twitchesandstitches · 6 years
Basic Concept: World conquering shoggoth monster girl down on her luck and Doing Her Best to be a villain but just terrible at it.
Appearance: Imagine a very wide and strongfat humanoid woman, at least from the waist up. Get that broad image in mind, and add a few additional features: a variable number of arms (at least two, often six or more) that usually comprise tentacles, with optional crab claws or grabby bits. From the waist down, things get more interesting, dividing into a large cluster of enormous muscular tentacles crowned by a massive butt, each tentacle as thick around as her entire body and longer than she is tall. This is the default shape of Yatruiga, the shoggoth girl.
Normal shoggoth girls generally have amorphous flesh, but she takes it to an extreme, apparently made of jelly or a thicc ooze, so fluid that she oscillates and is subject to goo physics; it has some of a latex-ish look, colored a pale cream with veins of blue. This is mirrored in her plump face, and her eyes, which are usually the same blue, as are her very big lips. She doesn’t have hair, but she does have two thick bundles of tentacles that look like hair.
Technically she has at least three eyes at any given time, but she mainly has a large central eye, ringed by two smaller ones that sort of look like eyebrows, and the impression is of a cyclops. She often grows a set of short and spiky gills, but her face is otherwise featureless.
As a shoggoth girl, she can assume whatever body configuration she wants, but rarely deviates from this form; she usually increases her number of arms for an advantage, or make hands if she needs fingers. She can alter her body shape, like becoming incredibly muscular for a powerful attack, or immensely round to absorb an attack. She often adopts crustacean traits into herself, growing heavy exoskeleton, pincy claws, or shaping her tentacles into crab legs. She sometimes does this just for a bit of rigidity and to hold her body together, too. This form is astonishingly flexible, and more than a little stretchy. You don’t impact her or cut her, you just sink in.
She’s not precisely fat but she looks like it, and is very solid too, tending towards a very large gut and imposingly big breasts larger than her upper torso, and even wider lower hips. Her tentacles - and matching mega-scale butt - are incredibly large and somewhat longer than normal for her people, but her liquid form body is highly unusual. This is very hard to maintain and she is smug about her skill in maintaining her body like that permanently, and other shoggirls think this means that she is mentally fluid and capricious.
Her exact size varies, and she is not exclusive to any particular AU. In ones where human-scale is the normal, she’s about twice human size, 11 feet or so. In ones where giants are more common, she’s about seventy feet at minimum, though she can get bigger.
Backstory: Yatruiga’s people, the immortal and incredibly ancient people generally called shoggoth girls, have long cultivated a reputation as being elegant and cultured beings of great refinement, on the rare occasions they feel up to venturing out of their enclaves or form beneath the waves to bother with the rest of the multiverse. It is rare indeed for a shoggoth girl to deliberately seek out company outside of the great shoals of their hidden homeworlds and the private universes folded away from the rest of the planes. But it is even rarer for one to seek conquest and martial glory.
Yatruiga is such a shoggoth girl, hailing from a world that had contact with the shorter lived species prior to the multiversal cataclysm. That is to say, they opened their minds to mortals while remaining obscured to them, examining their cultures and media and written accounts, filing it away for study and reflection. Yatruiga examined these with great fascination, growing to admire the idea of change measured in mere decades, rather than the millenia her passive kind were suited to. She longed for the notion of suddenness, of quickness.
And in the wake of the cataclysm, in the rise of warlords and demagogue, she perceived the value in warfare. Not as a resolution, but as a means to an end. Finding more relevance in mortal customs than the slow pace of the shoggoth, she found that she wanted glory.
Since the cataclysm’s end, she has been patiently learning the skills of conquest, leaving her isolated worlds behind and shunning contact with her people, bearing their advanced technology (now overwhelmingly dangerous in contrast to the ruins elsewhere) and potent psionic abilities and magical theory, and has set forth to gather minions, forge mighty weapons, and conquer as much of the multiverse as she can hold.
In her heart, she dreams that all the multiverse will know her name.
Personality: She presents the image of being bombastic and a hammy, dramatic figure, prone to grand gestures and who wants only the most impressive of things to her name, making every single action or even her form a performative gesture. She speaks louder than most people yell, she gesticulates almost continually, and she takes advantage of her shapeshifting so that she is in an almost constant state of flux; the effect is, by shoggoth standards, of outrageous pomposity, and it is very deliberate.
And it is just that: a persona. She has studied many famous warlords, generals and battle-hardened champions across history and has tried to emulate all their various personalities into a single mask to put on, believing that this is the appropriate way for her to act with her ambitions of warrior accomplishment.
When she isn’t acting like that, though, she’s very low key and even surly, filtered through the mannerisms of a typical valley girl personality. Reluctant to speak more than she has to, she comes off as very terse. She might have a lot to say, but she will only speak in brief, clipped words, saying what she must and trickling it out in a laconic tone littered with easy-going terms.
