#yandere robert e. o. speedwagon
yanderes-galore · 3 months
I love LOVE Speedwagon, especially when he's an old man in part 2 (gotta love some old man y'know what I mean?? God bless fr)
If it was possible, could I ask for prompts 6 and 8 with an old man Speedwagon??
6.) "A good partner must be willing to make sacrifices for their beloved! Don't you agree?"
8.) "I could look into those eyes forever...
I know scenarios can make requests easier, so maybe it's old man Speedwagon talking to Joseph just how much he loves his old ass spouse (in a kinda obsessive but cute way lol)
I'll try my best! The prompts and plot make him a soft yandere so I tried my best ^^ Been a bit since I saw Part 2 so this is a post-Battle Tendency AU.
Yandere! Part 2! Speedwagon Prompts 6 + 8
"A good partner must be willing to make sacrifices for their beloved! Don't you agree?"
"I could look into those eyes forever..."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Soft yandere, Joseph is concerned, Isolation, Speedwagon's lucid yet also delusional to his obsession, Possessive behavior, Dubious relationship.
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"It's so nice that you're able to settle down, Joseph." Speedwagon laughs softly. "I can see you love your wife very much."
Joseph responds with a laugh of his own, sitting at a table before the elderly man that's helped his family so much. The two were close allies ever since the defeat of Kars. Since then, Joseph has seen Speedwagon as a parental figure.
"I assume you've had your fair share of partners? Or have you decided to live alone?" Joseph asks, noticing Speedwagon pause before looking away.
"Oh, I do have one I hold close. Met them a long time ago and I have loved them ever since." Speedwagon sighs happily, leaning his head on his hand.
"Oh really, old man?" Joseph hums, intrigued. "How come I've never seen them?"
"They... They don't typically like to go out. Probably for the best!" Speedwagon chuckles. "I'd rather they stayed away from all the Pillarman trouble."
"Do they live in America?" Joseph asks, curious to know about Speedwagon's spouse. He's never mentioned them before.
"Oh yes! We got married here and have been happy ever since." Speedwagon grins, smiling with a dreamy look on his face.
"For not mentioning them you seem to love them an awful lot...." Joseph smiles, relating to the old man. After all, he loved his wife probably just as much.
"Of course... I'd do anything for them." Speedwagon vows. "I'd buy them whatever, I'd care for them, I'd... keep them all to myself..."
"I could look into those eyes forever..." Speedwagon sighs, eyes closed. "My love has always been beautiful... even now when we're both old. It's just the two of us... as it should always be...."
Joseph hears Speedwagon's tone shift into a whisper. A puzzled look comes across the young man's face when he notices the elder's demeanor change. Was... that normal?
"I always keep a picture of them!" Speedwagon beams, passing a photo of his spouse to Joseph. Joseph looks over the photo. They seem to be smiling... but something's off.
"I see... how about me and Suzi visit you and your spouse sometime?" Joseph offers, now noticing Speedwagon freeze.
"N-No... ah... my spouse likes to be alone, Joseph." Speedwagon smiles, but Joseph can notice a darker tone coming from him.
Joseph frowns... something isn't right... is his spouse okay?
"Oh... are they reclusive?" Joseph presses.
"Yes! Yes... they... they are only really comfortable around me in our home." Speedwagon nods. "Even then... it took a bit to be used to me too."
"Really...?" Joseph urges Speedwagon to continue.
"When we first got together it took some... adjusting." Speedwagon admits, chuckling to himself. "They originally didn't like staying in the house all the time... they were a bit frugal with affection... but with a little coaxing they accepted me."
Joseph pauses, staring the the old man. Did... did he just admit he coerced his spouse? Does... he know that?
"Are you sure they love you...?" Joseph whispers.
"What kind of question is that!?" Speedwagon snaps. "Of course they do!"
There's a long pause between the two... tension lingering in the air. Joseph is unsure how to respond before Speedwagon continues.
"T-The point is... a good partner must be willing to make sacrifices for their beloved! Don't you agree?" Speedwagon smiles, although Joseph can see a nervous quiver come from the elder.
"Y-Yeah... yeah I can see what you mean-" Joseph murmurs, looking away.
"Speaking of spouses... perhaps you should return to your own." Speedwagon suggests, tone taking a dark turn again before standing up. "I'm sure my own misses me, too."
"You're right... good talk, old man!" Joseph laughs nervously before the two men go their separate ways.
Joseph doesn't feel all that great after chatting with Speedwagon. He seems like such a great guy... but is what he said true? The thought haunts him.
Even as Joseph returns to Suzi Q... his thoughts go back to Speedwagon's spouse... he worries for the poor spouse but what can he do?
How long had they put up with him... and were they really happy with him?
He may never know.
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thornybubbles · 1 year
Can't Fight This Feeling: Yandere Speedwagon
Note: This is another short story I came up with using the picker wheel method. Just like with Santana, I had the wheel pick a random prompt from a list of yandere prompts from Tumblr and then had it pick a character from a list of JoJo characters I haven’t written for yet. The character was our favorite Best Waifu Speedwagon and the winning prompt was: “Yandere watches darling sleep and imagines their future together.” I wrote most of this while I was sick so if it sounds weird in some parts, I’m sorry. This is lighter fare as I don’t really see Speedwagon as the hardcore yandere type. I’m honestly not happy with this at all. The ending isn’t very satisfying in my opinion, because I just wanted to finish it and get it posted. Again, sorry for the poor quality in this one. 
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Robert listened to the slow ticking of the grandfather clock in the hallway as he gazed down at your sleeping face. Something as lovely as you simply shouldn’t exist in this world, and yet, here you were. Robert had seen his fair share of ugliness. Ogre Street was where ugliness in all of its forms thrived. It’s where he learned all of life's cruelest lessons. That’s where he learned that someone could stab him to death and leave him to bleed out in the streets and not a soul would care. It made him bitter. 
When he met Jonathan Joestar, most of that bitterness went away, but it left a hole in his heart where it used to be. Jonathan’s rare show of true nobility and kindness was not something that he was used to. He was so used to being looked down on by those in the higher class and always having to watch his back around his peers. He had his allies, but he had made it a point not to get too attached to any of them. He never knew when a street fight would go wrong and he’d end up losing them. 
Robert couldn’t handle losing people. He’d only known Zeppeli for a little while, and he spent most of that time arguing with him, but watching the man die such a gruesome, painful death nearly destroyed him. Then getting word of Jonathan’s death only a short time after, when they all believed that the nightmare was finally over… It was almost enough to make him return to thuggery. 
He’d gotten drunk the night after Jonathan’s memorial service. He just wanted to drink himself into such a stupor that he couldn’t even remember his own name. If he drank himself to death that night, then all the better. Life had taught him another of its cruel lessons… the cruelest lesson of all: Genuinely good people were rare and it was even rarer for them to live very long. It seemed the world couldn’t handle even an inkling of kindness, bravery, or love before it snatched it all away. Zeppeli and Jonathan didn’t deserve their miserable deaths. If he’d had a chance to take the place of either one of them, he’d die in their stead in a heartbeat. Death like that should be reserved for people who hurt people, like Dio… like himself.
He wandered far away from Ogre Street and the miserable hovel he called home until he found himself in a neighborhood he didn’t recognize. Or at least he didn’t think he recognized it. His vision was so blurry that he could only follow the streetlights at this point. The lights were the only things that he could see properly. His wobbling steps caused him to step wrong and he staggered off of the sidewalk and tripped over someone’s front steps. He bumped his head on the railing and yelped in pain. He ended up sprawled across the steps, his bottle of liquor smashing on the cobblestone walkway. His head was spinning and he wasn’t sure if it was due to the bump on the head or the alcohol. Just before he lost consciousness, he saw a light go on in one of the second story windows of the home whose steps he was laying on. He supposed he’d wake up in a prison cell in the morning, probably pinched for trespassing, vagrancy, public drunkenness, or all three. 
He was more than a little surprised when he woke up in the most comfortable bed in the world with the worst hangover in the world. Once his blurry eyes managed to focus on his surroundings, panic started to settle in. Instead of cold stone walls, he saw polished wood. Instead of iron bars on the windows, he saw lacy, poofy pink curtains. The more he examined his surroundings, the more he thought that this looked a lot like a woman’s room…
He needed to get out of there! He could hear someone coming up the stairs. His heart nearly burst out of his chest. HE NEEDED TO GET OUT OF THERE RIGHT NOW!!! This was the worst possible outcome. Worse than waking up in a jail cell! He had no idea how he came to be in some woman’s room, but it was an enormous taboo for him to remain there. He glanced around the room, his panic-filled eyes desperately trying to find a means of escape. He could hear the footsteps on the top stair. All he could see was the open window. Out the window it was, then. He quickly sat up… and regretted every decision he’d made that led up to that moment. His head felt like it was going to split in half. He clasped his hands to his temples, hoping to soothe his hangover somehow. That’s when he noticed the bandages wrapping around his head. 
