#yea i truly believe he would love Barbie
mo0nagedaydr3am · 1 year
Alex Fierro would ABSOLUTELY force Magnus to go see the barbie movie with her. The thing is Magnus didn’t need a lot of convincing because he also wants to go see the barbie movie with him and they both dress up in all pink and it’s the best thing ever.
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ruckusheaven · 6 years
A Coon In A Colorful Heaven: Chapter 3- “So Where Should We Begin?”
Coon-  A black person who is ignorant to white discrimination and unknowingly suffers with self hatred.
This chapter continues to follow the eternal story of a man named Damien. When we last saw Damien he had finally arrived into Heaven after mysteriously being let through by his personal Angel “Angie”. But not long after arriving to Heaven, Damien soon discovered that the pain and damage that he caused as a Mortal still continues to follow him as a Spirit. After having a small altercation with his Aunt Pam, Damien began to wonder if being in Heaven would truly be paradise for him; But within that same instance he realized that he was starting to deteriorate just like his “judgment room” began to when he was being Judged. Now his only chance of staying in Heaven will comes from the assistance of his Grandson Chris...
Damien: *staring in shock* My.. Grandson?... Veronica had a child
Chris: Ya’know even though i already knew you didn’t know this.. Hearing you so surprised really shows how disconnected you two were..
Chris: Well are you gonna let me help you up or would you rather lay here until you disappear?
Damien: *grabbing Chris's hand* sorry im just a little shocked is all... I never knew..
Chris: *pulling Damien up* Well how could you have known? Leaving your wife and child behind will do that
Damien:  *staring down at the ground in shame*...
Chris: Come on, i’ll take you some place we can talk quietly
*Damien and Chris begin to walk down their street*
Damien: *looking around* Our zone really is beautiful.. it feels like i’m back in Philly but nothing looks like Philly
Chris: Yea i know what you mean. Our zone was created a few hundred years ago by one of our elders.
Chris: Since then hundreds of our family bloodline began to add and change it more and more. From adding new structures, to changing how the air feels
Chris: But what amazes me most is that no matter what changes, everything still feels perfect.
Damien: *sees little kids flying thought the sky* yea.. i think i get what you mean
Damien’s Family Zone was like no other.Their Zone had a very odd mix of  typical city blocks mixed with rural areas.The buildings themselves had their own unique feel and shape. Some stretched almost endlessly into the sky while most stood only few feet high. Some were made out of brick and wood, while others were floating in the sky made up of soft fabrics. People flying and walking, kids playing and running, Men and Women dancing and talking with soulful music playing in the background. The Zone itself just felt like a relaxing Fall afternoon mixed with a chill breeze carrying a very slight scent of Vanilla and Honey.
Damien: This place.. this realm.. it’s like i have so many questions about it but it truly feels like there’s no point in asking anything about it.. like there’s no reason at all..
Chris: Oh trust me you’ll definitely have an almost endless amount of questions. But i honestly think that the most beautiful part about Heaven is that i can take my time to understand every detail if i wanted to, and still discover something new or create something new. And whatever matters or doesn’t is truly up to me
Chris: I can ask questions or i can just enjoy not knowing which is something that isn’t punishing here.
*Chris and Damien walk into a park, where they both sit on a old Wood Park bench*
Chris: So before we began, do you have any questions for me?
Damien: Honestly i don’t know where to begin..
Damien:  Like i have so many questions like; How were you in Heaven before me? Where’s Veronica and Lexis, and what’s happening to me?
Chris: Ha, you’re really do have some heavy questions.. But for no lets stick to the one’s that will help you the most before you disappear 
Chris: First off what you’re going though is basically called a Soul Confliction
Damien: Soul Confliction..
Chris: Yea basically your soul can’t decide on whether it should be here or not.
Chris: Judgement isn’t done God or Peter it’s done by you yourself. You truly know if what you’ve done in your life is wrong or not, which is why the judgment room prevents you from being able to lie
Chris: Deep in our hearts we know our truths and what we did. The people that can truly accept their failings and are able to learn and change from them can make it into Heaven. But those that refuse to believe what they did was wrong and basically rebuke what’s going on, goes to Hell.
Damien: So basically i’m in the middle..
Chris: Bingo, It’s not uncommon tho. I say for every 1 million souls a few thousand are Conflicted. What’s alarming to many is that the number of conflicted are being to rise more and more.
