#yea sometimes my inbox eats asks for breakfast and they’re just *gone*
This feels like a safe place. You know that saying "in a room full of all the men I've ever loved, I would run to you"?
In a room full of all the men I've ever romantically loved there'd only be two. I don't think I would run to either, but I would look at one of them. I don't deserve him. He doesn't deserve me. Perhaps if we met at a better time, I would've ran to him too.
Hi, I’m so glad you feel like this is a safe space!
I don’t fully understand the context on the rest of this, but I absolutely felt the lines “I don’t deserve him. He doesn’t deserve me,” and “Perhaps if we met at a better time, I would’ve ran to him too.”
The concept of time being integral to a relationship is something I think about often. It’s a bittersweet notion that nothing you could have done was ever going to make them “the one”, even if you perhaps wanted them to be.
If you met before, or if you met after, then maybe. But you didn’t. You met when you did, by destiny or chance, and the relationship is now doomed by the narrative of either you or fate.
I don’t know you, and I don’t know who you are, but my wish for you is that you’re able to move forward and away from the one that didn’t deserve you, away from his memory, knowing that perhaps the next one will.
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