#yandere 2012 michelangelo
dumb-duxky · 2 months
Yandere donnie is so fun to draw, I love making him insane lmao
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Yall know my boy Mikey helps Donnie commit all his crimes 😋 [☠️]
Also I thing I'm getting in the hang of drawing in Ibis paint [tho I wish april or the background came out a Lil better]
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oleander-nin · 1 year
Horrortober Day 6- Scream(Yandere 2012 Mikey x Reader)
A/N, not important: Gonna be honest, kinda hate this one, but we vibing anyway. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Kidnapping, being chained up, gagged, dark themes, yandere
Words: 1392
Summary: Mikey really needs to learn impulse control.
The walk home was quiet, the music coming from your earbuds making your ears hurt with a pleasant pain. The loud music cuts off your senses to the outside world, making you completely immersed in your own small bubble. There was no reason to worry after all. This was a safer area, the crime rate going down drastically in the past few years. It was a wonder, but not something you wanted to question too hard. Best not to look a gift horse in the mouth after all.
The shadows cast by the night where the light doesn’t reach don’t worry you, walking past without much thought. You had passed them hundreds, if not millions, of times without incident. This time wouldn’t be any different, there was no reason it should be. Your mind is still in the clouds, your brain following the music you were injecting into your head. The world was nothing compared to what was going on in your head.
You don’t notice the eyes following your movements, the mutant tracking you from above. His face was a soft smile as he watched you, longing and hope embedded in his chest. He liked how carefree you were, even in a moment like this. Completely at ease despite the dangers of the world. He jumps down, staying a pace behind you before taking a deep breath and running up, wrapping his arms around your waist and quickly launching the both of you back onto the rooftop.
He winces as the scream that leaves your mouth, desperately trying to cover your mouth. You flail widely, Mikey turning you around to look him in the eyes. Your screams quiet for mere seconds, your eyes as big as saucers before you start to shriek once more. Mikey falls back when you land a hit to his cheek, letting go out of shock. You scramble to your feet, trying to get away and return to the ground. Mikey’s eyes narrow and he unfurls the chains of his nunchucks, quickly subduing you as the chain meets its target. You crash to the ground, the shock from the chains wrapping around your torso making your head spin.
“Stop struggling,” He says, his voice coated in worry. He quickly moves closer to you, picking you up and situating you into a more comfortable position. He looks hesitant to touch you, hands twitching inches above your skin. “I didn’t mean to scare you, but you shouldn’t yell when you meet people. It’s rude.”
His statement confuses you, your breathing calming slightly right as the mutant reaches over and sticks a small strip of duct tape over your mouth. He watches you carefully, seeing how you start to even out your breathing and go a bit more limp in the chains.
Bright blue eyes stare into your own, the chain around your chest and legs making it impossible to move. The small turtle tilts his head, a bright grin on his face as he scans your expression. You weren’t sure it was even easy to read, the sticky glue of the duct tape forcing your mouth to stay closed, and your face to stay slack.
“You calmed down a bit! That’s good. I’m not planning on hurting you.” The terrapin seems to have not noticed your silent scream nor the nervous sweat on your face, your heart beating quicker than a bullet train. It was surreal, being here with him. Just moments before you were walking home, earbuds in and not a care in the world.
It was terrifying how easily that could be stripped away.
The young turtle leans back, sitting on his heels as he continues to grin down at you. There was a small blush dusting his cheeks, the green skin darker across his face. Unease rolls through your stomach, the duct tape pulling uncomfortably at your lips. His larger hands cup your face, the three fingers pressing uncomfortably into your cheeks.
He scans you again before looking up to the sky, still wearing the ever present grin. “If you promise to be quiet, I’ll take off the tape. I just thought it would help since you couldn’t quiet down.”
You carefully nod, inhaling slowly as to not alert him, but preparing to scream as loud as you can. You needed to get away. His falsely innocuous eyes bored into yours, his thumb sweeping across the makeshift gag. With a quick rip, he tears it off. You hiss in pain, the skin where the adhesive had stuck tacky and sore.
Before you can make another noise, his hand is covering your mouth, muffling all sound that could come out. “See, not so bad huh? I wouldn’t have had to do that if you weren’t so jumpy when we first met. I mean, I can’t imagine your first reaction to be screaming when you saw me. I must’ve just scared you with my awesome moves.”
He chuckles, and you’re reminded of a small child despite his other mannerisms pointing to him being more late teen to young adult. The way he connected your reactions was completely arbitrary, and it was clear he was only seeing what he wanted to.
“I’m Mikey by the way.” He says, as if it was an afterthought, his bright blue eyes still clouded with thought. He seemed distracted, his head moving at each small noise to be heard. You move your jaw slightly, wanting to say something, to scream and alert others, but his hand is still over your mouth and holding back any attempt you could make. His eyes snap to you once more, his other hand clenching by his thigh as his smile grows. “I already know who you are, so you don’t need to try and introduce yourself. I can feel you moving.”
You blink at him, unable to do much else. His eyes meet yours for a couple seconds, boring into your soul and analyzing everything you’ve ever dared to think to do. Nothing you could do in this moment could quell the confusion and fear you felt while gazing upon the mutant, your brain desperately trying to piece this puzzle together.
You jump back when music starts to come from the waistband around his shell, the turtle's face brightening significantly. Mikey picks up the ringing shell, smiling as he hums along with the tune. He glances at the id before picking it up, his voice lowering in pitch as he starts to talk to the caller in Japanese. He talks with them for a small while, glancing at you and grinning brightly before staring off in the distance again. The call ends and he turns back to you, his hand finally leaving your mouth. He eyes you warily for a moment before relaxing, deciding you wouldn’t scream.
“My brothers said I can take you home! Isn’t that great? I meant to ask them earlier, but I was hoping you would’ve been nicer earlier and I could introduce you normally, but then this,” He points to the chains keeping you bound. “Happened. But I can take you home anyway! Isn’t that great? We’re going to have so much fun together. I can teach you how to skateboard, and we can play video games and read comics, and just have so much fun!”
The genuine excitement in his voice does nothing to put you at ease, your muscles tensing as you struggle against the chains holding you down. “Why… What do you mean “take me home”? I’m not… What?”
Mikey laughs, picking you up and jumping down from the roof he was keeping you on, his stance sure and relaxed. “Oh, that’s an easy question! I found you a couple days ago, and Sensei always said to never let an opportunity slip through my fingers… Or something like that. Plus, Leo said it was okay! Gosh, Donnie’s going to be so jealous I got a partner before him.”