Someone bandaged him? Who would do that? Who would waste good bandages on a lowly goon like him? 
That’s when you came through the door. Robert froze holding his head and looking at you with a horrified expression. You set the tray you were carrying down on the nightstand, placed your hands on your hips, and glared at him. 
“Just what do you think you’re doing?” you demanded. 
“Ah! I-I’m s-sorry! I--!!” Robert stammered but then he realized that he recognized you. You had spoken those same words to him the first time you met. 
“You lie back down right now.” you said firmly, gently pushing him back down onto the overstuffed pillow. The pillow billowed up around him, causing his shaggy blonde hair to floof up around his face. You chuckled at him as he looked at you with those same worried, confused eyes he’d given you when you first met him. 
“Y-you’re… you’re the nurse…” he mumbled as the pain in his head was starting to make him dizzy. 
“We just keep running into each other, don’t we, Mr. Speedwagon?” you said as you uncovered the bowl of soup on the tray. 
“Do you think that you feel up to eating something?” you asked him. 
Robert didn’t answer, he just stared at you as he was caught up in the memory of the first time the two of you met. It was the night he came to visit Jonathan, after he’d been injured after the first fight with Dio. You caught him trying to sneak in after visiting hours, scaling the side of the building like some kind of cat burglar. 
“Just what do you think you’re doing?!” You yelled up at him. He looked down at you, realizing he’d been caught, and slowly descended the ropes back down to the ground. He blurted out some excuses, saying he realized how bad it looked, but he assured you that he wasn’t trying to rob the place. (Who’d rob a hospital, anyway? He wasn’t that much of a lowlife!) He just wanted to see his friend. You asked him why he hadn’t come during visiting hours and he explained that he tried, but they wouldn’t let him in. You looked at him in his desperate, watery eyes, then glanced down at his shoddy sling. You scolded him, not for trying to break in, but for trying to do so with an obviously injured arm. 
“Come with me.” you commanded. 
Stunned, he followed you into the hospital where you led him to a room. To his delight, the room was right across from Jonathan’s. You explained to him you couldn’t let him into Jonathan’s room due to his delicate condition, but he was being treated by one of your best nurses, and that while he hadn’t revived yet, he soon would. If anyone could break him out of his unconsciousness it would be her. You promised to let him take a peek at Jonathan before he left. You then proceeded to treat his arm. Robert winced and hissed as you did so. He realized that you had essentially snuck him in as a patient so that he could check on his friend. None of the other staff had been willing to do that for him and he didn’t know how to feel about it. He protested when you began to prepare his arm for a more professional sling, saying that he couldn’t pay for it. You sent him a silent glare, he yelped and shrank in on himself, but didn’t bring up the cost of treatment again. 
“Mr. Speedwagon? Did you hear me?” you asked, dragging him off of memory lane. 
“Oh… yes. Thank you…” he mumbled. 
You reached over and propped up his pillow so that he was sitting up slightly. When you put a spoonful of soup to his lips he realized that you planned to feed him. 
“Y-you don’t have to d-do that!” he sputtered, moving his head away from the spoon like a fussy toddler. 
You huffed and fixed him with that same glare you gave him when he mentioned being unable to pay for you treating his arm. His face flushed, not only from the idea of you feeding him but from the fact that he rather liked that glare. He couldn’t say what it was exactly, but the expression brought something out in your eyes that made him feel warm all over. Noticing the sudden color in his face, you set the spoon back down into the soup and placed your hand on his cheek. His eyes closed out of reflex and his face heated up even more. 
“You seem to have a bit of a fever. I’ll give you something for that in a moment. First let’s feed you. Having something in your stomach will help to ease that hangover of yours.” you told him. 
Robert allowed you to feed him, pointedly avoiding looking you in the face as you did so. You scolded him for wandering the streets in a drunken state at night, not because of any societal rules, but due to how dangerous it was to be inebriated in the middle of the night with no one around to keep him out of trouble. It seemed you simply couldn’t stop thinking like a nurse no matter what. He normally hated it when people told him what to do, but he found that he rather liked it when you scolded him. You didn’t do it to boss him around or give yourself reasons to feel superior to him. You did it because you actually cared about what happened to him, though you had no reason to. He could feel that empty space inside of him that used to be filled with bitterness begin to fill up with something that he never felt before.  
It didn’t take long for him to realize that he was in love with you. How could he not fall for someone who treated him with such tenderness? Even when you chided him for one thing or another, you only did so because you wanted him to stay healthy and out of trouble. Robert realized that he’d been lucky enough to find another rare gem of a human in you. Jonathan and Zeppeli were gone, cruelly taken from a world that didn’t deserve them. But you were still here. You could still spread your kindness freely… but Robert knew that as soon as the Universe caught a glimmer of the light in your sweet soul, it would do everything in its power to snuff it out. He wanted to protect you. In the same way that he vowed to protect Erina and her child from the cruelties of the world, he wanted to do the same for you. 
But it wasn’t the same with you. When Robert realized that he was in love with you, he also realized that the feelings he had for you seemed to keep growing. That empty place inside of him was not only filled up… it was overflowing. There wasn’t a moment that went by that he didn’t think of you. Even when he was helping Erina out, he was thinking of you. 
Now here he was, standing next to your bed, watching over you as you slept, unaware of his presence. He knew what he was doing was wrong, and oh so inappropriate, but he couldn’t help himself. He just wanted to make sure you were safe. He found out that you had no family to speak of. You had no one around to watch over you. It wasn’t fair. Not that he didn’t admire your independence, something unheard of for women of the time, but… what if something happened? What if you got hurt? What if you got sick? No one would be there to help you. Would anyone besides himself even know or care? He hated the idea of no one being there for you if you needed them. 
Robert wanted to be there for you. He figured that if he married you, then he would always be able to watch out for you, but…. He was still just a lowly street thug with a criminal background. You deserved someone far better than him. So he decided that he would have to make something of himself first, before he could attempt to court you. It was only right. He would find a way to earn lots of money, legitimately, and become someone you would be proud to have by your side. He would use that money to help people as well as make a better life for you. If you wanted to continue to be a nurse, he would let you. You could work together to make this horrible world a better place. You could help him watch out for Erina and the future Joestar descendants. 
The Grandfather clock in the hallway chimed. It was 1 am. You sighed softly and turned over in your sleep. Robert felt that it was time for him to leave. He would be back the next night to watch over you again, knowing that one day, he could watch over you without having to break in. 
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dilfartist · 2 years
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Pairing: Yandere bully Joseph x chubby reader
Trigger warnings: bullying (obviously), fat-shaming, sexism, abuse, misogyny.
Disclaimer: my yandere stories are not meant to be Romantic, they are made for horror. I do not condone any yandere behavior in real life.
Staring out the window, you watch as the autumn leaves part from the tree branches onto the ground. You tune out the monotone voice of your teacher, not seeing a need to listen to the lesson; It wouldn't be used later in life anyways. Your eyes drift away from the scenery outside the window to the medium-sized clock above the chalkboard. One-thirty, the period is nearly done.
Not wanting your time to be wasted by the teacher, you raise your hand. The teacher says your name, authorizing you to speak your mind, “Sir, class is almost over.”
The teacher looks surprised. He takes a peek at the clock, “ah, I guess you're right. Okay, class let's wrap up for today. I wouldn't want for us to be late for the assembly.”
You grimace at the mention of the assembly. Usually, you didn't mind assemblies, they lasted till the end of the day and you didn't have to do any work. However, this time was different. You weren't a fan of attending an assembly that idolized your tormentor.
Excpeallly when most of the school - if not all - knew about the bullying. Classmates encouraged the behavior and Teachers simply ignored the situation completely. Telling the principal wasn't going to solve anything due to the fact he was your bully’s uncle.
The bell rings, allowing the students to transition to their next class. “Class dismissed! Remember everyone; page thirty-four is due Monday. I will not accept it after Monday.” the class groans in unison.
The students already knew where to head. Most of the school had been excitedly waiting for this part of the day.
You sigh, following your classmates to exit the classroom. You walked through the halls, decorated head to toe with school pride.
