#yandere nishiki nishio
animeyanderelover · 10 months
can i request characters of your choice from tokyo ghoul (+kaneki, haise and ayato if possible) with a darling whose blood is sweet and addictive like yui from DL?
Last few exams will be written next week and then I only have to wait the last weeks until my holidays. Wish me the best.
Tags: @naeho @flaming-vulpix
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, obsession, possessive behavior, delusional thoughts, stalking, sadism, isolation, paranoia, clinginess, overprotective behavior, abduction, self-harm, death
Sweet & addictive blood
Ken Kankeki
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🔲​Kaneki, who hasn't been a ghoul until the accident, already struggles with his self-control a bit yet his s/o really puts his mental composure to the test. Kaneki would never hurt his s/o, he'd die for them. So why is his mouth watering a bit whenever he catches a good whiff of their skin? That enticing smell invades his mind and fuels his greed for a taste yet as soon as he catches himself indulging in the thought of those primal desires, disgust and self-loathing burns through his entire being. He punishes himself for even thinking about you like this, although all inflicted wounds heal after a while due to his regeneration abilities. He spends hours in his room, tears in his eyes and his own blood coating his mouth and his teeth as he stares at his arms and watches the injuries slowly healing. It isn't enough, he thinks to himself. This pain isn't enough to make up for letting himself develop such vile desires for your flesh and blood.
🔲​Through all of this hatred directed against himself, there's another fear blossoming deep inside of Kaneki's soul. If he already lusts for a taste of you like this, how would it be for other ghouls? Suddenly his thoughts are overwhelmed with images of other ghouls attacking you, tearing you apart, devouring you as your agonizing screams die down and the life leaves your eyes. Such gruesome thoughts nearly make him throw up whenever they won't leave his head and twist and turn his stomach. Despite his disgust for himself, Kaneki follows you around whenever he can and every ghoul he comes across whilst following you, he attacks. His paranoia makes every ghoul see him as your future murderer so he scares them, hurts them and in the worst case kills them. His mind is spinning, his heart is aching and his body is just yearning for closeness with you until Kaneki who has already been cracking under the pressure of his own emotions crumbles apart.
🔲​Your scent soon fills his apartment wherever he goes and it is as soothing as it makes him go a bit crazy. He feels hunger for you, for just a small taste of your blood yet he always holds himself back. You're always uneasy around him as he often just stares at you and you see his entire body softly trembling. Occasionally he takes a step or two in your direction, his gaze needy before he stumbles back again and mumbles something to himself. Kaneki tries to stay away from you but it doesn't always work. You remember sometimes waking up at night to him wrapped around you, his face in your neck as he takes deep breaths and you can feel his own racing heart beat through his chest. If you should ever hurt yourself and the blood just seeps out of your wound, he completely relapses on his delicate control for a moment or two, might even taste the wound with his warm tongue.
Touka Kirishima
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🟪Touka has been having some emotions for you for a while now but she has actively tried to ignore them. She's even pushing you away from her, seems short-tempered and brash around you if you should ever try to start a conversation with her. You're confused and wonder if you've done something wrong yet really, none of this is your fault. At least not a fault you made consciously. It's just that your scent ...drives her a bit mad. Touka has never wanted this obsession with you and as if her own emotions aren't already enough to give her a headache, your very sweet blood rushing through your body complicates it all a bit. It isn't that she's about to lose control per se as she has experience in controlling her appetite but the combination of her feelings and your sweet smell seem to make it so difficult for her.
🟪She knows how most humans view ghouls so she is very bend on never letting you find out what she is because as tough as she may try to be, she fears to see her darling being afraid of her due to her being a ghoul. Yet she also knows that not all ghouls will be as careful around you as she is so Touka often starts stalking you or just simply walking you home. Honestly, her behavior contradicts itself often around you because on the one hand she avoids yet also often accompanies you but it's not like you'll get an answer out of her for this. She does all of this for protection because she is fully aware that ghouls might very well come after you for your sweet scent. No one will harm you under her watch though because even with her quiet and aloof exterior at times, she is very ready to become violent for your sake.
🟪Her secret can't remain a secret forever though and eventually she sees herself forced to tell you the truth about her biology and also reveal to you what your sweet smell does to the hunger of a ghoul. She has to swallow back her her emotions when she sees the fear blooming on your face, some of it also directed at her. This is what she expected but still... seeing it hurts. This reveal doesn't have to end in an abduction though and she makes that clear to you too. If you just do as she says and let her continue watching over you, she would be willing to let you live on with your life as you're used to it. Although she knows it'll probably never be quite the same for you again now that you know what she is and are also aware just how special and sweet your blood is for her kind.
Ayato Kirishima
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🌌Ayato would rather come up with every other excuse than the one that involves him admitting that he harbors deep inside his heart romantic attraction to a human. Your sweet and special blood is so used as his best excuse to deny his feelings and instead make it look like he's only obsessed with you due to your addictive blood. He's very straightforward in clarifying it to every other ghoul that they shouldn't dare to harm you unless they want to be attacked and murdered by him. Ayato is very straightforward with his territorial feelings and every ghoul who resides even close to you will be beaten bloody by him to the point where even their regeneration won't do much for them. He's big on just stalking you for a couple of months because he still doesn't know what to do with the mess of emotions inside of him. He knows who is to blame for it though. You.
🌌The time eventually comes where Ayato grows sick and tired of seeing you walk around and be so unaware and in good spirits whilst he is tearing himself mentally apart because of his conflicting emotions and has gone on a killing spree just to prevent any other ghoul from attacking you and devouring you. You're such an ungrateful brat. You don't deserve to be left like this, so carefree and happy with your life. He abducts you because he's spiteful and angry with you. A part of him just wants to see you suffer a bit so that he can feel better about himself and also convince himself that you're nothing more than a petty and pathetic human. You should be careful not to anger him since Ayato is very trigger-happy the first few weeks after abduction because your constant presence confronts him harshly with his true feeling for you.
🌌He's being a sadistic asshole for a while with you and hurts you on purpose to taste some of your blood, his tongue digging into your injuries as he watches you squirm with discomfort and tears in your eyes. Ayato is being careful enough to not injure you seriously but enough to make you fear him so that you will listen to him and enough to quench some of his lust for your blood. Passing time changes his heart slowly though and to his huge shame he finds himself growing a small soft spot for you. That's the last thing he wants, he doesn't want you to realize that you are a weak spot for him since he has a fear of you abusing his feelings for you for your own selfish purposes. Sometimes his love for you slips out though and instead of a harsh bite you expected from him you feel a rough kiss being placed on your skin, one that has him recoiling when he realizes what he's just done.
Nishio Nishiki
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🎓​Nishiki has some conflicted emotions regarding his obsession with you too because humans were the ones who took his older sister away from him by murdering her. He won't deny that he holds a grudge against your kind but he's more mature in handling this situation. He can't deny that your blood has him lusting for a taste of you too but he knows to wait a bit and to not act too impulsively. Most importantly is that he realizes that you might be targeted by other people of his kind thanks to your rare and sweet blood and the enticing scent you carry around with you. To prevent anyone from hurting and/or killing you to enjoy you as their next meal, he opts to worm his way into your life as quickly as possible in order to have a good eye on you all of the time and prevent anything from happening to you.
