#yea a lot of this is headcanon but hey man. thats life
whimsical-roasting · 1 year
You reblogged that Sam gifs post and it reminded me of that headcanon i have of being Sam’s friend but you’re feisty and take no one’s shit. Like he’s always takes the high road and you’re like when they go low i go lowER. I would fight that Akufo dude for him no questions asked.
hi wifey <3 you are absolutely right!! i fucking love that idea of Sam having a bestie who'd throw hands for him.. it's on sight all the time.
special thanks to @sokkigarden for bouncing ideas off me, love you bby. okay, i wanna write about being friends w the AFC Richmond boys more, so if yall have ANY thoughts on being friends with ANY of the lads then send me requests on it so we can DISCUSS
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he's such a wholesome and loyal friend... a breath of fresh air yknow?? Dani is more of that 'unconditional sunshine' energy, but Sam is positive whilst still keeping it real w you
and sooo you're hella loyal to him too. well, you're loyal to everyone you care about. you'd take a bullet for them, no questions asked, but probs a lot of cussing involved (same, but i'll come back to this)
sharing an airpod each if yall go out on a walk or join the team on a bus ride - if you're dating jamie then he NEEDS you next to him on the ride back, probs uses your shoulder to sleep on and has an arm around your waist so you can't leave, but that's a diff post ahahaha
having a shared spotify playlist that you both keep adding music too...the vibes are all over the place. "Y/N, I was trying to jam out to J.Cole, and then Adele came on??" "Oh yea, I was sad bout something earlier"
blanket forts and microwaveable caramel popcorn for when he's missing home
playing as him in FIFA when you're with the lads and yellin "YEA THATS MY BESTIE" every time you score as him
pinching his earlobes like his dad would for good luck on the days of a big match/when he's really nervous
since opening OLA'S, you join him when he attends small business owner conventions, but that's mainly to try the free food
since i'm vegetarian, telling him that his menu looks great but you can only stick to sumn like the jollof rice.. so next month when he invites you over to his restaurant for a catchup dinner there's a whole new lil section for vegetarian dishes on the menu (or whatever dietary inclusivr thingy etc.)
warning Sam about Afuko because "a man simply doesn't feed you pasta and lobster and send you a stack without something in mind" and him being like ??? what and you groan, "did you watch the tiktoks I sent you??"
hearing about how the Afuko rejection went and Sam only focusses on "he called me medium talent??" and you're SEETHING
you're like "what the living F U C K" and he's like "oh hey Y/N, don't worry, I know I am not medium talent" and you're like "what? no, shut up, obviously not, but that's not the POINT here. how did that ASSHOLE have the audacity to speak to you like that?!!"
you're searching up flights to Nigeria and opening a google map from the airport to Afuko's business residence or something, and Sam is like, "seriously, forget that guy. bullet dodged." and you're angrily muttering about how Afuko's gonna have to dodge the bazooka you're gonna smuggle onto the plane
"We cannot be best friends if you end up in jail because you tried to smuggle a bazooka onto the plane." "I just wanna talk to him...with a bazooka." "No." "Pleas-" "No."
telling Sam you might be getting feelings for Jamie and being nervous he'd be mad because of their relationship in S1, but you promise he's changed, and Sam is like, I know
wearing the Obisanya jersey and the rest of the boys are like 'hey why don't you ever support our merch' so like every match you're switching out jerseys before texting a pic to the groupchat
running into that Francis guy who's Afuko's right-hand man and "accidentally" stepping on his foot real hard like OOPS
giving him updates on your love life and vice versa. "Y/N, please tell me this one is not a loser." "Um, Sam, shut up; you know my rizz only seems to work on losers??" "hey, Jamie told me that telling a woman my favourite movie is Ratatouille is a bad idea... is it?" "just bake her a lasagna or something and say that's how you learnt to cook." "I am not doing that." "dammit, I thought we'd get lasagna for dinner"
doing random tiktok trends or challenges - the baking one where one person is blind, one is deaf, and one is mute, but they all gotta work together to bake a cake!! sam (tape around his mouth) x you (blindfolded) x jamie (loud ass headphones on)
jamie: pass the FOOKIN sugah!! *back turned to yall as he stirs the mix*
you: WHAT. WHERE. *randomly smacking shit, picking up the salt and dropping it on the counter and onto a spoon*
sam: mmmhnph! *waving his hands in your face like NO but you can't see*
you: *turning to jamie with a spoonful, which he probs tastes absentmindedly whilst stirring* OI TASTE THIS
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sybeez · 7 months
theres magic in splatoon?
