#ye olde goth bf and prep bf
Stede and Ed are a fem 4 fem couple and that fact drives Izzy insane
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I wanted to request the “OC dressed by other OC” things but you’ve got so many!!! And they’re all so cool!! Would you mind saying what some of your favourite ones’ styles are (i.e. mod, psychedelic, hippie, glam, etc.)?
Love your art❤️
oh I am always up to talk about my characters and thank you for sending this!! I appreciate these sorta things because it’s a nice message AND I get to talk about my characters which helps me actually figure them out lmao
and I know you’re asking for my favourites but that is subject to change and I want to talk about all of them. and I’m not entirely sure exactly what styles of dress they each come under but I’ll use the terms where I see fit, and I’ll just. ramble about their individual dress styles. that’s the same thing right!
this is gonna be long (spoiler alert: IT IS) so to keep things short for those who don’t want to scroll through a mile long post, I’ll put it under the cut
so I’m gonna start with the starstrucks because they ARE my like. main characters. I am planning something with them which is in its very early stages of development but I’m hoping that when things around me settle down I can work on it a bit better than what I have (but I procrastinate the things I WANT to do so we’ll see. feel free to nag me about it though)
roger claire: considering he’s like. the main-main character (not intended, that was meant to be snowy but HERE WE ARE) his outfits and style of dress changes a lot but also it’s not that creative for a lot of it. at the start he wears more mod clothing, but he’s not that daring since he is pretty cautious. he had a strict family. anyway around 1965 he starts getting a lot more daring and he’s definitely not an extravagant dresser he does know how to dress sharply despite that so you get things like his peacoat that I DEFINITELY didn’t copy directly from micky dolenz on the cover of more of the monkees, and that really heavily decorated overcoat that’s 18th-century inspired but also Groovy, y’know? that sorta thing carries over into the seventies where he pretty much wears shirts with the sleeves rolled up, light coloured trousers, and a few t-shirts because Variety™. haven’t really thought about beyond that but he’d probably dress like a cool dad
pete sutton: he’s got sensory issues so he’s even MORE cautious in dress style than roger. main thing is turtlenecks though. and a lot of purple. there’s a quote about ray davies being the kink most likely to wear a tie offstage and I think pete’s the starstrucks’ equivalent
snowy smith: he’s got the most defined wardrobe out of the lot of them! black-and-blue striped jumper, a black peacoat, blue jeans, blue-green shirts, his leather jacket (which has blue-violet stripes on it so it’s unique from the million other jackets I draw) since he’s definitely on the rocker side of things and cuban-heeled beatle boots he doesn’t need since he’s already 6′1
charlie morris: REALLY mod. at the start of the story he has a collarless jacket with pink trimmings. his colours are yellow and green but I also always end up drawing him in red
davey peacock: mod, but the mod that your parents approve of. does get a bit more adventurous when his uncle, the manager, gets fired, and I gave him a union jack jacket like pete townshend had at some point lol. he also gives hippie clothing a shot around 1968 and in the eighties he has a mullet and not a good one
rory locking: SO MUCH ORANGE. aviator sunglasses, collared shirts with the first two buttons undone, his kinda short jacket that’s plasticky leather with a fluffy lining (those style jackets have a particular name don’t they? I can’t remember it) but like. there’s so much orange. why did I do that my markers are dying
mick lily: light was denim. that’s about it.
