#yandere tododeku
mango-bango-bby · 1 year
Could I request platonic dads Izuku and Shoto taking their toddler out for to the park and get’s caught by one of their fans?
♡ Playground ♡
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, characters are aged up, platonic yandere, TodoDeku, parents TodoDeku, toddler!reader, mentions of paparazzi
Summary: Your fathers did their best to keep you hidden from the public but this goes south when a fan recognizes them (Platonic!Yan!Izuku x GN!toodler!reader x Platonic!Yan!Todoroki)
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You loved the park. You lit up at even the idea of going down to the park. You loved the slides, trying to climb up the small rock wall, and your favorite was the swings! Your dads never objected to this though, usually taking days off when the other was working to be with you. Your dads loved taking you to the park though, they loved how you smiled as you played.
Shoto and Izuku sit on a nearby bench watching you collect leaves from the ground in your hands. You run over to your dads, immediately handing off your pile of leaves to Izuku.
“Why, thank you” He chuckles watching you run back onto the playground. “More?” You ask, leaning down to grab more. “No, sweetie, I have enough leaves” He laughs watching you walk over to the slide before pointing up at it.
Shoto gets up, going over to place you on the slide. You were still too young to climb up the ladder onto the slide. “You want papa to catch you?” He asks, placing you at the top of the slide.
They caught you as you got to the end of the slide as they were worried about you landing in the wood chips and accidentally hurting yourself.
You hum, before sliding down giggling as you do so before Izuku catches you. “Shoto?” A girl in her teens calls out, two friends with her. They thought they could let down their guard a bit as the playground was secluded but it seems not. He turns around to face them, Izuku holding you, keeping your face against his shoulder as he leaves to go to the car.
“It’s really you. Can we get a picture?” She asks, star struck by seeing a top pro-hero in real life. “Not today, it’s a bad time” He says flatly, he was never one to be incredibly welcoming to fans. Especially outside of his hours.
Luckily Izuku pulled up at the right time, you peaking up to the window from your car seat. You almost threw a fit about having to leave the park so suddenly but Izuku promised you ice cream. “Uhm, have a nice day” Shoto says to the fans before leaving to get into the car.
They were very serious about protecting your identity so they couldn’t believe they weren’t more careful even if the playground was quiet and secluded. You peak up at the window, waving at the fans as Izuku drives off.
They only hoped that they wouldn’t talk about seeing you with other people. They had seen rumors like that lead to paparazzi being involved and interview questions about their home lifes with other heros.
Perhaps they should get you a playground or play set for the yard, then you would be safer.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
(A/N: I haven’t written for platonic TodoDeku yet so I’m very excited!! I hope you like this, I think it’s pretty cute 🥺🥺 They’d definitely be great dads, even if very protective!)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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lolita-lollipop · 2 years
Hey there, First off I wanted to say I love your work! Second my request is a platonic yandere TodoDeku taking care of a sick reader who cant hold down food or eat anything but the reader just cant seem to get better no matter what medication they use? I could use some comfort for that because I'm currently dealing with that haha.
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Izukus keys jingled as he unlocked the front door to the shared home between him and his husband, and you. The door was heavily secured in case you ever tried to run, not that you would, or could. The house was quiet, usually there was the lingering sound of the tv left on, or the kittens mewing. But no. Just the sound of still air remaining still.
“I’m home! Y/n? Todo?” He called out, usually one of the two came to greet him at the door, usually todoroki, but occasionally you when you needed something. Todoroki got home about an hour or so earlier than izuku , so usually dinner was already either prepared or ordered, and you were ready for bed. He was used to the sound of you talking with your papa when he got home, used to the sound of the toys he’d gotton you rattling. But recently it’s been different, he couldn’t remember when it started, when you got like this. All he really knew is it happened fast and abrupt, all of a sudden you were always exhausted, it even took a lot of coaxing to get you out of bed in the mornings, you could barely stomach an apple, and you pretty much avoided eating in general in fear of vomiting. You were sick. And it wasn’t getting better.
They’d placed monitors all over the house, security cameras that were connected to a small device similar to a baby monitor, it was just a safety precaution, or it was supposed to be. They’d never noticed how soundless you were, how you barely moved, probably in attempts to relieve the aching in your bones. It worried both of them to no end at how your body was eating itself from the inside out in place for food.
What was even worse was that they didn’t know what to do about it. They couldn’t get another doctor because you might act out and try to free yourself, but neither of them had enough medical experience to help you. Really help you.
Nowadays todoroki didn’t have time to cook anything for dinner when he first got home, he was too worried about the fact that you haven’t moved from the position he left you in this morning, about the fact that the lunch and snacks the two husbands had left you for the day went mainly untouched. And how the Meds that you were supposed to be taking just made you feel sick instead of any better. When he came home today he could feel the tension in the air, he the world around felt void, how the rooms life had just been sucked out.
They don’t know when this depressive episode of yours started, at least they thought it was a depressive episode. At first they believed it was you rebelling against them, going on somewhat of a hunger strike to try and get them to let you go. So naturally they punished you, took away the cats and the tv and the books. But that did very little in stopping you, at some point the way you stared off into space forced them into realizing something was very wrong.
Izuku pulled off his coat and shoes at the door, putting his keys up on the highest shelve that he knew you couldn’t reach. His other hand clutched at a bag of some of your favorite takeout food, or what used to be your favorite at least. He just needed you to eat something, hopefully this might help. He was lost in the endless tombs of his brain, thought being the only thing consuming him. Then he heard it, heard you. And he dropped the bag, dropped his coat from his hands, and ran to your room.
Soft sobs could be what’d through the home monitors, his phone blinked with a red light, indicating that you were actually moving, making noise. When he opened the door, his heart almost broke. You were sitting in a corner, rolled into a fetal position, hiccuping and sniffling, you had your hand pressed to your mouth in attempts to quiet yourself, you were far too consumed by your own feelings to notice him. There was a small plastic container on the table with a few mango slices left in it, and a small puddle of… stomach liquid on the other side of the room. It only took him a few seconds to connect the dots. And he was immediately on you.
“Oh my baby- it’s okay it’s okay don’t cry, daddy’s here now. I’m so sorry you got sick- I know it feels bad. Can you tell me what happened sweetheart?” He cooed , using his sleeve to wipe the corner of your mouth, and picking you up with his strong arms. As he held you tight and close in his comforting embrace, you didn’t fight, usually you would at least put a little squirming into it, but you were far too weak to even try.
“I just- I was really hungry so I tried to- I tried to- and then after my stomach hurt really bad and I got really sick and I couldn’t make it to the bathroom an- I’m so sorry I got- I got it in the carpet” you spoke through your sobs, clutching close to him, you just had felt so good today, like you were getting better. So against your better judgment , you actually ate most of the mango your dads had left for you, then your body seemed to remember it was sick before your brain did, and before you knew it you were hunched over clutching your stomach, hurling out whatever you’d just eaten.