oh HELL YES i get to rant about splatoon on here instead of on discord :]
@anemonequeen hey u can add on too 👀
So what i call magic in splatoon is less 'high fantasy bullshit' and more 'its all around and you don't notice it' like the post said (my example was electricity irl and how we use it rn for mundane stuff). It's all headcanon also btw but very supported by stuff from the games themself
List of stuff thats magic in splatoon in no particular order (ill go over these after): music, technology (human made especially), DNA, ink maybe?, salmonids migration, probably more but thats all i got (infodump under the cut)
SO music has been canon magic since splatoon 1 and actually its linked to the DNA part!! ,,,I probably need to explain human technology part first to understand that but it's basically all the Alterna logs basically.
Quick recap tho: the earth is fucked > some humans go live underground in giant domes all over the globe(unsure) > in one of them they devellop crystals out of molluscs like squids n octopus ability to change color based on emotions and use those to make giant LCD screens to line the dome > fast forward 2 generations of underground humans > the next gen scientists who want to go out even if thats a fucked up idea > rocket go poof n destroys the screen > the squid LCD crystals seep into the ocean n evolution happens for every creature to turn into anthros
also most impportantly the crystals retained the hopes of dreams of all of humanity down there* (important)
now fast forward 10 000 years and we find this scroll in splatoon 1
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and that melody famously created a revolution by every single octarian realising they actually have free will at once (it did NOT break any kind of mind control they just lived all their live in an authoritarian society) so already we can tell theres something up with.
another time we find that melody thats important is the end credit for splatoon 3 (wave goodbye) at around the 3:00 mark
,,,now im realizing this isnt exactly what i had in mind but the first time i heard it i thought the voice had no gargling like inkfish voices n instead it was the voices of all humanitys ghosts coming together to sing that part. But if we still go with that then (my headcannon) that means that melody thats been etched into sea life DNA was actually a human anthem that was kept in the memories of the LCD crystal
Now in splatoon 3 theres a lot of magic anyway lol but idk how to even explain that (the 3 lights, lil buddy becoming a kaiju, big man making ink) so use ur imagination for that lol but its there.
other human technology that's also magic: the machine to keep judd alive that somehow made him immortal AND clone him
There's more magic hidden in the game (like however the ink from the ink tanks fuels our weapon via bluetooth and how some non-inkfish characters can somehow use ink for turf wars) but thats why i tagged sasha lol
oh yea for the salmon migration bit i'm specifically talking about the 7 rings when a big run happens. idk how to explain that so therefore its magic
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syrupyyyart · 3 years
so why do you like france so much? no hate or anything im just curious
at first it was because hes a cute fictional boy with long hair (which is exactly my type), and now its because he (like many other hetalia characters) has such potential to be an interesting character. hes an immortal being who literally cannot die (remember when switzerland straight up killed him in the manga? just shot him on screen? what the fuck was up with that), can't spend time with humans even if he wanted to because his immortality would spread to them and they'd lose their minds (which means his only family HAS to be people who have all probably killed him in the past), is obligated to fight in every war that comes along, etc etc
theres so much fucked up shit that the characters have HAD to go through, but itll never be explored because hetalia just isnt that kind of show. so its fun to think about what france (and other characters) has had to go through and live with
i also like the idea of him and england finding solace in eachother, even tho theyre enemies, just because theyve known eachother literally their whole lives. its very romantic to me
france specifically is my favorite because he's shown interest in humans and what they go through, but he will never ever ever be able to obtain that life for himself because he is france. france feels like he knows how to act like a normal human, but he literally will never be able to experience what its like to be really human. and like. despite all of that hes not super bitter or angry about it
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he can be such a tragic character and i like to think about it. like i know that literally every other character has to go through the same things but france has been my favorite since day 1 so hes my mvp
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spamtonsmokespot420 · 3 years
Hey!! I noticed this blog doesn’t have any of your stories on it and I’d love to check them out!!! Maybe even request one?! So first I was wondering if I could know what your main blog is, and second, I was hoping to request some pure Neo x reader fluff?? Like- maybe the reader had taken him in and taken care of him when he was a lil guy and after he becomes Neo he finds the reader and just like AHHHH MUCH FLUFF PLEASE!! LOTS OF SNUGGLES AND KISSES AND ALL THAT SIZE DIFFERENCE GOODNESS!! Thanks!