Ultimately she is acting out a role, without really getting fully into it and still trying to figure it out; she worries that she has the tone down, but hasn’t understood the essence of it yet. This sense of ‘not quite doing it right’ pervades her entire outlook, making her nervous around mortals, and she is not used to that feeling, so it makes her angry and irritable.
However this is hard for mortals to take note of; as a species, shoggoth handle everything in extremely long-term progression, so while by her own standards she is shockingly impulsive and even disturbingly mercurial in how quickly her mind shifts, Yatruiga’s melancholy phases seem more to mortals that her bombastic personality regularly becomes grim and dour as the seasons turn, and remains like that for some time. To her, she slides smoothly into her role, but to mortals she comes off as gradually progressing from one extreme to the other.
She’s not an easy person to like. Whether she is grumpy or dramatic, she has trouble relating to mortals as people rather than brief things, finding them not so much interesting as their ideas, perhaps viewing them as mere hosts for fascinating notions; thus she often treats them as tools for her use, and annoying flies overtaken with their own importance otherwise. She’s not cruel, but her callousness and disinterest in caring about people in general makes her come off that way. She doesn’t enjoy suffering, she just doesn’t care about it much; she might try to swallow someone whole and simply not consider digestion as an unpleasant doom.
She’s also ludicrously overconfident, and simply will not learn from her mistakes, and her military career is full of constant defeats, setbacks and losses from her absolute refusal to accept bad odds. As she can regenerate from almost any wound, she tends to forget that her weapons and armies are not so strong as she is, and heedlessly charges into battle without much regard for tactics or common sense.
Many of her armies have been wiped out by her own overconfidence, or else aged past the point of service simply because she forgot that mortals don’t treat a few hundred years as a brief rest time. That said, she is a genuinely dangerous warrior and very hard to even slow down, but her armies regularly desert her. She’s made up for this by making herself into a broodmother and breeding a massive army of barely intelligent monsters little brighter than zombies, but she craves genuine loyalty, and doesn’t understand why no one really respects her that much.
As a broodmother, she almost constantly pregnant, periodically giving birth to thousands of bestial soldiers for her armies that grow to full size in a matter of weeks, and she has little attachment to them, viewing them not as children but in the same way as she regards individual tentacles. While she can reproduce parthenogenetically, she prefers to harvest genetic material from suitors (be they biological compatible for babymaking or not), and it doesn’t help that she gets crushes on those she has rivalries with. Her shapeshifting powers let her mate with any living being, and she’s become somewhat addicted to this in recent ages.
She does have some slight yandere tendencies; if she gets dedicated enough to a specific rival, she can grow more obsessed with them and single-minded about constantly breeding with them and milking them for every last drop of extra soldiers from them… and eventually become fanatical about consuming them and beating them once and for all. As a result, her getting attached can be a very bad idea, at least in a romantic context.
Species: Shoggoth Girl, a species of amorphous primordial masses of shapeshifting flesh, capable of assuming whatever form they please. She’s very atypical for her people in living ‘in the moment’ and leaving the homeworlds, and even more unusual for her love of violence and martial concerns.
Fandom: Mostly an original creation, though her people are cute monster girls versions of the shoggoth from the Lovecraft Mythos (with a touch of space elf and precursor archetypes), and draw upon the aboleths from Dungeons And Dragons.
Abilities: She is extremely skilled in most in-universe modern forms of warfare, having been doing it for an extremely long time. Practice alone has taught her much, and she is extremely good at fighting in a wide variety of ways, from firearms to melee weapons, and has come to specialize in shapeshifting in combat to maximize them, such as slithering out of holds or making many limbs to attack directly.
Her liquidform body offers her many advantages; among other things, she is incredibly hard to hurt directly, since most attacks will just sink into her body; exceptional magic or specialized weapons are required to actually pierce her body or leave more than temporary holes, though heat does it consistently and she is incredibly vulnerable to biological weaponry. She is extremely flexible, even by shoggirl standards; she can force her way down someone’s throat, bend herself any which way, stretch her body like living gum, and force her way through any gap, given enough time.
By altering the chemicals that make up her body, she can become specularily acidic, dissolving most materials she’s in contact with; by forcing someone into her body (by swallowing them whole, forcing them into her or flowing around them) she can digest them and absorb their biomass directly, and do this to most substances too. She can even apply this to attacks, by making a blow with a limb briefly made of super acidic flesh, though this is draining to do repeatedly.
