chantress · 1 year
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markantonys · 6 months
the whole vibe of black ajah verin investigating black ajah liandrin possibly compelling black ajah sheriam is just so good
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the-grimsqueaker · 1 year
Hi I'm in love with Katie Leung as Yassica, she's just got such big nerd energy she's perfect for the brown ajah. The second her voice sounded on screen I knew instantly who she was and i was so delighted.
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starkdirewolflove · 1 year
The Wheel of Time thoughts
Im really loving season 2 so far, it’s much faster paced than season 1 and we’re digging into the characters emotions and motivations more. (I haven’t read the books so this is show only).
The last episode was brilliant and had so much going on but that was really Egwene’s episode like episode 3 was Nynaeve’s episode. Watching Egwene go through so much physical and mental torture was tough but as Loial said there is steel beneath the sweet exterior and she will survive this. There are also so many of her friends planning to rescue her: Loial wants to break her out of the kennels, Nynaeve and Elayne are working out how to remove the collar and won’t leave without her, Perrin is close by with Aviendha planning to rescue his friends from the Seanchan which will include Egwene once he knows she’s there and Rand will be on his way as soon as he has his meeting with the Amyrlin Seat. One of the scenes between Egwene and Renna I found interesting was after she got Egwene to use the One Power to burn down the tree she seemed so excited and happy like they really bonded so when she told Egwene she deserved a drink but Egwene fell back in agony because she wanted to attack Renna again, her face just dropped. Like she thought they were friends now and when that didn’t happen that’s when she turned physically violent for the first time, Renna said Egwene can’t hurt her but I think Egwene’s rejection in that moment hurt and that’s when she stopped trying to “cultivate a friendship.” There is going to be such a showdown between those two when Egwene gets rid of the collar and can fight back.
Lanfear/Selene has been an interesting new addition to the cast, I knew from the first sneak peek of her scene with Rand when she tells him if he wants something to take it that she was gonna be evil/a villain but she’s a brilliant villain. Love her calling Ishamael “Ishy” and banishing him from Rand’s dreams and the way she won Liandrin over to her side instead of Ishamael. Lanfear is definitely a femme fatale and is gonna stir things up with both sides.
Liandrin seems close to unraveling now. I think she knows it’s only a matter of time before her true nature is revealed, when she said Elayne was a complication she knew her plan was fucked but she couldn’t back down. Selling Nynaeve and Egwene to the Seanchan she could’ve explained their absence by saying Nynaeve left because of what happened to her in The Arches and Egwene went with her because she was so grief stricken when she thought Nynaeve died that she didn’t want to lose her again, but having the Daughter-Heir of Andor go missing too is one lie too many. All it takes is someone to send word to the Queen asking when her daughter is coming back to the White Tower and there’ll be an uproar. We also found out a bit more about Liandrin’s backstory from Lanfear and why she hates men so much, her life sounds pretty fucked up like and then her reward for swearing to the dark was that her son gets to live but as Lanfear said “this isn’t life.” He’s sick, bedridden, too old and can’t even speak and Liandrin couldn’t watch as Lanfear mercy killed him to “set her free.” I actually gasped when I saw Liandrin at the gathering of Aes Sedai in Cairhien because it’s all gonna blow up next week with her being in the same place as Rand, Mat, Min and Moiraine as well as the two Brown Ajah Verin and Yasicca being onto her now. She looked really panicked when she was trying to find out why the Amyrlin was in Cairhien with 14 Aes Sedai.