oh! its bc im sort of a new blog! + i procrastinate a lot n never write (I SWEAR IM WORKING ON SOME STUFF!!!) lol. im uHH a lil nervous to share my main here so if its ok w/ u ill go ahead n give u my main thru dms!!
n yea ill go ahead n give u some neo fluff bc we need more neo fluff in this tag smh 😤 /hj
hope youre alright with headcanons!! :-0
NEO FLUFF (can be platonic or romantic!)
when you found him on the street, you took him into your home for him to stay as long as hed like
man was a lil confuzzled since you never asked for anything in return, but appreciates the offer regardless
once he warms up to you he will NEVER leave your side. i mean lil dude was abandoned i think like 2 times in his life??
hes super clingy poor skrunkly
after a while he leaves so he can do,,, whatever hes gonna do while hes away
you went out to look for him after he was gone for what felt like all day, only to see spamton in his neo form when you do find him
he picks you up and cuddles you for a while when you two get home
I FORGOT TO SAY THIS but spamton totally purrs when hes content/happy,, it isnt noticeable in his og form, gotta listen REAL closely to hear it
in his neo form his purring is MUCH louder. not too loud, but its pretty loud. think of a cougar/cheetah purr
spamtons probably like,, 11 feet tall in his neo form? big enough to give you cuddles
spamton neo is a walking heater. one time you were cold n he just picked you up n cuddled you,,
UHH i think thats it!!! ill dm u my main sometime soon
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gayregis · 6 years
okay it’s time for me to post stupid parental-mentorship headcanons for regis and angoulême!
angoulême bares her teeth and shows the whites of her eyes when she waves her sword around like a fucking maniac. she was already doing this a little bit before she met the hansa but meeting regis solidified this behavior in her bc he encouraged it. fang-bearing is a good strat js
when angoulême was learning how to shoot with milva teaching her, she accidentally shot regis in the arm and he had to pretend to be hurt bc people were watching. angoulême was actually distraught and vulnerable for a good moment before they all got inside and regis plucked the arrow out of his shoulder nonchalantly and handed it to her. angoulême wasn’t on the battle of the bridge so... she didn’t know he could do ... that... and she was crying so hard bc she thought she legit hurt him
after this incident angoulême DEMANDS regis tell her all the cool shit he can do. he’s kind of awkward about it for a while because things like leaping at throats isn’t really a family friendly activity and isn’t who he’s trying to be, but then he realizes yea he better start practicing because they all are going to an epic battle to save ciri, right?
angoulême is caught selling drugs out of the palace and geralt asks regis for help deciding how they should proceed. regis is like “ground her” and geralt’s like “right, good idea” and regis is like “no flying for a month!” angoulême is like “FUCK i couldn’t even fly in the first place! this sucks” and geralt is like “... regis... what” and regis is like “what. that’s what grounding means. you’re grounded because you can’t fl- ok do humans have different rules for this or”
regis is more concerned that her prices were too low and that she wasn’t keeping a tidy lab/was cutting it with some other ingredients/partially contaminated the end product so he helps her with this business venture and then they both get shut down by geralt. geralt cracked down on them both before the concept of mandrake fisstech could ever be realized, unfortunately
angoulême was sniffing powder and then regis just walked past and took the metal case out of her hands. when she immediately protested he said “you’re a gram away from an overdose i can smell it in your blood” and then she just sat there like oh. could have died thx i guess
regis walked into the living room to see angoulême with her ear pressed up against a door trying to hear what the fuck geralt and dandelion were talking about. regis was like “what are you doing,” she was like “shhh spying wtf does it look like.” regis just stands 2 feet away from the door and hears the whole thing with Cool Vampire Hearing and at the end is like “ok how much of that did you catch what parts do you need me to fill you in on” and shes like “everything, i couldn’t hear shit.”
