#yandere Jotaro Kujo
thornybubbles · 8 months
Fourth Wall (JJBA Yandere Scenario)
Scenario: Recently, you’ve moved on from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure to a different anime series and fandom. You realize that this was a terrible mistake.
Note: This is based on a prompt I saw on Tumblr ages ago. I just expanded on it a bit. 
Warnings: Typical Yandere behavior, threats, abusive behavior, possible harm towards reader, mental distress, anti-comfort. Remember that you alone are responsible for what you read. 
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Changing fandoms wasn’t that unusual for you. You would find a new anime, fall in love with it, then it became your new hyperfixation. After a while, the process would repeat. This is what happened with you and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. It wasn’t that you didn’t like the series anymore, you just moved on to a new anime/manga. Still…it felt different this time. You weren’t sure why, but ever since you moved on to your new favorite series, you had this unexplainable feeling of guilt wash over you every time you watched an episode of your new favorite anime or read the latest chapter of the manga. Stranger still, there was an underlying feeling of dread as well. 
As many times as you’d changed fandoms, you’d never experienced such feelings before. It was uncomfortable and you wished that you could move on to your new obsession without any strings attached. It was ridiculous, really. Why should you feel guilty about a change of taste? You weren’t hurting anything. No one would be affected by it. And yet, you still felt unnecessary shame over changing fandoms. You guessed it had something to do with the lingering attachment you had for certain characters from various parts throughout the series. It almost felt like you were leaving them behind somehow. Another silly notion. They were fictional characters and did not exist outside of the world within JoJo. They had no knowledge of you, much less having knowledge of your “betrayal”. You decided that it was stupid to dwell on it and dived headfirst into your new favorite series. That guilty feeling would surely fade after a while. 
You got the perfect opportunity to binge your new favorite anime one day. It was one of those days when you were fortunate enough to have nothing to do. All of your responsibilities had been dealt with and you had no plans other than to sit on your ass and watch your new favorite show until bedtime. Sure, you could go out with friends, but you really just wanted to chill by yourself for the day. So anime binge party it was. You made a comfy nest of blankets and pillows on the couch and set up your laptop on the coffee table. You got some snacks and a drink, made yourself comfortable on the couch, and pressed play on the screen. You relaxed into the softness of your pillows and blankets and immersed yourself in another world for a few hours. 
About ten episodes in, you had to go to the bathroom very badly. All of that soda you’d drunk was taking its toll on your bladder. You paused the video, untangled yourself from your blankets, and stiffly power-walked to the bathroom. Once you relieved yourself, you washed your hands and went back into the living room. You snuggled back into your blanket burrito and reached over to start the video, but something wasn’t right. On the screen wasn’t the anime you’d been watching. It was the first episode of Phantom Blood. 
Did you accidently click the wrong thing in your haste to pause the video and rush to the bathroom? 
That had to be it. 
It was the only thing that made sense. 
You clicked off of the JoJo episode and went back to the previous page which took you back to the episode of the new anime you’d been watching. You found the place in the episode that you left off on and pressed play. You settled back in your comfy nest and watched the rest of the episode. You watched for another hour or so. During the opening of one of the episodes, you suddenly found yourself watching the opening for an episode of Battle Tendency. You sat up straight and stared at the screen in shock and confusion. 
“What the fuck?” you muttered under your breath. 
You refreshed the page and the episode started properly. That’s the second time your video was suddenly changed to an episode of JoJo. The first time you assumed that it was because of an accidental click but now you weren’t so sure. You hadn’t been touching anything when it happened the second time. All you were doing was staring at the screen when the switch happened. Why did it keep happening? Some kind of glitch with the streaming service? You didn’t know, but it was a bit annoying. You hoped that wouldn’t be a constant thing while you were trying to watch your show. 
The rest of the day went by without further incident. Eventually, you noticed that it had grown dark and you decided that your day of doing absolutely nothing needed to come to a close. You closed your laptop and reluctantly pried yourself off of the couch. As much as you wanted to just lay there in your blanket nest, you knew that you’d get a much better sleep in your bed. So you hobbled off to your room; your mind on nothing but getting a decent night’s sleep. 
You woke up a few hours later with a dried out mouth and an aching throat. You swallowed a few times, wincing at the sandpapery feeling of your tongue against the inside of your mouth. Well that’s what you get for sleeping with your mouth wide open. You flung the covers off of you grumpily and climbed out of bed. You stumbled into the kitchen, not daring to turn the light on and submit your sleep sensitive eyes to an onslaught of painful luminosity. You made your way over to the counter, grabbed a glass, and staggered over to the sink. As you were filling the glass you suddenly had the feeling that something wasn’t quite right. You assumed that it was your sleep fogged brain at work. After all, part of the reason you woke up was because you were having a disturbing dream. You tried to remember what the dream was about, but you couldn’t piece the memories together to get a full picture. You just remembered being in a place that made you uncomfortable and meeting someone that was familiar to you, but their presence frightened you. You just couldn’t remember the details. It kinda made you want to stay awake for the rest of the night but you decided against that. You knew you’d feel like shit the next day if you didn’t get back to sleep. There was nothing worse than waking up with a splitting headache due to lack of proper rest. You downed the glass of water and put the empty glass in the sink. 
You suddenly became aware of a strange odor in the air. What was that smell? Smoke? God, was something burning?! You took another sniff of the air and recognized the smell as specifically cigarette smoke. Okay, so that meant that your house wasn’t burning down. That was good news, but why would you be smelling cigarette smoke? The only way you would be smelling cigarette smoke is if it were coming from in the same room as you…
You heard the sound of rustling fabric from somewhere behind you. You spun around and immediately spotted the outline of someone sitting at your kitchen table. You could also make out the small glow of a lit cigarette sticking out of their mouth. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you could make out some details of the figure. They were large, broad shouldered, and wore a long white coat, and on their head rested an oddly shaped hat. In the miniscule amount of light in the room you could make out the glint of gold accessories on both their hat and coat. 
“No way…” you gasped in a quiet voice. “No way in hell…” 
The figure lit a lighter and held it to the wick of the candle that was located in the middle of the table. Once the candle was lit fully, you could see the figure better. It was as you expected, Jotaro as he appeared in part four was sitting at your kitchen table, glaring at you as if you were less than dogshit. 
“You recognize me?” he scoffed and took another drag from his cigarette. “I’m surprised. I thought you forgot all about me… about us….” 
You backed up against the counter, unable to believe what you were seeing and hearing. 
Jotaro glanced down at the cigarette in his hand. He held it up in front of him. 
“This is your fault, you know.” he sneered. “I quit smoking, but after you abandoned us, I started the habit again. I’ve been tolerant so far because I was stupid enough to think that you’d come back eventually. Maybe you were just taking a break and you’d come back when you were bored… that was my stupidity. I’ll own up to that. But when I realized that you’d thrown us aside like trash, well, I got pissed. I guess I took up smoking again just to stay sane…” 
You were so appalled at the fictional character seated at your table that you hadn’t been paying much attention to what he was saying. Slowly the words began to filter into your mind and of everything he said, one thing stood out the most…
He said “us”. He said that you had abandoned “us”...
That’s when you became aware of the other figures lined up behind Jotaro. 
You could make out their shapes and features in the candlelight. Jonathan stood there looking as utterly brokenhearted as a man could be. Joseph had a smug grin on his face as if he’d just caught you committing a crime. Josuke’s face was contorted in a vicious snarl while his fists were clenched by his sides. Ever so often his left eye would twitch indicating that he may be on the verge of a psychotic break. Giorno offered you a placid smile that was off putting when set against the coldness of his eyes. 
Your eyes darted nervously from one face to another before finally settling back on Jotaro’s. It was too much. You pushed away from the counter and ran out of the kitchen. A voice that probably belonged to Jonathan called out for you to stop but you paid it no attention. Luckily the kitchen was right next to the front door. Once you were outside, you could run to the neighbor’s house and get them to call the police. You wouldn’t dare tell them the truth. What would you even say? You couldn’t tell them that five fictional characters from an anime had invaded your house. They’d think you were on something. You would just tell them that someone had broken into your house. That’s all. Honestly, you didn’t know what the hell the police could do against them, but you didn’t know what else to do. You reached the front door but your hand froze just as you were about to unlock the door and yank it open. 
Two people were staring down at you from the window in the front door, two people you recognized. Kars looked down his nose at you with a haughty expression. He looked ever so much like a strict parent that had just caught his kid trying to sneak out of the house. DIO on the other hand had the most sadistic smile on his face. He made a “come-hither” gesture with his clawed hand as if he fully expected you to just open the door and throw yourself at him. Their eyes glowed with a hellish light and you couldn’t take the sight of them. You screamed and backed away from the door. As you stepped back, you saw two other familiar faces staring at you from the windows on either side of the door. Doppio had one hand pressed against the glass while the other hand held a rock from the garden to his ear as if it were a cell phone. One of his eyes had changed to a jade green color and glared at you with intense rage. His other, normal eye had a pitiful, disappointed look in it. From the other window Kira stared at you with an utterly emotionless expression. You didn’t dare speculate on what kind of thoughts could be going through his head at that moment. You screamed again and started to turn and run towards the back door…
“Star Platinum!” 
Suddenly you were held tight in an iron like hold. An invisible hand covered your mouth preventing you from screaming anymore. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that you were being held in place by Jotaro’s Stand. Struggling in Star Platinum’s grip was useless so you just hung there in midair as Jotaro approached you. 
“We weren’t done talking.” he snapped. 
He leaned in slightly and you got a whiff of cigarette smoke mixed with cologne. 
“Now you listen and you listen good,” he started to say. He held up a single finger.
“One. Just one more chance. That’s all you get. Come back to us and there won’t be a problem. Leave us again and it will get ugly.” he said, glancing up at the villains peering through the windows. His upper lip curled in disgust when he locked eyes with DIO and Kira, but only for a moment before his eyes were back on you. 
“Is that understood?” he asked. 
You nodded your head, whimpering behind Star Platinum’s invisible palm. 
You don’t know what happened after that. You just woke up in your bed with a pounding headache. 
“Fuck…” you groaned, pressing your hands to your temples. 
You felt awful. You could only guess that you just simply didn’t sleep very well. Damn nightmares. What was with that dream? Was it all because you felt guilty about leaving the JoJo fandom? You grumbled and rolled out of bed. You were going to need to take something for that headache. First you needed to get a glass of water. You stumbled off to the kitchen getting an uncomfortable feeling of deja vu. The moment you entered the kitchen, your eyes glanced to the kitchen table and you nearly fainted. 
The candle was out, but it was smoking as if it had only been put out mere moments ago. The cigarette butt that rested on the saucer that had been used as a makeshift ashtray was also still smoking. 
That night you made it a point to sit down and watch a few episodes of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure starting with Phantom Blood. You planned to rewatch the entire series from the very beginning all the way to Stone Ocean. With each episode you watched, you noticed that ever so often a character’s eyes would slide over towards you as if making sure you were still there, watching them. Sometimes it would be one of the main characters. Sometimes it would be one of the villains. Sometimes it would be a side character. Regardless, they all kept checking to see if you were watching. Every day, you would make it a point to watch at least one episode of JoJo, no matter what. You didn’t dare skip out on your daily dose of JoJo. You also never went back to the other anime you’d been watching after you left the JoJo fandom. No, you learned your lesson. You were familiar enough with Jotaro’s character to know that he only gave people one chance and no more. Just like with Rubber Soul and Steely Dan. He gave them both a chance to leave mostly unscathed but they both decided to turn on him at the last minute. They both were punished severely. You weren’t going to make that same mistake. 
So you sat there on the couch, stiff and terrified as you watched your “favorite” anime… 
… like a good little fan should…
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What would the joestars (part 1-9) reactions to their darling (gender neutral) skirt getting lifted/flinged up by a kid?
( I got inspired from that one scene from frieren where a boy lifts up her skirt...and i personally wanna see the yandere joestars reactions lol.)
There’s the resounding thought of “is it wrong to beat up a child?” going through the Joestar’s heads.
Yandere! Jonathan Joestar
He’s fast enough to pick up whatever kid did this to his poor darling. No amount of smacking and thrashing will make him let go until they apologize, and Jonathan is pretty upset and makes it clear never to do it again. He appears to almost be a very stern parent talking to them, but there’s just a little bit of an intimidating aura behind it that it scares the kid off. Not to mention his large muscular stature helps fend them off as well.
He’ll probably walk you home after and make sure the kid doesn’t try jumping you (He knows how petty an angered person can be sometimes).
Yandere! Joseph Joestar
He can play petty, and he’s not going to let some snot nosed brat just upskirt his darling like that. (that’s a view he’s only allowed to have) The kid doesn’t get far at all, and probably even trips with whatever hamon trick Joseph decides to play off. He flicks the kids nose, maybe even pinches it.
“Cheeky little….you think you’re clever, but you’re not getting far with me, go home already”
He’s absolutely petty enough to give the kid a shaken up soda, and have it explode all over him later, (and maybe pants him, himself at some point). He’ll deny it later when you bring it up
Yandere! Jotaro Kujo
Under normal circumstances he’d be pissed, but being obsessive puts that anger through the roof. Star Platinum grabs the kid by the collar, and pulls them backwards. His stare is cold as ice, there’s zero patience in his voice as he also trips the kid with his stand by the feet. “How about you run home before something that you don’t like happens punk” is about the most restrained Jotaro can be at this point. He’s definitely tempted to punt the brat into the sun
The kid likely has a bloody nose, freaks out and books it out of there in a blink of an eye terrified. Alternatively there’s a chance Jotaro catches the kid early with a little use of his time stop, and smacks the kid in the back of the head with his hand. (Nothing concussion worthy) but it still sends the perpetrator packing.