The names and information he was giving swirls in your head, bringing more questions than answers to your mind. He continues to talk as he works you into the sewers, his tight hold a warning against fighting back. You’re stuck, unable to do anything but think as he carries you down through the tunnels of the sewers. You wished more than ever you screamed louder when he first came near you.
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snowflakeanimelover · 5 months
Okay hear me out:
TMNT(either one and any TMNT fandom) x reader. But an evil version of the TMNT somehow enters the world and fancies the reader. So it’s basically a TMNT vs evil TMNT for the reader 👀 whether it be for friendship or love…
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faetaiity · 2 years
my brain somehow decided that I need to use the rest of my active braincells to do this, Hyperfixations are wild when you write, man. I also feel like I need to explain this because I overthink
Basically, what's about to go down in this post: Adult! Platonic/Familial Yandere! 1987, 2003, 2012, Bayverse and Last ronin! TMNT x Male! ROTTMNT! Reader (With slight Familial Yandere! from them for the Rise! Turtles)
the ages are mostly bullshit/made up in this ig except for Ronin! Michelangelo because he's canonically 31 or older
Reader is the same age as ROTTMNT! Michelangelo (Birthyear: 2005)
This is set during 2020, a few months after the Kraang Invasion. (The ROTTMNT ages are color-coded: 17, 16, 16, 15 and 15. every other iteration of the TMNT are implied to be 20-26, with an exception for Ronin! Michelangelo)
Why did I explain the premise? Because I want to make sure you guys understand. THIS. IS. NOT. ROMANTIC. and If I see anyone who adds more to this story or makes jokes about the OLDER turtles being attracted to the reader (Illegal due to Reader being a Minor.) or the ROTTMNT turtles (Illegal due to the Rise! Turtles being minors and being related to them.), you're getting blocked. no questions.
Minor Notes: While this is platonic, I understand if someone misinterprets some of the HC's due to the fact that each family is different with affection, some (like mine) make me feel guilty if I don't cuddle/hug them, some of this is inspired by my own family, Familial yandere writers (or at least me lol) tend to make stories relate to their own experiences with their family, If you read this and complain that it has 'romantic' aspects (which, affection isn't even exclusively romantic what??), I'm going to get a little mad since this is my experience with family, lol.
TW/CW: minor(?) Spoilers for The Last Ronin, Kidnapping, Abuse (Physically and mentally from 'Punishments'), manipulation, guilt tripping, possible gaslighting(?), Implied Murder, Infantilization, Stalking, Mentions of Panic attacks, stress tics (scratching/clawing at the skin), Yandere Behavior, Obsessive/Possessive Behavior, Extreme Overprotective behavior, OOC Older TMNT Iterations (Specifically 1987! and Bayverse!), Forced Affection, Surprise Adoption from the older versions of your best friends, mentions of Scars, missing limbs and Trauma from Rise! Shredder and Rise! Kraang (reader is mentioned to have scars and a missing eye) (Yeah that's long as shit because this post is probably gonna be long as shit)
On a scale from 1 to 10 my friends, you're FUCKED /ref
Now I'm gonna start off with you meeting them a specific way and branch out to more options down the line.
Donnie ended up making a machine that COULD send someone or an object across to a separate universe if he was correct.
Unfortunately, you ended up getting sucked up into the Machine-Made portal due to being close to it
To make this easier on my brain, let's say the other iterations of the turtles are already together, through a similar device that was used by the Kraang/Utroms
And your dumbass landed right in the middle of a huge argument between Ronin! Michelangelo and 2003! Raphael
Everyone freezes, including you, they LOOK like your best friends but are clearly not, there's differences between them and your friends, height is a big noticeable difference that tips you off.
Weapons are drawn almost instantaneously, multiple different sets of Katanas, Nun chucks, and Sai's are pointed at you
And oddly, just as quickly as they raised their weapons, they put them back down
In their minds, they quickly draw together than you're unarmed and a lot younger than they are
You get up on your legs, unsure of how to respond to them, you remember the photos of you and your turtles on your phone
You slowly pull out your phone, knowing they could mistake it for a weapon, you scroll through your phone until you find the photo of you, Donnie and Leo in Run of the Mill Pizza, they calm down at the sight of it
They sheathed their weapons, studying your body warily, you feel weirded out at the fact that they haven't said anything; you could understand that behavior from Donnie or Raph, but not the other two
You swallow your nervousness and shakily say "I'm [Y/N]"
You notice one of the Michelangelo's runs right up to you, clearly excited at the Idea of someone from another universe that isn't in theirs
He noticed your eyepatch as soon as he gets up to your face and winces "Jeez, what happened to your eye?" he blurts out, Surprisingly, Leo smacks upside the head, Mikey mutters out a small apology, you laugh softly, not taking offense to it
They all introduce themselves with the year they're from and their age, you immediately notice all of them are adults
They're already wincing at your scars from life-threatening injuries and clearly injured or missing eye, but they just kind of.... freeze when you say "Wow! You guys are a lot older than My versions of y'all!"
They stay quiet for a second before you embarrassedly mumble out: "Oh... I'm sorry, that was rude of me" you avert your eyes
2012! Leo is the first one to speak "No... Offense taken; we were just caught off guard.... how old are you and your versions of us?" "Oh! Well Raph's 17, Leo and Donnie are 16, Me and Mikey are 15"
Silence, before Bayverse! Raphael bursts out laughing "I'M THE OLDEST?!" clearly, he's happy at that, and so are the other Raphs, apparently, since you can see their smirks at their respective Leos, who frown
You nod nervously, his volume scaring you slightly, He noticed you flinching and quiets down
Your age kind of takes a minute for them to process, considering your scars made them assume you're a little older, they end up asking you when you got the scars
"Oh! The giant scar is from the Shredder, the missing eye and the other smaller scars are from the kraang!" you breathed out for a few seconds, calming yourself down from remembering those unhappy situations "I got the big one when I was 13, everything else happened a few months ago."
They all.... look at you in a weird manner, it was a mix of pure anger, pity, and.... self-loathing, oddly enough? "Ah, I'm sorry if I reminded you guys of any..... unhappy situations..." you shyly said, they stayed quiet, feeling uncomfortable with the stares, you changed the subject "I need to be able to get back home! Donnie's probably freaking the absolute fuck out by now"
Ronin! Michelangelo takes initiative to tell you that you are welcome here as long as it takes, the others nod, you thank them all profusely
It scares all of them over the next few weeks when you'd tell them stories about your adventures, they've come to understand that, well, in a blunt way, you and their younger counterparts clearly aren't able to take care of yourselves
And they've actually come to loathe Rise! Splinter, they've come to understand that their dad wasn't the best, but it makes their blood boil at how badly it can be for you and the Rise! Turtles.