angoulême says like “damnit i wish i had a knife.” regis disappears and reappears two seconds later with a knife and gives it to her and is like “here you go”
they have a semi-serious discussion about addiction and regis is like “honestly i just think all addiction ends in decaptiation sooner or later, so that’s my advice” and angoulême slowly eases off the fisstech. also because another one of regis’s pieces of advice was basically “don’t get high on your own supply.”
and/or regis and geralt were discussing this topic and regis didn’t seem too worried about angoulême, was pretty laizze-faire, ‘everything will work out in the end’ and all, and then geralt said “okay but just keep in mind. humans don’t regrow their fucking heads.” and then regis got up to go convince angoulême to be safe
one time at night because she was trying to even out odds with some old ‘acquaintances’ but they brought some other guys that she wasn’t expecting, angoulême was being cornered in a toussaint alley. they stole her knife and she hadn’t gone out with her sword so she was like fuck... really in some shit. now as you’re probably predicting regis uses Cool Vampire Powers to help but there’s honestly two ways this could go down. the first way is that he appears at the end of the alley and is like “hey . you shouldn’t threaten teenage girls” and then ofc the bandit guys are still violent... so neck slitting is in order...
but the second way is (if it’s a more open area, a little outside of toussaint) as angoulême is being cornered by bandits all around a giant fucking bat swoops in out of nowhere and snatches her up into the sky, flying a few miles away (out of sight) before landing in a field. angoulême is freaking out for the entire flight because she doesn’t know what the fuck is going on/who it is and when regis lands and reappears as like A Man and is like “what the FUCK were you doing you could have DIED” she isn’t even thinking about the fact she could have died she’s just like “you can be a BAT??????”
angoulême often offers a lot of deep insight or reflective thoughts to regis. not on purpose but the overall message is like “you shouldn’t feel guilty about what you did in the past because we can’t change the past, we can only move forward/youth are stupid, it’s the one time in your life where it’s not socially inappropriate to be stupid. what matters is that you learn and don’t think too much about what the fuck you did”
it’s literally canon that regis thinks angoulême’s witty (and sometimes strange or innapropriate) catchphrases are epic because he starts using them, so i don’t even need to mention this one.
angoulême shares about her insecurities that stem from not knowing/not having a relationship with her biological family and regis consoles her but is also like . vampires don’t ever really visit or see their parents again after they learn to fly and it’s just the normal social thing to form bandit-like, hell-raising groups so i don’t think it’s that weird
“so you can like be stabbed a thousand times and still be ok?” “more or less” “wow. if i could do that i’d-“ “do a lot of stupid shit?” “more or less” “you’ve just neatly summarized my entire life”
angoulême starts to pick up on the ancient vampire language because regis curses in it frequently when he’s frustrated and then in the living room later at night she swears (saying some phrase that regis said before, she doesn’t really know what it means beyond the context of This Is A Bad Word) and regis is like whoa. hold on. WHAT did you just say . angoulême is like uhhhhh nothing ?
angoulême “stole” a book from regis because she wanted to pawn it for cash and it was probably the first time she felt guilt and regret from stealing... i say “stole” because ofc vampire ‘sleep’ isn’t like human sleep, so he was aware that she was in the room and took something out, after she left she got caught by milva who was walking past the door and they talked abt it. angoulême explained why she was doing what she was doing and said the title of the book she needed to pawn, etc. milva disapproved and advised her to leave it in the living room or sneak it back in. after all this (which regis ofc. heard.) he actually looked and realized she took the wrong one bc it was dark and she couldn’t see. so when she goes to pawn it regis shows up with the correct book and they pawn it together. angoulême gets emotional and is like “this is the first time ive felt bad for stealing, wtf,” and regis is like “dont worry watch this” and disappears to reappear, with the book, moments later. he says “we just got 75 crowns for free” and angoulême is like “:0 thats so smart wtf.” she offers him half of the gold they just got but regis declines and when she asks why he holds up a coin pouch and is like “because i also stole the rest of his money along with the book. and an apple too”
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oddobjects · 6 years
What do you think about Cop!Steve? Also, if you don't like Steve being a cop, then what career do you think him and Jonathan would have?
