#yandere skz drabble
sleepchapter · 1 year
“is all i want too much to ask?”
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yandere seungmin x reader (very short) oneshot
warnings : both implied and directly stated stalking, imprisonment, sorta guilt tripping, victim blaming??
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kim seungmin. you’d known him for some time. you had his number, you two talked a bit, you weren’t best friends but you were close friends. but he wanted more than that. he knew you were just friends, but he didn’t want to be just friends. he wanted to be with you forever as lovers. he knew that’s not what you wanted, but he couldn’t give you up so easily. if you love something set it free, but if you’ve already caught them by their wings you can’t just let them go.
he tried to have restraint. he tried to accept that nothing would happen between the two of you. but he just couldn’t. he had to have you. he started stalking you. well, he wouldn’t call it stalking. if he so happened to see you then he just so happened to follow you.
because you were close, you hung out quite a bit at cafés and each others homes. so when you went to his house you expected it to be the same as always. you’d hang out for a bit by maybe watching movies or playing games and then he’d walk you home and you’d be on your way. and it sort of went like that this time…he tried to keep it the same as always. he tried to focus on anything but you. he put on a movie, tried to cook and only answer you with light hums, but he just couldn’t hold back. he couldn’t just let you go. why’d he have to learn not to love you when you could just learn to love him? so he lured you into his room and locked the door. he explained to you everything and how he loved you and he just couldn’t let you go and that he just wanted the best for you two and he even mumbled a few sorrys but then just put the blame back onto you. saying it’s all your fault that this happened. but then he’d just apologize again. he was literally the human embodiment of whiplash. you weren’t just going to stand there and listen to him right now. he sounded crazy ! you had gone to move him out of the way and unlock the door but he wouldn’t move and you kept pushing at him and started hitting him. you had even resorted to scratching at his face before he had enough and grabbed you by your shoulders and pushed your back against the door. his face was slightly red from your scratches and hits, and he did not look amused. obviously. but then again, what did he think would happen? did he really think you’d just sit there and let this happen?
“there’s a lot worse things i could do right now you know…it’d be best to stop. let’s not do something we’d both regret…”
he mumbled the last part. he was shying away and trying his hardest not to look in your eyes. it was almost comical that he was embarrassed right now.
“what the hell are you doing seungmin? let me out right now ! i don’t know what’s wrong with you right now, but get off of me!
he was still not giving you eye contact and was mumbling things to himself that you couldn’t understand. you raise your hand to slap him but he quickly snaps his head back up and grabs your wrist. now he was looking you in the eyes, and you couldn’t tell what his eyes were saying. you couldn’t tell if he was angry, worried, or what. but now you were the one looking away from his eyes. it was silent for a bit, you were too scared to move at all, too scared to scream, you didn’t even think you were breathing. but he finally spoke up.
“is all i want too much to ask?”
you slowly looked him back in his eyes. you still couldn’t tell how he was feeling right now. but obviously by the way he was acting throughout this whole thing he was at least somewhat ashamed of himself.
“i mean…it’s not so hard to love someone. i tried to stop loving you but why should i only change? why can’t you change? why can’t you love me? why should i have to stop loving you?”
you didn’t know what to say. you knew he was wrong but you still just couldn’t get any words to escape your mouth. he pulled you off of the door and pushed you onto the ground. he unlocked the door before you could get up and quickly slams it shut before locking it once again. he was leaned up against it and all he could feel was the door banging from your fists continuously pounding at it and you screaming for him to let you out. he didn’t live in an apartment complex and his house was pretty spaced out from his neighbors so it wasn’t like anyone would hear you. he’d deal with you more later. for now he’d think about things while you had your little tantrum. everything would turn out all right, he knew it would. it had to.
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 4 months
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Pairing : Yandere!Lee Minho x F!Reader TW : yandere themes ; basically a forced pregnancy ; late term pregnancy complications ; Minho is like, the worlds worst narcissist in this ; let me know if there's more ; Word Count : 6.9k A/N : The amount of research that I did for this one is crazy, but I also learned a lot so... building knowledge while writing fanfic is a plus! This request has been in my ask box for probably over a year and a half now, so... I hope that whoever requested it... I hope you enjoy! (Also, this was supposed to end WAY worse... But you all weren't ready to be sucker punched with sadness, so...) Request : Anonny : Pregnant with yandere leeknow/ yandere leeknow as dad Aaaangst
In The Beginning…
“Minho…” You called timidly from the bedroom, the way you called for him was about the same volume as when someone would talk regularly to a friend. When you spoke it was nothing more than a mouse-like whisper, always scared of what would happen if you raised your voice a little too much. Your doting boyfriend came into the bedroom, his hair tousled and wet from his shower, his eyes always seeming to carry a seductive look, dark and hungry for you at all times. “M-Minho…” You spoke his name again, this time more nervous now that he was standing in front of you. 
A chuckle built in his chest as he sauntered over to you, water wrinkled fingers that were warmer from the hot water he had been standing under, trailed across your cheek, one finger slipping under your chin to tilt your head up as he towered over you. “Mm? What do you need, darling? Are you hungry? Thirsty? I know that last night was quite… exerting for you…” He teased, and you felt your body heat up at the mention of the sinful activities you had taken part in the night before. 
“Uhm… n-no…” You stammered, blinking a few times as you seemed to lose your train of thought constantly when he was standing so close to you, looking at you as if you were a delicious meal that he couldn’t wait to get his hands on. “We… We didn’t use protection and… Usually you’d get me a… a plan B pill and… I just was wondering if you had gone and… and gotten it by now?” You were always so nervous around him, still not quite sure what made him tick. One second he was happy, or at least he seemed happy, and then the next he was going through an outburst that had you locking yourself in the bathroom until he came to the door apologizing and giving you the same spiel that he would never do it again. You hated when things got like that, you tried to avoid getting him to that point at all costs. 
“I decided you don’t need it anymore.” Minho spoke nonchalantly, as if he was the one who could make that decision for you. Your mouth opened to protest, and he stared at you, waiting for you to say something, anything that would give him a reason to lash out. It’s like he wanted a reason, he wanted to go off on you, like he enjoyed seeing you scared, enjoyed being the hypocritical hero when he comforted you after making you cry. “Think about how wonderful it would be, to have a part of me growing inside of you… you’d be mine, all mine. You’ll never leave me…” His hands moved down to your stomach, as if there was already something in there. “I’ll pick up tests in about 2 weeks, I want to be right here when you take them and read the results.”
The First Signs…
Sitting at the dining room table, the chicken still in your mouth after you had taken a bite, an awful sensation washed over you. A sort of sickness that you couldn’t fight back, and an urge to throw up that you couldn’t breathe your way through as you usually would. “Mm’scuse me…” You mumbled through the palm of your hand that was clasped over your mouth as you ran to the bathroom, slamming the door behind you, not even bothering to lock it as your body practically folded over the toilet. 
“Darling…” Minhos soft cooing from the other side of the door had goosebumps forming on your skin. When he cracked the door open, you could see a rather excited smile beginning to spread across his face. “Are you alright?” The juxtaposition of his expression and his words made your head reel. He looked too happy for someone who had just watched their girlfriend throw up all of their dinner. You nodded your head in response, making sure the contents of your stomach were cleared out before taking a few steps to the sink and washing your face and then rinsing your mouth out with water. “I thought you loved that chicken… Hmm, I wonder why it would make you sick all of a sudden…” 
He stepped into the bathroom fully now that you were done being ill, the nausea seeming to be completely gone now, as if it hadn’t been there at all. You knew exactly what he was insinuating, and while it might seem that way, you weren’t ready to accept that it could be what he was thinking, you didn’t want to accept it. “I think they just changed the frying oil or something…” You excused, dabbing at your lips with a bit of toilet paper before exiting the bathroom, Minho right in tow. You couldn’t be pregnant, that would make him all the possessive, all the more obsessive and overbearing. You wouldn’t be able to ever leave, not that you were able to do that now anyway, but it would be so much worse. You probably wouldn’t even be able to look at the windows without him lecturing you. No… pregnancy wasn’t an option for you. 
As you stood at the sink, getting a glass of water from the tap to wash out the taste, Minho stood behind you, his hands placed gently on your stomach. It was the softest he had ever touched you, but you knew that it wasn’t exactly for you, it was for the little demon spawn that he assumed was inside of you. “Does my baby not like the fried chicken? Hmm? Whatever you want, daddy will get it for you… As long as your mommy tells me.” How could he sound so sweet? It was gag inducing, how he pretended to be so caring when he was practically trying to hold you hostage using a potential child. 
The next days were the same, the sudden nausea not even having the common courtesy to creep up on you, instead, hitting you full force, barely allotting you enough time to run to the bathroom or the trash bin to vomit. It didn’t matter what you ate, each day at the same exact time, it was always the same. You could see the light in Minhos eyes growing brighter each time it happened, but you were in denial, and you quite liked being in that state. You didn’t want to accept that there was a very real, very high possibility that you were now carrying his spawn. “I must be coming down with something…” You mumbled, resting your head in the palm of your hand, suddenly feeling exhausted, as if you hadn’t slept in days. It was another sign, another symptom, you knew that, but you hoped that Minho would overlook it. 
“Well it has been 2 weeks, more than that actually, my darling.” The smile that he was was nothing short of sinister as he ran to the bathroom and returned with two boxes in his hands. You knew this time was coming, you had been dreading it, hoping that you would get your period at any moment now. It never came though, and you were terrified of what the tests would undoubtedly reveal once you took them. “I’m sure taking them would answer a lot of your questions… Here…” He slid the boxes across the table, but you refused to even look at them, instead staring out the window, trying your best to block out everything that he was saying. You didn’t want to be pregnant, not by him at least. How could you even be happy bringing a child into this type of lifestyle? “Darling…” He murmured the pet name softly, but rough hands suddenly gripped your chin, turning your attention to him fully. “Take the tests. Now.” 
You huffed loudly, pushing yourself away from the table and snatching the boxes up before rushing to the bathroom. You knew well enough that if you didn’t get there in time and lock the door, he’d probably try to come in and watch you take them just to make sure you weren’t fabricating the results. It would have been a good idea, but you knew he’d notice. There was no way you could just run the test under the sink water and pretend they were negative. It’s not like he’d let you go if they were anyway, he’d just keep trying and trying… and once you started showing… He’d probably be more pissed off that you lied to him. 
“You’re taking quite a while in there… Do you need help?” The question was genuine, but you glared at the door, knowing that he wouldn’t see it. It was the only time you could make those kinds of faces at him without being reprimanded for it. The tests laid on the back of the toilet seat, and much to your dismay, the second line showed up faster and darker than you ever expected it to. “Fuck!” You thought to yourself as you unlocked the bathroom door and flung it open, slipping past him as he rushed in. He was too preoccupied with being excited over the tests to focus on you, at least for right now. All you wanted to do was sleep and hopefully wake up from the nightmare that you had been living in for the last 3 years. 
The First Trimester… 
There was no bond forming. For the most part, you tried to forget that you were pregnant at all. It was easier during this stage. Other than the nausea and the exhaustion and the slight pulling and pinching sensations you’d feel in your lower back and upper thighs, all things that you could write off as any other reason, you didn’t feel pregnant. You were still in denial, you didn’t want this. Minho wanted this, and he was the only one happy about it. This was the happiest you had seen him though, he was absolutely elated, but he was also overly protective, which was becoming a real pain in the ass. 
“I can get dressed on my own.” You muttered as he sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out to help you pull down your shirt after you had just put it on. “I really don’t like the hovering, it’s making me uncomfortable.” Were you allowed to be honest with him now? Would he excuse it as your hormones going crazy because of the baby? He wouldn’t yell at you, right? Not when you were in such a fragile state. He reached out further, grabbing your wrists, rather tightly, and pulled you towards him. Of course, he wouldn’t dare try to be so rough anywhere around your stomach, but everywhere else was still fair game. 
“You’re carrying my child, and as long as you are, I can hover as much as I like.” He hissed, and even though you didn’t like his tone, you were grateful that he wasn’t yelling. “I know you don’t want it. You’d probably be overjoyed if you miscarried. I won’t allow that to happen though, so just be good for me, let me help.” His expression immediately shifted, his head tilting to the side as the most innocent looking smile had his teeth flashing up at you. It was like whiplash, it made your head hurt. “So what would my babies like to eat today, hmm? Are you craving anything in particular?” He cooed, although his attention was still primarily focused on your stomach. 
Any other woman would want a man like him, a man that treated them this way and got this excited to find out they were pregnant. Any other woman could have him and all of his psychopathic tendencies. “I’m craving a nap.” You snapped, and you watched his nostrils flare out at your disobedient tone, but he didn’t say anything, instead getting off the bed and yanking the covers back for you, waiting for you to climb onto the mattress before carelessly throwing them back over your body. “Thank you.” You mumbled, rolling over onto your side so that your back was to him, tucking the covers around your chin and squeezing your eyes shut. It wasn’t just the raging hormones that tired you out, it was Minho too, him more than anything honestly. Living with him, well, no, not living, being stuck with him, was the most exhausting thing ever. 
“I’ll wake you up for your vitamins and for lunch.” He said sternly, more like a strict caregiver than the father of your unborn child. You hated him. You hated that he did this to you, that he chose you to be the object of all of his desires. Why did he choose you? He still hadn’t told you why, he just insisted that you were the one that he wanted. Now you were carrying his child, and you feared that you’d truly be stuck with him forever. What did you do to deserve that? 
The Second Trimester…
Most women would get an ultrasound at around 9 weeks. However, you had yours at 20 weeks. You didn’t go to a doctors office, instead, Minho had the doctors come to you. Even still, he didn’t want you leaving the house. Before the doctor was even allowed to see you, he had to sign an NDA, with Minhos reasoning being that he was an idol, and he didn’t want the public to know about his fiancées current condition. You still didn’t know when you had gotten engaged, but apparently it had happened at some point before the doctor's arrival. 
Seeing your baby on the screen made it impossible to deny that you truly were pregnant. It also made it hard for you to hate it as you during your entire first trimester. Was it truly the baby’s fault that their father was crazy? Did it’s fathers behavior make the baby inherently evil? No… of course it didn’t. The baby was still a part of you, and you were a good person. You wouldn’t allow your child to grow up to be like Minho. “It’s a girl.” The doctor said, pointing to the screen as if you’d understand what you were being shown, but Minho was mesmerized by what he was seeing, his jaw slacked in awe. 