It was just so humiliating, to not understand what was happening to you. That’s why you’d been crying, Izuku knew how you felt about all of this, that’s why he’s been so lenient when you have sass or snap at him. Because you’re hurting. It’s these moments when he knows it best, he let you wrap your legs around his waist and stick your head between the crook of his shoulder, his hands went up and down on your back soothingly, and he bounced slightly on his feet in order to calm you. You would probably make yourself sick again with all of this crying.
“Oh my poor baby- I’m so so sorry this keeps happening. I promise Me and papa are gonna find a way to make this better” he clutched you tight to him, and although you wished you wanted to fight him, scratch his eyes out and take this moment of softness to run. You didn’t, your body felt as if it was made of lead, and your eyes struggled to stay open, and you just felt so. utterly. sick.
So instead you clutched his shirt, and leaned into him. A husky cough left your lips at the pressure he put on your back, which did nothing but made you cry more. The thought of them making you better scared you, they’d tried everything, who knows what crazy solutions are left.
“I-I don’t wanna see a doctor again. Please don’t make me I- I can’t” you pleased of the man, drawing out any sympathy he might’ve held for you, he did know how much you suffered because of whatever this sickness was. Supposedly it was because of stress, after all getting kidnapped by two random strangers who overpower you and force you into being their child harms you mentally, and in turn, physically.
“Don’t worry baby. Your father will have his brother come instead of one of those scary doctors. I know I know you don’t like him either ,but we need you to be seen okay? If you’re good I’ll let you watch one of those horror movies you like. The rated r ones?” He coaxed, beginning to lay small pats on your back in order to prevent a freak out, you didn’t like doctors, at least not the ones he brought you to. Which was understandable, usually he would offer tot ale you out for ice cream, but as you were currently… not eating, this was the next best option.
You grunted and nudged your head closer to the knook of his shoulder, letting him hold you tight. You were still quite focused on holding your remaining nausea down.
“I’ll take that as a yes then? Hm?”he questioned with a little laugh, trying to lighten your mood. It didn’t.
It took a few hours for both todoroki and natsuo to get here, natsuo took a little convincing to treat you. He loves you, don’t get him wrong, you’re his favorite little niece, but now that they had taken you against your will and kept you in a cage. It just felt wrong to help his little brother. Still. He supposed it was worse to have you be kidnapped and fatally ill than to just be kidnapped. So begrudgingly he came.
Shoto had warned him that you would be much less than happy to talk to him, and it might be possible that you would have to be restrained. But in the end he agreed.
You heard your two fathers talking to your uncle outside your room, a gruesome horror movie played on the small tv in front of you, an older one that should’ve made you squirm and cringe at the violence and gore occurring, still, you watched intently, almost with a smile. The door opening snapped you out of your stare. The bed next to you dipped down as somebody sat, no doubt your fathers older brother natsuo.
You didn’t hate the man, in fact before all this the two of you knew eachother quite well. But like everybody else, he chose to standby as your two “fathers” confined you here. So you always held some remorse for him.
You were tied down with silk straps, wrapped tightly, but still comfortably. In a position that had you facing the tv. It honestly wasn’t that bad, as you were comfortable and the ropes were soft. It did make you feel mildly vulnerable around this man, but you’ve known natsuo since you were little, and you trusted him. At least you hoped you could. Then again, trusting people had only gotton you kidnapped and put in one of the worst mental states of your life so…
“Hey sweetheart… so, you’ve been having some trouble eating. Right?” He asked, trying to keep his voice as monotone as possible, he’d known that you would look bad, after all you hadn’t eaten in weeks and you were going through severe depression and dissociation. But… god. You looked dead honestly, devoid of all life but somehow still living. The way you did nothing but nod to his question only further proved his point.
“We’ll, I already know you’ve been quite stressed, I completely understand as this is such an environment change for you. But there are also a few physical illnesses that this could be. I’m just gonna ask a few questions alright? Are you okay with that?” He (obviously) did most of the taking, as almost the entirety of your attention was on the movie playing in front of you. It was obvious he was trying to make you feel like you were in charge here. Like you could tell him to leave and he would.
You knew that wasn’t true though.
He asked a wide variety of questions about how you felt when you ate, was it full, was it empty. He also asked about what you had eaten last before all of this started. You’d answered truthfully, after all you did want to get better so you could stop feeling so weak all the time.
The more he spoke to you, the more his voice became a lullaby. The movie in front of you continued with its display of blood and guts, it combined with the way natsuos voice droned, and just pulled you further and further towards sleep. It was actually quite nice.
The last thing you remembered before drifting of was getting a warm hug from the man, and then some talking outside, even a little crying from whom you presumed was midoria.
Then, nothing.
When you woke up, you hadn’t been restrained anymore. And you were sitting in a soft chair, one that you had recognized as the one next to your parents bed. A cat sat in your lap, you stared down at it, still half asleep, it made you happy.
Then, as you came to consciousness, you began to be painstakingly aware of how you were feeling. The nausea was gone, and so was the emptiness, but now… now there was this fuzzy feeling all around your body. And there was such a sharp pain in your arm, it felt like it was stabbing you repeatedly.
Then you saw what it was, and THAT woke you up.
There was a bag rested on a large pole next to you, with some liquid inside of it. The bag was feeding into a pipe which went into your arm. A thin needle was pressed into the knook of your elbow.
No no no no no. They did not put a fucking needle in your arm. They wouldn’t. Who knows what the hell is in that bag? They could be pumping you with fucking drugs all day and you wouldn’t even knows You panicked and tried pulling at it, doing absolutely anything to keep the stupid thing from pumping whatever that was into your blood.
Pulling at the pipe and patch hurt far too much for you to continue, so you just sat and stared at the IV. It made you sick thinking about what they did to you while you were happily sleeping. They fucking stabbed you. With a needle. Your vision began to blur and your hearing went fuzzy as a panic attack pulsed through your senses.
You were able to hear small footsteps, and then somebody grabbed and picked you up.
“No no no- don’t do that baby. It’s there to help you- oh I know you don’t like it. I know baby- We should’ve told you about it. But it’s here to help you sweetheart. No don’t cry- it’s okay” todoroki hushed as you clawed at the small patch on your arm, he held you tight, which actually helped a little bit, as it stopped you from pulling the IV out.
Even though you wanted the stupid little needle out of your arm, the sight of your blood would make you panic further. Todoroki knew this, so he chose to just let you wriggle and squirm in his arms as opposed to making yourself bleed.
Isn’t that funny. You love watching those little films filled with blood and gore, but the second you shed any of your own blood ,you panic. How cute.
He had known that the needle and the bag would make you freak out, but both him and his husband had figured that this was a better option than a feeding tube (that would really freak you out). And although it upset you, it was for your well-being, and you would have to understand that.
Their intentions were innocent too, they didn’t drug you, all they wanted was for you to be healthy. They just want you to be safe and happy and healthy, they just want you to feel okay.
They just wanted to nurse you back into the girl they fell in love with all those years ago.
And you…
You would get used to it if it meant you started feeling better.