askdfaljsdf this ended up being VERY long so i put it under a read more. get ready freddy
@everyone: Send me asks to discuss stonathan headcanons!!
ok babe highkey ive thought a lot about this and idk if this is a Hot Take^™ but i weirdly see Jonathan growing up to be like… a family physician… like i dont have a lot to back up this flaming assertion but he just exudes that vibe for me. like i can see myself sitting on that crinkly paper bed covering or whatever for 40 minutes until he comes strolling in with a clipboard and a labcoat and says “yea u good” with the most tired look on his face before charging me $200. he seems like the type of dude who has pleasant chats with the receptionist Margaret while drinking his 3rd cup of coffee (4 cream 4 sugar) from a styrofoam cup at 4:30 in the afternoon. like the type of dude to get down on one knee to talk to a kid with strep throat directly before giving them an extra sticker (specifically a spider-man sticker because they came in with strep throat last month and asked for one and he remembered). like im well aware that in actuality he’d probably do something cool and artsy like be a nature photographer for a magazine or paint murals or some shit but like just from looking at him and listening to him talk my lizard brain just cant see him doing anything else.I LOVE cop!Steve it gives me such life… god i wish there were more fanfics with cop!steve that featured stonathan I would eat that shit up in a heartbeat. like dude the dynamic between him and hopper would be GOLD.however personally i feel like he wouldnt really gravitate to the kind of high pressure high paperwork career that being a cop is? thats just me tho
for me, i kinda see him as like… a middle school math teacher?? like the kind of math teacher thats trying really hard to be cool to relate to his students but on some level is actually cool? you know what i’m talking about. like, the kinda dude who says “call me Mr. H” and asks you if you’re a gamer on like the 3rd day of class. like the kinda dude who lets everyone play counterstrike in his classroom during lunch and turns the other cheek if you swear within earshot of him. like the kinda dude who gets sidetracked easily in class but somehow still manages to stay on topic so you actually end up learning something every day. like the kind of dude whos just generally really patient when answering questions, doesn’t yell at kids, and pulls you aside to say “hey champ” while sitting backwards in a chair when he notices you haven’t been acting like yourself.also an important aspect of teacher!steve is that he would like… never waste a chance to talk about jonathan… i’m talking every other problem has Jonathan’s name written in it. “Jonathan has 87 oranges and they’re all travelling west at 5 meters per second..” his desktop background that he beams up on the projector 24/7 is a picture of him and jonathan wearing sunglasses and khaki shorts, both horribly sunburned but smiling anyway and both doing that peace-sign bunny ears thing behind each others heads while they stand in front of the grand canyon or some shit. on the occasions that he goes off on tangents it’s usually to share some type of story about jonathan who he always introduces as “my husband, Jonathan” as if somehow everyone’s forgotten who jonathan is despite the fact that he’s mentioned him literally 154 times over the past 6 months.now i know that like 98% of what i just said would not be possible in the 90′s - early 2000′s when it would take place but the important thing is just getting the vibe across… like do u FEEL what i mean, because i doanyway thank u for this ask i appreciate you so much anon
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b0oker18 · 6 years
My First Post: My thoughts/headcanon on the relationship of Mulder and Scully pre and post “I want to Believe”
Disclaimer: Originally I just wanted to just share my thoughts on Mulder and Scully's relationship pre - “I want to Believe” and there relationship during “I want to Believe” but I have never really expressed my thoughts publicly before, so this becomes a much longer conversation. So it might get a little messy at some point. I say things like I may get into that in another post and then it goes on for three paragraphs. I just want to get this out there and don’t want to edit anymore. Sorry! Enjoy!
I just re-watched the X Files “I Want To Believe” for the first time in like 4 or 5 years recently, I always liked the movie (I guess), but never REALLY thought about it much other than the MSR scenes.
But upon watching again, and having watched season 10 and 11, (maybe i'll share my thoughts on that another day) I now see the movie with a different set of eyes. Specifically the complex relationship of our beloved M and S. I would like to share some of my theories/headcanon with the tumblr-sphere if there's even anyone willing to listen and give their feedback and thoughts. But please keep in mind that these things are my personal feelings, I have no proof that what i am saying is 100% correct and quite frankly no one else does either. Please Enjoy!