“That’s my daughter… Our daughter? Really? Is she healthy?” It was Minho asking all the questions that most women in your position would be asking. You were too caught up in your own thoughts though. A baby girl, you were carrying his daughter. She’d be more like you, right? Maybe having a daughter would change the way he is, he’d become normal, a man that you could actually love and welcome having a family with. He wouldn’t want his own daughter to be with a man like himself, right? 
The doctor turned up the volume on the little tv, a rapid pulsing sound filled the room, both you and Minho were silent as you listened. “She’s healthy, very healthy.” The doctor said, smiling to both you and Minho. You were… happy. A single tear rolled down your cheek as you stared at the screen, watching the baby squirm around, and you couldn’t wait to be able to feel her moving beneath your skin. “I’ll print out the pictures and then be on my way. I’d like to make another appointment for next month though, make sure she continues growing the way she should. I also want some bloodwork from you…” He motioned towards you, and you swallowed thickly, looking at Minho who looked slightly annoyed at the doctor's pushiness. “Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong, we just like to make sure that there’s no underlying problems. Better to be safe, right?” 
His words had you tensing up, your hands moving down to your stomach, rubbing over the small swell that had begun to form as your daughter grew bigger. “Why… Why would there be underlying problems? What could be wrong?” You squeaked out, not wanting to look up at the doctor, worried that his expression would give you a silent answer, one that you were scared to know. Minho was still, like a statue, only his eyes moving between you and the doctor, but there was no answer, just a soft sigh and a gentle tapping against your hand to try to calm you. The gesture was supposed to make you feel better, but you heard Minhos teeth gritting together. 
“It’s just precautionary. This is your first appointment since you’ve gotten pregnant. It’s to make sure both you and the baby are healthy and that there are no problems now or in the future. From what I see though, you and your daughter are perfectly fine. You have nothing to worry about.” Your hand was held lightly by the doctor who offered you a reassuring smile, but before you could thank him, Minho was, quite rudely, ushering him out of the room and shutting the door. On the other side of the door, in the hallway, you could hear Minhos aggrivated voice, low enough that you couldn’t make out what he was saying, but you could feel it, reverberating through the walls and the floorboards. He was talking so fast that the doctor didn’t have a chance to speak, and before you knew it, the front door was slammed shut and then Minho was storming back into the bedroom. 
“Touching you… Holding your hand… Who the fuck is that guy?!” Minho growled as he shut the door behind himself, pinching the bridge of his nose as he leaned against the door. “You don’t need any more fucking doctors. You were doing just fine without them. There’s nothing else we need to know anyway. Our daughter is healthy and that’s what matters. There’s no need to have some touchy ass fuckwad coming in here, looking at you… Ugh!” You could see the heat radiating off of him, he was beyond angry, he was absolutely irate, and while you didn’t want to push him any further, what the doctor had said prompted you to speak up. 
“Min… Honey…” It was an attempt to soften him up, you never called him that, not unless you were trying to get him to agree to something. Most of the time it never worked, but it at least would keep him from going off as rashly as he would without the pet name. “What if there is a… a problem… I think we both should know. We don’t need to keep him as our doctor… We can find someone else… But I think the bloodwork is important.” You sat up on the bed, trying to get a better look at him, trying to read his expression, but he was completely blank. “Minho…” You tried to get his attention, unaware that you already had it fully and he was just deep in thought. 
“No…” His hand was held out, one finger up to silence you as a chuckle was huffed out of his parted lips, his breaths coming faster and faster as he pushed himself away from the door. “I know what you’re doing. I know what this is…” The pet name didn’t work, nothing would work, he was already angry as it was and you were simply making things worse. “You want him to come back… You want him to take you away from me. That’s what you want. I know you! You’ve wanted nothing but to leave since you’ve been with me! He can’t have my fucking daughter! And he sure as hell can’t have you!” He climbed onto the bed, straddling you and holding your face between his hands. It wasn’t exactly painful, maybe you were numb to the pain it might have caused at first, but now you just found it annoying. “What do I need to do to make you stay!?” He shouted, his breath fanning across your face with every word. It’s like he was using all of the air in his lungs to enunciate every syllable. 
“Minho, stop it.” You whispered, knowing that the wrong word, a wrong look, saying it in a way that he didn’t like, it would only have him spiraling deeper and he’d drag you right along with him. “Please… h-honey look at me… I’m not trying to leave you… I just want to know that me and the baby are healthy, that there’s nothing wrong. I don’t want anything to happen to either of us… I want her… Honey, I want a family with you…” Sure, you were really sugarcoating it to try to get him to calm down, but you also really needed to know that everything would be okay. The last thing you wanted was for something to happen to you and him blame your daughter for the rest of his life or vice versa. 
His hands dropped down to your shoulders, his body now shuddering, although you didn’t know if it was because he was about to cry or if he was just shaking with anger. It was always hard to gauge his reactions or how he was truly feeling. It had you on edge all the time, and you felt like a tiny rodent, cornered by a feral cat. “Nothing is going to happen to either of you…” He mumbled, his head hung low, his hair curtaining his face. “Stupid fucking doctor, putting that shit in your head, scaring my darling…” This wasn’t what you wanted, his anger once again shifted towards the doctor who was just trying to do his job. “Do you really think I’d let anything happen to you and our baby?” You shook your head, of course he wouldn’t let something happen to either of you, not because he cared, but because he couldn’t fathom the thought of not owning you anymore. “You’ll be just fine, darling. You’re overthinking what that jackass said.” And with that, it’s like all of the anger washed away, a sudden wave of calmness rinsing him clean of the negativity. “Let’s get something to eat. My girls are hungry, aren’t they?” He pressed a kiss to your forehead before shifting off of you and off of the bed, grabbing your hand and carefully helping you up to your feet. The sudden shift had you feeling dizzy, but it was welcome, at least he wasn’t yelling at you. 
The Third Trimester… 
Something was wrong, although you weren’t sure what it was. The ongoing nausea, the headaches, the blurred vision, you knew there was a problem. All you could think of was the argument that you had almost 15 weeks ago, wanting to at least have bloodwork done to make sure you were okay, but of course Minho had denied you of the simple procedure. If anything happened to you, it would be his fault, but he wouldn’t look at it that way, no, it would be someone else’s fault, it always was whenever he fucked up. 
“Someone’s tired…” He whispered when he walked into the bedroom where you were still laying. It’s not that you were actually that tired, you just couldn’t move without feeling sick. When he pulled open the curtains, you squeezed your eyes shut, groaning loudly as the bright sun only amplified the raging headache you were already suffering through. “Sorry, darling. Can’t lay in bed all day. Gotta get you up and moving. Come on.” He yanked the covers back and his eyes landed on your feet which had become so swollen you could barely even fit them in your slippers anymore. “What happened?” He whispered, although there was a slight panic in his voice as he gently grabbed your ankle and lifted it, looking over the extremity for any signs of injury. 
“I think… I think…” You kept starting the sentence only to be left practically winded after only saying two words. “Problem…” You settled for one word, hoping that it would get your point across and that he’d take some kind of action. He blinked a few times, backing away from the bed, his hands running through his hair as he seemed to be fighting an internal battle with himself. “Please…” You pleaded, your hands cradling your swollen stomach. If not to help you, at least to help your baby who he seemed to want more than anything. 
“Shut… Shut up! I’m thinking!” He screeched, suddenly pacing back and forth as his breaths came out sharply, sounding more like whistles as they came through pursed lips. “Why would you let this happen! What even… God dammit!” He shouted, his fist colliding with the wall in an act of frustration, and even though he was fully across the room, you jumped at the sudden act of violence. He would never hit you, no matter how mad he got he had never actually hit you, but when things got this bad, you always feared just how far he would go or how far gone he was. “What am I supposed to do?! Take you to the hospital?!” 
Yes. Yes, that’s exactly what he was supposed to do to keep both you and your daughter from potentially dying. “If I could just… have her… get her out… we could be… okay…” You said breathlessly, and he whipped around in your direction, his eyes wild and crazed. It truly seemed like he was losing his mind. “Min… I don’t want t-… to die… please…” You begged, the sudden onslaught of tears only making it harder to breathe. 
“Fuck! You think I want you to die!? You think I want that!?” He questioned, and soon his hands were back in his hair, tugging at the ends as he let out a loud scream. “This is exactly what you wanted, isn’t it! It’s what you wanted to happen! You wanted to leave me so bad! You’d rather die than be with me!” He was once again blaming you, yelling at you for something that you didn’t even understand at the moment. You didn’t know what was happening, so why the hell was he attacking you for it? “Such a fucking bitch! God! Fuck! Get up!” You were being… belittled… insulted… cursed at for… dying? At least if you did die, you wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore. You wouldn’t have to deal with him anymore. But did you really want to leave your poor baby with someone like him? 
Getting up was a daunting task, it took you longer than it usually would just to swing your legs over the side of the bed. Every small movement made you feel like you had run a marathon, your breaths becoming more labored, your vision becoming spotty, and the urge to vomit became more of an oncoming threat as the bile from your otherwise empty stomach rose to your throat. There was no time to get to the bathroom, you weren’t even on your feet yet, and before you had any time to even warn Minho, you were doubled over, heaving up the acid that burned your throat on its way out. He watched, not coming close or helping you, but he watched, his lips parted and his eyes blinking rapidly as if what he was seeing wasn’t true. “Sorry…” The word was spoken in a single raspy breath, your head hung low with both shame, embarrassment, and pain. Your throat was scratchy now, and it felt like fire was being held against the back of it. Tears pricked your eyes and snot ran down your nose, stopping at your upper lip, and you didn’t even have the energy to wipe that away. 
“What happened…?” He asked, his voice once again soft, laced with the false tone of worry. It used to make you think he cared, but now you knew it was an act. It was all an act. “Let’s… Let’s go…” He said, his voice wavering. He truly didn’t know what to do, but he knew that he didn’t want to do this. It’s not like he had a choice though. You looked awful, like you were already standing at death's door, and that terrified him. He had seen you sick before, but he had never seen you like this. “C-Can you walk? Do you need�� Uhm… Shit…” He was tripping over his words, but when he saw you try to get up on your own, he rushed over, his arm wrapping around you. 
Looking at you this close, he could see that your face was swollen too, and beads of sweat lingered on your forehead. “She hasn’t moved… Min… I’m- I’m scared…” You whimpered, and he pulled you closer to him, letting your body fall against his side, trying to take all of your weight as he walked you towards the front door. “Min…” You breathed out his name, your head falling against his shoulder. He hummed to let you know he heard you, grabbing everything he needed with one hand as he walked through your shared apartment. “If you have… to save any of us… save her… save the baby…” You wheezed, all of your weight falling against him, everything that he had been carrying was dropped immediately to catch you. 
“No… no no no! Stop talking like that! Stop it!” Minho shouted, his voice trembling from the sobs he tried to hold back. “I’m not losing either of you, dammit! I-…” He sniffled softly, and while your eyes had been closed the entire time, trying to block out the light that shone through the window in the living room, you could feel his eyes on you. “I love you… You know that, don’t you? I’m not… If anything happens…” The thought was stopped before he could get the words out, but you were stuck on the three words he had said prior. Love was such a strong emotion, you hadn’t felt loved the entire time you had been with him, and he had never said it before now either. Did the thought of you being gone forever make him change? If you did make it through, would he go back to the way he was before? Maybe death was the only escape… 
I’ll Make You Stay… 
There was no way the doctors would make him choose… It couldn’t be that serious. You were absolutely fine, right? He hadn’t noticed anything wrong until today… or were you just that good at hiding things from him? Why would you hide something like this from him? Were you afraid of him? Why were you scared of his love? He just loves you so much! What’s wrong with that? He wanted you to be with him forever, he wanted you to be his darling, why did you make it seem like that was so awful? He’d show you that you could be happy, that he could make you happy, you just had to stay with him, you had to stay. 
“Why can’t I go in?” Minho asked once again to the nurse who slipped out of the room. Each time he said it he was more irritated than the last. He just didn’t understand. What could be so wrong that he couldn’t be there for the birth of his daughter? Every time, the nurse would just sigh, getting more agitated with him. “I’ll just go in then. You can’t keep me from seeing her. That’s my wife, that’s my daughter! If you won’t tell me what’s going on then I’ll just-“ 
The nurse cleared her throat, although it sounded more like she was groaning. He tried not to let it bother him the way it usually would. He had far better, far more important things to worry about than the bitchy attitude of the nurse. “She didn’t want me to tell you. I’m trying to respect her wishes. She wanted to be alone.” The nurse explained, but it only stirred up more questions in Minhos now overactive mind. What was the reason behind you wanting to go through this alone? Did he not have a say in being able to watch his daughter be born? It was unfair, and once everything was over with, he’d be having a talk with you about how rude and humiliating it was for him to sit out in the hallway while you were delivering his child. He opened his mouth, not even to speak, just to breathe, and the nurse started talking, as if she assumed he was just going to continue complaining. “Both of them are not well. The last thing I wanted to do was go against what could possibly be her last wish. Are you understanding now, sir?” 
Your… last wish? It sounded like you were dying… It couldn’t possibly be that bad… Is it? Why would you want to be alone during a time like this? How could you leave him this way? Do you not even care about his feelings? It’s like you want to make him miserable! All he wanted was to have a family with you, to make you stay with him forever, and now you’re trying to get away by dying!? You were so selfish! Why couldn’t you just be healthy?! He had done everything right. He made sure you ate and had your vitamins and did daily exercises and that you always got enough sleep. If anything happens to you and the baby… It would be your fault! It would all be your fault! 
“An early blood test would have shown that this was a possibility. It would have potentially kept this from happening. If she was getting proper appointments, this would have been caught before it got this bad. Who was her OB?” The nurse asked, her clipboard resting against her forearm, her pen held in her other hand, as if she was waiting for the information to jot down. The mention of your doctor had his mind pausing for a split second… This is why you needed the bloodwork done? Why had no one told him that back then? Why was he not informed of the risks that would come along if the bloodwork wasn’t done? This still wasn’t his fault though… No, the doctor should have talked to you and him more about the benefits of getting early bloodwork done. 