Even they didn't fight the Shredder at that age!
However, they do feel a little better knowing you five defeated him, but not by much considering how close you all were to dying
especially you.
I'm gonna be honest, there is three ways it can go when your friends come to bring you back to your Universe
1: The other iterations come back with you guys, being delusional in the fact that you guys can't take care of yourselves
2: They don't let you go back with them, and they tell the Rise! Turtles to leave (This would be most likely if you share unfavorable stories of the Turtles, while forgetting to add where you guys talk it out or the reason why it happened, they become very attached to you specifically in the few weeks they've known you!)
3: (This is the one we will be explaining in this Post) They keep all of you in the Universe that you fell into. (This is the one most likely to occur due to ROTTMNT! Reader and Turtles are injured severely from the Kraang Invasion)
It is not a good time for the first few weeks, You and your best friends fight tooth and nail at every point through them keeping you guys
They're beyond delusional, chalking it up to teenage rebellion and the nature of the Rise! Turtles
You five end up being locked up in a room, a few hidden cameras being placed in there
y'all aren't allowed out usually (and NEVER out of the lair) since to the Older! Turtles, you five are ungrateful brats who can't think for themselves
You and Mikey are babied, you two are the youngest and have been through so much!
It's suffocating
They always want to be near you, because in their words "You're the one who needs protection the most"
Donnie is allowed keep his battle shell due to the nature of his species (Also because they don't know about all the weaponry in it)
There isn't much room for escape, almost none, actually
17 Adult Mutant Ninja Turtles guarding the lair, at least 2 home at all times?
yeah, good luck, even Rise! Donnie is stumped.
In order of Importance (Most to Least) It's You and Mikey, Leo, Donnie and then Raph
Donnie and Raph are mostly ignored because they suffered the least number of injuries, and they're the oldest.
Previous Leos don't approve of yours, saying he's not Mature or Serious enough, often taking him for training/sparring
Don't let that fool you, your Leo has come back in worse shape than he was to begin with, often coming back trying to hide his tears, you guys stopped letting him go with them once it was found that his shell was starting to crack more. I wonder why
Donnie comes up with a plan to escape with Raph to regroup and find out how to get back home
and, to their credit, they manage to leave the lair, about 15 minutes later, Ronin! Mikey comes in, once he sees they're gone, he starts breaking objects in the room and yells at You, Mikey and Leo.
The others quickly come in and try to pull Ronin! Mikey away, which he resists until he sees you having a panic attack, Rise! Mikey trying to console you and Rise! Leo in a defensive position, around you
He leaves the room and announces that he's going to find them, some of the other turtles try to get near you to comfort you but Leo isn't letting it happen, he actually tries to attack one of them, making them back off
Oh, Raph and Donnie are fucked, by the way.
Now, Lemme tell you WHY you never want a Yandere! Ronin! Mikey hunting you down
He's the oldest, the most skilled and canonically in the books, the mutagen that is still in his system makes him stronger, bigger and more durable, plus the trauma of losing his brothers has made this situation strike a nerve with him.
he could probably break Rise! Raph's leg
Which he does.
About an hour or two later, he comes back with them, they're both knocked out, Raph's leg is bent unnaturally, and Donnie's Battle shell is ripped to shreds and he has bruises all over him.
Ronin! Mikey comes in and throws them back into the room, Donnie's battle shell in his hands "Found out the main reason why he wanted that damn thing to stay on his back." he stated bluntly, pointing at the drone wings and the spider-like claws, giving it to 2003! Donnie, who marvels at it
You're picked up by one of them, Rise! Leo starts freaking out and trying to get you away from them, until someone else enters the room and keeps him away until you're out
You're placed in a separate room, fearing that they're going to hurt you, you try to cover your head, curling into a fetal position, separation anxiety already kicking in due to the circumstances.
You feel someone rub your back reassuringly, making you cry and hyperventilate more.
"Hey, hey, you're okay, nobody's going to do anything to you" you whimper as you hear 1987! Raph attempt to calm you down
he tells you that you being taken away is the Rise! Turtles' punishment, and that nothing is going to happen to you
"What about My friends?" you sob out, he doesn't respond, he just pulls you close to him and hugs you; you try to pull away only to hear him say "I'm trying to make you feel BETTER, stop resisting! don't you know how much effort we're putting in to help you five out?! To take care of you guys?!" his yelling makes you stiffen, allowing him to pull you back closer to him.
I'm gonna be honest, you get the least severe punishments compared to your turtle friends, you're weak, regardless of if you're human or mutated (Mostly because the mutagen hasn't improved your strength as much as it did theirs yet.), you're WEAK.
They could, especially Ronin! Mikey, end up KILLING you if they gave you the same punishments.
Very few mutations would even get the harsher punishments anyways, all of them being Reptilian or large Mammalians.
Humans, Insect mutants, Bird Mutants and other mutants that could get hurt easier due to their physiology get special treatment.
At worst your punishments leave you with shallow claw marks, maybe a fractured bone or two (This one was unintentional, though, just a testament to how much stronger they are compared to you.), bruises and panic attacks from separation.
Awfully enough, they try to separate you from your friends on a regular basis
Saying your Raph might get a rage fit and hurt you, or your Mikey accidentally getting too excited and hurting you
Any excuse they can pull out of their ass to keep you away from them
They don't tell them where they keep you, of course
It's mostly in Donnie's lab though, where you spend time with them
Rise! Donnie isn't allowed in there because that's where they keep the Rise! Turtles' mystic weapons (Mainly studying them)
The only reason why you're never permanently kept from the Rise! Turtles is because you have panic attacks from being away from them, the Turtles also get hyper confrontational, even more so than usual when you're gone.
You always get returned by the end of the day.
Now, let's go onto say that you guys ACTUALLY managed to escape back to your universe through a sheer stroke of luck.
Staying that way is gonna be hard.
Donnie immediately destroys the portal, but that doesn't mean the others can't build their own
Depending on if you move to another part of the sewer again, is how likely you are to stay uncaptured
If you guys stay at the same spot, they'll find y'all in another few months
if y'all move maybe they won't find you guys.
Staying? They're going to find you guys in as little as a few weeks, but they won't immediately grab you guys
They stalk you five, they're delusional and try to rationalize why you five left.
Staying might be the initial response, you five come back down, hoping to see Splinter, but you just see those 17 figures, some covered in blood
"What did you do, WHAT DID YOU DO?!" your Leo would sob out, assuming the worst
All you five get back are cold stares
Instead of taking you back to the other universe, they stay here and keep you locked in your own home.
