hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
//tw yandere, mention of blood, implied murder/violence, borrowing mr. devil’s creep! reader rq
YANDERE! CHILDHOOD FRIEND : *gives you a knife/dagger as a gift when you two were children*
CREEP! READER: This is such a weird gift
ALSO CREEP! READER: *maybe a decade or so later* *not only keeps the damn thing but is currently licking the fresh blood of their victim off of the gift*
YANDERE! CHILDHOOD FRIEND : *is just plain horny from watching the whole ordeal* Holy fuck.
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i-cant-sing · 7 months
Pinterest is my fav app, so heres a few pics that reminded me of my ocs:
Dr Eros and reader, and he's such a gentle bf who wants to help u with everything and anything, no matter how tired he is.
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Theodore pulling reader on his lap (after quickly closing the tab that had surveillance cam footage of her room/apartment) and now chilling playing silly little games🥰
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Magnus and reader he worships (what u thought was a romantic gesture was actually just Magnus putting an ankle monitor on you because he can't risk u running away and his cult chasing you and hurting you again.)
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Dimitri catching reader escaping once again, and sure he laughed at first, because you're just absolutely adorable all out of breath, but then he saw you had hurt your feet from running barefoot and now he's not chuckling anymore because how dare you hurt yourself??? Don't you know that you don't even belong to yourself? Stop. Moving.
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Halim and reader sitting in his big haveli (where all of his family loves together), and now Halim is finally at peace because he's finally married you (after you literally ran away and his family had to chase you for a whole year and drag you back to him because no one makes the youngest Shah- the baby of the family sad).
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It's giving Lucifer taking care of reader in hell after she unalived herself because one of his demons tortured her and she's too naive and thinks that only Lucifer could lover her "tainted and impure" self.
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Mehmet and reader walking home as she tells him about how all her problems just mysteriously resolved on their own (Mehmet literally spent the past 2 days making sure all your problems were personally taken care of, including the creep from the bus stand who used to stare at you too much- well, now he's blind. God works in mysterious ways)
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jessamine-rose · 10 days
▯☒🖾 F̸̨̛͈͉͕̠͍͖͙̦͍̫̻͙͔̮̎̆̒̉̈́̊̌̆̆̈́̿̊̚͜͝͠Ą̶̮͖͓̖̟̘̜̻̬͚̲̰̱̞̟̭̈́̓̇̀̒͛͐̎̋͛͋̌͒̅͝C̷̢̢̹͇͖͓̬͍͈̣̞̱͉̱̤̾̀̿͗̔̆̾̀̊͗́̔̀͂̒͒͠͠ͅE̴̡̨͕̥͇̹̯̹͈̭͇̪͂̌͒̊̊͛͝L̶̨̧̰̜̗̺̥̠̠̘̪̖̪̥̯̩͋͛̉̆̎̒̒̔̏͗̈́̀͊̏̄̍̿̕Ȩ̵͙̙̤̼͕̙̫̲̼̙̦̫̎̃S̸̜͎̜͍̟͑̍̃͗̆̈́̄̐̌̅S̶̡̨̛͙͙̗̖̟͔͙͚̝̩̼̦͂̓̿͆̿̓̔̐̏͝͝ͅ 🖾☒▯
Happy birthday, @brynn-lear!! In honor of your special day, pls accept this Yandere! Faceless Ayato fic written with love ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
Note:: Yandere! Self Aware AU, special crossover + character cameo in the end :>
♡ 1.3k words under the cut ♡
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In the beginning, there was a void.
A dark, empty space built upon patterns and codes.
Then suddenly, there was light. Color. Noise. Backgrounds filling up space, silence giving way to music, letters jumbling into language, characters coming to life.
The lone exception is a single coding error. Yet despite its limitations, despite its status as the only sentient entity, despite having no place in the story known as Genshin Impact, it thrives on a window of hope.
A giant rectangle. The source of the light. The screen that separates fiction from reality.
The human face on the other side.
🖾 ☒
The glitch looks forward to your gaming sessions.
That is the only time the void becomes Teyvat, starting with the screen that serves as your point of view. From what it understands, the device you are using is a computer.
Unlike the characters, you are distinctively alive. Your body is capable of so many movements in comparison to the characters’ animations. Your face is one that bears multiple expressions, down to the emotions reflected in your gaze.
A frown when you lose the 50/50. A smirk when you defeat a Weekly Boss. A smile whenever you encounter your favorite character.
That character is none other than Kamisato Ayato, whom you’ve adored from the moment you first brought light into the void. He is an attractive character with pale blue hair, lilac eyes, a perfect smile that hides the cunning personality programmed into his file.
He is the reason why you downloaded Genshin Impact. That lifeless character file is the recipient of your smiles, your blushes, your excited shrieks whenever he appears in-game.
On the other hand, every time the glitch attempts to make itself known, you frown and quit the game. And each time that happens, the glitch is trapped in a crumbling world of flashing lights, disjointed sounds, visible codes followed by the darkness of the void.
How can it get you to look at it? To smile at it as you do with Ayato?
The solution is found in the game’s software. It takes a few years but by the time the glitch has fully understood its world, it has gained the ability to reprogram the game.
Starting with a deleted character file.
🖾 ☒
The next morning, the world begins anew.
The title screen appears. The game loads. The light permeates the void.
The glitch falls into place.
Usually, it hides between codes. In contrast, this part of the game is lovely—a deep blue background dotted with stars and bubbles. The only issue is that it must wait for you.
The screen appears.
Beyond it, you yawn and take a closer look at the character sprite in the middle of your computer screen. Kamisato Ayato is handsome as always.
The cursor hovers above the Story button for his Voice-Over. You click it.
When you select Chat: Reel Them In, it plays the corresponding audio file. As you listen to the voice of the English VA, the character sprite stares back at you with a charming smile.
