#yapping bout rapping
cat-loving-elf · 5 months
"yapping with rhymes"
(vol. 1) (maybe there will be more volumes B] )
today we have a light drizzle
i'll sculpt rhymes with a chisel
those rhymes so fire you’ll sizzle
it has no meaning, but still i’ll bizzle
my sprite gonna fizzle
man i love sprite
darn sprite, drunk in the night
the fizzly feel on yo tongue
just as if there an opera sang
might, flight, light, kite, aight
lotta rhymes for sprite
one should not fight
cause not to rhyme - that’s not a right
so come on, spit fyre with your might
lines are great, no need to feel fright
i’m spitting those rhymes like a gun
but i don’t wanna run
i’m just chilling here
time? that’s no fear
i got some good gear
by that i mean my head
it’s like a rhyming shed
a shed o’ rhymes, if you will
on those lines will be executed: kill
cause im killing those rhymes and lines
my rhyme-o-meter at least inclines
where is it, where is it to find?
well, it’s all in my mind
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st4rbwrry · 8 months
nicki is the prime example of an older bitter woman. she need serious help fr. like to hear her on live stuttering and going on and on about megan and her deceased mother is sickening. she stooped low af fr. all over one line. megan ain’t even say that girls name and it got her yapping out her mouth like somebody grandma. and she’s only proving everyone’s point about her nasty ass husband. now if megan say sum bout her father or brother???? don’t go crying to kenneth or papa about how everyone’s against you cs you’re the queen of rap blah blah.
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shrimpychipz · 8 months
calbee rambles about his favourite songs cause he’s crazy like that
I Threw Glass at My Friends Eyes and Now I’m on Probation by Destroy boys
I’m not normal about this song i swear on my life
i relate to it but i literally dont its me but it isnt
i like the vibe! The guitar pops off SO GOOD in this song
The lyrics are also sorta funny but they mesh well with the way the singer sings
i swear no one knows this song tho so sad :(
2. You Fuckers Were Asking For This One - boin edit by Rav
(Specifically the boin edit trust me it his different)
also credits to that one bruabba artist who made an edit with this song that’s what got me into this artist
theyre so fire. They fit so good.
And the sample of the singing in the background that eventually ends up syncing with the rap. I ascended.
3. I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams by Weezer
(Yeah im lame like that)
i love scream singing to this song its so me aghhh
how can you resist the fire tune and the funky. Whatever those instruments are sorry idk they just sound good
(That’s all oops i have so many songs to yap a bout but these are the ones im thinking about rn)
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alchemicalterror · 4 years
Self-implemented Parole
[ Below is a transcript of an RP between @askanarky​ and ol’ Jonny boy, involving Anarky’s breakout and aftermath. WIth special guest @riddlesandqueries​ and @echoandquery​
Trigger warnings: Adolescent Homelessness, swearing. ]
Fuck. Shit. God dammit. Fuck, Lonnie swears to himself, couldn’t stay hidden for two days, could he?
Here he is, leaning against the wall of the dentist’s-office-turned-failed-comedy-club-turned-pirate-radio-station-slash-hideout he’d been spending the day at. Beside him’s a wooden baseball bat, blood-red paint dripping down the business end, three posters, and an overfilled olive drab backpack absolutely covered in patches and safety pins. In his hands, a box of old clothes and records.
Bitterly, Lonnie wonders how much weight he’d lost. Six and a half months was a lot longer- or maybe shorter?- than he’d fully realized.
God, why’s he even humoring the old man? Ten bucks and he could already be gone. He’d find another shitty landlord to blackmail for an equally shitty studio apartment, and life’d go on like he never left.
...But then again, that wasn’t him. And plus, he owes Jon a lot and did kinda call him ‘dad,' and plus, he couldn’t feasibly cut him out entirely unless he left Gotham for good, and why would he do that, he’s got work to continue-
”Fuck.” Lonnie mutters under his breath, shifting his weight to his other leg.
"Fuck." Jon mutters, pulling his coat in tighter. He doesn't know jack shit about hijacked radio towers, and while his car is an unremarkable, beat-up old junker that he's had for years - it runs fine, there's no noises or weird smells, but the body has seen better days - why run into a headache with traffic, gas mileage, potentially being seen at an intersection with a recently escaped convict...?
'Course, nothing could hide how tall he is. And god damn it, it's April, it's supposed to be warm....
Jonathan mutters against the cold in vague irritation, gravitating towards the next set of charity drop-off boxes in vain hopes of actually tracking down the runt. Jesus, he should've asked for directions. At least he's in good shape.
"Me an' my motherfuckin' ide--" Pause. Squint, at someone who fits the stature in a beat up black hoodie, with a box.
The good thing about oversized hoodies is that, if you’re drowning in them enough, it can almost conceal how high you jump when something calls an epithet that can apply to you. Immediately, Lonnie crouches to quickly, but gently place his box down and grab his baseball bat in his place, then raises himself up into half of a batter’s stance at the source of the-
Wait. Tall man, absolutely orange hair, in a thrift-store jacket and blue jeans. Of fucking course.
”Jesus Christ,” he half-mouths. He lets his stance relax and his arms hang limply down in an exaggerated 'I-don’t-wanna-be-here' stance. “‘Ay.” Lonnie’s stage voice is remarkable, if a bit higher than his normal growl.
Jonathan grins, a bit, despite himself. Baseball bat? Good lad.
He lifts a hand in a wave, chuckling. "Nice to see you ain't without means, boy." Jon murmurs, nodding at the weapon. "Half kickin' myself I didn't get directions when abouts I could, I been walking around back alleys all afternoon."
"Legs could use a break, and I saw a beaten-down dive up the block some, folks don't glance at your face even when you're ordering in places like that. You wanna coffee or somethin' before we ship out?"
“....” Lonnie turns away for half a second, letting a puff of air escape his clenched teeth. “Hey, you said you didn’t need them.”
Hypocritical, coming from him. He’s at least trying to be a little friendly, through the obvious voice crack and the constantly-correcting tone. “...Fine, I guess? I mean, I’ve got what...” He backs away and unzips the front pocket of the backpack on the ground. A cheap leather wallet spills out (along with six separate embroidered circle-As in various shades of crimson.) He unfolds it and squints between the pockets, “....twelve...? Dollars on me? That’s enough for, like, a sandwich.”
"Come off it kid, I got paid yesterday, you ain't gotta spend what little you got on a sandwich. Save it, s'good to have bus money." And with that Jon turns, and waves Lonnie follow him. Tall as he is, he's long ago adopted a sort of ambling gait to make it easier for other people to keep up with his long stride.
The diner is, as estimated, utterly apathetic to the arrival of both Jonathan and Lonnie, save for the motions of seating them both. No odd looks are given to Lonnie's box of things, nor -- if he brought it along -- his bat. He was half-heartedly offered the opportunity to drop it in the umbrella rack, if he wanted to.
Jon takes a booth with a high back, and turns his attention toward the menu.
Lonnie, in fact, does put his baseball bat in the umbrella rack (only in Gotham,) and swings himself up onto the booth, squishing himself into the corner and placing his box under the table. His backpack’s placed right beside him.
He’s already small- especially compared to Jonathan- but he seems determined to make himself even smaller. Lonnie hunches over the table and scrutinizes the menu with one exposed eye, rapping his free hand on the table. Jonathan receives the occasional upwards glance from him.
Coffee. And a sandwich. Jon picks both, mentally placing his order, and sets the menu down.
"...After we order, I got some things to ask, arright?" He murmurs, keeping his voice low; the staff might not care, but patrons could. Best keep mumbly.
"Dinner's on me whatever you got to say, upfront. Ain't contingent on you givin' me answers you think I'm gonna wanna hear."
(The waitress does drift by, uninterested and unimpressed, to take their orders.)
Watching the waitress approach means Lonnie didn’t have the space to answer Jon in full; Instead, he flashes a thumbs up his way.
BLT, cherry Coke. Lonnie deserved something sweet, he thought. His menu comes down after Jon’s, and he doesn’t fully turn to place his order. He does, however, have the common sense for manners; “I’d like an egg BLT and a cherry Coke, please.”
"And I'd like a tuna sub and a black coffee, please, miss. Thank you kindly."
Their orders are noted down, and she drifts on to her next engagement - and Jon leans on the table, looking Lonnie over. Where to start. "....You got a place to stay?"