next we have the midnight delusions
jimmy jade: scarves. he has a gold embroidered black suit that I’ve drawn a couple of times and ALWAYS regret it because OW, pink, and a lot of black
teddy van alst: he has a leather jacket. wears interesting trousers and really plain shirts typically. he’s the one with the cool glam makeup even though it’s 1966 and glam isn’t exactly a thing yet. he’s a rocker though
arthur floyd: has a leather jacket like his bf teddy! it has roses embroidered on it. he has a rose sorta aesthetic going on, along with the blue-and-gold star outfit that I drew him in a couple of times. he’s sort of a carnaby street mod if that’s a thing lol
lucky littleproud: gonna be real with you he’s boring he wears colourful shirts and trousers that’s about it. I haven’t worked on him much :(
peter morrison: between hippie and mod. definitely more on the hippie side compared to his sibling
stevie maple (counting him here even though he kinda isn’t a Member): textured shirts, he’s more of an american mod. considering he IS american (unfortunately)
all of those side characters I have absolutely no idea how to group but are part of the same story as those two bands:
sylvia chase: mod, but she also doesn’t put much effort into her appearance. that’s the best way to describe her style
holly keys: she’s a model so literally whatever is the ‘hottest’ trend
james cassidy-bell: he dresses like brian jones in the early-mid sixties
katherine robinson: mod, and then the most avant-garde things she can find if she’s going in public. and a lot of red lipstick (that’s her Thing)
morgan morrison: MOD but also like that sorta soft aesthetic thing that was popular in like. 2017. because why not am I right
christopher goldstein: he is also a model but I draw him in really dandy-ish stuff a lot. him and jimmy sorta have a prep/goth dynamic going on
and that’s about it for the characters who really are gonna appear often enough to bother describing their dress styles! moving on now
keith neptune: band tshirts and anything with patches on it.
nico (haven’t come up with his surname yet, if y’all have suggestions I’ll take it): baggy jeans, sneakers, baggy tshirts, and has a denim vest with patches on it but Different types of patches to keith. if keith has the sorta etsy partches nico has ‘I pickpocketed these from a bikey who hasn’t showered in a month from a servo in the middle of nowhere’ patches
grey: they have a brow leather jacket that I think was inspired by jim morrison, a stamp out the beatles jumper, and a really big and motheaten black woolen jumper which they wear with beatle-boots, a white collared shirt, and like. not black jeans but very desaturated blue jeans that happen to be very dark
jude anne sutton (yes I know she and pete have the same surname they’re not related they’re in different universes): mod. enough said
rene shannon: mod but boring. he’s Repressed y’know
leslie (I’m gonna change her surname lol): honestly mainly shift dresses and that one really simple black-and-white dress, and their ripoff black watch tartan jacket, and tall boots.
danny: honestly? he dresses like a mod but at heart he’s a rocker. he’s a rocker who washes
that One character I won’t name: it’s complicated. he goes from trying to be a teddy boy with the rest of his friends and then it goes a little wrong and they fight about it and then they discover early rocker culture and he sticks with that for a while and then starts dabbling in more mod stuff and then DEFINITELY his style changes into the dandy stuff of the middle of the sixties. you know the stuff I’m talking about. and then he’s a hippie for about two seconds and goes back to dandy stuff but throws a few of his old rocker pieces back in. THEN he has a breakdown and fucks off to america for three years (returning home like twice for two days before fucking off again) where he’s got a peacoat, his old leather jacket, a turtleneck, a few shirts, and two pairs of jeans. that’s it. for three years. and workboots obviously because he’s trainhopping. I have that part very worked out as you can tell!
harper (character I have sketched exactly Once but have his style very sorted out): he starts off pretending to be a teddy boy in the way that a fifteen-year-old with a highly overprotective and lowkey horrible mother would probably be. he is also kinda Broke for that exact reason. and then he and the above character get into more rocker stuff and that’s probably where the two drift apart and where rene/jude/leslie/whoever else I may come up with would come in
anyway!!! I think that’s every character I have a defined style for. some of it’s a little hard to explain but I hope this cleared things up. I have also had a migraine for most of today so my ability to use words is extra impaired lmao!
and I’m so sorry for just. rambling. but I do have a lot of characters and I love them all so much and I’m so happy you like them too!!!
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sandersstudies · 6 years
Okay, so I said for 1,500 followers I would rant about my ship opinions. Want to make clear from the start that if you disagree with me, you are still totally cool and valid. Got it? Okay, let’s go.
This is a pretty long post so I’ll put some of it under a cut. 