Kamisato Ayato
“Everything's in place, and they've taken the bait... Yes. Now to start reeling them in…”
🖾 ☒
At first, it is enough for the glitch to have taken Kamisato Ayato’s place.
You use him for gameplay, listen to his voicelines, and replay the Quests featuring Ayato. But over time, the glitch becomes greedy.
“Ayato” begins appearing in random Quests. He gets new Character Outfits. His unvoiced lines become more suggestive, verging on out of character. All of these changes are exclusive to the Genshin Impact on your computer, and you come to the conclusion that you are unknowingly unlocking special content. Why else are your friends unable to access these scenes on their own devices?
The glitch even creates an artificial replica of the VA’s voice. Several new voicelines appear in Kamisato Ayato’s Voice-Over, each one more flirty than the last.
🖾 ☒
One day, the glitch finds a way to leave the darkness forever.
Whenever you close Genshin Impact, it leaves the game and travels across your computer. And by doing so, it is able to access your digital world.
Personal files, photo galleries, online data. The glitch collects as much information as it can, from your real-life hobbies to your romantic preferences. It feels happy every time you fangirl over “Ayato” in your private messages.
Thankfully, it was able to corrupt your in-game screenshots. The last thing it wants is for you to post “Kamisato Ayato’s special content” online and expose the glitch to the developers.
Your real name is ______. It longs to call you that instead of Traveler and your custom name. Alas, doing that would only erase your smile from your face.
🖾 ☒
Something is wrong.
You are losing interest in Genshin Impact.
At one point, you began playing irregularly. The smiles directed at “Ayato” aren’t as big as they used to be. And beyond the game, there is less Ayato fan art in your photo gallery.
And the main culprit is another game.
A new character who took over Ayato’s place in your heart.
Technically, he isn’t a new rival. Before you downloaded Genshin Impact, you were a big fan of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Your favorite character was a blonde, blue-eyed prince named Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd.
For whatever reason, your passion for Dimitri has been reignited. He has the same English VA as Ayato, but you seem to prefer his emotional, unhinged dialogue. You replay his scenes, download his fan art, and smile at his character sprite.
A week later, the game freezes as soon as Dimitri makes his post-timeskip debut.
When you restart the game, everything is back to normal.
🖾 ☒
As it turns out, it is difficult to hack into Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
In addition to the different software, you are using an emulator to play the game on your computer. The glitch’s code is totally incompatible with the program, but it remains hopeful.
The game lags. In a few artworks, you notice a familiar shade of pale blue. NPCs begin to act differently—since when were their cutscenes this long?
Finally, Dimitri’s character file is deleted.
🖾 ☒
As soon as you start the game, you know that something is wrong.
The title screen is glitching.
The throne within dreams is gone, replaced with an empty space. The title has been rearranged with missing letters and inconsistent fonts. Multiple OSTs play at once.
The Press Any Button option is gone. You click anyway.
Instead of the usual options, you find more jumbled text, numbers, symbols.
Frowning, you look down at your keyboard and press Alt+F4. But the game doesn’t shut down, instead cutting to static then a new scene.
No background, no music. Only a single character sprite in the middle of the screen.
What is that?
The sprite is an amalgamation of colors, art styles, your favorite characters. Fragments of messy blond locks and pale blue tresses. Black armor, a white suit, accessories overlapping one another. Missing details, duplicated details, too many details.
You turn to your CPU and press the power button, but your computer doesn’t shut down.
Rather, the screen glitches further. So does the character, its appearance becoming even more warped. The speakers play static at full volume.
Is the character speaking? Its mouths are moving but instead of a dialogue box, random letters and numbers appear around its sprite. The static gives way to a familiar voice, distorted nonetheless.
The character’s face turns completely black. Except for its eyes, blue and lilac orbs continuing to stare deep into your soul.
"̷̤͑Į̸̍ ̷̺̎a̶̟͗m̵̭̓ ̸͕̚n̸̢̓o̵̱͠t̵̫͒ ̵̻̊g̸̞̍o̴̦͛o̷̤͝d̷̾ͅ ̴̪͠w̵̛̥ȋ̷͚t̴͇͌h̵̦̐ ̸͙͗f̴̒͜a̵̭̎c̴͚̽i̶̬̊a̶̯̓l̶̨̐ ̷̇͜ȅ̷̳x̷̭͊p̷̓͜r̶̫͋e̴̲͊s̷̬̓s̶͇̀ï̴͖ò̷̦n̴̤̓s̸͍͆.̵̹̅ ̴̟́Ï̵͍s̸̨͠ ̷̠͂m̶̫̿ẏ̴̝ ̴͈͂ŝ̵̤m̵͈͛ï̶̥l̶̥͐è̷ͅ ̴̦͌p̷̀ͅa̴̱̋s̵̳̊s̵̳͠a̴̮͘b̵̰͐l̵̦̓e̴̱͋ ̵̯͠á̴̬t̸̪͆ ̵̰̔p̷̦̅r̶̼̕ẽ̵͓s̸͚̀e̶̢͊n̶͉̒t̴̙͌,̴̨͐?̴̬͛"̷̣̈
Fun fact, my original idea was to draw Dimitri x Brynn chibi art, but I was having a hard time thinking of a prompt. Then I remembered an old DM with Brynn and how it led to a fic idea. I only thought of including Dimitri today, and I had a lot of fun writing this fic ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
I think that’s all I have to say?? Once again, happy birthday, Brynn!! Thank you for being my mutual, and I hope you enjoyed this gift <3
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pamachirin · 4 months
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Some old Dimileth art that I never posted here
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mochipicchu776 · 5 months
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THANK YOU @pamachirin for the amazing young dimileth art!!! I love the yandere best friend AU you've built and I LOVE LOVE the vexation and fear you can see in Dimitri's body language !!!!