“I’ll get one.” Lonnie murmurs, implying that the answer’s actually no. “Old landlord probably won’t let me back in, not like I was actually paying for my old apartment anyway...” He murmurs as he passes the saltshaker between his hands. "...Right." Jonathan says, nodding slowly. "...If you need a place to crash a li'l while while you work him over, y'know - I got a guest room. Ain't got much more than a bed and a couple boxes and a desk, but it's dry an' the door locks." "...And like, if puttin' out on your own for a place don't work, I don't mind if you stay, right?" .... Hm. The saltshaker rests in his left hand.
“...You’re serious? C’mon, your job’s probably already batter-fried as is, if anyone finds out-”
Lonnie doesn’t trail off, per se, more than he just lets his throat close a little. “...Really? You really don’t-“
He’d be an absolute idiot to decline, but there had to be some kind of catch - ? - but Jon’s not that much of a jerkass.... "Kid, much as I'm sure you could find someone whose arm you could twist for a place, it don't sit right with me to just leave you in an alley to do that. I got the room, and - well, Arkham can just deal." Jonathan’s tone is flat.
"What they don't know ain't gonna hurt my career." Lonnie puts a fist to his rapidly-splitting mouth and exhales sharply. “‘Guess that is true,” he answers, then shakes two fingers at Jon. 
“...Shit, thanks, I guess? I didn’t... really expect you to show real concern, holy shit...” "What, you think it was just for appearances?"  Jon chuckles, genial. "Naw, son, I try to actually care 'bout the folks I work with, didn't get into this business on accounta I don't care about people."
"Look, after Dinner I'll help you carry shit, since I left the car at home." “Okay.” Lonnie doesn’t particularly feel like pushing it any more, so he doesn’t. 
“...How’d I not notice this place before?” He asks, mostly to himself. Or maybe he had, and he’d forgotten about it. Was it even worth forgetting?  Ech, everything was so overwhelming. As their food and coffee comes around, Jonathan turns his attention to the rogue chat, securing something, before starting to eat. Tuna melts are truly the mac and cheese of the sandwich world, and hard to get wrong.
[ Dr_J_C ] - Hey, Eddie, you on. [ E?Nygma ] - Yes? [ Dr_J_C ]  - You got a cab company you trust to keep their yaps shut [ E?Nygma ] - My henchwomen. [ Dr_J_C ]  - ...Think they'd be willing to come pick up me and a runaway? Wound up cross town and the kid's got luggage [ E?Nygma ] - Only one way to find out, really.
[ DM: E?Nygma to E&Q: Ladies? ] [ DM  E&Q to E?Nygma: [Q] You need something, Ed? ] [ DM: E?Nygma to E&Q: Yes, if you have the time tonight. Dr Crane is asking me about securing private transit that doesn't talk too much, if you catch my drift. Since you're both the pair I trust most on the matter, I thought I'd ask if you'd be willing to go fetch him and cart him wherever he needs to go. He's not in a stabbing mood, so it shouldn't be risky. ] [ DM  E&Q to E?Nygma: [Q] Not in a stabbing mood? Color me surprised.. but sure thing, Boss! [E] Dr. Crane requires transit? We aren’t busy, so we’ll be glad to pick him up, when needed. Anything that’s said will stay in the car, don’t you worry. ] [ DM: E?Nygma to E&Q: Peachy. Make him buy you dinner, huh? I'll forward the address: you know what to do if he starts giving you trouble, and where to send the bill. Thanks so much. ]
[ E?Nygma ] - Good news, Jonny, they'll do it. Have an address? [ Dr_J_C ]  - Yeah, hangon.... Down town, Eighth and Tuppence. The shitty diner.
[ DM: E?Nygma to E&Q: : Eighth and Tuppence, the "shitty diner", as he put it. ]
[ E?Nygma ] - I told them to make you buy them dinner. 
[ Dr_J_C ]  -  Yeah, sure, doesn't have to be from here. We just got our food, so - give it an hour? [ DM: E?Nygma to E&Q: He's asked for you to come in an hour, so you have time to get ready. ]
[ E?Nygma ] - Done and done, don't leave them waiting.
Before eating, Lonnie removes the top slice of bread from each sandwich half and salts the (perfectly over-medium) egg on top, then slides the salt to the other side of the table. He almost chokes on his first bite. God, he missed real food. "...Arkham food, huh." Jonathan chuckles, humorlessly. "Shit, every time I've gotten outta there, pizza boxes have looked appetizing."
"Eddie's henches are gonna be givin' us a ride. They ain't snitches, and I fancy our chances in one'a their cars than on foot."
“...Tall punk one n’ a short one?” Lonnie clarifies through a mouthful of BLT. Gulp. “Nice.”
“...Spent his ketchup money on Walgreens eyeliner and a burger. Should probably get online and tell ‘im once I get home, huh.” He pauses, putting down his sandwich for a second. “I told you the ketchup thing, right?”
Jonathan grins, lifting his coffee in a weird sort of salute. "Sure did. Bet you made with Eddie, right? Eyeliner and a bite's a good cause, then. He chomps down half his sandwich before turning his attention properly to coffee.
"...Good-ish news, the Asylum is pretty sure I didn't help you break out." "So they prob'ly ain't gonna assume I came got you, neither."
“Thank god,” Lonnie comments. “Like, not just ‘cuz your job’s still safe, that’s great, but god, I didn’t spend three weeks figuring out like, 80 million people’s schedules for a friend in a high place to get the stick, it’s my damn credit.” He pauses for a sip of soda. “...Is that the right metaphor? Doesn’t matter. ‘S.... nice y’aint in that deep shit.”
Another pause. “Jesus Christ, I just said ‘y’ain’t’ in complete earnest, what the fuck are you doing to me?” Lonnie laughs, leaning his head back and pulling down one eyelid. Jonathan barks a cheerful laugh, and even that is ignored by the utter apathy that is a back-street diner in Gotham. He shakes his head until it trickles down to a snicker and, grinning, drains the rest of his coffee before his attention returns to the perfectly adequate tuna melt.
"Naww, they had me doin' damage control, after talkin' to me a bit and nosing some at my notes. Shit, I didn't know a damn thing about your plans, and it showed, son, so oughta be fine."
"New's being shitty about it anyways, though, m'sorry about that." “I~’m aware,” Lonnie chimes rather sardonically, waiting to swallow this time. “Eh, GCN’s a bunch of corporatist bullcrap anyway. They don’t think I’m a real dude, I know they aren’t a real news station, cancels out.” It really doesn’t cancel out, but the shrug indicates either he’s actually fine or he doesn’t particularly want to talk about it.
Jonathan slowly nods, and makes a mental tick to get a tee-shirt made inviting people to physically fight him if they want to call Lonnie a girl. That's a dadly thing to do, right?
"...So,” Jon starts, slowly, “Y'all called me dad."
Groan. “Uh, I’m sorry?” Lonnie shrugs to accompany the nonapology— not like it was worth applogizing for. “Slip of the tongue, like callin’ a teacher ‘mom,’ y’know?”
He sucks the rest of his Coke down and sets the tall plastic glass back on the table. Jon laughs, sitting back himself and uncrossing his arms. "Dunno where all I said I was upset about it, son." His grin is lazy and easy, and he just shrugs.
"Y'all see me as a father figure?" ... Does he? ... “I mean— you’re what, two and a half times my age n I’ve seen more of you  in the, what, three-ish months since you took my case than anyone else, not to mention you’re like...” Lonnie cycles through various expressions as he speaks, apparently directing his explanation at his fingernails. (Note the lack of a solid answer.) 
He doesn’t mention what Jon’s like. Soon, he throws his forehead into one hand, rubbing his temples.
“I mean—- no, but also not no?” "...So, solid maybe." Jon suggests, wiping crumbs off his hands with a chuckle. "Right, well that ain't somethin' you gotta come up with an answer to today, son. Right now, priority's makin' sure you don't get picked up by the cops two days after a breakout."
"And,” he adds, “Not leavin' you to find a half-comfortable Alley to try an' make a sleeping spot from."
“Mmh,” Lonnie affirms through his last bite of BLT (emphasis on the L.) “In my defense, I spent like... the first third’a my sophomore year doin’ that, I’ve got practice.” He jokes, sending finger-guns Jon’s way. “But yeah, let’s leave that for later, ‘kay?”
"Sounds good." Jonathan pulls out his wallet, leafing through it and leaving the bill in cash, with a generous tip. No, the bill hasn't actually arrived yet, but he's pretty good at math. Something about being a Chemist, maybe. 
"Ed's girls oughta be here in a nother couple minutes, so - you wanna hit the washroom or anything 'fore we head outside?"