But they make sure that y'all can't leave for a while.
The turtles get broken bones, and you get a shock collar
If you think they were bad before, you haven't seen shit
They're always around you five now, never letting any of you out of their sight.
It's hell.
It's pure torture.
and they're never letting you guys go.
I didn't go into as much detail as I would've liked, maybe this will be like a series idk??
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break-a-neck · 3 months
Mikey is the type of person to pick up a raccoon and take it home >_<
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Could you do your prompts 8, 26 and 63 for TMNT 2012 Michelangelo?
Of course! Michelangelo is underrated but I think that's because he isn't an intense yandere. @okchijt helped out with the plot for this one!
Yandere! 2012! Michelangelo Prompts 8, 26, 63
"I could look into those eyes forever...."
"Look! We're bonding, just the two of us!"
"You're my everything!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Implied stalking, Breaking and entering, Clingy behavior, Manipulation, Guilt-tripping, Dubious relationship, Draining companionship.
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Coming home was always the best part of your day. Work was always grueling and often tired you out. All you wanted to do was come home to your apartment and rest.
Unfortunately, before you even hit your bed you had some last minute tasks to do. You needed to study... do some remote work... things like that. As you fidget with the keys to your apartment you prepare the final tasks for your day in your head. You should probably eat, too....
You yawn softly to yourself as you push open your door. Although once the hinge creaks open you notice something off. The exhausted feeling within you melts off once you see who's on your couch.
Michelangelo has done this multiple times when you get home lately. Somehow he manages to wait here for you whenever you get home from work or classes. He's done it so often that you shouldn't even be affected by it anymore... but it still shakes you to your core.
How does he know when you get home, even when you change shifts?
Nevermind that, how does he get in?
"Sup!" Mikey greets once he sees you, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you. Based on the fact he gets so excited when seeing you and chats with his brothers, you already sort of know his deal. You can tell Mikey has a crush on you.
You just don't know what the extent is.
"Hey... Mikey I thought I asked you not to slip into my home when I'm gone?" You try to play it off as casual but you're still unnerved at how easily he gets in here. It's New York... the thought of your safety being compromised frightens you-
"I know... but I just miss you so much when you're gone! You're always at work or class and I just get so lonely!" Mikey whines, lip quivering as he pulls you into a quick hug before pulling away. "I've wanted to play games with you ALL day!"
"I can't, Mikey..." You sigh, recounting what you need to do in your head. "I have some work to do and I'm tired."
"I didn't come here for nothing! That can wait, you need some time to relax, right?" Mikey pleads, grabbing your hand and dragging you to your console.
"Mikey, I can relax myself-"
"And just ignore me? How could you! Do you not care enough for me to play at least one game?" Mikey pouts. He's being playful but his tone felt a bit too... real for you. Like he was actually hurt you said no.
"Just one? For me?"
Mikey just seemed to be a mutant you could never say "no" to. Sometimes he acts a bit creepy, often staring or knowing things he shouldn't, but you excuse it. He's Mikey... he's harmless.
Playing a few rounds of games should also be harmless. In fact, you try to feel relaxed as you sit on the couch and play with him. For now you'll ignore the worry sitting heavily in your gut. You're worried about the tasks you're procrastinating and worried about Mikey's behavior.
Yet everything should be fine....
The gaming session between you two is mixed with quiet and excited yells. You will admit you were having fun but still noticed Mikey's staring. You understand he likes you yet he catches you off guard at times.
It's eerie.
"Look! We're bonding, just the two of us!" Mikey squeals, pausing the game to look at you. He looks so happy... you can't help but smile despite the strange situation he forced you into. Although you can't help but linger on the strange tone of his statement.
It sounds like such an innocent statement. Y'know, like good ol' Mikey! Although... it feels like there was a vague dark undertone there-
Was that just you?
You feel you're just thinking too hard and lock eyes with Mikey. He's... staring quite a bit. Maybe it's because you're so quiet... or maybe he just really likes your eyes?
"I could look into those eyes forever...." Mikey murmurs, eyes half closed as he daydreams to himself. You feel chills crawl up your back at what he said but decide to take it as a compliment. He has an innocent crush... nothing more...
It's innocent... hopefully.
The tense silence between you us broken when Mikey's T-Phone rings. The sudden sound shocks you both and you can tell Mikey looks upset at the fact he's interrupted. He seems like he's going to ignore it but you nudge him.
"Don't ignore it, Mikey. Could be important." Your urge and Mikey relents with a huff. He then answers the call while you try to calm your nerves. You're tired... and overthinking.
Time passes and you quietly listen while Mikey tries to reason with a voice on the other end. When the call ends you hear Mikey heave a loud sigh, sounding rather annoyed at his time being interrupted.
"What's up?" You ask, the turtle looking at you with puppy dog eyes.
"My bros need me back at home... I don't want to go!" Mikey whines, quickly clinging to you.
Your discomfort bubbles again at the turtle's behavior. You sigh and pat his shell, trying desperately to pry him off your body.
"You should go see what they need... they're your brothers!"
"But this is our time!"
You bite your lip in thought. You really need a break... both from work and from him. You really wish he'd leave you alone and stop coming over so often-
"We can always see each other again, Mikey..." You say, hoping to appeal to him. Mikey beams at your suggestion and pulls away with a bright smile.
"Really!? Tomorrow, right!?" Mikey squeals and you sigh.
"Yeah, sure... now go see your brothers."
"Got it! See you tomorrow!" Mikey nods, heading for your window and silently slipping out. He then turns and winks at you. "You're my everything!"
Then he's gone.
You mumble a goodbye before locking your window. You sigh in exhaustion before realizing what you agreed to. You then groan in frustration.
You can never assert yourself when it comes to Mikey. You give in because he seems so innocent and cute. However it often feels like he drains the energy out of you....
His crush on you was cute but now you fear it's obsession. He doesn't acknowledge the fact you need to recharge at the end of the day. He just keeps taking your attention... and you have to give in to get rid of him.
The worst part is you just keep giving him permission to do it.
In response you just decide to collapse on your couch for the afternoon, deciding to deal with your mistakes tomorrow... the entire time you're completely unaware of those blue eyes watching you as you drift off to sleep.
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valentinehorrors · 5 months
Close call
(CW: Toxic relationship, unhealthy relationship, manipulation, light gore talk.)
Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck
That was the only word going through Casey Jones' head as he ran through the woods. The only thing coursing through his veins and fueling his running being complete and utter panic.
How did this happen?
He should've stopped the teasing and play flirting. He should've explained that he meant nothing with it. He should've told her they were jokes.