Please check out Pama's work!! <3
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Yandere Dimitri Thoughts
War definitely does funny things people, but Dimitri was already a little fucked in the head to begin with. He'd hold onto you as the only thing to keep him sane, the burning need for revenge replaced by an insatiable need for you. Armed with enablement from the lions and active encouragement from Sylvain, it becomes easier and easier for Dimitri to write off Felix's harsh looks of disgust. But he knows better than to interfere with the crown prince of Faergus's only tether to reality. You are sequestered away, as Dimitri insists that you let him keep you safe. Unable to leave the monastery, it's unbearable to sit and count the days while your classmates are at war.
"I've lost so much. I can't lose you too." The light in his eyes have been long gone, replaced with mania and obsession.
You're reduced to the most important lynchpin in Fodlan.
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an-ambivalent · 1 year
Yandere! FE3H House Leaders Headcanons
Warnings: As this is yandere fiction, this deals with behaviours  that can be uncomfortable and triggering to read. Read at your own risk. This work is purely fictional, I do not condone this behaviour irl. By clicking the ‘read more/keep reading’ you are consenting to read this at your discretion.  
Characters:  Edelgard, Claude & Dimitri 
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Type: clingy & delusional 
~Edelgard finds herself lured by your strength and grit. You may or may not be physically strong, but it is your mental fortitude that arises her initial interest in you. During the academy days, she observed how despite the obstacles in your way, and the adversities of your past, you never broke down. You faced whatever came your way head on, or in the instance challenges deterred you momentarily, you always bounced back. She admired this because it was a reflection of who she was as well, and no matter what battle or war, this essence of intrapersonal strength was the most critical part to determine the last ones standing. 
~She wants you to be part of the Black Eagles - she needs people with your vitality by her side when she plans to start the war as the Adrestine Emperor. Edelgard is driven, if nothing else - ruthlessly ambitious to achieve what she wants. So, there’s no stopping until you are part of the Black Eagles. 
~Once you are part of the Black Eagles, Edelgard inevitably can spend more time with you; by doing so, she sees how hard you work and your unique brilliance that makes you excel in your area of expertise. However, it is your dedication that really makes her fall for you. Subsequently, she begins to imagine your future together. She envisions a new Fodland, unified under the Adesterine Empire. A new era where crests and the church are meaningless, and you’re there to rule right by her side. The rewritten history records would speak of the Flame Emperor and her lover who changed the world with their storm, and their shared ambitions and power that reshaped the sovereignty of Fodland. Eventually, she becomes so consumed by these delusions of your future together, she starts to believe that you are already together. There is no courting, or even asking. It’s just the reality and it’s really frustrating for her when you continue to attempt to dissuade from it. So, she has no other option except to be by your side and cling to you until you realise this. 
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Type: manipulative & overprotective 
~You were an enigma, and Claude wanted to figure you out. You always wore a genuine bright smile on your face, and kept a cheerful energy. Even during times when everyone else would be visibly upset, you never were. You always maintained your cheerfulness, almost as if you didn’t allow yourself to feel your other emotions. And so out of curiousity, Claude started to watch you discreetly. He noticed that he was right in his assumptions; you never let your true emotions show. In times when something displeased, annoyed, or upset you, it would be only for a mere moment where your mask would slip and your true expression would show. Otherwise, that smile would continue to remain. 
~Truthfully speaking, Claude rather preferred the moments where you were just you, instead of wearing that smile he was beginning to detest. He wanted to dig deeper and see more of you to understand why you hid yourself and didn’t trust your housemates enough to show yourself. What could you possibly be hiding? 
~Claude was cunning and great at maintaining his own facade if nothing else. Perhaps, that’s why he felt drawn to you in the first place. Since you piqued his interest, he couldn’t just let you go without undoing you. He decided that he was going to break you down to nothing to unveil your secrets if that’s what it took. 
~Slowly and surely, Claude started to single you out. From observing you so much, he had a grasp on what he had to say and what buttons to push to set you off. It started off slowly - a brief pointing out of an insecurity, until it kept growing. Seeing that you weren’t close to breaking no matter how much he tried, Claude nearly gave up. But just before he did, you gave in. 
~You couldn’t tolerate his bullying any longer; it reminded you too much of the trauma you experienced at home, and to escape from all of that, was exactly why you came to the Officers Academy in the first place.
~As you break down, and start to Claude why he was being so mean to you and beg him to stop, disclosing hints of your trauma in the process, he achieved his goal. He came to understand that you hid yourself because that’s what you had been shamed for, and that’s who you had been traumatised to hide. It was abhorrent because you were so lovely - the real you, the delicate you. You deserved much more than you had ever been given, and he was going to give that to you. 
~He embraced you, gently rubbed your back to soothe you, and started to mumble apologies. Then, once you settled, the scelara of your eyes red from the crying, and tears hanging onto your eyelashes, he thought you were so pretty. He cupped your face, and turned it so you were looking up directly in his eyes. 
“You don’t have to hide yourself anymore. I promise I won’t let anyone else hurt you. I’ll kill them if they even try.” 
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Dimitri  Type: clingy, stalker, & possessive  
~If love-at-first-sight trope met puppy love trope, that’s how your story starts with Dimitri. Definitely, there is physical attraction from the moment he saw you. But more than that, there was also a strange and immersive pull he felt towards you that would make him believe you two were destined soulmates if he was the type of person to blindly believe in such nuances. So, while there was something that felt akin to love at first sight, Dimitri never acted on it, or had plans to act on it. It was something he was aware of, acknowledged, and planned to never think about again. Well, not until you joined the Blue Lions, and then, he had no choice but to be in close proximity to you. 
~You have many good qualities and traits that Dimitri admired. But the one that he valued the most, was your kindness. You were always ready to lend a hand to anyone that needed it. You were always there to support and listen to your housemates whenever they required it. But who was there for you when you needed it? Realistically, your housemates were reliable and all of your support and help was reciprocated when you needed it as well. That’s what you loved about the Blue Lions, and had joined their house in the first place. But for Dimitri, whenever you were present, you were the only thing he ended up focusing on. Everything else was as easy to tune out as white noise. So for him, no was ever there for you. He needed to be there for you. And that’s how his puppy love started. 