It was no secret your high school thought highly of itself. Robert E. O. Speedwagon - also known for owning the Speedwagon foundation- built and maintained the high school since 1900. Hamon high school was the first school that didn't require money to attend, which is why so many students went to the school. The school also had the best food, teachers, and classes.
You loved Hamon high school at first, but now you felt dread every time you entered those school doors. Uncertain if Joseph was awaiting your arrival or not.
You never understood the reason randomly began to make your life a living hell. You had two theories; either Joseph decided to start for the fun of it or he still had a grudge against you because of your first interaction.
Twelve o'clock, lunchtime. You are your lunch on a bench underneath a large weeping willow. You read silently whilst enjoying the lunch you made yourself the night before. Out of the corner of your eye, you watched as the group of popular kids snicker and whisper to each other, glancing back at you. You could identify each one of them in the group.
The tall, built brunette was Joseph Joestar: a well-known obnoxious cheater Jock. The class clown that wastes everyone's time in class by goofing off to the point you're left with extra homework. The asshole that cheats on every woman he’s been in a relationship with. The guy who can't take anything seriously. The nephew of the owner of the school. Gym coach Lisa Lisa’s son. The boy every girl wants.
The tall, muscular sunflower blonde male Ceasar Zeppeli: a big-time playboy. The guy who has been in almost every girl’s pants. The man who has sex with you only to forget who you are the next day. The Italian foreign exchange student everyone in the school wants a taste of.
The most popular cheerleaders: Suzi Q, Alice, and Doris. You knew them well since Alice and Doris often made fun of you. Suzi Q on the other hand was nothing but an angel. You knew whatever they had planned, Suzi didn't agree with. Suzi would attempt to help you to her best ability so you didn't worry much.
You roll your eyes: You knew what they were planning. You watched as Joseph turned from the group and walked his way over to you.
Joseph stood in front of you, hands in his varsity jacket, a smirk present on his lip. “You’re y/n, right?” he takes one hand out of his jacket pocket to point at you.
“Yes, can I help you?” you ask, eyes not shifting from the page of the book.
“It's rather rude of you not to give me your full attention.” crossing his arms, Joseph pouts akin to a petulant child. “Don't you have any manners?”
Closing the book, you stared back into Joseph's eyes. “I could ask the same. I know you’re just here to mess with me.”
Joseph positions a hand on his chest in an offended manner, “What makes you think I'd do such a thing to you? You have no reason to believe I've come here to mess with you.”
You had numerous reasons actually.
“You’re right, I'm sorry. What did you come here to ask me?”
“Go on a date with me.” Joseph’s lips curled into a grin, a glint of mischief in his eyes. “My treat.”
You were never the type to lose your temper on a stranger, yet, you felt your patience wearing thin at a quick pace; to the point, that you could hit Joseph.
“You think I'm that dumb I'd fall for a dumb prank?” irritation caused shaking your voice. Joseph seemed amused by your anger, his smile never falling but instead growing. “You don't think I haven't heard you making fun of big-sized girls? Or I haven't seen you publicly humiliate girls my size and laugh in their faces after telling them it was all a joke. Well, you won't be laughing in my face or humiliating me.”
You stood up and grabbed your book. Glancing at the group behind Joseph, they seemed dumbfounded to see Joseph getting told off. You were positive they’ve never seen anyone talk to Joseph this way besides Caesar. Your gaze is back to the giant man towering over your form. Joseph isn't fazed by your anger one bit, staring at you with a blank, unreadable, expression.
Though you were absolutely terrified of the tall man in front of you, you swallowed your fear and proceeded with your rant. “I don't understand what girls see in you, your nothing but a dickhead.”
From what you remembered, you walked away leaving Joseph by himself. The rest of the day went on like normal and you had simply forgotten about the whole ordeal. Joseph would take it upon himself to remind you the next day.
Perhaps you wounded his pride. Joseph must have been embarrassed to be rejected by someone whom he considers to be unattractive. It was the only motive you could come up with. You became Joseph’s main target after the exchange, which confirmed your theory.
Your musing was interrupted by the sound of the intercom. “All Students report to the gymnasium. I repeat, all students report to the gymnasium.”
Students talked loudly throughout the hallways as they made their way to the gymnasium. You separated from the crowd, striding towards the women’s restroom. You quickly open the bathroom door and enter before anyone could identify you. The last thing you needed was someone ratting you out to Joseph.
You saunter over to the bathroom mirrors, listening to the students bickering slowly disappearing down the halls. All students and teachers should be at the gymnasium, leaving you by yourself. You gazed into the mirror, taking in your appearance. You huffed in annoyance, disgusted at the way you looked.
Today you decided to wear one of the ugliest red dresses you owned. You hated wearing these clothes, then again you didn't want another one of your favorite dresses being ruined by Joseph.
You remember the last time you wore one of your prettiest dresses to school. The dress was rose pink, with three black buttons on the front, white frills on the bottom, and a black bow wrapped around the midsection. You adored that dress. Unfortunately, Joseph didn't seem to like you being happy. On picture day -when you decide it would be a perfect idea to wear the dress-, Joseph dumped milk on your head, not only ruining your dress but your hair and makeup as well.
You had to wait a month and a half to retake your picture.
You wanted nothing more than to smack Joseph silly, but you stopped yourself from doing so. You weren't sure if Joseph would hit you back or not. And you weren't going to take that chance.
The abrupt sound of heavy footfalls inching closer to the bathroom door startles you. Your eyes dart to the door. A shadow grows bigger and bigger as it comes closer to the bathroom door. You feel your heart beating in your throat, palms coming to be sweaty in a matter of minutes. If the staff found out you skipped the assembly, they’d punish you terribly. You just prayed it wasn't Coach Lisa Lisa. She was the worst when it came to punishments.
Instinctively, you rushed to the last bathroom stall. Once inside you locked the door, then quickly hopped onto the closed toilet lid with your knees to your chest.
You close your eyes idly. You heard the door click open, whining as it opened. You hold two hands against your lips and nose, silencing your anxiety. You feel your heart hammering In your chest when the door shuts close.
The hefty footsteps moving into the bathroom sounded too heavy to be a female’s.
“Oh, piggy! I know you’re in here. Why not come out, I want to see you,” A boyish male voice calls out. Your eyes widen, and the feeling of overwhelming dread grows in the pit of your stomach.
You stayed in place, other than hugging yourself tighter you did not move one muscle.
Joseph is amused by your disobedience. You can tell he knows where you’re hiding, he only wants to play with you. “I see what you’re trying to do, Y/n. Playing hide and seek, are we? Well, I guess I'll play along.”
Joseph approaches the door to the first stall and slams it open with a loud whack. You flinch. The force of impact is strong enough to send vibrations to the other stalls.
“Here!? No.”
He repeats with the second door, getting closer.
“What about here?! Not here either.”
Again, he repeats his last action on the third stall door.
“I feel like I'm getting closer!”Joseph announces in amusement.”
Joseph stands in front of your stall, his sneakers facing you. Before he tries to slam the door open, you weakly announce your presence, voice shaking with trepidation, “I'm here. If you back away I promise I'll come out.” Joseph takes his sweet time backing away, creating enough space where you felt comfortable stepping out.
You unhurriedly stand on your feet, the toilet lid speaking beneath you. Before you get any closer to the door, you peer through the crack of the stall door. Joseph is staring at you, waiting for you to open the door.
You deliberately unlock the door, sliding the lock ever so slowly. You take a shaky breath, pondering what Joseph planned to do with you. Pushing the door open, you exit the stal. Joseph watches you like a lion watching its prey. Joseph’s eyes are unmoving, a smirk appearing on his lips. ”I was worried you didn't come to school today. It's always so boring when I can't have my fun with you.”
You grit your teeth. “Why do you have to be such a dick all the time, Joseph?” you snap.
“Because your reactions always amuse me. Fat girls like you are always so easy to messy with; one negative comment on your weight and you're crying me a river. Its pathetic really.”
You’ve never cried in front of Joseph. Once or twice you went to the bathroom to cry if what he had said was that hurtful.
You scoff, “You have never heard me cry because of your dumb words.”
Joseph’s left eyebrow raises, “Oh really?” he chuckles, “You’re lying. I've followed you numerous times and I've eavesdropped on you balling your eyes out in the bathroom. Try again, sweetheart.”
Feed up with Joseph, you attempted to run past him in an endeavor to escape. Joseph simply grabbed you by the waist and pulled you back, laughing as you squirmed in his hold. When all attempts of leaving his grasp turned futile, you began to sob tears of anger. “What the fuck do you want from me, Joseph? So what I hurt your pride by rejecting you, that doesn't mean you abuse me for it!”
