#yeah I didn't really save but I was barely on the lineart
radellama · 8 months
10, 14, 16, 22, and 25 for the art asks! :)
10. What’s that one thing that inspired you to make drawing your consistant hobby?
It's hard to say cause I've been drawing since I was a baby, but I definitely know that I loved art classes in school and was glad to have encouraging teachers, and I was glad that my parents were supportive of that for a hobby. I think digital art being consistent for me is when I saved up to get my very first drawing tablet, there was barely anything on the market at that point and they were all super expensive but I saved up for aaaaages and dad helped me... Acquire some adobe programs so I could draw in Photoshop (and edit in premiere!!) And I just thought it was soooo interesting trying to figure out how far I could push the program and how to make drawings look epic cause it was all digital. Once I got over the initial frustration of my art looking crappy cause skill and understanding of the program+tablet was tricky, it was game on. Back then I didn't have internet either so I couldn't look up how to use Photoshop, I just had to play around for HOURS figuring out what to do. Once that Wacom broke for good (but it lasted nearly a decade!) I asked my dad if we could split payment and get me an iPad for my bday, he ended up getting the iPad and pencil and I got all the other accessories. I'm not an apple fan at all but I love the portability and that's helped increase my habit too, cause I can draw in bed or on the couch or at my desk, and it's not as clunky as setting up my laptop and wacom
14. How has your art changed over the years?
God, so much. I don't have any of my REALLY old art from when I was a little kid, but I have some from when I first started digital art. Compared to recent years... Yeah it's a lot 🤠👍
Tumblr media Tumblr media
16. What’s the most daunting part of your process? Ex, planning, sketching, lineart, rendering etc
Depends on what I'm working on... For bigger pieces getting the right poses and composition and perspective can be huge, for others it's the rendering and especially picking the right colours. Maybe the most daunting thing for me is making sure everything looks consistent within the piece haha, I've got one that I've been working on and off for over a year so I had to redraw the base sketches to match my style changes lmao
22. When is your prime time to work on your art?
Usually in the evening or at night, when it's easiest to just sit and chill with some music or something on the TV while I draw
25. Based on your recent reference searches, what would the FBI assume about you?
That I like ladies holding guns in their knickers (and they're not even holding the guns correctly) or that I'm a huge homo (I am)
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webwingalpha · 4 years
I actually was working on my adopt I mentioned and my desktop decided to randomly restart in the middle of it.
I’m just going to thank Medibang for backup saving because I would have lost most if not all of it.
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