You would have to.
This is an oooollldddd request that I was struggling with heavily because when I started writing this one I had an eating disorder :P
Anyway now I’m all better and I was able to figure out an ending sooooo…
Thank you anon for requesting ! And Thank you readers for reading!
Hope you enjoyed! Have a very good day!
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Shigaraki stealing the child from Tododeku in every way he can. Sometimes even going out of his way to cradle his little on in his own den with his mate. He would break into every new den the two made a bit further away so that Shigaraki won't reach them. But he does anyway.
Shigaraki being pissed and going away in the middle of the night just to return smiling when he presents their little one to Dabi ince again. And Dabi just sighing but not saying anything about it since he loves the child as much as Tomura.
Yep, Shigaraki is a little shit when it comes to that. Deku and Todoroki could move to the ends of the earth and Shiggy would still find them.
3/10 visits end in a scrap fight between Deku and Shiggy while Todoroki is holding Y/N like a annoyed and tired parent.
Dabi mildly endorses Shigaraki’s behavior, mostly for shits and giggles. He’ll make a one off comment about how their nest feels so empty without Reader and Shiggy will be like: BRB, gonna go get our bby.
F in the chat for Your sleep schedule
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What would happen if instead of deku choosing his wide he choose shoto instead what would happen to his wife would he still go after her how would it play out too.
Thank you for asking
I really love this
Yandere DekuWife Alternate AU
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by u/ryuutoshi2
What would have been if Deku had chosen Shoto? The former hero in training was rising in notoriety alongside him. Always there. Always supporting. He knew Deku as well as he knew Izuku. Unshakeable in synergy it felt right to choose him. Choose him over his first true love, who seemed oblivious to all his telling actions. Oblivious to the painful yearning of watching you blindly trample his desires. And the way you cheered him on when he shakily admitted his relationship with some mysterious gent.
“That’s…wonderful Izu! I’ll have to meet him one day!”
You wouldn’t. It would be then that he abandoned the civilian identity to be the largest supervillain to date: Deku. Hand-in-hand with his villain lover as they collectively brought chaos to the world of heroes. Only the inner workings of the UA could suspect who he was and some would follow him. A closed incident that would lead the few who cared: Inko and you to mourn Izuku Midoriya.
“...All he wanted was to be a hero…”
“Maybe in his own mind…he was…”
His heart still yearned for you to hide crumpled photos whenever Shoto entered the room. To him, it was just the pains of withdrawal. A simple case of breaking his routine of obsession, instead of obsessing with someone who so quickly reciprocated that same level of affection. For years he’d fight it, drowning out his thoughts and memories of you with lust, mass violence, and diabolical schemes that would bring despair to the heroes he frowned upon. 
It happens by chance that he’s undercover in the daylight of the city. Smirking to himself as he passes a small-time hero on patrol. This information grab would be easy. An orchestrated diversion that would put him in the position to grab the data in a populated place while his beloved counterpart attacks. It plays on the hero's weakness: the protection of civilians. It would have been perfect. 
“Alright, Mister what can I help you with?”
At the front desk of the intelligence, the employee he was supposed to subdue was you. Grown and gorgeous as the day he left, was (Y/n) (L/n). The woman he spent years chasing and fantasizing over. 
He’s starstruck. Stuttering and flapping his lips as he’s reduced to the sweaty, overheating, obsessed dork you couldn’t see the feelings of. Ever patient you don’t rush him as he struggles to do anything–eating into the time he should have spent completing the mission. 
The sound of rubble crashing and the distorted laughter of his lover–Pyrodast rang out. The screaming and running began, and the swarm of panicked employees created the perfect chaos to steal those documents. But he let himself be pulled by you, tucking him under your desk as you dutifully pressed a hidden button. 
“Alright sir. Please stay here I’ll handle this!” 
He was so caught up fawning over your determined glare he almost didn’t catch what you said. Reaching out to hold onto your arm, worriedly pleading that you don’t leave him. And like something out of a dream you hold his shoulder rubbing soothingly. Flashing a smile he feared he’d forgotten. 
“It’s alright I can handle this,” You reached your other hand past him unintenionally caging him. He fluttered his eyes fully prepared to lean into you and capture your lips only to be reawoken when you pulled back. Letting you stand up straight with a darker look on your face and sleek hi-tech power gun. Holding the weapon with ease you cocked the barrel continuing to smile the way only you did. 
“Besides, both me and my husband are heroes!” 
With that you began firing away, immediately making contact with high powered villain judging by the pained grunt. Alarmed and completely in shock he disobeys your command watching as his not so past love expertly dodges the stray pits of steam and fire from his current love. Moving with the agility and speed of a spider you distribute tear gas bombs to blast in the villain’s face. You duck out of the way for most of his confused attacks, seemingly almost subdued when the gloved hands of Shoto reach for your head. 
Izuku has half a mind to scream out and he does. Drowned out by a resounding explosion, the hero’s defense gives you the opportunity to roll out of the way. More heroes quickly arrive on the scene, sending Pyrodast into a desperate escape. 
Hurriedly coming from behind the desk he tries to spot you among the rubble left in their wake. And like the sun at the break of dawn, you rise nearly unscathed and yawning all the while. Stretching as though you just woke up from a successful nap you smile in the direction of the tattered hole of the building. 
“Man, Suki great timing! You just barely missed my amazing defense!”
“Tch! Like I said before you shouldn’t need to do ‘amazing defense’! Just leave the hero work to me, detective!”
“Aw Suki, you’re just jealous I’m so good at my job! I just can’t retire!”
“Kehehehe~!” Watching you tease the explosive hero, laugh at his glare, and insults stung. Too much like old times, he’d been overwhelmed by that tight-knitted jealousy that came with everyone who should speak to you. Specifically with this man. Even more painfully surreal, in tears of his own, he watches you pull out a silver and black band. Slipping it around your ring finger and fiddling with it as you prodded at the hero’s patience. He notices the way those red eyes look at you with a satisfied fondness that didn’t exist way back when.
It's then that he recalls your words…it makes him shudder. With disgust? with malice? with envy? The pure incessant desire to murder? Katsuki Bakugo was who you were married to the hero who had saved him from judgment on the account of a last favor before continuing to pursue him alongside the board of heroes. He didn’t think he could hate the hero more. He was wrong and if he hadn’t been pinged by a worried Shoto he would have killed him. Stabbed from the back at speeds you’d barely register but he didn’t. 
Wobbly and downcast, he returned to the rendezvous point letting Shoto handle the report for the day. Heterochromatic eyes flashed worriedly toward the no longer disguised Deku. It wasn’t long before they shed their masks and latex, settling into their afternoon routine within the highrise home officially owned by the former hero tycoon Shoto Todoroki. 
He didn’t need to speak. Simply leaning over to rest his chin on Izuku’s head as he held his lover by the waist. Sniffing the dyed locks he gets so lost he almost forgets what he originally asked. Or how Izuku doesn’t turn around to wrap his arms around his neck. 