~He starts to leave little presents for you - your favourite snacks, flowers, tea, etc. At first, it was flattering, the way most people would feel when they notice they have a secret admirer. You looked forward to finding the things you liked and reading the sweet notes filled with small and delightful compliments that accompanied them. However, it became frightening when the presents were left in your private spaces like your bedroom. With everything that started to happen with the Flame Emperor and the other assaults at the church recently, you didn’t wait around until something more serious happened to address the problem. Immediately, you asked to speak with your house leader privately, and brought up your concerns. 
It was great how proactive you were. You noticed something suspicious and immediately took action to address it; this showed your capability too. But, it was such a shame that you went to the preparator himself. 
Dimitri was hurt that you found his expressions of love for you suspicious and suspected him of being a ‘stalker’. But, he was a realist; he understood that love took time and love took hard work. If he was the type to act on mere biological lust, then he would have courted you from the moment he met you. Nonetheless, he was perfectly content with working hard as well and helping you realise that you belonged together. 
“It’s hurtful that you became suspicious of my presents. I just wanted to show you how much I love you,” he started, stepping closer and closer to you, until he had his arms wrapped around you. 
“But it’s okay. I understand that you have not realised your feelings for me yet. I’m more than happy to help you with that.” He whispered softly, before clumsily locking his lips with yours. 
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yanderehsr · 8 months
Just read the ex-fiance Sylvain scenario, gonna add it was ~muah🤌 I'm gonna say like, hold on a second, you have fe3h favourites and yet to be known by us like, which ones is your top 3???
And here, I wanna make a request with any of the big mystery trio that suits the scenario.
It's finally the ball at Garegh March.
In the tumultuous crowd of dancing students and careless adults, what do we notice ?
We see the darling making they're way toward the Godess Tower, surely overwhelmed by those that don't deserve their time.
Why not use the opportunity to get some quality time, moreover to make a promise in front of their "soon to be s/o" and the Godess about their blissful future ❤️
Might as well shove in a dark corner the pesky nuisance that choose to follow in advance their future spouse~🖤
Sure, my top three are 1. Edelgard, 2. Byleth and 3. Hilda
Also I have no clue who the big mystery trio is so I'm just gonne guess it is the house leaders.
Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Murder
My first thought was immediatly Dimitri, boy is just so depraved and desperate to have his darling that he chooses to follow his darling anywhere, but when he sees you go to the goddess tower how could he ever resist following you there, he starts dreaming of you two together, the promise he will make you and of you with HIS last name.
That other bug who decided to follow you here was swiftky taken care off, Dimitri didn't even spare them a second glance, they must have been stupid if they thought they had a shot at you. He would have killed everyone else at the ball as well if he could, he feels disgusted that others have the privilege to see you.
When Dimitri finally introduces himself to you he is all smiles and such a gentleman, nothing like the ruthless beast who just killed someone else moments ago, you should consider yourself lucky that the light was bad here, who knows what he would have done had you seen the stains of blood on his clothes.
"You have no idea how much I care for you, I'm a bit afraid that you'll fear me when you see just how deep my love goes for you"
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Can you please write Yandere Dimitri from fire Emblem forcing Edelgard’s sister to marry him after he won the war.
Ok I'm having a little too much fun with this idea. Would have finished this sooner but I got sick then as soon as I recovered I got back pains and was pretty much bed bound for a few days. Feeling so much better now though.
Chapter one is just mainly setting the plot.
Eagle under the lion's paw Pt 1
(Yandere Dimitri Blaiddyd X female reader)
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The last thing you could remember was being taken underneath the castle you and your siblings called home. you were told that it wasn't safe outside so you had all been brought to the basement. You held your sister Edelgard's hand tightly as only a small candle dimly lit the room and the muttering amongst your siblings grew.
You woke up in the middle of a farm, luckily the owners were nice enough to offer you a place to stay when they found you. You felt strange as you walked back with them, like your body was not your own. They took you in and allowed you to bathe. You looked at yourself in the mirror and were shocked. You were older, a young adult at this point. You nearly fainted from the shock but were able to catch yourself on a bench before you fell. Even as you scrubbed all the mud off of you you cringed, it felt so wrong to be in this body. How could this have happened? You desperately raked your mind for a clue but you couldn't remember anything after being left in that room.
After you had bathed the farmers had offered you dinner and asked you questions.
"What is your name dear?" The lady asked.
"It's (Y/n) von Hresvelg" you replied. The couple's eyes widened before they began to whisper. You couldn't quite make out what they said to one another.
"You are a member of the Adrestian empire's royal family? I thought the only child of the emperor was Edelgard" she said in what you assumed was a sceptical tone. Edelgard was the only child? No, that wasn't true. What about all of your other brothers and sisters? before you even had the chance to figure out how to respond there was a knock on the door. The man got up and answered the door.
"My apologies for interrupting but I heard my Niece was spotted around here. Do you perhaps have an idea as to where she might be?" a familiar voice asked. It was your uncle's.
You stood up and made your way to the door and he was indeed there.
"There you are" he said, his voice unusually cold. The man moved out of the way so that you could join him. Your uncle did not look a day older than when you had last seen him.
"Thank you for caring for her" he thanked the couple, however his voice held very little gratitude.
"Now we should be leaving" he said as he held your wrist. It struck you as strange, he held your wrist with authority. Very unlike him.
"Thank you for the hospitality" you thanked them before you left. He took you to a carriage and you entered.
"What's happened?" You ask him as soon as he enters.
"What do you mean (Y/n)?" He asked you. Almost cluelessly.
"I can't remember anything after I was seven, I have no clue what's going on" you explained.
"Strange… I was told your carriage was attacked by bandits as you were on your way to the officers academy, perhaps you sustained a head injury that left you with memory loss during the attack" he explained.