“It's so much more than that.”
“I don't care what the other reason is! I can't wait until next month so I won't have to deal with your bullshit anymore!”
Joseph grabs your body and positions it to where you can see each other. His face is full of confusion, “what are talking about? Joseph asked incredulously.
You smile wickedly, for once Joseph hasn't guessed your next line. “I’ll be moving next month. I can finally start over again. I’ll have a new reputation, new friends, and hell maybe ill even score a boyfriend.”
Joseph’s puzzled expression unexpectedly shifts into one of fury. Joseph’s eyebrows scrunch, his lip forms into a scowl, and you can hear his breathing become unsteady. Joseph shoves you into the bathroom wall. Full-on sobbing in pain from the result of hitting the wall; you held your head in your hands, the intolerable pain could only be described as a headache but ten times worse. You leaned against the wall for support, eyeing Joseph with bleary eyes as he started to walk towards you.
Joseph pointed his index finger at you as he spoke, “You better learn to love me back. you know why? Because nobody else will ever love you- so you’re stuck with me.” Joseph fumed. Joseph crouches to your level, glaring down at you.
“What?” you whimpered in puzzlement.
“You want to know the reason I target you so much, Y/n? It’s because I want you all to myself and it irritates me. Truth is, I find girls like you sexy. Of course, I'd never say it out loud.” He let out a short-lived laugh before continuing.
“I enjoy your curves, your chubby cheeks, and God don't even get me started on your thighs. But most importantly, Y/n, I've always been interested in you. Ever since eighth grade. I would be damned if I allowed you to date a man who isn't myself.”
Joseph dips his head down to where he can whisper in your ear. “No matter where you run off to, I will always find you. I won't stop until you are mine, Y/n L/n”
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duskoon · 11 months
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Jojo Bizarre Adventures Masterlist + Character list:
• Anything related to JJBA and the characters I am willing to write for would be listed here. If there is any character not mentioned here, you can always request for them.(Including sentient / Automatic stands, like: Anubis. Or manga characters, but be warned for spoilers.)
• Characters in italicised bold means I am mostly invested in them, but that doesn’t mean I won’t write for the others. (R) stands for Romantic, and (P) stands for platonic.
• Minors are aged up to 18+. Also some characters like Josuke have 4suke, that refers to Josuke from part four. While 8suke, refers to Josuke from part eight. You can clearly *Ahem* see which parts are my favorites 😏.
Part 1: Phantom Blood:-
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• Jonathan Joestar (R & P)
• Erina Pendleton (R & P)
• Dio Brando (R only)
• Will. A. Zeppeli (R & P)
• Robert E. O. Speedwagon aka. Best wifey (R & P)
• Strazio (R & P)
• Bruford (R & P)
Part 2: Battle Tendency:-
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• Joseph Joestar (R & P)
• Ceaser Zeppeli (R & P)
• Lisa Lisa (R & P)
• Rudol von Stroheim (R & P)
• Suzi Q (R & P)
• Kars (R only)
• Esidisi (R & P)
• Wammu (R & P)
• Santana (R & P)
Part 3: Stardust Crusaders:-
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• Jotaro Cujoh* (R & P)
• Muhammad Avdol (R & P)
• Noriaki Kakyoin (R & P)
• Jean Pierre Polnareff (R & P)
• Iggy (P only)
• DIO (R only)
• Vanilla Ice (R & P)
• Hol Horse (R & P)
• Telence T. D'Arby (R & P)
• Daniel J. D'Arby (R & P)
• N'Doul (R & P)
• Mariah (R & P)
Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable:-
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• Josuke <4suke> Higashikata* (R & P)
• Koichi Hirose* (R & P)
• Okuyasu Nijimura* (R & P)
• Rohan Kishibe (R & P)
• Yukako Yamagishi (R only)
• Tonio Trussardi (R & P)
• Yoshikage Kira <4ira> (R only)
• Keicho Nijimura (R & P)
Part 5: Golden Wind:-
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• Giorno Giovanna* (R & P)
• Bruno Bucciarati (R & P)
• Leone Abbacchio (R & P)
• Guido Mista (R & P)
• Narancia Ghirga* (R & P)
• Pannacotta Fugo (R & P)
• Trish Una* (R & P)
• Diavolo / Vinegar Doppio (R only)
• Cioccolata (R only)
• Secco (R only)
• Squalo (R & P) ~ Yandere! Tiziano and Squalo with a foster child! Reader [W.I.P].
• Tizzano (R & P) ~ Yandere! Tiziano and Squalo with a foster child! Reader [W.I.P].
• Risotto Nero (R & P)
• Formaggio (R & P)
• Illuso (R & P)
• Prosciutto (R & P)
• Pesci (R & P)
• Melone (R & P)
• Ghiaccio (R & P)
• Sorbet (R & P)
• Gelato (R & P)
Part 6: Stone Ocean:-
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• Jolyne Cujoh (R & P)
• Ermes Costello (R & P)
• Emporio Alnino (P only)
• Foo Fighters (R & P)
• Weather Report (R & P)
• Narciso Anasui (R & P)
• Gwess (R & P)
• Enrico Pucci (R only)
• Donatello Versus (R & P)
• Rikiel (R & P)
• Ungalo (R & P)
• Johngalli A. (R & P)
• Sports Maxx (R & P)
• Thunder McQueen (R & P)
Part 7: Steel Ball Run:-
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• Johnny Joestar (R & P)
• Gyro Zeppeli (R & P)
• Lucy Steel* (R & P)
• Diego Brando (R & P)
• Hot Pants (R & P)
• Mountain Tim (R & P)
• Funny Valentine (R only)
• Scarlet Valentine (R only)
Part 8: Jojolion:-
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• Josuke <8suke, Gappy> Higashikata (R & P)
• Yasuho Hirose best girl (R & P)
• Rai Mamezuku (R & P)
• Jobin Higashikata (R & P)
• Joshu Higashikata (R & P)
• Kei Nijimura (R & P)
• Hato Higashikata (R & P)
• *Daiya Higashikata (R & P)
• Mitsuba Higashikata (R & P)
• Kaato Higashikata (R & P)
• Karera Sakunami (R & P)
• Yoshikage Kira <8ira> (R & P)
• Josefumi Cujoh (R & P)
• Toru (R only) - General Headcanons.
• Yotsuyu Yagiyama (R & P)
• Aisho Dainenjiyama (R & P) - General Headcanons [W.I.P].
• Wu Tomoki (R & P)
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• Jojo Bizarre Adventures rightfully belongs to Hirohiko Araki.
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inkpot909 · 1 year
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(Last Updated- 4/6/24)
The Basics …
I. Check the introductory post before requesting
↳ My pinned post is the go-to for checking what I currently accept. If I accept non-JoJo’s requests, drabbles, headcanons, matchups, it’ll all be listed front and center. Any request sent to me disregarding it (sending in a headcanon request when they’re closed, for example), will be deleted.
II. Multi-fandom (well, kind of)
↳ My blog is primarily focused on JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and my writing will certainly reflect that as well. That being said, there may be times when I open my writing to different fandoms (those of which I will list further down this post).
↳ I have yet read parts 8 and 9 of the manga (I’m very slow at catching up to things). As of now, I write for characters up to part 7.
III. Reader specifics
↳ If a gender is not picked out for the reader in a request, the reader will be written as gender neutral. If a specific set of pronouns aren’t given, the reader will be written to have they/them pronouns. AFAB and AMAB is preferred to be specified as well. Remember that someone’s gender is not necessarily a signifier of their pronouns or sex. For example, a fem!reader does not guarantee she/her pronouns.
↳ Race-specific or ethnic-specific reader requests will not be accepted. It's not in my wheelhouse of expertise, as I fear I would only end up stereotyping the experiences of others if I attempted to do so. As it stands, I currently do not have the understanding to deliver on those requests.
↳ Matchups are only ever for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.
IV. OC requests
↳ I do take requests for your OC and your preferred s/o. Adding additional information on your requested OC is certainly appreciated. However, if you have posted information on the OC previously on your blog it isn’t necessary. I will do what I can to familiarize myself with your character before beginning to write the request. Take note that these requests may take longer for me to complete compared to others.
↳ OC requests are only ever for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.
V. NSFW and/or dark content
↳ Sexual content is allowed, therefore NSFW requests are accepted.
↳ Underage characters will be aged up and clearly depicted as such in the work itself. I am not going to write the characters as they are and just say they’re aged up in the description- I will make it clear within the work itself every single time.