Instead, Izuku leaned back, letting his head rest on the front collarbone of Shoto. He couldn’t share this most jarring discovery, not while his thoughts were still jumbled. When he finally knew how he felt then he’d tell Shoto, so they both wouldn’t make irrational decisions. 
A shame he’d forgotten how deeply in-tune his lover was with his struggle. 
The moment he realizes his Izuku is sleeping in he zeroes in on the exact moment for the shift in moods. Calling his covert underlings to retrieve the camera footage of the building. Unfortunately the cameras had been wiped supposedly taken away after the visit of some group in black suits. Thanfully his team was able to kidnap lightly apprehend a civilian with an undeleted video of the incident.
“So this is…them?”
As Izuku’s closest confidant for years, lending his ears to his romantic woes was a given. Already bonded by the intimacy that came with villainy it was easy to slip himself into his arms. Whispering in his ear and sharing each other’s breath, Shoto made himself the prime owner of Izuku’s heart. Or so he thought. He once tried to track you down before, fully prepared to use the family hitman to guarantee Izuku’s love. But Izuku’s smart, keeping you nameless and eluding Todoroki's covert operation team. 
But now that there’s a video albeit grainy he now knows who you were. The wife of Katsuki Bakugo, a position highly covetted by celebrities and teens. It seemed like a covert marriage considering official registrars had him married to some nameless character. But the video has you smiling, teasing Deku's mortal enemy. How dare you?! After putting Izuku through all that stress and dethroning him in Izuku’s heart. With a roll of his eyes he makes a call and it's with one thing in mind. 
To kill (Y/n) Bakugo.
Which would prove a difficult feat when half his team was out of commission or under arrest.  Needless to say he killed them before they could spill but your invulnerability was a problem. Somehow involved with some of the highest forms of government it was hard to know what your official title was or how you could so easily debillitate his team. But that wouldn’t be a problem for the openly vengeful Pyrodast who could easily put a bounty on your head. But alas the news didn’t even bother to cover the mysterious disappearances of the newest up and coming villains. Shoto Todoroki didn’t lose. Pyrodast wouldn’t lose. He couldn’t believe that. But he would say he was stumped almost completely losing sight of his original goal. Getting too caught up in a rivalry created all his own he committed days to locking himself away quickly shutting his monitor off when Izuku came to check on him.
“Sho-honey are you doing okay? Those bags under your eyes haven’t gone away yet.”
“Y-yeah I’m fine. J-just trying to tie a loose-end.”
He digs his nails into his desk as he watches his love slink back out of his office. Alright, that’s it! He’s putting an end to this himself, he’s spent too many resources trying to take down someone who should have been a minor kill. So he suits up in the darkness of his office expecting to turn around and pull that green book on the far end of the–
“Well Pyrodast, it’s been a while since I’ve had a man chase after me so earnestly!”
Quickly turning on his voice modulator he whips around finally seeing the woman he’d been trying to kill for so long. Brandishing a glowing saber and wearing a latex suit under a stylish trench coat, your outfit certainly left much nothing to the imagination. 
“Hmmm are you here to return the favor?”
“Only half-way I guess! I’ve always wanted to fight against someone with the Todoroki style.”
Gritting his teeth from behind the mask, he felt the hiss of the recorder as he yelled. 
“Of course not, the public doesn’t already theorize about your true nature at all!”
The battle is intense and Pyrodast makes every attempt to burn you alive but your agile wuick and you use your weapon to cut through the titanium leather of his suit. All the while you’re laughing still flashing that stupid smile even as he slams your body into an adjacent cabinet. More times than he could count did you have him pinned and forced to endure your punches and infuriating flicks. By the time he was pinned down once again he was too tired to pull himself up, simply reeling at the controlled penetration of your saber into his bulky mask. 
Feeling the seering heat of the laser he’s fully prepared to lose his nose but immediately you retract your blade. Jumping off of him to skip to the door, you hum to yourself. Waving your fingers like a conducter would the crescendo come when the door is slammed open by Izuku himself.
“Shoto! What the he–”
“Oh my! I didn’t expect to see you! Let alone living!” 
Izuku’s eyes widen as he looks to you and the nearly unmasked Pyrodast heaving on the floor. Without thinking a blush comes over his freckled face and he begins to sweat.
“(Y-y/n)!? Uhm–I–ugh!”
You walk past him unknowingly filling his nose with your scent to have him unconsciously leaning in your direction. 
“Don’t talk to me, I don’t know how I feel about this just yet but at the very least keep your hubby in check? You can only replace limited edition glass china so many times.”
Speaking so nonchalantly, Izuku once again froze in his place, jumping to attention when Shoto was attempting to lift himself up. Running to his side he supports him as he attempts to angrily shout at you. 
“I’LL-Ack! I’LL k-kill y-y-ou–agh! ONE DAY-ugh!”
“Yeah yeah just know I’ll be sending an invoice for the damages you cost me. Toodles.”
As suddenly as you came you left pulling the green book on the bookcase behind you letting yourself take the tube directly to Pyrodast’s office lair. With a gust of wind you're gone leaving the villains to stew in your wake. Shoto struggled to tilt his head up, wounded by the overwhelming blush and needy look on Izuku’s face. And In pain and sheer jealousy he screamed into the sound-proofed office.
“You look happy, case go alright?”
“Yup the lead was on the money and I even met an old friend in the end!”
“An old friend? Friend or foe?”
“Hmmmm who can say…how was your day, Suki-cracker?”
“Usual. Real quiet. By the way, those ghost peppers you ordered came in!”
“No way! Gimme! Gimme! It’ll be my celebration candy!”
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missyaess · 2 years
I just want to say thank you to everyone who’s liked,commented and reblogged <3 ilysm
@just-some-random-simp-lol @liaaa-1
Maybe Meant To Be - Fake Dating pt.2
pt.1 pt.3
Katsuki bakugo x Jealous Reader x Midoriya Izuku
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-Are they-
-They are!
You could barely make out the sentences of your classmates as you walked hand in hand with the green haired boy.You were both blushing,not because you were holding each other’s hands,but because everyone was talking about it.You didn’t think it would gather this much attention but apparently everybody took an interest in the seemingly new couple.Mina was playing her part while winking at you two without anyone noticing.
-So are you guys dating now?That’s so exciting!How did it happen?Tell us everything!
As you and Midoriya began to tell the story of how you confessed to each other and got together- you practiced it all night last night-the door to the classroom opened.You spun around at the sound to look at who it was.It was Bakugo.
He looked angry as usual,which you grew to love about him,with a scowl on his face.As he was walking he looked into your eyes , probably since you were ogling him,then to Izuku next to you which immediately resulted in an angrier expression on his face and then to your hands intertwined.His eyes widened along with his slightly parted mouth,and he looked absolutely shocked for 2 seconds before he masked it away.He mumbled something under his breath that you couldn’t hear and made his way over to his desk,which was where everyone was gathered talking about your new relationship with Izuku.
Mina noticing the same things as you smirked and continued her scheme.