Chris: But that’s a whole nother fiasco
Damien: Well what is it that i need to do to get rid of my conflictions..
Chris: That leads into what happen to mom which leads into what happened to me..
Chris: See.. whether you know it or not you hurt mom to a point of almost no return.
Damien: Bullshit! i never once hurt Veronica. I gave her the world when i was around. From toys to great schooling, there was nothing that she ever needed that i couldn’t provide.
Chris: And yet somehow she had a terrible life where she hated herself, her mother and never felt that she could be the perfect girl that you wanted her to be, which cemented multiple personality and mental disorders for her.
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Chris: Yea, excellent parenting 
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Damien: Look, how was i suppose to know of anything like that would happen to her. Any problems that happened between me and Lexis stayed between us.
Damien: I never took out my anger or frustration on Veronica
Chris: Do you honestly think that because you didn’t yell or hit her, that she wasn’t severely affected by your actions.
Chris: It’s not about what you did say to her, it’s what you didn’t. It’s not about the amount of money you spent on her, it’s about what you bought. And it’s not about the problems you had with grandma, it’s about how you handled them.
Chris: Every careless and thoughtless action you made she saw and she made her own reasoning's for them. 
Damien: Like what!? what did or didn’t I do that affected her so much?
Chris: Your input on her self worth
Damien: Now this is definite bullshit. I always called her beautiful and brought her tons of dresses that she wanted!
Chris: You do know there is a difference between calling someone beautiful and actually treating and showing them that they are.
Damien: What are you talking about?
Chris: Let’s start off small. What kind of toys do you remember buying her and what affect do you think they had?
Damien: I don’t know.. shit like barbies and dolls similar to them.
Chris: Right, you gave a dark skin girl a bunch of toys and dolls that looked nothing like her nor were there any positive representation of women like her besides her mother.
Chris: But thanks to you her she never looked at her mother in a positive light nor did she want to be like her
Damien: Ugh, please don’t turn this into a white vs black bs. I heard enough of that bs before i died and i rather not hear more while i’m dead.
Chris: This isn’t about white vs black you idiot, this about the start of a girl looking in the mirror and hating what she sees
Chris: You take a black girl and put her with a family where the father hates her mother and doesn’t talk or spend loving time with the daughter; and surround her around a bunch of examples of what being beautiful and perfect is but none of them look like her. What do you think will happen?
Damien: But what you’re talking about are dolls. They’re just toys!
Chris: Toys that she spent more time with than her own father
Damien: ...
Chris: Yes the toys played a small role in the grand scheme of things. But most big problems are complied of small things like it. But as you’ll see, Mom had bigger problems than you know
Damien: What do you mean i’ll see..
*Chris goes to put his hands on Damien’s head, But is interrupted by Angie*
Angie: Sorry to intervene but i can’t let you take him there.
Angie: I get what you’re trying to do but you’ll only cause more damage than good!..
Chris: *staring at Angie shocked and confused* what do you mean i’ll do more damage than good and why do you look like-
*A Bright Light crashes down on Angie and Damien taking them away*
Chris: What the hell!
Chris: Will seeing what happened to Veronica really break him as he is?
*A Bright Light crashes down leaving behind Angie and Damien in a new location in front of a huge club with blasting music*
Damien: What the hell Angie!? why did you take me away from Chris?
Angie: Listen that kid was going to take you someplace that i don’t think you’re ready to see yet. And since you only have one shot at this i rather take things a little slow to make sure you won’t get broken.
Damien: What do you mean broken? and where are we?
Angie: How about you find out *pushes Damien through the doors*
*Damien stumbles into the building, tripping over a bottle and falling forward*
Damien: *falls on his chest* oof! *slowing picking himself up* Someone needs to explain why pain is still relevant here..
???: Nephew you got alot more stuff to learn before we get to that
Damien: Huh? *looking up*
Uncle Craig: So we meet again nephew, perfect timing too *grabs Damien by the back of his collar lifting him up in the air*
*Uncle Craig carries Damien into the main floor filled with people dancing and drinking, while “Frankie Beverly- Before i let go” plays loudly*
Lisa: *Stands up waving her arms* Whaaaat! Bring My GrandBaby over here!!
Damien: Grandma Lisa!? Great Great Grandma Lisa!? Why does she look so young.. and fine!?