Her favorite ability is to shapeshift. AS a shoggirl, her amorphous body can assume any transformation she can imagine (though she can’t change her apparent nature, such as take on human appearance), diverting biomass to grow more limbs, reshape any part of her body or make them as big or restructure them, or even grow larger or smaller. She is incredibly creative with this power, manifesting extra limbs just to do a quadruple sword swing, produce a dozen hands on arm just to slap someone repeatedly, swell a tentacle into a barrier in front of her, or produce extra organs to survive different environments like gills.
She seems to favor altering her stomach in odd ways, such as splitting it apart into a belly to swallow enemies whole and then launch them like ammunition, make it a living shield, or store excess biomass in there so it swells to immobilizing proportions. If she is incubating young, she doesn’t grow particularly larger, through her transparent body might make them visible, which can be very disturbing; she can make herself more opaque, if asked.
Her body is also immortal, after a fashion. She does not age, and will regenerate almost any non-magical wound, and even those will heal with time and biomass, and since it is hard to harm her in the first place, she comes across as very tough. Even the complete digestion of her body is only a hindrance; if a single part of her remains, it will regrow into her again, still stubbornly refusing to admit defeat.
Another aspect of her fluid body is that she can gestate young in localized mini-wombs pretty much wherever she wants, though she usually keeps them in her belly to make herself look even bigger and cooler. She can do this parthenogenetically, making strange crab-monster minions that resemble her, but she has grown fond of harvesting genetic material from others through sexual means, or digesting them if she feels like it, adding those genetics to her creations and making stronger armies.
These powers do have a big drawback; her fluidity is the biggest one. She is very vulnerable to being, say, slurped up like any other liquid. Stick a straw in her and suck hard, and she will be drawn into it helplessly despite weighing several dozen tons. She has been defeated many ways in this fashion, and has never learned from it. Her great resilience gives her a false sense of invulnerability, and she heedlessly rushes into situations even when its a blatantly terrible idea.
Her broodmother mass breeding has the big drawback of requiring food for those thousands of offspring; she must constantly devour enormous quantities of food, almost every single hour, in addition to the massive amounts of food she needs to maintain her biomass. As a result she usually must hold off on replenishing her armies, at least until she has enough resources to do so. In theory, if she actually did conquer enough territory, she might end up eating every last drop of organic material or depopulating entire planets - namely, the populations she just conquered - solely to maintain her status quo, and she might not even realize this until after the fact.
She is also apparently incredibly delicious as a minor side effect of her basic chemical makeup, and considers this just another point in her favor. Making her enemies eager to swallow her up hasn’t yet occurred to her to be a bad idea.
Height: Highly variable. She can be as big or small as she wants, but she needs actual biomass to fill out to that point; she’s rather vain and refuses to be too skinny, or at least not look properly bulky. She likes to be on the bigger side on things, to the point that it is ridiculously impractical, such as growing to full size on her flagship and immediately breaking it into pieces.
Relationships: She doesn’t have any canon relationships as such; her tendency to destroy her own armies through mismanagement, obliviousness to their mortality, accidentally engulfing and then digesting them, or simply losing their loyalty through more mundane events, has left her with an inability to hold onto minions for very long. Stil, she always gets more, even if its not clear how she does it.
The minions she mass produces are more loyal, and really have no choice. They were born to obey her and know nothing but following her orders. They’re just not very good at it and unimaginative. She tends to order them to their doom, and she’s not very strategically minded either.
She’s not unfriendly though, or totally unapproachable; come to her pretending to be a servant or at least willing to play a submissive role and she will gladly take you on and she can have a aristocratic sense of duty to her subordinates, if she remembers that they have their own goals. One-on-one, she has the potential to be a good friend, if only she can be bothered to remember things, and learn some humility.
Those who have bested and digested her in the past, she tends to see as rivals and constantly seek them out, always striving to beat them. This even applies if thy died a long time ago, and she pursues their descendants, sometimes under the impression that they are that ancestor.
Pred Level: She thinks she is an alpha predator that flawlessly devours all in her path as surely as she wins campaigns, and she really does try to do this; she does digest whatever she possibly can, rather like an acidic slime monster, just to maintain her biomass levels and be healthy. However in practice she’s not very good at it, most of her attempted prey fighting free of her or actually washing out of her when she forgets to solidify herself. At best, she’s a low-tier with very high potential.
However, her sexual appetite can very easily translate into genuine hunger if she gets attached and her rivalry hits a high pitch, her yandere potential going into overdrive. While she hasn’t had much opportunity to do this yet, it might happen.
Prey Level: Extremely high, though she won’t admit it. She’s constantly getting drunk by enemies, indifferent monsters, ship machines she got stuck in, her own soldiers sleepwalking, kisses that get too intense… it just goes on. Due to the messy nature of her body, at least one droplet of her always falls free and she regrows from it, dazed and unsure of what just happened. Despite her sheer size, it is strangely small for even extremely small beings to swallow her. Even if she’s a 100 ft tall giantess, a regular human girl can swallow her in one drink, and her body material is easily digested.