-I always thought you guys would be cute together.
Bakugo scowled at this and you wanted to let yourself believe it was because he was jealous,but it was most likely because you were hogging his desk.
-Can ya move it?Im tryna get to my desk!
-Sure Bakugo,we’ll continue our conversation somewhere else!
As Mina gestured everyone towards her desk and asked more questions about your relationship,some which Izuku some which you answered,someone else came in the classroom,Uraraka.
You didn’t notice you were still holding hands with izuku and suddenly you were aware of both Uraraka’s and Bakugo’s gaze on your hands.
-U-Uhm good morning!Whats everyone talking about?
Uraraka kept glancing between the two of you while talking.
-These two lovebirds were telling us about-
Aizawa came in the classroom and cut all the chatter off.You could feel Bakugo staring at you but you didn’t dare meet his gaze.
At lunch you were sitting with Mina and Izuku.
-Have you guys seen how mad Bakugo was?I told you he already likes you Y/N!
-I’m not sure about that…
-And Uraraka-Chan couldn’t keep her eyes off of you Deku!
-Y-You really think so?
As they were chatting,your eyes drifted off to where Bakugo and his friends were sitting.You and Mina would usually sit there but today was different.For a while you would be sitting with Izuku alone, as the plan suggested.As Mina left for Bakugo’s table,Uraraka came to yours.
-Hey,I’m not interrupting am I?
If she thought you were dating,which she did,she was interrupting on purpose.You almost smirked at this but kept it to yourself.It was time for you to play your part.
-No not at all,why don’t you take a seat?
As Izuku and Uraraka started talking about classes or something,you were paying attention at a certain blonde who was screaming at Mina for whatever reason.You stared at him for a good minute before he noticed you and when he did you could swear you saw a blush on his cheeks.
-Y/N,what do you think?
Uraraka’s question startled you and you turned your attention away from Bakugo.Out of the corner of your eye,you could feel him watching you.Maybe you were just imagining things.
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pansexualkiba · 10 months
"T-Todoroki?" Midoriya gasped, and Mina's head snapped up to look at Todoroki Shouto standing over Midoriya.
"Did I hear you right?" Todoroki whispered. "Did you just say that you once had a crush on my brother?"
"Um- Well, uh- Y-You heard that?" Midoriya stumbled. Mina's eyes bulged. "I-I don't anymore! I didn't even learn his daily routine or his spending habits before I decided it wouldn't work out!"
"He does what?" Kaminari whispered, wide-eyed.
Todoroki didn't notice them. Instead, he slowly nodded, satisfied.
"Good." Todoroki asserted. "I want to be the only Todoroki you think about."
"T-Todoroki..." Izuku began to blush furiously.
Besides Mina, Bakugou's pen snapped in half in his hand. "Who does he think he fucking is?" Bakugou growled softly, so low that Mina almost missed it. "Deku's mine."
As Bakugou began carving "mine" over and over onto his paper with his no-longer-inked pen, Mina looked between Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugou, her brain slowly being filled with understanding and horror at the unknown.
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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Pic by: Sunny
I know, some of you might be surprised as HELL (like me lol) because candy cane Todoroki doesn't seem like the type to share his darling with ANYONE, let alone Midoriya, but... somehow, he tolerates it and there we go! You are now the darling of 2 famous Pro heroes :) 
When it comes to showing affection, Izuku will SMOTHER you ALL OVER and yes, you'll have to ask him to back up a bit since you won't be able to breathe. He likes hugs and cuddles and all that other shit whereas Shoto... well, we all know that he's a silent boi... and a shy one too. He's a tsundere no doubt about that, but he'll hug you from back and stroke your hair and catch your tiny soft adorable hands in his and spend ALOT of time admiring them (He'll love it when you cook soba for him)
At first when they kidnap you, yeah, you'll be sobbing all over the place and all that. but, they aren't THAT bad to you. They take good care of you and they NEVER force you to do something you DON'T want to do. They won't keep you in a basement with chains, oh nooo. They'll keep you chained on a comfy soft bed because they don't want their darling angel to be uncomfortable, now do they? 
''Oh doll, you look so RAVISIHING when you look at me with those pleading eyes of yours.... I won't be able to control myself any longer''
''Oh our sweet little angel, our baby, you'll certainly enjoy living with us. You don't need any other insignificant people in your life. You have us''
When you act up, they won't punish you THAT hard since they don't like seeing you hurt. However, if it gets drastic, expect waterworks from Deku and a few slappings from Todoroki (P.S: Don't EVER say he's like his dad or you won't be seeing daylight again). If it gets too regular, Deku will let Todoroki handle the punishments since he doesn't like punishing you. He prefers making you feel guilty and most of the time, that actually works. If you try to escape, Todoroki will be amused and Deku will be devastated. Deku thinks that he needs to shower you with MORE and MORE affection and you can kiss your personal space goodbye. Expect a few slappings on the wrist, the usual shoutings and the waterworks and you'll be left all alone in a room feeling isolated as your punishment. They just SIMPLY can't lay a finger on you, you're their PRECIOUSSSS!!!!! (lol, get the reference?)
Recovery period will be like heaven. Todoroki will make your favorite food, Deku will shower you with his love and all that and you'll be watching movies as they cuddle you to sleep and gently rock you back and forth, stroking your hair and making you feel calm and safe. They'll tend to your injuries and get you to laugh more and pamper the HELL out of you 
Now for the million dollar question. Would they kidnap you? ONE THOUSAND percent YESSS!!! As soon as they confess their feelings to you, whether you accept them or reject them, you can kiss your freedom and your old life back sayonanra. They'll pretend to be like your heroes by swooping in, saving you from every bad thing in this world. They just want what's best for you since they care about you ALOT (No to mention OBSESSED ASF) They want to protect their darling angel and the only way they can do that is if you are in their arms
On a scale from one to ten, Izuku loves you 1000000000000%. He keeps telling you that you're the reason for him being alive and not following Kaachan's advice by jumping off a roof in middle school and all that. He loves you so much he might actually cry if you aren't with him. Todoroki, on the other hand, loves you 90% because the other 10% of him doesn't feel like sharing you with Izuku 
If you were planning to become (insert your favorite job here), well say goodbye to that too because the only ''work'' you'll be doing after living with them is just relaxing all day long and doing whatever you want (under their supervision of course). They don't want you to work since you're already living with the 2 most famous pro heroes of Japan and you'll get everything in the blink of an eye, so why work for it? And they don't want you getting tired and stressed out and all that anyway. If you take up something like writing or drawing, they'll praise you for it. However if you ask them if you could publish your works online, don't be surprised if you get a big fat NO in response. They don't want anyone to take you away from them and they'll remind you of all the horrors and dangers of the online world 
Will they kill for you? Absolutely YES! 