Analogical Okay, so obviously “My Negative Thinking” sparked the interest in this one, and Moving On only strengthened it. I can see this one being romantic or platonic, and I like both, but prefer platonic mostly because I see logan as a bit paternal. This is a relationship that could be a two-way street. We’ve seen Logan be a bit protective of Virgil (”Virgil, are you okay?” in Moving On GETS me), and I think Virgil would also be very protective of Logan. The biggest calming thing for anxiety is always logic, but sometimes logic needs to learn to trust gut feelings. Whether romantic or platonic (or even paternal), I see Virgil going to Logan when he needs a clearer perspective, and I think Logan has a great amount of respect for Virgil - Patton and Roman are impulsive and  removed from reality, while Virgil seems like he could understand Logan’s point of view. Overall, a loPlatonic 9/10, Romantic 7.5/10.vely pair. 
Platonic 9/10; they understand each other; somehow both are the protective Mom friend at the same time.
Romantic 7.5/10; both would have trouble expressing their “feelings” but if they both learned to communicate it would be beautiful.
Logicality  I’ve liked these two together since the beginning. Unfortunately, I think that lately we’ve seen that these two have some problems they need to work through first, especially on Logan’s end. I think that logic and morality/emotion are much more essential to the human mind than anxiety and creativity, and I think that Logan and Patton reflect that. A lot of people write pining/flirtatious Logicality, but I prefer that “old married couple” domestic aesthetic. I think Logan and Patton are incredibly protective of each other, but that leads to some barriers they need to break down. Logan is scared to be silly in front of Patton because Patton needs reigning in by somebody who is 100% logical, but sometimes Logan takes his authority and logic so seriously that he isn’t considerate of Patton. Meanwhile. Patton is lovingly pressuring Logan to admit that sometimes being silly is fun and important, because he wants Logan to be honest and unabashed about enjoying things. Unfortunately, they’re pushing each other in opposite directions. 
Platonic 8/10; this is probably the most romantic-leaning ship I have, so I’m biased.
Romantic 9/10; damn I love them so much but they have some communication issues to work out to be healthy. 
Logince Never seen these guys as a romantic ship. That said, I think the potential for a partnership is incredible. They’re a classic brains/brawn pair and I see them in an amazing fraternal/platonic relationship. Rather than enemies to lovers, these two are rivals to partners. If I was going to call any two sides each others’ “bros,” it would be these two. Logan is very lawful while Roman is very chaotic, but I think we see in “Fitting In” and “Why Do We Get Out of Bed in the Morning?” that these two have a lot in common: both are short-tempered, determined, resourceful, ambitious, strong leaders (maybe even a little self-righteous, arrogant, and stubborn). These two are both very dominant compared to Patton and Virgil - they both want to be in charge, and I think that would be detrimental in a romantic relationship. However, I think that as friends this would be friendly competition, pushing each other to be better. It’s another classic dynamic to see two characters who see each other as “the one to beat” but then realize that they could beat EVERYONE if they would just work together. 
Platonic 8/10; still some stuff they need to work out, but once they do they’ll be unstoppable.
Romantic 3/10; I just don’t see it, and I think their personalities wouldn’t be good for a romantic relationship because the communication isn’t there.
Moxiety Like Logince, this has never been a romantic ship for me. Patton is just obviously coded as “Dad” or “Best Friend” in every interaction BUT the thing that really gets me is that Virgil is just as protective of Patton as Patton is of him, which makes sense. Our Anxiety is in place not just to protect our physical body, but also our feelings, and Patton is Thomas’ heart. I feel like Patton and Virgil have each others’ full trust, and “Can Lying be Good?” really made this evident. When “Patton” acted strange, Virgil didn’t think “my friend is doing a bad thing,” he thought “this isn’t my friend.” He knows Patton that well. With Patton learning to accept his feelings, I think he and Virgil are huge supports for each other. I honestly think that while Roman and Logan were having drama for the last two videos, Patton and Virgil have just been having Best Friend time. Heck, is anything softer than these two? Villain-coding a character and then revealing their vulnerability by having them befriend the softest of puffballs is adorable. 
Platonic 10/10; they’re BEST FRIENDS you guys, look at them. Wouldja just LOOK at it?
Romantic 4/10; they have the communication and trust, but I think they’re so much better for each other as best friends. 