It was the doctors fault… If he hadn’t been so touchy with you, it wouldn’t have been such a big deal for him to come back and do the bloodwork. It was all the doctors fault, and if something were to happen to you or the baby… Minho would make sure that the doctor paid for it. He told the nurse the doctor's name, trying not to let his smile break through the mask of sadness that he was wearing, but it was hard. The thought of getting that guy to potentially lose his job, it was nice, and he couldn’t help but feel a little… overjoyed, knowing that if anything were to happen to you and the baby, it wouldn’t be in vain, at least the doctor will suffer as well. “I guess I’ll… wait out here…” He said, the frown once again returning to his face as he dropped down into the chair beside your door. It was still hard not being in there with you, knowing that so many people were looking at you, touching you… He felt like he was going to lose his mind, and the only way that he was keeping himself slightly sane was by constantly telling himself that he could potentially lose you and his daughter if those doctors didn’t help you. 
He was in and out of sleep the whole time, his head falling against the wall and his eyes drooping shut, only for them to shoot back open whenever an alarm would go off, looking up at the light above your door to make sure it wasn’t for your room before drifting back to sleep once more when he realized it wasn’t. It had been hours, he finally stopped counting after the seventh, when the door finally opened and one of the nurses, different from the one before, walked out. There were dark circles under her eyes, she looked frazzled and exhausted, but there was no urgency, there was no sadness… Was everything okay? Would he be able to keep you and his daughter? “Sir…” She started, and Minho sat up straight, his eyes hopeful as he looked up at the nurse. “I don’t want to sugarcoat anything, I don’t want you to get excited just yet… Although your wife and the baby are… alive… That doesn’t mean that things are… okay.” It was like all of the hope was drained from his body immediately, even after hearing that you were alive… How could you still not be okay? 
“Well… what’s wrong? What happened? I mean… I need some information here!” He was trying not to get worked up, but the way the nurse seemed to be beating around the bush was highly aggravating. For Christ's sake, he’s your boyfriend, the father of the child, and she was talking to him like he was some nobody. He deserves… No, he needs to know what happened! “How is she not okay? Is the baby okay? Come on, tell me something, dammit!” He didn’t care if she was tired, or if she was emotionally worn out after helping you. That’s her damn job, and part of it is telling him what the hell is going on. 
She sighed loudly, clearly not happy with the way that Minho was talking to her, but he didn’t really care for that either. He wasn’t even allowed in the damn room, the least she could do was tell him what had gone on while he was locked out in the hallway. “The mother had preeclampsia which advanced to class one HELLP, which I will not go into full detail about, a simple google search will tell you what it is, but I will say that she had the most severe case of HELLP that I have ever seen in my years of working here. We were at a point where we worried that we would have to choose whether she lived or the baby lived. She had to have blood transfusions before we could even deliver the baby, she was in the early stages of kidney failure, and while we were in the process of trying to help the mother, the baby went into respiratory distress. We had to do an emergency c-section, which wasn’t easy because we were worried about hemorrhaging, which did in fact happen. The baby is currently in the NICU, she is underweight, we have to do tests to check her platelet count, she’ll most likely be in the NICU for a couple of weeks, and that’s minimum, especially if her platelets aren’t normal. The mother needs to stay because we have to make sure she doesn’t have any other underlying health issues, and we need to monitor her closely because the first couple days after delivering a baby with HELLP syndrome could be fatal. So yes, the mother and the baby are alive… But they are in no way, shape or form, okay or healthy enough to come home anytime soon. Does that answer your questions, sir?” 
Minho didn’t know what to say, he didn’t know where to start. He didn’t understand anything that had been said to him, all he knew was that it was bad and that you wouldn’t be going home with him. How could you let things get this bad? Why didn’t you tell him? Surely you must have felt ill or something when this was all going on? And that damn doctor… Why did he have to touch you? Why did he have to make him so angry? If he had just been a normal doctor, he would have been allowed to come back and do your bloodwork. This all could have been avoided! It wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t! How was he supposed to know that something like this could happen?! He had never read anything about this online! He didn’t know something like this could happen! It wasn’t his fault! 
“Anyway…” The nurse spoke once more, taking Minhos silence as an opening. “She’s resting, they both are. There’s going to be doctors in and out of the room constantly, so, if you’d like to go in there, you can, but I wouldn’t expect to get any rest. If I were you, I’d honestly just go home, get some sleep, and come back in the afternoon. They’re not going anywhere, it’s going to be a long road ahead of the both of them… And you need to get as much rest as possible to prepare for it.” And with that, she walked away. He was left alone in the hallway with his thoughts, the faint sound of a heart monitor beeping just beyond the closed door to your room was the only sound he could really focus on. 
You were alive… You had stayed… You weren’t leaving him. He would have his family, and he would have it with you, his perfect darling. Nothing like this would ever happen again, he had his baby girl, and he had you. The two of you were all he needed. Once he had you and his baby back home, he’d make sure he never had to let you out of his sight again. You were going to stay with him, he would make you stay. That’s why he wanted the baby in the first place, and in the end, he still got exactly what he wanted. 
Perm Taglist :
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minminbunny · 6 days
Stalker X Stalker AU - Dom! Lee Minho/Sub Gender Neutral! Reader
*smut part - AFAB/AMAB
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💕Drabble Masterlist
❤️Ultimate Masterlist
"Good morning, gorgeous," you whispered, taking a few silent photos from the roof into Minho's room. His sleeping body looked so precious with Dori snuggled against his face. You shuddered an exhale, licking your lips as you pulled away. Minho chuckled, watching you through his phone, "Kitty, you look so desperate," he cooed, zooming in. You realigned your camera, disappointed to see him sitting up, "It's too early, darling. You should sleep more," you whispered, watching Minho scroll on his phone. 
Minho crossed his legs, his back facing the window, "Aww, they're sulking," he chuckled, endeared by your obvious pouting. You hummed, watching the time on your watch, "It's almost here," you whispered, keeping your camera in exchange for a burner phone. The parcel arrived at Minho's doorstep, "I didn't order anything," he murmured, bringing it into his room. You gulped, shakily calling his number. 
Minho felt his phone ring and picked it up, "Hello?" he asked, making your breath hitch. You turned on your voice modifier, "Hope you like the gift, darling. It's curated for you," you said, breathing heavily. Minho bit back a smirk, "How did you find my address?" he asked, faking a worried victim. You shivered at his voice, "You shouldn't sign random forums, pretty. You wouldn't know who's getting them," you said, before hanging up.
Minho faced away from his window, chuckling into his palm. Making it seem like it was crying with his shaking shoulders. Guilt swirled within you but you knew the gift would cheer him up. Minho wiped the tears in his eyes, "Such a sweetheart," he cooed, tugging on the ribbon. The box was a stunning red with a cream coloured ribbon. 
Minho lifted the lid and his eyes widened, "This isn't fair, kitty," he smiled, seeing his favorite pudding, cat treats for his children and a lovely looking letter. He shuddered, smelling a tinge of blood coming from the letter, "As much as I don't like knowing you got hurt, kitten. You really do excite me," he groaned, opening the letter. It wrote: 
"To my dearest darling, 
Was my gift to your satisfaction, I wanted to make you feel special. I hope I didn't scare you too much. The way your face lights up when you take a bite of pudding makes my heart swell. I'm always watching, gorgeous. Please dream of me.
Your admirer,"
At the bottom of the letter lies a kiss mark, Minho gulped, tracing the perverted stain, "Fuck, your lips look pretty," he whispered, checking his phone if you were still on the roof. After seeing the empty rooftop, he kissed the mark and held the letter close to his chest, "Definitely one for my collection," he chuckled, opening a secret door being his clothes, a room filled with pictures and items you've used before. "I wanted to extend our little game but after today. I don't think I can hold back," he chuckled, messaging his friend to set him up on a blind date.
You huffed, getting dressed for a date you don't want, "Lix, I told you. I'm not interested in dating right now," you sulked, letting him comb your hair. Felix chuckled, "It's just one. Plus, Jisung said it was their treat. So, you get a free meal and have a good time," he said, patting your shoulders. You frowned, "I guess," you murmured, looking into the mirror. Felix really dolled you up, your lips plump and glossy. 
Your eyebags covered nicely. It was a total one-eighty from your usual attire. Felix nuzzled his cheek against yours, "Ready?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. You gulped, "Ready as I'll ever be," you said, grabbing the necessaries. Minho loosened his tie, "It's time," he whispered, waiting for you at the table. He laced your glass with sleeping powder, hoping this date would go smoothly. You exhaled, pushing open the door. 
You faked a smile and looked for the table number. 'No way,' you thought, seeing your darling, sitting where your date was suppose to be. Excitement flooded your senses, 'Is this a dream?' you thought, making your way to the table. You tapped the table, "Are you Jisung's friend?" you asked, trying to be calm as possible. Minho smiled, nodded his head, "That's me. My name's Minho," he introduced, reaching out his hand. 
You wanted nothing more than to screenshot this moment like an otome game, "Nice to meet you, Minho," you said, taking his hand. Minho crossed his legs, hiding his growing bulge, 'My name just glides off their tongue. I can't wait to hear them cry it,' he thought, gesturing you to sit down. You took a sip of water, finding the taste to be odd but you didn't want to ruin the mood, "Have you ordered?" you asked, wondering why the table didn't have any menu. 
Minho nodded, "I have, it's allergen free. I didn't want to you wait long for dinner," he said, pouring you more water. You beamed, "Thank you for your consideration," you said, sipping more of the water. Minho allowed his mind to spin, your pretty smile, your stunning figure, the way you dressed up for the occasion. A brief thought of jealousy surged through his thoughts, 'They dressed up not knowing it was me. Does that mean that anyone would've since my kitten like this?' he thought, gripping his knife. 
You anxiously glanced peeks at him, his pronounced jawline, his piercing eyes, the veins on his arms. 'Fuck,' you thought, trying to keep your eyes from rolling back at the thought of his fingers pounding your hole apart. The waitress placed your dishes on the table, "Enjoy," she said, walking away. You jolted from your dazed, smiling at Minho, "Dig in," you beamed, eating your dinner. 
Minho did the same, watching your movements get more sluggish from the powder. 'Don't worry, kitty. I'll take great care of you,' he thought, enjoying the night.
You groaned, waking up in an oddly familiar room. One you've only seen through your digital camera. One you've come to love over the years. You tried to sit up, only to feel your wrists tug against the bed frame. Minho chuckled, sitting by the window the whole time, "Slept well, kitten?" he asked, moving towards you. He stroked your hair, gently grazed your arms and thighs for any weapons you kept hidden. 
You gulped, pressing your legs together, trying to hide your dagger between your thighs. Minho clicked his tongue, "Now, now. Good kittens don't hide dangerous things," he cooed, brushing his hands between your inner thighs. His smirk grew, feeling a leather holster. He unclasp the holster and placed it aside, "There we go, all helpless for me," Minho chuckled, brushing your hair. 
You couldn't help but feel aroused, every sense in your body melting into his dominating presence. Minho hummed, "For a perverted little kit, you sure are obedient aren't you? Did you like watching me, sweetheart. Do you touch yourself while stalking me?" he asked, holding your neck. You moaned from the pressure, you eyes hazy with pleasure, "I do. I'm sorry, Minho. I'm sorry," you whimpered, tears spilling down your cheeks. 
Minho cooed, tightening his grip, "You're not sorry at all, kitten. I love hearing your unbashful moans when you ride your pretty little dildo," he chuckled, loving the confusion on your face. "What?" you whispered, staring up at him. Minho traced your bottom lip, "You should really close your windows, kitten. It was so easy to hook up a camera in your room," he said, booping  your nose. You moaned at the realisation, "You know everything?" you asked, desperation lacing your tongue. Minho kissed your forehead, "Everything, kitty. You're not the only one who's been watching," he chuckled, stroking your cheek.
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"Hhgh, hah, hah," you moaned, riding his cock at a relentless pace. Minho chuckled, spanking your plush ass, "Clench for me, kitten," he growled, thrusting his hips upwards in tandem with your bounce. You did as told, your ribbed walls contracting around his girthy veiny hot cock, "Hah! Good, so good," you whined, burying your face into his chest. 
Minho groaned, his fat cockhead kissing your tiny crevix with each thrust, "How many times have you imagined this, kitty? Tell me," he growled, gripping your hips hard enough to bruise. You hiccuped, gasping and moaning into his chest, "Every other day. Needed you, needed you so bad," you sobbed, licking his puffy nipple. 
Minho groaned into your hair, his face buried in the scent of your shampoo, "Yeah? Needed my Fat. Throbbing. Cock. dragging within your swollen little cunt, huh? I watched you play with that girthy dildo the other day. Tell me which is better, kitty. My cock or that toy?" He rambled into your ear, his tongue licking your earlobe with a lewd squelch. 
You whimpered, shuddering within his hold, "Your cock. Yours Minho," you cried, tears dripping onto his chest. Minho grunted, pumping his thick shaft up your cunt, his hand reaching down to rub your puffy clit,  "Say my name. Say it," he growled, picking up the pace. You arched your back, clawing his chest in sheer pleasure, "Minho! Min, Min, Hhgh," you whimpered, your thighs sore and aching. 
Minho groaned, feeling his cockhead ease beneath your cervix, "Cum for me, sweetheart. Let me feel your obsession," he hissed, feeling you clench hard around his shaft. Broken moans escaped your lips, drool got mixed with your tears and snot. "Hah, hhgh, cumming!" You gasped, creaming around his throbbing cock. Minho groaned, his head pounding from your tight searing cunt. 
"Fuck, fuck, hah," you moaned, his semen coating your inner walls white. You panted, catching your breath from the raw intensity. Minho kissed your forehead, "You can't escape me now, sweetheart," he whispered, licking your jaw. You clenched around his sensitive cock, "Neither can you, darling," you beamed, staring into his equally possessive gaze.
"Hhgh, hah, hah," you moaned, riding his cock at a relentless pace. Minho chuckled, spanking your plush ass, "Clench for me, kitten," he growled, thrusting his hips upwards in tandem with your bounce. You did as told, your ribbed walls contracting around his girthy veiny hot cock, "Hah! Good, so good," you whined, burying your face into his chest. 
Minho groaned, his fat cockhead kissing your tiny prostate with each thrust, "How many times have you imagined this, kitty? Tell me," he growled, gripping your hips hard enough to bruise. You hiccuped, gasping and moaning into his chest, "Every other day. Needed you, needed you so bad," you sobbed, licking his puffy nipple. 
Minho groaned into your hair, his face buried in the scent of your shampoo, "Yeah? Needed my Fat. Throbbing. Cock. dragging within your swollen little hole, huh? I watched you play with that girthy dildo the other day. Tell me which is better, kitty. My cock or that toy?" He rambled into your ear, his tongue licking your earlobe with a lewd squelch. 