Should you resist them or welcome them? Just welcome them. It'll be better for everyone, including you 
If someone has a grudge against them or they have a rival, doesn't matter. They'll be off the face of this planet before you can even call it a day 
Midoriya prefers using knives, guns, and anything sharp and pointy. Todoroki prefers using his quirk and guns
Do they torture their rivals and their victims? HELL YEAH! NO ONE deserves to even LOOK at you and BREATHE the same air as you. So, they'll just get rid of the annoying little pest that's in their way 
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ao3feed-tododeku · 2 months
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ao3feed-todoroki · 3 months
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ladysunamireads · 2 years
Dearly Beloved, I'm Not Sorry
dearly beloved, i'm not sorry by QuasiCanon
Izuku wasn't always a stalker.
Words: 1539, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of maybe i'm only mean because I know you're mine
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: One-Sided Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, sorta?, you can decide for yourself, i think i left it pretty ambiguous, Stalker Midoriya Izuku, Yandere Midoriya Izuku, i think, Stalking, Murder, Obsessive Behavior, Obsessive Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is Not Okay, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Minor Violence, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43066005
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yanderenightmare · 8 months
TW: nsfw, dubcon/noncon, captive reader
gn reader
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Thinking about poly yanderes… 
Being held still by one of them, forced to sit between his thick thighs – getting so sick of being outnumbered – feeling so weak, stuck in his muscle-swelled arms keeping you tight against him, wrapped snugly around your torso with your back to his chest while his hands grope your front, locking your own to your sides.
He rests his chin off your shoulder – whispering sweet words laced with mockery as you’re left to quake on his lap, struggling to keep your own pathetic sounds to yourself, having grown tired of screaming to be freed some time ago.
"You're shaking so much, sweetie~” He teases while licking your neck – smirking at how the fight in you, once so wild and untamed, had turned into you trying to restrain yourself in favor of breaking free. Fighting, now instead, to hold yourself back from spiraling until coming undone by the heat surging in your belly. 
Your face, dewy with a thin sheen of sweat, is held steadily in your other captor’s hand, keeping your misty hooded eyes looking up at him, where he leans over you while his other hand plays an eager one-sided game of war between your thighs. 
His mouth ghosts yours with small kisses, and everything smells of his breath as he pours sweet unwanted nothings down your throat. "Oh, y'so sweet in my hand~ so soft on my fingers~" 
It’s as though you can see the sickness in his eyes – leering at you like you're something he wants to devour.
“Don’t be shy~ show us how pretty you are when you cum~” He continued cooing.
“You know you want to~” The other accomplice added hot and damp right at your ear – just as amused as his partner. “Come on, baby~ show us~”
You whined, pathetically trying to wrench your face away from their pestering – overheated and overwhelmed – thighs shuddering around the stimulation, wherein the distress you wanted nothing more but to close your legs.
But the one behind you had them both hooked and spread beneath his, keeping you still and accepting of the one in front’s brazen touches.
You pinch your eyes close and bite your lip, not wanting it but feeling it take you nonetheless.
“No, no, no~” One of them tuts then, his mouth on your cheek catching tears. “Don’t look away, Angelface~ Keep your eyes on me~” He begs with fingers curled around your jaw, nuzzling your nose with his while pressing his forehead flat against your sweaty one. 
You whimper, and his thumb swirls over that place you're most sensitive. Cracking a splitting smile when you buck your hips in response.
“So close, buttercup~” He simpers before dragging his hot tongue from your chin to your temple. And you sob, thinking it’s just too cruel how your body decides to react to it. 
The knot within you seizes up, coiled so tight and stretched so thin it snaps – leaving you to throw your head back against the chest behind you – moaning out while they watch you gush for them with a shared smile on both their faces.
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BNHA – DabiHawks, ShinKami, BakuDeku, ShigaDabi, TodoDeku, KiriBaku
JJK – SatoSugu, Toji x Shiu, MahiJaku, YujiKuna
HQ – Miya twins, IwaOi,
BLLK – NagiReo
HxH – KuraKuro, HisoIllu
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serxinns · 24 days
Hello! How are you? :3
So I have two yandere bnha requests ideas you can pick from ^^
The first is yandere platonic bnha with dabi’s twin sister reader who after dabi/touya disappeared left and lived with a couple of relatives and doesn’t talk to endeavor and when she got older she had a daughter who the reader wanted to live a normal life and didn’t want her to get involved with Hero’s or villains but one day while the reader and her daughter were at the park, they ran into todoroki or Dabi how would they react? (So the reader is protective of her daughter)
Yandere platonic tododeku dads who has a daughter who acts like Mabel pines from gravity falls and wears a lot of sweaters
Mabel!Reader who had gems all over her face: look i successful bedazzle my face! *Blinks* ow
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One tododeku dads coming right up! Sorry for the wait! I really hope you enjoy!
A/n: Yandere parents with child reader trips have my heart they can be so wholesome and scary at times 〵(^ o ^)〴
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You were a strange child for sure ever since birth. You were an outgoing wild child, and your fathers adored it! But you sometimes give them white hair from all the chaoticness you do...
Like the time you went shopping with your daddy (shoto), you spotted a cool-looking grappling hook. Your eyes shined in desire, you were now determined to have this item in your collection of toys. "Daddy, Can I please have that grappling hook? Please, please, please!" Shoto spotted the hook. He wanted to make his little one happy, but he promised his husband Izuku not to overdo it again and stop giving you gifts whenever you asked for them, Shoto couldn't even argue with that he had a bad habit of spoiling you even the paparazzi knew, they once saw him carry bags full of sweaters cause you wanted all of them looking lively and happy but this time it was an instant no from him. "Sweetie, you already have a lot of toys in your room you dont need a grappling hook"
You then began to frown, cheeks puffing up and your eyes swelled up in tears, shoto began to panic he hated seeing you cry especially if it was because of him, guilt was overcoming him one little item wouldn't hurt he thought plus he could try and convince his husband somehow right "alright fine what color" "F/C!" You skipped out of the shop, the employee waving farewell to the both of you while you happily aimed at your grappling hook making "pew pew" sounds
Izuku was busy cleaning the dishes, swaying his hips, and listening to a song he loved. That's when he heard the door click, "We're home!" Shoto, his beloved husband, called out. Izuku dried his hands off and went to happily greet his two favorite people. "Hi, y/n sweetie, and hi, dear!" He kissed you on the cheek and sent a kiss on the lips. "Dad, Dad, look what Papa gave me!" You said, waving at the grappling hook like crazy. The greenette then glared at Shoto. "That's nice, dear," he said with gritted teeth, still shooting a glare at him. "Why don't you go in your room and play with it while I have a little chat with your father?" You nodded going upstairs to try out the new toy leaving your two dad's alone
"a grappling hook?!" Izuku said sternly, "They were giving me the puppy eyes I couldn't resist!" Shoto protested. Izuku sighed, putting his fingers on the bridge of his nose. "I swear I don't know what to do with both of you sometimes," Izuku stated. "I just wanna protect the both of you, and you gave them a dangerous tool!?" Izuku glared once again as Shoto sheepishly laughed, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry dear, it won't happen again, promise." Izuku switched up his disappointed expression to a brighter one and kissed Shoto on the cheek. "Good! If not you'll be sleeping on the couch for a few days.." he said in a serious tone as Shoto gulped
"You so serious all the time..." Shoto whined but also liked this side of him. "You know, since y/n I busy, we can~" he was then cut off by a crazed that came from upstairs. "BULLEYE!" Shoto and Izuku stopped what they were doing and went up the stairs to see if you were hurt but to only see a bunch of broken and fallen stuff that was victim to the grappling hook and you holding it with a sheepish smile on your face "...whoops" izuku can only stare at shoto saying "we're putting strict rules with the grappling hook" causing both you and shoto to groaned
One day at school, you decided to bring your grappling hook to school for show and tell. Today, you even wore your best sweater for this day with your favorite hairpin! When you arrived, you saw Misaki, the mean bully in your class, snickering and smirking at the other table while you went to yours, far away from them, with your closest friend. "Hey, Midoriya san!" Misaki said in a mocking tone.