MILF levels: As she is right now, N/A. Callous, oblivious to anyone’s interests except her own, she’s barely a team player, let alone a matriarch. While she is a powerful mass-producer of young, she doesn’t view them as children but extensions of herself, and she might not even be wrong there, and it's unclear if she even can produce intelligent young, at least without mods. She does have the right look, though, and it's unclear what the MILF fleet’s patented mega-fertility and empathy enhancers might do to her.
Overall Themes: Generally a light-hearted antagonist that just won’t go away, and a recurring threat that isn’t that dangerous despite being quite powerful. Mainly themed around being vore prey, but as a component to adventure and battles rather than a focus detail. She’s also a giantess and at least a huge BBW, with extra tentacles and plush-ness. Her habit of constantly seeking out ‘genetic material’ from interesting suitors makes for some potential sexual vibes. Plus, she’s a cute monster gal!
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twitchesandstitches · 6 years
When it comes to the different muses and OCs, who'd be on team Werewolf, who'd be on team Vampire, and finally who'd be on team Werepyre?
note, I’m considering this as less ‘werewolf’ and more ‘general werebeast’ because non-wolf werethings are super cool i my book! hope u dont mind.
Sierra would be Werepyre; vampy vibes and werebeast power! Terezi would want to be a werepyre with dragon transformation, and she IS a vampire already with her rainbow drinker abilities.
Rose Quartz? Vampire. She’s pretty much already a lady of great power! between the other Gems, its split between werebeast (Steven, Amethyst, Jasper), vampire (Peridot, Garnet) and werepyre (Greg, Connie, Lapis, Bismuth).
Grimlock and the Dinobots? Werebeasts. They technically ARE Werebeasts... dinosaur robots that turn itno humanoid robots! So like reverse werebeasts. The Technobots would say the same, because they want to be just like their moms and dads. 
Pharah would be a vampire, as would Symmetra. Mei can’t really make up her mind but thinks werepyre would be appropriate. Orisa would pick werebeast (werelephant, in face) because there is a history of hero werebeasts.
Power Girl would go with werebeast. she’s RATHER pick ‘golem’ as that is more culturally relevant for her, but it wasn’t on the list.
Helen Parr would be vampire; she could totally rock the seductive vampire matraich look!
Wicke would be a werebeast: possibly a Pokemon or werebear. Or were-Bewear.
Tionishia would likely favor a werepyre combo! Best of both worlds!
Jord would go for vampire! Hot vampire mom is a look she could go for.
Hivluk already IS a vampire, so he’d go with that!
mama defleini: werebeast, octopus form of course!
Sekhma: werepyre, possibly like an orca or something. feels right ot her!
Elumai: Vampire. its just too appropriate for her aesthetic!
Pavumi: Werepyre, but likely a very surreal, inhuman sort. Bloodborne-esque wierdness. Its just her vibe!
Odina: if she HAAAAAAAAAAAAS to choose... werebeast. werethings are COOL. Vampires seem sorta rich people and she dont like that.
Lilisheb: Werebeast. they seem cool.
Yatruiga: vampire. they’er all about class and elegance and she is all about that!
Ikiko: Werebeast, most likely. She would like to transform into some kind of beetle.
of particular note is an OC based on my characters from modded up Skyrim, Tamitayo Stormcrown the dovahkiin; she is canonically a werepyre, but with dragony traits in both forms; vampire mode is more like a succubus with dragon vibes, and here werebeast form is a bipedal dragon-monster.
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twitchesandstitches · 6 years
Viscountess Belladonna Parvus
Basic Concept: Recurring bad guy human antagonist, an absolutely useless wanna-be military commander who fancies herself a patriot and is obsessed with beating the heroines, and just will not go away! She is literally the Worst.
Appearance: Imagining herself the greatest beauty of the Imperial Commonwealth, she stands about 5’9, reasonably slender for her height though very fit from a lifetime of active training. Her psychic powers clearly assist with her strength, as her body has telltale glowy bits on her veins; these flare whenever she loses her temper, which is about once every few hours.
She seems made in the image of one of the Commonwealth’s three great founding ur-societies, and are modeled after Victorian England. She wouldn’t be out of place as the heroine of an old novel: so pale that her skin might be made of porcelain, and in fact some of her limbs are made of a material that is like porcelain but suitable for prosthetics. Her blonde hair is so light as to be nearly platinum-colored, and is cut fairly short. She tries to maintain an air of disdainful haughtiness, but she’s too hot blooded to keep it up for long and her mannerisms tend towards the flamboyant.