He should've. He should've. He should've.
A thousand thoughts swirling in his skull, lashing him with his own stupidity again and again. Equally as painful as the branches that scratch his skin while he frantically ran to somewhere, anywhere but the barn.
Casey should've stopped when he first learned of Mikey's feelings towards April. Hell, when Mikey almost killed her just because he was a bit too hungry. But the mutant had told him that wouldn't be a good idea and the human trusted him. Of course, the concern at the time was that if Casey did stop then it would be suspicious, especially so sudden and out of nowhere.
He never thought this would happen, and he knew she was as good as dead. He didn't know what to do, he was at a complete loss. Even if he wasn't in the middle of panicking, he had no idea how to fix what was sure to come.
His panic was then interrupted by him falling, despite the sun still lingering in the sky, the tall, dense, trees blocked enough of it's wondering light that he didn't notice the uneven ground leading to a downwards incline. He quickly lost foothold as he tried to step on thin air, tumbling down and getting even more scratches and bruises. The salt on the wound being the pile of rocks he ended up crashing into, digging into his side and back, knocking the air out of his lungs.
The barrage of pain helped bring Casey back to the present moment, opening his eyes to find soft rays of sunlight shining through green leaves. For a split second, he sees red on those leaves, reminded of the crunching and squelching he had caused. The taste of iron returning to his lips and tongue as he felt unwanted tears welling up in his eyes.
His breathing was too fast, he was lightheaded, he had to calm down. Casey shut his eyes tightly, withholding his tears as he counted in his head and took a slow deep breath.
In for four seconds.
Hold for seven seconds.
Out for eight seconds.
Okay, that felt better.
As a familiar shiver ran through his skin, he knew he would be seeing icy, apathetic, blue instead of leafy, living, green upon opening his eyes.
He was right.
"Are you wearing your binder?" The monotone voice didn't reveal any intention from the mutant. He was staring at him, as Mikey tended to do on any normal day.
Though, saying he hadn't expected that question was an understatement. Maybe he hadn't found out yet, the small flicker of hope awaking in his chest.
"Uh, y-yeah, why?" Casey winced as Mikey suddenly grabbed at his side, right where the rocks had dug in.
"You ran almost a full mile, full speed, and then suffered quite the fall. You should avoid wearing it for the next few days." Mikey felt around Casey's side before lifting him up to sit up against a nearby tree. Casey was once again reminded of Mikey's strength as he lifted him effortlessly, his cold hands soothing the human's bruised skin.
Casey shifted against the tree, nodding as he looked over at Mikey, carefully observing the mutant as he sat in front of him. Lowering his mask to his neck to accurately reflect his current unmasked true self.
If Mikey saw him running, he saw what happened. That small glimmer of hope dying as quickly as it appeared. Who was he kidding? Mikey's eyes were almost always on him, he could feel it.
On the surface, Mikey looked calm, any other person would think they were in the clear, after all, he didn't look even remotely upset.
But Casey knew better, he saw the way Mikey held his hands together, saw the way Mikey's shadow unnaturally trembled. He could even see Mikey's eyes subtly change, that blue ever so slightly glowing.
Oh fuck, he was pissed.
Casey gulped down any idea of lying, there was no use, no point, the only thing he could do is beg. "Mike... Babe..." He thought the pet name would help his chances... No that just pissed him off more, Mikey's eyes changing, now holding white cat like slits as the blue glowed brighter. Casey was sweating, more than stressed the fuck out. Though that can apply to more than just the current situation.
"Okay, taking that back. Rewinding. Take two."
Mikey's raised brow ridge was a good sign.
"Kay, so, you know me."
"Yeah, a lot. So you know, a-and! You know I don't lie to ya so you double know that I don't actually like April, I have no intention on being with her or going out with her or-"
"I know. From your side, you have no feelings for her, none of the romantic kind specifically. However,"
"She has just confirmed that that's not the case on her side." Mikey's shadow shook intensely with his anger, stretching towards Casey. Said human's mouth dry with fear.
"Mike. Please, nothing's gonna come from it. She'll back off."
"I must admit it was a joy to see her devastated face at your excuses before you ran away from her. Rest assured, she's aware she has been rejected."
"...But you're still mad."
"Understatement." Mikey's quick biting reply caused Casey to flinch.
"Kay, got it, yeah, um... Why?"
"Because you're mine." Mikey suddenly lurched forward, trapping Casey in a cage of his own arms against the tree. Mikey's finger digging into the bark as inky black shadows slowly crawl up Casey's legs, the piercing cold causing Casey to shiver and shake.
"Y-Yeah, got that, M-Mike... I'm yours." That seemed to help, Mikey's eyes turning back to normal as he pressed his forehead against Casey's, the shadows lowering back to where they belong.
"My dearest dog, you know I'm only like this because of how much you mean to me." Casey could feel the tree shake as Mikey pulled his claws out, cupping Casey's face with dangerous care.
"I know... But Mike-"
"I won't kill her." Mikey says with a disappointment that's clear even for Mikey's usual monotone. Oh, he wants to, badly.
Still, the relief that washes over Casey cannot be overstated. "Thank fuck..." He muttered under his breath, the relief visually calming him down.
The calm doesn't last long as the gentle hold on his cheeks turn to a rough grab as Mikey leans back just to pull Casey's face forward.
"You do not have permission to be relieved." He says coolly, his cold hands more intense than any jagged rock. "I am no fool, she is too valuable to make her disappear."
That's the thing, it's that Mikey could. Casey knew that making something look like an accident would be nothing to the calculating mutant. He wouldn't have to compromise his mask, it'd be as easy as breathing.
"Uh, so...?"
"I need reprieve, release, catharsis." Mikey looked like he wanted to bite off Casey's face, his eyes hungrily going over every inch of his face. Hell, he probably did, regardless of the situation.
He finally let Casey go as he stood up and looked down at him, never losing that predatory look to his eyes.
"Two nights from now, you will help me feed again. But this time, you will go to that campsite and find a girl,"
Oh no.
"With blue eyes."
No fucking way.
"And red hair."
Casey stared at Mikey with wide eyes, wordlessly pleading him to not do this fucked up game he was going to make him play.
Instead of easing up, he doubled down.
"I want you to flirt with her, a bad boy like you, it shouldn't be hard to sweep a girl off her feet. Clearly, it's already worked." Mikey began circling Casey, clear bitterness tinging his words.
Casey didn't need to follow his gaze to know those blue eyes were piercing his very being.