↳ Most kinks I’m open to writing for. Shoot me a request even if you’re unsure. If I find something i’m uncomfortable with, I’ll be sure to add it here.
↳ Yandere content is also allowed. I will always give a disclaimer about it; such relationship dynamics are never to be sought after in real life. Please, keep yourselves safe first and foremost.
↳ Any potentially triggering content will be given a warning on my part. Anything from swearing, to substance usage, to suggestive material, and anything/everything in between. As the writer, I feel it is my responsibility. If I ever miss something, notify me immediately so I may correct the mistake.
VI. What isn’t allowed
↳ No pedophilic or inscestual relationships allowed. No bestiality either.
↳ Most mental and/or personal struggles I’m open to. That being said, I will write nothing on eating disorders, whether it be explicit or implied.
↳ Monster characters/AUs are not allowed. No mermaids, werewolf, ghosts, or otherworldly-types. The character DIO (and the Pillar Men?) is the only acception by nature of their characters in universe.
↳ This is very specific, but I will not be doing romantic writing for the character Joseph Joestar at all.
Fandoms and Characters …
↳ Favorite characters of mine to write for will be highlighted in red; if a character listed appears in a later part that is also included (examples: Jotaro Kujo, Dio Brando, etc.)
I. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
↳ Part 1: Jonathan Joestar, Robert E. O. Speedwagon, Dio Brando, Erina Pendleton.
↳ Part 2: Joseph Joestar (platonic only), Caesar Zeppeli, Lisa Lisa, Suzi Q, Kars, Esidisi, Wamuu.
↳ Part 3: Jotaro Kujo, Muhammad Avdol, Noriaki Kakyoin, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Hol Horse, N’Doul, Mariah.
↳ Part 4: Josuke Higashikata, Okuyasu Nijimura, Koichi Hirose, Rohan Kishibe, Mikitaka Hazekura, Yuya Fungami, Yukako Yamagishi, Tonio Trussardi, Yoshikage Kira.
↳ Part 5: Giorno Giovanna, Bruno Bucciarati, Leone Abbacchio, Guido Mista, Narancia Ghirga, Pannacotta Fugo, Trish Una, Diavolo/Doppio, Risotto Nero, Prosciutto, Melone, Ghiaccio.
↳ Part 6: Jolyne Cujoh, Ermes Costello, Foo Fighters, Weather Report, Narciso Anasui, Gwess, Enrico Pucci, Miraschon.
↳ Part 7: Johnny Joestar, Gyro Zeppeli, Diego Brando, Hot Pants, Mountain Tim, Funny Valentine.
(Once again; the rest mentioned is only on occasion for the time being. I will also update the list below more in the future)
II. Cowboy Bebop
↳ Spike Spiegel, Faye Valentine, Jet Black.
III. Ouran High School Host Club
↳ Haruhi Fujioka, Tamaki Suoh, Kyoya Ootori, Hikaru Hitachiin, Kaoru Hitachiin, Takashi Morinozuka.
IV. The Way of the Househusband
↳ Tatsu, Masa.
V. Baldur’s Gate 3
↳ Lae’zel, Shadowheart, Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Karlach, Halsin, Minthara, Raphael.
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megan-is-mia · 2 years
Fem! Robert E.O. Speedwagon x Fem Reader
With "I'm Not Trying to be Clingy, I Just can't stand to be away from you." And "I took your hoodie - it smells like you."
227. “I took your hoodie—it smells like you.”
239. “I’m not trying to be clingy, I just can’t stand to be away from you.” (Yandere! Fem! Robert E. O. Speedwagon x Fem! S/o)
It all started when (Y/n) bought that stupid painting from the thrift store. She’d gone into the shop looking for something to brighten up her new apartment. Along the numerous knickknacks already covered in dust, wedged in a corner where it was near impossible to see… she found that strange portrait.
The subject of this peculiar piece was a young woman with gorgeous blonde hair that framed her face and stretched down over her shoulders. One might have called her beautiful if not for the large scar stretched diagonally across one cheek. Intrigued by the image of the blonde woman (Y/n) asked the store owner who she was. Regrettably, the man had no idea, yet he was more than willing to sell the portrait to the young woman for dirt cheap.  
Little did she know that the painting was cursed. The spirit of its subject, Miss Roberta E. O. Speedwagon, had died an unhappy spinster over a century ago. Instead of passing into the afterlife free of regrets, her soul had remained stubbornly fixed in the mortal realm and her painting. Various people had owned the portrait over the past hundred years and every one of them had died by Roberta’s hand.
Normally when her painting was put into its new home, it was only a matter of hours before Roberta would begin plotting to kill the person who’d dared to claim her portrait as their property. However this time… this time it was different. There was something about (Y/n) that made her ghostly heart race despite having not beat for over a century.
There was no doubt about it, she was in love. She longed to reveal herself to (Y/n), and live in domestic bliss. However, she understood that showing her ghostly form would surely cause her darling girl such an awful fright. For a time Roberta was able to content herself with merely watching her love going about her day-to-day life. When her desire for (Y/n) started to become unbearable she would steal various objects bearing her beloved maiden’s scent. Sadly such an arrangement could not go on forever. No matter how careful she was, Roberta was eventually caught by (Y/n).
“W-w-who are you?” (Y/n) said gawking at the semi-translucent figure standing guilty in her bedroom with one of her hoodies clutched to its chest.
“Don’t you recognize my face? You see it every day when you wake up” Roberta replied shyly gesturing to her painting hanging on the wall nearby. (Y/n)’s eyes slowly moved to the painting, then back to the ghostly figure, and then to the painting once more.
“How… why… why do you look like the lady from my painting!” (Y/n) said indignantly. Her mind was racing, trying to find a logical answer to this bizarre situation.
“How? Because I am your lady from the painting. After all, wouldn't it be strange if I didn't look like my portrait?” Roberta said with a small laugh.
“You can't be Roberta E. O. Speedwagon! She died over a hundred years ago!” (Y/n) replied with even more indignation. After hanging the painting in her home, she had delved into researching the bewitching blonde depicted on the canvas.
“Yes I did die, and I was so lonely… so lonely for so many many years” the ghostly maiden replied, her cheeks flushing with delight at the knowledge her beloved had taken the time to find out her name. “But now I have you, and I am no longer lonely! Well except when you have to go to work… that's why I took your hoodie—it smells like you and it helps me be patient” she added after a moment of quiet reverence. (Y/n) did not respond, instead starting to back away from the spirit and eying the door with the intent to run for it.
“Sorry was that too much? I’m not trying to be clingy, I just can’t stand to be away from you” Roberta said suddenly advancing on the young woman and taking her into her arms. “I know this is all a lot to take in but I only want the best for you. I love you so much… please believe me” she added imploringly and squeezing (Y/n) tightly. The joy she felt in this moment was so great that if she wasn't dead already, she might have just passed away from jubilation right then and there.
The maiden within her grasp began to shiver, both from fear and from the natural chill of being embraced by a ghost. (Y/n) could not even begin to articulate her despair or her disgust at what was unfolding at the moment. Yet she did not resist, for she knew through her research into Roberta that the people who owned her portrait had always died a gruesome death. She did not want to become the next casualty of the cursed painting and its undead occupant…
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yanderememes · 3 years
Yandere Jobros Snapchat
The Jobros make their way into darling’s sc
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fortune-fool02 · 4 years
Master’s Pet
Yandere Vampire Lord Speedwagon x Pet female reader
This was inspired by the ideas given by @lyssors, so thank you to them for this. 
Warning: yandere, angst, suggestive themes  
Please enjoy. 
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No one truly knows how this happened. In the space of a handful of nights, the entire criminal underworld got turned over, threads and strings threaded their way and tangled up every single connection all the way back to the puppeteer who casted them out. Those who challenged and opposed him were slaughtered on the spot or hunted down like prey, snatched up with nothing but their drained corpses found by day, it they were lucky. 
Every bushiness in Ogre Street fell into this spider web, be them illegal or legal, building a hidden empire of sorts with the cause of this on the throne of it all. Robert Speedwagon had never had such power before and yet, he was an entirely different person now. One who fed on the blood of those who challenged him and the power this organisation offered him. Rival gangs surrendered their territory and power or were simply wiped out. 
As a result, many of those gangs that survived came with offerings hoping to please Speedwagon to spare their lives. And one of these offerings came in the form of a [Hair colour] woman, bound and gagged. Her body was clothed in material found among nobles yet it was clearly stolen, an attempt to make her seem that much more beautiful. Those soft, [Hair colour] locks were finer than silk, he could only imagine the feeling of running his clawed fingers through them for hours on end. [Eye colour] eyes that were a mix of fear and terror yet sparkled like jewels in the moonlight. Such beauty had not been offered to him like such before. Other women, and even some men, had been offered but none had compared to her.  
