#yeah a lot of the times it's done for stereotypical typecasting but when they give a character a random-ass accent for no reason
woeismywaffle · 8 months
Idk if people talk about this but I really love when things get dubbed and they make the characters speak in accents/dialects that are specific to the region they're dubbing for
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celeryw · 7 years
naruto online hcs kinda
i just think abt these a lot (i got carried away):
- Scarlet Blaze, Breeze Dancer, Azure Fang, Midnight Blade, Crimson Fist are all titles the five have earned themselves through power and determination
- The konoha cool squad 8) spend a lot of time outside of missions, together they work seamlessly well and can end fights really quickly
- Scarlet Blaze is trans and from uchiha clan, he’s cool calm and collected at all times, except when sasuke is off doing something stupid (its those times when he wants to drill his head into a wall but there aren’t walls thick enough for sasuke’s stupidity) He likes to train while Azure and Crimson watch on, sometimes theyll join in but most times theyll just yell pointers to him. He eats with his friends more often than not, Tsunade warns him that it might be a little too dangerous to get too close to the others, she knows how he is with his feelings (intense and smothering like fire) and if his heart gets broken, well Tsundae realises what a risk it would be to have another loose cannon uchiha.
- Breeze Dancer is a nonbinary pansexual that likes to have fun, he is 100% confident in his power and often comes off as arrogant, he always wants to help his friends even if he’s in a bad mood. He’s super strong bc he carries around the fan he got from his parents in Suna. He’s from Suna and spent most of his childhood running around in the Kazekage’s Tower with Temari, both giggling and hiding from Baki, he moves to Konoha with his parents when he’s 15 and becomes friends with the rest of the konoha cool squad 8) in the year that follows.
- Azure Fang is pansexual with a preference towards girls, she likes to look after her appearance and strives for youth in organic ways, such as sitting in the onsen with the rest of her friends after a long day. She’s shy around boys, especially around Midnight when theyre hanging out in the hot springs. She spends some of her time in the hospital or sat with Crimson chatting away. She has a conservative fashion sense, which Breeze tries to discourage often telling her to “live a little Azure, show off your legs a little, you look really cute!” 
- Midnight Blade is the youngest of the konoha cool squad 8) he’s a year younger than the rest of them, he realised he was demisexual when Breeze tried to hook him up with Temari, claiming “she’s really cool and ive been friends with her for ages” “it’s not her, its me.” he says and gets really upset and Breeze works really hard to help him through it. Midnight really likes reading and Breeze often visits with some food in hand and a teasing smirk on his face. Midnight, contrary to popular belief sleeps really early, like 8pm early, he eats with the squad and then he’s pretty much off to bed after a few quick drills and a jog around the village 10 times (he’s fast like that) usually his friends will join him after theyve done their own little activities, but he’s always the first in bed. 
- Crimson Fist is the “coolest strong boi in all the nations” according to Breeze, its quite funny to him really. Crimson is tall, stubborn and loyal. He’s stable and dependable and that’s honestly such a typecast Breeze stop say that please. But he’s always there, ready for Scarlet’s meltdowns and Breeze’s inevitably heartbreaks and Midnight’s early morning stretches (that take way too much out of him he’s not old dammit!) and Azure’s soft laughter in the early hours of the morning when the sun hasn’t peeked over the sky. He’s always ready, a shoulder to cry on, a boulder to throw at the ones that hurt his precious people. 
- They really all start dating when Midnight hits 18 and Breeze kisses him on the lips and Azure has her hands wrapped around his torso and they’re all celebrating coming this far. There’s not really much of a difference Midnight thinks to himself, there’s just more handholding and lots more kisses on the cheek when theyre sat inside the ramen shop huddled together. Scarlet spends more time with the five of them instead of just training and there’s a lot more fun to be had. Midnight also realises that he sleeps a little later but that could just be that he’s becoming an adult and more vigilant (this is false and its just because he wants to spend more time with the others too) 
- They always fight over who pays for meals, even though they do have a system going Breeze likes to pay the most, so everyone lets him most times, but Azure likes to pull her weight and they often have a playful tiff while Teuchi smiles at them amused. 
- Midnight is an Aries, sometimes Ino jokes that Breeze should’ve been one too, something about how Breeze is the most arrogant non-Aries she’s ever met, Midnight agrees but then Breeze turns his puppy dog eyes to him and he’s left feeling a surge of affection and always reaches out for a quick peck on the lips. Midnight is headstrong and caring too, as much as Crimson is sometimes, just in a slightly different way, where Crimson is soft touches and lightened moods Midnight listens with his hands on theirs clutching tightly as he listens to the problems laid out in front of his. His way of helping is instant confrontation to the problem, he’d fought someone over something sillier he tells himself as he narrows his eyes and goes searing towards the threat to his favourites. 
 - Breeze is a Gemini, Ino calls him fake all the time, but Breeze just smiles wickedly and says a witty remarks about how Sasuke liked him more than her, and Ino always retaliates with something about how Sai has better skin than all the konoha cool squad 8) combined and it turns into a huge squabble. Breeze kinda gets it though, the two faced thing geminis have to deal with, it makes him conscious about his pronouns and his chest sometimes. The weird looks people give him when they’re told to use he/him instead of she/her, and when the gross lecherous ones get that grin on their face and when they try to touch... He grimaces to himself and Azure (bless her soul) always notices and is next to him in a second, possibly faster than the Yellow Flash himself, and has her hand on his cheek and is cooing the negativity away. 
- Azure is a Pisces, she’s fashionable and likes her privacy. Ino says that Azure is one of the nicest she’s had the pleasure of knowing, they hang out every second weekend if there isn’t a mission in the way. They call over Breeze and Sakura and shop for hours looking at different outfits and “does this make me look too shiny” “yeah you’re starting to look oily” “aw this sucks, it’s my colour too”. Azure also has her own feature wall in the Hokage Tower’s lobby, it’s got a big water feature in front of it and its painted with different hues of blue. Honestly being a pisces is just a stereotype, I swear!
- Crimson is a Taurus, and Ino always nods when he does something that “is exactly what a Taurus would do nice” and he rolls his eyes and chuckles heartily. Scarlet enjoys this thoroughly and often joins in with a cute nod of approval everytime Crimson picks up a boulder. Crimson is the one to go to for secrets that you want to get off your chest, he doesn’t tell and checks up on you so much, it brings Scarlet to tears whenever Crimson finds him sat at the kitchen table thinking about the Uchiha clan, and how he’s failed them (he hasn’t, Crimson knows that the clan is so proud of him) and he fixes him a cup of tea and tells him about a fight that’s gone down in a mission or how Breeze got caught in the laundry and tripped over in all his gracefulness and they have a quite giggle about it. 
- Scarlet is a Sagittarius, he’s adventurous in a way that all uchiha are, the way they dance like flames and warm the soul. He likes to travel and Ino always tells the rest of his partners “watch out he might leave you” and its the most unlikely thing he’s ever heard, Sagittarius’ love freedom and according to Ino a relationship is confines, gnawing at your feet and clipped wings (he’s never felt that way with his partners, he feels most free when he’s with them). Scarlet likes missions, when theyre running so fast there’s only green on both sides and the wood his feet touches, but there’s nothing like returning home. 
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