A lot of XF fans say that Scully is sad throughout the entire movie, and I agree, but in my mind it is justified (and please bear in mind that I am mostly thinking just in-universe and not the decision of the writers, directors, actors.) I mean think about it, she has a man at home, who is isolated from the world, he spends his days cutting out newspaper stories and pinning them to a wall in an office the size of a half bath. Mulder is bored, even though he does not admit it. (The pencils on the ceiling in his office are a dead giveaway). Also Scully seems to have her head above water, being a successful doctor. I don't think Mulder is necessarily jealous of that, but it's got to hurt him sometimes. Thats human nature! He lost his chance to tell the world of the things he's done and that sucks!
I also want to be clear that this does not mean I think that M and S spend their days in misery. I think that once Scully comes home from her shifts at the hospital most days Mulder did his damndest to put down the newspapers and be with his woman to the best of his ability. Given his circumstances however it must of been hard to have a fantastic relationship, when he probably never left within a 10 mile radius of there home. I want to believe that there was happiness in those days, and even though I don't think they were exactly fucking like bunnies every night (though in my dirtier headcanon I think the kamasutra was something that suited them in the Bedroom), i don't think they shared every thought and feeling about everything under the sun, remember until season 11 communication was never a strong point. I do think that having each other in those difficult circumstances helped a lot though.
I want to move on the the movie now and sort of get in the heads on M and S. At the start of the movie the FBI comes to “Our Lady of Sorrows Hospital”. They have an ultimatum for Mulder, help us and you will be a free man (which is ridiculous, but you know X Files and shit). Anyway, I could totally see why Scully would jump all over this, for a couple of reasons. 1.) Mulder will finally be free! They can see the world as a couple and truly enjoy their lives. 2.) This one may be reaching but I can accept it. I think in that moment, she believed that once Mulder accepts the FBI’s request and helps them with the case, it would make him see that “hey, you know what? This life is not for me anymore, I’m getting too old for this shit!” which admittedly was not bright on her part. But she took that leap of faith. BTW she sort of admitted it was a mistake several times throughout the movie.
Of course with Mulder being Mulder he dove right back into the thick of it. This is what has been missing in his life for the past 7 years! He becomes that old obsessed Mulder, who I always refer to as “season one Mulder” and because of that he loses sight of what Scully is trying to say and what she wants out of the relationship. Which leaves me to one of the more controversial moments in the film, when Scully sort of breaks things off with Mulder. She cant stand what this case has done to him. She can no longer take obsessed Mulder any more, there relationship has changed. There is no more will they, won't they, there is no more fear of if they got together will it change them in a bad way, which is the feelings I believed they always had during the orginal run. They come home to each other every night now.
I sympathize with Scully here a little bit. I understand where she is coming from. Her life is in a completely different place now, she is a Doctor doing work that must be incredibly stressful and difficult. Not to mention working at a catholic hospital that probably has zero budget and probably can not help 50% of the patients that walk through the door. Basically she can not moonlight as an X Files consultant. I also think what she said in the locker room (I’m not coming home or whatever it was) was a last ditch to get Mulder to wake up and realize that this isn't his life anymore either, which of course backfires.
Now jumping ahead to the end of the movie. The case is solved and life seems to go back to normal. Except of course for the relationship of our dynamic duo, which is still in limbo. Remember how Father Joe told Scully not to give up, clearly Scully struggled over the fact that God may be talking to her through a literal pedifile priest ( yea... I don’t have the energy to get into that today). This is something that she does not to tell Mulder through the entirety of the movie (remember what I said about communication). When she finally tells him, I think that it was the start of the thawing of the relationship which had briefly gone cold.(There is some symbolism in this with the melted snow in the make-out scene) Had Scully not told Mulder what he said I don't think he follows her outside. From there we know the rest. Mulder wants to escape the “darkness” a line that I hate (it's so cheesy), but I'll go with it. Scully of course complies, and they embrace.