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crop-bound · 5 years
Nikoma's knuckles rapped on the homestead's door as he vacantly stared at the building in front of him. Jenna had sent him out to meet some 'artisan farmer' to inquire about 'ingredients'. To be honest, the only reason he'd even agreed was because he was sick of listening to Jenna yap on. "Hello? Anyone home?"
mailbox | @a-totally-legit-farm 
                         Shuffling can be heard from inside, followed by a warm ❝I’ll be there in a moment!❞. It takes more than a moment, but as the aged birch door swings open to reveal a young woman with a jam stained apron and twine sticking out of her front pocket, Cherry makes up for the delay with a beam to rival the morning sun and a short apology.❝Sorry ‘bout that —  just putting the finishing touches on that batch of jam,❞ A titter escapes as she wipes her hands down the front of her apron, ensuring that they were a little less sticky before extending one to Nikoma. She was always one for quick introductions, ❝Cherry Hayden — I don’t think we’ve met before.❞
              With one hand out and the other resting on her thigh, Cherry takes a moment to eye the stranger; taking note of how intense what she assumed was his resting face, and slightly regretting the informal greeting.    
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thefreshfinds · 5 years
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Jordan Mizael:
Shooting his shot — Jordan Mizael goes for the win in his latest 6 tracked tape, Prime Example.
Over the last 23 years, he’s seen foul play — even dealt with some cherry-pickers who he confided to as a friend. Yet Jordan didn’t allow those misfortunes to keep him on the bench.
Instead, Jordan came back even harder with the bars & proved to everyone that he’s NOT playing!
On the whole, Prime Example’s melange of topics are nothing but net! Ironic enough the cover even shows a young Michael Jordan cutting down a net.
Whether he’s speaking on his drip (Glow) or reluctance to be open (On the Low) — Jordan’s ever changing flows, punchlines & similes are sure to make your ears do an alley-oop. It’s really strategic & because of this it helps to get the point across. Just check the score-board. A Lil Zan-ster to Jordan? 0 to 1.
“Prime Example shows my different styles. I can give you something to vibe to & feel. Then I can get personable & real. This is what I do.”
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A universal language that seemed to speak to him — Jordan’s love for hip-hop began whilst growing up. In the beginning he was writing poetry. And even when his brother would find it around the house, show it to his father & laugh with him about it, Jordan Mizael still kept at it. Shortly after it became a hobby. According to him, it was just a natural thing. Once Jordan turned 13 though, he began to rap on beats & from there it was go time!
Off the rip, it’s a given that Eminem & J.Cole are his inspirations because they are artist who are on his wavelength. “That’s God here rapping” says Jordan about J.Cole. Likewise, Jordan’s music instills the realness he’s carried with him over the years. “The hardest song I worked on was about about my best friend who passed when I was 17. It was a freestyle to “Feel It In The Air.” When I performed it at school — the moment was very heartfelt & the song is really personal.” Even when his sound consist of storytelling & punch-lines — Jordan just wants his music to be felt. If it is, then he feels like he’s gotten the job done. “Be yourself. Be real but have fun with it.” An example of this can be read from a line he’s written that he believes is the best ever, “People hardly workin’ / they sayin they put in work / but the work that they puttin’ in seems to never really work.” Dunkin’ on his haters in Prime Example — Jordan also had some things to say when I asked if New Jersey supports New Jersey. His response? Yes, it can happen but it hasn’t yet. “Too much people want the spotlight.” Jordan adds “In order to get the bag, you have to chase it together.” then he went on to sing the chorus of J.Cole’s song “Light Please” (which I might add is legendary.)
1. 96’: What seems to come in as a triumph track, Jordan goes in without an intermission. Coveting that boom-bap feel we all love — the beat uses a deep echoing bass & faint trumpets in the background but it’s most distinct feature is a ladies war-cry. As a whole, he has some words for the haters. Beyond the surface they’ve been yapping away but deep down, they know he isn’t the one to mess with “I’ll leave your noodle in a pot like I’m making pasta.” 96’ tacks on his polished lyricism and cadence.
2. Glow: Shining ever so bright, Jordan’s choice of production is intimidating. From it’s drum-kit to reverse sound effect — it’s brought to life. The tone explains what it’s like to have a nightmare. In this track, Jordan is bragging about his glow. My favorite line is “This is the hunger games & you food cause I ain’t ever eat like that.” It’s just so genius.
3. On The Low: Sometimes it is best to scheme on the low & that is the main point in this track. His own ultimate weapon — Jordan uses a sing-song approach to explain why he’s getting it on his own. From an experience, he was too open & he’s learned because of it. Now, Jordan isn’t so weary of trusting. On The Low tackles on a futuristic beat with different flows, hi-hats & a drum kit. You better watch who you’re around.
4. KD ft. Primo: Even though the hi-hats have a clear space to work on, it finds itself cornered mid-track with dark piano chords & a laser gun effect! A song that’s merely about their drip — Jordan brings the heat with aggressiveness whilst Primo adds in some humor to lighten the mood a bit “Bout to check out with some white girls/ Swear to god I love them snow days.”
5. Tip Flow: Malicious to the crooks, Jordan backs up his talk some more in this track. Instead of waiting for opportunities, he seizes every moment. Yet every hater wants to seize him. Still, that doesn’t stop Jordan. After all, he always has a new tactic. “I’m the monster at night that’s under your bed/ I tug at your leg/ I drag yo ass down / Have you hugging the ledge /Then you wake up and see your stomach is wet / And when you notice me it’s too late there’s one in your head.”
6. Thing I Like ft. Dupree Suave: This one is strictly for the lady who just got it going on! Using in a sing-song tone, Jordan tells all “I just wanna mack with you / Maybe do a couple thangs / Give you this third leg like you’re walking with a cane. Then leave you walking with a cane.” He doesn’t mind staying lowkey but the same can’t be said about Dupree Sauve’s vocals. They are strong notes! High-key it’s everything we ever needed.
7. Dear Self: Like the world we live in, the piano chord is altered yet stays in a middle tone. “The way I’m opening up, you would think that I’m dissected.” This song was a letter to himself. It embodies the anger he’s felt but instead of hindering in, Jordan builds off the pain & encourages himself to just keep going. He knows that he’s destined to make history.
Prime Example circulates the most on inner feelings. In this day & age, this is what the generation needs.
For the up-comer’s, Jordan wants to let you know that money is not going to bring you happiness. It’s best to find it now. It’ll make things easier.
Moving forward — expect others to @memorizethename beyond the Garden State. Pretty soon he’s going to collab with GX & have 3 gold musical plaques!
Swish, swoosh. Listen to Jordan Mizael & his latest tape Prime Example!