🎓​There is a deep-rooted fear of Nishio to lose you too because he has lost the most precious person to him already with the death of his sister. Even if he doesn't show it, he is a tad bit paranoid to lose you as well now that you've grown on him so much. Perhaps this is why he turns into such a controlling individual around you and has set his mind to achieving a certain level of influence over you and your life. For that he uses his charm and his intelligence to get approval from your friends and your parents to have them put trust in his words and his judgement too if you shouldn't be as obedient and follow his decisions as he would like. In his mind, you just don't know any better though. You're only a human and differently from him, you've seen nothing. Nishio thinks of himself as better suited to make decisions involving your life.
🎓​He can't help himself at times from stepping closer to you and taking a few deep sniffs of your smell. As good and experienced he may be in regards of his hunger, a few weak moments still happen from time to time. He keeps everything a secret from you as long as he can though, including why he always has to accompany you and why you aren't allowed to walk around alone at night. When the time comes for you to find out though, Nishiki actually uses it as a way to blackmail and manipulate you further. If it wouldn't have been for him, you would have been attacked multiple times already by a ghoul. The only reason why you're still alive today is because he protected you and fought for you against other ghouls who planned to ambush you. Don't you understand him? You need him.
Shuu Tsukiyama
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🍷​Tsukiyama is a self-proclaimed gourmet in the world of ghouls and one who wouldn't even shy away from cannibalism if it would present him with a new and unique flavor to explore and present to other ghouls. So when he one day just walks through the city and you just happen to pass him on the street, leaving a trail of your sweet scent behind you, he knows that he has found his next attraction, his next meal for him to taste and gush about. He doesn't just abduct you instantly though as he thinks of such a sudden act as bland, tasteless and beneath him. Instead it almost appears as if this young man is courting you at first with sweet words and lots of presents whilst simultanously having to swallow back his saliva by constantly being surrounded by your excellent and mouth-watering aroma.
🍷​His obsession for your mere blood deepens during this time where the unknown eye just assumes that this flamboyant young man is just courting you. Your company is genuinely enjoyable and he soon starts thinking about you as more than just the next fantastic meal for him to discover and present to others. Your personality is adorable and sweet and he genuinely enjoys teasing you and making you a tad bit uncomfortable. This triggers the abduction though because Shuu is ridiculously jealous and possessive over you all of a sudden and even with romantic feelings now involved, Shuu is still a sadist. In one moment he can be sweet, clingy and doting and in the next moment he pins you down with a creepy grin on his face as he rips your shirt away from your body, sniffing your bare skin and letting his tongue glide across you before letting his teeth sink into your flesh, enjoying his taste of your sweet blood that he won't share with anyone else.
🍷​By the time his father finds out about you and the way his son has treated you, your already covered in bite marks and scared for your life. Needless to say, you're rescued from Shuu and taken care of by the Tsukiyama household with Shuu strictly forbidden to see you. The man throws the biggest scene ever as he throws a temper tantrum, begs his father to let him see you again only to start crying when his father tells him harshly off and refuses to let his son see you until he has learnt how to treat the person he claims to love. Mirumo is utterly disappointed with the way his son has treated you, apologizes to you and promises you to never let such terrible things happen to you again. Shuu is kept for as long away from you until his father deems him to have learned his lesson, although even then Mirumo still is in the same room as you when Shuu can finally visit you again.
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🎭You've stumbled by sheer chance into his store but find yourself staying for a while longer since you've never seen someone like Uta before. Uta, upon first meeting you, seems to realize that you are quite special too. He can tell as much from your scent that even makes his mouth water a bit but he hides it very well as he just starts chatting with you about random stuff now that you're here anyways. Initially he doesn't seem to care much for you, seems only interested to see how long you can manage to stay alive with that sweet blood of yours. As time piles on though and you continue to visit his shop since you find the owner of it so unique though, he has a chance of heart as he decides that you're too special to be killed. It would be a pity if he would lose his little muse because some ghouls couldn't control themselves now, wouldn't it?
🎭Uta is a bit more lazy so he wouldn't want to go on a killing spree or stalk you everyday if he can take other meassurements to ensure that no other ghoul touches. His occupation as a ghoul who crafts masks for a lot of ghouls is a small help as he always finds out about rumors and current events through his customers by sparking some conversation with them. If one of his customers happens to mention a human with very sweet blood, Uta automatically knows who he has to target if it should come down to it. All of his laziness aside though, Uta can be exceptionally cruel and sadistic if he should ever come to the point where he has to get rid of a threat. He takes your protection very serious so he would be damned if he would let someone else ever dare to touch you and take you away from him.
🎭You've grown accustomed to Uta's very quirky sides. He is just very weird so at one point you stop protesting when he sometimes leans closer to you and starts sniffing you like some sort of dog. Uta keeps his identity initially a secret from you too but eventually he just decides to tell you about what he is. Trying to escape is useless, he's locked the door up so you have nowhere to run. No reason to be so skittish though, he doesn't plan to kill you. He'd just like you to be his, his sweet muse. If you do as he says, he'd even let you leave again. If you tell anyone though or try to run away, he will come for you and he will find you. Uta is quite chill most of the time but he has his short sadistic moments where he just decides that a small taste won't hurt and so you can only sob silently as teeth cut through your skin to taste your blood only to have him afterwards hush and comfort you through your pain.
Haise Sasaki
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🔳​Sasaki is more responsible and mature although also painfully good-willed to the point where he might appear as a tad bit naive. He isn't aware who he used to be in his past though so perhaps that's why he can be the way he is. He works to protect people against ghouls so his darling falls into the category of people he has sworn to protect. Yet something about their scent is quite enticing and sweet even for him but he would never admit that. He knows that it would sound very creepy to others and he himself recoils out of shame and embarrassment whenever he gets a bit too lost in the scent of yours. Instead he hides all of his thoughts and just acts around you like he acts around everyone else. A bit more reserved but still very polite. Maybe just a tad bit kinder to make up for thinking about you in such unsettling ways, even if you don't know about that.
🔳​Perhaps his willingness to be nicer around you to make himself feel better about his thoughts regarding your scent are what really starts his obsession as he spends more time with you. Partially to still do everything to make himself feel less guilty and partially because he is capable of realizing that every other ghoul would come after you for your sweet blood. Because he spends such an abundance of time with you, he really starts getting to know you and even starts developing feelings for you. You're kind and adorable and some part of him just wants to protect you from this cruel world that will rip you away from him and- He doesn't even know where those dark and intrusive thoughts come from but he knows that he has to push his growing feelings away as such creepy ideas start infiltrating your mind and he finds himself sometimes thinking of just locking you away and shielding you from all evil in this world.
🔳​He knows that he already spends a lot of time with you but somehow this doesn't seem to be enough. He wants to be even more with you but in order to not be seen as too clingy, he starts stalking you. It is embarrassing and shameful but he really can't help himself. He just has to protect you and a small voice in his head always reminds him that something could happen to you whilst he is gone and fuels his paranoia a bit. When you hug him, a part of him really just wants to hold you and never let you go so that he can get lost in your sweet aroma but he holds himself back from doing so, although his body starts slightly trembling as this takes a lot of his self-control. He does his best to hold himself back as good as he can but it's undeniable that some part inside of him, someone else inside of him, just wants to lock you away, keep you and murder everyone who would dare to touch a single strand on your head the wrong way.