Now I want to get into a little bit of post IWTB, which would fall in between 2007 to 2015 I choose to believe that scully breaks things off in 2015 possibly end of 2014, I refuse to believe that they broke up “soon” after IWTB, like CC had implied in interviews, no bro, they didn’t break up that quickly, just no. I believe that after taking there little island getaway things were going very well for M and S, I believe that Scully took a brief leave of absence from the Hospital and M and S got to see a little bit of the world together. Also I will fight anyone who tells me that they did not attend at least one Knicks game together, we all know how much Mulder loves the Knicks (Go Celtics!) (I’m from New England, so sue me!). Mulder and Scully's relationship to me is SUPER complex, there are so many ups and downs, and it did not end with IWTB, which I want to get into a little bit.
So I had a fantastic back and forth with the lovely and super insightful @f-u-carter​ the other day (you can read here the conversation was expanded upon in the notes FYI). It started with me anonymously saying that in my head canon I believed that “Plus One” came before “This” canonically, I had a couple of drinks in me and had some fun with it. The conversation turned into our beliefs as to why we believed Scully left Mulder (in 2015 not 2009 like CC wants us to think). I want to add a little bit to that. So from 2007-08 to 2014 I believe (or at least I want to believe) Mulder was a new man in many respects, I think he left his newspaper clipping days behind him for a while, and although he was still Mulder in a sense, like having many conversations with Scully about X Files related things. I believe that the “boredom” he felt for so long was gone.
So what changed? Why in the season 10 premiere is he back to being old Mulder? Again @f-u-carter​ brought up some great points and it helped change my mind. (here it is again, remember the convo is expanded in notes) I think that the world changed for Mulder in unexpected ways. He was suddenly living in the “Edward Snowden” age, where we are constantly being spied upon (again I’m talking strictly in-universe, I’m leaving personal feelings out of it). This could absolutely put Mulder into another tail spin, like a major one! Also originally I thought the 2012 alien invasion was the major factor, but I don't really feel that way anymore.
I have a feeling this frustrated Scully a great deal, I mean she got what she ultimately wanted from Mulder post IWTB, and know here is is back to “season one Mulder”. Given where she was in life, she just could not deal with it again, and it put a huge strain on their relationship leading to the break up. Look do i like the break up, HELL NO, do I truly understand it - not really. But unfortunately due to a certain creator and his never nude propaganda, it is what it is. I can not ignore canon, so this is me trying like hell to justify.
On the somewhat positive side of things, and I can dive deeper into this in another post, I think what rejoining the X-Files did for M and S was taught them how to communicate about feelings and realize there place in the world. Not necessarily working on the X-Files (but it's part of it) but more so that there is no one else for them in this world, just Mulder and Scully. Fate, God, whatever brought them together for a reason. They are the ultimate bringers of truth, the light in the darkness. P.S. I would love to someday talk about God in the X Files universe and how I believe he/she operates, but I need to collect my thoughts on this some more.
Mulder got his mojo back, and Scully I believe, and this may not be the most popular theory, learned how to forgive herself and let go of the mistakes of her past. The last conversation in “Nothing lasts Forever”, I believe puts some credence into my theory (you can read my theory on what Scully whispered to Mulder Here and I think I expanded on it a little, which you can read in the notes). She talked about her guilt of giving up William and her guilt for leaving Mulder (albeit in an X Filely sort of way). I think the final conversation in “nothing lasts forever” is one of the most brilliant conversations both in-universe wise and directorily wise (is that a word?), and I may blog about that another time. In short I think Scully always looked to God to forgive her, but as my Grandmother used to say “God helps those who help themselves” (i’m not religious, but I think it is a beautiful saying).
Last thing I want to talk about is the most controversial episode of season 11 “My struggle 4”, and some of my thoughts on this. A Lot of X Files fans say that Scully “threw away” William, I hate it when people say this. I can understand why people loathe this ending so much, but if you made it this far in this ridiculously long first post then maybe you can hear me out. Throwing something away is a lot different than letting something go. Throwing away implies that you no longer what something, letting go means that you care enough about something to know when to say goodbye. I believe Scully is doing so with William. I don't think Scully ever believed that she was suddenly going to be a Mother to William after being estranged for 17 years. When Scully said “I was never a Mother to him”, the cold hard reality of it is, she is telling the truth, being a Mother is not just about giving birth, but raising the child until adulthood. William (I hate calling him Jackson BTW) was raised by other people, and as an almost adult, at least old enough to make decisions on his own he CHOSE to be a criminal, CHOSE to be left alone. Scully in my mind accepted that. Going back to “nothing lasts forever” again, remember when Scully was talking about Mulder always “Bearing North” (I’m too tired to find the exact quote, sorry), I think she very much took that to heart, and she is doing the same thing Mulder always did, bear north. William knows that Scully loves him, but she also knows who he really is, something she could never protect, ever. To add to that William would never let her protect him, because she and Mulder would die doing so. It is certainly a very heavy burden for Scully, but one in my mind she has to accept.      