Yandere! Josuke Higashikata (P4)
It irritates him almost instantly as insulting his hair, he’s on a similar level as Joseph when it comes to these things and the kid is going to have something not quite looking right after the use of Crazy Diamond. Who knows how the kid ended up in a fountain later, it totally wasn’t him! There might be a few other embarrassing stints and the kid eventually never walks your or his way ever again.
Yandere! Giorno Giovanna
His reaction would be interesting here, there’s a weird mix of calmness and pettiness wrapped into one. Firstly the blonde likely manages to pickpocket the kid right off the cuff. Tells the kid he forgot something while waving a wallet or a small amount of money around. Giorno has an obviously fake smile on his face, talks to the kid for a moment or two out of your earshot, perhaps you see an ear pinch out of your peripheral vision.
Though a scream erupts shortly after and the kid is running off slapping insects off themselves.
Yandere! Jolyne Kujo
She’s not the type to take stupid crap like upskirting happening to you (much like her father). The kid almost instantly gets caught by stone free, tripping him up. “What do you think you’re doing kid?” She’ll be asking them if they think their age is a get out of jail free card for acting like a brat. Jolyne will absolutely clever enough to make it look like she’s a sibling of this kid while giving him a taste of their own medicine.
Since they likely cant see stone free, the kid keeps tripping over and over. She might keep him still enough for a few birds to come over and do their business. Maybe hold their mouth open a bit, and suggests not telling anyone about this unless they want their parents to know them as the town pervert.
Yandere! Johnny Joestar
He’d pretend to almost not even notice this kids antics, but the kid quickly gets tripped up by spin. If there is any objects around they would just happen to trip into them. “Not sure what you’re trying to pull there, but it’s not a smart idea to pull that stunt to someone I like” Johnny tells them bluntly. This kid probably ends up “falling” again in mud or another unsavory mix from horses. He just gives the kid a cold stare and gestures them to leave for their own safety.
Yandere! Josuke Higashikata (Gappy) Part 8
There’s some soft humming as he goes to stop the kid who decided to upskirt you. There’s a dark look in his eyes as he grips the kid’s wrist firmly. He makes it clear he’s upset, and likely embarrasses the kid by messing with their hair, making it an obnoxiously ugly style or generally dumping something on them. With the bonus of the kid walking into a pole before rushing off, ( all of that may or may have not had to do with Soft & Wet)
Yandere! Jodio Joestar
There’s really no going back when you mess with his darling. Anything he does to this kid, he doesn’t regret in the slightest. “Want to see my sense of humor?” He’ll probably ask almost mockingly. He asks how’s the weather to kid, and casually uses November Rain on them. If he has food or a drink he doesn’t hesitate to dump it on the kid either. “I don’t think I want a sorry honestly….seems too…insincere for what you did” he shrugs.
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ophelian-darling · 1 year
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𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬.
𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashikata, Giorno Giovanna and Jolyne Cujoh - gn reader.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : There's more than a way to say I love you, yet there are many too ways to say I hate you.
TW : Obsession, delusional thoughts, verbal abuse.
enjoy ♡
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𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫:
♡ : Thank you for everything you do for me, JoJo.
It fills him with blessing to know how much his words and actions are something with great meaning in your eyes. Faithful servant when in love- except that everything he does sources from the warmest atoms of his soul and from the deepest corners of his heart. Jonathan fights the world to see you happy, and rests with a smile when he earns the slightest curve of your lips; to him, it's the ultimate gift he can ever receive- your Love.
- You mean nothing to me.
Tears- everything that would wash him with agony strikes at once. the sensation of tearing the flesh of a heart open accompanies your words; deeply cutting and painful, causing all of his insecurities to float : Am I being useless again darling? Am I being a burden? Have you grown tired of me? He can't help it when he sheds these tears: He had lost all of your affection and care. the only source of warmth he had, now doused in the cruelest way possible. 
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𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐉𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 :
♡ : I like you , you're awesome!
Just imagine it, that ghost of a blush coffined beneath a confident smirk and a glinting wink! Joseph catches a love fever once you state that his presence around you is enjoyable. He feels that he already aimed at the moon by gaining your trust and company- it meant that you were besotted with him in return, regardless of whatever you said about considering him as a mere brother or a dear friend. JoJo sees the colors of your eyes soften as you say so, it is surely, undoubtedly love!
- We're done.
a swift of a cut that it doesn't elicit any pain at first, then it's repeated again, slightly stinging, then it rolls down your tongue, fully sinking in his soul. How could you?! Was the thing in the middle of your chest a hard stone to not see or feel a fraction of his love towards you?! a heavy realization of being used falls on his head like a heavy anvil: the blood in his veins floats just right under his skin, painting anger as red, yet the pale dread underneath can't be helped. Why? He would scream at you, but the reasons were nothing of an importance, you just toyed harshly with his feelings. 
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𝐉𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐊𝐮𝐣𝐨 :
♡ : I'm always by your side. 
It ignites a pleasant warmth within his heart and shines through his eyes; it confesses his undying love and loyalty for you, regardless of whatever mean words he utter. No force on earth can banish him from you: From the depths of Inferno to the ends of earth and above in the heavens, He would remain with you forever, his lineaments engraved under your eyelids and in the darkest curtains of your vision. JoJo doesn't show it, but he's on cloud nine to know that you're staying as well- that he finally earned your love. 
- Nobody loves you, not even me.
He's already aware. Half of people fear him, the other hates him, and there were you, probably feeling something negative swirl inside you towards him, now confirming it with each spiteful letter you let out. Couldn't you just shut the fuck up and swallow it instead of saying it out loud? He spits, the words of you reiterating louder and louder in his mind that now he can't unhear. You've just ruined everything for him, he had peacefully thought that everything went well, that your protests and complaints were just a childish fit- but now, it's all so grotesquely real: you truly hated him, and for the first time ever, he has no idea what he should do. 
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𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐚 :
♡ : You're cute! I like your hair!
Nobody can stop him, the boy with a heart of diamond and eyes of warm seas! Everything in his eyes glints with beauty; especially you: everything about you is a well crafted detail, say your eyes, your smile or the contours of your face. The subject of his daydreams- they were made of spring rain drops and cotton candy, the enchanting human whom he had a silly intense crush on called him cute! Was there even a better time to be alive? to be praised by someone you adored was the epitome of being coddled beyond any wishes of a young man madly in love!
- Look at you, pathetic and ugly.
It's all that he can think of as a response. Your words take a slow effect on him; as if he was trying to process it in another different light, in a gentle way that didn't convey the clear in them. At first, He's at sixes and sevens for a few minutes: people who are in love together were supposed to have each other's back, to boost each other's confidence and accept them whatever and whoever they were- so why were you saying this to him now? obviously it wasn't a joke, your voice was too cold to warm the words into a playful comment, he would have accepted them if you were just a tad above expressful, not a doll that just stares back eerily. He should be angry, but it just melts in tears, all of his hidden insecurities emerge into existence, and not even Crazy Diamond is able to fix the shatters of his heart. 
𝐆𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐨 𝐆𝐢𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 :
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♡ : You mean the world to me.
Galatea to Pygmalion, Juliet to Romeo, Layla to Qays- You to Giorno. Romanticism wasn't something he was versed in, but in a blink of an eye, the world fell into a pink blur, filling everything with such amour a human never had in a little heart. GioGio ponders to himself that you were an Angel, a poor pure plumed creature that tripped and fell into the land of the stained; worth to be kept in a vitrine till the sun burns away. The smile that dances on his lips when he hears your gratitude, the joy he feels when his efforts of shielding you are finally noticed by you equate the flow of sweetness he tasted for the first time he saw you: Love.
- You're a monster. 
The gray flicker in his eyes blends with the greens of his irises; it doesn't reflect on your face that you just hurt him, while having the audacity to brand him as a monster. His patience contained all of your attitudes, he bottled up every evil word you threw at him and continued to offer more than he should for the sake of winning back some or little of your affection, but to no avail. The mayhem under his skin is concealed by force, consuming whatever left of his patience as he makes you toe the line. You're selfish- you always were, yet he can't help his love for you. 
𝐉𝐨𝐥𝐲𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐣𝐨𝐡 :
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♡ : Good Girl! 
Valentine, Friends and dates- High school sweethearts and kisses! Her world is a ridiculously colored picture of a sunny day; her imagination paints a world where she is with you and nothing could ever go wrong. How much would she offer to just touch the tips of your fingers with her hands? nothing less than what she is able to count! JoJo wanders around you in the excitement of a puppy around its master, waiting for a treat or a word of praise for pleasing them. She wants you to say it again, over and over again, to no end! A Good girl was a girl in Love! 
- How annoying you are. 
She had heard someone she loved before say this, but who were they? 
Remorse falls heavily on her like a dark curtain- She'd just ruined the best thing she ever had in life. She blames herself for being too clingy, too needy and too desperate- she carries the shame and burden like weights on her shoulders, staggering as the remains of her confidence seep through the fractures. Your sweet words and praises were brightening her existence; was she to be something if you didn't adore her? The talkative, open and daring Jolyne is now nothing but a silent, gloomy and wounded little girl, asking for a little of love and receiving none no matter how much she gave. 
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Clinically Jealous
Your two lovers have a slight problem ♪°
Yandere-ish jotaro x reader x yandere-ish kakyoin
Warnings: mentions of very light threat and violence. Slight yandere behavior? Very Cringe old writing, out of character. Very cringe.
Relationship: romantic.
This has been rotting in my notesapp for a good while now.
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"What is wrong with you!?" You shout.
"You... You merciless beast! I will take revenge on you!" You dramatically cry out as you pick up the pillow Kakyoin had thrown at your face.
"Ho? Let's see you try." Kakyoin says with a smirk as he picks up two pillows that were behind him.
"Come at me as much as you'd like!-"
The next few moments were filled with squealing and laughter as you both throw pillows at each other. Running around the bed you were sure you both could've broken it but you two were having too much fun to care.
The door opens with a grunt following a small 'good grief' could be heard. You and Kakyoin both stop and look at Jotaro who pulled his hat down as he closed the door behind him.
"Wanna join?" Your question was met with an immediate "no."
Kakyoin grins and throws a pillow directly at Jotaro's face, but Jotaro caught the pillow before it could land on him but he couldn't dodge the one that was sent by you immediately after Kakyoin's. In his defense, how could he? When he's so relaxed and off guard around two of one of the most important people in his life? He doesn't need the feel to be cautious of anything. At least not now...
Kakyoin couldn't be any more happier. This feeling of contentment was something he so desperately searched for, with you and Jotaro filling the hole in his heart. He would never, ever, let any of you two go. The moment the anguishing ache of loneliness settles in again is the moment he'll lose his mind.
A proud laugh escaped your mouth followed by kakyoin's chuckling. Jotaro grunted with an unamused expression but let out a small smile as he picked up the pillow you had thrown at him, his hat blocking his face as he bent over to do so. He walked towards you both, a pillow in both his hands with a slight smug look that said he was going to indulge in the pillow fight for a bit. But he wasn't going to hold back...
Out of panic both you and kakyoin started fighting against Jotaro for the sake of both your lives now.
~ ~ ~
You sighed as you sat down between the two men on the bed. Jotaro on your right side and Kakyoin on your left, being sandwiched between two men was quite... The golden experience. Especially if those two men rarely ever showed their bare physique. Kakyoin was in a whole ass pajama but it was relatively thinner than his uniform frabic so you could see more of the outline and curves of his body a bit more clearly. And jotaro was in a damn tank top (plus he finally put down his hat). Almost not being able to take your eyes off of his bare arms, especially since it wasn't everyday you'd get to see someone as buff and chiseled as him this close. Focusing on every vein that bulged out of the back of his hands and forear- you should sleep. You swore you could've almost heard them holding in their laughs.
Of course, you three wouldn't forget the small ritual you would all do when all three of you were in a bed together. You giving them good night kisses that would sometimes be a little too passionate that would sometimes turn into full blown make out sessions that would probably last half an hour- but it never escalated anything above that. Besides it does a great job making you all fall asleep a little faster.
Intertwining your fingers with Kakyoins, he always wanted to be in contact with you one way or another. And while Jotaro insists he doesn't need it, he doesn't try to stop or pull away from you once as you wrap your hand around his. Indulging in Kakyoin's physical wants and needs doesn't stop him from "accidentally" Brushing or placing his hand on certain parts of your body though. (He'll stop if you express your discomfort and will apologize like a million times.)
As you close your eyes, feeling relaxed and comforted by the darkness and the warmth of your two lovers. A small frown attended Kakyoin's face as he exchanged a quick knowing glance at Jotaro who nodded slightly.
"Reader..." Kakyoin called out.
You opened your eyes and let out a hum. Almost simultaneously both Kakyoin and Jotaro got closer to you, inching their bodies towards yours as kakyoin gripped tighter on your hand and Jotaro wrapped his arm right under your chest at your ribcage as he held on firmly onto your left arm as to keep you in place.
"Me and Jotaro have been wanting to discuss about something.. To you." Kakyoin said in a soft voice although there was a bitter undertone in it.
"It's about that friend of yours." A deeper voice you knew as your boyfriend and the person on your left said. Jotaro's voice becoming slightly harsher and cold at the emphasis 'friend'.
All the comfort and relaxation in your body had been thrown out the window, feeling extremely uncomfortable and confused as your heart now pounded against your chest heavily. As if they sensed the fear in you, Kakyoin cut you off as soon as you opened your mouth to say something.