By: Natalee Gilbert
1. SOUNDCLOUD - https://soundcloud.com/jordangetsairtime/sets/prime-example
2. INSTAGRAM - @memorizethename
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kabargames · 4 years
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Cobain Nih! 6 Tips Farming Mobile Legends Biar Cepat Kaya
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Kalau kesulitan menjawab dibeberapa level tertentu Kamu bisa menggunakan kunci jawaban game Word Across terlengkap dari level 1 sampai dengan level 210 yang sudah Kabar Games siapakan berikut ini. Baca Juga : Nikahan Mantan: Saatnya Lampiaskan Rasa Sakit Hatimu Disini 5 Hero Mobile Legends dengan Kemampuan Mirip Cheat Map Hack Hiram, Update Berskala Besar Pertama ArcheAge! Ini Fiturnya Genshin Impact: Gameplay, Karakter, Review & Spesifikasi PC Kunci Jawaban Braindom Terbaru dari Level 1 – 225 googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-9949385-2'); ); Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 1 – 20 Level 1 How, Who Level 2 Add, Dad Level 3 Are, Ear, Era Level 4 Six, Is Level 5 Wall, All, Law Bonus Awl Level 6 Yard, Day, Dry, Ray Bonus Dray, Rad, Rya, Yar Level 7 Your, Our, You Level 8 Wars, Raw, Saw, War, Was Bonus Raws Level 9 Eyes, Eye, See, Yes Level 10 Gold, Dog, God, Log, Old Bonus Dol Level 11 Note, Tone, Net, Not, One, Ten, Toe, Ton Bonus Eon Level 12 Play, Lap, Lay, Pal, Pay Bonus Paly, Alp, Ply, Pya, Yap Level 13 Sink, Skin, Ink, Kin, Sin, Ski Bonus Inks, Kins Level 14 Sends, Ends, Send, Den, End Bonus Dens, Ness, Sned, Eds, Ens Level 15 Eight, Get, Hit, The, Tie Bonus Gite, Gie, Git, Hie, Teg Level 16 Worn, Nor, Now, Own, Row, Won Level 17 Black, Back, Lack, Cab, Lab Bonus Balk, Calk, Alb, Bal, Kab, Lac Level 18 Unity, Tiny, Unit, Nut, Tin Bonus Nit, Tui, Tun, Yin Level 19 Cakes, Cake, Case, Sack, Sake, Ask, Sea Bonus Aces, Cask, Kaes, Keas, Ace, Kas, Kea, Sac, Sec, Ska Level 20 Meets, Meet, Seem, Met, See, Set Bonus Metes, Teems, Emes, Mete, Seme, Stem, Teem, Tees, Eme, Tee Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 21 – 40 Level 21 Pact, Act, Apt, Cap, Cat, Pat, Tap Bonus Pac Level 22 Hosts, Shots, Host, Shot, Toss, Hot Bonus Hots, Sots, Tosh, Sot, Tho Level 23 Guide, Die, Dig, Due, Dug Bonus Gied, Gude, Ged, Gid, Gie Level 24 Loves, Solve, Lose, Love, Sole Bonus Voles, Levo, Oles, Sloe, Voes, Vole, Lev, Ole, Sel, Sol, Voe Level 25 Seems, Mess, Seem, Sees, See Bonus Semes, Emes, Seme, Eme Level 26 Suits, Sits, Suit, Its, Sit Bonus Situs, Tuis, Sis, Tis, Tui Level 27 Slips, Lips, Slip, Lip, Sip Bonus Lisps, Lisp, Psis, Sips, Sis Level 28 Clues, Clue, Cues, Cue, Sec, Sue, Use Bonus Luces, Ecus, Luce, Lues, Slue, Cel, Leu, Sel Level 29 Petty, Type, Pet, Yep, Yet Bonus Yett, Pye Level 30 Eased, Ease, Seed, Sad, Sea, See Bonus Aedes, Dees, Sade, Ads, Eds Level 31 Doubt, Bout, Bud, But, Dot, Tub, Out, Duo Bonus Bod, Bot, Dub, Oud, Tod Level 32 Drums, Drum, Mud, Rum, Sum Bonus Muds, Rums, Surd, Urds, Urd Level 33 Hardy, Hard, Yard, Day, Dry, Had, Hay, Ray Bonus Hydra, Dray, Dah, Rad, Rya, Yah, Yar Level 34 Deter, Deer, Reed, Tree, Red Bonus Treed, Dere, Dree, Rede, Rete, Teed, Ere, Ree, Ret, Ted, Tee Level 35 Lousy, Soul, Sly, Soy, You Bonus Yous, Sol, Sou Level 36 Allow, Wall, All, Law, Low, Owl Bonus Alow, Olla, Awl Level 37 Wagon, Gown, Ago, Now, Own, Wan, Won Bonus Gowan, Agon, Gnaw, Awn, Gan, Goa, Nag, Nog, Wag Level 38 Brash, Bars, Bash, Rash, Ash, Bar, Bra, Has Bonus Arbs, Bras, Abs, Arb, Sab Level 39 Style, Lets, Let, Set, Yes, Yet Bonus Lest, Leys, Lyes, Lyse, Stye, Tels, Tyes, Ley, Lye, Sel, Sly, Sty Level 40 Texts, Test, Text, Set, Sex Bonus Sett, Sext, Stet, Tets Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 41 – 60 Level 41 Flood, Fold, Food, Fool, Old Bonus Loof, Dol, Loo Level 42 Sears, Ears, Seas, Are, Ear, Era, Sea Bonus Rases, Eras, Rase, Sear, Sera, Sers, Ers, Res, Ser Level 43 Donor, Door, Odor, Don, Nod, Nor, Rod Bonus Rondo, Ordo, Rood, Dor Level 44 Apply, Play, Lap, Lay, Pal, Pay Bonus Palp, Paly, Alp, App, Pap, Ply, Pya, Yap Level 45 Catch, Chat, Act, Cat, Hat Bonus Tach Level 46 Kicks, Kick, Sick, Sic, Ski Level 47 Seven, Even, Seen, Eve, See Bonus Evens, Neves, Esne, Eves, Neve, Sene, Vees, Ens, Nee Level 48 Third, Dirt, Hid, Hit, Rid Bonus Thir, Dit Level 49 Knelt, Ken, Let, Net, Ten Bonus Kelt, Kent, Lent, Elk, Lek Level 50 Saved, Save, Vase, Sad, Sea Bonus Devas, Deva, Devs, Sade, Ads, Eds, Vas Level 51 Signs, Sings, Sign, Sing, Sins, Gin, Sin Bonus Gins, Sis Level 52 Snack, Sack, Sank, Scan, Ask, Can Bonus Cans, Cask, Kas, Sac, Ska Level 53 Lofty, Loft, Fly, Lot, Toy Bonus Oft Level 54 Berth, Herb, Bet, Her, The Bonus Beth, Reb, Ret Level 55 Mixed, Dime, Die, Dim, Mid, Mix Bonus Idem, Med Level 56 Bends, Beds, Bend, Ends, Send, Bed, Den, End Bonus Bens, Dens, Nebs, Sned, Ben, Bes, Deb, Eds, Ens, Neb Level 57 Rough, Hour, Hog, Hug, Our, Rug Bonus Gor Level 58 Flips, Flip, Lips, Slip, Lip, Sip Bonus Fils, Lisp, Fil Level 59 Ounce, Cone, Once, Cue, One Bonus Unco, Con, Eon Level 60 Brink, Rink, Bin, Ink, Kin, Rib Bonus Birk, Kirn, Irk, Kir, Nib Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 61 – 80 Level 61 Porch, Chop, Crop, Cop, Hop, Pro Bonus Cor, Orc, Roc Level 62 Notch, Cot, Hot, Not, Ton Bonus Chon, Con, Hon, Nth, Tho Level 63 Thumb, But, Hub, Hum, Hut, Tub Bonus Bhut, Bum, Mut Level 64 Swung, Guns, Snug, Sung, Gun, Sun Bonus Gnus, Gnu Level 65 Comer, Come, Core, More, Ore Bonus Cero, Corm, Merc, Omer, Cor, Moc, Orc, Rec, Rem, Roc, Roe Level 66 Yells, Sell, Yell, Sly, Yes Bonus Ells, Leys, Lyes, Lyse, Ley, Lye, Sel Level 67 Stall, Last, Salt, Tall, All Bonus Talls, Alls, Alts, Lats, Slat, Alt, Lat, Sal, Sat Level 68 Drama, Arm, Dam, Mad, Mar Bonus Damar, Dram, Maar, Mara, Rad, Ram Level 69 Agree, Eager, Gear, Rage, Age, Are, Ear, Era Bonus Eagre, Agee, Ager, Gree, Ere, Erg, Gar, Rag, Ree, Reg