#yazuha x reader
airbendertendou · 2 years
s/o w a non-sexual oral fixation ♥︎ [including mikey, draken, yuzuha & senju]
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MIKEY ♥︎ tbh i can see him being the same ♥︎ he always needs something sweet in his mouth if he isnt talking ♥︎ has gotten into the habit of bringing your favorite candy with him everywhere! ♥︎ if you’re like me n chew on things you shouldnt [cuticles n lip skin] he notices n yanks your hand away from your mouth to put a piece of candy in there  ♥︎ has mitsuya n draken carry your fave candies too! ♥︎ no one in toman allows anyone to say anything mean to you abt your habits <3 [baji has put someone in the hospital before when they called you a baby for sucking on a lollipop ♥︎]
DRAKEN ♥︎ has literally dealt w this before bc of mikey lmao ♥︎ always holding your hand so you cant mindlessly chew on it!  ♥︎ someone once made a lil sexual ““joke”“ abt your habit n they were on the ground before you could even blink ♥︎ you literally were jus saring down at them w this giant seething half-bald guy behind you menacingly  ♥︎ knows to keep your mouth busy when you’re bored or not talking ♥︎ has helped you out so much ):  ♥︎ i also grind my teeth all the time so i can see him like squeezing your cheeks until you stop or else your jaw will b sore
YAZUHA ♥︎ challenges you to eat spicy food w her stinky older brother ♥︎ you win bc taiju sucks <3 n you get a kiss on the cheek from her so win, win! ♥︎ has bought you so many different brands / flavors of lip balm to stop your teeth from ruining your lips  ♥︎ tries new lollipop flavors before giving them to you bc her fave must b the one you like more ♥︎ also paints your nails if you bite them! nail polish does not taste nice, youve discovered ♥︎ made hakkai start carrying around some lil treats for you when you come around n she isnt home <3
SENJU ♥︎ makes you drink ice cold water before shoving mint gum in your mouth ):< ♥︎ says its to stop you from self destructive chewing but tbh jus wanted to laugh at you! ♥︎ also chews on candy when her mind is elsewhere ♥︎ gave you personal permission to steal wakasa’s lollipops <3 [he buys you both your own bag off-handedly but you can see him watching you fondly ):] ♥︎ takeomi now has to watch after the two of you n hes got such a headache lmao ♥︎ has choked on a piece of gum mid-fight before so she makes sure you always spit it out n take precautions 
i know this wasnt properly written out but i hope its okay! i also took an oral stimming route on this lmao thank you for your request ♥︎ 
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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melovelydove · 1 year
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Tenjiku x male reader x Toman part 7
Part 6 🌸 current 🌸 part 8
It had been two days of fending off alphas and Shinichiro was ready to throw in the towel when he heard it.
Emma had arrived.
The eldest sibling smiled and felt his body relax slightly, thankfully (name)s heat has subsided considerably to the point he was coherent and he could comfortably leave his sister to deal with the hooligans. The brothers looked on in horror as Emma walked with her two mates, elegant robes and delicately styled hair, pins in it making it look like a waterfall of flowers.
Yazuha and Senju beside her in less frivolous clothes, Senju in a more millantant approach and Yazuha simply preferring simple tastes "you two idiots have been harassing a poor Omega?! Thank goodness Shin kept him away or you guys would kill him!" She chewed them out and no one dare argue with the blond omega who was currently giving the two most feared demons absolute hell on the front steps to Shinichiro's estate, said beta checking in on poor (name).
The three pups perked their little heads up as they smelt the air, takemichi doing a little dance in excitement as he balanced on (name)s knee "Emma!" Koko chewed on his knuckles happily and (name) looked confused "Emma?" He asked softly and the tots smiled "she's our aunty!" And (name) nodded in understanding "can we go say hi?!" Takemichi asked loudly and excitedly and (name) was contemplating, the door suddenly opening with three knocks "not without this... Emma brought it" Shinichiro said kindly and (name) snapped his head up to see a collar with inscriptions all around it "it's one that demons can't snap like thread, it has spells written on it so if one tries to break it... It will cause them harm" he explained and (name) smiled "why don't you three go play and see aunt Emma while I help (name), alright?"