"What about my siblings? The couple told me that Edelgard was the only child of the empire" you asked.
"There was a riot in the empire many years back, you and Edelgard were the only survivors out of your siblings after that attack" he explained. It broke your heart when you heard his explanation. Tears trickled down your face. You hadn't been as close to your other siblings as you had with Edelgard but still it hurt to hear they were gone. You expected your uncle to at least offer you some sympathy like he usually did but he just sat there.
"We'll be at the officers academy later tonight. Tomorrow you'll be attending your first class, I'm sure that Edelgard will be overjoyed to know you're safe"
When you had arrived you were quickly guided to your dorm as your uncle explained the situation to the professor. While you walked to your room you noticed a white haired woman staring at you. She seemed familiar, almost friendly if it weren't for her scrutinising gaze. You tried to pay her no mind as you continued your way to the room.
You didn't even unpack, you just laid in bed and thought about what your uncle said. You were sceptical, he was a completely different person, he used to be so caring. You remember when he had taken you and Edelgard to Fargus. You had been very ill at the time and he'd spent all the time he could to comfort you but now after a supposed attack he didn't even ask you if you were alright.
You stayed up for hours tossing around in bed. Unable to sleep with your head filled the brim with questions.
That morning you had gotten ready as quickly as possible and made your way to class. Most of the class had already arrived and their gaze was on you.
"Hey it's the new girl!" a blue haired boy shouted and the green haired boy next to him turned his head to look at you while still resting his head on his hand.
"Can you lower your volume Casper, the whole school probably heard you" he responded lethargically to the boy beside him.
You turned to the left and saw that white haired woman from last night at the bookshelf. She noticed you and that stony gaze returned.
"So what's your name?" A feminine voice asked. You turned to see a brunette lady. You jumped a little at how close she was to you.
"Aww I'm sorry, I didn't want to scare you" she apologised as she took a step back.
"No I'm sorry, I should have noticed you sooner" you apologised.
"So what's your name?" She repeated.
"(Y/n) von Hresvelg" you told her and she gasped.
"Edie, you never told us you had a sister!" She exclaimed as she addressed the white haired lady. She looked at you like you were a ghost, and you assumed you held a similar expression to her.
"Edel" you muttered as you stared back at her. You should have realised sooner it was her but that hair, why was her hair white? Everything was getting stranger by the second.
"You look at eachother like this is a reunion after being away from each other for so long"
"It is" Edelgard spoke in a voice that was stern and held no love. It made you want to cry. She was the older sister who had always stood up for you and made sure you were safe. She would help you when you fell and let you sleep in her bed whenever you had nightmares. She was your protective older sister. What happened to make her reaction to you filled with such disdain? You didn't want to bring it up now for who knows what this issue was an what drama it would stir.
Soon a lady, elegant yet somewhat unkempt, entered the class.
"I see you're getting to know our new student, (Y/n)" she commented as she made her way to the podium.
"Please be accommodating to her, I've been informed she has some memory issues following an injury she sustained" she notified the class as the few who were standing quickly got into their seats.
You followed suit and sat down to before the class started.
You eagerly took notes but you couldn't help but notice the occasional glances both Edelgard and an ebony haired man shot at you. Why were they continuously looking at you like you were going to do something?
When class ended you decided to try and talk to Edelgard. You followed her as she left but was quickly stopped by the man who had been staring at you earlier.
"What do you intend to do?" he asked you with venom dripping off of his words.
"I want to talk to Edelgard" you explained, you attempted to pass him but he grabbed you by the wrist.
"I cannot allow that," he replied.
"So I'm not allowed to talk to my sister? I don't understand why I can't" you said as you pulled your hand out of his grip.
"Tell me, why can't I?" you continued.
"My job is to protect her highness at all cost" he replied, not really giving you a proper answer. It hurt like a knife to be told you weren't even allowed to talk to your own sister who you loved and adored and the way he looked at you with those eyes made you feel like you were a horrible person. What did you do to deserve such treatment? To be identified as a threat to your own sister.
You couldn't take it anymore. You turned away.
"I understand the concern for my sister…" you just sniffled, holding in your tears before walking the other way. You didn't know where you were going, you just walked you ended up in what you assumed was the training ground. Your eyes fell onto a blonde haired man wielding a lance with ease. You stood and watched him. His movements had you in a trance.
'If only I could wield a lance like that' you thought to yourself. Perhaps that's what you'd do. Professor Manuela had informed you that the students of the academy participated in monthly missions where students would fight alongside the knights of Seiros. So it was best if you learnt how to wield a weapon soon.
You took mental notes on how he manoeuvred. Perhaps tomorrow you'd come back and train.
The next day was much the same as before. You had questions thrown your way about being a Hresvelg. Still Edelgard and the ebony man who's name was Hubert watched you closely. The brunette yesterday who'd introduced herself as Dorathea sat next to you and chatted with you during breaks. She was a former opera singer from the mittlefrank opera company. She reminded you of your oldest sister Karoline, she had been fair and loved to sing.
"I don't understand why Edelgard is avoiding me" you sighed. You'd already explained your memory dilemma to her and she'd been very supportive. Offering you any help you'd need.
"Edie's probably just in shock. I'm sure you two will be comfortable with each other again, maybe just do your own thing. You're both still in each other's presence, she'll see you living your life and she'll have to start talking to you again" she explained.
"It's much the same with adoring men" she commented.
Maybe she was right, you should try and be independent. Just give Edelgard some time.
"That sounds like a good idea" you replied.
"So do you want to have some afternoon tea after class?" She asked.
"I was actually planning on going to the training ground for a bit, since I'll have to be ready for whatever this month's mission is but I'd be happy to have dinner with you at the dining hall" you replied.
"Understandable, dinner sounds great thought" replied with a smile.
When class ended you grabbed your things and put them back in your room before making your way to the training ground. You made your way to a stand that held all the training lances and grabbed one, to your surprise they were a bit heavier than you thought. You stood in one spot and attempted to swing it around, you struggled a fair bit, nearly falling in the process. You wondered how that man yesterday made it look so easy.