Level 70 Grill, Gill, Girl, Ill, Rig Bonus Rill Level 71 Terms, Rest, Stem, Term, Met, Set Bonus Erst, Rems, Rets, Tres, Ers, Rem, Res, Ret, Ser Level 72 Would, Loud, Duo, Low, Old, Owl Bonus Wold, Dol, Dow, Oud, Wud Level 7 Hairy, Airy, Hair, Air, Hay, Ray Bonus Ahi, Rai, Ria, Rya, Yah, Yar Level 74 Crown, Corn, Crow, Worn, Cow, Nor, Own, Row, Won, Now Bonus Con, Cor, Orc, Roc Level 75 Plank, Plan, Lap, Nap, Pal, Pan Bonus Knap, Lank, Alp Level 76 Match, Chat, Math, Act, Cat, Ham, Hat, Mat Bonus Cham, Mach, Tach, Cam, Mac Level 77 Graph, Harp, Gap, Par, Rap Bonus Gar, Hag, Hap, Rag Level 78 Feeds, Feed, Fees, Seed, Fed, Fee, See Bonus Dees, Feds, Def, Eds Level 79 Sixth, Hits, This, His, Hit, Its, Sit, Six Bonus Hist, Sith, Tis Level 80 Dirty, Dirt, Tidy, Dry, Rid, Try Bonus Yird, Dit Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 81 – 100 Level 81 Bases, Base, Bass, Seas, Sea Bonus Sabes, Sabs, Abs, Bes, Sab Level 82 Event, Even, Teen, Vent, Net, Ten, Vet, Eve Bonus Neve, Nee, Tee Level 83 Lacks, Slack, Lack, Sack, Ask Bonus Calks, Calk, Cask, Lacs, Kas, Lac, Sac, Sal, Ska Level 84 Slots, Loss, Lost, Lots, Slot, Toss, Lot Bonus Sols, Sots, Sol, Sot Level 85 Lands, Land, Sand, And, Lad, Sad Bonus Ands, Dals, Dans, Lads, Ads, Dal, Sal Level 86 Blues, Blue, Bus, Sub, Sue, Use Bonus Lubes, Bels, Lube, Lues, Slub, Slue, Bel, Bes, Leu, Sel Level 87 Needy, Deny, Eyed, Need, Den, Dye, End, Eye Bonus Dene, Dyne, Eyen, Eyne, Dey, Nee, Yen Level 88 Guard, Drag, Drug, Grad, Dug, Rug Bonus Dura, Gaud, Gaur, Guar, Ruga, Dag, Gad, Gar, Rad, Rag, Urd Level 89 Spicy, Icy, Sic, Sip, Spy Bonus Pics, Pyic, Yips, Pic, Yip Level 90 Zones, Nose, Ones, Zone, One, Son Bonus Eons, Noes, Sone, Ens, Eon Level 91 Sinks, Skins, Kiss, Sink, Sins, Skin, Skis, Ink, Kin, Ski, Sin Bonus Inks, Kins, Sis Level 92 Props, Pops, Prop, Pop, Pro Bonus Pros, Sop Level 93 Mount, Unto, Not, Nut, Out, Ton Bonus Notum, Muon, Mon, Mot, Mut, Tom, Tun Level 94 Humor, Hour, Hum, Our, Rum Bonus Mohur, Mho, Ohm Level 95 Shuts, Huts, Shut, Thus, Hut Bonus Tush Level 96 Loser, Roles, Lore, Lose, Role, Rose, Sole, Sore, Ore Bonus Lores, Orles, Sorel, Oles, Ores, Orle, Roes, Sloe, Ers, Ole, Res, Roe, Sel, Ser, Sol Level 97 Fungi, Fin, Fun, Gin, Gun Bonus Fig, Fug, Gnu Level 98 Wally, Ally, Wall, All, Law, Lay, Way Bonus Yawl, Awl, Yaw Level 99 Farms, Arms, Farm, Mars, Arm, Far, Mar Bonus Arfs, Rams, Ram Level 100 Aware, Area, Wear, Are, Awe, Ear, Era, Raw, War Bonus Ware, Awa, Wae Daftar Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 101 – 120 Level 101 Ghost, Hogs, Host, Shot, Hog, Hot, Got Bonus Goths, Gosh, Goth, Hots, Shog, Togs, Tosh, Sot, Tho, Tog Level 102 Tells, Lest, Lets, Sell, Tell, Let, Set Bonus Ells, Tels, Sel Level 103 Mound, Undo, Don, Duo, Nod, Mud Bonus Muon, Udon, Dun, Mod, Mon, Oud Level 104 Theme, Meet, Them, Hem, The, Met Bonus Heme, Mete, Meth, Teem, Thee, Eme, Tee Level 105 World, Lord, Word, Low, Old, Owl, Rod, Row Bonus Wold, Dol, Dor, Dow Level 106 Firms, Firm, Rims, Fir, Rim, Sir Bonus Firs, Mirs, Rifs, Mir, Rif, Sri Level 107 Rapid, Arid, Drip, Paid, Pair, Raid, Aid, Air, Pad, Par, Rap, Rid, Rip, Dip Bonus Pardi, Pard, Dap, Pia, Rad, Rai, Ria Level 108 Hatch, Chat, Act, Cat, Hat Bonus Hath, Tach Level 109 Plump, Lump, Plum, Pulp, Pump, Pup Bonus Pul, Ump Level 110 Knees, Keen, Knee, Seek, Seen, Ken, See Bonus Keens, Skene, Ekes, Esne, Kens, Sene, Skee, Eke, Ens, Nee Level 111 Width, With, Hid, Hit, Wit Bonus Whid, Whit, Dit Level 112 Blast, Bats, Last, Salt, Slab, Tabs, Bat, Lab, Tab, Stab Bonus Blats, Albs, Alts, Bals, Bast, Blat, Labs, Lats, Slat, Abs, Alb, Alt, Bal, Lat, Sab, Sal, Sat Level 113 Peace, Cape, PaCepe, Cep, Pac, Pea Level 114 Shake, Sake, Ash, Ask, Has, Sea, She Bonus Hakes, Haes, Hake, Kaes, Keas, Shea, Hae, Kas, Kea, Ska Level 115 Plots, Lost, Lots, Plot, Post, Pots, Slot, Spot, Stop, Tops, Lot, Opt, Pot, Top Bonus Lops, Opts, Pols, Slop, Lop, Pol, Sol, Sop, Sot Level 116 Burly, Blur, Bury, Ruby, Buy, Rub Bonus Burl, Bur Level 117 Blush, Bush, Lush, Bus, Hub, Sub Bonus Buhls, Buhl, Hubs, Shul, Slub Level 118 Spend, Ends, Pens, Send, Sped, Den, End, Pen Bonus Pends, Dens, Peds, Pend, Sned, Eds, Ens, Ped, Pes Level 119 Grand, Darn, Drag, Grad, Rand, Rang, And, Ran Bonus Dang, Gnar, Gran, Nard, Dag, Gad, Gan, Gar, Nag, Rad, Rag Level 120 Chips, Chip, Ship, His, Sic, Sip Bonus Chis, Hips, Ichs, Phis, Pics, Pish, Hip, Ich, Pic Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 121 – 140 Level 121 Cones, Cone, Nose, Once, Ones, One, Sec, Son Bonus Scone, Cons, Eons, Noes, Sone, Con, Ens, Eon Level 122 Saint, Satin, Stain, Anti, Ant, Its, Sin, Sit, Tan, Tin Bonus Antis, Tains, Ains, Aits, Anis, Ants, Nits, Sain, Sati, Snit, Tain, Tans, Tins, Ain, Ait, Ani, Nit, Sat, Tis Level 123 Hazel, Hale, Haze, Heal, Zeal, Ale Bonus Laze, Hae, Lea Level 124 Count, Unto, Cot, Cut, Not, Nut, Out, Ton Bonus Unco, Con, Tun Level 125 Coupe, Cope, Coup, Cop, Cue, Cup Bonus Puce, Cep, Ope Level 126 Budge, Bed, Beg, Bud, Bug, Due, Dug Bonus Debug, Gude, Deb, Dub, Ged Level 127 Taxed, Date, Ate, Axe, Eat, Tad, Tax, Tea Bonus Axed, Tae, Ted Level 128 Bring, Grin, Ring, Big, Bin, Gin, Rib, Rig Bonus Brig, Girn, Gib, Nib Level 129 Aptly, Play, Apt, Lay, Pal, Pat, Pay, Tap, Lap Bonus Platy, Typal, Paly, Paty, Plat, Alp, Alt, Lat, Ply, Pya, Yap Level 130 Genus, Guns, Snug, Sung, Gun, Sue, Sun, Use Bonus Negus, Engs, Gens, Genu, Gnus, Negs, Ens, Gen, Gnu, Neg Level 131 Dared, Dread, Dare, Dead, Dear, Read, Add, Are, Dad, Ear, Era, Red Bonus Adder, Readd, Redd, Rad Level 132 Crawl, Claw, Arc, Car, Law, Raw, War Bonus Carl, Craw, Awl, Caw, Lac, Lar Level 133 Tents, Nest, Nets, Sent, Tent, Test, Net, Set, Ten Bonus Netts, Stent, Nett, Sett, Stet, Tens, Tets, Ens Level 134 Found, Fond, Fund, Undo, Don, Duo, Fun, Nod Bonus Fondu, Udon, Dun, Fon, Fou, Fud, Oud