Uncle Craig: Don’t be weird nephew that’s ya grandma. You can take that freaky talk to those weird white country zones i hear about
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yakumtsaki · 7 years
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Take your hands off me, I don't belong to you, you see, and take a look at my face for the last time, I never knew you, you never knew me, say hello.. ♪
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WHADDUP PPL. Much like Ronroneo, we’re back from the dead and ready for a whole new generation of Union fuckery. We’re also officially.. drumroll.. MIDDLE CLASS. Our shiny new house is based on this one by frottana-sims​, which I downloaded but dumbassly forgot to install, and since loading the game takes a hot half-hour I opted for this poor recreation instead. We start the extreme home makeover with an incredible budget of..
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...Yea, I see the value of getting 6 pets to the top of their careers now. Included in this insane sum is the 20k+ that Wyatt and Jojo brought with them moving in, and at first I’m worried that we’re way too rich for only generation 2. Well, careful what you wish for, cause here’s our post-remodeling budget:
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LMAO. It’s as if not a day has passed since Vic started this legacy with a dream in her heart and crap to her name. Let’s check out the new digs!
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Everything was purple.. his pills.. his hands.. his foyer. 
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As eagle-eyed readers may observe, both the hall and the living room were designed with nothing else in mind but whether they matched our cat paintings. Per legacy rules I use as little cc as possible, which isn’t that hard since I feel this bizarre, angular and hugely impractical couch really encapsulates Jojo’s essence. Like if he was a servant in Beauty and the Beast this would be his furniture form.
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Apparently the only things I deemed important enough to capture were the cat portraits, so it looks like my Komeization is finally complete! Here’s some floorplan shots tho so you don’t get disoriented in our labyrinth-like mansion. Please note our amazing pink-blue-purple kitchen! Barbie’s Dreamhouse who??
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And here’s the second floor, which also illustrates the exact point I ran out of money. Honestly looking back I don’t understand how the fuck this place cost 70k?? Like nothing is particularly expensive except the amazing vintage batmobile which was around 30-40k and some of the paintings? But I guess all the small things add up in the end + I’m super bad with money..
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..and I’m not the only one. Jojo GET A FUCKING GRIP and A JOB. Literally no comment @ your cat wants, you inherited the jaw, wasn’t that enough??? ANYWAY. I know the question on everyone’s mind is how is Wyatt going to fit in with the Unions.. and all I have to say about that..
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..is LOL. Truly the perfect career for when your mother-in-law is a criminal mastermind and your husband is a serial killer! I mean the jokes practically write themselves. At least he doesn’t want 10 kids or any shit like that, cause I’ve seen hell and it was the result of mixing Jojo/Wyatt genes in cas.
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On top of gifting us with his future-probably-fug children, Wyatt also gives us the gift of our first ever kitchen fire when he decides to make dinner with 1 cooking point. His generosity really knows no bounds.
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It’s all fun and games now but Wyatt deadass almost died in the inferno and was about to take poor, stupid Komei with him, who of course ran to the fire even though he was in the yard. Meanwhile Victoria was safely watching tv and didn’t move while Jojo..
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..was doing this in the next room. Two types of sims I guess!
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-So Wyatt, you’ve been here for almost an hour now, burned down our kitchen and I still don’t see any grandchildren. I thought you were a family sim!
-Haha oh mom, you’re hilarious! Ignore her, Wyatt, let’s enjoy your delicious pasta.. It was definitely worth almost dying for.
-Your mama is right, mon cheri, not only do you have an obligatión to your famille but I rolled the want to have a bébé the second we graduated!
-Well it’s still gonna be there when we aren’t broke, Wyatt, god!
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-But.. bébés, mon cheri! Tons of bébés I can have but never interact with, in typical famille sim fashión!
-UGH thanks a lot for opening this gate, mom. If only you had found your love of children when I was living on cat food.
-Well it’s different when they are your children, everyone knows that.
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-Honestly, Jojό, I’m prouder of taking down your répugnant suitόrs than I am of graduating with honors!
-Aww Wyatt <3
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-And if I have to souffrir through a childless existence to be with mon amour, so be it (:
-Aw- wait what?!
-Really, c’est bien, Jojό, marriage is all about compromise, nό? I mean, not that I would know since we’re not even married yet!
-Wyatt we’ve been here for 3 hours.
-My point précisément.. C’est bien though!