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fairy-writes · 4 months
fairy's fics for gaza
hello everyone! i'm not sure anyone would even be interested or care about this but i'm OPENING REQUESTS for @ficsforgaza !! by tossing my hat into the ring, i hope to help raise money and interest for this cause!
keep in mind i'll maybe close my requests if i get overwhelmed or can't fulfill a request. i am setting the donation limit for $5 for 500 words. ofc this is subject to change (e.g. you want a shorter or longer request)
how this works!
you (the reader): send me A DIRECT MESSAGE (not an ask pls, those are reserved for regular requests) asking for a request. i will start working on your request once you've provided proof to me (with any personal info removed) of your donation to a VETTED FUNDRAISER. DO NOT SEND ME THE MONEY
me (the writer): once i have vetted the fundraiser (there is a list to choose from HERE), i will begin work on your request. keep in mind i have other projects to get done (e.g. original stories, other requests still in my inbox, etc.) so it won't be published right away.
LIST OF FANDOMS/PEOPLE I'LL WRITE FOR (these are all x reader):
Arcane: League of Legends: Viktor, Silco, Jayce Talis, Vi, Vander, Caitlyn Kiramman, Mel Medarda
Bungou Stray Dogs: Nakajima Atsushi, Nakahara Chuuya, Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Saigiku Jouno, Suehiro Tecchou
The Case Study of Vanitas: Vanitas, Noé Archiviste, Roland Fortis, Dominique de Sade
Demon Slayer: All the Hashira, Akaza, Kokushibo, Douma, Kibutsuji Muzan, Kamado Tanjiro (aged up), Agatsuma Zenitsu (aged up), Hashibira Inosuke (aged up)
Doctor Who: The Doctor (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th), Jack Harkness, River Song
Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy Mustang, Greed, Riza Hawkeye, Jean Havoc, Envy, Alex Louis Armstrong, Olivier Armstrong, Edward Elric (post-FMAB), Alphonse Elric (post-FMAB), Ling Yao (post-FMAB)
Grimm (NBC): Nick Burkhardt, Hank Griffin, Sean Renard, Drew Wu, Monroe
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Toji, Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, Itadori Yuuji (aged up), Fushiguro Megumi (aged up)
Moriarty the Patriot: William James Moriarty, Albert James Moriarty, Louis James Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Fred Porlock, Sebastian Moran, James Bonde
Tokyo Ghoul: Uta, Kaneki Ken, Kirishima Touka, Kirishima Ayato (re: age), Nishio Nishiki, Tsukiyama Shuu
i write specifically SFW. no NSFW or dark content here folks. though there are plenty of participating authors who write either dark content or NSFW!
all writing is gender neutral but can be customized to a female!reader
absolutely no exclusionists welcome. that includes anyone who is or condones racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, aphobia, ableism, islamophobia, antisemitism, or anything similar.
things that WON'T be written: nsfw/smut/spice (implied or otherwise), abusive relationships, yandere, self-harm, suicide, eating disorders, mental disorders, incest, character x character, character x oc
if you have any further questions please let me know!! i've never done something like this and it's very probable i've left something unclear lol.
feel free to check out the BLOG for more information! they also have a FAQ here!
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halaxia · 1 year
✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。 request rules !
please refer to these before requesting anything as if the request doesn’t abide by these rules then i won’t be writing it, thank you!!!
please specify the gender pronouns you would like for me to use and if you would like nsfw to be afab reader or not—otherwise, i will write requests for a gender-neutral reader :)
not what you were looking for?
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— what i won’t write :
- rape, noncon, etc.
- smut (i’m bad at it)
- incest
- male!reader
- any kinks including intense physical/mental harm
- eating disorders
- pregnancy/miscarriage
- yandere
— what i will write :
- pretty much anything else lol
- suggestive content
- fem!reader, gn!reader, afab!reader
- suicidal themes (not overly graphic)
- fluff, angst, dark content (as long as it abides by the rules above)
- alternate universes
thank you for reading :)
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— who i write for :
this list is changing often—if you don’t see a character here you would like to request, shoot me and ask and i’ll let you know if i’ll write them or not :) (bolded characters are who i enjoy writing the most)
attack on titan
╰┈➤ eren yeager, levi ackerman, jean kirschtein, connie springer, armin arlert, bertholdt hoover, reiner braun, porco galliard.
╰┈➤ kurosaki ichigo, abarai renji, kuchki byakuya, hisagi shuhei, urahara keisuke, uryu ishida, shihoin yoruichi, aizen sosuke, ayasegawa yumichika, ichimaru gin, ukitake jushiro, hirako shinji, kira izuru, ulquiorra cifer, grimmjow jaegerjaquez.
bungo stray dogs
╰┈➤ dazai osamu, akutagawa ryunosuke, fukuzawa yukichi, nakajima atsushi, edogawa ranpo, nakahara chuuya.
chainsaw man
╰┈➤ hayakawa aki, denji, power, hirofumi yoshida.
demon slayer
╰┈➤ kamado tanjiro, uzui tengen, rengoku kyojuro, tomioka giyuu, iguru obanai.
final fantasy vii
╰┈➤ cloud strife, sephiroth
jojo’s bizarre adventure
╰┈➤ joseph joestar, caesar zepelli, kujo jotaro, kakyoin noriyaki, higashikata josuke, kishibe rohan, jolyne kujo.
jujutsu kaisen
╰┈➤ geto suguru, gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji, itadori yuji, inumaki toge, okkotsu yuta, nanami kento, mahito, kamo choso, higuruma hiromi, shiu kong.
my hero academia
╰┈➤ dabi, shigaraki tomura, hawks, shoto aizawa, todoroki shoto.
obey me!
╰┈➤ lucifer, mammon, asmodeus, leviathan, beelzebub, belphegor, satan, barbatos, simeon, soloman.
one piece live action
╰┈➤ roronoa zoro, sanji, shanks, luffy
spy x family
╰┈➤ loid forger.
the disastrous life of saiki k
╰┈➤ saiki kusuo, kaido shun, kuboyasu aren.
tokyo ghoul
╰┈➤ kaneki ken, nagachika hideyoshi, nishio nishiki.
vinland saga
╰┈➤ thorfinn, canute.
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h8ani · 1 year
Updated Rules List
With my new updated list I’m going to be listing all the requests I’ll be accepting, what fandoms I write for and how you should go about requesting them :)
But also if you are an ageless/blank blog or a minor please do not request me, follow me or interact with me as you will be blocked. thank you.
I also write both nsfw & sfw content, I also label it on my writings I post. I don’t shy away from anything really so if you’re unsure just send me a message and I’ll clarify if I do!
Things I’ll write for: yandere, noncon/dubcon, fluff, angst, smut, age gap, stepcest, professor/student, sensei/student, spanking, choking, slapping, torture, abuse, female x male, drug use, use of sex toys, abusive relationships, issues with eating, etc type shit
Things I won’t write for: anal, piss/shit play, boy x boy, girl x girl (I’m not super comfortable in my writing yet to write for same sex couples yet I hope you guys understand!)