You whimpered, shuddering within his hold, "Your cock. Yours Minho," you cried, tears dripping onto his chest. Minho grunted, pumping his thick shaft up your hole, his hand reaching down to rub your puffy cockhead,  "Say my name. Say it," he growled, picking up the pace. You arched your back, clawing his chest in sheer pleasure, "Minho! Min, Min, Hhgh," you whimpered, your thighs sore and aching. 
Minho groaned, feeling his cockhead ease against your prostate, "Cum for me, sweetheart. Let me feel your obsession," he hissed, feeling you clench hard around his shaft. Broken moans escaped your lips, drool got mixed with your tears and snot. "Hah, hhgh, cumming!" You gasped, creaming between your torsos’. Minho groaned, his head pounding from your tight searing hole. "Fuck, fuck, hah," you moaned, his semen coating your inner walls white. You panted, catching your breath from the raw intensity. Minho kissed your forehead, "You can't escape me now, sweetheart," he whispered, licking your jaw. You clenched around his sensitive cock, "Neither can you, darling," you beamed, staring into his equally possessive gaze.
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sugarmelin · 1 year
Would you look at that...
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Paring: Skz x Reader
Warning: Yandere, mafia!au, alcohol, ect...
minors do not interact
Dan Bi note: Thank you for all of your support! I didn’t think you all will love this order this much so I do have to make this into a series, don't I? Would you all sweetcheeks like that? Let me know~
I apologize for the long wait And now you have it. I'm looking forward to your orders!
Enjoy !!!
Prolgue Chapter
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You walk down the hallway to God knows where with a collar around your neck and your hands cuffed together, all connected to chains at the hand of the person who put them on you.
The walk was quiet, he didn't say anything while you were looking around, Analyzing everything for a way out. It does look like you under the ground, maybe a house above you two. Countless doors in every hallway you passed, tagging at your chains when you stopped for a few moments.
After a few minutes of walking, reaching to stop by a staircase leading to a wooden door. He went up while you stand from where you were, when the chains come to an end he tagged your chain in his hand, signing for you to start walking up.
When you didn't move he tugged harsher making you lean forward and start walking again, you glared at him.
Reaching the door he opened it, making you close your eyes and groan, your headache getting worse again. Blinking a few times before opening your eyes, Trying to get used to the lights while walking. You properly looked forward to seeing him going towards an elevator.
When you walked in he pressed the button to one of the floors, you didn't see which floor you were because the headache was making your vision blurry, after a minute your vision got better. "In a few minutes you're going to meet the boys, Noona." He says while side-eyeing you.
'So I'm older then him? While also being taller. Maybe two or three years being older.' You thought but said nothing.
The elevator reach a stop and the metal door opened, your eyes saw the big beautiful hallway. The sound you hear was laughter and talking.
When you walked out there were staircases on each side of the elevator with pretty red carpet laying on it. The place did look like a mansion, a fancy one.
With the expensive suite that he was wearing you did expect him to have a penthouse or something, giving off dose sugar daddy vibes.
Walking up the stairs, the talking and laughter got louder and louder.
Reaching the top, you saw a boy sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, his legs on the dining table with five black bags and money on it while two boys were counting the money's, laughing and chatting about another successful 'mission' they had. Some female maid's around them, serving.
Two boys at the bar, a bartender behind the bar cleaning a glass with cloth, a purple hair drinking some whisky on the one of chairs bar and another blonde hair boy, his hair tied to a half ponytail talking about something, his back towards you.
On the left, there was a couch with a person laying on it, with newspaper covering his face and looking like his sleeping and his head on a blonde boy's lap and his eyes closed.
"Boys" The voice of the boy in front of you boomed through the room, everyone's eyes now were on you two. The maid's in the room flinched, and the bartender too but after a few seconds he went back to what he was doing.
Your eyebrow narrowed together. 'Wait..'
"GET HER!" Someone yelled behind you. when you looked back while running, you saw four boys coming out of the van and starting to run toward you.
'It was him who yelled... the first one I saw between them.' Your eyes were now on him.
"Hyung what-" the blonde boy at the bar turn his chair around but stopped talking when he saw you, his eyes going wide.
"NOONA!" He jumped from his seat and come towards you.
"Jeongin! Jeongin! WAKE UP! Noona is here!!!" The boy sitting on the couch said, taking the newspaper of their face while repeatedly tapping the person's shoulder who's head was on his lap sleeping.
He groaned while sitting up and his eyes got locked with yours, a big smile formed on his face and jumped into his feet and runs towards you.
Your eye contact got broke when someone hugs you tight, it was the boy who was with the purple hair and that was coming towards you two.
You got distracted when the blond hair burying his face in between your chest, going up to your neck and inhaling your scent, sighing happily. You shift uncomfortable on your feet, making his grip on you tighten up.
"Be careful Hyunjin," The boy next to you chuckled. "She bites."
'Hyunjin' burrs his face more into your neck but someone grabbed his back collar, pulling him away from you, making him whine.
"Hyung! Why did you put this on Noona? Her wrists are red!!!" The blonde boy with... freckles, said it while coming towards you, taking your wrists in his and looking at them. You pulled away your wrists while he pouts trying to do it again but you moved back up a little.
"Felix is right hyung, you could put something softer!" A boy with chubby cheeks said putting a hand on the boy shoulder now you know his name Felix while all of them gathered around you and 'Chan'.
"Let me introduce them to you. Aren't you curious a little, Noona?"
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Next chapter
Taglist: @skepticalkoi-catastrophe @salfetkasblog @icywinter1999 @yuh0yuh @lorarri @pink-rose-chans-baby @sky-outta @haleyms @lizzetmv
If you would like to be added to the taglist, tell me ! The two usernames among others couldn't be tagged sadly.
Like & reblog are appreciated and tell me what did you think ! I'm waiting for your jokes and tea baby~~
Don't forget to eat, drink water, love and take care of yourself and body ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)
See you on the next chapter baby ~
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
Spectre - Yandere!Wraith!Hyunjin
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Yandere AU & Wraith AU - First Person POV
Genre: Mature, Smutty Themes, Monologue
Pairing: Hyunjin X Implied Chubby!Reader
Words: 1,630
Warnings: Implied stalking and murder, talk of self-mutilation and dirty thoughts. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: This one is meant to be read as if he's talking directly to you. Think "Meant To Be Yours" from the musical Heathers, just less intense anger. Hehehe, I hope you like it! Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
The Fifth of The Feral Drabbles
“Don’t be scared, Pretty. You know I would never hurt you.
Just let me in. Don’t you want me to take care of you?
Ignoring me won’t make me go away; you can’t get rid of me that easily. I’m attached to you now, whether you like it or not. Our bond can never be broken. You’re mine and I’m yours, and I will do everything in my power to make sure that you are never taken away from me again.
Pretty, why are you crying? You should be overjoyed! I’m not going to leave you ever again!
Oh, I get it! They’re tears of joy, aren’t they? You’re just as ecstatic as I am to know we’ll no longer be apart, and now with this newfound bond, I’ll be able to touch you! Isn’t that exciting?
I’ll be honest, Pretty, I’ve longed to know what your skin feels like beneath my fingertips. For too long my gentle brushes have simply passed right through you. I want to feel you pressed against me. I want to hold you in my arms both in the most innocent of ways, and also in the most intimate. I’ll finally be able to make you feel so good.
You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Now, I’ll no longer have to stand by and watch those others who have been ridiculously unworthy of you touch you. No one will ever lay their filthy hands on you again. No one but me is allowed to touch you.
I’d do anything you’d want. I’ll admit, when I still drew breath, I was quite a selfish lover, but I’ve learned from my mistakes. I’ve spent too long fantasizing about burying my face between those plush thighs of yours to not want to take my time with you, and indulge in every desire you’ve ever had. I’ve seen how frustrated the others always leave you, and I’ll make sure that you’re satisfied in every way I can.
All you have to do is let me in…
I already told you, I’m not going anywhere. I’m not going to leave you alone. You mean too much to me.
Wait! I know! I’ll prove to you how well I know you! Then, you’ll have to let me in. Or maybe, I could try seducing you with my words? Would you like that, Pretty? For me to delve deeply into your soul and caress you with the romantic tenderness you have always craved to hear from your lovers? 
I know my visage is usually meant to bring death and terror, but there is nothing more that I long to do than breathe into you the vibrance of life. You’re so beautiful, and you deserve only the best. You deserve someone to laugh at all of your corny jokes with. You deserve someone who will cherish you like you are the most delicate flower in the garden of the universe, of which you are. You deserve to be loved how you’ve always wanted, and I am more than willing to give that to you.
In fact, do you remember that day you were out with that- that- thing.
Forgive me, I dare not speak that bastard’s name. I honestly don’t know what you saw in him. He was a good for nothing, ugly, vile, piece of-
Sorry, Pretty. I guess I just got too carried away…
You can’t blame me. That’s just what you do to me. Picturing you with anyone else… well, I’m not a wraith for nothing.
Anyways, as I was saying, do you remember that day? How certain things started happening when he dared to get close to you?
Yes, that was me. I couldn’t stand the sight of him touching what’s mine. He never deserved you. Besides, you didn’t know what he was like when you weren’t around.
I took the liberty to follow him. I just had to know why you preferred his company, and seriously Pretty, you should have heard the shit he would talk about with his friends behind your back. It’s a shame someone seemed to pick them off one by one…
Yes, Pretty, that was also my doing. I couldn’t have scum walking this earth who could so easily disrespect My Pretty, now could I? Sometimes being what I am has its perks.
No, don’t cry harder! I promise I’ll never hurt you! I love you!
I- I- I don’t want you to be scared of me.
I know! Would hurting me make you feel better?
I mean, you locking me out like this already hurts me, but I’ll gladly let you do whatever you want to me. Now that we’re bonded, I’m susceptible to more things than before, but the regular stuff still works, too. Iron, salt, fire: pick your poison, I’ll suffer through it all. Though, if you’d prefer something more substantial, like a blade, I’ll gladly bleed for you. After all, only you can touch me now.
…Is it that surprising that I would want to bleed for you? After I already told you that I would do absolutely anything and everything for you? 
Carve your fucking name into my skin. I don’t care. In fact, I’ll gladly do it for you.
Just please, won’t you let me in? I want to see your pretty face again; it’s been too long since I’ve last gazed upon you.
I don’t care if I appeared to you only an hour ago! It’s been too long!
You know, this isn’t how I pictured this going…
I won’t lie to you pretty, I had hoped we would be in the midst of making love right now.
It’s you who makes me so crazy, you know. You seriously have no idea what you do to me…
Long have I since desired to worship you. I mean, I already worship the very ground you walk on, but you’ve never seemed to notice. I honestly hated knowing how you thought those roses I always left for you every week were from that bastard. 
Selfishly, I wanted to show up with those red flowers, litter your bed in their petals, and then make love to you like you’ve never been loved before. Until you were shaking from a single touch. Until you were dripping down my face from the amount of times I would make you come from my tongue alone. Until the only thing your hoarse voice could utter, the only thing that you could think of, would be my name.
Don’t you want me, too? I’ve been with you this whole time, but now that you can actually see me, you don’t-
It’s my appearance, isn’t it? I’m not desirable to you.
It’s okay, Pretty. I can handle the truth. You don’t find me attractive, do you? That’s why you’re so scared right now. You’re terrified of how I might react.
I can change, you know. I’ll change for you. Whatever you want from me, know that it’s yours. I’ll figure everything out, just as long as I get to have you in the end. You already own all of me, and you know I’m willing to give my everything for you.
I am a little shocked, though. I have always been told that I’m quite handsome, especially when I was alive, but I guess I don’t suit everyone’s tastes. Unfortunate that I only care about yours, but you don’t seem to desire my looks.
You’ve gone awfully silent all of a sudden. That means I’m right, doesn’t it? You aren’t attracted to me like I thought you would be.
Your breathing just picked up when you said that. Are you, perchance, lying?
Oh, Pretty, it’s okay. I’m so in tune with your body and your every reaction, I can tell when you’re being dishonest with yourself. I’m just happy to know that my theory is wrong. You do find me attractive, don’t you?
I’m all yours, Pretty. You know that? Everything that I am, belongs to you. I just want to take my time loving you, and getting to cherish you like you’ve always wanted. Like you’ve always deserved.
So, please, won’t you open the door?
What do you mean, ‘no’?
I’m getting tired of these games, Pretty. I’ve tried playing nice, but the way you’re hiding from me is getting on my every last nerve. I’ve already waited years for this moment, and now that it’s here, you’re pushing me away? I don’t think so.
I’ll give you five seconds, and if you don’t open this fucking door before the time is up, I will smash through it without a second thought. Even you can’t keep me away forever. I won’t let you.
You’re really testing my patience, Pretty. You know that, right?
That’s it, I warned you. I’m coming in whether you like it or not.
Wait, why can’t I get through your door? Pretty, did you do something?
Answer me, Pretty.
I know you’re scared, Pretty, but just let me in. Open the door, and let me in. I’m starting to get really angry, and I would hate to have to do something that I might come to regret. You can’t hide from me forever.
I’m fucking done waiting for you. You’re mine, whether you like it or not. I don’t care what it takes, I’m going to bust this fucking door down and find you. I’ll drag you out of that room if I have to; you’re not going anywhere without me. You can’t. You better be prepared for that, Pretty.
After all, this salt line will only protect you for so long, and once I’m through… Once I’m through, I’ll make you feel my love. It’s the only thing my spirit still lives on to do.”
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vickyyoon · 9 months
You're mine
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Genre: Angst but fluff?? (idk)
Paring: yandere!hyunjin fem!reader
Warning: kidnapping
Synopsis : hyunjin the boy who liked you since the first day he saw you finally found your adress
Pt-2 <-here
You wake up in an unknown place, it was someone's bedroom you never been to, it was a girls room, the walls were pink with purple lights and stickers, there was a white dressing table with fairy lights around it.
You were sitting on the huge pink bed, where were you? The last thing you remember was throwing your trash in the curb at night because you forgot to throw out the trash.
You leave the room and head downstairs, a delicious scent wafted through the air but your eyes landed on the main door, the exit.
You could tell someone was in the kitchen even from the kitchen, the sounds on a spatula on a pan and the frying sound coming from nearby.
You tip toe hoping not to get caught by the person, your heart was thumping, you were so close to the door when a voice startles you.
" Woke up princess? Take a seat I -" he turned around to see you near the main door, his eyes widened and his brows furrowed.
" what are you doing near that door? You aren't supposed to go anywhere near that! Come back here!" but your hand was already twisting recklessly on the knob trying to get it open.