"We won't hurt you or anything, cherry." He says in a soothing tone that would've comforted you if it weren't for the situation you were in right now as he softly caresses your cheeks with his fingers. "Swear we won't lay a bad finger on you.." His voice hushed as he tried to 'reassure' you. It didn't make you feel any better in the slightest, really.
"You know that, Right?" Jotaro asked in an almost threatening tone as his fingers gripped on the side of your face, squishing your cheeks ever so slightly. You quickly nodded.
"Good." With that he let go. Your fear definitely did not subside.
"Now we got that out of the way, I think you should stop seeing them... For a while until or unless they fix their behavior around you. Or... You can let us take care of it." Kakyoin says. Your eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion but then the realisation of what they were talking about hit you.
Of course that one friend who always seemed to laugh a little harder around you. Kakyoin suppressing showing any expression of annoyance but sending occasional glares whenever your back was turned. Even an idiot could tell Jotaro was annoyed and irked just by glancing at his face once.
That one friend who seemed to always brush their hands or arms against yours. Or hugged you a second or two longer than they should've. A clear frown on Kakyoin's face as he clenched his fist while watching the scene. Jotaro's eyes devoid of any indication of being okay with the interaction. For a man of a few words, he was sure good at speaking (anger) through his eyes.
That one friend who always seemed to want to hang with you way too much. Almost every day. Jotaro and Kakyoin pretending it doesn't piss them the hell off when almost everytime you guys are together and you keep getting texts from your friend just for the sake of not wanting to make it apparent they're jealous and irritated. But lately it's been getting harder.
That one friend who seemed to compliment you way too much, way too happy and eager to be around you. There was no mistaking it set both of your lovers off. Upset with the whole relationship dynamic with this 'friend'. Let's be honest here, are you sure they see you as just a friend? If you knew then... You would tell your friend off, right? You would consult Kakyoin and Jotaro about it, right? You wouldn't keep or hide anything away from them... Right?
"They're too damn touchy with you." Jotaro's voice snaps you out of your train of thoughts. "It's annoying as hell." He added, his voice deepening as he did so.
"I... I'm sure they didn't mean anything by it! They're just touchy like that! I'll tell them to stop" You reply and hope they'd be a little more understanding... Although it shows that it doesn't actually help in the slighest.
"See now, it doesn't matter if they're naturally touchy or they didn't mean anything by it." Jotaro's face gets a little closer to yours.
"We fuckin' hate it. And we want it to stop." His voice getting deeper as he continues speaking.
"You wouldn't like it if we let another girl keep touching us, right?" After a few seconds you slowly nodded. I guess it was reasonable enough...
"Good, we knew you'd understand." You feel Jotaro's hand softly caress your hair. "You'd always listen to us because we're your boyfriends and we want the best for you. Don't forget that, there are people out there to harm you and it would kill us if we let them hurt you. Please understand." Kakyoin pleaded softly, something about his tone... It felt so... Odd...
Your hands gripped on the bedsheets to try to calm your nerves down. You controlled your breathing and you felt the panic in you slowly die down. You closed your eyes, hoping this was all a horrible sick dream that you don't ever wanna experience again....
You open your eyes to see the bright orange sunlight flooding in the room, you turn your head slightly. Kakyoin on your left and Jotaro on your right, their faces as innocent as ever... You sigh softly, what a nightmare. You sat up carefully and went over to the edge of the bed, your feet made contact with the ground and you were about to get up.
"Reader?" Startled, you looked back, this unfamiliar gut wrenching feeling in your stomach forming itself deep in your gut when you saw your lovers awake. Almost as if they weren't really asleep the entire time.
"Where are you going?"
"The- the bathroom..."
"..." An eerie silence filled the room for a second.
"This better not change anything between us, alright?" You felt the churning in your stomach manifold and you grip the edge of the bed when you felt like needles were prickling the inside of your throat and your eyes starting to burn. It wasn't a dream. Dammit...
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azulsluver · 24 days
Obsessed with your Josuke fic, you wrote him so beautifully. I’m curious as to your interpretation on Jotaro with his darling, especially part 3-4 Jotaro and Star Platinum if you would pretty please! Is the stand-off-ish brute of a man as soft or weird, maybe Star Platinum shows his true intentions if he wouldn’t.
Thank you for taking the time to write this, hoping to see more in the future <3
I’m not sure who to feel bad for. Jotaro in part 3 is much more entertaining if you like getting your feelings hurt or misunderstood. Jotaro is still new to these types of things, give him time.
Quick tw/cw: yandere, stalking, slight dubcon touching, breaking legs once again
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Being the apple of Jotaro’s eye makes you the safest yet overbearing object of his obsession. If you knew him before his journey to Egypt you could kiss your privacy goodbye. He won’t show it, but there would be signs, Jotaro tends to seek for your approval. A good or bad thing, it’s up to you to make a good impression, helps him decide whether taking you now or later is a good idea. Jotaro dots on your health often, checking up on you frequently but trying to come off as not the nosey and clingy guy. Part 3 Jotaro is a lot to handle. He’s brash, acts on his feelings yet bites his tongue whenever you frown at his words, you frustrate him sometimes and it bothers him when you won’t speak anymore out of petty reasons. Being petty is a no go, he doesn’t take that shit seriously and will ignore you.
Jotaro is a little old school, so his views are old school. Probably got it from Holly, he has a liking towards the role of a strong man. His mother would praise and tell him he’s her strongest soldier, it stuck with him through his delinquent phase and part 6. Jotaro is attracted to someone that will need him, he wants to feel needed, be needed, makes him feel fuzzy when you ask him to tie your shoes— he’ll scoff, you can’t do it on your own?— yet he’s already kneeling to pick up the flimsy shoelaces.
Expressing himself is difficult, he thinks he’s difficult to get used to. Either he charges forward with his feelings or stomp it down, he’ll grow as a character. Young Jotaro is very vulnerable, crushing on someone and stalking checking up on them without saying anything is creepy. Jotaro doesn’t want to come off as creepy, but a man his size could make anyone dash through the streets for safety. But the thing is, Jotaro is a creep. Taught or not, he wants you by his side. Rationally, you can’t keep a person glued to your hip for every hour and day, it sounds like a dream though. Lean onto him, he can provide once you give in. Or not, he’s still there.
Where Jotaro lacks in his show of affection, Star Platinum fills up. The stand is ever so curious with you, a gentle brute yet it forgets it’s own strength at times. Was it?— cuteness aggression? When Jotaro doesn’t notice his stand betrays his mysterious persona, when in range it loves to touch you. Your fingers, cheeks, neck or stomach. It’s innocent play at first, as if he’s slowly learning how you react, what makes you giggle, squirm, or perhaps swat him away when he’s too close to something he shouldn’t touch. Star Platinum isn’t always in his control, suppressed desires are one thing, more of a subconscious soul that acts on them. Not entirely. He doesn’t want to scare you off too soon.
His fight with Dio puts him on edge. He knows it’s not over. Stand users exist, and some use their powers for evil or to harm others. So it’s natural for him to cave in and take you now. If he’s already so as much look at you for too long—certain, that a stand user knows how dearly you mean to him. He can’t take that risk, and for you to be used as a leverage, an option. He’d rather go through that fight with Dio all over again. He blames himself for being too rash, of course you’re scared, he would be too, but it’s for your own good. And that excuse will be dragged to his grave. Everything he does is for your safety, you might not see it now, but one day you’ll thank him with a kiss.
He learns to relax his features more, not creasing his brows and casting his lips to a scowl. Jotaro in part 4 tries. He tries to be patient, better than his younger self. Don’t go for it so quick, think it out, watch over for now before taking action. By this time any sort of kidnapping won’t happen unless you trigger it. You had to kick his flight or snatch switch, his anxiety is through the roof when you aren’t at your usual spot.
Jotaro, by far, is one to not cause you any great harm. For someone who doesn’t regard your feelings a lot he still wants you to be comfortable around him, he’s your man, whether you want it or not. Being a pain in the ass won’t help you, no one will, so quit your bitching and let him feed you todays dinner. Harming you emotionally isn’t out of the picture, and yes, I was sugarcoating it, but restrictions are sometimes needed. He can’t have you running around his house all the time. Exercise is good, but if your going to do it just to try and outrun him is a waste of time. Literally. (Haha see what I did there.) He won’t promise that it wouldn’t hurt, lying to your face won’t make him look like a saint. So he covers your eyes as he summons Star Platinum to bend your legs in half.
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princelylove · 2 months
Been sort of on a Jotero Kujo kick and found your stuff. Saw you do more… unorthodox stuff and got an idea.
What are his thoughts are on public “shenanigans”? On one hand I feel like it would be a no go but also I could see things getting weird if he’s on edge and Star Platinum gets into the mix. He is an extension of his sole after all and if he’s feeling things deep enough what’s to say Star isn’t??
Similarly how often does Star get into it in general? Intentionally or not??
Oh thank God. A real freak in my inbox. Finally. Good ask, anon.
Jotaro cannot stand the idea of his darling being seen in that light by anyone else. His thing for purity isn't because he craves desecration, he loves the idea of maintaining it. He's your protector, your shelter, you stay pure and 'docile' because he's doing what his head tells him he's meant to do.
Star Platinum is not his head. It's his soul, his raw instinct. There's a sort of playful innocence, in the beginning. A childlike curiosity when he first takes form.
Star Platinum is only partially sentient, he's alive in the way that your intrusive thoughts are. They're not you, but they're in your head.
It's honestly just things that Jotaro's worried about. Are you wearing your stockings correctly? Are they too tight? Star Platinum means well when he lifts up your skirt and pulls on your stockings, he's not perverse, he's just as worried as Jotaro is! He panics and cries, he didn't mean to upset you! Don't be mad at him for checking! All he did was flip up your skirt and grab your thigh a little tightly! Never mind the fact that he grabbed the inner side, he only pulled on the outside part!
Ugh. It's such a pain in the ass. Jotaro isn't too happy with Star- Star, how adorable, Jotaro does enjoy nicknames- getting out, so he tries to think thoughts that won't accidentally manifest his built in fight-or-fight.
But an older, significantly more repressed Star Platinum is definitely eyeing your chest. Prettyyy. Looks fun to play with. Don't you want to? Don't you want to? Don't you want to? Don't you want to? Don't you want to?
No, holy shit. Shut the fuck up. Jotaro refuses to allow his stand out after the first incident, he's not letting himself sexually assault you.
It's not every day that Star wants to play, the one thing Jotaro has on many, many other yanderes is a sense of intense self control. He rarely allows his mind to wander, and it's not usually something truly perverse. He just loves the sight of you, loves how you're finally letting him dress you up in doll-like clothing. It's lovely, it's making him kind of hungry. What?
Star Platinum does adore the dollification too, it's a shame that Jotaro has him on such a tight leash. The inescapable Mr. Kujo believes that all crimes deserve punishment, every dog has their day.
But he kind of slips sometimes. He's getting old, you know. He's not always paying attention, he doesn't always have the time to look after you in that big estate of his- do you know how much range Star Platinum actually has? As a close range stand, they average in about five meters. That's sixteen feet, for anyone that doesn't use that. That's actually not as awful as you may think, especially if stands can go through walls. What's to stop the ever-so-curious Star Platinum from visiting for a little playtime when the old man is busy directly upstairs?
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dilfartist · 1 year
congrats on 1k!! so proud of u woohoo!! "jotaro; this isn't working out. let's break up."
Jotaro's pen comes to an abrupt halt, the ink spilling onto the page and ruining all his hard drudgery on his schoolwork. "What are you talking about?" It comes out dry and gruff with no concealment of his annoyance.
Jotaro doesn't bother turning around to face you, his bulk back being the only thing you see. It aggravates you; he's not even taking you seriously in an actual serious situation.
"I'm being serious Jotaro!" You bark, walking over to him, looking at him sideways. Jotaro gives an irked side eye, furrowed dark brows dropping farther. Jotaro finally sets his pen down, his attention shifting to you.
"I just-" you pause, hands find their way to your hips. You need to choose your next words wisely. The last thing you want is Jotaro lashing out at you because of an angry outburst. You want to end this relationship on a friendly note. "I just need time for myself."
Jotaro is silent. The room falls so quiet, that when Jotaro finally raises from his chair, you nearly jump from the noise. Jotaro quickly picks up his workbooks, "You're lying to me." He states factually.
"No, I'm not, Jotaro-"
"You're not leaving me, (Name)" Jotaro's expression is stern, devoid of any sadness or warmth. It's almost terrifying. "Try, see what happens."
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
Fandom: JJBA
Character: Jotaro Kujo
Pairing: romantic
Type: alphabet
Honestly part 3 Jotaro being yandere over crusader darling is making me go crazy🗣️ darling could be related/a close friend of polnareff, avdol, or kakyoin to up the stakes of jotaro lol
And darling's gender is up to you I'm fine with whatever :D
- 🥝 anon
I usually do a general take for Alphabets so I hope you enjoy :D Rusty with writing Jotaro, feedback is appreciated! Not fully proofread, may have mistakes.
Yandere Alphabet - Jotaro Kujo
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Using stand for affection, Stalking, Possessive/Protective behavior, Violence, Blood, Manipulation, Jealousy, Death, Murder briefly mentioned, Threats, Controlling behavior, Kidnapping, Isolation, Restraints mention, Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Jotaro isn't a character that expresses emotions very well. He's mostly stoic and even seems disinterested all the time. However, he isn't disinterested towards you in the slightest.
He's quiet around you but tries not to make it seem like he hates you. He mostly shows he cares through curt praises or maybe something physical like a pat on the back. Although, you no doubt feel ghostly touches of affection due to Star Platinum being capable of showing Jotaro's hidden emotions.