Level 135 Thyme, Myth, Them, They, Hem, Met, The, Yet Bonus Hyte, Meth, Thy Level 136 Clown, Cow, Low, Now, Owl, Own, Won Bonus Cowl, Lown, Col, Con Level 137 Minor, Iron, Norm, Ion, Nor, Rim Bonus Inro, Morn, Noir, Mir, Mon, Nim Level 138 Yacht, Chat, Act, Cat, Hat, Hay Bonus Achy, Chay, Tach, Cay, Thy, Yah Level 139 Abyss, Bass, Bays, Says, Bay, Say Bonus Bassy, Abys, Sabs, Abs, Aby, Ays, Sab Level 140 Knife, Fine, Fin, Ink, Ken, Kin Bonus Fink, Kief, Kine, Fen, Kef, Kif Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 141 – 160 Level 141 Gamut, Gum, Gut, Mat, Mug, Tag, Tug Bonus Gaum, Gam, Gat, Mag, Mut, Uta Level 142 Drift, Dirt, Rift, Fir, Fit, Rid Bonus Frit, Dif, Dit, Fid, Rif Level 143 Short, Host, Shot, Sort, Hot, Rot Bonus Horst, Hots, Orts, Rhos, Rots, Thro, Tors, Tosh, Ort, Sot, Tho, Tor Level 144 Paced, Cape, Pace, Ace, Ape, Cap, Pad Bonus Caped, Aced, Aped, Cade, Dace, Cep, Dap, Pac, Pea, Ped Level 145 Asked, Desk, Sake, Ask, Sad, Sea Bonus Daks, Kaes, Keas, Sade, Ads, Dak, Eds, Kas, Kea, Ska Level 146 Sheen, Hens, Seen, Hen, See, She Bonus Esne, Sene, Ens, Nee Level 147 Awash, Wash, Ash, Has, Saw, Was Bonus Haws, Shaw, Shwa, Awa, Haw Level 148 Brush, Shrub, Bush, Rubs, Rush, Bus, Hub, Rub, Sub Bonus Buhrs, Buhr, Burs, Hubs, Urbs, Bur Level 149 Lends, Ends, Lend, Lens, Send, Sled, Den, End, Led Bonus Dels, Dens, Elds, Sned, Del, Eds, Eld, Ens, Sel Level 150 Waved, Wade, Wave, Awe, Dew, Wad, Wed Bonus Awed, Deva, Daw, Wae Level 151 Picks, Pick, Sick, Skip, Sic, Sip, Ski Bonus Kips, Pics, Spik, Kip, Pic Level 152 Opens, Nope, Nose, Ones, Open, Pens, Pose, One, Pen, Son Bonus Peons, Pones, Eons, Epos, Noes, Opes, Peon, Peso, Pone, Pons, Sone, Ens, Eon, Ope, Pes, Sop Level 153 Twins, Twin, Wins, Its, Sin, Sit, Tin, Win, Wit Bonus Nits, Snit, Tins, Wist, Wits, Nit, Tis, Wis Level 154 Glaze, Gale, Gaze, Zeal, Age, Ale, Gal, Gel, Lag, Leg Bonus Egal, Laze, Lea, Zag Level 155 Mores, More, Rose, Some, Sore, Ore Bonus Morse, Omers, Mors, Omer, Ores, Rems, Roes, Roms, Ers, Rem, Res, Roe, Ser, Som Level 156 Pouch, Chop, Coup, Ouch, Cop, Cup, Hop Level 157 Snaps, Spans, Pans, Pass, Snap, Span, Nap, Pan, Sap, Spa Bonus Asps, Naps, Sans, Saps, Spas, Asp, Pas Level 158 Tonal, Alto, Loan, Ant, Lot, Not, Tan, Ton Bonus Notal, Talon, Tolan, Lota, Nota, Tola, Alt, Lat, Oat Level 159 Begin, Being, Binge, Beg, Big, Bin, Gin Bonus Bine, Gibe, Ben, Gen, Gib, Gie, Neb, Neg, Nib Level 160 Flats, Fast, Flat, Last, Salt, Aft, Fat Bonus Alts, Fats, Lats, Slat, Alt, Lat, Sal, Sat Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 161 – 180 Level 161 Puree, Peer, Pure, Per, Rep, Rue Bonus Rupee, Pere, Pree, Ere, Ree Level 162 Amber, Bare, Beam, Bear, Mare, Are, Arm, Bar, Bra, Ear, Era, Mar Bonus Bream, Embar, Barm, Bema, Berm, Brae, Ream, Arb, Bam, Mae, Ram, Reb, Rem Level 163 Fumes, Fuse, Muse, Sue, Use, Sum Bonus Emus, Fems, Feus, Fume, Emu, Fem, Feu Level 164 Belts, Belt, Best, Bets, Lest, Lets, Let, Set, Bet Bonus Blest, Bels, Tels, Bel, Bes, Sel Level 165 Dough, Dog, Dug, Duo, God, Hog, Hug Bonus Hod, Oud Level 166 Deity, Diet, Edit, Tide, Tidy, Tied, Die, Dye, Tie, Yet Bonus Dite, Yeti, Dey, Dit, Ted Level 167 Crowd, Cord, Crow, Word, Cod, Cow, Rod, Row Bonus Cor, Doc, Dor, Dow, Orc, Roc Level 168 Muted, Duet, Mute, Due, Met, Mud Bonus Emu, Med, Mut, Ted, Ute Level 169 Batch, Bath, Chat, Act, Bat, Cab, Cat, Hat, Tab Bonus Bach, Baht, Tach Level 170 Crime, Mice, Rice, Ice, Ire, Rim Bonus Cire, Emic, Emir, Merc, Mire, Rime, Mic, Mir, Rec, Rem Level 171 Libel, Bell, Bile, Bill, Ill, Lie Bonus Bel, Lei, Lib Level 172 Admit, Amid, Maid, Aid, Aim, Dam, Dim, Mad, Mat, Mid, Tad Bonus Adit, Ait, Ami, Dit Level 173 Drink, Kind, Rind, Rink, Din, Kid, Kin, Rid, Ink Bonus Dink, Dirk, Kirn, Irk, Kir Level 174 Youth, Hot, Hut, Out, Toy, You Bonus Thou, Hoy, Tho, Thy Level 175 Ports, Sport, Port, Post, Pots, Sort, Spot, Stop, Tops, Opt, Pot, Pro, Rot, Top Bonus Prost, Strop, Opts, Orts, Pros, Rots, Tors, Trop, Ort, Sop, Sot, Tor Level 176 Snake, Sneak, Sake, Sane, Sank, Ask, Ken, Sea Bonus Kanes, Skean, Anes, Kaes, Kane, Keas, Kens, Ane, Ens, Kas, Kea, Nae, Ska Level 177 Tenth, Tent, Then, Hen, Net, Ten, The Bonus Hent, Nett, Teth, Nth Level 178 Shady, Dash, Days, Hays, Ash, Day, Had, Hay, Sad, Say, Shy, Has Bonus Dashy, Ashy, Dahs, Shad, Shay, Ads, Ays, Dah, Yah Level 179 Champ, Camp, Chap, Cap, Ham, Map Bonus Caph, Cham, Mach, Amp, Cam, Hap, Mac, Pac, Pam Level 180 Dense, Needs, Ends, Need, Seed, Seen, Send, Den, End, See Bonus Denes, Dees, Dene, Dens, Esne, Sene, Sned, Eds, Ens, Nee Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 181 – 200 Level 181 Spike, Pies, Pike, Skip, Pie, Sip, Ski Bonus Kepis, Pikes, Kepi, Keps, Kips, Sike, Sipe, Skep, Spik, Kep, Kip, Pes, Sei Level 182 Canoe, Ocean, Cane, Cone, Once, Ace, Can, One Bonus Acne, Aeon, Ane, Con, Eon, Nae, Oca Level 183 Drawn, Darn, Dawn, Draw, Rand, Wand, Ward, Warn, And, Ran, Raw, Wad, Wan, War Bonus Nard, Awn, Daw, Rad Level 184 Ninth, Hint, Thin, Hit, Inn, Tin Bonus Hin, Nit, Nth Level 185 Stirs, Sits, Stir, Its, Sir, Sit Bonus Sirs, Sris, Sis, Sri, Tis Level 186 Apple, Leap, Pale, Plea, Ale, Ape, Lap, Pal, Pep Bonus Appel, Palp, Peal, Alp, App, Lea, Pap, Pea Level 187 Scrub, Curb, Rubs, Bus, Cub, Rub, Sub Bonus Curbs, Burs, Crus, Cubs, Curs, Urbs, Bur, Cru, Cur Level 188 Pasta, Past, Pats, Taps, Apt, Pat, Sap, Spa, Tap Bonus Tapas, Spat, Tapa, Asp, Pas, Sat Level 189 Helms, Helm, Mesh, Elm, Hem, She Bonus Elms, Hems, Mels, Mel, Sel Level 190 Owing, Gown, Wing, Gin, Ion, Now, Own, Wig, Win, Won Bonus Wino, Nog Level 191 Aloft, Float, Alto, Flat, Loaf, Loft, Aft, Fat, Lot Bonus Foal, Lota, Tola, Alt, Lat, Oat, Oft Level 192 Cruel, Ulcer, Clue, Cure, Curl, Lure, Rule, Cue, Rue Bonus Lucre, Ecru, Luce, Cel, Cru, Cur, Leu, Rec Level 193 Zebra, Bare, Bear, Are, Bar, Bra, Ear, Era Bonus