Parvus likes to wear the latest fashions, or what she assumes is the latest fashions; as she spends much of her time far from high society, she is largely clueless and can come off as an arrogant blowhard to those in the know, and she certainly likes her outfits overdesigned. Even her porcelain prosthetics are ostentatious, inlaid with elaborate gold patterns and clockwork that tunes out her name whenever she enters a room. (This is SUPER annoying.) Everything about her appearance screams ‘PAY ATTENTION TO ME’. In general she has the look of a Disney villainess, but one that isn’t self-aware enough to realize she’s invoking the image.
Backstory: To understand this egomaniacal bundle of pride and obliviousness, you must know that the Imperial Commonwealth is divided into strict social classes; the dregs of society who labor in virtual slavery, a lower class who maintain the day to day works, several other groups who do similar jobs in different capacities, and above them all stand the warrior aristocracy, who operate the military as officers and do every job of any significance. As the Commonwealth is a heavily militaristic one, this means the aristocrats effectively run their society. However, they do little training and simply do as they please, believing that their breeding alone promises them all the competence they require, and laze about.
On the outer parts of the Commonwealth it's a little different, and the aristocracy is expected to perform well and consistently. Viscountess Belladonna Parvus, the crown jewel of a long line of military officers mostly known for their inability to stop killing their own men in political wars, won a prestigious duty in pacifying the frontier. She was excellent at courtly manners, wowing her fellow socialites and otherwise navigating the fraught political difficulties of home, but was absolutely incompetent at actual warfare. She became less liked as she kept wiping out her own armies through extremely bad tactics meant to earn herself glory and a fine reputation, and grew desperate to bolster her career.
Now entered the Endowed Nomad Fleet, and she saw an opportunity in ridding  the multiverse of dangerous mutants and aliens (as she thought it). She attacked them with her entire army, and lost all of them. Many of them were devoured by the hungry MILFs of the fleet and later spat out as tasting too sour, and others defected once they saw the fleet had it pretty good. She herself was apparently killed when a ship fell on her by accident.
Less than a few weeks later, though, she was alive again, in a new cloned body, and seething at this loss ,she sought to avenge herself. She fought them again, and failed. She challenged them again, and failed too.
Since then, she has recklessly pursued them, gathering together the populations of entire worlds and forcing them into service, leaving Commonwealth worlds totally unpopulated, her eyes fixed on the goal of destroying the Endowed Nomad Fleet once and for all, and no matter how many time she has been incinerated, exploded, digested, or point-blank annihilated, she shows up again in a new body, vowing yet MORE revenge.
To this day, they barely remember her name and for some reason that REALLY pisses her off. She attacks them almost constantly, endlessly hunting them down and pausing only to entertain other little rivalries or moments for her to get some glory. The Fleet still tends to interfere for moral reasons, but find her so irrelevant they still don’t realize its her, over and over again.
Personality: Egotistical, arrogant, prideful; if there’s a synonym for ‘smug jerkface’, she fits the bill. A fairly standard member of the Commonwealth aristocracy (and unaware of the irony in the term there), she’s a conceited bundle of social prejudices, anti-intellectual snobbery, obsession with purity and essentialism, and generally being an absolute pain in the neck to everyone around her. She’s so bad, she even goes beyond hating anything that isn’t strictly baseline human to looking down upon the working classes of her homeworlds. A snob of the highest degree, she firmly believes that she is the cream of the crop, and better than everyone else by virtue of her lineage. By definition, every other being in the universe is beneath her, and that she owns everything by default. All things, to her, are hers to take or destroy as she wants.
A bombastic, loud and extremely dramatic personality, she’s used to treating all life as a performance and even seems genuinely unaware that actions have consequences. She doesn’t seem to understand the impact of people dying, and its implied that she views her military failures as test runs to figuring out what works; that her own men die by the thousands just doesn’t seem real to her, or relevant.
While she’s a complete failure as a military officer, this has little impediment to her career; among her society, anyone born to her rank will succeed regardless of their failures, simply because of their social standing. However she constantly worries about that standing falling, a consequence of her time at being a socialite. To her credit, she was a genuinely skilled and cunning master of politics, but that simply doesn’t transfer to the complexities of military work. She is, in the end, someone who thinks that brave charges are the same thing as strategy and that shouting at people will make them surrender. And, apparently, that constantly screaming at robots that they are soulless machines or that aliens are inhuman monsters will make them not squash you into a flat smear.
Incredibly vain, she regards her permanent injuries as honor marks. This is why she retains prosthetics despite being able to have her limbs regrown, as they are a point of pride to her. Ironically, she tends to get extremely angry over tiny wounds to her face, since they’re not too impressive and throw off her fabulous looks. She’s prone to complaining about the oversexed and hypersized attributes of her foes; she’s not jealous at all, she genuinely dislikes them being that big. She’s one of those kind of people who think that being anything besides super skinny and petite is a sign of personal failure.