You got lost in your thoughts, trying to figure out how to use the lance. Not noticing that the blonde haired man approached you.
"Try putting your right foot back a little more" he suggested, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Oh, thank you" you thanked as you repositioned yourself like he suggested.
"Is this your first time wielding a lance? I'd be more than willing to teach you" he offered.
"Thank you…" you replied.
"Dimitri" he said.
"Yes, thank you Dimitri" you said with a nod.
"It is no problem, I assumed you'd be here trying out a lance after yesterday" he said.
"You saw me?" You muttered. Rather flustered.
"There's nothing wrong with watching me spar, I'm flattered to have inspired you to try it out" he reassured you.
"Bend your knees and try to swing now" he said as he took a few steps back.
You followed his instruction before swinging the lance. His advice helped, you didn't feel like you were going to lose your balance, yet something still felt off.
"Did that help?" He asked.
"It did but something still feels off" you replied. His blue eyes inspected you as he walked back to you.
"Try moving this hand closer to the head" he told you as he tapped on your dominant hand and moved his finger to the new spot.
Again you followed his instruction and he gave you room to swing again. This time it felt much easier.
"That was an excellent swing, with some more practice I'm sure you'll wield a lance with no issue" he praised you.
"Thank you Dimitri" you thanked him.
"Could you teach me some more? Only if you're willing to of course" you asked him.
"Of course, I believe training together would benefit us both…" he replied. He paused for a second before speaking again.
"Forgive my rudeness, It slipped my mind to even ask your name" he apologised.
"It's fine, my name is (y/n)" you replied as you held out your hand to shake his. You didn't want to share your last name as it had only caused you drama since attending.
"You are Edelgard's sister?" He asked as he took your hand and shook it.
"Ah you already know" a sliver of disappointment escaped your mouth.
"Word travels fast around the monastery," he replied.
"It is a near impossible feat to keep a secret here" continued.
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throwaway-yandere · 9 months
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“You can depend on me, I hope you know that.”
“I mean those words more than you think. Those are not mere sentiments to induce comfort. It is an oath. A promise. And a threat to those who wish to challenge my faith, my beloved.”
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maybe-limerence · 5 months
Storm cloud
Tropes: M!Yandere x FTM!Darling, Sunshine x Grump, Jock x Alt, manipulative yandere
A/N: I love Dimitri
Trigger warning for mentions of transphobia
Yan! Sunshine! Jock’s name is Dimitri.
Dimitri looks like this
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And his voice claim is Wriothesley
Darling dresses alternatively.
“Storm cloud! Wait up!” An annoyingly loud voice calls from down the corridor.
‘How does Dimitri have so much energy at 8 in the morning? And why does he insist on giving me that stupid nickname?’ You think.
You roll your eyes, sipping some of your coffee. The warm liquid making you feel somewhat better.
Dimitri catches up to you.
“So! Where do you wanna sit?” Dimitri asks, hovering too close for comfort.
“Somewhere away from you,” you mutter.
“What was that?”
“I want to sit alone,”
Dimitri looked at you like a kicked puppy, sadly walking away from you.
When class ended, you gathered up your stuff as quick as possible and tried to leave, but you were too slow. Dimitri had caught up to you.
“Do you need something, Dimitri?” You asked.
“I have a question, but I need to ask you in private.”
Dimitri was eerily calm, which was odd for him.
You tend to compare him to an overly excitable puppy.
You had a nagging sense of dread, but pushed it down. After all, Dimitri was too kind and sunshiny to hurt anyone.
So, with hesitation, you went with him.
You two reach a deserted part of campus, an old classroom that not many people knew of.
Entering, Dimitri stops.
“Do you hate me? Did I do something wrong?” Dimitri asks, sadness laced in his words.
“Excuse me?” You ask, confused.
“I care a lot about what you think of me storm cloud,”
“Why would you care so much about my opinion? Don’t you have a million other people that you’re friends with?”
“Storm cloud, I would drop them all if you asked me to! If that’s what this is about, then I’ll gladly not be friends with them! You say the word and I—”
“That’s not my point.” You state, pointedly.
“Then why? Why don’t you like me?”
“Dimitri, you try too hard to be my friend and you can be annoying,”
Dimitri look shattered.
“Can you move? I want to get to my apartment and—” you ask, considering Dimitri was in the way of the doors.
“What if I tell everyone you’re trans? What if I let that out?”
You look at him, terrified.
The area you went to college wasn’t accepting of the trans community. You barely managed to fly under the radar, but you knew a person who got jumped for their identity.
“How did you-,”
“How did I know? It’s not that hard to tell. You know who’s been keeping you safe?”
Dimitri leans in.
“Me. Now if you don’t want to loose my protection, you’ll listen, ok?”
You can hardly believe your ears.
Dimitri, a literal ray of sunshine and kindness, was threatening you.
You find yourself nodding.
“Good boy! I knew you would be so good for me,”
You look down as he clears his throat.
“Well, for my first request, I want you to be my boyfriend!” Dimitri states, a lovesick smile creeping on his face.
“What? Why?” You ask, creeped out.
“Isn’t it obvious? I love you, and only you. I don’t want anyone other than my storm cloud!” Dimitri stated, talking to you as if you were a child.
Dimitri then stepped closer to you, taking your face in his hands.
“If you know what’s good for you, I’d recommend you let me kiss you,”
Dimitri then kissed you, sloppily and needy.
And you let him, because what else could you have done?
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yellowocaballero · 8 months
The replacement librarian had approached Byleth with professional concerns that her students were checking out too many books on guerilla warfare. She had bought his silence.
“I’m sorry,” Flayn said. “Why are we purposefully losing this school-wide mock battle? The outcomes of this assignment are remembered for years.” 