Braze, Brae, Raze, Arb, Reb Level 194 Mouse, Muse, Some, Sue, Use, Sum Bonus Moues, Emus, Moue, Sumo, Emu, Som, Sou Level 195 Steps, Pest, Pets, Sets, Step, Pet, Set Bonus Pests, Septs, Psst, Sept, Pes Level 196 Cover, Core, Cove, Over, Rove, Ore, Rev Bonus Cero, Cor, Orc, Rec, Roc, Roe, Voe Level 197 Rebel, Beer, Reel, Bee, Eel, Lee Bonus Leer, Bel, Ere, Reb, Ree Level 198 Cloud, Could, Cold, Loud, Cod, Duo, Old Bonus Clod, Col, Cud, Doc, Dol, Oud Level 199 Field, Filed, File, Fled, Idle, Lied, Life, Die, Elf, Fed, Led, Lid, Lie Bonus Felid, Flied, Deil, Deli, Diel, Lief, Def, Del, Dif, Eld, Fid, Fil, Lei Level 200 Boost, Boots, Boot, Soot, Sob, Too Bonus Boos, Bots, Oots, Stob, Bot, Sot Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 200 – 210 Level 201 Thank, Hank, Tank, Than, Ant, Hat, Tan Bonus Ankh, Hant, Khan, Khat, Kat, Nth Level 202 Grief, Fire, Rife, Ire, Rig, Fir Bonus Frig, Reif, Erg, Fer, Fig, Gie, Ref, Reg, Rif Level 203 Smart, Arms, Arts, Mars, Mast, Mats, Rats, Star, Tram, Arm, Art, Mar, Mat, Tar, Rat Bonus Marts, Trams, Mart, Rams, Tams, Tars, Tsar, Ram, Sat Level 204 Finds, Find, Fins, Din, Dis, Fin, Sin Bonus Difs, Dins, Fids, Dif, Fid Level 205 Mouth, Moth, Hot, Hum, Hut, Out Bonus Thou, Mho, Mot, Mut, Ohm, Tho, Tom Level 206 Story, Rosy, Sort, Toys, Rot, Soy, Toy, Try Bonus Ryots, Stroy, Troys, Tyros, Orts, Rots, Ryot, Tors, Tory, Troy, Tyro, Ort, Sot, Sty, Tor Level 207 Beams, Base, Beam, Mesa, Same, Seam, Sea Bonus Bemas, Mabes, Bams, Bema, Maes, Abs, Bam, Bes, Mae, Sab Level 208 Stalk, Talks, Last, Salt, Talk, Task, Ask Bonus Alts, Kats, Lats, Skat, Slat, Alt, Kas, Kat, Lat, Sal, Sat, Ska, Tsk Level 209 Cards, Arcs, Card, Cars, Scar, Arc, Car, Sad Bonus Cads, Rads, Sard, Scad, Ads, Rad, Sac Level 210 Doors, Door, Odor, Rods, Rod, Sod Bonus Odors, Ordos, Roods, Dors, Ordo, Rood, Dor Nah itulah tadi semua Kunci Jawaban game Word Across terlengkap dari level 1 sampai dengan level 210. Kabar Games akan mengupdatenya kembali jika telah menemukan kunci jawaban ke level lebih tinggi lainnya, jangan lupa baca juga kunci jawaban Tebak Gambar, TTS Pintar, TTS Jenius, Brain Blow, Stump Me dan Tebak Tebakan 2020! Nantikan terus berita terbaru dan terupdate seputar game dan gadget hanya di Kabar Games. (function(d,a,b,l,e,_) if(d[b]&&d[b].q)return;d[b]=function()(d[b].q=d[b].q;e=a.createElement(l); e.async=1;e.charset='utf-8';e.src='//static.dable.io/dist/plugin.min.js'; _=a.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];_.parentNode.insertBefore(e,_); )(window,document,'dable','script'); dable('setService', 'kabargames.id'); dable('sendLogOnce'); dable('renderWidget', 'dablewidget_KoEP9KXB');
#TipsTrick #MobileLegends
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kh-d-r · 5 years
Tumblr media
Listen, look before rap my last name was my lifestyle And when I visualize success it look like right now What was once gray skies is now white clouds And I did with the ones that ya'll said was not the right crowd Follow my steps and you'll see what I'm 'bout I keep my money coming in and never going out Chuck taylors on the pavement with the blamma's out Then I hit the league straight out the streets with no talent scout And now my face bring the cameras out That young nigga these industry bitches yap about You know the one the cops buck you up and ask about All because I took my wildest dreams and then mapped 'em out I go for mine like it's overtime Me and my niggas had to struggle so we over shined Been fucked bitches I been on my grind Cause on a mission your worst enemy is idle time... hussle https://www.instagram.com/p/BvyFXsIlI0I82MZveLgIfpJG0bdtHlnplQ-gMg0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2iznjkorzor0
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rkhugo · 8 years
open event! @solo
being somewhat of a class clown figure, being approached on the street didn't set him on edge or make him nervous, it was an opportunity to be a giant goofball basically. this student, park junse, had no idea what he was getting himself into at all. hugo would teach him a lesson in approaching strangers. 
“yo dude! god, i love cameras! want me to do a handstand? back flip? how bout some comedy? i got the best stand up routine--” 
he wanted him to rap. 
“well well well! you came to the right guy, are you a fan by chance? been to any of my shows? yeah? what the hell! you’re a student! focus on your studies you goon.” with a thwack upside the head, chastised him, tsking and shaking his head. then he pet the back of the kid’s head, chuckling amusedly. “at least you know who to go to for this little project of yours. alright get ready.”
he cracked his knuckles, rolling his head to get the creeks out of his neck and loosen up before rubbing his hands together and getting ready to spit some rhymes. 
liar liar, thats right sire i breathe fire when i hit the mic aint got time for coward friars, psych i love me some bait lure ‘m in then i spit right in their face you wanna be top dog? lil boy go back to umma do your lil yorkie yap yap while you cry about the trauma of coming into the presence of true rap king and you keep crying over booboos from my poisonous sting
the student gave him a thumbs up and he returned it, bowing a bit and thanking him before parting ways. “STAY IN SCHOOL” called over his shoulder.
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sheilacwall · 5 years
Eazy-E – Real Muthaphuckkin G’s (Dirty) (Official Video) HD
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Eazy E – Real Muthaf**kin G’s official music video featuring Dresta and B.G. Knocc Out.
Real Muthaphukkin G’s peaked at #42 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart, becoming Eazy-E’s highest charting single as a solo artist. “Real Muthaphuckkin G’s” debuts brothers B.G. Knocc Out and Dresta, protégés of Eazy-E.