As for the pregnancy… I have a much harder time explaining that one. What it does do though, in my opinion was put M and S in a position that they came close to having but never actually had. Being actual parents, like for good this time. There is no CSM, alien/human hybrids, super soldiers, whatever to take that away. Should we be jumping up and down for joy over this? No. But if we keep this conversation in-universe isn't it kind of what they wanted? There ages be damned. Could they of lived a quiet, peaceful, happy life without another child, sure! But what this baby does is change them as people. We no longer have to worry about Scully leaving for a third time, because Mulder has been reading up the latest conspiracy theory, putting him into another tail-spin. Mulder is an actual Father now, the new syndicate is dead, William can be whoever he wants (and yes I believe Scully and Mulder know he is alive still). What else is there for him now? Other than being the best older daddy and lover to Scully he can possibly be. Do I think this is some brilliant ending, of course not! But, under these circumstances can I live with it? Yes I can. (I realize that this part is my weakest argument, but this ending is canon and for my own sake I need to rationalize it).
So that is my very, very long first real post, about something I care about deeply. I never really had a voice to let my opinion be known, because None of my friends, family, etc. care about The X Files. Which is fine by me. You have no idea how good this feels, my thoughts have been cooped up in my brain for a long time now, and it was starting to kind of affect me negatively (plus I was laid off recently so I have a lot of free time - don't worry though, I was just hired elsewhere and I start in a few weeks!).
If anyone ever reads this post, whether you agree with me or not, whether you think I suck or not, the only thing I really want to do is keep the conversation going in a positive light about two characters and a show that we love deeply. I will try and blog about something X FIles related maybe once a week, every few weeks, IDK yet. (maybe some sports stuff to, cause I like that shit, but if I do I promise it will be quick.) And of course if everyone thinks this sucks, you will never hear from me again lol!    
But I want to keep the conversation going, because it is so much fun hearing other people's theories and headcanons (when it is done respectfully) But the XF community is filled with classy people, and I love that. Anyway here are my closing thoughts for today. Mulder and Scully are incredibly difficult people to read. Because of the structure of the show, there is SO MUCH left unsaid and unseen. But honestly, I personally would not have it any other way. I think it's why I fell in love with these characters so hard. You can take what you want from what little we have seen from their lives, and make of it what you will. Some people think Season 7 was the “season of secret sex”, they were banging every night for like a year, and you know what? There is NOTHING in the canon of season 7 that says they were not. There is a true beauty to that. I honestly believe that. I have to believe that. My opinion, if you care, is that they banged twice in the original run, once after “Per Manum” and once after “All things”, but that's just personal headcanon. But thats it, that’s the show! If you want to believe that M and S proclaimed there love to one another every night during season 8, that’s great! If you still believe that William was a naturally conceived, and CSM only played a very small roll, if any in his creation, that's fine, if you want to believe that after Mulder and Scully had sex the first time, they spent the rest of the night reading each other french poetry, God bless you! Again please understand what i'm saying, the secret beauty to this show that I wish more people talked about is all of the things we don't see, we can shape parts of that universe in our own image, which many other shows don't have the balls to do anymore.
This is the most in-depth have ever been in regards to the X Files and I am proud of myself for doing so, I put my heart and soul into this and I hope you find enjoyment in all of this. Remember Mulder and Scully love each other with the heat of a thousand suns, and even though there have been bumps in the road, at the end of the day they always find their way back to each other. Typing this now, I wouldn't have it any other way and to quote one of the great female characters of all time “I’d do it all over again”. Thank you!
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