He's slow to do anything intense, but Jotaro could probably be one of the most intense yanderes. He may start subtle or hard to read... but as his obsession grows he tries to be more affectionate. He struggles with it at times though.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
I imagine if someone drove him to snap, he doesn't mind using Star Platinum to take them out... or maybe his own hands if it's personal. Jotaro has no mercy for enemy Stand Users targeting you. When it's rivals... that's more complicated.
He'd have trouble harming the other Crusaders because they're close to you. In that case he may rely on threats or just dragging you off.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Jotaro may seem like a cruel yandere, in fact that's an interesting way to go about it in some plots, but in reality he'd most likely be very caring. He has trouble expressing emotions... not like he doesn't have them. (I've been guilty of this in the past)
He wouldn't mock you, in fact if it ever came to kidnapping he would make sure he takes care of you. He hates others around you at times... but he never really likes to hurt you. If he's taken you in like this, he's going to make sure you're cared for.
Even if he's the only one you can see now.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Yes, but he tries not to do it often. He respects you, even if he locks you away.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Jotaro doesn't seem like a very vulnerable yandere. He's mostly stoic but does show some anxiety or bursts of emotions when things catch him off guard. So most of the time, you can't read him. Other times... suddenly he has you in a tight hug, catching you off guard.
He makes no noise during said sudden affection... but by his grip you can tell he's conveying some sort of emotion towards you (Anxiety, Stress, Adoration, Etc.)
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Irritated and impatient. He shows some annoyance towards you if you did fight him. He'll say his usual "Yare Yare Daze" before scolding you and holding you off. He won't hurt you... just tire you out.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
No and he hates it.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Seeing him snap. When Jotaro snaps a lot can happen. He may get violent with the person who set him off (not you). By the end of their altercation his hands are covered in red stains.
Afterwards he picks you up, either by himself or his Stand, and carried you off. He doesn't care if you struggle or not. He can't deal with you being so close to others anymore...
Which leads to you being locked away.
Honestly, he doesn't think about it now... but as an adult he probably thinks of marriage (Part 4). Maybe even a kid (Part 6). Part 3 Jotaro mostly just thinks of dating you after Dio is defeated.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Yes and Jotaro could really go either way. He may lash out and threaten the person who caused the issue. Maybe even use Star Platinum if they really did something wrong (Showing physical affection while Jotaro is around is an example).
Other times he may try to hide how much he truly feels about it. Although said emotions end up being vented by Star Platinum, said Stand never taking his eyes off of you. Star Platinum may even show affection towards you while Jotaro tries to distract himself.
Protective, Clingy, Observing, Manipulative/Controlling, Possessive, Subtle, Hard to read, Caring, Loyal.
Jotaro's yandere type is like a dormant volcano it seems. He seems harmless towards you... but who knows what might set him off.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Going based off what you gave me, you're a fellow Stand User and Crusader. That's how you meet Jotaro. At first Jotaro seems disinterested in you. But you couldn't be further from the truth.
As you proceed through your quest to take down Dio, Jotaro grows interested in you. You could be a friend of one of the others... or even a sibling of one of them. Jotaro doesn't really care about that... he just cares about watching you.
He'd stalk you by using Star Platinum and would appear extremely protective of you. Jotaro is skilled in fighting and can be volatile in fights. Especially if it's to protect you.
By the end of this trip... safe to say Jotaro isn't planning to leave your side or lose you to anyone.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not really, no.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Jotaro doesn't like the idea but he may try restraints or isolation to make you rely on him. He seems like he'd be physical about it, but he isn't really. He does scold you... but at the same time he doesn't like blaming you for the mistakes of others.
He doesn't want to take a lot, but if he feels you've wronged him then he will take most of your freedoms.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
He can be patient. He has limits, but he is surprisingly very patient.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
The effect it has on him may not show, but it does affect him. He gets snappy with others and much more moody. But over time it becomes a dull ache within him that he never forgets.
If someone took you from him... he may just kill them....
Sometimes and maybe (most likely no).
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Childhood and trauma.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Jotaro usually just gives you your space. He keeps his distance until you calm down. Occasionally he may use Star Platinum to check on you before approaching to hold you.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Not many I can think of except trying not to make him snap.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
He tries not to, he hates the idea... but it may just happen.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Not a worship yandere but would sacrifice everything to see you alive, happy, and safe.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
I imagine he can pine awhile. He probably won't snap until after Part 3 (hopefully)... meaning any abduction might be a Part 4 era Jotaro thing.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Not intentionally.
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Jotaro part 4 yandere nsfw pls 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Sure, although for future reference please be more specific for what you're wanting.
ALSO sorry for the long wait!! I've been busy.
Constructive criticism is always appreciated!!
Cw: Very little manipulation involved, a kidnapped y/n, name calling,
" Good grief. I don't understand why you try so hard just to anger me. What good does it do to you? " Jotaro says, his single hand holding both of your wrists together. You look up at Jotaro with fear, he loomed over you, very tall compared to you. You had tried to escape through the window but had gotten caught while in the process.
You have been forced to be in this house for about four months; You originally came over to his house for a friendly dinner. Big mistake.
You couldn't bare looking into his eyes; They held such a cold look. Jotaro tilts his head, "Now now, not so bold anymore, huh?" He spoke. You bite your lip, hoping even if slightly-it would calm your nerves. You were oh so very fucked.
"Why would you even want to leave? I have plenty money, a nice house, and I know just as much as you do-" He stops, his face getting very close to your own; Too close for comfort. He moves his free hand and caresses your cheek. You close your eyes tightly, tensing up.
Jotaro chuckles lightly, "I'm a very attractive man...so why do you bother fighting back? I can give you everything you've ever wanted and more. But you're a smart girl, I'm sure you already know that." He says, finishing his sentence with a small chuckle.
You slowly look up at him, You couldn't help but feel scared at the moment. He wasn't wrong, you did find him very attractive but you were engaged to someone that you have a deep connection with, unlike Jotaro.
Jotaro sighs, his hand tracing your chin and then grabbing your jaw. You gasp. He looks into your eyes. "It's him..isn't it? What could he have that I don't?" Jotaro says. "Hm?" He adds, awaiting some sort of response.
Jotaro didn't seem too mad about the situation at hand anymore. He was pissed at first.
"Does he please you well? Make you feel good? Eh? Do you think that I can't?" He asks, you could smell the nicotine on his breath. "I-uh..." You choke out, your eyes widen at his boldness.
You actually had never had sex with your fiance. You were waiting for your wedding night. But you can forget about all that now.
"I'm right aren't I?" Jotaro says, a small smile presenting itself on his face. His voice stops your train of thought. You blink. "That's not- I-ugh..." You try to speak, you could feel yourself getting flustered. You huff in agitation and face away from Jotaro, his grasp on your jaw releasing.
"Just let me go, I don't understand why you like me so much! There are so many other chicks that would love to be forced to stay with you. let me go!" You whine, trying to break your wrists off Jotaro's grasp.
Jotaro lets out a small hum and watches your futile struggle. "Stop your whining, it's annoying." His grip on your wrists tightens, and you wince, then looking at him.
He looks up and then back at you "Why do I like you?" He says, then smiles, chuckling. "What's there not to like?" He says, tilting his head slightly, still smiling. "You're everything I've wanted, although, there is one thing..." He looks to the side, his smile fading. "You keep playing hard to get, it's so... agitating! Why can't you just love me?? " he looks back at you. He looked more annoyed than mad though.
'What a baby... I bet he's only upset because he's never been denied like this. God I wish I had his ego so I could tell him how selfish he is. He probably had everything handed to him since birth. '
This was probably the only time you heard him yell at you with actual meaning to it.
He grits his teeth before sighing. His eyes soften and he softly frowns. "Why can't you just love me? That jackass can't give you even a fraction of what I could. You're breaking my heart, you know that? I'm hurt. You're hurting me. You are such a selfish bitch." He states, his eyebrows furrowing.
You blink. 'What is this? Is this jackass seriously trying to make me feel bad?' You frown, looking away from him, slightly squinting your eyes in slight disgust. "I'm selfish..? You kidnapped me! You expect me to be okay staying in a house all day with a man I barely know claiming that he loves me?" You look back at Jotaro, your eyebrows furrowed.
Jotaro slightly widens his eyes at your small outburst. "Well-" You cut him off. " Jotaro, you may be attractive but that means absolutely nothing to me, you could give me all the money in the world and I wouldn't love you! You are not who I love Jotaro. I hate to break it to you but some people look beyond those things." You state, then biting your lip. You couldn't help but feel a little scared of how he might respond.
He gives you a wide toothy grin, then started laughing "Why-...Ha..." He takes a deep breath, his laughing stopped but is now replaced with a smile on his face. He uses his free hand to squish your face, you try to break his grasp by moving your head around but he manages to hold you still.
"That." Was all he said. "Wh-What?" You blink, feeling yourself start to burn up. Why was he laughing? Did you say something weird? "You don't care about those things, that's one of the many reasons I want you Y/n. I know you won't use me for money, and you won't want me solely for my looks. " He states, still smiling.
"What?" You say, your eyes were wide. He lets go of you, your wrists, and your face. You hold your wrists, looking down at them, then back up at Jotaro who was still smiling. "You never answered my question." He says, closing his eyes and sighing, his face going back to a poker one.
"What does that short bitch have that I don't?" He says, raising an eyebrow. You blink. "I-uh well..." You swallow, you could feel yourself getting red again. 'Why do I have to think about this? Oh god, he's smiling again that cocky bastard!'
You face away from Jotaro and cross your arms. "Well, he doesn't guilt trip me! And...And uhm... " You bite your lip, you knew that dick was smiling at you, you didn't have to look. "I-I actually know him!" You say. "Neither of those are an actual answer sweetie. Also, when did I ever guilt trip you?" He says, chuckling. "Also, you do know me.." He says, you look over at him. You noticed him starting to take a step towards you, you quickly back away from him, but after a few steps your back is sadly met with the window that you were trying to escape out of.
You look behind you then back at him. "Get away from me! I don't uh...I don't wanna be near you right now!" You say, avoiding eye contact with the bastard and balling your fists. You squeeze your eyes shut. You could feel him getting closer to you. "Oh...There is also another thing that I don't really like about you... you have horrible taste in men. " He chuckles.
You lowly open your eyes, looking up at him. 'This is so embarrassing... I mean... I guess when I really think about it... my boyfriend is a little boring, there's not really much about him- no...I shouldn't think that way...' "Well, He doesn't try to force me to love him!" You let out, your voice slightly cracking. "Still not exactly an answer. " He says, he put his hand under your jaw, pushing up, causing you to look at him. You only frown in defeat, looking up at him.
That look on his face, his stupid smirk...why did you feel so flustered??
"Just accept it, you're mine now. You can forget all about that basic bastard." He says. 'Wait... is his face getting closer to yours or are you just tweaking?? No...is he... he would never!'
Your eyes widen, his lips meet yours, his hands pin against the wall on each side of you. You freeze, tensing up, not moving a muscle. 'Why..why can't I move? What...what is this feeling? I need to push him away- but...' You close your eyes, setting your hands on Jotaro's chest, gripping his black sweater.
'what if...I just...'
You feel his tongue slide against your lips, you open your mouth slightly. You feel his wet muscle enter your mouth. You let out a small squeak. You feel his tongue explore your mouth.
You start kissing him back, your tongues intertwining. You feel him chuckle into the kiss. You could taste the nicotine in his mouth. You can't believe you're actually letting him do this. You feel so hot. His hands find themselves on your waist, squeezing you slightly.
You let out a small squeak. You find your hands trailing his chest... 'He's so...muscled...' Then your hands go higher, finding themselves around Jotaro's neck. His tongue just feels so nice against yours, he's such a rough kisser.
'Why am I letting him do this? Why am I...oh god...it just...it feels so right...It's..it's making me feel...oh god I'm so horny.'
Your hands go up to his head, your hands grip his hair. It's probably been years since you've had sex. But you're not sure if that's exactly where you want things to go to right now. You could feel your eyes get slightly teary, you felt so flustered and nervous.
Jotaro's hands go lower, oh god he's grabbing your ass. His hands go lower; to your thighs. 'What is he doi-'
He breaks the kiss, a trail of saliva connecting your mouths. You feel him grabbing your thighs pushing you up. In one swift motion you find yourself in Jotaro's arms, your hands now around his neck. "Ah," You let out, looking down, then at Jotaro.
You both just look at each other for a moment, your expression very different from his. You blink. "I didn't know you liked me so much..." He says, smiling again. "I-...." You didn't know what to say, you look away from him, you couldn't bear to look him in the eyes. "You're so red Y/n." He says chuckling. "Do I make you nervous?"
'Why does he have to be so bold...'
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. He turns around, walking towards his bed. Conveniently you were in his bedroom. "W-wait wh-what are you-" You start but getting cut off. "Shhh, shut up." He says. For some reason you complied. He finally makes it to the white sheet-ed king sized bed, pushing you off of him and onto the mattress. You sit up, blinking at him.
This was just moving all too fast.
He gets on the bed, sitting on his knees in front of you, looking at you. He takes off his sweater and tossing it to the floor. 'Oh god he's even hotter without it- wait what the hell am I thinking I need to get out of here...But...I just kinda...don't...want to? What is wrong with me!'
Your heart was beating so fast. If you could get any more red and nervous you would, his toned abs and muscular form as well as his happy trail was almost too much for you. "I knew you'd finally come around princess..." He says only above a whisper. You slightly shook your head, your eyes wide as you watched him. He started crawling closer to you, you quickly closed your legs. "W-Wait, I-uh, Jotaro I don't really know if I-"
"Oh c'mon, you seriously don't want this?" He says raising his eyebrows, a hand landing on your knee. "It'll feel good I promise. You won't be leaving this room till your cum is all over my cock.." He says, his eyes narrowing at your form, looking you up and down. Your eyes widen at his choice of words, he's so vulgar sometimes.