Moiraine has been through the ringer this season, she’s trying to cope with being Stilled and having an existential crisis that everything she has been doing for the last 20 years has been wrong and only helped the Dark instead of defeating it. Like that is some heavy burdens, but I think she has being going about things so wrong this season by keeping everyone at arms length and pushing away people who care about her. I know she’s trying to protect Lan because she thinks she’s going to die in this fight against the Dark and she doesn’t want him to feel her death through the bond and end up like Stepin but she should trust him more than she has this season, he’s been her best friend for 20 years, always has her back and would literally die for her, I hope they have a proper reunion next week. There seems to be a thaw with Moiraine and her family after she apologised for how she’s been treating them, like her nephew adores her and her sister still loves her even though there’s some unresolved issues between them but they’re still going to support her even if they don’t know what’s going on. Moiraine has obviously been in contact with Siuan since there was a letter with her seal on the writing desk. It was like a scene from some Victorian romance drama watching Moiraine drafting letters to “my dearest Siuan” and then throwing them away because she can’t explain herself properly, then her sister comes in and says “The Amyrlin Seat is her with fourteen Aes Sedai and she’s demanding an audience with you.” Lol that was brilliant, Moiraine’s face was a picture of shock and surprise, can’t wait to see what happens with them next week.
Lan The Man, he’s done following orders and is taking action to protect Moiraine whether she wants him to or not. He’s been tagging along with Alanna and her warders as if they have him on suicide watch but he’s been figuring out his next move in the fight against the dark and how best to help Moiraine. I can’t believe that Alanna, Maksim and Ihvon actually thought Lan was a dark friend but their confrontation helped move things along. Alanna translated the prophecy about Lanfear, Lan found out where the Amyrlin was and got them to go with him to get her for Moiraine but he also had to tell them about Rand being the Dragon Reborn. I loved that Lan showed up at the end just outside of Cairhien to stop Rand from leaving so now everyone can share information and make a plan to fight back against Ishamael and the Seanchan.
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moghedien · 1 year
both Compulsion and Black Ajah getting name dropped now
Also I love Yasicca nothing better happen to her
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amemoryofwot · 1 year
Yasicca bb I don’t have high hopes for you in the Cairhien riot
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talysalankil · 1 year
I hope yasicca gets to stay and do the black ajah hunter storyline, tying that story with verin would salvage it
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le-calmement · 7 years
spatar contigo es joroschó, y tus glasos son lo más sladquino de la chisna pd: mi yasicca, tus grudos, no sé, piénsalo...
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jnr432 · 8 years
Y estaba tan bonita con su gorro blanco que cascabeles sonaban a su paso, pero a pesar de su belleza incomprendida. La ultraviolencia era lo único que yo quería ejecutar sobre ella, no amor y besos. Tocholcos sobre ella. Pero no ciertamente sobre ella,mentiría si dijera que por mi quijotera pasara un tocholco hacía ella. Tenía ganas de tocholcar a todo el mundo ciertamente, no a mis drugos,pero si a esa panda de chelovecos incomprendidos. Pero no a ella, a ella una ruca encima no pondría porque quien hacerles daño a las mariposas debe ¡Es pecado hacerle daño a una mariposa,aquí y en cualquier mesto de nuestro querido bogo! Pero todos ellos eran cucarachas. Y las aplastaría con mis sabogos sin pensarlo. Mi meselo allí era aquello, aplastarlos, tocholcarlos y ubivarlos sin piedad ninguna. Ni aunque el mismísimo bogo mirara sin dilación, los tocholcos en sus glasos y rota pasarían. Los tocholcos en sus yarmoles serían repetitivos hasta que su grasña yasicca suplicara clemencia. Hasta que la colorada brotara por todo el piso. Los chelovecos que supuestamente acogen a todo cheloveco inadaptado eran los primeros en apartar a los demás inadaptados. Por ello quería tocholcarlos y ubivarlos, pero eran mas nadsat que yo y mis drugos, eran como 13 o 14 y yo solo era uno. Pero si tuviera una britba ni pensar lo hubiera hecho, solo la ultraviolencia hubiera ejecutado.