Fandoms I write for:
Attack on Titan - Levi Ackerman, Eren Yeager, Zeke Yeager, Armin Arlert, Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, Erwin Smith, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Porco Galliard
Hunter x Hunter - Chrollo, Feitan, Shalnark, Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, Ging, Illumi, Wing, Kite, Pokkle
Naruto - Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Obito Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Minato Namikaze, Shikamaru Nara, Gaara, Neji Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Deidara, Sasori, Pain/Yahiko, Iruka Umino, Shino Aburame, Hidan, Kankuro, Sai, Genma Shiranui, Izumo Kamizuki, Kotetsu Hagane, Hayate Gekko
Tokyo Revengers - Takemichi Hanagaki, Manjiro Sano, Chifuyu Matsuno, Shuji Hanma, Takashi Mitsuya, Kazutora Hanemiya, Tetta Kisaki, Atsushi Sendo, Nahoya Kawata, Souya Kawata, Ken Ryuguji, Shinichiro Sano, Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani, Naoto Tachibana, Izana Kurokawa, Inui Seishu
Tokyo Ghoul - Ken Kaneki, Hideyoshi Nagachika, Uta, Ayato Kirishima, Nishio Nishiki, Koutarou Amon
Ouran Highschool Host Club - Kyoya Ootori, Tamaki Suoh, Takashi Morinozuka, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru,
Wind Breaker - Haruka Sakura, Akihiko Nirei, Kyotaro Sugashita, Hayato Suo, Mitsuki Kiryuu, Ren Kaji, Hajime Umemiya, Toma Hiragi, Choji Tomiyama, Jo Togame, Kota Sako
Haikyuu - Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, Kei Tsukishima, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Daichi Sawamura, Koshi Sugawara, Asahi Azumane, Yu Nishinoya, Ryunosuke Tanaka, Keishin Ukai, Tooru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, Tetsuroo Kuroo, Kenma Kozume, Kentaro Kyotani, Kotaro Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Eita Semi, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Yuji Terushima, Naoyasu Kuguri, Shinsuke Kita, Atsumu Miya, Rintaro Suna, Osamu Miya
Fruits Basket - Shigure Sohma, Kyo Sohma, Kureno Sohma, Yuki Sohma, Hatori Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma, Momiji Sohma
Demon Slayer - Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Genya Shinazugawa, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Gyomei Himejima, Muichiro Tokito, Kyojuro Rengoku, Giyu Tomioka, Tengen Uzui, Obanai Iguro, Muzan Kibutsuji, Doma, Akaza
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Prompt Requests/Writing Requests in general:
I will usually have a link of the prompts to request from, from the original post.
If you’d like to request something I wrote just state what content you’d like and who the character is/member he is
I default by writing in fem! reader pov so please state if you’d like gn! reader
Reaction Requests:
State the type of reaction you’d like (example: reaction of them kissing you mid argument)
For any anime reactions just state the anime, boys you’d like the reaction for
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bleach-your-panties · 9 months
key:🍡 = smut 🍥= fluff🍭=suggestive 🍫=dark content🍬=angst🍧=crack🍩=black/poc!reader🧁=yandere/psychological
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Nishiki Nishio
♡𝕗𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕖 - sincember day 13🍭
♡𝕤𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕥 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕜 🍭🍡
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Juuzou Suzuya
♡𝕜𝕟𝕚𝕗𝕖 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕪 - kinktober day 11🍫🍡
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♡𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕪 𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕤 - sincember day 8🍫🍡
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Nishiki is very possessive and overprotective yandere.
He doesn’t fall in love with anyone easily especially if you are human.
Also, he will be very careful with you in the beginning.
He monitors you from a distance and examines what kind of person you are.
But over time, Nishiki begins to realize how important you are to him.
He also understands how dangerous the outside world can be.
And Nishiki never wants to lose a loved one again.
Nishiki will never kidnap you.
Instead, he will slowly immerse himself in your life.
He can be a very pleasant and polite person if he wants to so it is likely that you will start dating at some point.
At this point, Nishiki’s traits begin to show more and he gradually begins to limit his life.
However, he does it so subtly that you only notice it when it’s too late.
Nishiki’s punishments are usually painful.
He loves you more than anything else in the world but he thinks pain is the easiest way to teach you what not to do.
He is willing to do anything so he does not lose you.
Nishiki also concerns that keep all your wounds tended to improve later
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tiaragqueen · 5 years
May I request Nishiki (Tokyo Ghoul) headcanons with a weaker ghoul, please?
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I’m not sure whether you want me to do a friendship headcanons or something. But I wrote Nishiki with his s/o, instead. I hope this is what you meant.
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Nishiki with a weaker ghoul s/o
Judging from how he first reacted to Kaneki, I’d say that he’ll be hostile at first. Especially when he thinks that you’re going to steal his feeding ground. It might not be your intention, but Nishiki is territorial just like any other powerful ghoul.
However, after you proved him your innocence, he’ll start treating you a bit differently than before. Not necessarily kind, but at least he no longer growled at you. It doesn’t mean he’ll stop throwing insults at you, though. But you know that they’re based out of playfulness rather than hatred.
He’s a bit disgusted by your inability to fully protect yourself, and this is where he might offer to teach you. It depends on your attitude towards him and your relationship, of course. As much as he likes a little fire in his s/o, he won’t bother to entertain an overly rude person either.
If you’re nice to him, or at least tolerable to be around, he’ll have a teacher-student relationship with you. He’ll get a little protective, while also allowing you a room to grow. But when you get overwhelmed, or the enemy is too strong, expect him to swoop in. Possibly even killing them, if the enemy keeps wanting to fight.
He’ll blush if you thank him, especially when you smile so brightly. It flutters his heart and makes him a bit more appreciative of your existence. But slowly, he grows bitter whenever you show your dazzling smile to other people. In his mind, he’s an important – if not the only – figure in your life. Therefore, you shouldn’t waste your time hanging out with those weaklings. What good would you get from them, anyway?
This… jealousy usually manifest in a form of snide remarks, both to you and your ‘friends’. He’ll get huffy whenever you ask him the reason and tend to avoid it with another insult. It’s not easy for him to express this gnawing feeling and because his pride doesn’t allow him, either. He thinks it’s a weakness to tell you that he’s being jealous.
However, if you choose to ignore the subtle signs and keep meeting your so-called friends, Nishiki won’t hesitate to outright kidnap you and kill any witness. Why are you freaking out? He’s just helping you. And besides, he can protect you better if you’re always with him. He only has the best intentions in mind, even though he gets angry over your lack of cooperation.
This is when he declares your ‘relationship’ by biting your shoulder, the same way Kaneki bit Touka’s shoulder and vice versa. He might not force you to have sex with him right away; he’s not a thirsty bastard. But surely you don’t mind a little ‘marking’, right? It’s important for the others to know that you belong to him, so they won’t get any funny idea.
Nishiki isn’t always a tough guy, though. In private, he’ll cuddle you and often helps you with your chore. Basically, you’ll act like a housewife since he thinks that you’ll get bored being bounded on the bed. However, he doesn’t mind doing the latter, either. He secretly loves talking, too. So, expect a lot of pillow talk and sometimes random ‘I love you’s. This is just one of his ways to confess his feelings for you.