The tots ran off and the black haired demon smiled at them "my... My apologies for kidnapping your pups" (name) said genuinely apologetic and Shinichiro laughed "don't worry about it, an omegas touch is what those roudy pups need" he joked and gently helped (name) put it on, gentle but callused hands touching his skin "I'm also sorry that they dragged you into this, I'm sure "protecting an Omega from a bunch of alphas" wasn't even remotely on your to-do list..."
Shinichiro liked (name), not in a romantic way but... He was good company, hard working and despite it all genuinely did care.
Those idiots didn't deserve him truly.
"Well, I had a few outfits made for you to wear" Shinichiro stepped out and returned with a few boxes "no doubt you wouldn't want to wear the ones previously as those idiots scented it to death"
(Name) felt his eyes water up, never experiencing such kindness from someone who didn't want something back--- hell he wasn't even mad (name) scented his pups!
Never had he experienced this kindness from his village.
"T-thank you..." He managed to choke out between tears and shinichiro held him close, the demon understanding he had gone through great struggles and his brothers clans were absolutely not helping.
By time Emma finished tearing everyone a new asshole, the sun was high in the sky "now... Let me meet him"
Most omegas wouldn't dare speak to alphas like that but Emma was the one entity in this universe that her brothers and by proxy their clans didn't fuck with, parting way for her as she walked in the direction of the Omega "Aunt Emma!" Three little voices chimed out and the blonde smiled at the itty bitty pups "my my~ aren't you three growing like weeds" Senju teased and Yazuha smiled as little Inupi asked to be held silently, lifting the boy "come meet our friend! He's a little weird but he and papa are friends!"
The trio let them lead them through the grand palace Emma grew up in, talking about how "silly " their uncles were and the new game they invented "papa! Aunt Emma is heeere!" Takemichi said happily and Shinchiro smiled as the three women looked at the crying Omega "those idiot's..." Yazuha was tempted to go back out there and lay havoc upon them but held back knowing it would make her beloved Omega upset.
"Truly barbaric" senju shook her head "(name), this is my youngest sibling Emma and her mates" (name) felt at ease with another Omega, he didn't know why he felt so safe but he did and Emma offered him a reassuring smile "I'm so sorry about my brother's, they're idiots" she knew he wouldn't be able to just walk away but comfort is something someone needed especially at times like this.
Emma helped (name) get ready, Senju making him laugh and Yazuha spoke of their trip as the pups wandered off to go play.
(Name) sighed when he was finally left alone in the evening and sat in the gardens to breathe, parts of each clan having to return to tend to things needed.
He heard whispers of some moon, the demons tense as they spoke.
He hoped all would be well.
Mikey was antsy, watching (name) from a distance.
He didn't like his Omega being out of his line of sight for long, especially with threats and whispers in the air. The moon was high when he noticed (name) had fallen asleep on a stone bench in the gardens and decided to bring him back to his room, lifting him and cradling him close "Hmm?" (Name) mumbled glancing sleepily to the blond "don't worry... Go back to sleep" he said softly and (name) subconsciously snuggled in his chest and the smell of matcha and chocolate filled his senses.
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stffed · 2 years
benefits - taiju siba x male reader
warnings: mentions of abuse and gangs/gang involvement
a/n: inspired by @reallyromealone​ recent taiju post (the link no longer works but i belive it was called amends). i like this man, okay. and think of this as a mini-return but no promises
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being the boyfriend of a big scary gang leader like taiju shiba certainly did have it’s benefits: you practically had your own private army because taiju wanted you to be safe at all times; you didn’t have to worry about not having enough money for anything since taiju basically showered you in money every other day; and he gave the best hugs. it was like being in the grasp of a big grizzly bear and just as lethal (except he would never hurt you).
and being taiju shiba’s boyfriend did have some other benefits.
“i swear, if hakkai tells me that you’ve done something bad to yazuha then you better pray that they find your body, shiba.”
you brushed past taiju and entered the shiba household. hakkai had sent you a message saying that taiju was harassing them and their friend on the way home. of course, you knowing your boyfriend’s behaviour and attitude assumed the worst and rushed over.
hakkai and yazuha were sat in the living room with a blonde boy you had never seen before. you knelt down in front of yazuha, cupped her face and checked to see if there were any cuts or bruises on her face.