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-Can’t believe I’m saying this but I really regret murdering Ti-Ning. 
That makes two of us, Jo. Honestly even Francis would be better than this. Family sim spouse??? Tf was I thinking. 
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Ah, some things never change <3 It’s a new day and someone very special passes by our lot..
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UGH NO not you asshole, once again delivering bills at the worst possible time.
-Miss me bitch?? Lolol
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No, it’s mismatched beard townie, whose regular outfit is simply iconic, and he’s waving at me! What a sweetheart! TAKE SOME NOTES DAGMAR YOU FROZEN-FACED FREAK
-Umm he’s actually waving at me, moron.
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-WRONG, he’s waving at me!
Ok it literally doesn’t matter who he’s waving at. 
-Well c’est moi. 
OK WHATEVER WYATT GOD. Just go off to work in a position you’re criminally unqualified for and try not to die ok??
-Why would I mourir?
Hm let’s see, maybe because you’re a ‘SWAT Team Leader’ straight out of college with a shocking lack of skill points?? Jfc college degrees in this game are so fucking op it’s legit making me resentful of my sims.
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In other news, major dicks Sophie and Victor have started constantly beating each other up and the only thing surprising about this development is that it took this long. Honestly these fights are peak #TeamNoOne. Please note Alegra who continues to give 0 fucks @ the bloodshed. What a gal <3
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Burning with religious fervor, fundamentalist nutjob Sophie emerges victorious!
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Tears. Literal tears. Victor is the most unbelievable creature I have ever played.
-The rampant violence in this house is a violation of human rights! I AM OUTTA HERE
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Literally still cannot believe this happened, like the sheer NERVE is killing me. Victor has started every fight he’s ever been in for an astounding total of 40-50 fights, and as you all know he almost always wins. Like this one was what? The fourth one he lost?? AND YET HE RUNS AWAY LIKE HE’S THE VICTIM I HATE/LOVE HIM SO MUCH
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Meanwhile this happens which, of course. Leave it to me to finally get a chance card right for the only sim who doesn’t even deserve the job he currently has.
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..Police Chief Wyatt reporting for duty! And crime increased 80% overnight. 
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In actual good and not lawsuit-waiting-to happen news, Wyatt brought Amanda, Vic’s only friend/lesbian crush with him! Amanda has the distinct honor of being literally the only non-Union non-Jojo person Vic has ever genuinely liked and hasn’t had an affair with. YET THAT IS.
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Man, these are some fat fucking flies. I’m talking 10 plagues of Egypt teas. 
-I KNOW, where the fuck is Komei, what are we paying him for?
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-I’m over here honey, talking to my least favorite son for the second time in my life, since apparently he��s sticking around.
-Yes, thanks for requesting a recount of the heir vote, dad. I will remember it when I decide where to scatter your ashes. 
Ugh Komei, please stop trying to bond with your son and do something productive instead-
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-like finally convincing Neo to bang Sophie. She has refused 3 TIMES because there’s a rule I have to earn kittens by suffering. I mean Alegra refusing to procreate with Victor made sense, it was Victor, wtf is Sophie’s excuse? Waiting for marriage?
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YAS. CAT GEN 3 ON THE WAY. Human gen 3 will have to wait till I’m in the mood to deal with screaming infants aka it might take a while.
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The science career FINALLY SHOWS UP after 5 fucking days, jfc. Love how Wyatt’s dumb ass started as a swat team LEADER but Jojo who has half the skills maxed starts as a science teacher. Also love the idea of Jojo as a teacher in general, I mean just imagine having him teach you science in high school. I would literally drop out.
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Jojo returns from work, brings this rando with him and doesn’t get promoted. We can’t all be Wyatt I guess! We’re not completely broke anymore tho so..
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It is time.
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Gunther, Melody and Max Flexor on one side..
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Craig, Brit Brit, Ti-Ning and Daniel on the other. What a bunch of assholes, Craig obviously excluded. Remember him? I invited him because he and Jojo are still semi-friends thinking he wouldn’t show up and yet here he is! What a good guy. 
-It’s at moments like this, watching your high school boyfriend get married.. that you really get to thinking..
-..there but for the grace of god go I.
Less awww. You’re not wrong tho, definitely dodged a sociopathic bullet..