You bite your lip, then looking away from Jotaro. You slowly open your legs. "That's my girl, now look at me, don't look away from me, I wanna see your face when I fuck you like the stupid little bitch you are. Oh, and don't even think I forgot about you trying to leave." He says, pointing a finger at you before getting in between your legs.
You look to the side then back at Jotaro. "S-Sorry..." You say in a whisper. You can't believe you're actually apologizing to him for that. He smiles, grabbing your tights, pulling them down. "Hm? What'd you say?" He says. 'That cocky bastard!' "N-Nothing...Never mind..."
He slides your pants all the way off, throwing them to the side. "God your panties are so soaked. You're that wet just from me kissing you, tsk, such a slut." He says as if he wasn't rock hard right now. You look to the side. "No no, keep your eyes on me, princess. Stop making me repeat myself." He says. You look back at him.
Your eyes widen once more, feeling his thumb on your pussy, rubbing your clothed clit. Your breath hitched. You then adjusted yourself, laying down. You start to wonder if your boyfriend would have been able to make you feel this good.
'No... it'd be much different...'
You were finally calming down, you didn't feel as embarrassed as you were before, and those feelings were replaced with new ones. You felt so vulnerable under Jotaro's touch, but.. it wasn't enough, you wanted more, you wanted him.
"J-Jotaro..." Oh god there it was again, you felt yourself get hot. "What?" His voice made you break out of the small trance you were in for a moment. "I- ah...I uhm, could you well, I...oh my god..." You wanted to tell him that you wanted him right now, but oh god were you in bliss.
"Hm?" That sound, his voice, was almost hypnotizing. You shook your head slightly, "Jotaro...Ah...Please, I-I want you..." You manage to say. His thumb stopped and he just looked at you for a moment before smiling. "You'll have to be a little more specific.." He says lightly chuckling. You furrow your eyebrows frowning but then sighing. You gulp.
"P-Please...uhm" You bite your lip, looking to the wall then back at him. "Could y-you... you... you really are a prick you know that? J-Just fuck me already.." You whine. Jotaro only chuckles in response. "Okay." He says.
You couldn't help but feel a little excited when you saw him start to undo his belt. You could see his bulge. Even though you haven't seen his cock yet, you could tell he was big from the size of the tent in his pants. Jotaro tosses his belt to the side, then focuses his attention on you.
He grabs a hold of your panties, pulling them off and tossing them to the side as well. He lets out a whistle. "God you're dripping." He says. He pulls his pants down, taking them off. He then pulls his cock out of his fly. Your eyes widen at the sight before you.
Calling Jotaro big would be an understatement. You swallow, watching as Jotaro slowly stroked himself. It seemed the carpet did match the drapes, you always thought his hair was dyed. Your eyes kept going back and fourth from his dick to face.
Jotaro takes off his boxers and set them aside. "Like what you see?"
You only looked at him with wide eyes.
His hands move to your body, caressing your clothed waist before moving upwards and squeezing your tits.
You were only wearing a tan top.
"No bra?" Jotaro says, his fingers circling your now hardened nipples.
He moves his hands down t the hem of your shirt. "Here, sit up for a sec."
You oblige.
He then lifts up your shirt, taking it off and tossing it away.
You go to lay back but you freeze for a sec, feeling his hands on your ass. "I want you on my lap." He states bluntly.
You blink. "O-Oh...Ok.." You say. Hesitantly moving yourself to his lap. You tried not to be squished against him but he pulled you in. Your hands moved to his chest. You could feel his dick against your pelvis. You only look up at Jotaro with wide eyes and a flushed face, he looked like he was in some sorta trance. His hands slide up and down your back, soothingly.
He closes his eyes and brings you in for a kiss; You reciprocate and your lips meet his. You squeeze your eyes tight shut. You wrap your arms around his neck. He was being much more passionate then before.
'His lips are so soft...'
You turn your head, deepening the kiss and sliding your tongue into Jotaro's mouth. Jotaro lets out a small groan, his tongue entangling with yours.
You were so wet. You were pretty sure you got your arousal fluid on his dick.
(You did, and he was loving it more than a kid at mcdonalds)
You feel him quickly jerk his hips up. You gasp through your nose, and your eyes open for a second. You continue kissing Jotaro, whining at him.
Jotaro breaks the kiss, a string of saliva connected your mouths.
You both look at each other with half lidded eyes.
"Lay down..." He says only above a whisper.
You oblige him and scoot off his lap, then laying down and spreading out your legs for him.
He then, in a swift motion, moves himself on top of you. His hands on either side of you. You gasped at the sudden action. He put his head on the crook of your neck, kissing and licking the area. You couldn't believe this was actually about to happen.
You feel him guide his tip to your entrance, sliding his dick across your slit.
"Look at you...I love you so much.." Jotaro mutters. You could only make some of what he had said out.
You felt him slowly ease into your entrance, going slow in hopes of not making you too uncomfortable.
Jotaro lets out a shaky breath, pushing himself fully inside you.
Neither of you had done anything that exhausting yet, but you were both panting like dogs.
He stayed there in that spot, heavily breathing against your neck and taking in this moment.
It was so quiet, but so loud at the same time.
You could hear his and your heartbeat.
You felt so warm and hot inside.
You shakily move your hands to around his neck, lightly petting the ends of his hair. You could feel him shiver against you.
Jotaro pulls his head back, just enough to look at you.
"You ready?"
You slowly nod letting out a "Mhm"
He pulls out, then quickly shoving himself back in. Your eyes widen and you let out a short gasp. You wrap your legs around him as he continued thrusting himself in and out of you at a rapid pace.
"J-Jotaro...I ah..J- hgnnnn..." You whine. His dick filled you so perfectly, it hit all the right spots. You couldn't help but arch your back, the way he hit your g-spot; it just felt to good.
Your eyes grow teary, you felt this buzz-y like feeling all over your body. You only look up at Jotaro. Even though everything was moving quickly you could still make out Jotaro's expression. His eyebrows furrowed and mouth agape. His eyes held such an infatuated look.
How embarrassing, you felt yourself already start to reach your limit. It really had been a long time huh?
You let let out short moans as Jotaro continued.
Just when you thought it wouldn't be possible, he started going even quicker.
His thrusts started to seem more desperate as he got quicker.
The only sounds that could be heard were both of your moans and groans, his balls slapping against you, and the creaking of the bed.
Was...was he also getting close?
You hoped so; you weren't sure how much more of this you could take before you'd burst.
"Y-Y/n-! I love you...!" He groaned out.
He puts his head in the crook of you neck, continuing his godly speed of fucking you.
You were twitching everywhere, you felt a very hot wave flow over you. Your eyes were getting teary. You could feel where your pelvis area tighten up. What is this feeling?
'Am I about to...!'
You twist your head away from Jotaro, Pushing down on Jotaro, pulling him in closer to you. "A-Ahh...I-... Jot-a...hgnnn ~ ..." You couldn't make out words. Your legs wrap around him even tighter. You felt your whole body tense up. Your whole body was tingling with pleasure.
You notice Jotaro had stopped, He was gripping the sheets, his dick still very much deep inside you. If you had to guess why, you'd say he had just came.
You finally come down from your high. Your legs drop and so do your hands.
He relaxes himself, laying down on you. Damn that motherfucker weighs a lot.
"Hm..?" He grunts.
"I can't breathe."
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thornybubbles · 2 years
What Makes Them Dangerous: Yandere Jotaro Kujo
Note: Finally decided to add more characters to this scenario. So here's Jotaro's.
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Do I even need to explain what’s dangerous about yandere Jotaro? The man exudes violence from his very skin! While he is yet another yandere that will never show you his dark side (if he can help it), he has no trouble showing anyone else just how crazy he is for you. He tries to stay nonviolent most of the time, but he knows from experience that some people just can’t take the hint without getting a few of their teeth knocked out. Anyone that crosses you or gets in the way of his relationship with you will find themselves in his crosshairs. And they will quickly learn that this is a very, very bad place to be. Jotaro will try to reason with them first. He won’t bother to sugar coat things though. Gentle persuasion isn’t exactly his thing. If they keep messing with you or trying to separate you from him, he will put them in the ICU without hesitation (and that’s if they’re lucky). If they’re unlucky, well…. 
Jotaro doesn’t like the idea of taking a life, but that doesn’t mean that he won’t. He’s done it before and he’ll do it again if he feels he has to. Some people are just too stupid. Some people just don’t learn their lesson the first time. Some people don’t realize that Jotaro was being merciful when he only broke both of their legs. Some people simply don’t deserve to keep living. That guy that keeps flirting with you even after Jotaro nearly beat him to a pulp? He’s about to disappear. Jotaro only gives people one warning. If they can’t listen to reason then whatever happens next is completely their fault. Jotaro’s patience is limited, especially when it comes to you.
The worst part is that you can’t tell when he’s giving someone death glares or just being Jotaro. You feel like he’s giving your friend dirty looks, but it’s hard to tell because he tends to look at everybody like that. Dude’s got a fatal case of resting bitch face. It starts to bother you after a while and you finally decide to just come out and ask him why he keeps glaring at your friend, all he says is: 
“He’s annoying.” 
You sigh and shake your head. You don’t know what you expected. There aren’t many people around that Jotaro doesn’t find annoying so you aren’t really surprised by his response. You start to see less and less of that friend though. After a week or so of not seeing him at all, you start to get worried. He isn’t answering your calls, either. You decide to go to his house to find out what’s going on. You meet him just as he’s getting ready to go into town. He jumps when he hears your voice and visibly turns pale. You go to hug him and he just backs away from you, practically climbing over his car to get away from you, acting as if your arms just turned into venomous snakes. When you ask him what’s wrong he bluntly tells you that he doesn’t want to be friends with you anymore. You ask him why, but he offers no explanation. He just tells you that he wants nothing to do with you anymore and tells you not to call him or come to his house ever again. The whole time he’s saying this, he’s nervously glancing around and looking over his shoulder. It makes the situation all the more confusing. The whole thing upsets you pretty badly. 
You go up to your favorite spot, a place off the highway that is pretty secluded and overlooks the town. Hardly anyone goes up there, so it’s a good place to go to be alone. You aren’t alone for long, though, because the next thing you know Jotaro’s standing next to you. You have no idea how he snuck up on you so silently and it gives you a start when you turn your head and suddenly see him there, leaning on the railing next to you. He doesn’t say anything, just gives you a nod in greeting. You respond with a very glum sounding, “Hey.” 
There’s a moment of silence that lasts a little too long, before Jotaro breaks it. 
“What the hell’s wrong with you?” he asks, tone a little harsher than he meant for it to be. 
You stifle a sob, all of your emotions threatening to burst forth. You don’t want to cry in front of anyone, especially not Jotaro. You’re afraid he’d tell you to stop sniveling like a baby, because he sounds like he’s in a bad mood. After a moment though, you finally tell him about what happened between you and your friend. Jotaro listens intently, but doesn’t say anything. He offers no words of sympathy or encouragement. He just stands there and listens in silence. 
“I don’t know what I did to make him hate me and he wouldn’t tell me anything! He just pushed me out of his life like we hadn’t been friends since middle school!” You explain. “What’s so bad about it is that this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. It seems like all my old friends are all ditching me, too, and I don’t know why! I’m starting to think that there’s something wrong with me…” 
Another wave of emotion comes over you and you do your best to hold back the tears, but they start flowing in spite of your efforts. 
If Jotaro noticed, he didn’t say anything. Something cold nudges the back of your hand and you jump. You look down to see that Jotaro is offering you a can of beer. Whether you’re a drinker or not, you decide that tonight you could use something to take the edge off. You take the beer from him and open it. You take a few sips, not really liking the taste of it, but you’re not about to complain. Jotaro rarely does stuff like this for anyone, so you were going to take advantage of his rare display of kindness. It briefly occurs to you how weird it is that Jotaro managed to procure an ice cold beer way up there on the overlook, but that kind of stuff always seems to happen around him for some reason. You don’t question it. You look to see that Jotaro is already sipping on his own beer. He pulls the can away from his lips and stares at you with a serious look. 
“There’s nothing wrong with you.” he says. “They’re just shitty friends.” 
You looked away from him, staring out at the lights of the town. You weren’t too sure about that. If so many people were pulling away from you, surely it was because of something you did, right? Why else would they suddenly decide they didn’t want to be friends with you anymore? (If you only knew, Reader. If you only knew.)
“Stop worrying about it.” Jotaro’s irritated voice interrupted your brooding. “People that would cut ties with you and not even tell you why are not worth getting upset about. They’re just assholes and you’re better off without all of them.” 
His tone was a bit harsher than usual. He sounded legitimately pissed off. You didn’t say anything. You just took another sip of beer and stared up at him. He was looking out over the town, actively avoiding eye contact with you. He didn’t want you to see the murderous gleam in his eye. All he wanted was for you to forget about those losers and focus on him. You didn’t need them when you had him. 
“Besides… I’m still here aren’t I?” he muttered under his breath. The moment he said it he tugged the brim of his hat down over his eyes, feeling ashamed for saying something so sappy. 
It was just loud enough for you to hear and it caught you off guard. Jotaro was being awfully soft with you tonight. Well, as soft as he managed to be for anyone, but still this was unusual. Besides that, he was right. Of all of your friends, Jotaro was the only one that still hung around. He was the only one that hadn’t distanced himself from you. It was a miracle that he was even your friend to begin with, seeing how he seemed to hate the very idea of social interactions. If a guy like Jotaro was still willing to hang around you, and actually enjoyed doing so, then you must be doing something right. Fine. If your old friends didn’t want anything to do with you anymore, then you didn’t want to be around them anyway. Why stick around where you aren’t wanted? JoJo was a better friend than all of them combined!