“are you alright? he didn’t hurt you, did he?” you asked, being as gentle as possible.
“no, no, i’m fine,” she said. she pried your hands away from her face. “he was just being mean.”
taiju stood in the doorway, grimace on his face. he didn’t say anything and just watched you and his siblings. if it were in any other situation then his heart would’ve warmed up watching you interact with his family. but it wasn’t, so his heart was filled with dread.
you stood up and turned your attention to your boyfriend. “you, mister, have some explaining to do.”
you dragged him away from the trio and proceeded to chew him out in the kitchen. taiju just stood and listened to your rant, head lowered. he knew he shouldn’t have done what he did because you would end up finding out eventually, but it was for the sake of the gang. a rival gang member was on his territory and he needed to keep up his reputation. however, if he knew that this would make him end up on your bad side then he wouldn’t have done it. he loved you too much and making you angry hurt him.
“baby, i’m sorry,” said taiju. “i didn’t mean to hurt them.”
“but you still did it.” you crossed your arms and looked down at him. he grit his teeth and his hands balled into fists. just hearing the disappointment in your voice made him want to hug you.
a sigh left your lips. no amount of chewing him out would change the fact that what he did had already happened.
“just,” you stepped closer to him. “just don’t do it again.”
you wrapped your arms around him and gave him a quick kiss. taiju hugged you back, pulling you into another kiss. when you tried to move away from him, he held on to you tighter.
“don’t think you’re getting away,” he said. his face broke out into a grin. “i’ve not seen you in days and i’m letting you get away from me now.”
being taiju’s boyfriend did have it’s downsides as well. such as now, where you couldn’t escape from his unrelenting affection.
but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
hii! you could do a “Taiju x male reader” idk like Taiju is the super jealous and protective type of guy😭🫶🏻
Anything for Taiju! I've said this before and I'll say it again, Taiju is one of my favorite male characters of Tokyo Revengers. So I hope you enjoy this fic cause I know I did lol
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(Name) giggled as Taiju picked him up and spun around. "Tai! Put me down!" Taiju just smiled and replied with a short no. They were having a picnic at their favorite park. The black dragon members were spread out surrounding the park in case something were to happen. Especially since apparently (Name)'s ex had be released from jail.
(Name) was honestly worried about leaving the house, when he was informed that (Ex Name) had been released. Especially with how they ended. Which was with Taiju pretty much beating his face in. He was (Name)'s night in red armor. Considering he was in his Leader uniform.
Taiju and (Name) were just goofing around having fun. (Name) was currently thrown over Taiju's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He laughed each time Taiju pretended to drop him. The gang members smiled at the couple. It was thanks to (Name) that their leader had changed for the better. Taiju's anger had calmed tremendously and he wasn't as violent.
Though the most thankful was Hakkai and Yazuha. They literally cried when Taiju introduced them to (Name). (Name) loved the two younger Shiba siblings. Explaining how he was an only child and always wanted siblings. Everything was going great and everyone was smiling.
"Hey Babe? Can you let me down I need to use the bathroom. Like really bad. I guess I shouldn't have let Hakkai convince me to have that Lemonade drinking contest." Taiju let him down and gave him a short kiss. "Alright you remember where the bathroom is?" (Name) nodded and quickly jogged to the bathroom.
Which was actually quite a bit away from where they were. After doing his business and washing his hands. (Name) left the bathroom and immediately got lost. He huffed looking around and luckily found Inui. Before he could call out to him, he felt a hang grabs wrist. Hard. (Name) turned and paled when he released who it was. It was (Ex Name).
He tried pulling away but wasn't strong enough. He was dragged away from Inui who had taken notice on what was happening. He quickly pulled out his phone and called Taiju who had been looking for (Name). When he was informed on what was going on he immediately ran off. Looking everywhere for (Name).
When he saw them again he saw Inui was standing over a crouched (Ex Name). While (Name) was hiding behind Kokonoi. Now Taiju was glad (Name) was okay. He was just upset how (Name) was surrounded by other men. He quickly made his way over and checked on (Name). Trying to find any injuries.