"M-Mike... Come on..." A sudden gush of wind caused Casey to hold his breath, afraid of it being stolen from his lungs. He didn't have to wonder for long as to what caused the disturbance, as he saw the shadow cast by the tree he was sitting against, slowly begin to tilt.
It wasn't the falling tree that disturbed him, it was how quiet it was. The creaking of wood was still heard, as were the birds that flew out of its branches. But the expected thud of it hitting the ground, was lacking. He didn't need to look to know how. He didn't need to know. The only thing that mattered was that Mikey was the one responsible. He had no doubt that Mikey was capable of such a thing.
Yeah, that shut him up.
"I pride myself in how transparent and honest I've been with you, Casey. So I will continue to do so. This won't be a necessity. I am simply quiet upset."
Casey tensed as he felt Mikey's breath against the back of his neck. As he felt the mutant's hands on his shoulders, he willed himself into some semblance of relaxing, at the very least to please him.
"And I know, you will do anything to make sure I'm not upset. After all, that's why you ran, isn't it? Nod."
Casey immediately obeyed Mikey's command. He knows when to fuck around, knows when it's safe to push at Mikey's buttons. He also knows that there are times when it's a better idea to just be the obedient dog Mikey wants him to be.
Be quiet.
Be obedient.
"Such a good boy, almost makes me want to forgive you here and now..." Mikey's hand moved to Casey's head, petting him like the good pet he was.
It wasn't so bad, not really. Mikey was a lot of very bad things, but he was also a lot of... well maybe not good things, but still. It wasn't that bad, especially knowing that Mikey did care for him.
Besides, if Casey wasn't there for him, who knows what the mutant would've done by now.
"...Unfortunately..." Ah, right. Mikey's hand grabbed a fistful of raven hair as he pulled Casey's head back to force eye contact. "My temperament is not as it usually is. You will sweep some poor April look-alike off of her feet, and when I crush her ribs, tear out her eyes and bash in her skull; You. Will. Watch."
Those cruel yet beautiful sapphires stared down at the human. Casey took the following silence as Mikey waiting for a response.
"Yes, Mikey."
The sadistic smile, that stretched the mutant's lips was worth it.
"Good dog." It was even more worth it as he felt said sadistic lips against his. Mikey finally relented Casey's hair as he moved in front of him. "Now, I will fix this little confusion you have caused by running off the way you did. When you get back, just follow my lead. Do take some time to rest, you bruise ridiculously easily."
Mikey paused, looking into Casey's eyes he said one last phrase before leaving.
"I love you." He secured his mask back on before the shadows swallowed him whole and took him away, leaving Casey alone, in the woods.
Well, that wasn't entirely true, even so soon after his departure, he knew Mikey was still watching him from the shadows. Anywhere that shadows dwelled, so did Mikey. It didn't matter where he went, Mikey's eyes were always on him.
The lair. The sewers. The city. The woods.
Shadows were everywhere, thus Mikey was everywhere. There was no escape, no privacy to just himself. He allowed the traitorous tears to fall freely from his eyes, yet he didn't sob. Casey's face was as stone and numb as Mikey's. He couldn't narrow down why his tears decided now to fall, but at this point, he was tired of thinking.
Seeing someone who looked like his best friend get murdered in front of him, on top of manipulating said victim to their doom. Oh yeah, he was going to get fucked up, he could practically hear his own sanity cracking further under Mikey's thumb.
Unfortunately, he can't say he didn't ask for it.
Besides, it's not so bad.
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trashlama · 1 year
Wazzzuppp! I'm back again with another update for my A Team Vs. B Team TMNT2012 fanart.
Ahhh I'm sorry for taking so long on this! My paper keeps wanting to tear or pick apart. It's killing me. Buuuuuttt— I've been practicing the color palette!
So since my last post I changed the picture quite a bit.
One small fun fact I did change the colors for Raph's under shirt. The ones I had originally reminded me too much of Raph's from 2003. So I did a little adjusting.
I added the colored drafts mostly because apparently quite a few people thought they had long sleeves. Which killed me because I really want to diverge from the usual fanart I see.
Sorry if the lighting isn't great. The overhead light in my room sucks.
Sorry about all the blabber. I hope you guys like the updated version!
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Thank you for lookin'!
I hope you guys have a good day!
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tmntxthings · 2 years
You never ceases to surprise me, that yandere Raph was a BLAST to read, speaking of yanderes, out of the four brothers who would be least to most likely kidnap the reader, or like who would do it the fastest depending on the situations. Like you mentioned in the yandere Raph oneshot he only intervened when he saw that the reader was hurt. Who knows how long he could have kept up with just watching them from afar, he would be bound to break eventually. But now's the question, how would Leo and Mikey be like? or, dare I ask… all of them at once.
I think the dynamic would be platonic if they all are yandere for you, for reasons. They would view you as their defenseless sibling, they have many enemies that want the turtles dead so it wouldn't be wrong to assume that they'd use you as a way to get to them. But that would only be one of their reasons for keeping you in their bais, they all have different wants and needs. Although those desires sometimes clash with one another they ultimately band together in hopes of keeping you safe from their enemies (and the world in general).
Depending on how you handle the situation things can either go really smoothly for you or the complete opposite. If you comply with their demands then you will be able to move around the lair freely without suspicion or with one of the brothers following you 24/7, practically breathing down your neck. You might even be able to leave from time to time, granted that at least two of them are watching over you as you walk through the streets. But on the other hand if you were to be stubborn then they will restrain the hell out of your freedom. You are locked in one of their rooms with said brother constantly looking over you, escape is near impossible, their fears of you leaving has led to them creating a night shift schedule. They all switch who watches each night, first it's Leo, Donnie, Mikey and then Raph. They would be doing this till stockholm syndrome kicks in, then you would no longer be yourself, you would be there's. Theres to take care of, theres to have fun with, theres and nobody else's.
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ahhhh >\\\\\\\< im so glad you enjoyed hehe,
right!! yandere!raph would’ve kept on stalking until he found a justifiable reason to ‘help’ reader, I think Mikey would have the least amount of self control, being the youngest and more impulsive with his actions, he could easily convince himself he’s helping reader and that’s all it would take! Leo would be similar to Raph in my opinion, he could be patient, or just be satisfied by watching/waiting for a while
all of the brothers though!? they wouldn’t be able to hold back as maybe Raph or Leo could individually, all it would take would be one suggestion, “Y/n would just be safer in the lair! They’ll see that with time! We shouldn’t gamble with their safety like this!! Let’s just bring them here now.” The resistance to such an idea would crumble :D
I definitely agree with you about reader’s reaction! Depending on how they react they would either have some freedom or none at all. Can you imagine the full force of all the turtles brothers keeping you hostage?! Chances of escape: slim to none, I would guess that reader would have one true chance of getting away in the beginning but after that? zilch. zero. not possible!