You signed and looked over to Misaki. She had a devious look on her face. "What did you bring for the show in telling another scrapbook?" The two girls started laughing as you glared at them. "I brought something better than our pathetic beauty pageant trophy!" Your friends started laughing while Misaki glared deadly at you but you didn't care you were gonna show her
"Alright class time for show and tell!" Your teacher said she then called each of the students up here, each of them showing all different types of items from their homes or from what they made even your best friend Kirmi (Akatsuki and Ejirou's daughter) showed off his mini version of his dad's costume copying each of his hero phrases you clapped for her as she gave you a high five and it was now your turn "y/n why don't you come up here and show us what you have!" The teacher announced everyone then eyes were on you especially Misaki ready to humiliate you with her snotty friends alongside her
You grabbed your bag and made your way in. "I'm y/n, and in my show and tell is.." you then pulled out your.. grappling hook! Everyone in the room started gasping and marveling at the item, while Misaki's anger fueled seeing the classmates paying attention to you more rather than her 18th trophy "Oh please!" Misaki scoffed Cleary, unimpressed by the whole thing. "I bet you don't know how to use it!" You glared at her "I bet I can!" You then aimed your grappling hook at the yellow paint and shot towards the painting area reeling it back but it reeled too fast making it fly and land on Misaki's head paint completely covering her hair, the class then started laughing as Misaki started crying loudly running out the door to the bathroom followed by her goons while the teacher tried settling everything down
Time skip
It was the end of the day. You ran up to your papa's with a big hug. "Hey sweetie, how's school?" Izuku said. "It was amazing today. We had a show and tell, and I showed them my grappling hook and-" "You brought your grappling hook to school!?" Izuku stated, showing a bit of worry and upset. "y/n, We told you that you shouldn't bring the" "YOU THERE!" Shoto was cut off by an angry black hair woman in a blue dress with green heels dragging Misaki over. "THAT BRAT MADE A FOOL OUT, MY DAUGHTER," she said as she pulled Misaki behind her izuku and shoto were pissed how dare a flith like her called you a angel a brat?
"She started it!" You rolled down your window to defend yourself "I WASNT ASKING YOU BRAT"
"OK lady listen here you don't get to call my kid a Brat ever" Shoto was showing a murderous glare in his eyes while Izuku got in the car with you comforting you she and Shoto were at it until the principal came and broke them up the drive home was silent for a whole "sweetie we told you couldn't bring that," your papa said as tears began to swell your eyes "b-but I didn't mean to promise I didn't mean to throw paint on her I was tryna prove I'm cool" you sniffed as your papa helped wipe the tears off
"But you're already cool. You don't need those kids to prove you're cool; you're the coolest little angel ever!" Shoto softly said, smiling, "Does the coolest kid want to go for ice cream!" You smiled brightly hearing your favorite dessert you were jumping and dancing around in your car seat singing ice cream songs
Their number one priority was you and you only they won't ever let anyone hurt you in that way again maybe they'll be considered convincing the school to expel that bully of yours or better blackmail the mother but that was for another time they're gonna spoil you like it's no tomorrow you were their angel of course!
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lolita-lollipop · 9 months
Bnha Masterlist
Katsuki Bakugo
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yandere barbarian bakugo x reader x dragon kirishima
Kiribaku: calling them dad
Yandere dragon kirishima x reader x yandere dragon king bakugo
Yandere Bakusquad Coraline Au
Yandere Bakusquad Werewolf Au
Yandere Bakudeku
Yandere Older brother Bakugo
Bakudeku x sick reader
Bakusquad rapunzel Au
Protective best friend bakugo
Bakusquad x naive reader
Naga kiribaku Au
Caretaker Robots BakuDEku x reader
Bakushoto x reader with seperation anxiety
KiriBaku x abused reader
Yandere father bakugo: he snaps
Security guard bakugo x child reader
Yandere bakuDeku x abandoned reader
Izuku Midoria
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Villain Deku H'Cs
Yandere Bakudeku
Yandere father Izuku x stolen daughter of Bakugo
Bakudeku x sick reader
Yandere Villain Deku x Reader
tododeku x sick reader
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Yandere Shinso x reader x Denki
Yandere older brother shinso allowing reader out
Yandere villain shinso
Yandere shinso: marriage
Villain shinso x reader x villain denki
yandere shinso x reader x yandere denki werewolf Au
Denki Kaminari
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Yandere Shinso x reader x Denki
Yandere Bakusquad Coraline Au
Yandere villain Denki x Reader x yandere Villain Kirishima
Villain shinso x reader x villain denki
yandere shinso x reader x yandere denki werewolf Au
Shouta Aizawa
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Yandere father aizawa x teenage reader
Sugar Daddy Aizawa x broke! college reader
Erasermic "I hear a symphony" x reader
Erasermic x sick reader
Yandere Aizawa x anxiety ridden reader
Erasermic: competition between Aizawa and Mic
Erasermic: favoritism
Siren Au erasermic x child! reader
Erasermic x anxiety reader
Father Aizawa x kidnapped reader
Ghost Aizawa x Teen reader
Aizawa x medium reader
Aizawa taking care of depresed reader
Aizawa with a reader who has an emotional attachment to stuffed animal
Present Mic
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yandere villain hizashi x reader
Erasermic "I hear a symphony" x reader
Erasermic x sick reader
Soft yandere Mic x teen reader
Erasermic: competition between Aizawa and Mic\
Erasermic: favoritism Pt:2
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Yandere Kirishima x escaped child reader
Kiribaku: calling them dad
Yandere dragon kirishima x reader x yandere dragon king bakugo
Yandere Bakusquad Coraline Au
Yandere Father kirishima: making him angry Pt:2
Soft! yandere kirishima
Yandere villain Denki x Reader x yandere Villain Kirishima
Yandere kirishima: the little moments
Yandere Kirishima x reader: cuddling
Yandere bakuDeku x abandoned reader
Erasermic Family
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Erasermic family coraline Au x reader Pt:2 Pt:3
Yandere erasermic family: Siren Au Pt:2
Erasermic family wonderland Au x reader Pt:2
Erasermic Family x unwilling reader
Royal erasermic Au x Cinderella reader Pt:2
Yandere erasermic: telling them you're pregnant
Demon Erasermic x reader Pt:2
Yandere Erasermic Family: Eri Snaps
Yandere erasermic: meeting 1A on accident
"crickets" erasermic x runaway reader
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Bakushoto x reader with seperation anxiety
tododeku x sick reader
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Tododeku and Shigadabi fighting over the child and who gets to keep it. Mostly a fight between Shiggy and Deku because they have bad experiences with one another and Dabi and Shoto are trying to do this diplomatically and not cause another massacre. Especially since the little one is still in either the cave and nest or in Dabi's arms.