Prinxiety Ah, classic enemies to friends to lovers. I’ve never been a huge stan for this ship, but heck if it isn’t cute. It’s Tumblr goth bf and Instagram prep bf. I think their love languages would be very different, but if they could learn to communicate and respect their differences, the potential is there. I think that lately we’ve seen effort on both sides for these guys to include each other. Roman’s been kinder about his nicknames, which is a good start. Also, let’s face it: Virgil’s face when Roman changes in to his 2.0 outfit screams “I am gay.” I think no matter what, these two will bicker a bit, but it could range from something that’s an actual problem all the way to something more endearing; imagine an hour on the couch going back and forth about which Pixar movie is the best because neither will relent. Also, there’s something to be said for anxiety both encouraging and stifling creativity, and creativity both causing and relieving anxiety. There’s delicate balances there to be explored, especially when creativity, in Roman’s case, is loud and presentational. Romantic elements aside, I also like seeing these two as annoying brothers who deeply love each other but simultaneously piss each other off.  
Platonic 6/10; not my favorite, but bickering brothers or friends is still a very nice possibility. 
Romantic 7/10; come on, guys, it’s a fandom classic, and the enemies to lovers dynamic is just so fun.
Royality Excuse me but this is the most under-appreciated ship in this whole fandom. Two honest good boys who are filled to the brim with love? Two dudes who would 100% have compatible love languages? Two guys who would spoil each other with affection and tiny gifts? Hell yes hell yes hell yes. Romance and emotion go together, guys. These two would have more PDA than any other pairing because embarrassment? How dare anyone be embarrassed by TRUE LOVE? The only possible concern I can think of is that Patton is very giving while Roman is very egoistic, but I think we’ve seen that both of them would be very giving to a romantic partner. These two would be all about dramatic displays of affection, but they also would have their peaceful moments when they need them. Mostly I just see them creating things for each other and never letting anybody forget how much they love each other.
Platonic 8/10; good stuff, but this ship is very romantic-leaning in my eyes. However, a brotherly relationship is also an incredible idea. 
Romantic 9/10; as long as Patton takes care of himself and Roman learns to care about others, these two would be adorable.
LAMP (I’m assuming a LAMP where all four are in a relationship with the other three, but I know that there are other versions as well) I’ll be up front and admit that I prefer pairings to poly relationships in my ships, but let’s face it: LAMP is adorable. It has all the benefits of the other ships, but with third and fourth parties to balance out some of the cons. These guys are famILY and they are, in canon, the only “people” in each others’ lives. I don’t have much to say because this ship is essentially everything I’ve said before about the other ships. 
Platonic 10/10; famILY
Romantic 6/10; good stuff, but I have a personal preference for pairings; still great because they all complete each other.
Deceit Ships I’m not putting down people who like these ships; that’s your business. However, I’ve seen too many people get hurt, REALLY hurt, by dishonesty in their relationships to support these. Even if Deceit isn’t 100% a villain, which I can see, it still isn’t healthy to put a character who is all about lying into a relationship. The most important things in any relationship are honest communication and trust, and those are both things that aren’t compatible with Deceit. That said, I’ve seen some morally grey fics and headcanons about Deceit where he has some interactions with the other sides I quite like. Let’s face it, one way or another the other sides are stuck with Deceit, and I think he at least has the potential to be something other than an evil being. Whether canon will support these depictions of Deceit is TBD (totally believable, dude? No, to be determined). 
Platonic 2/10; I’ve seen some good stuff, but we have little canon material for Deceit; the other sides should be cautious while interacting with him.
Romantic 0/10; I have a personal relationship with dishonesty and manipulation that means I just can’t get behind these ships.
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wheres the goth&prep bf power couple au where auston blasts old grunge music on the way to practice (as if mitch isn't bopping, and taking those nasty flannels any time possible), but mitch is allowed to drag auston to his debates and mock trials (as if he didn't have to be reminded multiple times, "yes, i know you love me, but i think you will be removed from the building if you bring a sign and a cowbell to cheer me on")
..........what do i have to do to get you to write this for us. mitchell “it’s not hard you just go to lawyer classes” marner doing MOCK TRIAL and borrowing auston’s FLANNELS. 
how much money do you want
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