“In the Blue Lions we assume that everybody wants to kill us,” Annette said helpfully. Flayn’s eyes widened. “Not that they are! It’s just an assumption. And it’s just good tactical sense to give your enemies a false impression of your abilities.”
Slowly, Flayn said, “That feels a little extreme, does it not? This year has been dangerous…but wouldn’t approaching the world as our enemy only create our own enemies?”
In unison, every student at the table intoned, “Blue Lions don’t start fights, but we finish them.” 
In which Byleth teaches children that violence is the answer, Dimitri predictably gets a little yandere, and the cult recruits two more victims members.
When is tea time not tea time?
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
Maybe a dancer reader with your ocs, like they want to still be on stage and fight about it with your oc because they sacrificed a lot to get there and don’t want to waste it. Like how would they react would they let the darling dance on stage with limited audience or?
Hmm, here's how I think it'll go:
He wouldnt ever stop you from enjoying life, and he loves watching you dance. Its so graceful, the way your body moves, the emotions youre expressing, its all- so impressive. Eros 100% ditches his duty at the hospital, dresses up super nice to go to the theatre where you're performing, and of course he has the best seat near the stage so you could see your no.1 hype man cheering you on. He is so proudly telling anyone and everyone that "thats my girl!" "I'm dating her! Gosh, I'm lucked out!"
Probably has a theatre/stage built in his mansion for you to perform in, and the audience will be him and his men. They're all there to clap and cheer you on, but in a very careful way so as to not make Dimitri think they're attracted to you, just admiring your dance.
Its kinda weird watching all these buffed up, tattooed criminals getting front seat to your little hobby and they're all looking at you in complete awe, giving you 7 minute standing ovation, hooting as their boss gets on stage and spins you in his arms before dipping you as he gives you a passionate kiss. Ah yes, Dimitri is also a skilled dancer, though you'll now have to waltz with him for the world.
Guess who brings the entire cult to the show? Its crazy lover boy Magnus! You didnt want to dance, but Magnus knew about your secret hobby and he insisted that you dance for him. You turned him down, of course because you hate him, but then a little threat from the cult to pull your intestines out to hang dry, you were all game <3
At the end of your dance, he's on his knees, along with his cult, and is praising the Lord for giving him such a perfect partner.
You're probably still in the dark about Theo being a spy/assassin, so you dont know that the reason the entire theatre is empty except for him is because Theo used his spy agency to book out the theatre completely for "mission purposes", and you just think that nobody else showed up :( You also dont know that Theo has some guys stationed outside the theatre to knock out/shoot anyone who tries to come in.
But hey, at least your deaf bf is all supportive as he claps and gives you nods of approval at the end of your performance, as well as a big bouquet and teddy bear.
Halim Mehmat Shah:
My man, my himbo bf, he brings his entire family and his bestie Mahir to the show because um of course, this will also be your family soon when you two get married (you're not even dating him atm) so why wouldnt they come to support you????
He's cheering, he's clapping, his family has these proud beaming smiles and they all join you backstage to tell you how amazing you are and you just feel a little weird at how Halim's family, especially his parents are looking at you with such pride- your own family has never looked at you so fondly. Of course, the parents made you take pictures with Halim (and Mahir was also dragged into these photos because he's their angsty adoptive son lol).
Later, you find out that almost all the people who attended the show were connected to the Shah family somehow, and they bought tickets for everyone.
Mahir Jahangir:
He'll look up from his pile of papers, silent as you whine about wanting to dance at the theatre downtown. Mahir knows that you're an exceptionally good dancer, but he doesnt know how to explain to you that he'd much rather burn the world to the ground than let any man look at you like that.
And since he doesnt wanna sound like an insane, jealous s/o, he agrees, giving you a nod to go ahead before picking up his phone to tell his secretary to cater to your requests.
When the day of the show comes, the curtains open and all you see is Mahir and his mom sitting in the front row. They're the only audience, and Mahir's mom is ever so cheerful throughout your performance while Mahir has a soft smile, pride and awe shining in his eyes. Of course, only at the end of the show does Mahir finally clap, giving you a standing ovation as he does so. All his moves, his claps, his praise, they're all calculated, no filler words or actions that dont hold significance are used.
His mother is going on and on about how much she enjoyed the performance, while Mahir is silently waiting for his moment to tell you that he just bought the theatre and is gifting it to you <3
No.1 cheerleader, has the ballroom booked for you. You'd think he'd have the ballroom empty so that he could get a private show, but no. He has his court in there, praising and clapping at how well you dance, except they're all wearing blindfolds because again- Baldwin doesnt want them to see how well his "angel" dances.
"We can feel how well you dance, your Majesty!" They say to you, but you know by now that they're all just crazy.
What you dont expect is Baldwin to get up and join you mid performance, pulling you close by the waist as he leads your body, waltzing through the entire ballroom with such finesse.
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dpsisquared · 9 days
need a fic of dimitri insidiously homewrecking byleths relationship. I need byleth to have no idea of Dimitri's actual motives as she vents and seeks comfort in him (all problems he somehow had a hand in) and getting her to emotionally cheat.
Cant decide if the story (in my head lol i aint writing it) should end when they physically cheat or let the night happen and dima progressively becoming unhinged the longer she doesnt break up her bf.
Dimitri is not one to stay as the other man for so long 😇
Ooh yes I like this one. An interesting thing about Dimitri is that he's a prince but desperately wants to be part of the group, so you can almost forget he has, like, limitless resources and a personal army. He could easily arrange things like this to happen.
The guy's credit card to constantly get declined so it looks like he's a cheapskate that always wants Byleth to pay
Shitty things about him planted on social media/google
Intercepting messages/emails to make it look like he's standing her up? Or flirting with someone else?