He grabbed your wrist. " What did I say? Sit down, this was your first and last warning!" he gritted through his teeth.
Who was he? Why did he kidnap you? What is his intention? You were too stunned to speak as he gripped your wrist and dragged you towards the table.
" who are you? Why did you bring me here!" you finally pick up your words and his head turns to you with a shocked expression.
" You don't remember me princess? It's me! Your hyunjin, that boy you saw everyday at school but never really cared about . I finally found your address!" he smirked.
Hyunjin!? That Shy, quiet and introverted boy who always sat at the back of the class? Why would he kidnap you?
" Why would you kidnap me?"
" Well isn't it obvious, I used to follow you around everywhere, I was head over heels in love with you but you were too blind!" he sat you down on the chair.
He suddenly started to feed you, " I can feed myself." you stated but he glared a piercing gaze at you and you silently ate.
After dinner he told you to wash up because you two were going to watch movies together in the living room.
As you entered your bathroom you found the lost shampoo your friend gifted you from Italy, the soap you lost the day you bought it and the towel you used for 7 years.
He's been gathering and stealing small things he thought you wouldn't notice from your house, how long has he been doing this? It was disturbing. You needed to leave this place anyhow.
After shower you saw him waiting for you with a bowl of popcorn.
" you take so long, hurry up I picked some good movies." he acted like you two were dating for years now. It was so weird.
Throughout the whole movies you two were watching you could catch him glancing at you, his arm over your shoulder, your back on his chest tilted, your head rested on his should and neck crotch, he smelled so nice like flowers, his body warmth was so comforting and his hands playing your hair, his touch was so soft. It felt so good, nothing's ever felt this good.
You planned on leaving quitely when he fell asleep but your plan seemed to backfire when you notice him staying awake for ungodly hours, when would he fall asleep? It looked like he'd been drinking coffee just to stay up this late and watch movies with you.
You found yourself almost falling asleep, " aren't you gonna go to bed? How do you stay up so late?" he smiled at you
For some reason his smile was so mesmerizing, in the dark room the tv's light painted his face and he looked so ethreal, he was always handsome but why hadn't you noticed earlier?
You found yourself staring at him for too long when he snapped you back out of it. " Is my baby sleepy? Com'on let's head to bed then" his voice was so soothing, it felt so comforting, something you've yearning your whole life to hear from someone.
You haven't realized how lonely you've been your whole life that even small things like this seem to overwhelm you but what were you thinking? He's literally kidnapped you!? You are really a freak.
When you got in to your bed you felt a warm presence beside you? " y-you're gonna sleep here?" as he looked back at you. " yeah but if you don't like it I can go sleep in my room."
" I-it's fine" what the hell were you saying? You wanted him to sleep with you now? " really? If you say so then, you would have to get used to it anyways. " he inched closer to you, pulling you closer by your waist, placing your leg over his thigh and your head to his chest.
You were too stunned to say anything but it felt so good for some reason, usually small and constant noises woke you up and kept you awake but his heartbeat thumping every now and then suddenly had you falling asleep so much faster and it was so much more relaxing than you would ever expect it to feel.
You used to stay awake all night tossing and turning when all you needed was this, someone to cuddle with and share warmth with and you instantly fell asleep with him running his fingers through your hair, all your stress loosening with each stoke of touch.
Part 2???
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lyramundana · 1 year
Hello, I'm back again hope you're doing great
So I've been thinking about yandere! Alpha minsung x sub! Omega! fem! Reader we'll if you're comfortable with abo of course.
Well and to spice it up what if some stupid alpha dared to try to mark her.
If ur not comfortable with this please ignore it and love u 😘
Hello there! I'm happy to see you here again. And don't worry, there's not much content that can make me feel uncomfortable, so feel free to share your most twisted, unhinged thoughts here. If I see an ask I don't feel like doing it, I'll still make sure to reply.
Omegaverse x Minsung throuple?? FUCK YES. This sounds so freaking delicious. Here you go~
WARNING❗ Hints of non-con at the end. Proceed accordingly if this topic is sensitive for you.
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It's common knowledge that two alphas don't usually mate with each other. Not only because of the biological traits that prevents them from doing so, but also because they tend to be too territorial and dominant for a relationship to work. However, as rare as it is, there are cases of alphas falling for one another and somehow building a functional committed relationship. Han Jisung and Lee Minho were one of these few cases. Their instincts showed on their first meeting, a pair of alphas trying to one up the other constantly and even getting physical more often than not. However, the more they fought and tried to dominate the other, the more they felt it was less about pride and more about just having contact with the other. Because there's another well-known fact about alphas, and it's that they tend to have the thickest, most intense sexual tension ever. It was specially obvious with these two, to the point they made everyone around them uncomfortable with their displays. Of course, didn't surprise anyone that they ended giving in their urges and fucking like animals during a common friend's party. Eventually, they became a power, intimidating couple no one dares to mess with.
Jisung wasn't the typical alpha, fitting more in the traits of an omega sometimes and letting Minho pamper him like one, but those close to him knew the boy owned up to his rank by every word. Minho was usually the one in charge, but it didn't stop them from still fighting for the dominance from time to time. They were also terribly possessive over each other. An alpha is already territorial by nature, so one can guess the chaos two of them can bring. Minho had beat people almost to death for getting too close to his Sungie. Jisung knows how to use his pheromones to force people to submit to him and then punish them like he wants for daring to touch his mate.
But as happy as they were together, they couldn't stop feeling something was missing. Like the last piece for a puzzle to fit. It frustrated them to no end, not being able to be completely content with what they had. They tried all they knew to find out what it was, to no end.
Until they came across the sweetest, most alluring and mouth-watering scent ever since meeting each other. Her. An Omega. Their omega.
Then it all makes sense finally. That's the missing piece. She was what they've been looking for all this time. What their hearts had been crying out for. When she's with them, they feel complete and at ease, and they share a silent agreement.
They can't let her go. She belongs to them.
Their first instinct is to simply take her as she is, their wolves growling in their heads to claim her already and tie her to their sides, but their logical sides tell them to wait. They need to be cool-headed about this. After all, one risky move and they could scare her off, and they don't want to force to come (but they don't mind to if it comes to it). No, instead, they play the long game, wooing her carefully and slowly getting her trust. She's so perfect for them, so precious. They have the perfect plan to claim her forever.
When she hits her heat, it's completely unexpected and particularly strong. She had been taking her medication for it and, according to her phone calendary, it shouldn't have arrived until some weeks later so she doesn't understand what happened (she couldn't know her new "friends" replaced her pills and changed the calendary on purpose). She's now sweating in her bed, curling in ball in her underwear because she feels fire underneath her skin, her insides ache and throb in feral need, and the world around her seems blurry, confusing. There's only one thing that can calm her down, and what a coincidence, her alpha friends just passed by to "visit her" and sensed the smell, the delicious calling of an omega in heat. Their omega, who needs them to help, to relieve her from this pain. The omega tries to fight it at first, knowing she's not on her right mind, but her instincts betray her and surrender to the alphas looming over her like predators about to devour their prey. And that's probably the best way to describe them.
Minho's plan was to wait out until she begged for them, but Jisung was losing his mind with the smell that reeked the entire place. The younger just wanted to jump on her already and claim what was theirs, and Minho was struggling to remain in control of himself too. In the end, the frustration for having waited so long and the omega's arousal was messing with their senses, and so they gave in what they've been craving since they met her.
It was messy, rough and animalistic. Their feral instincts took over them and they made sure each trace of her skin was covered in their scent. They kissed, gropped, bruised, marked every piece of her body they pleased. By the end of it, she was shaking in their hold, overstimulated, cum running through her skin. The only thing that prevented them from cumming inside was that they wanted her to ask for it. They wanted her to beg for their seed.
When her heat passes and she realizes what went on, she feels a mix of emotions. She's certainly scared for her future now, for what it means for her now she's been mated by not one, but two alphas. She's flustered because she enjoyed it a lot and loved the way they brought her to release. She's angry at them for going along with it despite knowing she wasn't in the best state of mind, but they explain that they simply wanted to help, since they know an omega's heat can be painful without a partner. Also, they were affected by the heat too and weren't fully conscious of their actions. Really, they didn't have ill-intentions. How could they, when they clearly care so much about her and have been her loyal friends for a long time? The omega ends up giving in their sweet words and gestures, swayed by their tactics, and not seeing the way their grins seemed more twisted.
Because now they've mated her, there's only one step left. She's already his, their propietry. They just need to find the right time.
Right after that event, their relationship takes a shift. She doesn't feel entirely comfortable with them after what happened, no matter how much pleasure they brought her, but can't bring herself to cut ties with them. They notice her distance and slightly panic. Jisung proposes to take her already before she strays away at once, but Minho calms him down and says she's uncapable of leaving them now. She's on step in their claws, and if they play their cards right, she'll come to them willingly. In the meantime, they force themselves to endure the "only friends" status and swallow the poison that threatens to choke them in their tongue when she's being close to others.
It's not that surprising seeing other alphas infatuated by her. They understand it, she's a gorgeous being and the world should be put to her feet, but it doesn't ease the boiling rage they feel when they see some of these unworthy assholes staring at her too much or trying their luck with her. They've beated and almost killed some of them for this. Alpha are terribly territorial and they can't stand the slighest glint of competence..
Since she doesn't have any claim marks, she's considered single and so other alphas flirt with her openly. She finds a liking to one of them, a friendly alpha that treats her with a softness she's not really familiarized with. She walks around with his smell on her, and MinSung see red. But the breaking point comes when they find out the guy almost marked her. He tried to claim her as his own, to steal her away. And that's when the boys say "fuck the waiting".
Omega is confused at why her love interest stopped talking to her, and dissapeared from the face of earth all of sudden, but she doesn't have time to question further before a pair of furious alpha storm in her house. The powerful, heavy grip of their pheromones makes her limbs useless against her will and her body becomes jelly under their vicious hold. They're frustrated for the lack of so desired intimacy, veins hyped with adrenaline for the recent blood in their hands, and pissed off by her bratty behaviour. How dare she let another alpha touch her like that? How the fuck could she allow herself to be claimed by another? Doesn't she understand her body belongs to them? She's their mate, her place is by their side, carrying their pups and pleasing them. Didn't they make that clear when they fucked her back then?
Omega realizes too late that her worst suspicions were true: That they took advantage of her heat and they were fully conscious of what they were doing. But it's too late.
They scent her the same way they did during their first time, and her head already feels fuzzy with the familiar smells that bring back those hot memories. Her body is slowly falling under the spell of their strong pheromones combined, and she grows more compliant the more she remains in their arms. Her clothes are tore off her body, leaving her completely exposed for theri greedy hands. There's already a patch of wetness running through her inner thighs, and she tries to supress a moan when she feels a warm tongue lick down those traces. The remnants of her logical side try to fight it off, but they're stronger and she's been frustrated too. When one of them slips his dick inside wet cunt in one go, she loses herself. Mind blank, her body only following their wishes.
When it's over, she comes back to her senses with their mixed cums inside her...and two claiming bites in her shoulder and neck, chaining to them forever.
Now she's truly under their mercy and no amount of fighting can break off the power of these bites. She's finally theirs to have, to worship, to adore, to breed.
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msauthor · 4 months
anyone with dad skz recs please tag me in the comments!!!!
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heluvschibi · 2 months
Drabble 1
Yandere themes, violence, fem pronouns, kidnapping, stealing
She's so beautiful, the way she smiles, talks, walks, eats, breaths... Everything...
What turned into a small obsession, completely consumed my life, it hurts when I don't see her, I hate it when she goes... So I solved it by stalking, taking pictures/videos.
I hated when she wasn't near, her smell was calming, so I solved that by stealing things from her, like her underwear, perfume, clothes.
It made me pissed off that she talked to other guys, they were obstacles, yes, obviously they were, I'm not the one in the wrong... It was them. I was so nervous one day when she was talking to her crush Seungmin... Hell it pissed me off that she had eyes for other people when I am obviously the only one who is best for her. So I killed him... Made it seem like he did it himself.
And after all that effort, she still doesn't love me...
"No... No, no, no, no! She has to love me, s-shes just scared I won't like her? Right?"
No... There is no reason to freak out. Because I have a solution...
"Meet me in music room 3?" You mumbled out, you had nothing better to do, so you complied.
Walking down the hallway to music room 3, you opened the door and no one was there. "Uh, hello?"
The lights were turned off, you walked in more looking around. "I guess it was a prank..."
Then, someone from behind you put a cloth over your mouth, before you could even react, your body started to feel limp, your eyes heavy, breathing starting to get shallow... Before you blacked out.
You woke up your eyes still heavy, you looked around the room, the singular light on making it easier to see, but there were still some dark spaces, then someone stepped out from the shadow, you didn't even see it.... Or him.
He wasn't very tall, but he was handsome... "Your finally awake. Gosh... I missed you." He had a Australian accent, which somewhat surprised you.
You speak out but your voice was hoarse, "W-who are you?"
"Don't act silly...i'm Chan."
Feels like my writing got worse... —Chibi
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seungiee-sunshine · 1 year
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Paring; Lee Felix x reader
Genre/theme; Dark & Yandere
Word count; 1.2K
Warnings; implied kidnapping, yandere themes of possessiveness and violence (Let me know if I missed anything.)
(A/N; This is the first drabble/writing piece I've ever done in only the third person, so I'm sorry in advance if it sucks. Also, I pretty much rewrote this a two in the dang morning, so I'm sorry if there are typos.)
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
"You're mine. You. Are. MINE." He screamed as you rushed out the door, trying your best to avoid tripping over your own feet. It had been months since you had set foot outside, and what felt like forever with the man now chasing after you. 
You can't let him get you again. was the only thought in your mind as you ran, and ran as fast as your legs would allow, from the building that once separated you from the rest of the world and caged you in with that psycho.
"I'll get you again, my love. Just wait, I'll find you, and when I do, I'll make sure you are never able to escape again!" was the only thing you could hear as you maneuvered your way through the city streets. His nagging voice constantly rang in your ears as you ran. Soon enough, his sultry voice, hoarse due to sleep, began to slowly fade into nothing more than the sound of dead silence. Complete and utter silence
The lack of sound in the stagnant night air seemed even scarier than his screaming at you or the thought of being taken once more from the man you used to pride yourself on loving so dearly; at least he loved you the tiniest bit; the cold air filling your lungs, meanwhile, did no such thing.