Dabi just talking to Shoto and probably checking on the family he escaped from while Shoto is curious how his nasty, backstabbing and rude brother got a mate. Only to find out the why is because he and Shiggy are both huge assholes that are assholes together.
Shigaraki and Deku would be probably be fighting, as Deku knows how violent and dangerous Shiggy is.
All it could take is one bad day and Shigaraki could take it out on Y/N.
Dabi and Todoroki are civil to each other, mostly treating it like some custody agreement, rather than a fight. It won’t stop Dabi from sneaking into Tododeku’s den and trying to surprise adopt Reader.
Reader would probably be safely tucked away in the den, as Deku doesn’t want you to watch him and Shigaraki try to strangle each other.
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whatisreggieshortfor · 5 months
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Main Masterlist
My requests are always open
• I do prefer to write male readers, but anyone is welcome to read and request, I'll do male or gender neutral!
• I will not write smut, incest, yandere behavior, heavy possessiveness, cheating, angst (unless it's angst to fluff)
You Can't Kill Him- MidoriyaXShouji (Redirect to АО3 page)
Fake Babies for Babies- KiriBaku, TodoDeku, NyoomTape, AyoNama (Redirect to AO3 page)
A Pervert's Prank- TransMidoXTokoyami (Redirect to AO3 page)
Father's Day.- Class 1-A & Aizawa (Redirect to АО3 page)
The Blue is Gone, And I Won't Let it Come Back-Winged! MidoXSero (Redirect to AO3 page)
You Don't Need to Manipulate Your Way to My Heart- TransM!ReaderXTokoyami (Redirect to АО3 page)
Need a Hero- lida & trans!m!reader
Vigilante- Quirkless!m.reader
Time Quirk- Jirou x trans!m.reader
your initials paint my skin- Sero x gn!reader
when the fireworks explode- Bakugou x gn!reader
in front of the hellspawn? really?- Aizawa × gn!reader
kiss like cyanide- Dabi x gn!reader
be like you- Kouda x gn!reader
throw the rock- Kirishima x gn!reader
rank em up- Todoroki x gn!reader
attracting opposites- Tokoyami x gn!reader
In Reddit We Trust- Kaminari x trans!F!reader
no further questions- Ojiro x gn!reader
can you see me- Hagakure x gn!reader
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missyaess · 2 years
Requests are open.I tried to tag everyone who requested.Love you all sm <3
@jasmixs @lookingforlia @cinnamonroll4ever @liaaa-1 @just-some-random-simp-lol @chrissyfishywissy @lynvspi
Maybe Meant To Be - Fake Dating pt.3
pt.1 pt.2 pt.4
Katsuki Bakugo x Jealous Reader x Izuku Midoriya
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After school was over,you invited Izuku over to your room to talk about the day.As you were expecting him you tidied up your room a bit.You heard a knock on your door and went over to open it.
-Hey Izuk-Oh!Bakugo,what are you doing here?
You couldn’t hide the shock as it spread on your face.What was he doing here?He seemed angrier than usual.
-What,ya expecting someone else?
-Yes actually,Izuku.
He scowled and averted his gaze from yours for a second before locking his eyes onto yours.It was so intense you thought you were being interrogated.
-What is the deal with that,huh?You never told me you liked stupid Deku.
You gulped.You couldn’t let him know you were actually into him,not Izuku.
-I…didn’t want you to judge me….?
You sounded so unsure you wanted to punch yourself in the face.Maybe you would after he left.
-Well,too late.I’m already judging ya idiot.
He seemed down,and for a minute you felt really upset.Maybe you should’ve just told him your feelings.Then again,assuming he was down because of you and Izuku might be a little presumptuous.
-I’m sorry I didn’t tell you…We’re closer than that.
He snickered,put his hands in his pockets.
-Yeah,I thought so too.Apparently not.
Your heart broke at this.You didn’t want to push him away or to make him think you weren’t close,because before everything else he was one of your best friends.
-Deku’s coming over I guess?
-Yes,he is.
-So,maybe I should leave.
You didn’t know what to say to that.You needed to talk to Izuku about how today went but you also couldn’t bring yourself to say “Yes,please leave” to Bakugo when you wanted him to stay.Luckily,Bakugo answered for you.
-No,actually,Imma stay.Let’s all hang out together.We are old friends after all.
Wait,what?You were shocked.Why did Bakugo want to spend time with Izuku?He hated him more than some villains.
-A-are you sure?
He smirked but his smile didn’t reach his eyes.
-Yeah of course.My two friends,dating now.We gotta celebrate,don’t we?
Izuku came from behind him and he also had the same surprised expression as you.
-Did I hear that right,does Kacchan want to celebrate…us?!
Bakugo looked at Izuku and his expression darkened.
-Tch,do I need your permission Deku?
-O-Of course not!
-Great.Well then,why don’t you two tell me how you got together?
Bakugo said as he put his hand on Izuku’s back and pushed him inside your dorm room,closing the door from behind him,leaving a very shocked Izuku and you inside.
-So,you guys mind if I call a couple more people?
-A-actually we had things to talk about but-
-Uhm,yea we wanted to be alone-
-Great!I’ll call everyone then.Let them know there’s a party.
You and Izuku both looked at each other as Bakugo called people from his phone.Did he not want to leave you two alone?Izuku smiled at you knowingly and you blushed.Unfortunately Bakugo saw this and thought you two were acting like people who were in love.He had a scowl on his face and his eyes darted from your face to Izuku’s.
-What,you cant go two seconds without smiling at each other?Get over here Deku!
He pulled Deku to the side and sat down with him on your bed.As they were bickering,mostly Bakugo yelling at Deku,you still couldn’t believe what was happening.After a few minutes another knock was heard.
You opened the door to,well…Everyone.Even Mineta was here and he was never invited.But most importantly,at the front was Uraraka.
-Hey Y/N!
She didn’t wait for your reply as she went inside to say hi to Izuku.
-Hi I guess?
-Girl,what have you gotten yourself into?
Mina came from behind her and hugged you as she said hello.You said hello to the others as well and after everyone was inside,they were sat as a circle on the floor.Mina had a glint in her eyes and that was never a good sign.
-Should we play a game?
-Like what?
She smirked at your response and said;
-Truth or dare!
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