay?” (Y/n) stated, smiling as they took a gentle hold of his hand, deciding to ask him about what garden supplies they needed as they continued with their day. Ralph felt a warm smile spread across his face, happily talking about what they would need to help grow their garden, holding his darling’s hand as he admired her, now willing to be more open about his possessive feelings.
author’s note: hey there! i hope you enjoyed reading, i’m going to try and post more, as i miss writing for you guys, can’t wait to write more for you all!! <33
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44ants · 10 days
An Avid Listener
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DBH Conner/ F!Reader One Shot
Sort of Yandere?
My first one shot! (I believe that's what it's called anyway. Or is it an imagine?) I'm currently hyper-fixated on DBH so I need to get it out of my system. This is pretty much just slapped together and not planned out at all.
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"What are you listening to?"
"Can't you just fucking leave me alone? I'm trying to get this report written so I can leave!" Gavin whined exasperated. He glared at Conner from the corner of his eye. He desperately tried to shield the right side of his face with his hand, hoping the android would take the hint and leave.
"I'm trying to diversify my music choices. It was recommended to me that I ask others what they like to discover my own preferences. If you tell me, I'll leave you alone." Conner negotiated, rubbing his hands together before politely holding them behind his back. He hoped to look innocent and endearing to achieve his goal.
"Why the hell do you even want to listen to music? It's meant to provoke emotion! You know? To make you feel things?" Gavin wasn't even sure why he was entertaining the conversation at this point. What good was arguing with him if he always had a comeback locked and loaded?
"That's exactly what I'm hoping to achieve." He countered and cocked his head.
"I'm not even listening to music. It's a podcast."
"I have not listened to any podcasts yet. What is it about?"
He decided it was best to just give up and slammed his phone down on the desk. Conner leaned over and read what was on the screen: 'Myrtoalett'. It translated to 'Bog Toilet' in Swedish and the cover was of a crucified fetus. "Interesting. I'll come back to you and give you my feedback once I've finished listening." He turned to head back to his own desk conjoined with Hank's who was currently passed out in his chair.
"Please don't." Gavin murmured, "And good luck! There's, like, 400 episodes!"
Skimming roughly through articles and the basic summary of the podcast, he found that it was a talk show that covered serial killers, murders, and the paranormal. There were three hosts: Jeremy Tompson, Elias Rask, and Y/N. He decided he'd listen once he made it home with Hank.
To say the least, Conner was hooked. Every free moment he had that didn't require his full attention was spent listening to Myrtoalett. He struggled with finding the humor in some of the hosts' jokes and found some conversations a little too vulgar and distasteful, but actually paying attention to details of old cases despite already having a vast knowledge of them was very addicting to him. It brought a strange amount of satisfaction to him to anticipate where the case would go next and hearing every little disgusting detail of how serial killers enacted their murders. He took enjoyment in ignoring any previous knowledge he had about axe murderers or famous killers and just immersing himself in the stories. The comradery amongst the hosts was amusing as well, but mostly he found his enjoyment in the podcast from listening to this Y/N girl. There were three distinct roles between the hosts. Jeremy was the main host, went into the episodes with no previous knowledge about the topics, and forced the others to elaborate by asking questions. Elias provided the most comedic relief and went into in-depth conspiracy theory rants. Y/N was the main researcher. She seemingly spent weeks researching the topics they spoke about and mainly talked the most. He admired the dedication she had to finding each and every detail, no matter how minuscule. Conner thought she'd make a good detective and her story telling skills enraptured him. Her voice was soothing no matter how gruesome the topic and perfectly dictated the feelings you should have. Oh? The final victim of the Toy Box Killer is escaping? He felt like he was on the edge of his seat. A soldier is retelling his experiences from the Edwood Experiments? He was horrified. Police were describing what the inside of Ed Kemper's house was like? He was intrigued. JonBenet Ramsey's father discovered her corpse? There needed to be justice! This was exactly what he was looking for in discovering new media! Finding something that would evoke new emotions for him to discover since his deviancy.