He knew, then and there, that she was going to be his. Whether she liked it or not. 
Shadows engulfed the room, playfully taunting the few lit candles that offered whatever light they could. A coldness nipped in the air but nothing too unbearable with the clothing given to her, Speedwagon had been feeling a little generous and had given her something warm to wrap up in, he didn’t want his little pet getting sick. Humans were so fragile and vulnerable to the elements of the world; he wanted her in perfect condition at all times.  
[Name] wished to escape this place but such a thing was pointless. He would hunt her down at every corner, she would never escape his tangled web over London no matter how far she ran. He would snatch her and drag her right back here, a demon dragging her back down to the pits of Hell to suffer. That was what he was. Some kind of demon sent to rain Hell and carnage upon the world. 
The door opened, ripping her from her thoughts as she turned to look, seeing said blonde entering the room and tossing his coat aside. Blood splattered his shirt a little, indicating his earlier meal before coming here, which was good as it meant he was calmer. Speedwagon could get quite irritated when he was hungry. He walked past her, the candles flickering in a cowardly manner as he did, threatening to go out. [Name] watched, [Eye colour] orbs sparkling with fear in the low light as he moved past her and plopped down in a chair he had taken a liking to in his room. 
“Come here, love.” His voice cut through the silence of the room, a balance between a softness coated ask and an order which she followed without question and stood before him. He patted his lap, much like how one would do to coax an animal to sit on their lap, and she did so. Cold, clawed hands found their place on her waist, her body fitting in his hands perfectly. 
“Good girl.” he cooed softly, crimson red eyes glowing in the darkness. “You know, you always make me feel good.” It was true. Speedwagon has had his fair share of experiences with intimacy with a vary of partners -both male and female- but none made him feel as radiant as [Name] did. Made that rush of ecstasy last longer than a few minutes. No, none of the others could do it like she could. 
Bringing one hand up, he cupped her face and pulled her down a bit, locking his lips with hers, his hold secure in a way to make sure she couldn’t pull away unless he let her. The tips of his fangs brushing teasingly over her bottom lip, enjoying the slight flinch she gave when she felt them. A soft chuckle was muffled by the kiss as he pulled her closer, deepening the kiss as he let his hands roam her figure, savouring the warmth of her body. Shivers ran around her body at this, goosebumps brushing her [Skin colour] skin as he continued to caress her body. 
“I’m goin’ to enjoy every inch of you, love.” He purred against her ear, his lips trailing kissing up and down her exposed skin. The divine scent of her warm, rich blood flowing just beneath her skin was a tempting call for him, even after his meal earlier. But that was what she was. [Name] was divine. Something that he would keep rather than waste. 
After all, a master needed his pet, no? 
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yepperoniro · 3 years
My Blorbos
Yuta Okkotsu JJK
Joseph Joestar JJBA
Kyojuro Rengoku KnY
Keigo 'Hawks' Takami BnHA
Toge Inumaki JJK
Tengen Uzui KnY
Armin Arlert Attack on Titan
Shoto Todoroki BnHA
Carrietta White Carrie
Chucky Childs Play 2019
'Ciel Phantomhive' (Our Ciel) Black Butler
Alice Cullen Twilight
Cole Blush Blush
Elizabeth Midford Black Butler
Eris Lore Olympus
Giorno Giovanna JJBA
Guido Mista JJBA
Hanakō Yamada Yandere Simulator
Hannah Annafellows Black Butler
Hypnos Hades
Jane Volturi Twilight
Jean-Pierre Polnareff JJBA
Johnathan Joestar JJBA
Megamo Saikou Yandere Simulator
Michael Myers Halloween 2007
Monika DDLC
Narancia Ghirga JJBA
Noriaki Kakyoin JJBA
Paul Lahote Twilight
Peaunt Valentine Crush Crush
Rissoto Nero JJBA
Robert E. O. Speedwagon JJBA
Spinel Steven Universe
Wamuu JJBA
Yuno Gasai Future Diary
Zagreus Hades
Yuji Itadori JJK
Allison Hargreeves Umbrella Academy
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mistaeq · 4 years
rules are unbreakable
hey, loves. dora here. these are my writing rules.
DISCLAIMER: i won't be taking proper REQUESTS anymore, apart from matchups. i'll be taking SUGGESTIONS instead, so feel free to drop some in my inbox !!
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➳what suggestions will i take?
reader Inserts
AUs [alternate universe]
characters' aesthetics
triggering topics i feel comfortable with
angst, fluff
➳what suggestions won't i take?
character x character
yandere [unless i personally want to] or gore
triggering topics o don't feel comfortable with
incest, pedophilia, racism of every kind
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who do i write for?
➳ phantom blood
jonathan joestar
robert e. o. speedwagon
william antonio zeppeli
erina pendleton
dio brando
daphne von thalheim [part 1 oc, hamon master]
➳ battle tendency
joseph joestar
caesar antonio zeppeli
suzie q [platonic or fluff]
pillar men [kars, esidisi, wamuu, santana]
lisa lisa
floyd joestar [part 2 oc, pillar man]
daphne von thalheim [part 2 oc, hamon master]
➳ stardust crusaders
kujo jotaro
kakyoin noriaki
flesh bud kakyoin noriaki
jean pierre polnareff
flesh bud jean pierre polnareff
muhammad avdol
joseph joestar [platonic unless I feel comfortable with it]
many minor antagonists [hol horse, terence d'Arby, daniel d'Arby, n'doul, steely dan, rubber soul, mariah, midler, nena]
aelita persephone geil [part 3 oc, villain, crusader at the end]
floyd joestar [part 3 oc, pillar man who became a crusader]
flynn von thalheim [part 3 oc, hamon master who develops a stand]
➳ diamond is unbreakable
higashikata josuke
nijimura okuyasu
kujo jotaro
hirose koichi [not nsfw]
nijimura keicho
yamagishi yukako
kishibe rohan
nu mikitakazo nshi
fungami yuya
sugimoto reimi
tonio trussardi
kira yoshikage
hazamada toshikazu
some minor antagonists [akira otoishi, toyohiro kanedaichi, miyamoto terunosuke]
adonis sergeevich lebedev [part 4 oc, duwang gang member]
nu oritelium nshi [part 4 oc, duwang gang member]
floyd joestar [part 4 oc, former pillar man and crusaders, gets there with joseph]
➳ vento aureo
giorno giovanna
bruno bucciarati
leone abbacchio
guido mista
fugo pannacotta
narancia ghirga [not nsfw unless i feel comfortable about it]
trish una
la squadra esecuzioni [risotto nero, prosciutto, formaggio, pesci, illuso, melone, ghiaccio, sorbet, gelato]
l'unità speciale [diavolo, vinegar doppio, cioccolata, secco, squalo, tiziano]
caramello boyge nero [part 5 oc, villain]
guglielmo abbacchio [part 5 oc, bucciarati gang member]
➳ stone ocean
kujo jolyne
hermés costello
foo fighters
kujo jotaro
narciso anasui
weather report
donatello versus
➳ steel ball run
johnny joestar
gyro zeppeli
diego brando
alternate world diego brando
hot pants
mountain tim
funny valentine
ringo roadagain
drusilla bulckaen-valentine [part 7 oc, first lady of the united states]
i am more than surely forgetting someone so just ask
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please, always remember and respect the fact that i can always refuse to do a request. if i happen to forget or to not write a request, ask before attacking.
i might happen to clear my inbox. i sometimes make events or publish some works i felt like doing, without it being requested.
don’t be afraid of telling me which pronouns you’d like the s/o to have, i'm totally comfortable with feminine, masculine and neutral readers. if you don’t specify it, i’ll make it neutral.
please don't be vague on your request. i want to do my best not to disappoint expectations.
every underage character is aged up in nsfw plots.
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moody-bloosh · 4 years
Could you do 10 with Speedwagon?
Sure thing doll! I’m so sorry this took me some time to write out :( I wanted to try something different this time around, uwu. Perhaps a fluffy yandere fic ?! I hope I executed this well lol.
content warning: yandere!reader, stalking, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome
loyal to a fault (Robert E. O. Speedwagon)  
Speedwagon understands that your method of showing love can be different. In fact, your way of showing love could even be frightening at times. 