Y ella rompió mi corazón y esquemas. Esa filosa de gorro blanco y de cara bendecida por bogo,rompió mi esquemada chisna. Jugo conmigo como los yajudos con el dengo o como los starrios chaplinos jugaban con los niños en la iglesia del aclamado bogo. Pero oh hermanos míos, la idea de tocholcarla hasta que criche no era atractiva para mi. Para vuestro querido y amado narrador. Algún día si nuestro gran Bogo quiere las cosas cambiaran.
Eso si, quizás un poco de dolor nadsat si que le hubiera hecho,no la verdadera ultraviolencia. Pero si quitado su gorro y quizás haberlo lanzado a las llamas del infierno o quizás un poco de dolor psicológico. En realidad aunque en mi cabeza pasé esto no sería capaz. Quizás no haya madurado pero así bogo lo ha querido y así prefiero que sea. La chisna de un nadsat es aburrida pero la de un adulto es mucho mas. La chisna y la mente de vuestro querido narrador solo tonterías pasan. Quizás me este volviendo un poco besuño pero al menos así la chisna es mas divertida.
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mhaisyah · 6 years
At Kopi - Kopi
At Kopi - Kopi with Yasicca – See on Path.
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sussansl · 7 years
At Ta Wan
At Ta Wan with Yasicca, Dita, and Merlina – See on Path.
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markantonys · 6 months
lan tells logain that logain is going back to the white tower and there are 2 brown sisters there who are desperate to study a man who can channel. potential hint at yasicca and nyomi returning in s3? i hope so!
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markantonys · 6 months
anyway, wotseries did a nice summary article of everything we know about s3 so far! most of it is already known, but there were a couple new tidbits i found interesting.
a baby was needed on the caemlyn palace set
rafe is the lead writer for episode 3x04; i think in previous seasons he only wrote the finales and the pilot, which makes me wonder if 3x04 is some kinda Big Deal episode. ooooh maybe this would point to rhuidean (which we know is either ep3 or 4)? he's said many times that TSR is his favorite book, so i could see him wanting to personally write the rhuidean episode.
rammy park, lead writer of 2x06, is the lead writer for 3x06. i'm very excited since 2x06 is my favorite episode so far!
they now have the writers for all the episodes if anyone is curious in digging further, but these were the ones that stood out to me
wotseries has reported "a question of crimson" as the 3x02 title and "he who comes with the dawn" as 3x08, but they said there's a possibility they're actually switched. and while HWCWTD does sound naturally like a Finale Title, if 3x02 is an intro to the waste/aiel prophecies and 3x08 includes the coup with elaida the red ousting siuan, i actually could see the titles being the reverse. (and all this with the caveat that episode titles are subject to change before the final product airs.)
the cairhien set was taken down after s2 filming, so likely no cairhien in s3
nuno lopes filmed at tocnik castle, and you Know my mind immediately went "spooky forsaken meeting place?" when i googled pictures, just to affirm my personal pre-drawn hypothesis that he's playing asmodean.
josha was in slovenia at one point, which is largely used for two rivers filming. flashback or dream/TAR sequence? i suppose there's also a chance he was just on vacation, they didn't explicitly say he was filming just that he was there.
wotseries expects fares fares to return!!!! very exciting if true!!!! glass columns, maybe, or an AOL cold open
they listed a bunch of cast/characters they expect to return, so i'll list only some of the less obvious ones: padan fain, valda, logain, adeleas, verin, tomas, nyomi (no word on yasicca), ryma, ila, raen, aram
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sussansl · 7 years
At Bandar Djakarta
At Bandar Djakarta with Agung, Merlina, Riyan, Yasicca, Retno, Dimas, Ferdy, Mutiara, Dita, dita, Sigit, Ganindito, Dinar, Putri, and Iqbalpacarnyayasicca – See on Path.
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mhaisyah · 8 years
At Pancious
At Pancious with Yasicca, Dita, and Iqbal – See on Path.
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sussansl · 8 years
At Siloam Hospitals
At Siloam Hospitals with Yasicca, Dita, Ichaa, Ganindito, and Iqbalpacarnyayasicca – See on Path.
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