As for punishment, he mostly rely on sexual and isolation for physical. But if he’s feeling rather sadistic, he might let you wander around for a moment until a stronger ghoul attacks you. You’ll be left almost dead before Nishiki saves you. In a way, he’s teaching you that you’re weak without his protection and you should know better than leaving him again. Unless you want a harsher punishment…
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mars-writes-yandere · 3 years
𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟔
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prompt: “I usually hate the holiday season but it’s a bit more bearable with you”
Warnings: none
Word Count: 132
Pronouns Used: they/them
Requested? yes | no
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Nishiki sipped his coffee as you decorated the tree in the corner of your shared apartment. Most of the ornaments are the cheap ones that you can find anywhere but there were a few glass ones of more significance.
“ You like it?” You asked, smiling at him.
Nishiki cracked a small smile before nodding. He normally doesn’t like humans but you…you had this certain charm about you. Your smile just lit up the whole room and your presence just made his day better.
He set the cup of coffee down, getting up and grabbing you by your hips.
“ I usually hate the holiday season but it’s a bit more bearable with you” He says smiling at you
You smile up at him before giving him a kiss.
“And you make mine better”
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aghost-writer · 3 years
Love Me
Chapter 3
Don't Leave Me
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His abdominal organs are ruptured!
We'll begin operating immediately.
Where is this place? I thought I was on a date with Miss Rize.
Prepare for organ transplant.
Without the consent of the next of kin? Organ? Next of kin? What exactly are they talking about? Dr.
I will accept full responsibility! Transfer her organs into him!
It's warm. Why?
Kaneki opened his eyes. Now one of his eyes was like Rize’s. He could hear the beeping of the hospital machines. He closed his eyes and succumbed back to sleep.
The next time Kaneki opened his eyes. He felt a weight on him. He glanced down. His (Y/N) was laying on him. He blushed Wait his (Y/N)? Yes, his (Y/N). He raised his hand to play with her hair. It was as soft and silky as it looked.
(Y/N) shifted and raised her head. She yawned and rubbed her eyes.
She’s so cute. And all mine.
She smiled at him so sweetly as tears filled her eyes.
“You’re awake”, her voice trembled.
“(Y/N)? What's wrong? Are you hurt? Why are you crying?”
Kaneki was franic. Why was his (Y/N) crying? What did he do?
(Y/N) didn’t speak. She simply wrapped her arms around Kaneki. Though it did take her to basically crawl into Kaneki’s lap. Damn her shortness. Her tears soaked Kaneki’s hospital gown.
Kaneki’s face went red. He couldn't believe that his (Y/N) was in his lap, giving him a hug. Oh god. She smelled so good. He could just eat her up.
(Y/N) started to pull away.
Kaneki wrapped his arms around her.
“Don’t leave me”, Kaneki cried desperately.
He couldn’t let her go. Not now. Not ever. Not when he finally had her to himself.
(Y/N) readjusted herself to fit better on the bed. She shook off Kaneki’s clinginess because he had been in the hospital for a few days. She settled down on the right side of Kaneki. Her legs were slightly overlapping Kaneki's legs. Sleep was rapidly luring her in. Her sleepless nights were getting to her. She laid her head down on Kaneki’s shoulder and closed her eyes. She couldn't help but feel safe by Kaneki’s side. She fell asleep in a matter of minutes.
Kaneki blushed as he gazed at (Y/N)’s form. He was so lucky. He tightened his arms around her. Nobody could have her.
He closed his own eyes. He let (Y/N)’s slow breathing pull him to sleep.
Kaneki awoke a few hours later. He glanced to where (Y/N) was supposed to be.
(Y/N) was no longer by his side.
Kaneki looked around frantically. He saw only her jacket.
Where had she gone? Was she okay? Was she safe?
He needed her by his side. Need her now.
His eyes noticed a tray of food in front of him. He saw a note that had his (Y/N)’s handwriting on it. He picked it up to read.
"Hey Kaneki!
Sorry I left without saying goodbye. You were just so cute sleeping that I couldn’t bring myself to wake you up. Sorry for falling asleep on you. Paranoia does that to a person. Anyway, make sure you eat some food. Hide came to get me. So don’t worry about me. I’ll make it home safely. Afterall Hide will be there to protect me. See you later!
Love, (Y/N)
P.S. Don’t worry me like that again.”
(Y/N) thought he was cute? (Y/N) was worried about him? She is so cute! And so sweet for writing a letter to him. However: the word paranoia bothered him. Was she not safe? Was someone messing with her?
Kaneki frowned at the mention of Hide.
Stupid Hide. (Y/N) would still be by his side if Hide hadn’t interfered. If Hide kept taking his (Y/N) away, Hide would have to disappear.
He picked up his chopsticks to take a bite of food. It tasted disgusting. Kaneki was quick to spit the food out onto a napkin. He couldn’t stomach anymore of the food.
He heard the door open. Kaneki pulled the blanket over him. If it was (Y/N), he didn’t want her to see him like this.
A nurse entered the room.
“Mr. Kaneki! Is this all you're going to eat? Oh, right. Your friend came by again today”, she spoke.
Friend? (Y/N)?
Not long afterwards Dr. Kano entered the room. The nurse left the room.
“How are we feeling, Kaneki?”, the doctor asked
Dr. Kano gestured for Kaneki to open his shirt. He placed his stethoscope on Kaneki's chest. The doctor hummed before pulling back.
The door opened, and (Y/N) stepped in. She blushed when she saw Kaneki’s semi-naked self.
“I’m sorry”, she stuttered before turning away to leave.
“No wait! (Y/N)”, Kaneki cried.
(Y/N) halted.
“I am not turning around until you are properly dressed”, the girl stuttered.
Kaneki looked down at himself confused. He blushed when he realized that (Y/N) saw him half naked. He yanked his gown closed.
Though in reality, he wanted (Y/N) to look at him when he was dressed like this.
“I-I am decent”, Kaneki stuttered out.
(Y/N) hesitantly turned around.
“I came back for my jacket”.
She couldn’t look at Kaneki. Her face is still red.
Kaneki glanced toward (Y/N)’s jacket.
“Stay with me.”, Kaneki asked.
(Y/N) blushed even more.
“K-Kaneki”, she stuttered surprised.
“I mean-I’ll need help after I get discharged”, Kaneki explained.
(Y/N) nodded in understanding. She walked past the two men. She picked up her jacket and stood towards the side so she wouldn’t be in the way.
Kaneki moved over and gestured for (Y/N) to sit with him.
“You can sit here so you don’t get tired standing.”, Kaneki suggested.
(Y/N)’s blush deepened, but she did not turn down Kaneki's offer. She moved to sit by him.
Kaneki turned back towards the doctor.
“I hear you haven't eaten anything since you were admitted, but there doesn't particularly seem to be anything wrong though.”, the doctor said.
“I feel okay. My sense of taste is off”, Kaneki said.
His hand found (Y/N)’s. He held it tightly
(Y/N) didn’t pull away so Kaneki counted it as a win.
“Sense of taste? Care to explain”, the doctor asked.
“Everything tastes disgusting to me”, Kaneki explained.
The doctor hummed before smirking a little.
“That could be psychological in nature. It was a pretty serious accident, after all.There's no need to rush to rush yourself. Take all the time you need to heal.”, the doctor spoked.
The doctor stood up and left.
It wasn’t long before Kaneki was discharged.
(Y/N) and him left the hostipal together.