You had to admit that although you hated being stuck in his home, it was better than being out here in the cold all alone, with not even a thought occupying your mind other than to run as far away as possible, even if you had no idea where you were going or where you were in the first place. At least with Felix, he would bake you brownies and care for you, doing anything and everything to make you feel comfortable and content.
But that was only him acting; you couldn't fall for his facade any longer; he was a maniac, a psycho, someone with a few too many screws loose, and you couldn't help but wonder...
What did you do to make him snap?
What happened to the man who used to make you brownies after a long day of hard work, the man who used to love to go on long walks in nature and explore?
The man who had held you captive, the one now chasing after you, was no longer the man you used to know. Not the sweet and caring person he once was. What he was now was nothing short of a monster.
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
As time went on, your legs began to ache, and your heart felt as though it was going to implode as it tried to supply oxygen to your extremities. Even with all its hard work, your limbs still felt numb, and your lungs continuously burned and ached for more air.
Although your body was at its limit, you couldn't stop, not when danger could've been right around the corner. The only thing that was going to stop you was your inevitable passing out.
You were a fairly athletic person before, but now your heart and body were unable to put up with the stress from the situation and all the exercise you had forced upon them. It almost brought you to tears at how little you could do now. If only you had realized it sooner, maybe you would've been out of this mess already.
Now was not the time to get lost in your head or lose focus; you were already on the verge of losing consciousness. You didn't need to add insult to injury and make this whole thing worse.
You put it off as long as you could; soon enough, however, you dropped to your knees and held your head in your hands as the world around you spun in circles.
The only thing that caused you to stand, even in such a weak state, was the clacking shoes on the pavement behind you.
There was no one else out here, and if it was who you thought it was, you couldn't just sit there and let him get to you without putting up a fight, or, well, a sprint in this case.
Although your motivation was there, your legs were far too weak to hold you upright for too long, and so not before long you once again ended up on your knees, tears streaming down your face as you thought about how you weren't going to be able to get away. The stinging pain in both your knees from the rocks digging into them is the least of your worries now.
With as much strength as you could muster, you crawled forward, palms and knees scraping against the pavement. The pain only made moving harder, but you had to continue to try and get away. Or this whole escape plan would've been for nothing. The least you could do was make it to the street. Even if there were no people driving around, someone could've possibly seen you, saved you, even...
As his foot came into contact with your ribs, you cried out in pain and landed on the ground, tears falling from your face as you blankly stared up at the night sky.
You were too exhausted to run; your body was weak, and your consciousness was teetering on the edge of a metaphorical cliff. Now there really was no hope, and the only thing to do was just wait for him to take you back home, as he had done many times before.
Even when you thought you had managed to break free, he proved you wrong every single time.
It was like a never-ending loop of believing you could get free and him finding you and then taking you back home, only for the cycle to begin again. Maybe he was entertained by such things and let you slip out of his grasp for just a moment only to show that he was the one that was in control all along after all.
It was like a sick game of cat and mouse, except the game never came to a close, and the cat continued on playing with its supposed dinner...
The man was now hovering over you, a smile grazing his soft features. In some way, it was something that made him seem less scary, more approachable, and more kind. Given his true nature, however, the opposite can be said of such a smile.
The seemingly kind gesture chilled you to the bone. You knew he was upset, and there was no telling what he would do to you if he was angry. The words he spoke not a moment later only made the feeling of dread in your gut worse than before.
"Darling, you should know by now that you can't run from me." He spoke with a deep chuckle following his unsettling words.
"Now it's time we head back home, my love. I'm sure you're exhausted from all that running." He started sorrowfully, as If he actually cared, and then continued on with his voice, harnessing a much more sinister tone.
"But don't worry, my love, you won't be able to run for much longer."
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sleepchapter · 2 years
yandere content..
[11:36 P.M]
I.N — 양정인
“she loves me, she loves me not….”
picking away at the weak petal, the noise muted from him. blinded by love. he wanted answers.
“she loves me, she loves me not…”
petals dropping. petals falling. the white rose withering away. the water from the rain dripping down onto its stems.
“she loves me, she loves me not..”
the white rose withering. its stems flattened and smooshed from his fingers gripping it so tight.
“she loves me.”
and he was done. the white rose now painted a deep red. the rain still dripping down its stems. but now he was wiping it away. wiping the tears off of your body. wiping the blood from your cuts. the blood, the petals, still dripping down your body. you are his rose, and you love him.
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 7 months
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Pairing : Dad!Yang Jeongin x F!Reader TW : kidnapping ; arguing ; angst ; happy ending ; slightly suggestive at the end as well ; Word Count : 4.2k Request : nope, but I really wanted to write a part 2 for Innie! A/N : this is the last last one (aside from Hyunjin and Jisung who will get a part 3 at some point, but like, the actual series ends with my fav.)
“You said it was my day to pick Jeongsoo up from school, right?” Jeongin asked as he stood outside of the building, waiting for his daughter to run up to him like she usually would whenever she saw him in the crowd of other parents. It was his favorite part of the day, finally being able to see his daughter after working so hard. Today was supposed to be no different, but in the sea of other children, his daughter was nowhere to be found. “Did you already get her? Maybe you just forgot to tell me but-” 
“I didn’t get her. It’s your day. Is she still in the building? It’s cold outside so… Maybe she just decided to stay in and wait?” He could already hear the panic in your voice, and he wanted nothing more than to ease your worried mind, but he himself was beginning to panic as well. “I’m heading up there now, I’ll meet you in like, 5 minutes.” You said before ending the call, and now Jeongin was left to swim in his own thoughts, at least until you got there. 
The crowd slowly began to thin as parents took their children home, but Jeongin still stood there, hoping to see his baby girl standing there. She wasn’t though, and the sound of children laughing and playing faded out until all Jeongin heard was the wind whistling through the empty branches of the trees. “Excuse me!” He called when he saw Jeongsoos teacher start to lock up the classroom door. She turned with a smile, although she looked slightly confused. “Where is Jeongsoo? I’m here to pick her up and she’s not here…” 
She tilted her head, even more confused now. “Jeongsoos aunt picked her up. She said that Y/N wasn’t able to pick her up today. I thought that Y/N would have let you know.” Her teacher said, adjusting her purse on her shoulder. “I’m very sorry for the confusion.” But Jeongin was left even more worried than before as he shook his head, stepping in front of the teacher as she started to walk off. 
“N-No, no… Jeongsoos aunt doesn’t live here. There’s no way that she could have been picked up by her.” Jeongin stammered, reaching into his pocket to pull out his phone so that he could call you just to be sure. “Did you even check her ID? Did you even verify what she was saying? How could you have been sure that she was actually Jeongsoos aunt? Do you just let kids go off with anyone who says they’re related?” 
The teacher's eyes widened as she began to stutter, unable to even form a coherent sentence as her head shook rapidly. Thankfully you pulled up just at that moment, rushing out of your car to run over to Jeongin. “What’s… What’s going on? What happened? Where’s my baby?” You asked breathlessly, and now the teacher looked even more upset, even more scared than she had been before. 
“I’m… I’m so sorry. I’ll call the authorities, I’ll… I’ll do whatever I can to help. I’m-” She was crying, and with the lack of information that you had been given, you were more worried than before, looking to Jeongin for answers that you so desperately needed. 
“We have to go.” He said flatly, his heavy breaths were coming out shaky, but you didn’t have time to ask any questions as he ushered you back to your own car, although he opened the passenger door for you instead of letting you get in the driver's side. “I need you to call the security team, I need you to tell them that it’s an emergency. I need you to call management, see if they’ve gotten any calls or anything about Jeongsoo. And then I need you to call the guys to see if they’ve gotten any weird messages. Can you do that?” He asked, fishing his phone out of his back pocket and tossing it onto your lap. 
“Why? What’s going on?” You asked, but you didn’t wait for an answer as you started scrolling through his contacts to find everyone that he had asked you to get in touch with. 
Jeongin shook his head, his fingers gripping the steering wheel as he sped down the streets back towards your house. “This wouldn’t have happened if we were together…” He mumbled, impatiently drumming his fingers on the wheel as he waited for the light to turn green. “You’re so busy going out on your dates, trying to find someone so that you’re not lonely… You don’t even care about her… You’re so fucking selfish you don’t even see that you have someone right fucking here! Now my baby has been fucking stolen from me and… It’s your fucking fault!” 
“Are you seriously gonna try to fucking blame me for this shit?!” You shouted, and deep down you both knew that the last thing that was needed right now was for a major argument to happen, but emotions were running high, you both were terrified, and you were taking it out on each other. “I bet it was one of your crazy ass fucking fans! You’re always posting pictures with her on your Instagram even though I told you not to! Or it could have been one of the multitudes of girls that you sleep around with trying to get closer to you!” 
“For the last fucking time, I don’t do that shit anymore!” He shouted right back, whipping around a corner, and even though he was absolutely furious right now, his arm still flew out to hold you against the seat. Even when he was pissed, he still cared about you way too much for his own good. “You’re the one going out on dates every other fucking night! You’re barely even with her! And then you bring these random ass strangers back to the house and you think I don’t know what’s going on?! How do you know it wasn’t one of those assholes who did it?!” 
“That’s absolutely absurd!” The shouting match continued back and forth until Jeongins phone started to vibrate on your lap, and you immediately answered it, putting it on speaker phone so that he could hear as well. “Hello?” You rushed out the greeting, waiting for someone to say something. 
“Hi mom! Hi dad!” Jeongsoos voice came through the speaker, and you felt your heart sink. The car swerved to the side of the road and Jeongin grabbed his phone off your lap so he could talk directly into it. 
“Hey baby, where are you at right now? Who are you with? Let daddy and mommy talk to them, yeah?” Jeongin said urgently, his hands shaking as he gripped the phone tightly. No matter how angry he made you, no matter how angry you made him, right now all you had was each other, and you reached out to grab his free hand that was shaking nervously, giving it a small squeeze to try to calm him. 
“She say she know you and mom… She gave me ice cream… She’s really nice.” Jeongsoo said, her innocent mind completely unaware of how dangerous this entire situation was, how scared you and Jeongin were. “I wanna go home… I wanna watch a movie with you and mom… Can you come here?” She asked, and Jeongins head fell against the headrest, his eyes squeezed shut and his lips pulled into a thin line. 
“Me and mommy are trying… We’re trying to come get you…” He practically whimpered, sniffling loudly between each sentence. “Tell me… What do you see? Do you see anything outside, baby?” He was pleading, his grip on your hand tightening as he waited for Jeongsoos response, but she didn’t talk again, your daughter’s voice being replaced by someone much older created a pit in both yours and Jeongins stomach. 
“We’ll be in touch later. I can’t wait to meet you, Innie!” A shrill voice rang through the speakers, and while you would have looked at this as a victory in any other circumstance considering you had been right, you were far too worried about your daughter, whose whereabouts were still unknown, and the call had been ended and you couldn’t even redial the number. 
“You can say it…” Jeongin mumbled as he continued driving, one hand on the wheel and the other balled into a fist that was pressed against his temple. “Just say it. I know you want to… You were right… It’s my fault. It’s because of who I am… If you had had her with someone else… Someone normal… You wouldn’t be going through this right now.” The setting sun glistened on the tear that rolled down his cheek, a tear that you quickly wiped away as you shook your head. 
“I wouldn’t have wanted to have her with anyone else. You’re an amazing father… And I know that you love her. You love her more than any father could ever love a child… That’s why I know we’re going to find her, and we’re gonna get her back.” Your palm rested against his cheek for a moment as your thumb brushed along his tear-dampened skin. “We’re gonna bring her home.” 
It had been two days since your daughter had been taken. The police were involved, trying to trace every single phone call that came through, but it all seemed to lead back to nowhere. The calls were always untraceable, and every time the number was called back, it would say it was out of service. The only thing giving you and Jeongin hope anymore were the untraceable calls where you’d both get to talk to your daughter, it was the only time that you knew she was still okay. 
“We’re starting to believe that whoever did this, might be someone that she knows.” The cops explained as they listened back to the recording of the phone call. “She doesn’t sound scared, she doesn’t sound like she’s being forced to do or say anything that she’s saying. As crazy as it might sound, this might be someone closer to you both, or one of you… But I don’t think that this person, whoever it may be, I don’t think they plan on hurting her.” And while that was a massive weight lifted off both of your shoulders, it now begged the question of, who the hell was doing this? 
“Are you able to hear if there’s anyone in the background talking? Are you able to isolate the sound? Maybe we can hear someone, or something that would give us a sign of who she’s with or where she’s at?” Jeongin asked, running low on ideas of things to do that would help. He didn’t want to just sit around and wait though, he wanted to help, he wanted to get his little girl home as soon as possible. 
The front door was pushed open as you and Jeongin leaned around the computer that the officer was working at, trying to listen back to the call as the sound was edited and then re-edited to try to pick up any kind of background noise. “What the hell is going on here?” The voice asked from the doorway, and when your head whipped around, you were met with the sight of the guy you had been seeing for the past 2 weeks standing in the corridor with flowers in his hand. 
“Minjae, I told you that right now was not a good time.” You hissed, and from the corner of your eye you saw Jeongin make a face of both annoyance and disgust. “I’m really busy right now, there’s an emergency, and I don’t have the time for this.” You tried to explain as you got up from your chair and went over to stand in front of him. “I’ll explain it all when I have the time to, but… I just really don’t want to talk about it right now.” 
“If it’s so important then why didn’t you tell me? I thought I was your boyfriend… I mean… Why would you tell him and not me?” He motioned to Jeongin who was getting more and more irritated with each passing second, his long fingers drumming on the table top, and you knew that if you didn’t get Minjae out of the house soon, Jeongin would end up going off on him. 
“I really think that you should just go and I’ll talk to you about it later. Please…” You whispered, trying to keep calm, but you were getting more and more upset, especially considering every second wasted on him was a second that could have been put towards finding your daughter. “I need you to go now.” 
“Why? So you can have date night with your baby daddy?” Minjaes voice raised in volume and he threw the bouquet of flowers down at your feet causing you to jump back. “You’re just a bitch! You used me! Well… See if I care! He’ll just use you again! Don’t try to come back to me either! He can have your used up, pathetic, single mom, trashy ass!” 
Behind you, both the officer and Jeongin had stood up from their chairs, ready to move at any second just in case this guy put his hands on you, and for the most part, other than his ranting, things were fine. Jeongin knew well enough that you could hold your own, but when this guy started insulting you, Jeongin didn’t care for the officer that was still in the room, he didn’t care about the charges that might be placed against him. Anger coursed through him as he walked across the room and pushed Minjae up against the door, his forearm pressed against Minjaes throat as he pinned him against the door. 