It wasn't just her story telling that intrigued him, but the fact that she gave out such little details about her life compared to the other hosts. Rarely did she indulge the listeners in personal aspects of her life. It irritated him to no end to listen to Jeremy and Elias speak about their upbringings or what serial killers were from their state and knowing nothing about Y/N! He couldn't help himself but to look into her more. There was nothing wrong with that, right? She was a celebrity! Their podcast had a pretty big following. It was only natural that there would be so much information about her on the internet! It wasn't a crime to have access to what everyone else did! Looking into her criminal record using his access from DPD wasn't wrong either. With how much knowledge she had about criminals, it was possible that she herself was a criminal! There was nothing wrong with just making sure she wasn't! It was his job to keep people safe and ask questions when necessary. It didn't help that she was the only female on the show and was often compared to the female victims of murderers! He needed to keep what tabs he could on her and make sure fans didn't get any funny ideas! It wasn't smart for them to put thoughts like that into people's heads.
It wasn't long before his life revolved around the podcast. It wasn't long before he had listened through each and every episode and consumed every piece of media he could find about it. It wasn't long until he felt absolutely empty waiting for a new episode to be released. One episode a week wasn't enough for him. What was supposed to keep him occupied besides the one hour of entertainment he got on Saturdays. What was he supposed to do when they took breaks for holidays and vacations? Relistening to old episodes was the only thing he could do. What was he supposed to feel if Y/N wasn't there to tell him what to feel?
The longer he spent obsessed with the show, the more his emotions became twisted. His sick fascination with serial killers only deepened. It wasn't sick, right? He wasn't the one making a whole show about it! He wasn't the one talking about people who built entire structures and hotels to rape and kill victims! He wasn't the one that made jokes about Y/N being trapped in a basement, all tied up, being forced to have things done to her without her consent. He didn't have those thoughts. He didn't have those feelings of excitement and thrill at the idea of holding her down and having complete control over her. He didn't.
He didn't fantasize about being the one to save her from a murderer or a kidnapper. He didn't.
He didn't think about finding where she lived and going to her house. He didn't
He didn't think about finding out her schedule and 'accidentally' running into her at the coffee shop she loved. He didn't.
He didn't think about the best ways to impress her.
He didn't daydream about her every waking moment.
He didn't think about what it'd feel like to hold her lovingly.
He didn't think about what she'd feel like in his arms. Writhing and screaming.
He didn't.
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Also Detroit has a lot of prime writing material for me now that I'm rewatching the SBFP let's play
Connor learning to deal with emotions he was never programmed to experience and falling for a human without the innate knowledge of what's creepy and what isn't. He really doesn't mean any harm, he just has to be told some things are unnerving and invasive. He gives you gifts you never talked about because he looked through your wishlists on websites, he absorbs information from every show, book, etc to talk about them with you, he hears you mention not feeling well and offers to lick you to analyze any vitamin deficiencies.
He doesn't really experience sexual desire, but he knows and has interacted with androids designed for catering to humans that way. He downloads some of that software and orders hardware as a romantic "surprise" for his Darling, but it's...not as sexy as you would imagine. He's just holding a vibrating finger and whatnot against you, but no matter how good it feels he just has his typical demeanor since he can't technically get turned on. Like he's just got that awkward little smile and he isn't closing his eyes or anything a human would do when fingering someone. He just licks your face and says in that pleasant lil voice "Your oxytocin levels are very high. You're about to orgasm soon! I'm glad I can make you feel this way. :)"
Or fucking RALPHHHHH especially! Like he has a fear of humans but after meeting Alice, he learns not all of them are bad. And one human is particularly kind to him. They bring him things to make his home more comfortable: blankets, pillows, and even some things to improve his cooking skills. Did you know you're supposed to add things like salt, and meat can be burned for too long? Ralph knows that now!
Ralph doesn't accept Darling's offer to let him stay with them...not yet. Too many humans live near them, humans he doesn't know. Doesn't trust. To Darling they're just neighbors, but to Ralph they're strangers. He doesn't like that so many strangers are around Darling. But eventually he might be convinced to move in. Their home is warm and safe, and Ralph enjoys spending more time with them! When they leave, he's too afraid to leave with them and be around other strangers, but he's happy to wait for them to come back. He draws a lot and has entire sketchbooks (bought by Darling as a present) filled with everything he can think of...and a lot of ones of Darling: sleeping, showering, watching TV, etc.
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tiegyen · 3 days
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Look y/n. I did it for you.
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