When he saw how swollen his wrist was he didn't hesitate to stomp on (Ex Name)'s back. "How." He stomped. "Dare." Stomped again. "You." He stomped harder. "Touch Him!" Taiju punches him as hard as he could. (Name) quickly clung to Taiju trying to calm him down. "Tai! Taiju! I'm okay! Koko and Inupi saved me before anything could happen!"
Taiju slowly stood up and picked (Name) up princess style. Making the smaller male squeak. Taiju would've found it adorable I'd the situation was better. "Koko. Inui. You two know what to do." The two males nodded and grabbed the unconscious body and dragged it away from the couple.
Taiju kissed (Name)'s head and started heading back to their blanket. "You know. I'm glad my gang is so protective of you. But I hate how close they are with you." (Name) chuckled and kisses Taiju. "Your the most jealous man I'm around I swear." Taiju stopped and stared at (Name). "You hang around other men?" (Name) face-palmed.
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h4itani-4ddict · 1 year
Hey theree
Could I request Taiju x fem reader who is Yazuha's best friend. Yazuha called reader to her house but than black dragkns were there and didn't let reader to come in and than she met Taiju and Yazuha saw it on window and got scared and went to them and told Taiju it's her friend. After a few days reader came to Yazuha's house again amd Taiju told her that she is not home and she is like im not here for her
Serependity [Taiju x Fem!Reader]
Pairing: Taiju Shiba (Tokyo Revengers) x female! reader
Genre: Fluff / SFW
TW: i dont think there’s any but lmk if yes
WC: 620
As Y/N approached Yuzuha's home, anticipation mingled with the excitement of a long-awaited reunion. However, their excitement was abruptly halted by the presence of a notorious group—the Black Dragons. Their menacing aura filled the air, and they stood as barriers between Y/N and the familiar doorstep.
Confusion and concern consumed Y/N as she tried to make sense of the situation. But just as panic began to set in, a reassuring voice pierced through the tension. "Hey, what's going on here?" it called out.
Y/N's gaze shifted, landing upon a figure that exuded strength and compassion. It was Taiju, a name she had heard from Yuzuha but had never met in person. His presence alone sparked a sense of comfort and assurance within her.
Through the window, Yuzuha witnessed the unfolding scene, her heart pounding with fear. She rushed towards Y/N and Taiju, her voice trembling with anxiety. "Taiju, it's okay. She's my friend," she stuttered, hoping her words would diffuse the mounting tension.
Taiju frowned as his gaze met Y/N's. Reassured by Yuzuha's proclamation, he sigh and said. "Ah, I see. Sorry for the misunderstanding." he said, his voice laced with a reassuring tone.
Days passed, and Y/N found herself returning to Yuzuha's house, her mind still replaying the chance encounter with Taiju. It was during this visit that Taiju approached her, a gentle smile tugging at Y/N’s features. "Yuzuha isn't home right now," he announced, his eyes meeting hers. "But don't worry, I'm not here just for her. We can hang out together." The young woman answered him.
Surprised yet intrigued, Y/N couldn't help but return Taiju's smile. "That sounds great," he replied, a flicker of excitement dancing in her eyes. "I didn't come here just for her either."
The hours slipped away effortlessly as Y/N and Taiju shared laughter, stories, and the discovery of shared interests. Taiju's infectious optimism and unwavering support left an indelible mark on Y/N's heart. In his presence, she felt understood, valued, and a sense of belonging that had eluded her before.
As the sun began its descent, casting a warm, golden hue upon the world, Yuzuha returned home, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of her best friend and Taiju engaged in deep conversation. Overwhelmed by happiness, she approached the duo, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and joy.
"I knew you two would hit it off! It's incredible to see my best friend and the person who means so much to me becoming friends too," Yuzuha exclaimed, her eyes shimmering with genuine happiness.
Y/N and Taiju exchanged a knowing glance, their connection deepening with each passing moment. They could feel the warmth of an unspoken bond blossoming between them—a connection built on trust, understanding, and the joy of shared experiences.