She is a patriot, but this isn’t a good thing in her case; she is a blindly loyal devotee of her people’s unofficial reverence of the human form, and has a convoluted philosophy mixing social darwinism and romanticism that is tied into her beliefs about human supremacism. Everything she does, she believes, is for humanity. Or at least a very tiny section that she believes counts as human; anyone beneath her extremely specific standards is a sub-human animal fit only to be a tool or to be destroyed.
Species: Human; technically a metahuman, as she is a powerful psyker. This would probably annoy her, too.
Fandom: Original character.
Abilities: She’s actually a pretty skilled combatant one-on-one, making use of a ceremonial power blade to cut through enemies, in conjunction with a style of swordplay incorporating ballet-like movements and extreme agility into a rapid attack. This, combined with her deeply intimate understanding of her society’s rules of high society and political intrigue, has created an assumption by herself and her rivals that she is a cunning and skilful elite.
Her actual military skills, particularly in terms of tactics and logistics, are completely incompetent. She is much like Yatruiga in this respect, but where Yatruiga is oblivious, Parvus is genuinely cruel and indifferent to the suffering she causes, regarding feeding her men to her enemies as a way of making them useful. Perhaps, she fancies, the bloated bellies will slow them down. She is unaware of the digested men being reborn as children, and thus she is expanding their numbers. If she did know, it wouldn’t stop her, because she’s just… not very good at her job like that.
She is a genuinely powerful psyker; she has considerable influence over the minds of organics, and is something of a brain torturer, breaking into minds to force information and take what she wants without caring about the damage she causes. She is more fond of her telekinetic powers, augmenting her sword strikes into flying cuts that open wounds a dozen feet away, or crush enemies beneath nearby rubble. She is very strong psychically, able to go toe to toe with a giantess with her mind powers alone.
Problem is, she’s likely to be killed in a single hit, and she’s so foolhardy she often ends up being accidentally swallowed through sheer incomprehensibly bad foresight. Jumping into an enemies mouth to stab them in the throat, that sort of thing.
She has access to a war idol; the disturbingly realistic tributes to her people’s obsession with the human form. Her’s resembles herself, but on a very large frame and made of delicate-looking porcelain and enough gold to fund a medium-sized country. About seventy feet tall, it amplifies her powers to the point that she can rip hills out of the ground to use as melee weapons. Interestingly enough, it is somewhat hyper curvy, in the hourglass style. No one knows why, it just has done that on its own. Possibly she is becoming affected by the very powers she so disdains?
Relationships: She does not have friends. At all. She might have allies who respect her station, she might have soldiers who revere her as a living embodiment of humanity’s will, but no one who knows her personally likes her very much. She doesn’t care, being too much of a conceited twerp to think about anything but what SHE likes, which is herself. She might have a snarky manservant who mouths off to her, but that’s as close as it gets.
As rivalries go, she has one with the entire Endowed Nomad Fleet, but it's one sided. Despite her forces constantly harassing them for a long time, they barely know who she is and haven’t really made the connection that the human forces constantly pestering them are all led by the same woman, who just will not stay dead. In particular she resents Sierra, whom she sees as an uneducated barbarian who has abandoned her humanity in favor of monstrosity, and is obsessed with defeating her. Sierra has accidentally digested her and otherwise slain her on dozens of occasions, and still has no idea who she is. Her resentment of Sierra existing is largely classist, not just personal.
She and Yatruiga have come into conflict on many occasions, and they have a great resentment for one another; they’re notable for being some of the only military conflict that resulted in complete annihilation on both sides.
She might have something of an Ahab-ish thing for killing Mama Defleini, viewing her as a great and terrible foe to be vanquished on behalf of humanity.
Sekhma considers her an… interesting case study in how terrible a person can be, but the two otherwise have no real interaction. She and Pavumi have met, and Parvus still wakes up sweating at the memory; she has seen Pavumi’s true nature, and was horrified at the unthinkable reality.
In general, she detests all of my OCs on the grounds of… well, because she’s a terribly unpleasant person, really.
Pred Level: Absolute zero. She has no devouring abilities or interest in getting them, and would find the idea gross. She’s kinda boring like that.
Prey Level: Extremely high! She’s so foolhardy she charges right into the mouths of preds, daring them to stop her, and completely fails to realize when she is swallowed up and melted on the spot. She’s apparently super tasty, and many long-time preds seek her out to have another sample of her; pure nastiness has a special flavor, and while its an acquired taste, she is soaked with it. If someone has a predator rating above zero, she is almost certainly destined for their belly.
Relevant Kink Material: She’s a target of predator-types, as mentioned above, but she isn’t so much intended for these things in general as she is an antagonist and source of ‘bad guy of the week’. Someone to be constantly digested, over and over, and pop up again having learned nothing from the experience. She is different from Yatruiga, even though both have ‘incompetent military commander’ as a theme, because she is intended to be an unpleasant monster with zero redeeming features, present solely as someone you really wanted to see get whupped.