“You don’t talk about her like that! Never talk about her like that! You don’t know her! You don’t deserve her!” Jeongin screeched into Minjaes face, his arm pressing deeper and deeper into the man’s neck. “You’re not worth the time that’s being wasted on you! You’re not worth anything!” The whole time he was shouting, Jeongins other hand was raised in a fist, and the officer had rushed over to attempt to pull Jeongin away, but it was proving to be pointless. “I don’t want you around her! Don’t come here!” 
Through it all, the man simply laughed in Jeongins face, although the sound came out strained due to the pressure on his throat. “You’ll see me again…” Minjae said, the sneer on his face far more menacing and downright eerie than you had ever seen on anyone before. “I’ve already gotten what I wanted from her anyway, she’s useless to me.” And those words in themselves had Jeongin reaching a point of wanting to commit murder, and the only thing keeping him from actually doing it was the fact that the officer was right there and he wanted to find his daughter. 
When the officer was finally able to pull Jeongin off of Minjae, he was practically pushed out of the door, leaving you and Jeongin alone momentarily as you waited for the officer to come back. “What did he mean by that? Did you fuck him?” He asked, his eyes narrowing at you and if you weren’t so shaken up by the previous interaction between him and Minjae, you would have been defensive, but instead you were just upset at the accusation. 
“No! I’ve never slept with him! I haven’t been with anyone in that way…” You pleaded, trying to declare your innocence, although you weren’t sure why it really mattered to Jeongin in the first place. “I thought he was trying too hard… He would always bring gifts over for Jeongsoo… And he’d tell me that he was really excited to be her dad one day…” Your head shook, but Jeongin was deep in his thoughts, weirded out beyond belief by what he was hearing. 
Before Jeongin could even respond though, the officer returned, motioning for the both of you to follow him over to the computer. “I have officers following him to wherever he’s going right now.” He said, and you wondered if it was because he heard what you had told Jeongin, but then he pulled the headphones out of the port so the three of you could listen to the audio file from the very last phone call you had gotten. “The voice in the background… There’s two, but listen… It sounds familiar, doesn’t it?” He asked, and then he started playing the file, and you felt your heart drop as you listened to the conversation that sounded so faint, but so clear through the laptop speakers. 
“You said that he’d come here to get her! Why is it taking so long?! Where’s the money at? When are we supposed to get it!?” The female voice that came first was screaming, although during the phone call you hadn’t heard it at all, and it seemed like Jeongsoo wasn’t phased by it either. You could only suspect that it was happening from a couple rooms over and Jeongsoo wasn’t too worried about it. 
“Well I can’t tell them to just bring the money here! Do you want to go to jail?! Cause’ I sure as hell don’t!” The man shouted back, and it didn’t take more than a second for you to place the voice, to envision a face with it, especially after what had just happened. Your eyes widened as you looked to Jeongin who seemed to be going through the five stages of anger and grief all at the same time. 
“Well you’re the one pretending to date the bitch, and it’s been two nights since we took the spoiled brat and you haven’t even attempted anything. You haven’t even gone over to see her! At least pretend like you’re interested still. Maybe you can help them find the kid!” The woman continued, and you felt sick, physically sick. You pushed yourself away from the table, running to the kitchen sink and practically flinging yourself over it. You hadn’t eaten much the past two days, so you just heaved, and it was the most painful thing. 
“It’s not your fault…” Jeongin whispered, his sudden appearance beside you had gone unheard, but he was rubbing your back soothingly as he held your hair away from your face. “I don’t… I’ll never blame you for this… No one would have thought this would happen…” He continued to murmur to you as you tried to catch your breath, and once you did, you fell against him. His arms wrapped around you tightly and his lips ghosted across the top of your head as he continued. “We need to go now though… We need to get our baby back…” 
Both you and Jeongin were far too worked up to drive, so you had opted to ride in the back of the officer's car as he raced through the streets to get to where your daughter was found. The ones that had been sent to follow Minjae had been led straight to the house where she was being held. The radio in the car had constant updates crackling through the speakers, and while you were just barely listening, focusing more on the thought that you’d soon be reunited with your daughter, you had heard them say that Minjae and a female had been placed into custody. 
When the car pulled up, you were practically blinded by the lights of the multitude of other police cars on the street, but through the lights, you spotted the silhouette of a man holding a little girl, and you knew that it was your little girl. Jeongins hand that had been holding yours the entire car ride was pulled away as he jumped out of the car before it had even come to a complete stop, and you did the same, both of you running to the officer to see your daughter. 
“Daddy! Momma!” Jeongsoos voice was filled with excitement as she wiggled free from the officers arms and ran across the sidewalk towards you and Jeongin, and the only reason you didn’t pick her up was because Jeongin had reached her first, and now she was being held tightly to his chest and spun around by him. “Why you take so long?” She asked, and Jeongin simply shook his head, refusing to put her down as he looked at you, his smile both sad and relieved at the same time. 
“I’m so sorry, sweetie…” You whispered, running your hand over her hair, trying your best to hold it together in front of her. “We’re gonna go home, and everything is gonna be okay… You’re okay now, sweetie.” You continued, and as if you were the one who needed to be comforted, Jeongsoo held out one of her arms and pulled you closer to her and Jeongin. 
“It’s okay, Momma… You not have to cry. I’m okay.” She reassured you, patting your shoulder and sighing softly. She didn’t know how scared you and Jeongin had been, she probably didn’t even know what was going on at all. She was sassy, she had a fiery attitude when she needed to, but she was also selfless and sweet, she was an angel in the eyes of you and Jeongin.
The officer that had been with you and Jeongin almost the entire time finally came over to where the three of you were after the other patrol cars drove off, carrying with them the two people that had stolen your entire world. “There’s going to be a court date, we do not expect Jeongsoo to be there, we don’t expect the both of you to be there, but at least one of you have to show up. Jeongsoo already very kindly told one of the other officers everything that happened, and I want you to know that she is okay. This was simply a scheme to make money, which is awful, but it could have been far worse.” You and Jeongin nodded your heads, but neither of you wanted to think about what you knew he was talking about. “I’ll get the three of you back home, and I’ll be in touch with you to let you know when the court date will be, okay?” 
Jeongsoo was fast asleep in her room, and you and Jeongin stood in the hallway just outside her door, neither of you wanting to have her out of your sights. The fear of losing her would stay with the both of you forever, but for now, it was like you needed that constant visual reminder that she was home, that you did get her back. 
“I know… It’s not my place to tell you that you can’t date anyone.” Jeongin mumbled, leaning against the wall of the hallway, his head hung low as he crossed his arms over his chest. “But, at least let me meet him or something… Before he meets Jeongsoo. I can’t handle something like this happening again… I just can’t.” 
You swallowed thickly, nodding your head. “I don’t want to date anyone else… I don’t want to be with anyone else… I can’t go through something like this again either and… and you don’t deserve to go through this again just because of me.” Sniffles sounded out so softly they almost got lost in the drifting sound of Jeongsoos quiet snores, but Jeongin heard it, Jeongin heard you. 
“It’s not your fault, baby…” He cooed, but the pet name had you slowly lifting your head to look at him, and usually he’d back track, say you misheard him, or he’d just change the subject completely as his entire face turns a bright shade of red. Not this time though, he was tired of losing you, and he had gone through this entire shit show because he was too much of a coward to ask you before. Not again. “I love you, and I love the perfect little girl that we made together. I don’t want to lose her again, and I don’t want to lose you to someone else. I know I made mistakes, I know that I’ve been the biggest piece of shit in the past… But seeing you with those other guys… Seeing you walk out that door to go out on those stupid dates… I can’t take it anymore. So just… Kiss me once and maybe you’ll feel something. Maybe you’ll feel the way I’m feeling. But if you don’t, we can forget about it and everything that I’ve said and-“ 
Your fingers gripped his shirt as you pulled him towards you, your lips crashing together in a kiss that it felt like you had been waiting forever to have. “You talk too much…” You murmured against his lips, the corners of yours pulling up into a little smirk. “So is this you asking me out or…?” 
Jeongin rolled his eyes, his hands roaming along your curves until he stopped at your hips, giving them a light squeeze that had you wiggling and your body burning up. “If I had a ring I’d be asking you to marry me right now, so yes… I am asking you out…” He stepped closer, his body pressing against yours and basically pinning you against the wall. “Are you saying yes?” 
Perm Tags :
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minminbunny · 4 days
Stalker X Stalker AU - Pervert! Bang Chan/Psycho Gender Neutral! Reader
*smut part - AFAB/AMAB
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💕Drabble Masterlist
❤️Ultimate Masterlist
"Fuck, you smell so good," Chan groaned, burying his face into your dirty laundry. He followed your schedule, knowing you wouldn't be home until evening. Chan hissed, tugging down his sweats, his cock sprung against his abdomen, hot and throbbing to the touch. Chan bit the end of his shirt, his hand eagerly stroking his cock to the raw scent of your underwear. Loud squelching echoed within the room, his cockhead leaking with dribbles of precum. 
Chan whimpered, rubbing your soiled underwear against his sensitive slit. He bucked his hips, rubbing the silky material to his heart's desire. Chan whimpered at the pleasure, his precum drenching your underwear, "Cumming, cumming!" he growled, muffled against the cloth between his teeth when he heard the front door open. He jolted upright, finding a place to hide with his cock hard and on the edge. 
Chan panicked and hid himself within your closet, the only section that didn't have clothes but for your collection hobbies. It had just enough space for him to stand within. Chan calmed his breath, his shaft throbbing within his palm. You walked into your room, headphones over your ears. Chan sighed in relief, knowing those headphones are sound proof and you probably didn't hear him. 
You nonchalantly sat by your study desk, your phone displaying the camera installed in your room. Your underwater kept going missing and you wanted to know where it went. It didn't take long for Chan to sneak through your window to pump his cock to your clothing. At first you were disturbed, your privacy was invaded after all but you had a sick sense of collecting.
You didn't collect figures or albums. You collected things far more personal, most of the time it's hair, sometimes the occasional straw but now that you've gotten a personal muse. You weren't about to let him go, so you watched, you purposely left out your underwear, you purposely aligned your schedule so you wouldn't be home. Today was supposed to be one of these days but your classes got canceled. 
You watched him on the way home, his moans filling your car as you parked on the porch. You watched until he was just about to cum, like he always did and opened the front door. It was cute watching him panic only to find the closet dedicated to your muse. Quite endearing to say the least. You walked up the stairs, keeping your expression neutral and sat by your desk. 
You turned on your PC, and watched YouTube. You kept the PC on mute for show, letting Chan assume you connected your headphones to the device. Chan gulped, your scent flooding his nose the moment you walked in. His cock couldn't help but leak into his palm from the sheer proximity of your body so close to his. You lowered your headphones sensitivity that allows you to hear other people while wearing the device. 
You braced yourself to hear a moan, a whimper, anything from the closet. Chan wanted to cry out from frustration, his cock twitching without a sense of shame. He rubbed his thumb between his slit, stifling a choked moan. You smirked, eyes on the PC when you heard it, 'There we go,' you thought, relaxing into your chair. Chan noticed you didn't react and pumped his cock at a languid pace. 
His cockhead was always breaching the makeshift sleeve he made with his fist. Chan covered his mouth, rubbing his frenulum in hopes he'd cum just from that but you shifted. You got up from the chair and plopped yourself on the bed. You nonchalantly scrolled through your phone before, tugging down your pants. Chan gulped at the sight of your pretty legs, his strokes grew quicker as you slowly undressed. 
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You groaned into your palm, your hand rubbing your puffy mounds. Chan whimpered, squeezing the base of his cock in a panic. He didn't want to cum without you. A moan eacaped your lips at his whimper, your hand grazing beneath the hem of your underwear, "Fuck," you whispered, your voice breathy and heavy with lust. You pulled your hand back only to see a trail of slick between your fingers. 
You parted your lips and had a taste, you wanted to put on a show, you wanted to drive him insane. Chan felt his eyes roll back at the sight, his thighs sticky with his own arousal. You tugged down your underwear,  your cunt bare to the chill air, "Cold," you grumbled, hugging your plush toy against your chest for warmth. You shifted your body, your cunt facing the exact closet, giving him a front row view. 
You hissed, rubbing your fingers between your folds, "Hah, ah, ah," you gasped, teasing your needy swollen clit. Chan stared,  his jaw agape at the sight, 'Finally,' he thought, seeing the maker of your dirty underwear. Seeing the sole being that drives his cock insane. You lubed up your dildo, one with a vibration feature and aligned it with your cunt. You bit your lips, whimpering at the initial thrust of the dildo easing within your ribbed walls.
Chan gulped, stroking his cock to your gentle pace, his eyes never left your fluttering pussy. You pulled your knees closer to your chest, the dildo hitting deeper than earlier from the position, "Fuck, there, there," you moaned, aligning the dildo against your puffy sensitive bundles of nerves. Chan picked up the pace when you did, his body convulsing from the edging. 
You rubbed your clit in tandem with your thrusts, chasing that familiar coil of pleasure, "Close, close, hhgh," you whined, as the dildo buzzed against those nerves from the inside and out. "Shit, hah, hhgh," you cried out, climaxing around the toy. The musky scent of sex flooded the room, you didn't pull out the toy, but instead kept thrusting the toy through your overstimulation. 
Chan sobbed into his palm, cum dripping down his fist like a broken faucet and when he saw that you were still going, he followed suit. "Hah, huh, huh," he muffled behind his palm, stroking his cock through the edging and overstimulation. You hiccuped, easily reaching your climax the second time, creaming around your dildo. Chan tossed his head back, hitting it against the closet with a thud as he orgasmed once again, the sheer bliss fogging his senses, his eyes crossed as he panted from the intensity. 
You cleaned yourself up and burrowed yourself into the blankets, your headphones still secured on your head with your plush tucked within your arms. Chan waited until your breath settled and escaped your closet, he cleaned himself up knowing your headphones were still on and left the bathroom. You nuzzled your plush, hearing his heavy footsteps walk across your bed. 
Chan walked towards your pillow, he leaned down and checked if your breathing was shallow before kissing your forehead. You smiled at the gesture, burrowing deeper into your plush. Chan smiled and eventually sneaked out of your room through the window. You heard your window click and exhaled in relief, thankful that you didn't get caught. An anonymous number texted you a picture, you clicked open and saw a picture of you sleeping. 