“Yeah, you know what? Screw ‘em.” you said, suddenly feeling elated and free. 
You put the beer can to your lips and chugged the rest of it down, throwing your head back as you did so. Jotaro watched you with a small smile on his lips (which he hid by taking another sip of his beer). You finished off the beer with a satisfied sigh. It didn’t taste that great, but you didn’t care. You were celebrating a new beginning. From now on, you would only hang around people that actually cared about you. No more fake friends. If that meant that you only hung around JoJo, then so be it. At least you knew he wouldn’t bail on you for no reason at all. 
Jotaro allowed himself a brief smug smile before finishing off his own beer. While he was elated over the fact that he managed to make you forget about your former friends, he couldn’t ignore how depressed you were earlier. Even in the darkness, he managed to see your tears. He told your friend to stay away from you, but he didn’t tell the shithead to make you cry. Jotaro felt that he needed to teach that lowlife another lesson. Maybe a more permanent one this time?
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Which joestar do you think would be the worst yandere? And why
Pick your poison! I like to think the Joestar’s all have their little traits that shine the most based on their personality (so whose the worst can depend on what you’re uncomfortable with). Going to do just the og verse jojo’s for this 1-6.
Jonathan : Very sweet almost intoxicatingly so, but he tends to end up a bit overprotective/just a bit babying. Insisting he does things for you, if you have some issue somewhere else? Why not let him resolve it. Don’t fret over too much he has the means to take care of you. There might be a time or two your room might be locked if you’re a little more stubborn than usual
Joseph: What is this thing called “personal space” ? It almost sounds like a foreign language to this man. He totally didn’t mess certain things up so you happen to meet up with him. Not sure why your date stood you up? He couldn’t possibly give an answer other than they’re not worth your time since they didn’t bother showing up. He should take you to this great place he loves going to after a long day.
Jotaro: Stalking type usually, and mows past anything that he might feel gets in the way of you and himself. He’s used to punks, so he’s not afraid to pummel someone if they don’t get the message to scram. When it comes to classes, he’s glancing at you every so often, maybe there’s a “doodle” or two in his notebook. Need to walk somewhere? He’ll walk with you. If you’re hiding out to be alone, he ends up finding you. You’re probably the reason he learns any building’s layout in the first place. Clubs or class cleaning doesn’t stop Jotaro either, he’ll wait as long as it takes. Being sick at home doesn’t stop him either, usually there’s some kind of hot soup/dish that’s good to eat while sick sitting in your room somehow. (Not to mention potential kidnapping later down the line if you’re not really cooperating)
Later Parts like 4 and 6, he’s pretty similar in dropping you off things even if you never once told him your address. (He has a decent memory of these things). Similarly Jotaro has any phone numbers you have in his contacts, and he’ll have a talk personally with anyone that he isn’t fond of approaching you. He tends to have you in the back of his mind while out on his studies, or writing a paper, and yet again drawings somewhere he’s compelled to place them. Every so often he checks in on you (whether you want this or not doesn’t matter). Broken down car? It’s either replaced swiftly or he’s driving you places himself. Maybe he somehow (forces) nudges you to live with him.
Josuke : He’s head over heels for you, and similar to Joseph he’s going to take any opportunity to squeeze himself into your life. He just so happens to have some leftover lunch from that place you like? You looked sad when they had sold out of your favorite meal there, so why doesn’t he help with that? Speaking of, maybe your eyes are drifting somewhere else. He steals any potential love letters to a crush and rewrites them, making it look like you’re confessing to him. He may also leave one of your favorite treats you like in its place. It’s an enigma to you how he found that out.
Giorno : He’s the don of the Italian mafia, he’s almost constantly worried about you. So if he has eyes on you, it’s almost immediate you lose autonomy whether born in Italy or a tourist. He’s clever in his ways to trap you, whether you’re resistant or not doesn’t matter. (he does think you’re cute with a strong head on your shoulders). There’s some of that charisma he possess all the same just like his father. Even if it doesn’t work on you, it makes others around you to trap you easily. Giorno likes to think he gives you a lot of leeway with voluntarily coming to him. He’ll meet you casually in coffee shops or wherever you’re willing to shop at. The bill is covered without you having to say a word. Any cash you used is miraculously brought back to you somehow. The blond isn’t afraid to get his hands a little dirty however when it comes to you. If he has to take something for you to step into his arms (whether it’s your ability to walk around outside or someone close to you) he’ll do whatever it takes.
Jolyne : Sure she stalks somewhat, but like her father she can be bold in taking care of the competition. She’s not afraid to hold your hand or finding a way for you two to do so. Eavesdropping is something she does occasionally, and anyone that wants to stomp on your heart is going to get stomped themselves. She does delay you with stone free (or outright captures you) if Jolyne doesn’t want you to leave. It’s impossible to shake her off, no matter what you try to do. Of course she made a copy of your apartment key, what if there’s an emergency? Maybe she wanted to make you breakfast. Huh? What do you mean she can’t just walk in unannounced? Don’t be ridiculous.
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Yandere Jotaro Kujo Headcanon
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Jotaro would be controlling, self-conscious and a bit of a tsundere yandere.
He would have difficulty expressing his feelings.
You really wouldn't see that he even has feelings for you.
Maybe the only sign is that he is quieter around you.
Jotaro tries not to offend you in any way.
He would fall in love with you if you were a gentle and bright personality.
And if you could take care of yourself, Jotaro would like you even more.
Also if you wouldn't lose your ability to think when you're around him.
Jotaro would be a quiet man.
Suddenly he's just around you.
You'd better get used to it.
Jotaro should when you talk to him.
Often the conversation would be a bit one-sided.
He would certainly offer his help if you asked for it.
And if anyone gave you trouble, Jotaro would surely beat them.
Of course, he doesn't want you to know about this.
Your "relationship" seems normal.
Jotaro is not a stupid man.
The "toxic" things in your relationship will only surface after a long time.
Isolation would happen slowly but surely.
Punishments would usually be isolation.
Jotaro would talk to you even less.
Or he would explain why the things you did were stupid.
That is, on the assumption that you dare to break the rules that you have agreed "together".
Jotaro has a terrifying stare.
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ophelian-darling · 2 years
Hi just wanted to say thank you so much for answering my request and you did an amazing job I was wondering if you could do a part 2 to the Platonic Yandere joot with prompts 19 , 26, 34 if that’s too much feel free to skip it anyways have a amazing day/night ❤️
Part One
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"You can't get away from me, now or forever..."
"You're too much for them , they are undeserving of you"
"Just mention another word about them and I'll beat them to death in front of you, wouldn't that be horrible to witness ?"
TW: Murder mention & threat, emotional manipulation, violence, inappropriate use of stands.
Word count: 2.5k words.
enjoy ♡
Jotaro watched you jump around the kitchen, seemingly happy as you prepared tonight's dinner. 
You had gathered enough courage and invited your crush for a small 'date' here tonight (Jotaro refused to let you out with them, excusing his decision by his lingering worry on you) and your eyes pooled with twinkles. 
If it wasn't for this situation, He would've been truly happy to see the smile on your lips now; you jumping joyfully like a fawn between the kitchen and the dining room, preparing the fresh hot meals for the person you're trying to lure. 
He felt disturbed, like you were both in a peaceful paradise together, of your own little life and under his wing and under your blessing of an existence, until the ivies of a mischievous touch crawled into your heaven, threatening to coil around you and steal you away. 
As tough as your dear father may seem, he wasn't tolerant of the idea of losing you to someone else, and his fears were quite logical: He doted on you ever since your first breath (even more than your mother herself could ever offer), accompanied you in every step of life and took full care of you when your mother had given up- an incident he wished he could erase from your memory forever.
Just as the first image of that day was brought up in his imagination, your sweet voice pulled him out of the grim echo "Papa? is everything alright?!" 
He took a good look at you: features, serene and loving as ever, only crossed by a look of concern but never distorting your beauty. new dress donning your form, flowery and tailored to your size as if it was made specifically for you. you were obviously dolling up yourself for them, no surprise. a girl your age has her mind filled with the pictures of love and romance; creating her own fantasy of a warm touch- or a kiss. He wonders how many nights these thoughts have flashed through your consciousness or coloured your dreams pink… have you grown attached to someone else to that extent?! 
"Papa !"
Realizing that he took an uncomfortable amount of time in staring, Jotaro quickly regained his composure and regarded you to speak again.
"You were staring at me for a minute now, are you really okay? Are you tired?" 
Your tone dropped its previous excitement so it is coated with concern now. He felt guilty for making you worried while it was an important night for you. for now, he had to go along for your sake. 
"Nothing at all, don't worry about me" he patted your head and drew a loving smile "Aren't you beautiful?" he complimented, trying to ease off your jarring distress and it obviously worked if your giggling reaction conveyed anything. 
"Do I really look nice? I felt like I bought the dress in a rush and I don't want to ruin my chances" you giggled again, talking to yourself more than waiting for an answer from father. 
"You are definitely the most beautiful girl ever, Sweetheart" He said tenderly, the thick knot in his throat tightened as he let out the lie "I'm sure they would be immediately swooned by you, I'm so happy for you"
The bitter taste on his tongue, the words he just uttered and the dim feeling stirring up to his consciousness was driving him to his limit. You are happy, your happiness is what mattered all along and he achieved it for you, so why the urge to break everything and refuse all of this was getting stronger?! the same urge that morphed into a long trail of thoughts, then words; standing on the tip of his lip with a poisonous odor.
You turned back to him, puzzled at the sudden fall of his voice.
Before He got the chance to pour all of his inner conflicts, a loud ringing filled the intense air.
The doorbell rang, they're here.
You squeaked cheerfully and jumped to the door, what Jotaro was about to say was not a priority now. 
Jotaro felt sick in the stomach watching you greet them in a childish passion, deciding to lift his gaze to another corner, a corner when a pink cake slicer sat on the kitchen's counter. 
He didn't think much of it; just held the tool and examined its edge. 
Not sharp enough, yet capable of the work.
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He drifted away from reality yet again; falling deeper into hatred as it happened right in front of him.
The evening was going terrible, not for you However: your crush was fully conversing with you at the dinner table, casually coaxing and flirting with your shied form while you were at loss for words, putting a sweet smile as a reply.
They introduced themself politely, with all confidence and Charm of a quipster, shamelessly dallying with you in eyes and tones. Jotaro wished if there'd been any reason to hold a grudge against them, or even generally dislike them, but things weren't going his way this time. 
You're happy with someone else- Your dear father dedicated himself for the purpose of your happiness, putting a lot of love and care a human would have in heart into creating a heaven for you and him. The sight of a gleeful smile on your lips could wipe away long years of grief, years he spent lonely until you drew a first breath.
The hatred hauled at the sinews of his heart, twisting all of the confined hopelessness and shaping it to a perfect rage, one that he did never experience, not even onto his worst enemies. coming to think of it, his worst enemy was the human sitting across him on the table. 
"I see why my daughter likes you" he started flatly "You're quite the persona, she's lucky to have your eyes on her" He faked a smile; not wanting to come off as intimidating (So as not to 'embarrass' you, you scolded him more than a time that he regarded others creepily). 
They laughed and rubbed the back of their head "The honor is mine Mr.Kujo, I've never dreamed of getting the chance to talk to your daughter, let alone having dinner with her in her house with her father" 
You switched your sight between the two of them, glad that the both of them are getting along unlike your negative expectations of the whole ordeal. the Blues of your father met the ones of yours, giving you the order before uttering it "Sweetheart, I think it's a fair time for a dessert, why won't we offer our guest some of the delicious chocolate cake you made? I'm sure they'll love to have a bite of it" 
You stared at him for a moment, surprised at the sudden welcoming attitude of his. your father wasn't very social or friendly with strangers, preferring to treat them formally and strictly depending on the situation, so this change of color seemed a little jolting. 
You nodded and went to the kitchen, now he's all alone with them.
"An angel, isn't she?" Jotaro smiled, a lower curve at the corner of his lips stiffed. 
"Huh?" your so called 'crush' were perplexed at the question before answering, unassertive "I-indeed she is, no wonder why I like her" 
"She's too innocent for her own good, too trusting and kind that she was met with the worst of others around her" 
Jotaro broke his gaze at your chair and shifted it to the thing sitting across him. Their silence urged him to continue "I can't count how many times in her life she came back running to me, crying and sobbing in my arms, babbling about how some kid at school bullied her, or how some random chick made fun of her in front of the whole school. I truly love her and do whatever I can: I comfort her, I hug and kiss her on her forehead, I go above and beyond to provide for her… you can say she's my world, not just my only daughter" 
"I-I understand your view, Mr-Kujo…" 
"I went through a lot in the past, I got a lot of wounds and aches, not to mention a lot of scars, which all were painful, But never as painful as her own pain… I can't let her know a meaning or a tiniest taste of pain, or even push harm away from her, I feel like I'm not protecting my precious princess enough" 
"I'm so sorry for whatever you went through Mr.Kujo… I can understand your pain, and… I can reassure you that your daughter means the world to me too-" 
"Does She?!" Jotaro stood up, ambling closer to the thing, taking delight as their expression paled. 
"I doubt that she means anything to you, you're just toying with her like everyone else, waiting for the right moment to break her heart, leave her broken for me to fix…" 
"I wouldn't never think of that Mr.Kujo-" 
"You can't love her the way I do… no one can love her the way I do! I'd go as far as to get rid of all the things causing her misery, people like you included!" 