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twitchesandstitches · 6 years
Okiko the Fairy Pred
Basic Concept: A tiny insect alien fairy girl with the ability to gulp down anything she can kiss; the ultimate tiny pred girl!
Species: Unnamed insect-like fairy species from an isolated world that has been retroactively called Igbolan; these apex predators are survivors of an ancient cataclysm that reduced their civilization to pre-Stone Age status, but they have rebuilt over the ages and had achieved a technology state on par with the Industrial age, with basic electronics, prior to her leaving the planet.
Height: Approximately six inches tall.
Appearance: Imagine a fairy, the classic image. A tiny humanoid, likely super cute, with a pretty little dress and glittery wings. Now, imagine that… and forget pretty much all of it except the most basic image because she is actually an insect-like being with no apparent connection to the Fae.
She fits the look, admittedly. Her thick and super short stacked body is covered in black chitin that glistens in various colors against the light, with bipedal legs able to support her body and resemble the legs of a grasshopper, but adjusted for biped stance. She is extremely thick, several times wider than she is tall, almost a foot and a half across with sheer curve volume, with massive breasts massing nearly as much as her entire body (and producing a sweet sugary substance), and a equally massive butt. She has a belly big and plump enough that it stretches past her chitin, a lighter color than the rest of her.
Her face is cute, with multiple eyes, and extremely large, luscious lips that dominate her face and make up the bulk of her sensory organs. Do not let her kiss you. It’s a bad idea. While she has no hair, a cluster of antenna around a primary pair gives something like hair.
She has not just one pair of wings, but dozens, perhaps over a hundred or something in between there; they grow in many rows from the back of her head all the way down to her chins, each set larger than her and beating furiously with a helicopter effect. These wings are beautiful and glittering, shining gorgeously, and resemble stained glass. They also give her an impressive turn of speed.
She’s become something of a fashionista and likes to wear random objects as clothing; scraps of flat as a sash, bottle caps for boob covers, or ‘clothing’ herself in stolen jewelry. Her chitin is no less decorated, painted in vibrant and beautiful patterns that might make a biologist reminded of venomous animals that have bright colors to warn predators of the danger.
Backstory: Originally from a very obscure world forgotten by surrounding systems, her people lived in peace and tranquility as they recovered, tending to their jungle and delicately maintaining it, harvesting it and feasting upon every single thing that lived in it the instant they felt even slightly peckish. These fairies possess the unusual power of swallowing whole anything they can press their mouths to, instantly gulping it down into their infinitely expanding bellies. A natural glutton, Ikiko was content with this to the day she saw the sky come down.
A ship crashed, carrying a traveler from across the stars who rampaged through the jungle in a hissy fit, only stopped with Ikiko swallowed her whole in self defense. This invader, Yatruiga, was brought back to her village and in her recovery over the years, told the people there about how things had changed in the multiverse over the ages. Ikiko was entranced, eager to see the galaxy, and incidentally wanted to sample all the delicious two-leggers walking about up there!
Since then she’s become Yatruiga’s best friend and rival, acting as something of a calming influence on the cantankerous warmonger.
Personality: Take a magpie, make it sapient, and set it loose on a multiverse where everything is VERY INTERESTING and new; you have the basis of Ikiko! She’s a deeply inquisitive, massively curious and impulsive gal, with all the self control of a crow that’s been tossed into a shiny thing factory.
She’s even prone to stealing random things, on the basis of ‘i want it, therefore it is mine’, and places where she goes tends to have random things vanish, and show up again on her person or in her various hidey holes.
She’s not a bad person, nor is she cruel. Her recklessness means that she really doesn’t think things through, which is ironic considering that she is the calming voice of moderation between her and Yatruiga. The distinction between them is that Ikiko rushes into things after she takes time to consider them, and while she is bad at consequences, she simply doesn’t have a ‘stop now maybe’ button.
One of her faults is that she’s still hazy on the distinction between ‘animal’ and ‘being’. She will happily gobble up humans, orcs and anything else in a single swallow as she would a rampaging monster or livestock, without any second thoughts or hesitation. Her people were the only sapients on her homeworld, and their outlook on the world has lead her to view other beings as ‘animals that can talk’; people, yes, but not fundamentally different. She eats animals, so why not the ones who talk?
A glutton and gourmand, she regards her travels across the multiverse as an excuse to snack on everything, and she intends to sample at least one of every being in the cosmos, and this suggests a more hedonistic aspect of her personality in general. She wants to enjoy life, and doesn’t care much about success or personal ambition. She even has rather cynical outlooks on ambition as a concept, deeming it a zero sum game that’s just wasting time when you could be having fun.