Compton, Compton, Compton Ahh, real muthaphuckkin G’s Ahh, real muthaphuckkin G’s Ahh, real muthaphuckkin G’s Ahh, real muthaphuckkin G’s
[Verse 1: Eazy-E] Hey yo, Doctor, here’s another proper track And it’s phat, watch the sniper, time to pay the piper And let that real s*** provoke See, you’s a wannabe ‘loc, and you’ll get smoked, and I hope That your fans understand when you talk about sprayin’ me The same records that you makin’ is payin’ me
M*therf**k Dre! M*therf**k Snoop! M*therf**k Death Row! Yo, and here comes my left blow ‘Cause I’m the E-A-Z-Y-E and this is the season To let the real M*therf**kin’ G’s in You’re like a kid, you found a pup, and now you’re dapper But tell me, where the f*** you found an anorexic rapper? Talkin’ ’bout who you gon’ squabble with and who you shoot You’re only sixty pounds when you’re wet and wearin’ boots (Damn, E, they tried to fade you on Dre Day) But Dre Day only meant Eazy’s payday All of a sudden Dr. Dre is the G Thang But on his old album cover he was a she-thang So, n***a please, n***a please Don’t step to these M*therf**kin’ real G’s
[Hook] Stop him in his tracks, show him that I am Ruthless Yo, Dre! (What’s up?) Boy, you should’ve known by now
[Verse 2: Dresta] Every day it’s a new rapper claimin’ to be dapper than the Dresta Softer than a b***h but portray the role of gangsta Ain’t broke a law in your life Yet every time you rap you yap about the guns and knife Just take a good look at the n***a and you’ll capture The fact that the b**tard is simply just an actor Who mastered the bang and the slang and the mental Of n****s in Compton, Watts, and South Central Never ever once have you ran with the turf But yet in every verse claim you used to do the dirt But tell me, who’s a witness to your f**kin’ work? So you never had no bid’ness, so save the drama, j**k! N****s straight kill me, knowin’ that they pranksters This is goin’ out to you studio gangstas See, I did dirt, put in work, and many n****s can vouch that So since I got stripes, I got the right to rap about that But n****s like you, I gotta hate ya ‘Cause I’m just tired of suburbia n****s Talkin’ about they come from projects Knowin’ you ain’t seen the parts of the streets, G Think you started tryna bang around the time of the peace treaty Wearin’ khakis and mob while you rhyme Little f** tried to sag, but you’re floodin’ at the same time And your set don’t accept ya; scared to kick it with your homies ‘Cause you know they don’t respect ya So, n***a please, check nuts Before you step to these muthaphuckkin’ real G’s
[Verse 3: B.G. Knocc Out] Well, it’s the Knocc Out, definition “Original baby gangsta” Approach me like you hard, m*therf**ker, I’ma bank ya Shank ya, with my f***in’ shank, if I have to Dr. Dre and Snoop Doggy Dogg are f***in’ actors Pranksters, studio gangstas, busters But this time you’re dealin’ with some real m*therf**kers G’s, n***a please, don’t try to step ‘Cause if you do, then a pealed cap is all that would be left See, young n***as like me will break you off somethin’ Claimin’ my city — but Dre, you ain’t from Compton N***as like y’all is what I call wannabes And ain’t s**t compared to real muthaphuckkin’ G’s
[Hook] Stop him in his tracks, show him that I am Ruthless Yo, Dre! (What’s up?) Boy, you should’ve known by now
[Verse 4: Eazy-E] I never met a O.G. who never did s**t wrong You tried to diss the Eazy-E, so now, n***a, it’s on You and your Doggy Dogg think that y’all hoggin’ s**t Both of you b***hes can come and suck my Doggy d**k Beatin’ up a b***h don’t make you s**t, but then again Some n***as think it makes a man Damn, it’s a trip how a n***a could switch so quick From wearin’ lipstick to smokin’ on chronic at picnics And now you think you’re bigger But to me you ain’t nothin’ but a b***h-*ss n***a That ain’t worth a food stamp And at Death Row, I hear you gettin’ treated like boot camp Gotta follow your sergeant’s directions Or get your *ss pumped with the Smith & Wesson Learn a lesson from the Eaze Stay in your place and don’t step to real muthaphuckkin’ G’s
[Hook] Stop him in his tracks, show him that I am Ruthless Yo, Dre! (What’s up?) Boy, you should’ve known by now Stop him in his tracks, show him that I am Ruthless Yo, Dre! (What’s up?) Boy, you should’ve known by now Stop him in his tracks, show him that I am Ruthless Yo, Dre! (What’s up?) Boy, you should’ve known by now: Eazy Duz It —
© 1993 Ruthless/Relativity [ad1], [ad2] source
The post Eazy-E – Real Muthaphuckkin G’s (Dirty) (Official Video) HD appeared first on Hip Hop World Music.
from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.com/eazy-e-real-muthaphuckkin-gs-dirty-official-video-hd/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=eazy-e-real-muthaphuckkin-gs-dirty-official-video-hd from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.tumblr.com/post/188822090448
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sheilacwall · 5 years
Eazy-E – Real Muthaphuckkin G’s (Dirty) (Official Video) HD
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Eazy E – Real Muthaf**kin G’s official music video featuring Dresta and B.G. Knocc Out.
Real Muthaphukkin G’s peaked at #42 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart, becoming Eazy-E’s highest charting single as a solo artist. “Real Muthaphuckkin G’s” debuts brothers B.G. Knocc Out and Dresta, protégés of Eazy-E.
Compton, Compton, Compton Ahh, real muthaphuckkin G’s Ahh, real muthaphuckkin G’s Ahh, real muthaphuckkin G’s Ahh, real muthaphuckkin G’s
[Verse 1: Eazy-E] Hey yo, Doctor, here’s another proper track And it’s phat, watch the sniper, time to pay the piper And let that real s*** provoke See, you’s a wannabe ‘loc, and you’ll get smoked, and I hope That your fans understand when you talk about sprayin’ me The same records that you makin’ is payin’ me
M*therf**k Dre! M*therf**k Snoop! M*therf**k Death Row! Yo, and here comes my left blow ‘Cause I’m the E-A-Z-Y-E and this is the season To let the real M*therf**kin’ G’s in You’re like a kid, you found a pup, and now you’re dapper But tell me, where the f*** you found an anorexic rapper? Talkin’ ’bout who you gon’ squabble with and who you shoot You’re only sixty pounds when you’re wet and wearin’ boots (Damn, E, they tried to fade you on Dre Day) But Dre Day only meant Eazy’s payday All of a sudden Dr. Dre is the G Thang But on his old album cover he was a she-thang So, n***a please, n***a please Don’t step to these M*therf**kin’ real G’s
[Hook] Stop him in his tracks, show him that I am Ruthless Yo, Dre! (What’s up?) Boy, you should’ve known by now
[Verse 2: Dresta] Every day it’s a new rapper claimin’ to be dapper than the Dresta Softer than a b***h but portray the role of gangsta Ain’t broke a law in your life Yet every time you rap you yap about the guns and knife Just take a good look at the n***a and you’ll capture The fact that the b**tard is simply just an actor Who mastered the bang and the slang and the mental Of n****s in Compton, Watts, and South Central Never ever once have you ran with the turf But yet in every verse claim you used to do the dirt But tell me, who’s a witness to your f**kin’ work? So you never had no bid’ness, so save the drama, j**k! N****s straight kill me, knowin’ that they pranksters This is goin’ out to you studio gangstas See, I did dirt, put in work, and many n****s can vouch that So since I got stripes, I got the right to rap about that But n****s like you, I gotta hate ya ‘Cause I’m just tired of suburbia n****s Talkin’ about they come from projects Knowin’ you ain’t seen the parts of the streets, G Think you started tryna bang around the time of the peace treaty Wearin’ khakis and mob while you rhyme Little f** tried to sag, but you’re floodin’ at the same time And your set don’t accept ya; scared to kick it with your homies ‘Cause you know they don’t respect ya So, n***a please, check nuts Before you step to these muthaphuckkin’ real G’s
[Verse 3: B.G. Knocc Out] Well, it’s the Knocc Out, definition “Original baby gangsta” Approach me like you hard, m*therf**ker, I’ma bank ya Shank ya, with my f***in’ shank, if I have to Dr. Dre and Snoop Doggy Dogg are f***in’ actors Pranksters, studio gangstas, busters But this time you’re dealin’ with some real m*therf**kers G’s, n***a please, don’t try to step ‘Cause if you do, then a pealed cap is all that would be left See, young n***as like me will break you off somethin’ Claimin’ my city — but Dre, you ain’t from Compton N***as like y’all is what I call wannabes And ain’t s**t compared to real muthaphuckkin’ G’s
[Hook] Stop him in his tracks, show him that I am Ruthless Yo, Dre! (What’s up?) Boy, you should’ve known by now
[Verse 4: Eazy-E] I never met a O.G. who never did s**t wrong You tried to diss the Eazy-E, so now, n***a, it’s on You and your Doggy Dogg think that y’all hoggin’ s**t Both of you b***hes can come and suck my Doggy d**k Beatin’ up a b***h don’t make you s**t, but then again Some n***as think it makes a man Damn, it’s a trip how a n***a could switch so quick From wearin’ lipstick to smokin’ on chronic at picnics And now you think you’re bigger But to me you ain’t nothin’ but a b***h-*ss n***a That ain’t worth a food stamp And at Death Row, I hear you gettin’ treated like boot camp Gotta follow your sergeant’s directions Or get your *ss pumped with the Smith & Wesson Learn a lesson from the Eaze Stay in your place and don’t step to real muthaphuckkin’ G’s
[Hook] Stop him in his tracks, show him that I am Ruthless Yo, Dre! (What’s up?) Boy, you should’ve known by now Stop him in his tracks, show him that I am Ruthless Yo, Dre! (What’s up?) Boy, you should’ve known by now Stop him in his tracks, show him that I am Ruthless Yo, Dre! (What’s up?) Boy, you should’ve known by now: Eazy Duz It —
© 1993 Ruthless/Relativity [ad1], [ad2] source
The post Eazy-E – Real Muthaphuckkin G’s (Dirty) (Official Video) HD appeared first on Hip Hop World Music.
from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.com/eazy-e-real-muthaphuckkin-gs-dirty-official-video-hd/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=eazy-e-real-muthaphuckkin-gs-dirty-official-video-hd from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.tumblr.com/post/188822090448
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