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..not everyone is that lucky. WE GET IT WYATT YOU’RE CRAZY AND IN LOVE
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-Mon bien adoré, I vow to aimer and honόr you and not cheat on you again or at least be more discrete about it <3
-And I vow not to kill you and feed you to the cats for as long as we both shall live <3 
Ah, true love, you guys. 
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Too bad half our guests are inside dancing-
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Well at least Vic is excited which is more than I can say for Gunther who is literally LOOKING THE OTHER WAY. 
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Time to cut the cake with the sky as our only witness, since everyone has taken a plate from the buffet and fucked off inside. Seriously WORST GUESTS EVER 
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Not one to be outdone by his guests’ questionable behavior, Wyatt takes the time to remind us who he really is. 
-And n'est-ce pas forget it!
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Despite all the obvious problems, like one of the grooms literally going to sleep, our party score is ‘good time’ which is a truly rare and exciting occurrence. With less than a minute left I’m feeling pretty confident that nothing can ruin this wedding!
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Weirdly no one has touched the champagne even though sims in general are obsessed with it?? My best guess is everyone is at a loss for words at having to toast this union and who can blame them tbh. Thankfully Daniel steps up and I find it super sweet because I’ve forgotten that he and Wyatt are mortal enemies and it’s only by chance they haven’t beaten each other up on this instance like they have countless times before.
-Let’s all raise a glass to my beloved brother, Jojo, who generously woke up to attend his own wedding reception! Just one of many examples of his fine, giving character. Too bad he’s committing his life to a complete waste of space adulterous loser like Wyatt, who I’m not even convinced is really french, since his ability to speak and understand english fluctuates according to convenience. Man, I promised myself I wouldn’t cry, but this choice in spouse is just too tragic. Oh well! To Jojo!
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NOICE, still a good time. SO CLOSE
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AND YET SO FAR. Goddammit do you two mind killing each other on your own time and not literally 10 seconds before our wedding ends??
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-Wow, so glad I woke up for this, really got my bloodlust going! 
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Indeed a roaring success if there ever was one. I mean how can this night possibly get any better?
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.............of course.
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Oh nice, I remembered to install an alarm for once! I’m also desperately trying to wake up Wyatt thinking that he’s fucking CHIEF OF POLICE so he might prove useful in this situation..
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..especially since we get this cop of a completely untrustworthy Bieber hairstyle. Talk about striking fear in the heart.
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Sadly it turns out that Wyatt could not give less of a shit that we’re getting robbed and picks this moment to head for wedding buffet leftovers-
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-while Bieber cop prevails! This robber is awesomely named Russ Bear btw and I wish that was my name, sounds like a slavic medieval folkore hero. But I digress. Please prepare yourselves because our first robbery is about to take a dark turn.
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-Ehh, you get at a certain level on la force, you just become desensitized to la criminalité..
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-Oh don’t worry Wyatt, I totally understand.. I mean I’ve robbed so many houses in my time, I hardly blink anymore..
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-So it looks like you and I are not so different after all.. ;)
............................why. why has the universe chosen me for the greatest suffering the world has ever known. i try and i try but incestuous relationships just keep sprawling like mythical strangler vines. i bet this wouldn’t happen to someone named Russ Bear. fml
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lovemesomesurveys · 7 years
Have you ever had a conversation with a cab driver? Yes.
Do you have any shirts from vacation/tourist locations? Yeah. I’m such a tourist. 
What is one place you would like to go back and revisit? Disneylandddd.
Which would you prefer: a homemade gift, or a store-bought one? I’d appreciate either one The fact someone is giving me a gift at all is nice.
Have you ever hugged a complete stranger? No.
When was the last time you were ‘under the influence’? Four years ago.
How regular of an occurrence is this? Not regularly, apparently.
What random acts of kindness have you engaged in lately? Uhhh.
Do you know anyone who has never read the HP books? Who? Me.
Have you ever had a relationship last for a year or longer? I had a thing with someone for three years, but it wasn’t actually a relationship. It was something, though. A complicated something.
What ended it, or are you still involved? He ended it. I suppose it was coming for a long time, I just didn’t want to see it. I was dumb. I wanted to pretend and believe that something could come of it, and that things would change even though nothing had. That maybe he would come to his senses. I overlooked the games, how he used me, played me, didn’t want to commit, ran when things got hard, and our communication sucked. I let him do what he did because of my feelings for him, and I believed I was in love. When things were good, they were good, but it was only when it was convenient for him. I was genuinely into him, I wanted to be with him. He just saw it as a game. He didn’t take it or me seriously. Even after the numerous talks we had about what was going on and my feelings for him, he’d always try to act surprised when I was upset. Like he didn’t understand why I’d feel hurt and upset.