"Okay now what the fuck is wrong with you?!" 
"Papa what's going on-" you hurried into the room, frozen immediately in place. 
In fact, everything froze. 
There were only two cases in which he would have to use Star Platinum : fighting enemies and serving you. No one was expected to survive after making you cry; it wasn't fair that you spilled your tears while they were carrying on with their lives, a punishment had to be in order. 
Your dear father would never tell you that he murdered your bullies, your dear father would never tell you he threatened anyone who got too close to you, Your dear father would never tell you he found out that this scum of a human were planning to use you for their amusement and ruin your innocence. He's sure that you'll understand, that's why you needed a lot of time to realize how deep his love can be. 
Three seconds before the motion would come back. Now that you're in the scene, he can't just kill them like he used to on others, that would crush the image of him in your heart, and he can't lose your love for anything. 
The strong stand delivered a single punch to their face, Jotaro can feel something crushing under his fingers, like a pile of twigs being stepped on all at once. Then a long, red trail streamed down, coating the carpet with blood. It's a short measure of dealing with a nuisance (He'd hoped to end their life and dispose of their carcass; the plan ruined when you entered the scene) and knocking them out. The rest is pretty easy: He'll just subject them to a strong amnesic drug and ditch them on the side of the road. 
Everything ticked at zero and came back to life, the staggering posture of yours moving again- horrified by the sight in front of you.
Your mind was too shaken- unable to grasp on one image of reality and unstable to let the weight of everything sink in. you knew it all along: your father wasn't like any father, and you weren't as ordinary as you thought. He used to be your hero (alas, no longer now) and  the crimes of his twisted show of love unfolded themselves and made you realize how foolish you've been all your life. 
"What the fuck was that for? How dare you do this to them?!" you snarled, checking on the unconscious and bleeding guest. at least they were breathing, you had the vilest scenario in mind and the way the date started resembled a clam before the storm. 
"They were trying to hurt you, I've known their intentions before you brought them here" 
"You stalked them?!" The look you gave him wasn't anything near grateful, you glared at him as if he was a criminal. 
"Why do you always insist on ruining my life?! Why do you push people away from me?!" warmth pooled under your eyelids, it was a sheer heartbreak to know that the dearest living human to you had a thread in your demise. 
"They don't love you! you're oblivious of their intentions, You're too much for them , they are undeserving of you!"
"You still can't do this to someone innocent! you're a fucking maniac you're not my father…" a sob tore its way up lungs  "No wonder my mama ran away…" the stream of tears couldn't stop itself, the forgotten woman surfaced herself in your memory again, spilling the truth he faked to get you by his side. 
"Watch your language with me you selfish brat! be grateful that I'm the reason you're alive now or else you would have ended up dead like her!"
Everything stopped again. It's not his stand this time. 
Your features froze like a marble statue, as if the evening couldn't even become worse, fate decided to land another aching blow to you. 
Neither of you said anything; gazing blindly at each other, blurred words not coming out. nothing of his love and your sweetness can take back what's just been revealed, or save you from the devil in an Angel's robe. 
You stepped back, ready to rush into the door and run away from all this depravity. he mirrored your action, following you with full speed. before your nerves could receive the order of lurching further, his hand caught your tiny shoulder and squeezed, warning you. 
"Let me go! I hate you leave me alone!"
"Don't you dare run or you'll suffer the consequences!" 
"Or you'll kill me too?! just like you killed mama and tried to kill the person I love! and on top of that you expect me to ignore all of this like I did in the past?! I would've been happier if I was with mama or someone else who truly loves me, not treating me the way you do!" 
"Just mention another word about them and I'll beat them to death in front of you!" he violently smacked the table with a hand, the other leaving your shoulder to grab your date's head and rotate it to the side, an audible cracking emphasizing the sincerity of the duress.
"They'll die here at my hands, and you'll have to watch me dispose of their corpse while you can do nothing about it…wouldn't that be horrible to witness?"
All you can reply with was a hopeless stare. From a logical perspective, he was right: none of your mother's family would take you in, your father's family would side with the cruelty of a father you've been cursed with, you hadn't any friends or acquaintances due to his isolation of you and the social services would comply to his authority…in short, it was a dead end for you.
You didn't feel his embrace, the comforting arms that used to placate and mollify are gone, replaced with a cold touch that panicked and horrified, so was the kiss on the crown of your head, it had no warmth in it.
"Good girl… I love you and I can't let you go, you can't get away from me, now or forever…" 
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Yandere Prince Jotaro × Princess reader. 
⚠️ warning: I want you to know I'm not a native English speaker, so I apologize in advance for my bad grammar and all the other things.
🍓The song I listened to while I was writing: wait for it, from Hamilton the musical and Apex predator from the mean girls musical. 
I'm sorry but this time for historical accuracy (not too much because we're going to talk about Russia and other nations, Sweden and the history are not so historically accurate, sorry I tried my best because I love the victorian era.) we need a female reader, I hope all of you don't mind. 
⚠️B.I.T.C.H entertainment wants you to comprehend this place is slightly safe, but don't lower your guard. The corrupt will find you☢️
This story contains: 
Forced marriage and mention of war. Nothing more, because this is the part one maybe this part is more soft. Oh, I forgot, this story have clearly mentions of obsesion.
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It's the 1880's and Jotaro is the Prince of Russia (the future emperor), born in another country, but his grandfather needed an heir for his nation, so his daughter Holly has to send her first son Jotaro to Russia. 
But this history is about you. 
You were born 2 years after your big brother Kakyoin, he's the future king from Sweden and you're his little sister, but everyone knows when a girl is born at that time, that was a humiliation for the family because you have to marry a man who can keep you in comfort for the rest of your days and that means since you are a princess, you will marry a man of lower rank.
Your mother is the type of woman who constantly is searching for perfection, and because you're the little girl, she always put so much pressure on you, but your brother and your father are always by your side, making you "the little girl" when you turned 15, one of the biggest balls in the entire kingdom of Sweden was held, your brother, who has always taken care of you, was crying with happiness.
But as is almost known, the celebration of the 15 is a dance where you must find a man to marry. 
Prince Jotaro and his Grandfather Joseph were invited, Jotaro knows your brother because of these reunions to make peace in the two nations (and they both are good friends), but he's never seen you in his life until that day, the day when your life changed, for good or bad… 
—"Prince Jotaro" 
—"Prince Noriaki" 
—"It's a pleasure to see you again. Oh, apologies I ignored the appointment of this reunion, let me introduce you to my little sister," — He takes a step aside and lets you meet the man, who doesn't look so friendly. He looks at you impressed but you see it as an impression of disgust.
—"It's a pleasure to meet you, prince Jotaro," —You smile a little nervous and he takes your hand and puts it close to his nose and lips like a cordial expression, but he doesn't say anything, your brother looks at your face, so worried after he looks at the face his close friend, his cold eyes looking at you with hunger, but you're so naive to notice and you were nervous about meeting him because your mother ordered you to be a good girl because if you make a bad move, Sweden will fall in ashes and all will be your fault. Noriaki takes the words.
—"Do you want to see our garden? I told my father to put a Russian look" —Your brother looks so nervous and you can't understand what is happening.
—"That sounds good" — Jotaro's response sounds so low and frigid, Noriaki takes him and goes away with him seeing how they leave you behind with all that confusion, but you take another way and start to attend to the guest. 
The Duke is the most beautiful man in all of Sweden after your brother of course and is the first man to start to speak with you, the night you see your brother trying to distract the prince and maintain him away from you, your mother takes you by the arm and takes you to an empty room in the palace.
—"What is your brother doing?!" — she looks angry, and you don't have a good response, so you take a deep breath and tell the truth. 
—"I don't know, he...  He just took him away from me after we meet each other, he looked at me like… I'm the worst thing in the world" —Your mother gets angry and she just takes a deep breath and starts to see you from the head of the feet. 
—"You look like the usual but more gorgeous… You look like the most beautiful girl in all of Sweden" —She looks so angry about all of this and the only thing you can do is see her with worry. Maybe Sweden is going to burn in ashes because of you, and that's not good your salvation was the people screaming your name and searching for you because the opera is going to start, yes, you like the arts mostly the opera and theater, —"Ok, we're going to talk about this later," —You and her go to the ballroom as quickly as possible, everyone gets you to the first line with your brother to enjoy the opera as much as possible. 
3 days after the celebrations the court was happy for days, and the Russians stayed for longer. Because your brother got married to the daughter of the Duchess, he looked so happy with her and she looked so happy with him, after all, you see them both grow up together. You always ended up making glances with the prince every time you walked through some corridors. You both made a slight bow and you continued, but he... He stayed there watching you walk, with a weird smile and your brother doesn't like it. 
—"Jotaro please, don't look at my sister like she where one of those Russian girls" 
—"Who said I'm looking at her like that??!!" 
—"Just, stay away from her, I don't want a tragedy"           —Jotaro gives him a little laugh more like a sigh. —"Your sister is going to grow up, you can't maintain her under control for so long"
—"I can maintain her away from you, I don't want to see her in big trouble like is being married to you, I can be guaranteed is like hell because of all your last wives" 
—"Watch your words, remember I can make all of Sweden fall in ashes if I wanted"     —Jotaro takes his way to his room leaving Noriaki so worried and terrified. 
The King of Sweden gets sick, and the only thing your mother can do is cry and pry, Noriaki in another way is talking with Jotaro. 
—"I appreciate your words of consolation, I'm glad you are my best friend"          —Jotaro smiled at him and the only thing he said was… 
—"Well I feel sorry for your father, after all, he is a good king, truly I can say, he is the best king I ever meet... But if he doesn't survive, the relationship between our countries can fall apart. Maybe we need more peaceful relationships between our countries, why you don't start telling me about your sister"
You pass by his side and just make a little reverence, you look so sad, the tears running down your cheeks when he notices he leaves your brother behind to go with you, you sit in the garden and grab one of your favorite flowers, he takes a seat by your side. 
—"He's going to be okay, just, try to make things easy for everyone"     —You turn your head aside to see him, you can't understand what he is talking about. 
—"Please, don't destroy Sweden, if that is what your Majesty is talking about, is the home of millions of people, and, is the home of my entire family"      —He takes your hand and kissed it, seeing through your eyes, you look scared and sad, you're crying for your father. 
—"I can't guarantee that, it all depends on you and your brother, mostly on your brother"     —He can't continue because your brother interrupts. 
—"Our father is calling for you, go and talk with him"     —You see the man by your side and smile a little just to get up and run inside the palace. Jotaro just sees Noriaki a little angry.      —"I told you, my sister is too young for your games, so don't even try to think about her" 
—"My little girl, someday you will marry a man, please make sure he's capable of keeping you in comfort for the rest of your days and… Don't take too seriously your mother she is capable to force you to marry the enemy just to get the things perfect" 
—"Dad I don't want to talk about it at this moment" 
—"This is the moment, maybe tomorrow I'm not going to stay for seeing who is going to be the lucky one who's going to marry my little girl. But I know your brother is going to do the best he can to get sure of your marriage with a good man"              —You look at him a little sad knowing your brother has really big problems. 
The only thing his wife does is, stay in the library and study all the rules of the kingdom, something good because he needs a good companion but you feel something is going to happen, a maid enters the room so panicked and she screams. 
—"Prince Noriaki is fighting with prince Jotaro!!"       —Your mother looks at you and tells you. 
—"Go and stop that kids' fight!! This will put our reputation in a bad situation"      —You see your father and take his hand and he smiles at you, you get up and run out of the room. 
The King died weeks after the fight between the two princes, all of Sweden is in mourning but mostly the royal family after that Noriaki doesn't leave your side, he's always by your side hugging you and sometimes both of you broke into a cry, your mother is prepared to leave her position, but obviously, she prepared all the paperwork for five years in advance, she knows Noriaki is going to be in so many misfortunes. 
—"Your sister has to get married"
—"Mom I beg you to leave that stupid problem behind, we don't have time for search a husband at this time, we need to think about the funeral, the paperwork, and… The Coronation ceremony" 
—"Russia is getting more aggressive, it looks like you're not doing your best" 
—"Prince Jotaro is crazy, what we do doesn't matter to him, he's going to burn the kingdom in ashes if I low the guard" —He said remembering the last words of his father to him, the tears began to run down his cheeks. 
You can't even understand, it looks like you're the only one who doesn't know what is happening, sometimes you see prince Jotaro and he's always trying to know more about you, it looks like he's trying to take care of you, but he's a frigid expression makes you think he has something in mind, maybe find your trust and in the end, destroy all of Sweden… 
Your brother's wife looks angry seeing him being after you all the time but she understands so you both never fight about it.
7 am you woke up because you heard your brother screaming things you can't understand, so you got up and ran to where you heard the screams. When you arrive you can find prince Jotaro and your brother. 
You get blush when noticing the prince looking at you. 
—"I'm sorry your majesty, but I can't stay calm if both of you don't explain what is occurring" 
—"Go to your room now!!"        —that was the only thing you could hear coming from your brother's lips, he looked very furious, the prince gave you a weird smile and spoke. 
—"Good morning princess, I can assure you look so amazing even if you just woke up"      —The only thing you can do is give him a little smile and a slight reverence, and go to your room. 
—"I told you, this friendship will become a nightmare if you keep trying to get my sister like a trophy, she's not a toy you can use and break" 
—"She's different, I'm not going to do that. And I told you if you keep putting up resistance the worst the things will end, you don't want your sister being kidnapped, or maybe your nation being destroyed… Everything, just to simply take your sister's hand"        —He smiles like a psycho, making his friend feel worse and he takes his way to the office where they were supposed to meet and talk about the peace between the countries. 