“Nothing particularly wrong? It almost seems like the events of that whole day with Miss Rize were something that never really happened. But one thing is for sure. Ever since then, something has been something has been strange.”, Kaneki thought.
(Y/N) reached over to squeeze Kaneki’s arm.
“You okay Kaneki? You are worrying me”, his (Y/N) asked.
“I’m fine. Just ready to be home”, he replied.
(Y/N) let her hand slipped into Kaneki’s hand.
Kaneki blushed. Her hand was so warm.
From a distance, two very different ghouls watched the couple.
One regretting not killing Kaneki the first time. And the other ready to torture Kaneki.
Unknowingly having eyes on them, (Y/N) and Kaneki walked to Kaneki’s place.
The two arrived at Kaneki’s apartment. A bag was hanging on the door. Kaneki picked it up so he could read the note.
"Kaneki! Congratulations on your discharge! Presenting some leftover high-quality ingredients from my place, along with your favorite hamburger.
I hope you appreciate it! Wah-ha-ha!
When you're up to it, come on back to school.
It's rough here on my own.”
“I see Hide gave you leftovers. I’ll put them away.”, (Y/N) offered.
Kaneki handed her the bag.
(Y/N) went to the kitchen and started to be everything away. She returned shortly.
Kaneki had flopped onto the bed. His eyes were closed.
(Y/N) smiled. She pulled the covers over Kaneki. She leaned down and kissed his forehead. She turned and left but not before writing Kaneki a note.
It was dark when Kaneki opened his eyes again. He sat up and felt something in his hand. He has crumbled up the note (Y/N) had left him.
“Sorry to leave you without saying goodbye again. I went home by the way. Take care of yourself and call me if you need me.
Love, (Y/N).
P.S. You are cute when you are sleeping
P.S.S I know I already told you that but I wanted to tell you again.“
(Y/N) was so cute. Kaneki brought the note to his nose. It smelled like her. His mouth watered. He began to have a visitor. Kaneki blushed. He was such a pervert. He was so dirty. Kaneki couldn't help but wonder what (Y/N) would say if he knew this happened from her scent alone.
Kaneki flipped on the television in ordered to distract himself. He wasn't paying attention to the news report that was airing though. His mind on (Y/N).
“A ghoul doesn't have any need to eat this much in this short amount of time in the first place. One dead body will allow them to survive for a month or two”, Mr. Ogura said in the news report.
“Mr. Ogura, can't ghouls be satisfied by eating the same food as humans do?”the spokeswoman asked.
Kaneki’s attention focused on the news report.
“No, ghouls are only able to derive their nutrition from people. It could be detrimental if they are anything else.Not to mention that their tongues work differently than ours do. When they eat human food, it tastes incredibly awful to them.”, Mr. Ogura continued on to say.
“Their tongues work differently than ours do It tastes incredibly awful to them”, echoed in Kaneki’s head.
Kaneki shot up from his bed and towards the kitchen. He tore open the hamburger bags. He raised the hamburger to his mouth and bit it. He couldn’t hold it down. He covered his mouth and ran to the bathroom. He throw up the food in the toilet.
Oh, no Oh, no.  
Kaneki started to devour food after food and drink after drink. He ran to the bathroom each time to throw up the food into the toilet. He squirted condiments and poured soda down his throat. He had tears in his eyes as it all came up and into the toilet.
He broke some plates before breaking down. He sobbed on the floor. How was he supposed to take care of himself like (Y/N) wanted? She was going to hate him. If he couldn’t take care of himself, how could he take care of her?
His hand gripped a hamburger steak bag.
“Presenting your favorite hamburger.”, Hide’s voice echoed in Kaneki’s mind.
Kaneki stood. He got out a lot of water and started to cook the food.
“Hide... Did you go out and buy this just for me?”, Kaneki thought.
He finished cooking. He brought a piece of hamburger to his mouth. His hand was shaking. He ate it. Tears streamed down his face. The fork clanked against the plate of food. Kaneki sank to the floor.
“This can't be happening. “
Kaneki’s phone started to buzz. It was Hide. Kaneki clicked denied. He couldn’t talk to anyone. Not even (Y/N). Well maybe he could talk (Y/N). He could definitely talk to (Y/N).
Hide watched as his call to Kaneki went to voicemail.
“Friend of yours?”Nishio Nishiki asked Hide.
He typed on his computer.
(Y/N) entered the room after going to the bathroom.
“I’m back”, (Y/N) said.
Nishiki looked at her. He glanced over her body and licked his lips.
”Yeah. He was supposed to get out of the hospital today, but I can't reach him. I went to see him several times, too, but he didn’t want any visitors.”, Hide continued on.
“That’s strange,” (Y/N) piped up as she moved a box.
Both men looked at her.
“I visited him a few times. Well I fell asleep on him once so I don’t really count that as visiting. I even took him home after he was discharged. He was asleep though when I left. Maybe he is still asleep.”, she continued.
Hide’s eyes narrowed. Was Kaneki trying to take (Y/N) away from him?
Nishiki didn’t like the sound of that. Even if he had just met the girl, he was still so attached to her. He should check out this Kaneki guy.
“Hmm If it were me I'd cut off ties with anyone as rude as that.” Nishiki said as he stopped looking the girl.
He glanced at (Y/N).
“Not sleeping well”, Nishiki asked the girl.
She handed a box to Hide.
“Not really.”
She picked up another box.
“I feel like someone if watching me”, she slipped while not paying attention to her words.
Both Hide and Nishiki were alarmed. Someone was stalking (Y/N)?
“What were you saying about Kaneki? Hide? Nishiki?”, she asked as she looked back and forth between Hide and Nishiki.
“Kaneki, (Y/N), and I have been best friends since we were kids. I don’t know why he didn’t let me see him”, Hide continued.
(Y/N) and Hide continued to move boxes.
“Best friends. How sweet”, Nishiki smirked.
“Hello? Kaneki? How are you feeling? I was just at the bookstore in front of the station, and Takatsuki- what's-her-name is doing a book signing, so I thought I'd tell you. Anyhow, give me a call when you're feeling better. (Y/N)’s has been asking about you ”, Hide said in Kaneki’s voicemail.
Kaneki was in bed. He slowly sat up. He slowly got dressed. He then made his way to the book store.
It was drizzling when he got there. He read the sign.
"The Takatsuki Sen book signing is now over."
He signed and turned to leave.
Kaneki turned. And before him was (Y/N). His (Y/N). The rain appeared to make her glow.
She smiled at him.
“May I join you?”, she asked.
Kaneki nodded. He couldn’t speak as he looked at the beauty that was (Y/N).
The two walked in silence.
It wasn’t long before Kaneki’s stomach growled. He started to sniff around. He smelt something so amazing sweet.
“Hungry”, (Y/N) asked.
“We can stop and get some food.”, she suggested.
Kaneki didn’t hear her. He was too busy trying to find the source of the sweet smell. He glanced around. There were too many other smells for him to find the source.
“People People People People Children People People --Woman --Flesh --Girl --Flesh --Man --Flesh --Family --Flesh --Children Boy Woman --Flesh Flesh Flesh --Child Boy --Flesh Flesh --Flesh Flesh Flesh --Flesh Flesh Flesh Flesh!”, echoed over and over in Kaneki’s mind.
