#yarael poof
newgrean · 4 months
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They only know one senator
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veny-many · 4 months
I always wondered when I think about Jedi's mobility
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Sorry Masters.
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gffa · 5 months
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parasiticstars · 5 months
Bored so here’s a bunch of Star Wars headcanons I have; specifically for the Jedi Council members. Some of them are absorbed from other people
Ki-Adi-Mundi is really really really tired of people asking him how many extra square feet of fabric it takes to make the robe cover his head. If you MUST know, it’s not feet, and it’s exactly f—
Yarael Poof, however, just makes up increasingly outlandish measurements. If it’s a youngling, he also says his head can retract in on his neck like a telescope. That usually makes them stop
The Best Jedi Council Tea Cups™ are made by younglings during assigned craft time. They’re janky and colorful and covered with fingerprints and smoosh marks and smudged paint and somehow, tea in them just tastes better
You can almost taste the joy and love they imbued into the cups. It’s an honor to be gifted a cup by a youngling
Yoda has a bookshelf of them. Very proud of them, he is, hrmmhrmm
We jest about Aayla’s oversexualized outfit (as we should), but considering this one post where it points out that Jedi robes are very similar to farmers’ which means they’re basically going to summits and in the battlefield in overalls, that means she’s walking around everywhere in like. Lululemon.
Which isn’t much better but it’s kinda funny to think about imo
Kit Fisto (like all nautolans) breathes through his skin like a frog. He’ll use this to justify walking around tits out as often as possible
He also can’t spend much time in Coruscant due to the heavily polluted air. Makes him sick after a week
I seriously think if you threw a ball Oppo Rancisis would have to hold himself back from chasing it, if not have others hold him back. Crusty toothless white dog headass
The real reason Anakin wasn’t allowed on the council was because they knew he’d do exactly that to him
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spacecapart · 23 days
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Brown paper Jedi (A6 prints)
Money is a bit concerningly tight right now, so I'm sharing a bunch of the fun things you can find in my online shop. This set of Jedi prints was originally an Inktober project, and I really love how they look on the brown paper.
You can find a link to my Storenvy shop on my blog page links or in my pinned post - I've got more than 60 prints of various sizes available, and nearly 150 button badge designs featuring characters from dozens of fandoms!
Even the smallest purchase will help me out a lot, as will sharing this post. Thanks in advance, and may the Force be with you!
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kittenfangirl20 · 1 year
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short-wooloo · 2 months
We now have no fuckin clue how old Luminara is
Like, common fanon is that she's in Quinlan and Obi-Wan's age group, but between Vernestra Rwoh being 116 and looking like she's in her 40s and Barriss looking like she's in her late 50s-early 60s when she couldn't possibly be older than mid 40s, any ability to make reasonable guesses about Luminara's age (and therefore what Jedi were her cohorts in youth) or any other Mirialan is out the window
She could be in Mace Windu’s age group, Qui-Gon's, Dooku's, for all we know Yoda, Yaddle, Yarael Poof, and Oppo Rancisis are the only Jedi who are definitively older than her
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sunsetgloom · 6 months
Jedi High Council members as of 40 BBY:
FULLY CONFIRMABLE (7) Yoda (it's Yoda) Oppo Rancisis (has been there since 232 BBY, still present 32 BBY) Yarael Poof (see above) Eeth Koth (on the Council before Windu according to one source, appointed by 40 BBY according to Wookiepedia) Plo Koon (took over for after Master Tyvokka 44 BBY) Mace Windu (replaced Master Katri at 28, born 72 BBY, joined 44 BBY) Poli Dapatian (can confirm canonically on council at the latest of 41 BBY) PRESUMED (4) Yaddle (presumed due to age and lack of full rosters for prior years) Micah Giiett (died 33 BBY, was a Councilor up to that point, presumed on it for the 7+ years beforehand) Sifo-Dyas (no known join date that I could find, kicked off 33 BBY, presumed on it for the 7+ years beforehand) Saesee Tiin (stark hyperspace war veteran. nothing concrete other than that according to my notes :/) CAN SWITCH BETWEEN ANY (1+) Jor Aerith (died during Order 66 but was not on the Council during the Clone Wars as far as we know. Presumably she retired) Gretz Droom (Jor's padawan. Also not known to be on the Council during the Clone Wars but was a Council member at one point. Presumably retired) Tera Sinube (retired during the 40s. We don't know when exactly, but unlikely it was 40 BBY exactly. I just included him because I forgot about him entirely while trying to work out earlier rosters :/) Even Piell (ehhhhhh this one's iffy. He's definitely on it during TPM but nothing points to him being there before that but TPM takes place 32 BBY and Sifo-Dyas and Micah Giiett made the PRESUMED category so he's here too :/) Adi Gallia (see above) and there you go. all 12(+) Council members during the year 40 BBY
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foundfamilyhq · 4 months
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roseaesynstylae · 3 months
If Yarael Poof was around during the Clone Wars, I just know he’d hate Kamino. Not the clones, he doesn’t hate the clones, he thinks they’re wonderful, but the Kaminoans are another thing entirely. They’re humorless, child-abusing assholes with no comprehension of the things that actually matter.
Not helping matters is that people keep mixing him up with them. He’s not a eugenics-enforcing, selfish, callous monster! He’s a four-armed, double-brained, long-necked Jedi Master!
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chipthekeeper · 6 months
Silliest Star Wars name, quarterfinals
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newgrean · 3 months
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they're best friends
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jewishcissiekj · 6 months
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recent low-quality and such Star Wars doods I've yet to post (and a few I have in some capacity) (from left to right just because the name I write are not enough: Rook Kast, Sabine Wren, Ursa Wren, Bo-Katan, Steela Gerrera, Ahsoka, Aayla Secura, Aurra Sing, Anakin Skywalker, Acolyte-era Vernestra Rwoh, Barriss Offee, Riyo Chuchi, Clone Trooper Sister, Asajj, Yarael Poof, Anakin again, Sabé, Dooku, Boba Fett, Leia, Cassio Tagge, Dormé, my OC Teren, Saché, Rabé, Eirtaé, Sabé again, Yané)
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gffa · 5 months
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detdeldragons · 5 months
Star Wars The Living Force
I was not prepared for how much I was going to enjoy this book. The story is great, spending time with the Jedi Council was great, and the humor was perfect throughout the who story. It was such a nice break from the emotional trauma of The High Republic Era.
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sw5w · 9 months
He Was Trained in the Jedi Arts
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:24:22
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