I think I would be most afraid of Mikey though, his unpredictability, he’d definitely be bi-polar as a yandere… “Please Mikey, I can’t stay here anymore! I’ve got parents!! Friends!!!”
His smile that had been ever present on his face slips. He has this deadpanned look about him as he turns to you, away from the show he had been forcing you to watch. “You rather watch something else? Space Heroes?” He offers, it’s a warning, don’t bring up them. He’s your family now. He’s your best friend! You have him and his brothers, no one else matters! “Mikey..” you whimper and he cuts you off groaning. Jumping up and starting to pace in front of the paused screen. “I don’t understand. You should be happy! Why can’t you just be happy?! Here. With. Me.”
He’ll only calm down if you switch gears, promising that you are happy. That it’s totally fun to watch Mikey’s show. The tension in his shoulders and the crazed look in his eyes with disappear in a blink of an eye, his happy go lucky smile back in place! “See I knew you would come around!” <3
love love love our convos hehe so glad to hear from you <33333 hope you’re doing well and I’d love to hear your thoughts on who you would be most afraid of/nervous about in yandere au
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jokingmisfit · 5 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles MasterList
Platonic-🩵  Yandere-🧡 Smut-❤   Fluff-🩷  Angst-🖤
(The color of the text correlates to the character. If it's black it means all 4 brothers)
Please Note and Understand Any and All Writings for These Characters are Meant to be Read as Aged up Versions.
Rise of the TMNT
Not Yet Forgotten 🩵
Science Experiment 🧡
2012 TMNT
You Would Be Missed 🩷
2003 TMNT
~Coming Soon~
A Leonardo Who... ❤
A Donatello Who... ❤
A Raphael Who... ❤
A Michelangelo Who... ❤
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strawb3rrystar · 1 year
TMNT Matserlist
🌸 Fluff | 🍃 Smut | 🥀 Angst | 🌼 Yandere | 🪻 Platonic
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✰ Raphael ✰
🌸 Starstruck. -> Oneshot | 500 words | Bayverse | Requested
🍃 And in love. -> Oneshot | 700 words | Bayverse | Requested
🌸 No one like a sore loser -> Drabble | 200 words | 2012 | Not requested
🌸 Love languages in red -> Headcanons | 302 words | Bayverse | Requested
✰ Michelangelo ✰
🌸 The baking incident -> Drabble | 200 words | Rise | Not requested
🌸 Soup and tea. -> Drabble | 250 words | Mutant Mayhem | Not requested
🌸 The best kind of comfort -> Drabble | 300 words | Mutant Mayhem | Requested
✰ Donatello ✰
🌼 Until you're purple -> Oneshot | 1,400 words | Rise | Not requested
🍃 Little lab rat -> Headcanons | 218 words | Bayverse | Requested
✰ Leonardo ✰
🌸 The best date in history!! (nothing goes wrong.. totally) -> Headcanons | 175 words | 2012 | Requested
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✰ Multi ✰
🌸 Rooftop dates -> Headcanons | 500 words | All ver | Not requested
🌼 Who's the insane brother? -> Headcanons | 600 words | Rise | Not requested
🍃 Positions by Ari. -> Headcanons | 400 words | Bayverse | Requested
🌸 Mornings. -> Headcanons | 750 words | Rise | Not requested
🍃 Bon Appétit. -> Headcanons | 900 words | Bayverse | Requested
🌸 Love bites -> Headcanons | 265 words | Bayverse | Requested
🌼 Kill me on the train tracks -> Oneshot | 539 words | Rise | Requested
🌸 Collar colours -> Headcanons | 382 words | Bayverse | Requested
🌸 ADHD in a bottle -> Headcanons | 444 words | Bayverse | Requested
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neiveel3llson · 9 months
• . . • ° ° • . . • ° ° • . . • ° ° • . . •
Characters I write for:
Bruce Wayne
Dick Greyson
Jason Todd
Tim Drake
Older!Damian Wayne (romantic)
Damian Wayne (platonic)
Batfam (platonic)
Sam & Max: Freelance Police
Sam (the detective dog)
Max (the rambunctious rabbit)
Welcome Home!:
Wally Darling
Julie Joyful
Barnaby B. Beagle
Poppy Partridge
Frank Frankly
Sally Starlet
Eddie Dear
Howdy Pillar
The Amazing Digital Circus:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
Leonardo (2012)
Donatello (2012)
Raphael (2012)
Michalangelo (2012)
Leonardo (Rise)
Donatello (Rise)
Raphael (Rise)
Michelangelo (Rise)
Obey Me(OG! + NB):
Luke(strictly platonic)
Hazbin Hotel:
Alastor Altruist
Lucifer Magne
Angel Dust
Sir Pentious
Helluva Boss:
Barbie Wire
Cult of the Lamb:
Micheal Myers
Micheal Myers(RZ)
Jason Vorhees
Freddy Krueger
Charles Lee Ray
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Billy + Stu
Billy Lenz
Bubba Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
Leslie Vernon
Hannibal Lecter
Asa Emory
Nubbins Sawyer
Chop-Top Sawyer
Bo(Bauregard lol) Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
What I will do:
One Shots
Incorrect Quotes
Smut (in some cases)
What I will not do:
Smut (in underage characters or asexual characters)
Trans (Either character or reader. My reasoning for this is that I know noone who is trans and I have no experience with it, I don't want to offend anyone if I accidently use a harmful stereotype or wrong information.)
S/A (I have had trauma from S/A so please forgive me for not wanting to write about it even out of context)
(Intense) Yandere
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Make Yandere headcannons for 2003 Raph
Sure, sorry for the long wait, still really new to the 2003 turtles (Can I just say I really like how they depicted Baxter in this variation?)
If things are OOC, I am sorry. Aged up as usual.
Yandere! 2003! Raphael Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Stalking, Jealousy mention, Murder mention, Manipulation implied, Obsession, Violence, Protective behavior.
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2003 Raphael seems like he'd be different from his counterparts.
He isn't mellow like 2018 Raphael.
But he seems more mature with his anger than 2012 Raphael.
He's his own turtle but in terms of anger he's similar to 2007 or 2014 Raphael.
This Raphael still loves the fight, he just wouldn't be too sadistic like how I write 2012 at times.
He's actually scared to be angry at times in fear of hurting those he loves.
As a result he's more mature and can control his anger better.
He's caring and concerned at times, even loyal to those he cares about.
He can be impulsive and sarcastic at times, however.