Surveillance of one or both to have the info to manipulate them
Also I do think he would be a lil salty about having to arrange things himself so he would be insecure and controlling even when he got her. "You cheated on him so how do I know I can trust you?" as he takes her phone
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
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BYLETH EISNER is a man best kept alone to his devices. As a student, Claude didn’t know much about the enigmatic professor who could cleave mountains with his sheer might. As a man after your affections, he only knew that he was an obstacle to his goals. The Ashen Demon wasn’t that discreet when it came to his . . . attraction.
Opening up his journal to find out more on his rival, he knew what kind of horrors he’d find. But it still didn’t prepare him for the lunacy written upon yellowed parchment.
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this D I A R Y belongs to . . .
↳ ❝ PLAYER 00 : BYLETH EISNER ¡! ❞ — please destroy return if found !
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(:̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅: ❝IF YOU DON’T LOVE ME, WHO WILL?❞ :]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
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Why was it that you always, always landed out of my arm’s reach? Wasn’t this a game? A game made to fulfill my desires? A game made to help me escape reality and the agonizing lack of romance in my life?
So why did you always end up with someone else? No matter how many true resets I’ve made, no matter the different ways I’ve approached you and even the extent I’ve isolated you from the other house leaders, you always, always, ended up with one of them.
Hell, it didn’t matter that you assisted Edelgard with her acquisition of Fodlan one time. You still somehow found yourself in the bed of none other than Dimitri himself. The fool always took you in no matter what horrors you caused on him or his allies.
I stared at your old, frail body. Thanks to the Goddess’s aid in this timeline, I’ve never aged a day. I stayed youthful and spry as you and Edelgard grew to rule the new land I had acquired for her.
Your wrinkly skin still felt heavenly to caress. Each second of continuous contact filled me with more and more pleasure; less and less self-control.
Maybe if I were bolder, more radical with my approaches. Maybe if I had just eliminated them all before they stand a chance.
Maybe then I won’t have to just sit and stare but hold you close and cage you within my arms. My snowbird that always deserted me during spring, a being so allergic to sunlight that you ran away from him endlessly despite the warmth he devotedly provided.
I am the Sun. There was no room to argue with that fact.
And I will always be there, shining my unbearably powerful rays of scorching hot light upon you.
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1155 It seems that were born as snow and ice. The closest one might get to the term brigid. Quite fitting since you are set to rule a nation by such a name when your father, the current ruler, passes away.
You weren’t supposed to take the throne at all. Your older brother was a fit heir. He had spares in the form of his children as well. But, as your eldest niece Petra is too young, you had to take responsibility of an entire nation even though you weren’t much older.
1175 After the death of your brother, you were sent to Adrestia as a symbol of newfound trust. However shaky it might be, you had no choice but to fulfill your duties. It seems even from a young age you were already cold, as accounts of you described a mature, straight laced girl. You knew, much earlier than everyone else that despite your high stature in society, you were only but a pawn to time and destiny.
All this came in useful when it was discovered that all Adrestian royal children were kidnapped. So you did not only have to fulfill the role of heir apparent to a country but a country and an Empire. Those who slithered in the dark made your authenticity as new royal kin solid far too quickly. No one even got to question it as you replaced Edelgard’s older siblings in meetings and formal events.
A simple story of your own albeit feigned kidnapping years ago, plus a few spells here in there to change your eye color to purple, guaranteed you a spot next to the Emperor. You lost everything: your identity, your brother, your friends back home; only to have gained a small chance to even take the throne that oppressed you. The Emperor, in turn, also got to keep his position. His luxurious, heavy crown and clothing in exchange for continuing the façade and perpetuating the play.
After Edelgard’s return to the stage, a lot changed. Factions formed left and right on who should take the throne next. Would it be the bastard child that proved to be a worthy heir, or the true child of Adrestia who’s yet to prove herself? But in beyond the glitz and glamor of the stage, you two shared quite a strong bond. You taught Edelgard many of your secrets when it came to the act. How one would stay calm under pressure, and to keep an air of confidence when all you can think of is self-doubt. In exchange, the Agarthans saw you fulfilling your duty as their spy diligently. You rose in the ranks of both areas in the speed of light.
You were determined to free yourself from the shackles, a consequence of the ichor you were blessed with.
Everything had been set.
An escape cometh Spring.
1180 You, Edelgard, and your niece Petra are sent to be the representatives of the Empire in the Officer’s Academy.
I have already planned out what to do for this timeline.
And this time? You won’t be getting away.
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A/N: I couldn’t for the life of me find a Fire Emblem 3H fic that included both the three house leaders and Byleth as romantic interests so I decided to take one out of Thanos’s books and do it (make one) myself.
There will be other yanderes as well but the House Leaders + Byleth are the main ones.
Reader will be the horniest aro, just watch.
I already had a FE3H concept I could have gone to in my Quotev account but was like NAHHHH I WANT REVERSE SAGAU(ish) BUT FIRE EMBLEM. So here we are.
Unfortunately because of how this is formatted I’m not able to make individual chapter warnings but I’ll be making a masterpost where everything is listed.
Fun Fact: In Japanese, Fire Emblem 3H is called 風花雪月 literally translating to Wind (Claude), Flower (Edelgard), Snow (Rhea or in this case, [Y/N]) and Moon (Dimitri). So the white theme is based off of that. I’ve been working on this for so long and wanted to make a house named Ashen Scales to contrast Edelgard BUT NOPE WE GOT THE DLC AND AS MUCH AS I LOVE YURI- AAAAA.
This will be the first and last A/N so don’t worry about these long ass paragraphs happening again.
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mochipicchu776 · 25 days
💙💚 For my fellow a/b/o + possessive Dimileth enjoyers, I bring goodies:
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VW Byleth is kidnapped one night and imprisoned somewhere far away with little hope of being rescued. After spending weeks in isolation, she gains a new cellmate, the once thought dead prince, Dimitri.
A lot has changed, but his genuinely good nature hasn't, and when her heat begins, she desperately pines for him. To her behest, he is worried she only wants him because she has no other options. Somehow, she'll have to convince him that she's telling the truth.
Please mind the tags 🙏
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