In the midst of their conversations and stolen glances, Y/N and Taiju discovered that their feelings for one another went beyond friendship. A gentle yet powerful affection began to take root, intertwining their hearts in an enchanting dance.
Several weeks had passed since Y/N and Taiju had forged a deep connection, spending countless hours together and nurturing their blossoming affection. They shared adventures, laughter, and the joy of discovering new aspects of one another.
However, their path wasn't without challenges. One evening, a confrontation with a local gang unfolded, leaving Taiju injured and shaken. Determined to find solace and seek comfort in Y/N's presence, he mustered all his strength and made his way to her house on his bike.
As Y/N opened the door, she was taken aback by the sight of Taiju, bruised but determined. Concern etched on her face, she invited him inside. Without uttering a word, Taiju gestured towards his bike, silently implying that they should embark on a ride, just as Yuzuha had once advised.
Understanding his unspoken intentions, Y/N nodded, her heart filled with a mix of worry and anticipation. She hopped onto the bike, holding onto Taiju tightly, their hands intertwining as they set off into the night.
The wind rushed past them as they rode through the dimly lit streets, the rhythmic motion of the bike echoing their intertwined emotions. As they continued, their worries and the chaos of the outside world began to fade, leaving only the two of them and the pulsating connection they shared.
Finally, Taiju brought the bike to a gentle stop in a secluded spot under a canopy of twinkling stars. They dismounted, their eyes locked, filled with unspoken words and emotions. In that moment, Taiju mustered the courage to lean in and press his lips against Y/N's, pouring all his love into that kiss.
The world seemed to stand still as their lips met, a crescendo of emotions surging through their bodies. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, conveying their deep affection, desire, and the unspoken confession that had been held within their hearts.
As they pulled back, their eyes met once again, and Taiju's voice trembled with raw emotion. "Y/N, I can't deny my feelings any longer. You mean the world to me. I love you," he confessed, his voice filled with vulnerability and sincerity.
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes, her heart overflowing with love and joy. She reached out to cup Taiju's face, her voice barely above a whisper. "Taiju, I love you too, with all my heart. You've become the missing piece of my life, and I can't imagine a future without you," she declared, her voice filled with unwavering certainty.
In that magical moment, the weight of their unspoken emotions lifted, replaced by a newfound bond that would guide them through life's challenges. With their love declared, Y/N and Taiju embraced, sealing their commitment to each other.
From that day forward, their journey continued, hand in hand, navigating the bustling chaos of life together. Their love grew deeper, their shared moments sweeter, and their hearts forever intertwined.
And so, under the moonlit sky, amidst laughter and whispered promises, Y/N and Taiju embarked on a lifelong adventure, embracing the pure and enduring love they had discovered in each other.
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I’m not sure if it fit Taiju’s personality but I did my best I hope you liked it :) And I’m really sorry I took too much time to do it but I hadn’t wifi
masterlist - requests
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signalpocalypse · 7 months
May I request Yuzuha Shiba x m!reader fluff? Perhaps, if you would want, add how her brothers would feel about it?
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⋆゚⊹ ꒰ა𖤍໒꒱ [AMAB!Reader ♡ Yuzuha Shiba ノ sweet-fluff ノ Slight violence ノ Swearing ノ mentions of abuse ノ light angst ノ Taiju ]
Featured: Hinata, Takemichi & Mitsuya. Enjoy your read
Not proof read
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𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 𝗦𝗜𝗡𝗖𝗘 Yazuha and (Name) had started their relationship she had been rather cautions on where they went, especially if it had been anywhere near Black Dragon or any places she saw her brothers. She never allowed you over after stating: ❝Her brothers were insufferable❞ which was understandable. Although you weren't allowed to her residence you always brought her to yours.
You knew everything about Yazuha from her family history to her everyday schedule, well you only knew the lies she told you. Yazuha grew a negative habit of telling you lies about her family. Ever since she started dating before and warned her past significant others about her brothers they'd run away and wouldn't return, thus she never informed you of the truth.
The two of you met through Takemichi during bowling, you were beating this ass without hesitation and Yazuha and Hinata just happened to show up. You noticed that Yazuha had a one-sided crush on Takemichi which was bad since he was dating Hinata but hey! No one has to know right? But in the end it upset you since you grew to like Yazuha.