He couldn’t take it. He ran and ran while leaving (Y/N) behind.
She called out his name and started after him.
Kaneki was too fast for her to catch him.
Kaneki didn’t stop running until he made it back to his apartment. He slammed the door shut and locked it. His shoes slipped off as he ran to the bathroom. He looked into the mirror. One of his eyes was the same as Rize’s eyes. He whimpered.
“What’s happening to me?”
Rize appeared in his mirror.
Kaneki yelled and slammed his fist into the mirror causing the mirror to shatter.
I know what's causing it!
Transfer her organs into him!
Blades such as knives or kitchenware cannot hurt them.
Let’s see if that’s true. If that's true, then I’m a ghoul.
He scrambled for a knife.  He raised it.
This won’t hurt.
He drove the knife towards his stomach. He screamed as the blade of the knife broke off from the handle and onto the floor. He tumbled backwards onto the floor. He sobbed.
What am I supposed to do now?
Kaneki stood outside the area where the accident occurred.
“Kill a person take their flesh! And eat it”, Kaneki’s hunger spoke.
Kaneki snapped back.
“What’s gotten into me?”
He started to sniff around. There was a sweet smell in the air. But not as sweet as the Scent from before. Kaneki turned towards an alleyway.
“What is that scent? It's the first time I'm smelling it, but it seems so familiar.  A sweet aroma, like Mom's home cooking.“, Kaneki’s hunger talking.
He could see his mother’s cooking as he started to stagger towards the smell.
“There's something over here that even I can eat! Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?!”
Kaneki made turns and moved quickly. He was so hungry. He ran into some trash. He was drooling as he stood up to follow the smell.
“It's close”
Kaneki stumbled on a ghoul and his kill. He watched the ghoul devour the human.
“A ghoul.  A human! How could I have been enticed here by the scent of a corpse?!”his mind screamed.
Kaneki collapsed into his knees.
The ghoul looked up from his meal.
Kaneki sobbed. What would (Y/N) say if she saw him like this? Would she be scared or even sympathetic towards him?
“You're a ghoul. What's the matter? Are you all right? Don’t cry, it’s okay. My name's Kazuo.”, the ghoul offered up.
The ghoul looked at his food and reached down to pull some meat apart from it.
“It's been a long time for me, so I can't share too much with you, but here, eat-- “, he said.
Blood splattered from the ghoul. Some even got in Kaneki.
“Good riddance. Don’t go plundering my feeding grounds. Hmm? I've never seen you before. Why is only one of your eyes red? That's nasty.”, Nishiki spoke.
Nishiki walked towards Kaneki. He gripped Kaneki by the neck and slammed him against the wall.
“Do you think you could hunt on my territory and get away with it?”, Nishiki said angrily.
He was pissed. (Y/N) walks on his territory. He had to protect her.  This one eyed ghoul would eat her.
“I-I wasn't I didn't know I just happened to be passing by”, Kaneki strained.
“Do you think I believe that. Okay, imagine this. (Y/N) is naked and lying on the ground. Then some guy was there with his pants down says to you, "I wasn't doing anything.I just happened to be here.”, Nishiki said as he tighten his grip on Kaneki’s neck.
He didn’t even notice that he said (Y/N). He was too angry to notice.
On the other hand, it caught Kaneki’s attention. This ghoul knows (Y/N)? She’s in danger! He has to protect her!
From above, Touka watched them. She was debating if she should interfere. If she did, (Y/N) wouldn’t be hers and hers alone. If she didn’t, (Y/N) would be hers.
"That's the same as what you're telling me. If someone did that to my (Y/N) , I'd kill the guy. That's why I'm killing you, as punishment for trespassing on my feeding grounds”, Nishiki spoked.
Touka dropped down from her place on the building. She was going to regret this.  Really regret this.
“This isn’t your territory. Which means he wasn’t trespassing, Nishiki. So let him go”, Touka demanded.
Nishiki turned towards her while holding Kaneki up.
“Touka”, he said.
He dropped Kaneki.
Kaneki gripped his neck as he coughed.
“I don’t see what the problem is. I know that Binge eating bitch is dead”, Nishiki argued.
“How does that make these your feeding grounds?  You don’t have any say on the task of distributing the feeding grounds Rize stole. It will be distributed among the weaker ghouls. Just leave it up to those of us at Anteiku.”, she spoke.
Her eyes turned into their ghoulish color.
Nishiki turned towards her.
“Huh?! You know, I still don’t understand why we have to rub everything by a bunch of fence-sitters like Anteiku. I am just reclaiming what is mine”, Nishiki said angerly.
Nishiki started to walk towards Touka.
“Because you were weak”, Touka started off.
“I don’t appreciate being insulted by a punk with a smart mouth. Watch it. You’re starting to piss me off”, Nishiki snapped back.
The two ghouls started to walk towards one another.
“You think I’m scared”, Touka asked.
The two engaged in a fight. They flew to one another.
“You should be”, Nishiki shouted.
Touka passed by Nishiki with ease.
Nishiki was shocked when he got pushed back. He grunted.
“Is that all you got, Touka”, he taunted.
“What for it”, Touka answered.
Nishiki’s eyes widened. Wounds opened on his body and blood splattered out.
He semi-fell to the ground.
“Do you want me to go harder next time?”, Touka asked.
Nishiki grunted. He turned and ran tail.
“Do you want to take your corpse with you?”, she said as she watched him flee.
Kaneki was gasping.
Touka turned her attention to him.
Kaneki reaches out for the corpse. He stopped when Touka stepped over the corpse.
Touka reached down and picked up a hand from the corpse. She offered it to him. She knew that she could use him to get closer to (Y/N).
“You want this?”, She asked.
Kaneki reaches for it before using his other hand to pull his hand back. What would (Y/N) say if she knew he ate human flesh? He hunched over.
“You're not eating? Oh wow, only one of your eyes is different”, she said.
Her eyes widened as she remembered something.
“You're the one who was with Rize. Why weren't you eaten? Then again your eye.”, Touka pretended to be shock.
She knew what happened. However; she wasn’t quite sure how Kaneki survived something like that.
“Please help me! I know you may not believe this, but I'm human. And yet I want to eat that I want to eat it so bad I can't help it But if I do, I won't be human anymore! (Y/N) won’t love me anymore!”, he sobbed hungerly.
His hand reached out once more. He was struggling to keep it at bay.
“If you're in that much pain, then eat.” , Touka encouraged.
Then (Y/N) won’t love you. She’ll only love me.
Kaneki was sobbing as he reached for the hand. He was so close but couldn’t bring himself to take the hand to eat. He hit the hand out of Touka’s hand. It flew off to the side.
“No way! No way! No way! No way! No way! No way! No way! There's no way I can eat another person’s flesh. (Y/N) would hate me!”, he desperately spoke.
Let her hate you.
Kaneki had his head on the ground.
“Killing people.  Killing each other.  I'm not like that! I'm human! I'm human! I’m not a ghoul! I’m human like (Y/N). Her love makes me human”, he cried out.
“This is ridiculous. (Y/N) may be human, but she love belongs to ghouls”, Touka stated.
Belongs to me.
She turned and knelt down by the corpse. She broke some bones to get to an organ. Blood splattered onto her cheek.