It makes him remember the times he’d caught you stalking him. He remembers the blissful smile you always wore because he was the one reflected in your eyes. And he would call out to you and tell you to just walk beside him because, “isn’t it difficult to follow me around all day?” 
He remembers the terrified look in your eyes as you thought out loud, “no, it’s quite easy to follow you around.” He remembers exactly, the moment the realization struck you: that if someone as simple as you could successfully stalk Speedwagon, there was no telling if other people were doing the same. 
Your hands trembled as you held his hand in yours and you told him that you would do everything in your power to keep him safe. 
Your dearest, darling Speedwagon. 
So you kept him sequestered in your manor, you limited his interactions with people who could hurt him, you got rid of anyone who dared breathe wrong in his direction. He thinks, it should frighten him: your obsessive behavior should be something to be wary of, your willingness to hurt other people for his sake was unnatural. 
But he couldn’t. He couldn’t find it in himself to be frightened of you and your way of loving. Because when he washes the blood off your skin, he thinks of how soft your hands were the day you reached out to him to take him out of the depths of poverty and suffering. Because you still tremble when he holds you while you stand before him in your bloody clothes. Because when you fall asleep with him beside you, all you can do is apologize to him. 
Because this was the only way you knew how to love. Because no one ever taught you how to love. Because he was the only one who truly loved you. 
When he thinks of leaving you, he forces himself to look back on that day he told you that he would reciprocate your feelings, the day he agreed to be your lover. He remembers the radiant smile that painted your lips, the gentle loving expression that had colored your face. When he promised to be your lover, he meant it. Even if it entailed turning a blind eye to the more terrifying ways you would show love. 
So if that was the case, he would teach you. 
He wasn’t the best and all he could do was apologize to the souls of the eyesores you’d murdered for his sake. 
It is the afternoon and Spring was about to come. You are lying in Speedwagon’s lap while he toys with your impossibly soft hair. You tell him about the boorish council meeting you are due to attend and he listens attentively. 
It is silent for a moment as you regard him, your hand reaches out to caress him for a moment. He can’t help but wonder if the emotion flickering beneath your eyes was something akin to melancholy. 
Did you regret clipping away his wings? Keeping him in a gilded bird cage? 
It is only for a moment. Your melancholy is gone as soon as it came and you are darting out of his touch like you have been scalded. You rummage around your expensive drawers and he sits upright in your impossibly soft bed. 
You run up to him with all the enthusiasm of a puppy and in your hands you hold a lovely book. 
“Look darling!” You were telling him as you sat beside him on the bed, “I made us a scrapbook! It’s mostly pictures of you, though…” 
There was a wistful look on your face as you showed him more and more photos of him, obviously taken without his knowledge. 
It should frighten him. 
Why didn’t it frighten him? 
You’d grown quiet again as you sat beside him, your index finger was caressing a photograph of him. Gently, Speedwagon places his hand over yours. A small, shy smile on his lips. 
As if to say, I promised you, didn’t I? 
“But we’ll take more, won’t we?” He was saying, reaching out to flip through the rest of the empty pages of the scrapbook. “We’ll fill your scrapbook with more photos of the two of us…”
His hand wraps around your own, to still the trembling. When you look back up at him, he is still smiling gently. 
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fortune-fool02 · 4 years
Masterlist- Jonawagon
From oldest to newest. 
A Private Dance
Sick Sweet Smile - Demon AU
Hell’s Rose - Demon/Angel, Stripper AU
Flower Petals -  Hanahaki Disease AU
Once Upon a December - songfic. 
A Long Day - Modern AU
More than a Machine - Android AU
Odd Friends - Angel/Demon AU 
Stone Star - Pillarman AU
Something Strange - Merman AU
New World - Pillarman AU - Stone Star continuation 
Strength to Rise - Kimetsu no Yabia AU
Power and Status - Vampire AU, NSFW
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hey! can you do yan hcs for speedwagon? Thanks so much 💖
Of course! Let’s give this man some Yandere love too
Yandere! Robert E.O Speedwagon
He’s a very overprotective man that doesn’t trust most folks around you, he’s seen it all from Ogre street. So he’s just doing you a favor and trying to keep you away from the slime balls that run amok in London.
Keeps you right close to him, even if you protest a bit while walking around. Especially if it’s nearing dark, there’s not a time he’s not there for you for walking you home. 
At first he might hide you away from Jonathan once he’s in the picture. Though eventually Jonathan is the only man the blond trusts to be around you. 
He has his men keep an eye on you once he starts helping out Jonathan more often. But he makes sure to make up for that time lost to be with you without a doubt.
He’d definitely have to be around you when Dio becomes a major threat after turning into a vampire. He excuses his more extreme behavior such as stalking you as protecting you from getting kidnapped to be used to feed Dio. 
That being said anyone he doesn’t find quite tasteful around you, are promptly dealt with behind your back. If you accidentally see them they’ll likely turn heel and run away in fear. 
Always seems to oddly know when you’re ill or not feeling well in some way and finds a way to care for you. Even if you’re reluctant about it. No matter what you say he’s not leaving you. 
His obessive affection comes out in the likes of brushing his fingers through your hair, cupping your cheeks, and kissing your hand. Of course he’ll tell you how beautiful/handsome he thinks you are every waking moment he has with you.
You might end up with an inadvertent partner as he somehow manages to upkeep your home. As well as helping you with any kind of heavy lifting.
He doesn’t take no for an answer when it comes to financial help later down the line. Speedwagon likely just drags you into his fortune somehow. So just about anything you monetarily desire will likely be yours. 
He’s one of those type whose just happy to have you in his sights and in his home. Unlikely to force you into his arms for affection, but he definitely sneaks in some kisses from behind when your guard is down.
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moody-bloosh · 5 years
last updated: 11052023
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comeback drabble event masterlist 
☔︎: angst, 💞: fluff, 🔪: yandere, 🌸 : personal favorite 
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Dio Brando 
→  stolen [ 💞 , SDC ] 
→  and, sew [ 💞 , PB ] 
→ glasgow smile [ 🔪 ] 
→ adore you [ 🔪 ]  
→ just because [ 💞, SDC ]  
Dio as your Servant in Chaldea [ 💞, fate au ]  
Dio being soft [ 💞 ] 
Robert E. O. Speedwagon 
→  power up [ 💞 , Hamon User!Reader ] 
→ loyal to a fault [ 🔪 ] 
Joseph Joestar 
Joseph as your Servant in Chaldea [ 💞, fate au ]  
S/O with Bipolar Depression [ comfort ]
Caesar Zeppeli 
Caesar as your Servant in Chaldea [ 💞, fate au ]  
→ offerings [ 🔪 ] 
→ resignation to the supernova [ 🔪 ] 
