#but outside of my cryptid inbox eating things it’s not supposed to!! I will try to answer things when asked
This feels like a safe place. You know that saying "in a room full of all the men I've ever loved, I would run to you"?
In a room full of all the men I've ever romantically loved there'd only be two. I don't think I would run to either, but I would look at one of them. I don't deserve him. He doesn't deserve me. Perhaps if we met at a better time, I would've ran to him too.
Hi, I’m so glad you feel like this is a safe space!
I don’t fully understand the context on the rest of this, but I absolutely felt the lines “I don’t deserve him. He doesn’t deserve me,” and “Perhaps if we met at a better time, I would’ve ran to him too.”
The concept of time being integral to a relationship is something I think about often. It’s a bittersweet notion that nothing you could have done was ever going to make them “the one”, even if you perhaps wanted them to be.
If you met before, or if you met after, then maybe. But you didn’t. You met when you did, by destiny or chance, and the relationship is now doomed by the narrative of either you or fate.
I don’t know you, and I don’t know who you are, but my wish for you is that you’re able to move forward and away from the one that didn’t deserve you, away from his memory, knowing that perhaps the next one will.
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thesporkidentity · 5 years
Get To Know Me
I was tagged by @hakyeonniedaegoonie. It has been...a very long time since I’ve done any of these so why the hell not. I don’t have to be a cryptid in my own garbage can
rules: answer these questions then tag people you would like to know better!
nickname:  Kit. Or spork I guess, though that would be a very strange thing to shout at me on the street. I would absolutely respond, but it would be weird.
height: 5′2
time: it is currently 6:10 pm
fav bands/solo artists: Oh dear. I’m just gonna list some of the most recent plays on my iTunes. I have difficulty choosing “favorites” because I like a lot of different things in a lot of different ways. Air Supply, Billy Joel, BTS, The Civil Wars, Ella Fitzgerald, EXO, Florence + The Machine, Heart, Inspection 12, Johnny Cash, Journey, Kesha, Lady Gaga, MAMAMOO, Marianas Trench, The Mountain Goats, Muse, P!nk, Park Hyoshin, Regina Spektor, Sara Bareilles, SHINee, Simon & Garfunkel, TAEMIN, Vienna Teng, VIXX, WALK THE MOON
song stuck in my head: America by Simon and Garfunkel. (It took me four days to hitchhike from Saginaw...)
last movie i saw: I...honestly could not tell you. I’ve been much more into tv shows than movies lately so it might very well be my yearly drunken 4th of july re-watch of National Treasure.
last thing i googled: reverse lookup for a phone number to see if i should pick up the phone. shockingly (gasp) it was a spam caller so i ignored it.
other blogs: used to have an adult blog before the tittypocalypse. i also have one specifically related to a novel idea that i want to write but likely never will, and one related to music because i’m very devoted to my main blog being chaotic trash and that would be too consistent for me and also i’m trying not to drag people unwittingly into my hell-spiral.
do i get asks: i used to. but since the advent of tumblr messenger (and exchanging phone numbers with a few friends) most of our communication takes place outside of my inbox. i also used to have a few really sweet anons, but i had to stop accepting anon messages for a while due to nazis, and my sweet anons have not returned since i turned anon back on.
why i chose my username: the superpower i wanted most as a child was invisibility, and my favorite eating utensil is the spork
following: i don’t know if that’s asking how many i follow or how many i am following. i’m gonna go with how many i follow because i think that’s what was intended? maybe? anyway i follow 60 blogs, though probably at least a third are inactive at this point.
what I’m wearing: tank top and underwear. i live in florida okay?
dream job: musician. at some point in the past i allowed the adults in my life to talk me out of it and pursue a “safer” career. so i’m an industrial and systems engineer. but i am currently very seriously considering how it might be possible to transition back into music.
dream trip: i’ll be honest i don’t really have one at this point. traveling is difficult for me for a variety of reasons, so i don’t really dream about it too much. i suppose if i had the means i would love to take a trip to visit all my far-flung friends in their hometowns
fav food: sushi?
play any instruments: I’ve been playing the piano six i was 6 years old. i’ve been trying to teach myself guitar lately but it...has not been going well lol. it’s just that the guitar is made for people much larger than myself and it is honestly difficult to wrap my arms around it when its body is almost as big as my own
fav song: oh no please don’t do this to me
play(ed) any sports: i used to be a swimmer. specialized in butterfly and endurance events.
hair color: dark brown just about 1 shade up from black
eye color: blue
most iconic song: i don’t understand how this is different from fav song? whatever. iconic. let’s say Everytime We Touch by Cascada
random fact: due to a weird interaction with a medication, the bones of my teeth have a slight blue tint at the very bottom where the roots attach to my jaw
languages you speak/are learning: mainly English nowadays. i’m not sure i can say Latin and French anymore because while i was very comfortable with them in the past I haven’t had occasion to use them often in about 10 years so. my vocabulary is probably shot at this point. i would probably need subtitles again if i tried to watch anything in french.
describe yourself as aesthetics/things: well behind me in my dining room i have a wall of framed vintage matchbook art of cats getting drunk and making bad decisions that’s...probably about as representative as you could get
Tagging: @ifeelbetterer @amberlyinviolet @bonesbuckleup @thunderboltsortofapenny @ink-phoenix @boopifer @killerville @melthedestroyer
no pressure though. and anyone else who wants to do it don’t feel left out just go ahead and do it and tag me if you want <3
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