What kind of scented lotion is your favorite? This coconut, beach-y one from Bath and Body Works.
Where’s the weirdest place you’ve stuck your used gum? That’s so disgusting. I throw it in the trash where it belongs.
What’s the best time you’ve had at a high school sports game? I went to like two high school games, and it wasn’t like anything that really stands out to me. It wasn’t like the best time of my life. 
If you’re out late, where are you likely to be? I’m not out late, so.
Do you ever visit your mall’s arcade (if it has one)? Nope.
When was the last time you had hot chocolate? Last year.
Have you ever attempted to get out of a ticket? How? I’ve never been in the position of getting a ticket. 
Shirts with sarcastic sayings: yay, or boo? I don’t care.
if “ yay ”, do you have a favorite? 
if you lost the use of your limbs, would you still want to live? I don’t have use of my legs, so I completely depend on my arms and upper body. That would be really, really hard, frustrating, and depressing if I lost use of my arms, too. It’s hard having to rely on others for a lot as it is. Like even when I’ve been on recovery after a surgical procedure and bed ridden because of it, it would get frustrating now being able to just get up yourself and do something. Having to rely on someone else to do everything is hard. I’d be totally and completely dependent upon someone if I lost the use of my arms as well. I don’t even want to think about that.
What’s your absolute favorite topic to discuss? Stuff that I’m interested in, ha.
What is your least favorite topic to discuss? Stuff that I’m not interested in or don’t know much about. And politics. 
When was the last time you played hide-and-go-seek? I have no idea. Yeas and years ago.
Where was your favorite place to hide? Probably a closet.
Have you ever watched ‘Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader’? Yeah. I gotta say, some of the stuff I’d be like, “wtf they learn that in 5th grade??” 
How would you rank your “class participation” in school? Ugh I hated when teachers would make participation apart of your grade. I just had to do what I could to pass, but it was awful.
Have you ever cut your own hair? How about anyone else’s? I used to cut my bangs sometimes back when I had ‘em.
What is your favorite holiday treat? Normal treats that I like all year round, but holiday themed. haha.
How many people have you emotionally hurt? I don’t know? I hope no one. :/
How many people have you physically hurt? No one.
Were these times intentional, or were they accidents/mistakes? I wouldn’t intentionally try to hurt anyone. 
What is the last thing you asked your parents to purchase for you? Probably a Starbucks or food from where somewhere, ha.
Do you have any buttons or pins on your backpack? If yes, what do they say? I don’t have a backpack.
Do you know anyone who is truly obsessive compulsive? Yes.
Have you ever been confined to a wheelchair? I am.
Do you like oatmeal? If it’s like homemade with milk and brown sugar it’s good. The instant oatmeal stuff isn’t that great. it gets all clumpy and dry, and when I’d eat it it would kind of just sit in my mouth and blech.
Do you enjoy mainstream music, or prefer underground bands? I do like mainstream, current, top 50 kind of stuff, yes. I don’t know any underground bands, honestly.
Do you have a library card? Do you use it? Nope.
Do you cuddle with your pet (if you have one)? I did, yes.
Do you have any candy left over from Halloween? Uh, no. That was months ago.
Have you heard of Paula Godspeed? No.
Do you think that you work better under pressure? Yes, actually. As much as it stresses me out and I get upset and frustrated and have freakouts while saying that I’ll never procrastinate again (lies!).. I produced my best work under pressure. 
Or, do you ONLY work under pressure? Preeetty much. 
What college did you want to attend as a kid? I didn’t think about that as a kid. Pfft. I was playing with Barbies and being a kid, not thinking about that adult crap. lol. In high school I wanted to go this one college in southern California.
Was that still your choice when you grew up? No. I went local.
What sports star or athlete did you aspire to be like as a kid? None. I wasn’t an athletic kid. Never was.
What has happened to all your old toys? Got rid of them. :/ I still have my Barbies; though, packed away in the garage.
When was the last time you shopped at a garage sale? I haven’t.
Have you ever thrown popcorn at anyone? Yeah, but not a random person or anything in public. Just at my family or friends, ha.
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