→  torn sleeve [ 💞 ] 
Kars with a Pregnant!S/O headcanons [ 💞 ] 
Stardust Crusaders 
Which Servant would the Stardust Crusaders get along with? [ fate au ]
Jotaro Kujo 
→ attached [ 🔪 , SDC, Zeppeli!Reader ] 
→ guardian [ 🔪 , DIU ] 
Jotaro and Kakyoin in Chaldea [ 💞☔︎, fate au ] 
Yandere Jotaro Headcanons [ 🔪 ]
Jotaro Comforts You When You Cry While Watching A Movie [ 💞] 
Noriaki Kakyoin 
→  white knight [ 🔪 ] 
Jotaro and Kakyoin in Chaldea [ 💞☔︎, fate au ]  
Kakyoin as your Master in a Holy Grail War [ 💞☔︎, fate au ]  
Jean Pierre Polnareff 
→ duty is the death of love [ ☔︎ ] 
→  oath to keep [ 🔪, knight!polnareff ] 
First Date Headcanons [ 💞 ] 
Josuke Higashikata 
S/O pushes themselves too hard [ 💞 ]
They have a nightmare that they’re being a yandere and S/O comforts them [  💞 🔪 ] 
Kishibe Rohan 
S/O with Bipolar Depression [ comfort ]
Akira Otoishi 
→ superfan [ 🔪, yandere!reader ] 
Bucci Gang 
S/O Has Nightmares of being Abandoned [ 💞☔︎ ]
The gang forgets S/O’s birthday [ 💞 ] 
S/O likes to make them cute meals [ 💞 ] 
Giorno Giovanna 
→ kindly ones [ 🔪, childhood friends ] 
→ me and my broken heart [ 🔪 ] 
→ do it for him [ 🔪, Don Giorno ] 
Giorno as your Servant in Chaldea [ 💞, fate au ]  
S/O pushes themselves too hard [ 💞 ] 
They have a nightmare that they’re being a yandere and S/O comforts them [  💞 🔪 ] 
Bruno Buccellati
→ maid for each other [ 🔪 ] 
→ to have and to hold [ 🔪, Husband!Bruno ] 
→ pieta [ 🔪 ] 
→ struck down [ 🔪, Demon!Bruno, childhood friends ] 
→ vice grip [ 🔪 ] 
→ natural causes [ 🔪☔︎ ] 
→  i only have one heart [ 🌸☔︎, passione gakuen au, love triangle with Prosciutto ] 
→ in the middle [ 💞, poly!BruRis x Reader, giveaway prize ] 
→ ‘til you made it [ 🔪 ] 
→ the catboy’s love story~ [ 💞, Catboy!Bruno ] 
Yandere!Bruno Headcanons [ 🔪 ] 
Servant!Bruno Headcanons [☔︎ ]
Jealousy headcanons ft. Risotto, Prosciutto, and Bruno [ 💞 ]
What a Romantic Evening with Bruno at Home would be like.  [ 💞 ]
Eskimo Kisses & Booping Noses with Bruno  [ 💞, drabble ]
S/O with Bipolar Depression [ comfort ]
Pannacotta Fugo 
→ coming up roses [ 🌸☔︎, hanahaki disease au ] 
→ only [ 🌸🔪, childhood friends ] 
→ blind devotion [ 🔪, yandere!reader ] 
→ my true love sent to me [ 🌸💞, Christmas 2019 ] 
→ dance practice [ 💞☔︎ ] 
→ when they cry [ 🔪, sacrificial lamb au ] 
Mutual Pining Headcanons [ 💞 ] 
Fugo as a Dungeon Master [ 💞 ] 
Fugo as your Master in a Holy Grail War [ 🌸💞☔︎ ] 
Fugo as your Servant in a Holy Grail War [ 🌸💞 ] 
With an S/O who is always getting hurt [ 💞 ]
S/O Reacts to Fugo Snapping [ ☔︎ ] 
Leone Abbacchio 
→ famous last words [ 🌸☔︎, writing trade ] 
→ repetitio [ 🔪 ] 
Guido Mista 
→ patched up [ 🌸💞 ] 
→ saying goodbye [ ☔︎ ]
Narancia Ghirga 
→ bitter [ 🔪 ] 
Trish Una 
→ the loneliest girl [ 🔪 ] 
Unita Speciale 
General Relationship Headcanons for Unita Speciale [ 💞 ]
→ a welcome defeat [ 🔪] 
→ boss’s orders [ 💞] 
→ to hell, with love [🌸 💞☔︎, hades and persephone au] 
→ you’re a mean one mr. [🌸 💞, Christmas 2019, jjba Secret Santa] 
→ blanket protection [ 💞 ]
→ consolation prize [ 💞, modern au, fratboy!diavolo ] 
With an S/O who is always getting hurt [ 💞] 
→ signal [ 🔪 ] 
With an S/O who is always getting hurt [ 💞 ]
→ helpless [ 🔪 ] 
→ helpless [ 🔪 ]
La Squadra
→ Liebesfreud [ ☔︎💞, companion to Liebeslied ] 
→ beach episode [ 💞, giveaway prize ] 
La Squadra with their Tall, Intimidating Cinnamon Roll S/O Headcanons [ 💞 ]
La Squadra finding out about Pesci’s s/o headcanons [ 💞, passione gakuen au ]
La Squadra with a Filipino s/o who uses their lips to point at things. La Squadra’s reactions to Russian Roulette as an Interrogation Tactic
La Squadra And Their New Member Who is a Slime  [ 💞 ]
La Squadra’s Stands + Affection [ 💞 ]
La Squadra as BTS Members 
Idol Group La Squadra AU [ ☔︎💞 ]
How the Boys Cheer You Up [ farm au, 💞 ]
Pocky Game with La Squadra [ 💞 ] 
Risotto Nero 
→ hanahaki disease [ 🔪 ] 
→ living dead [ 🌸🔪 ] 
→ housebroken [ 🔪 ] 
→ all out of love [ 🔪, yandere!reader ] 
→ safe spaces [ 🔪 ] 
→ foul trouble [ 🌸🔪, kuroko’s basketball au, polyRisPro ] 
→ the first snowfall [ 🌸💞☔︎, Discord Secret Santa, Christmas 2019 ] 
→ kissing Santa Claus [ 💞, Christmas 2019 ] 
→ ariadne’s thread [ 🌸🔪, minotaur!risotto ] 
→ moth to a flame [ ☔︎, bodyguard au ] 
→ the fox’s husband [ 💞, kitsune!s/o au ] 
→ in the middle [ 💞, poly!BruRis x Reader, giveaway prize ] 
→ sands [ sans x risotto ] 
→ final girl [ 🌸🔪, slasher!risotto ] 
→ marking [ 🔪 ]
Summoning Risotto in a Holy Grail War [ 🌸💞 ] 
Jealousy headcanons ft. Risotto, Prosciutto, and Bruno [  💞 ]
Movie Night with Risotto [ 💞, drabble ]
Risotto Comforting His Sickly S/O [ 💞 ]
→ babie [ 🌸💞, gift ] 
→ the price to pay [ ☔︎, post break-up au ] 
→ waning moon [ 🔪, demon slayer au ] 
→ red shoes [ 🔪, demon slayer au ]
→ shoulder to cry on [ 🔪 ] 
→  i only have one heart [ 🌸☔︎, passione gakuen au, love triangle with Bruno ] 
→ Liebeslied [ ☔︎, the umbrella academy au ] 
→ pygmalion [ 🔪 ] 
→ hell hath no fury [ ☔︎🔪 ] 
→ foul trouble [ 🌸🔪, kuroko’s basketball au, polyRisPro ] 
→ dear, baby [ 🌸🔪, Husband!Prosciutto, Mom!Reader ] 
→ after you [ ☔︎, reincarnation au ] 
→ watering dead flowers [ ☔︎, cheating!prosciutto ] 
→ hydrangea [ ☔︎, fate au, servant!prosciutto ] 
→ Ampulex compressa [ 🔪, yandere!reader ] 
→ wicked hearts [ ☔︎, escort au, escort!prosciutto ] 
→ first impressions [ 💞, farm au, alpaca!prosciutto ] 
Jealousy headcanons ft. Risotto, Prosciutto, and Bruno [ 💞 ]
Smooshing Cheeks with Prosciutto [ 💞, drabble ]
→ honmei choco [ 💞, passione gakuen au ] 
Pesci meeting his s/o headcanons [💞, passione gakuen au ]
→ oh dear [ 🔪, yandere!reader ] 
→ mirror, mirror [🌸🔪, snow white au ] 
→ coffee parfait [☔︎, childhood friends au ] 
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on your head, a crown (Diavolo/ Doppio x Reader) 
[🔪☔︎ ] → Back then, when Passione was nothing but an upstart gang, you were heir to throne of the criminal organization your father and his father before him had so lovingly cultivated. As you were set to take over, your father sends you on one last mission to prove yourself. It was simple. You just needed to crush that insignificant Passione and their coward boss who no one knew. 
[ chapter index : 1 | 2 | ... ]
cat got your tongue (Ghiaccio) 
[ 💞 ] 
→ Misadventures of caring for Cat!Ghiaccio. 
[ chapter index: 0 | ... ] 
holding on to you, will do no good (Bruno Buccellati)
[ 🌸☔︎, cheating!bruno ] → You know for a fact that Bruno is cheating on you. But you can’t bring yourself to leave him. Such a thing... could that still be called love? 
[ chapter index : 1 | 2 | 3 ]
[ drabbles: 1. snippets of the night you left,  ]
Clothes Thief 
[ 💞 ] → What it’s like to wear your significant other’s clothes and what happens when they catch you wearing their clothes ~ 
[ La Squadra | Unita Speciale | coming soon: Buccellati’s Gang ]
Long Pasts 
[ ☔︎, supernatural buddy cops, urban fantasy, featuring Giorno Giovanna and Dio Brando ] → Because even monsters learn to care for things. Because even monsters have something they want to protect. Because even monsters have things they regret. 
[ 1 | ... ]
Pocky Game
[ 💞 ] → What happens when you challenge your S/O to the Pocky Game? Who thrives under the challenge? Who crumbles under the pressure? And who exceeds expectations? 
[ Buccellati’s Gang ]
May Queen 
[ ☔︎, fae!Giorno ] 
→ The day before you are to be wed, you are hounded by mysterious dreams that spur you to return to the forest you have been barred from returning since your childhood. 
[ 1 | ... ]
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