It captioned, "I'm always watching, princess,". You chuckled at the text and took a screenshot. You printed it out with your mini printer and wiggled yourself out of bed. "He's such a sweetheart," you murmured, opening the same closet he was in. Inside it was covered with polaroids of him, most taken unknowingly, his hair in tiny baggies, his straws, his missing cap, his exact perfume, and now the sex-stained musk covering the walls of your closet. You pinned the text and kissed it, "One day, you'll be mine," you whispered, closing the closet and going back to sleep.
You groaned into your palm, your hand rubbing your swollen bulge. Chan whimpered, squeezing the base of his cock in a panic. He didn't want to cum without you. A moan eacaped your lips at his whimper, your hand grazing beneath the hem of your underwear, "Fuck," you whispered, your voice breathy and heavy with lust. You pulled your hand back only to see a trail of slick between your fingers. 
You parted your lips and had a taste, you wanted to put on a show, you wanted to drive him insane. Chan felt his eyes roll back at the sight, his thighs sticky with his own arousal. You tugged down your underwear,  your cock bare to the chill air, "Cold," you grumbled, hugging your plush toy against your chest for warmth. You shifted your body, your cock facing the exact closet, giving him a front row view. 
You hissed, rubbing your fingers between your slit, "Hah, ah, ah," you gasped, teasing your needy swollen cockhead. Chan stared,  his jaw agape at the sight, 'Finally,' he thought, seeing the maker of your dirty underwear. Seeing the sole being that drives his cock insane. You lubed up your onahole, one with a vibration feature and aligned it with your cock. You bit your lips, whimpering at the initial thrust of the onahole squeezing around your throbbing cock.
Chan gulped, stroking his cock to your gentle pace, his eyes never left your leaking cockhead. You spread apart your legs, the onahole enveloping around your shaft even tighter than earlier from the position, "Fuck, harder, harder," you moaned, bucking your hips into the cocksleeve, the vibrations driving you senseless. Chan picked up the pace when you did, his body convulsing from the edging. 
You rubbed your cockhead in tandem with your thrusts, chasing that familiar coil of pleasure, "Close, close, hhgh," you whined, as the onahole around your sensitive shaft, precum leaking in anticipation. "Shit, hah, hhgh," you cried out, climaxing within the toy. The musky scent of sex flooded the room, you didn't pull out of the toy, but instead kept thrusting into the toy through your overstimulation. 
Chan sobbed into his palm, cum dripping down his fist like a broken faucet and when he saw that you were still going, he followed suit. "Hah, huh, huh," he muffled behind his palm, stroking his cock through the edging and overstimulation. You hiccuped, easily reaching your climax the second time, creaming within your onahole. Chan tossed his head back, hitting it against the closet with a thud as he orgasmed once again, the sheer bliss fogging his senses, his eyes crossed as he panted from the intensity. 
You cleaned yourself up and burrowed yourself into the blankets, your headphones still secured on your head with your plush tucked within your arms. Chan waited until your breath settled and escaped your closet, he cleaned himself up knowing your headphones were still on and left the bathroom. You nuzzled your plush, hearing his heavy footsteps walk across your bed. 
Chan walked towards your pillow, he leaned down and checked if your breathing was shallow before kissing your forehead. You smiled at the gesture, burrowing deeper into your plush. Chan smiled and eventually sneaked out of your room through the window. You heard your window click and exhaled in relief, thankful that you didn't get caught. An anonymous number texted you a picture, you clicked open and saw a picture of you sleeping. 
It captioned, "I'm always watching, prince,". You chuckled at the text and took a screenshot. You printed it out with your mini printer and wiggled yourself out of bed. "He's such a sweetheart," you murmured, opening the same closet he was in. Inside it was covered with polaroids of him, most taken unknowingly, his hair in tiny baggies, his straws, his missing cap, his exact perfume, and now the sex-stained musk covering the walls of your closet. You pinned the text and kissed it, "One day, you'll be mine," you whispered, closing the closet and going back to sleep.
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sugarmelin · 1 year
Can you do pls yandere mafia Bang Chan kidnapped you or jealous?
Wakey wakey~
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Paring: Skz/Bang Chan x Reader
Warning: yandere, mafia au, kidnapping, drugs and ect...
Minors do not interact
Dan Bi note: Hello there sweetcheek! I was not sure what kind you wanted. If you ordered again, tell me some details dear ! I might turn this into a series, not sure~ enjoy!!!
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Your eyes shot open, head filled with headache making you groan. Everything was blurry, you blink a few times to get used to the light above you. Your back was against a wall while slowly forced your head up.
Looking around, you assumed that you were in a basement but still, everything was kinda blurry. A smell filled your nose, but you couldn't understand what it was.
The place looked like it had been cleaned, but it felt like you weren't the only person who was here before. Finally founding out what the smell was after gaining some sense... it was blood.
You look at yourself, a thick chain around your waistline, your hands cuffed on each side of your head above you, chains connected to it and goes near the ceiling. It looks like it continued but to the other side of the wall, maybe end to some heavy weights.
You finally asked yourself... Where were you?Yeah you were kidnapped but why?
You mind went to the moment before you were blackout, you were walking home after hanging out in the park with your friends at midnight like every Friday night. you made sure your friends made it to their houses safely and not hyping up some cockroaches that are fighting each other. you laughed at that memory.
There parents thanked you for bringing their children back to their home, all of them offering you a drive to your apartment because it was really late but you kindly denied them all, wanting some alone time with yourself.
That's why you were the last one going back home while thinking about adopting a kitty from a shelter because you were thinking about it for weeks now.
While walking, you felt like your being followed. You looked back and saw a person dressed up all black, You didn't pay any mind. You were also wearing black, but something didn't feel right.
After a few walks you stopped at your track, paying close attention to the sounds around you but you heard nothing. Meaning the person you saw also stopped walking.
That thought crossed your mind and you started running, hearing the same footsteps you heard coming after you.
While you kept running, you saw a pedestrian near you. When you were about to run across it, a black van stopped you, It startled you a little before running past it from the other side of it.
"GET HER!" Someone yelled behind you. when you looked back while running, you saw four boys coming out of the van and starting to run toward you.
'Shit.' You cursed, while keep running you passed an alleyway but someone grabbed your arm and pulled you towards their chest making you yelp, locking their arms around you.
'Yep, classic.' You thought to yourself before reverse headbutting them, making them groan and let go of you. When you come out of the alleyway and started running again, someone else grabbed you hard and pulls you towards them again but their left arm come around your neck, your hands clawing at it. A cloth came against your nose and mouth, making your eyes go wide and shaking your head left and right, the cloth was definitely drugged with something.
You went grab the pocket knife you had in your back pocket that you had for the Necessary times and when you were about to stab his arm, another boy grabbed the knife out of your hand, making an 'Ah ah ah~' sound while moving his index finger like he was scolding a baby. you glare at him.
The drug was finely making your eyes go heavy and your body go numb While seven boys surround you, eyeing you like you were their meal.
"Night Night princess~"
That was the last thing you heard before everything went black.
While you were zoning out, the door to the basement opened. Making you come out of your daze. Slowly standing up, making sure not to move fast because you weren't fully conscious at the moment and doing that, makes your headache worse and gives you dizziness. Eyes never leaving his.
"Well well, look who woke up from their nap~" The man laughed, but he seemed familiar... like you saw him somewhere.
Then it clicked! It was that blue hair guy who came every Tuesday or Thursday to the Café you work in, ordering an iced americano & latte with some chocolate chip cookies. Giving death glare to every boy back who came in touch with your hands while being on the line of the takeout.
"What? Not happy to see me again?~" he said while slowly walking towards you, like he was coming towards a wild animal.
You only give him a blank face. Observing his every move. Slowly glaring at him with every step he took towards you.
When he was finally in front of you, he tried to touch your cheek but you immediately went to bite his hand. He pulled his hand back, almost about to get his hand bitten.
"Ah ah~ sweetie, we don't bite people we love" He scold you.
"No shit dickhead." You said before trying to come towards him, but he went back making you follow him. The chains that were on you ended at some point, holding you back just inches away from his face with that stupid grin. Tagging on the chains, trying to free yourself from it, and definitely there would be bruises on your wrists, to fucking punch him in his nuts.
"Don't make me hurt the only family members you have." That made you quiet, you don't know what his capable of.
"What do you want from me?.."
He chuckled.
He chuckled again before grabbing your chin with his thumb and index finger. Looking at your lips, licking his own before looking at your eyes.
"Others are waiting for you~"
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Like & reblog are appreciated and tell me what do you think~
Don't forget to eat, drink water, love and take care of yourself and body ! (ㅅ´ ˘ `) ~~♡
Hope you enjoyed !
See you on the next chapter cupcakes ! maybe not~
Next chapter
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shinehyuk · 2 years
hunter | lee minho
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| Genre : yandere, drabble, requested
— Summary : the cat will always find the mouse, like a hunter will always find its prey.
Word Count : 100
tw/cw : abuse, obsession, toxic relationship, violence, please do not read if uncomfortable!
5. “Silly kitten. Did you really think that you could hide from me?"
29. “Stop it. You're only making this worse for yourself.”
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Minho chuckled and ran his fingers through his brown hair, hearing the sound of shaky breathing coming from the closet.
"Perhaps you're," He hummed, pulling on the closet's handle, revealing your hiding place. "In here?~"
Gasping, you tried to curl up; as if that would help you. No, no, please–
“Silly kitten. Did you really think that you could hide from me?" He sighed, forcefully pulling you out. You screamed, trying to make him let go of you, but to no avail. “Stop it. You're only making this worse for yourself.” He growled.
The cat has found the mouse.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ a/n ✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
thank you so much for requesting! i hope you liked it <3 i am not very good at drabbles but i still tried! i hope it's not very bad <33
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
‣ Taglist :
@atiny-chocolate-chip @lmaoskz @sunoo-bby  @heemingyu @nikipedia07 @effulgentfireflies
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lyramundana · 1 year
What about yan!minsung x sub!9th mem reader where they can't handle it when the whole world is able to see what's supposed to be only for them to see
Or just some yandere jealous head canons cuz I'm sucker for this shit
(Also can I be 🦋 anon and I luv u)
Omg omg, yandere minsung? 9th member?? Yes and YES. This is my shit. (luv you too my butterfly💕)
They knew they were made for each other from the second they met. Soulmates, people said, and they felt it was the truth. Their souls are one and the same, two sides from the same coin which can't co-exist without the other. And as time passed, these feelings started to part towards a new party, their precious 9th member. The three of them became one unit, bonded together and vowed to always stay like this, right where they belonged.
Of course, idol life isn't easy and is full of hardships. This is their long life dream, yeah, but there are times the sacrifices made feel too much. Luckily, they have each other for comfort and find strenght in this passionate, burning love they share. While the 9th member is beaming in happiness with them and does her best to improve on performances, they don't notice the growing darkness in the boys' gazes, and how their love is slowly becoming a twisted thing.
9th member works until exhaustion to be recognized and satisfy the fans. They want to success, to be admired and have the love of the crowds. They share this with their boyfriends, but they always tell her the same thing: "You already have our love, sweet thing? You don't need anyone else". Of course, this has led to arguments, because Han and Minho are among the most loved members by the fandom and obviously they don't feel the need for such attention whey they already have it. But 9th member doesn't give up, and so they began to climb their way to the top and gain more admirers.
The rest of members are extremely happy and proud for them, but there are two certain individuals that aren't so cheery...
What sucks about being an idol is that you have to be perpetually single for the fans, so they can enjoy their dellusional fantasies peacefully with you. They were all aware of these things before debuting and prepared themselves. But is one thing knowing the theroy and another witnessing it in real life. In the person they love the most and practically worship. They can only explore their love behind closed doors, and in front of the public, act like they are available for anyone. 9th member deals with it like a professional. Han and Minho...not so much.
They always knew their partner was full of talent, all grace and beauty, and they spent hours singing praises to them. So now hearing those same words coming from strange mouths and watching 9th member welcome all of it with a soft smile, the feel their blood boil. What the fuck? Why are they smiling and giggling like that?
When 9th member has a solo or wears revealing clothes, they feel the need to burn the entire agency with everyone inside. That skin is only for THEIR eyes. Those beautiful legs, that soft face, the beaming figure, the curves, it all belongs to THEM. Who do they think they are to go and display their propietry like that for anyone to see? But they can't say anything against it, for this is the jon they chose, and so they have to bite their tongues.
Once they're done, they drag 9th member to a secluded area and teach them a lesson about showing off what's theirs. They cover 9th member in marks, bruising them, treating them more harshly they have never done. The rip off the stage outfit to pieces, leaving them all naked and exposed for them. Right how's supposed to be like. Han eats them out, biting their inner thights until they're red and painful, while Minho scratches them all over and bites. They manhandle 9th member and fuck them over and over until they are breathless, shaking and dumb. Minsung had never been this way before during sex, not this rough and crude. But you know the worst part?
They have enjoyed it. Every.Second.
They realize how good it feels fucking their little sub dumb and fill them with their cum after they had to endure sharing them for the world to see. All those pathetic fuckers can stare and fantasize all they want, but their precious members belongs to them at the end of they day. And during the next couple of days, their body will be filled with the physical proofs of it.
Now, the thing about k-pop industry and relationships is that, if it happens between members from the same group, handling it's very difficult. Even more if they're toxic. Even if 9th member notices how dangerous and toxic the boys are becoming, they can't escape. They can't act on it without jeopardizing the whole group and their career, and the boys are aware of it. So there's no other choice but endure it.
Endure knowing they're not allowed to have friendships outside the group. Endure they can't touch someone else but them and viceversa. Endure they have to be compliant and low their head when Han and Minho are there, let them do all the work. Endure the endless night of rough, harsh fucking because they are jealous of everyone and everything and need to lash out somehow. Endure the lack of solo activities and collabs, because they're not supposed to do anything without them. Oh, and if you wonder, yes, the rest of boys notice this dynamic, but same. They can't do shit without risking everything they've worked so hard for, and Han and Minho make sure to hide the gruesome parts from them. Endure the v-lives where they make a show of placing 9th member on their laps, being utterly touchy with them to the point it's almost inapropiate.
An idol tries his luck? He got into a scandal mysteriously. An stylist suggests 9th member to wear flashier clothes to enhance their body? Fired.
They both control every single aspect of 9th member's life. If they can't keep their partner away from the stage, they have to make up another way.
@sweetracha because she might like this
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