You heard about the prince going to his nation, so all your family was going to say goodbye when your turn comes, you smile at him and say a few words. 
—"It was a pleasure to meet you, thanks for staying with us. I hope you enjoyed all this time with us, perhaps all the things that happened"       —He takes your hand and kisses it. 
—"If it took a war to get to know us, then it was worth it."    —Your face gets red and you let out a little giggle, your brother doesn't like that but he has to maintain his friendly look. 
You stay with your family mourning and staying calm, your brother starts to receive letters from Russia, letters that make him cry and he's trying to refuse something, he and his wife were always in discussions because of it. 
And things get worse when the Russians invaded a big part of the county, your brother and his wife look at you worried, Noriaki hugs you so tightly and he started to sleep with you and you can't even understand why is he holding a blade when he sleeps, guards started to protect all places close to your chamber. 
"I told you, young king, the more you refuse, the worse things get. You can do this peacefully or I can destroy all your beautiful Sweden… You can choose" 
Your brother doesn't have any option, he looks at you and hugs you crying, with the letter in his hands, you can't understand why the only thing you know is… All of these things are from Russian attacks. 
—"Please forgive me, our father is never going to do that for me, he could never forgive his son who broke his promise to him, but I can be comfortable with at least your forgiveness"            —He kissed your forehead and put more pressure on the hug.             —"let me make things easy, please, this is not your fault"  
—"Your majesty, his mother is calling for you. Ah, Princess, Your sister-in-law wants to stop by and talk to you"      —Noriaki gets up and gets out of the chamber, and you gave the signal to let your sister-in-law enter. When she entered the only thing she could speak was. 
—"I'm jealous, my husband is always behind you, and I know when your marriage comes, he can't even let you go" 
—"Don't worry about it, it's not something bad, I don't understand why he is acting like that, but, maybe is just security"     —She gets a seat in front of you, and with her crossed arms she says. 
—"Someday you will understand, and I hope you can handle all the pressure of being in your position. Maybe after the coronation, I can give you some presents, after all, you give me so many beautiful presents when I get married to your brother and you invited me to your tea parties when you were allowed to make some" 
—"It's the least I can give you, your majesty was a good friend when my brother needed it"         —You smile and she just smiles back at you. 
"Prince Jotaro, I'm not happy responding to your letter, but we have no more option than to offer the hand of my sister to marry you. But please send your people after the coronation ceremony, I'll tell you everything you have to know about her in other letters, the only request I have is… 
When you get tired of her, send her back with us, I don't care about the reputation if we talk about my sister" 
Noriaki and his wife see each other, and she hugs him to give him some comfort, he kisses her cheek and just takes a pair of deep breaths trying to maintain calm and not scream. 
The days flew by… And the response arrived. 
"Prince Noriaki, I'm glad that you finally accepted. I'll be more than happy if you tell your sister about Russia, just to make sure she will be a good ruler for my empire, it doesn't mean that I'm not going to teach her about the rules, but it's useful to arrive with a little knowledge about the other nation." 
As soon as possible a letter from Jotaro arrives in your hands… But the day when the letter arrives was the day of the ceremony so you can't even read a few pages of your favorite book. Your brother and your sister-in-law were wearing white clothes beside you, you were wearing pastel pink at the request of your brother, and you didn't notice but your maids make your bags, everyone in the palace knows, except you. 
You searcharch with your sights in the ballroom for prince Jotaro but you see he isn't there, so you get worried that somehow your brother won't invite him because of the bad relationship they had lately.
Everyone looks happy, except for the royal family, Noriaki doesn't look happy, and his wife can't help, and yes, you were happy and you try to make your brother feel better. 
—"C'mon Noriaki you are the king now, and you will make things better for everyone, you have a good heart, don't make your wife feel sad"       —He hugs you with all his strength, and just takes a few deep breaths.           —"It's ok, I can assure you, papa is proud of you" 
—"No my little piece of cloud, dad is not proud of me, I'm sure about it"      —His wife hugs the both of you. She can be a little cold sometimes but she's in your eyes the best sister-in-law. 
—"Hey, let's go, we have to celebrate and dance, we don't want the people to suspect us"       —She said while playing with the hair of her brother, he looked at her with a little smile and took her hand just to get up and go to enjoy the party with you. 
The night arrives and the last supper with you had begun, of course, which lowered the context of a more intimate celebration between the family and some close noble friends of the new king and queen.
Your brother gets up and raises his cup of wine. 
—"I want to make a…" —He just gets a little silence searching for the correct expressions. —"I would like to toast for the new Sweden that is going to raise with us, and for all the good things that are going to happen, me and my beautiful wife… Your queen wanted to make a better Sweden and see the future shine for the rest of eternity…"        —Noriaki sees you, and you look as always with your big smile and your innocent look, just like a piece of heaven, he smiles at you and keeps going with his words.      —"And…  I want to toast my sister who is going to get married to prince Jotaro and she will make stability between Sweden and Russia. She's making a big sacrifice for us, and is something that should be in all history books… She will be the queen of Russia someday"
Your sister-in-law takes your hand after seeing how your expression changes from happiness to horror, you can't understand what's occurring, but now you can barely understand why your brother always said your father is not going to forgive him and why he searches to maintain you secure and why… Why does the prince send you a letter, why does your brother always search for your forgiveness while he cries. You take the letter out of your pocket and open it, but you can't read it, because everyone claps, feeling inspired by the words of your brother, and the only thing you can do is put it again inside your pocket. 
—"Tonight she's going, so…   if someone wants to stay to say goodbye, it's more than welcomed"      —And now you feel like your world is going to fall apart, breaking on your head. You don't know what to do now, the only thing you know is the fact that this will be the last time you see your family.
And now… This is the moment when you request a part2
And I'm sorry that "toast" is not the correct word I searched for that but Google doesn't help this time.
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princelylove · 3 months
Dear prince,
I have come again because I cannot ignore your callings any further. (I'm the anon that requested the jotaro hcs and prosciutto with model darling) sorry they were a bit tame, I have so much I wanna ask but don't. Partly because I get so nervous and giddy while thinking of sending them and partly because I forget to.
Anyways, I've been thinking of sending you an ask about the more doting yanderes e.g. Bruno, Jonathan and whoever else comes into your mind with a little 'miss independent' darling. They get so offended and pouty when their captor tries to help them or do something for them, thinking it's an act of underestimation and thinking they aren't capable enough and have to be babied. (How will the yanderes handle this? Maybe even a bit of brat taming?)
– 💝🪤 darling
There's no need to be shy about it. I'm fairly happy to humor requests, even if they're on the tame side. I do wish I'd receive some odd ones, though. Variety is fun.
Wellll. Do you like to be restrained? Because this is like begging to be given less and less privileges, assuming their darling is already safe and sound in their 'home.'
Bruno loves you a lot. He wishes he understood what he's doing wrong- spouses are supposed to relax when their man is home!
He gets fairly frustrated early on. It's agitating, if he's being honest. Bruno doesn't know how to punish this kind of behavior- his instinct is to bend you over his knee and make you count how many times he spanks you, but that's probably just going to give him more problems long term. You won't relax in front of him if he's hit you before, and the goal is to make you want to roll on your back for him...
Maybe he can't hit you, but he can scold you. Bruno exists to help you, please just let him handle the dangerous things, even if it's just cutting up some fruit. Knives aren't a joke!
He goes through a few stages before he lands on proper scolding. First, he tries to bribe you. Then, he tries to reason with you.
"Come on, amore. This is for your own good. What can I do to help you through this?"
Since neither of those work, it seems he has no other option than to chide you.
Jotaro wishes you would just shut up and behave. You're such a pain in the ass sometimes, you know that? He regrets how he handled taking you home. Maybe if he were nicer, you wouldn't behave like a spoiled brat that acts out for his attention.
Yeah, he's fully convinced it's an attention thing. You're just fucking with him. Obviously you're pouty and whiny because he's been busy lately, so... sorry. He'll be around more, ok? No need for all of this whining and screaming and crying shit, it's annoying as hell.
Yeah, sure, you can take care of yourself. He's not doing that. He's checking you. You're not a baby, sure, he never said you were. Can you just lift your shirt up already? He needs to check for bruises again.
You can expect any verbal resistance to be met with.... verbal resistance. Jotaro is unsurprisingly quick witted, and can be pushed a little before he starts to find it annoying. He'd prefer you to be docile and happy about it, but Jotaro can see a little back and forth as fun. Maybe. It depends.
When you really piss him off and aren't cooperating in the slightest, he's less fun about it. His ability to stop time comes in handy when his favorite brat thinks they can get away with not humoring his paranoia checks. If you're not going to play nice, Jotaro will just violate any sense of privacy you were clinging to before this. Fine, ok. Make him be the asshole because you don't want to do something simple like let him see your arms or stomach.
He offers no comfort afterwards, because he didn't do anything wrong. Maybe if you listened to him, you'd understand. The house rules aren't up for debate.
... Yes, he still wants to sleep with you tonight and to tuck you in nicely. That isn't up for debate either.
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crypticspacecat · 2 years
Prisoner Chapter III (Yan!Dr.KujoxBlack!Femreader)
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter IV
First things first, I want to apologize for the long wait. Besides working on my tarot business, I wasn't anticipating my autoimmune disorder choosing violence but got some medicine to calm it down.
This chapter is a bit slow but when chapter 4 comes out, you'll understand why. Enjoy!
(I'm ngl, I wasn't too pleased with this chapter but I'll try to write more often to freshen up my skills)
6:15 am
You’re awakened by the sound of an opening door and various machines. You slowly open your eyes to multicolored lights almost blinding you.
“Hi Ms. (L/N), just taking your vitals.” The nurse whispered. Must be one of the floor nurses, she didn’t sound like Lynn. You feel the coldness of the blood pressure cuff and the rubber texture of the heart monitor on your index finger. The dream keeps you distracted from the tightness of the cuff.
‘It felt so real, but it couldn't possibly be real.' You think to yourself. Your line of thinking is interrupted by the sound of Velcro. Much to your surprise, the nurse was already done. You almost question how long you were lost in thought. The nurse leaves quietly, leaving you alone. 
“It was just a dream…” You repeated to yourself in fearful whispers. The darkness envelopes your room as the sun has yet to rise.
“My angel…”
You shiver in excruciating discomfort, still feeling the strange man’s hands all over you. You slowly close your eyes, trying to imagine being near the ocean, being relaxed by the sound of the waves. With your imagination working in your favor, you fall asleep within minutes.
“(Y/N), I have your breakfast." A voice whispers to you. You open your heavy eyes to see nurse Lynn with a tray full of food. Bacon, eggs, a fruit cup, and a small cup of orange juice. The sun shines gently on your face, not blinding your sensitive eyes.
“Since you’re a newly admitted patient, you have to stay in your room for the first 24 hours. I also called your friend and she should be dropping off your clothes and hygiene items sometime today. It may take some time to receive them as we do have to do a security check.” She explains as she hands you the tray.
“Thank you, Ms. Lynn.”
“You’re very welcome! There are a couple of rooms for patients to gather for group and recreational activities. On the third floor, there is always going to be a staff member present at all times in the group rooms for security reasons. You should be seeing a therapist one-on-one today and Dr. Kujo later on.” She further explains before being summoned by another staff member. You start eating your eggs, noting how decent it was for hospital food.
You finished your meal, still feeling exhausted from yesterday. You hope to visit those rooms nurse Lynn mentioned, but for now, you just want to rest your eyes.
“Ms. (L/N)." You hear someone say, jolting you out of your rest. You open your eyes to see an older man with thick-rimmed glasses. He pulls out his pen from his shirt pocket as you steadily rise from your bed to face him.
“I’m Dr. Ngyuen. I’m one of the therapists here. I wanted to ask you a few questions for Dr. Kujo.” Dr. Ngyuen explains, pulling a chair from the hallway. You nod in understanding, not really looking forward to answering these mundane questions.
“Are you currently suicidal or have any thoughts of hurting yourself or others?”
"Rate your mood on a scale of 1 to 10."
“Why a 5?”
“Because I don’t want to be here.”
“I understand that, but this is for your own safety.” He retorts, peering into your expressionless face. You internally sigh, wanting to get this over with.
“Do you know why you’re here?”
“Because I started self-harming again.”
“Exactly. A lot of people don’t really think about how self-harm can lead you down a dangerous spiral. I know this is inconvenient for you as you have school and work, but this is for your safety. Especially considering your medical history.” He explains. You frown in frustration, trying to accept the situation for what it is.
“So what will my treatment consist of?” You ask, aching for this therapist to just leave already.
“That will be between you and Dr. Kujo. Right now, I’m just asking basic questions since you just got here.” He answers. You nod in understanding, wondering what the Doctor has planned for you.
The therapist soon leaves, allowing you to lie down and clear your mind. You stare at the ceiling, pretending you’re out in nature. The soft grass serves as your cushion as you gaze at the beautiful blue sky. There isn't a cloud in sight, and the gentle winds kiss your cheeks. The blue jays' melodies put your mind at ease, allowing you to surrender wholly to relaxation. You feel your eyes get heavy, but you don’t fight it. Slowly, you’re eased into slumber, drained of all the anxiety from before. You’re suddenly awakened by a nurse, catching you off guard.
“I’m sorry for waking you (Y/N), but you have to get your blood drawn. We have to check for any vitamin deficiencies and also your hormone levels and cholesterol levels." She says as you slowly rise from your bed. You follow the nurse out of your room to one of the locked rooms in the common area of the floor.
You walk into a white, sterile room. The other nurse is already present, prepping the needles and further cleaning the work area. You sit on the closest chair to the woman’s desk, internally dreading being stuck multiple times with a large ass needle.
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