“Why not give in already? If you don't have the nerve to eat then I'll give you a hand!”, Touka angrily said.
She turned and ran towards Kaneki. She shoved the organ into Keneki’s mouth. She was doing this for (Y/N) and (Y/N) alone.
Kaneki swallowed.
Touka glared
For (Y/N)...
Only for (Y/N)...
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Hideyoshi Nagachika/ Hide
Ken Kaneki/ Eyepatch
Touka Kirishima/ Rabbit
Yakumo Oomori/ Yamori/ Jason
Name: Nishiki Nishio
Type: Isolating, Violent Status: Alive First Meeting: Don’t Leave Me Nickname: Sunshine Reason: (Y/N) is the center of his world. She is the light in the color muted world he saw. He calls her sunshine because (Y/N) is the center of his world just like the sun is the center of the universe.
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Chapter cover was made by vasiadiadein!
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsession, abduction, death
Yandere Nishio Nishiki Hc’s
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🎓Nishiki is a possessive, overprotective and controlling Yandere. He lost his sister and witnessed Yoshimura, the strongest ghoul, losing his life. So he’ll protect his darling fiercely, being even more overprotective if they’re a human and is territorial when it comes to them. His overprotective side will also be visible in his controlling tendencies. He wants to know at all times where his s/o is, scheduling everything so he can always ensure that his darling doesn’t encounter any danger.
🎓Additional to that he’s a obsessive and manipulating type. He already has a close eye on his darling’s life due to being controlling and feels the need to find out everything he can about them. He’s a charmer and will use their friends as a way to find out more about them. He’s talented in lying and a sweet talker, always managing to direct his darling into doing what he wants them to do whilst looking like he just wants to help. He can be sometimes a bit more of a harsh type if he thinks his darling is about to do something stupid and doesn’t listen to him. Then he’ll lecture them and point out all their mistakes and flaws. He just wants to help, don’t be so ungrateful. He is aware and knows of his feelings, but eventually decided to ignore it.
🎓Nishiki has a talent for overplaying his emotions really well and might look even not faced at all. But in reality he’s more jealous than you might think. He would rely more on manipulation in here, either lulling his darling into coming with him or somehow bringing the other person into leaving, probably by telling them he thinks that one of their friends were looking for them.
🎓No doubt that he’s ready to do it if it comes down to it. If it’s a ghoul he would show no mercy at all. If it’s a human he’ll at first try to use blackmailing and threats. But if that doesn’t work he guess he’s just found his next meal.
🎓Nishiki might have a good chance to court his darling the normal way without having to do much. But since he’s overprotective, possessive and controlling there will come a time where you’ll be locked up, being that because he thinks it’s the best way to keep you safe or because you acted up too much and he thinks you need to be taught a small lesson.
🎓Nishiki can appear as the perfect boyfriend if he wants too. He’s charming, good looking and knows how to sweep you off your feet due to him spying on your social life. He most likely also made sure that your friends and family think highly of him so he has a better chance with you. He has patience with you, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have his times where he’ll argue with you. Most likely because you want to do something that might bring you into danger or that you did something that he was against and it brought you into troubles. You might not understand why he’s making such a fuzz out of it in that moment, but he’s just deep down incredibly scared that he’ll lose you too.
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aghost-writer · 5 years
Love Me...
All they want is for her to love them...
This is a Yandere Tokyo Ghoul X Female Bi Reader! This is my original work so no stealing please! Tokyo Ghoul belongs to Sui Ishida!
This is a multi-chapter fic.
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“CCG Base to 203”, the radio sounded off.
“Intruders reported at the Aqua Building in the 20th Ward”.
“Intruders believed to be Ghouls”, the radios once again supplied.
The ghoul known as Binge Eater was in the building. Surrounded by bodies, the ghoul ate and ate and ate.  
“I want more. More. More. More!”, the ghoul moaned out.
Only being interrupted by another ghoul cracking his fingers.
“My, my. What a mess.”, the intruding ghoul spoke.
“They weren’t kidding when they called you a Binge Eater”, The ghoul known as Yamori said.
The Binge Eater dropped her prey.
“All I wanted was to enjoy my meal. Why must you interrupt me?”, she spoke.
“You don’t know who I am, do you?”, Yamori spoke.
The Binge Eater chuckled.
“Of course I do. You are a miserable wretch who gets a kick out of pestering others and taking their darling. “
Yamori’s laughter filled the room.
“I got orders from above. They’ve asked that I take you alive. However, before I do that, I don’t see the harm in taking a finger or two. Maybe an arm or a leg, or perhaps all four, and even her.”, Yamori belted out with an insane look in his eyes.
He grabbed his special weapon.
“Surely, you wouldn’t mind”, he continued.
The Binge Eater chuckled, “I should have known a big man like would carry a small weapon. If you think I’m going to go down easily or give up her, you’re mistaken.”
Yamori ran forward towards the Binge Eater with the intention to harm.
“Watch it, or you’ll lose more than just limbs.”, Yamori Warned.
The two ghouls kagunes appeared. A cloud of smoke covered Yamori’s field of vision. When the smoke cleared, the Binge Eater was gone. Using the distraction, the binge eater broke the glass of the aquarium and water rushed towards Yamori. The Binge Eater jumped onto the ledge over and out of the building while taking Yamori’s special weapon away.
Yamori looked around before realizing his special weapon was gone.
“How dare you. Those are mine… she is mine. Give her back, you thief!”Yamori shouted angrily.
On top of the building, there stood the naked Binge Eater. She looked at the weapon in her hand.
“I don’t wanna play with you anymore”, she spoke.
The Binge Eater tossed the weapon away from her. And like that, she was gone.
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tiaragqueen · 5 years
Yandere Tokyo Ghoul Masterlist
A separate masterlist for all the Tokyo Ghoul fans!
Main masterlist is here
Last Updated: 04-20-2020
Tsukiyama Shuu
Under Control {R}
You should’ve known that something was wrong the moment a flamboyant man with vibrant clothes approached you in that book cafe. But it was too late to regret it now, wasn’t it?
Damsel In Distress {R}
They said small steps to the right direction were worthy and counted, but apparently, you’d made a huge leap to the wrong one despite your… good intention. And about one thing that your brother used to remind you: trespassing into someone else’s territory.
Nishiki Nishio
Yandere! Nishiki with a weaker s/o {R}
Headcanons about how Yandere! Nishiki reacts with a weaker ghoul s/o.
Kaneki Ken/Sasaki Haise
In The End
You thought you were finally free from him; from that ghoul who had isolated you from civilization, from the people you loved. You thought and thought, but never once did you try to expect the unexpected.
Fallout {R}
It sucked knowing that your childhood crush had moved on from you and created his own family, although you never once confessed to him. Still, would it be too much to ask for him to notice you? Just for once?
Succor {R}
You’d always known there was something… different within Sasaki. Nevertheless, you didn’t let it erase the love that you had for the boy. Though, you failed to consider that his problems ran far deeper than the occasional bouts of insanity. And your mistake eventually came to bite you in the face.
Guerdon {R}
He didn’t want to admit that he feared your death someday, and how lonely his life would be without you. That was why he resolved to isolate you in some derelict apartment, although his original purpose was to deflect the enemies’ attention. And it worked more than he’d expected.
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