Takemichi eventually tried helping you get the woman of your dreams with and without Hinata. You two of you thought if Hina knew about this crush it would end badly so you two would take Hinata on specific times and give her specific missions. After countless amounts of failures and even slight successes Yazuha finally noticed you and decided to put her crush aside and give you a chance.
Currently you and Yazuha were having Ice cream together, Yazuha wanted to share but she knew you'd eat it all so she just ordered for herself and you two desired different flavors anyway. The two joked and laughed like school girls enjoying their dates together. It was always like this, Yazuha would always give ways to make you smile and never have you regret falling for her.
You always tried doing the same without a doubt yet she beat you too it every time. You played with Yazuha's right after you finished your Ice cream and put her hair in a bun in which you got a kiss in return. You'd be lying if you said Yazuha wasn't placed in the center of your heart. Caring endlessly for her and her abilities to protect herself. Yes, you were aware of Yazuha's skills but being a worry, supportive boyfriend was one of her favorite things about her significant other.
But all good times have a price. Yazuha knew that Taiju was out with Black Dragon and Hakkai was home with Mitsuya. Giving you a look you knew a little too well as she sighed. ❝I'm allowing you to meet one, one of my brothers and that's it. Got it?❞ Though you were equally surprised, excited and disappointed you nodded in which Yazuha prayed Taiju would come home late. Once you two arrived at the Shiba residence you couldn't home but wonder what this Hakkai looked like. You practically begged Yazuha to show you pictures which she declined to saying ❝It's a surprise.❞ You mentally prepared yourself which Yazuha brought you inside. Her home looked normal, like a normal family residence.
Entering a specific room too see two men, one with lavender hair and the other blue hair. You didn't understand who was the two which none of them had Yazuha's hair to which she explained the lavender boy was Mitsuya and the other was her actually brother Hakkai. Yazuha wasn't surprised too see that you three got along well, Hakkai didn't necessarily trust you first meeting, but he could see how much you loved Yazuha so he warmed up too you which made you question why she wouldn't let you meet Hakkai. You were surprised at how tall he was and that Hakkai was actually Yazuha's younger brother.. Yazuha being 16 and Hakkai 14 which came as a surprise but out over it.
Soon enough Mitsuya took his leave and wishes you all the best of luck, in which Yazuha gave him a certain look while Hakkai looked nervous. It honestly didn't bother you but also had you curious on Yazuha's older brother, was he THAT bad? (yes)
Well you were about to find out, it came as a surprise when Taiju unexpected showed up. Since Yazuha and Hakkai panicked they instantly shoved you somewhere and told you to stay there, questions asked later, patted your cheek and kept you there. You were concerned when you heard arguing but you knew better than to come out. Only god knew how scared you were when you heard footsteps that weren't Yazuha's nor Hakkai's coming towards you. Since she shoved you in the closet you grabbed some clothes and hid in the darkest space in the closet curling into a tight ball while keeping yourself calm.
The closet door burst open but nothing happened, you just kept yourself calm and didn't move a muscle. That was 'till you were suddenly grabbed and thrown through basically the whole room. A strong man who looked quite unstable looked at you in dissatisfaction and disgust. Now you completely understood why you were hidden and forbidden from coming here. Before that man could get any closer to you Hakkai blocked you while Yazuha checked if you were okay. You were in good shape with just a headache and back pain. You didn't even question Yazuha, although it was clear that she was perfectly fine you checked her as well.
After you two checked one another and Yazuha got both her brothers out you were finally told the truth. Really the whole thing had you in disbelief and anger, what brother abuses his own siblings? Especially if they're younger! It wasn't fair how you couldn't really do much but you most definitely weren't going to allow Yazuha to be in the face of danger. You fell in love with Yazuha for a reason. Her strong and interesting older brother who didn't even look like a sixteen old wasn't going to stop you.
Since everything had seemed to calm down Yazuha with no hesitation decided you aren't meeting Taiju unless death was your way in life. Letting you out through her window which she thought was a bad idea which you were already slightly wounded she didn't have much a choice. Yazuha promised that you were never meeting Taiju no matter if he changed or not, Yazuha would hate to see you hurt therefore.. You. Are. Never. Meeting. Him.