"I just... don't want to hurt you, alright, darling?"
This Raphael would try to control his anger around his darling in order to have you trust him.
Compared to any Raphael other than 1987 and 2018, that's quite an improvement.
This Raphael can dish it out just enough anger to defend you or when he's jealous.
Speaking of jealousy, compared to other incarnations he can hide it well.
It bubbles out more as him being grumpy or moody before becoming completely violent.
"I don't like them, alright!?"
Raphael in this version would not hurt his darling intentionally.
He's certainly more aware of his anger and what it can do.
As with most turtle incarnations, if not all, Raphael would stalk his darling.
He's not going to record everything about you (Donatello) or be obsessive about your safety (Leonardo)...
He's also not all that clingy (Michelangelo).
He just likes to know about you enough to spark conversation and just... be near you.
If he ever did get angry around you, he's apologizing profusely in case he hurt you.
He doesn't care as much if he hurt someone he's jealous about being near you.
He only apologizes because you make him-
"Fine, fine... I'm sorry! ... don't have me catch you around (Y/N) again, dirtbag."
If anyone threatens his obsession, they're hunted.
He knows his way around the streets, he's impulsive, and he's concerned for his obsession's safety enough to kick someone's shell.
He's a no-nonsense kind of person.
If his darling put up resistance against his affection, Raphael's shutting it down in the least violent way he can manage.
"Hey... I'm just trying to show I care for you!"
In terms of if he'd murder for his darling, only if he has to.
Jealousy would drive him to beat someone up but usually not murder them.
Unless he gets a bit too into it.
Usually murder would be if your life is in danger.
The first time it is, at least...
It gets easier after the first time.
Kidnapping does not come easily.
He's impulsive but not when it comes to kidnapping.
He prefers being a... guardian to his darling more than anything.
He likes to hide in the shadows and watch you, pouncing on anyone he sees as a threat.
He believes he can protect you from your home or his.
Plus, he feels he's strong enough to intimidate many different foes.
Luckily, with this Raph you may not have to deal with kidnapping unless your safety is threatened in any way.
"I'll protect you. That's what anyone should do for family, that's what Leo says atleast...."
In terms of affection, Raphael is willing to give/take.
He isn't as affectionate as the 2003 incarnations of his brothers, yet he enjoys it.
He acts like he's reluctant when you hug him or lay beside him...
He quickly isn't.
He even looks like he's enjoying himself when he feels you run your fingers across his skin and shell.
He gets defensive if anyone sees him so vulnerable other than you.
If the companionship between you is more forced, he'll be the one doing the affection.
He seems a bit hesitant but he'll still hug you and nuzzle into your hair.
"This isn't so bad...."
The best part about this Raph is certainly his more mature way of dealing with anger.
He's mature and tries to not allow you to be harmed because of him lashing out.
He hopes this means you'll feel mutual about him if he displays his care for you.
Even if it doesn't come easy to him... he's still not used to the lovey dovey kind of stuff.
Overall, this Raphael would be significantly more concerned about how his anger affects the relationship between you...
This does not mean he isn't a monster behind the scenes, unfortunately.
"Look, he needed that beatdown, I promise. I was just looking out for you!"
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valentinehorrors · 5 months
*squishes ur mikey*
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"You interrupted my dinner"
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trashlama · 1 year
Wazzzup my fellow heathens! I'm back with some rough draft/color sketches for the A Team Vs. B Team group drawing I got goin' on. These are just some sketches I drew so I could practice the color palette. The lighting in my room did not allow me to really show off the dimensions of color. Especially in Raph. Damn Camera. Sooo I just took the pictures again with a flash. Hopefully that helps. Anyways—
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Thank you for lookin'!
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enb-y · 2 years
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hi, I’m kitty (cat is also fine!) and I take requests feel free to ask questions regarding to the rules or to simply drop in!
➣ I take requests for some of TMNT. I’m trying to catch up once again, it’s been a very long time since I’ve been here, not only that, there’s a possible chance of the characters being out of character, I’m still trying to get used to their personalities.
➣ your request may or may not be published as quickly as I would like, I do get writers block far too easily (more like burned out), but I would never ignore your request, It’s either I’m trying to get to it as fast as I can or it’s going through editing, or I’m possibly writing it already, I also like to take my time on requests. (I may be working on someone else’s.)
I’m also busy with my personal life, you know.
➣ denying requests isn’t really my thing, only if it had offended me in some way, however i don’t deny them or if you didn’t read my rules throughly.
➣ I will be writing for rise tmnt, 2012 tmnt, 2007 tmnt, 2014 / 16 tmnt. I’ll try to rewatch the 2003 tmnt, I’ll just need to make room for it.
rise teenage mutant ninja turtles.
⤷ leonardo, raphael, donatello, michelangelo, april o’neil, cassandra jones, casey jr jones.
2012 teenage mutant ninja turtles.
⤷ leonardo, raphael, donatello, michelangelo, karai, casey jones.
2007 teenage mutant ninja turtles.
⤷ leonardo, raphael, donatello, michelangelo.
bayverse teenage mutant ninja turtles.
⤷ leonardo, raphael, donatello, michelangelo.
➣ I will not be writing nsfw, non-con, abusive relationships (canon characters and reader), sexual harassment, cheating, yandere, self harm, eating disorders, pedophila, incest / tcest.
I’m normally cool with writing polyamorous relationships, however I will not be writing it for tmnt. I’m sorry. (except cassandra x reader x april. It’s the only one I’ll accept as of now.)
➣ sfw is fine, platonic / romantic, fluff, angst, hurt / comfort are also fine. anything is fine as long it’s not sexual (or anything I had listed above.). lgbtq is acceptable on this blog.
➣ I only take x reader requests, I don’t write ships or oc.
➣ I will be writing for female, male, genderneutral readers. please let me know what pronouns you want the reader to be, if not mentioned I will label it as genderneutral. (pronouns are likely not to be mentioned).
➣ headcanon, scenario, oneshot, drabble.
➣ please inform me if you want your request to be platonic or romantic, it’ll be a lot of help, because however you requested I could possibly turn it into something romantic—maybe platonic, depending how I see it, I don’t want to mess up anyone’s request.
➣ when you request for a character please tell me which version of the tmnt you want or I won’t be able to write it for you.
headcanons are the only thing I will mix up the tmnt versions, separately, mostly, however if it’s requested differently.
[example : can I request a oneshot where the rise tmnt meet the 2012 version? I’m sorry if this sounded confusing. but it’s acceptable.]
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the name is fake, I just like cats.
© ENB-Y 2022 please do not steal, copy or publish my works on other platforms without permission.
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