She is also very practical and pragmatic, with no real room for sentimentality. When she sees a jungle burning down, she thinks of the ecological devastation and problems this will pose for the inhabitants, but she won’t cry for the despoling of nature, because she wouldn’t understand or care about what that even means. This somewhat grim outlook explains a lot of how she thinks.
However you may not realize this at first glance. She is very bubbly, excitable and friendly, with a somewhat airheaded way of talking (“OH MAH GOSH YOU GUYS! CHECK THIS THING I FOUND OUT! ISN’T THIS SHINY JUST THE SPARKLIEST!?”) all full of exclaimations, run-on sentences and overflowing excitement at everything, forever. Her default mood is just immense pep!
Fandom: Original character! Her influence maps to general notions of fairies as ‘not nice, but not malicious’ archetypes, and she is heavily inspired by the original incarnation of Tinkerbell from the first Peter Pan novel.
Abilities: As a fairy, she can fly extremely fast and far, so much that she moves around like a rocket, and is ludicrously hard to pin down. She is also much stronger than her size indicates; she is weaker than a human or even a goblin would be, but she can pick up and carry large objects without much problem, and her strength increases for a short time whenever she eats, getting stronger the more she has eaten.
She’s very durable as well, about equivalent to her strength. You couldn’t stomp her, but you might be able to crush her, but that’s still a very bad idea.
For all fairies like her have the ability to swallow whole anything their lips touch, instantly sucking down the entire prey. Size doesn't matter; she has eaten things as big as humans, cars, small buildings, elephants, kaiju, giant robots and even bigger, without any problem. Her stomach will expand to fit anything she swallows. In theory she could gobble up a city, if only she thought to try it, and anything in her stomach will be digested, with the exception of tough metals and minerals. Gems would be in no fear of her, for example, and Transformers would probably find this a mild inconvenience, but to organics, it is certain doom. Digestion will happen almost instantly, and she experiences digestion as another part of the tasting process.
She will devour anyone, anything, any time, and with the emotional awareness of a flytrap grabbing its latest victim. At this point it's an automatic reflex.
While she has yet to acquire a multiverse standard education, she is learning fast, and may even be gaining the knowledge of those she consumes, or at least believes she is. In any case she has amassed a respectable amount of technical knowledge and is doing her best to learn more. However she thinks she is a lot more skilled or knowledgeable than she actually is.
Relationships: She has a wide variety of friendships and makes friends easily. She might tend to instantly gobble them up the instant she decides they look tasty, or to examine them more intimately, but she genuinely likes people… and not just in the ‘you’re delicious’ sense. Accordingly, she will quickly befriend people with ease.
She gets along well with the MILF Fleet, finding kindred spirits with them. She really doesn’t get their concerns with morality, and can find them self-righteous to her pragmatic views. Still, they’re nice ladies… but she’s worried about eating them. They seem like they might bite back.
She would probably join the Cobalts if she wasn’t already tied up with Yatruiga, relishing their carefree attitudes towards life and indifference to collateral damage. As it is, she has accepted a freelancer status with them, doing small missions on their behalf in exchange for some loot and prestige in their ranks.
Yatruiga is her closest friend and rival, the two of them constantly competing to outdo one another and denying that they really like one another. Yet at the end of the day, Ikiko knows that she is Yatruiga’s only real friend, and sticks to her in order to take care of the big goohead. Additionally, Yatruiga is very powerful and can protect Ikiko, so there is an element of self-defense involved. The two of them are growing inseparable, even just in a ‘those two people in the background making funny comments’ way.
Pred Level: Extremely high. She will eat anyone and anything, and she will eat them at any time without a second thought or awareness of timing. She’s not a random eater, and regards it as fine dining; she likes exotic, interesting meals, not random fare she could anywhere! She loves fighting monsters for this reason, since they are all unique and totally interesting wonders. Horrible murderous brutes and abominations, but tasty ones. Note that her rating is partly due for how easy it is for her to eat someone; all she has to do is lock her lips around them, suck, and they area inside her stomach and already digesting. Due to her extreme speed, agility and small size, this makes her terrifyingly effective at devouring, though once she eats enough, she is effectively immobilized and can no longer consume unless they are foolish enough to touch her lips.
Prey Level: Fairly low. Her sheer voracity and the ease she can consume others makes actually consuming her extremely hard and pointless. To be in a position where you can swallow her, you have to be close enough for her to swallow you, and she’ll have an easier time of it. She can be eaten and has no special options, but it is very hard to see how it could happen.
Relevant Kink Material: Extreme size difference (she’s the tiny), shortstack, hyper proportions, vore (soft vore, predator), xeno monster girls.
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twitchesandstitches · 6 years
Is Ikiko and official OC now?
Yep! I got a couple of OC posts for her and Yatruiga coming up, too, so you have more info on them both.
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