But hey, at least who of her brothers won't throw you across her room and you can meet him whenever you so please.. as long as nor Taiju or Black Dragon are around.
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I rushed this ngl, but I had to get something out. Honestly I don't really feel good (sick? 🤨) but like I'll try to push through (probably not) and get these requests and that fanfiction done.
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airbendertendou · 2 years
yazuha + vampire + "do not eat that." I can just imagine reader found something from the supernatural world that looks tasty, and Yazuha having to say that to them or smh like that 💀
since meeting your girlfriend, you’d been introduced to the supernatural world. seeing faeries babble with birds ; asking witches to brew you a home remedy for a cold ; it was all becoming familiar to you.
squinting, yazuha yawns as she walks up to you. the sun had just set — meaning, the typical day was over while hers was just starting. greeting you with a kiss to the cheek, yazuha watches you stir the muffin batter you’d made. “did you get into mitsuya’s herb stash again? smells weird.”
“mm, nope,” you reply. laying her head on your shoulder, yazuha continues to peer down at the batter you’d made. she could see sprinkles of chocolate chips ; could see the specks of cinnamon mixed in. “jus’ found something in here to add in! it looked tasty, so—“
“darling… what did i say about adding random ingredients to our food?”
you deflate, rolling your eyes as you slouch against her. letting out a huff, you release the spoon you held to cross your arms. “i know you said not to be tempted, but this one was so purple and so glittery!”
yazuha’s eyes widen at your words before she speeds to her mythical cabinet. there, a navy blue container is empty — that container should never be touched. turning, she sees your batter-dipped finger inches from your mouth.
“do not eat that!” yazuha speeds back to you, gripping your wrist lightly as she leads your hand to the faucet. once your hand was clean, she lets out a breath of relief. “i’m immortal, yet you’re going to send me to an early grave! that’s enchanted nightshade, my love.”
you pout at her as she dumps the rest of the batter into the trash can. “no muffins, then? drat. ):<“
really had no idea how to make it seem like reader was annoyed so 😭 request yours here | read more
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Can I request taiju being a good big bro to the shiba youngest brother reader? Ik he was being an abusive big bro but he’s making amends now like teaching you ride a motorbike or teach you self defense or treating you some ramen. Some fluffy taiju pls
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After almost six months we have a taiju request lol
Taiju knew he was a terrible brother, he did a lot of horrible things to his siblings that he couldn't take back.
(Name) was only a baby when Taiju had the church fight, the boy now six years old in Merry 2010 as he sat at a table in the back of Taijus restaurant while kicking his little feet and mouth full of food as he watched his eldest brother cool food for customers.
Today was bring your kid to school day and since the Shiba siblings didn't have parents and Hakkai along with Yazuha were out of country for a fashion show it was up to big brother Taiju to take him to work.
"You wanna learn how to make (food)?" Taiju asked his little brother who looked at him starry eyed and nodded, the child barely reaching his knee as he reached up for him to pick him up and Taiju gladly did as he took him towards a clean counter and began teaching his kid to make food, the lunch rush now dwindling to a few customers.
"And that's how we make it" Taiju said in his usually gruffness but couldn't hide the small smile as (name) looked at the meal in awe and the two brothers packed it up for dinner tonight "ready to head home bud?"
"We goin' o-on bike?"
"Well there's no other way is there?"
Taiju practically strapped the small boy to him as they drove off, making a pit stop to a bakery and letting little (name) pick out (dessert or pastry) before going home.
(Name) sat in his big brothers lap as they watched shows, the small boy fixated lately in watching DateLine and Taiju would be lying if he wasn't slightly disturbed at his baby brother.
But at least he knew what to avoid.
Tucking (name) into bed, Taiju read him a story that was totally not the story of the garden of eden, (name) not really getting it as he knew was to much about animals and kept asking why they weren't eating each other but eventually the boy fell asleep.
Taiju smiled down at his baby brother, the small boy cuddling his teddy in his little racecar bed.
He regrets never being a good brother for the other two but he hoped he could be a good brother for (name).
Woops misposted lol
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