#yeah I'm a big fan of the children of established characters trope
cutegirl920 · 1 month
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joanna-lannister · 4 months
For the fanfic ask: 19, 21, 23, 29, 32, 43, 57
19. Do you enjoy creating OCs or do you prefer to stick solely to canon characters?
Not gonna lie, I prefer to stick on canon characters, BUT I do have OCs such as Jaime and Cersei's children (Joanna, Cerion and the future Elinor), and I have also Myra in "all of us, intertwined". She is not really fleshed out yet, but I hope to write more of her in the future.
21. Do you prefer writing chaptered fics or one-shots?
I think I prefer writing one-shots to be honest, because you don't have that pressure to update. But if a one-shot gets some appreciation, I'm not against turning it into a multi-chaptered fic.
23. Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest?
The middle is hands down the easiest. The beginning is hard because you have to find your foot with this new shiny idea, but the end might be the hardest to write. Everytime I struggle to end a fic or a chapter, and the worst is I usually know how I want to end it, but the actual process of writing it? Big YIKES 😬 I don't know if it comes from the fact it's the end, and so a part of me is done with the fic but yeah, not a big fan of writing it.
29. What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
Hmm, good question 😅 I think I'm proud of how sometimes poetic my writing style can be? Also I'm proud I've been able to kill off Jaime in "grieving for the living", even if it asked me a lot of efforts to finish that fic.
32. Do you take fic requests?  Why or why not?
I have one fic request I need to fulfill that has been sent to me months ago RIP (I don't forget about it Nonnie if you pass by), but I'm don't take fic request per se because I'm afraid I will let down the person who asked it and they won't like what I wrote 😭 But if someone wants to share an idea, my box is always open.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
I have a 101 Dalmatians AU idea with Jaime and Cersei that I'd like to write (tho they would have cats instead of dogs jckfkdjdjd), but I have no idea where to start and actually would they be siblings in it? 🤔 That's my biggest question! And I don't know if I could write them falling in love because I'm so used to have them as an already established couple.
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
Oh, hard question. I'm not sure if I'm conscious of that tbh. I love symbolism and foreshadowing, but I don't know if I put enough of them in my fics. 😩
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cameoamalthea · 6 years
I was rewatching Princess Tutu recently and Mytho’s sitution seems really similiar to the Nobodies-
(Continuation of princess tutu- I accidentally sent early) Mytho shows up as a somewhat teen with no heart and no memories. there is some change in the time between there and the beginning of the show, due mostly to how other characters tell him to act, but he doesn’t age, physically or emotionally, to the point where nobody sees it as an age gap relationship when they ship him with characters who were children when they met him and are now the same apparent age.
Interesting. I haven’t seen seen Princess Tutu and don’t know anything about it so I can’t really speak to the comparison.
For me, the whether nobodies age thing is less about shipping and more about hating the idea of Terra growing older when none of his friends do (since it’s established Aqua is in a timeless place). 
As for age-gaps, I’ve shipped pairings with age-gaps. Buffy and Angel was my first ship (hence Buffy comparisons in some of my posts). In season one Buffy is 16 and Angel is a vampire who was turned at 26. (the actors were 18 and 26 respectively). The show commented on the age gap.
Season 1 Episode 7
Angel:  When I am all I can ever think about is how badly I want to kiss you.Buffy:  ...over the dam... (looks up at him) Kiss me?Angel:  I'm older than you, and this can't ever... I better go.Buffy:  H-how much older?Angel:  I should...Buffy:  (approaches him) ...go... You said...They kiss. They kiss again. They kiss passionately. She puts her arm around him. The kiss goes on for several moments. Angel suddenly pulls back and looks away.
Season 2 Episode 9
Buffy:  (looks up at Angel) The Cliff Notes version? I want a normal life. Like I had before.Angel:  Before me.Buffy:  No, Angel, (touches his hand) it's not you. (touches his cheek) You're the one freaky thing in my freaky world that still makes sense to me. (lowers her hand) I just get messed sometimes. (Angel looks down) I wish we could be regular kids.Angel:  (looks back up) Yeah. I'll never be a kid. (gets up)Buffy:  Okay, then a regular kid and her cradle robbing, creature-of-the-night boyfriend.
He’s older than her, but since he’s a vampire with a soul and she’s the chosen one with the strength to fight evil, they have the power to fight vampires together. They’re also soul mates and in love with each other. He doesn’t manipulate her into the relationship, he has no power over her, there’s no abuse. 
In real life age gaps in relationship aren’t a good idea. They’re likely to be abusive because predators like to target people with less social power and less experience. If the relationship isn’t one you can be open about there’s more chance for abuse because there’s no one you can talk to about it. Furthermore, even aside from abuse if two people are in different life stages it’s unlikely to work out. 
For Buffy and Angel, the life-stage thing isn’t as much of an issue because they share the same job, fight vampires and evil. Angel is part of her peer group because he wants to help her fight. 
There are other examples. Pretty sure all of the canon Disney Princess Relationships have an age gap, how much varies. Mulan and Shang is the biggest with a 16 year old and her 28 year old commanding officer - that’s problematic).
Han and Leia have a ten year age gap and Leia is only 19.
The thing with fiction is the story can be whatever the writer wants it to be, if a relationship is a good relationship depends on if the writer writes it as a good relationship. And we should certainly criticize when abusive or predatory behavior is written as romantic. That doesn’t mean we still enjoy problematic tropes or films that have problematic tropes (I love Star Wars) but we should be aware when fiction reenforces harmful norms and stereotypes so we don’t internalize the message. So that we know that someone acting that way in real life is a red flag.
But fiction doesn’t have to be a guide book for what to do (non fiction guide books do that, that’s why they’re called guide book. 50 Shades is not a guide to dating or BDSM, 101 Dalmatians is not a guide to buying a dog, both pieces of media caused harm when people took fiction as a guide rather than educating themselves. Education is really the key to preventing harm).
I like some fictional relationships that are messed up. I watched Queer as Folk reruns in High School and that show has a 17 year old hook up with a 29 year old and all the characters are deeply flawed and not meant to be gay role models. But the show was good for me to watch because it depicted sexuality as a good thing and not something shameful. And it’s problematic in a lot of other ways. But you can like something without it being perfect and like characters who are terrible people (I was also a big Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles fan in high school).
So for me, an age gap isn’t a deal breaker. Especially since most of what I like reading  and writing are AUs. Even canon verse, you can headcannon characters different ages. I’m sure some people think of Terra and Aqua as in their 20s and others in their teens.
For me though, the Nobodies not aging thing is less about shipping and more about not wanting the characters to lose ten years from their life.To me that’s really tragic (I could go into that in more detail if you want, but that will have to be another ask, as this got really long).
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